6 Si) AY 2AV IT, l8o8. 'J TAI5EIINACLE SERVICES. REV. Dn. ON TALMAGE DISCOURSES "OBSCURATION." The llltile tti Only Restraint Against tlie Kvll Piiantou of tlia World At he Imoi anil Infidelity Arrayed Agalnitt Christianity. IiltOOKI.YN, Slay 13. This morning the Rev. T. Do Wilt Talmago preached at the Tabernacle to an overflowing congrega tion. The hymn beginning, j Stand up, tny soul; shako oil tliy fears, Aud gird tbo (Johh-I armor on, I was 6ung with magnificent effect. Dr. ! Talmago 'a subject was "Obscuration," and his text, "Tho sun shall bo tinned j into darkness." Acts Ji, 20. llo said: Holar eclipse ii here prophesied to take place aliout the timo of the destruction of ancient Jerusalem. Jonephus, tho his torian, tsays that the prophecy was liter ally fulfilled, and that about that time tbero were strango appearances in the heavens. The sun was not destroyed, but for a little while hidden. Christianity is tbo rising sun of our lime, and men havo tried with tho un rolling vapors of skepticism and tho smoke of their blasphemy to turn tho 6im into darkness. Suppose tho arch angels of malice and horror should le let loose a little while and be allowed to extinguish and destroy tho sun in tho natural heavens. They would tako tho oceans from oth;r worlds and pour them on this luminary of the plaetary system, and the waters go hissing down amid tho ravines and the caverns, and there is ex plosion alter explosiem, until there aro only a few peaks of fire left in tho sun, und these aro cooling down aud going out until tho vast continents of flame aro reduced to a small acreage of fire, and that whitens ancLcools off until there nro only a few coals left, and theso aro whitening and going out until there is not a spark left in all tho mountains of ashes ami the vallej's of ashes anil tho chasms of ashes. An extinguished sun. A deael sun. A buried sun. Let all worlds wail at the stiix'nelous obsequies. Of course, this w ithdrawal of the solar light ad heat throws our earth into a universal chill, and tho tropica becomo the temperate, and the temperate be comes tho Arctic, and there are frozen rivers and frozen lakes ami frozen oceans. From Arctic and Antarctic regions the in habitants gather in toward tho center and linel tho equator as tho poles. The slain forests arc piled up into a great bon fire, and around them gather the shiver ing villages and cities. The wealth of tho coal mines is hastily poured into the furnaces and stirred into rage of com bustion, but soon tho bonfires begin to lower, and tho furnaces begin to ge out, aud the nations begin to die. Cotopaxi, Vesuvius, Etna, Stromboli, Califomian geysers cease to smoke, and the ice of hail storms remains unmelted in their crater. All tho flowers havo breathed their last breath. Sliips with sailors frozen at tho mast, and helmsmen frozen at the wheel, and passen gers frozen in tho cabin; all na tions dyirifr, first at tho north and then at the south. Child frosted and dead in the cradle. Octogenarian frosted and deael at the hearth. Workmen with frozen hand on the liammer ami frozen foot on the shuttle. Winter from sea to sea.- All congealing winter. Perpetual winter. Globe of rigidity. Hemisphere shackled to hemisphere by chains of ice. Universal Nova Zembla. The earth an ice floe grinding against other ice floes. The archangels of malice anel horror have done their work, and now they may take their thrones of glacier and look down upon the rum they havo wrought. What the destruction of the sun in tho natural heavens would be to our physi cal earth, the destruction of Christianity would bo to the moral world. The smi turneel into darkness. Infidelity in our time is considered a great joke. There are people who rejoice to hear Christi anity caricatured, and to hear Christ as Kaileel with quibble, and quirk, and mis representation, and badinage, and harle quinade. I propose this morning to take. Infidel ity anel Atheism,, out of tcVealm of joc ularity into one or tragedy, and show you what they propose, anel what, if they aro successful, they will accomplish. There are those in all our communities who would like to see the Christian re ligion overthrown, anel who say the world would be better without it. I want to show you what is the end of this road, and what is the terminus of this crusade, and what this world will be when Atheism and Infidelity have tri umphed over it, if they can. I say, if they can. I reiterate it, if they can. In the first place, it will bo the com plete and unutterable degradation of womanhood. I will prove it by facts and arguments which no honest man will dispute. In all communities and cities and states and nations where the Chris tian religion has been dominant, woman's condition has been ameliorated and im proved, and she is deferred to and hon ored in a thousand tilings, and every gentleni:::i Ices off his hat before her. If your associations have been good, you know that tho namo of wife, mother, daughter, suggest gracious surroundings. You know there are no better schools and seminaries in Brooklyn or in any city of this country than the schools and seminaries for our young ladies. You know tliat while woman may suffer in justice in England and the United States, Bhe has more of her rights in Christen dom tlian she has anywhere else. Now compare this with woman's con dition in lands where Christianity has made little or no advance in China, in Barbary. in Borneo, in Tartary, in Egypt, in Ilmdostan. The Burmese sell their wives and daughters a3 bo many sheep. The Hindoo Bible makes it disgraceful and an outrage for a woman to listen to music, or to look out of the window in tho absence of her husband, and gives a3 a lawful ground for divorce a woman's beginning to eat before her husband has finished his meal. What mean those white bundles on the ponds and rivers in China in the morning? Infanticide fol lowing infanticide. Female children destroyed simply because they are female. Woman harnessed to a plow as an ox. Woman veileil and barricaded, and in all styles of cruel seclusion. Her birth a misfortune. Hot life a torture. Her .death a horror. Tho missionary of the cross today in heathen lar.ds preaches generally to two groups- a group of men who do as tltey please and sit whero they please; the other a group of women hidden and carefully secluded in a side apartment, whero they may hear tho voice of tho preacher, but may notle seen. No refinement. No liberty. No Iiojkj for this life. No hope for tho life to come. Hinged nose. Cramped foot. Disfigured face. Embruted soul. Now comparo theso two conditions. How far toward thi3 latter condition that I speak of would woman go if Christian influ ences wero withdrawn and Christianity were destroyed? It is oidy a question of dynamics. If an object lo lifted to a certain point and not fastened there, and the lifting power lo withdrawn, how long before that object will fall down to tin; point from which it started? It will fall down, and it will go still further than tho point from which it started. Christianity has lifted woman up from the very depths of degradation almost to the skies. If that lifting Kwer be with drawn sho falls clear back to tho depth from which sho was resurrected, not go ing any lower because there is no lower depth. And yet, notwithstanding the fact that tho only salvation of woman from degradation and wkj is tho Chris tian religion, and the only influence that has ever lifted her in the secial scale is Christianity I have read that there are women who reject Christianity. I make no remark in regard to those iersons. I mako no remark in regard to them. In the silence of your own soul make your ob servations. If infidelity triumph and Christianity bo overthrown, it means the demoraliza tion of society. Tho one idea in tho Bible that atheists and infidels most hato is tho ielea of retribution. Take away tho idea of retribution and punishment from society, and it will begin very soon to elisintegrate; and take away from tho minds of men tho fear of hell, and there aro a great man' of them who would very sxn turn this world into a hell. The majority of those who are indignant against the Biblo because of tho idea of punishment are men whoso lives are bad or whose hearts are impure, and who hate the Bible because of the idea of future pun ishment for the same reason that criminals hato the penitentiary. Oh, I have heard this brave talk about people fearing noth ing of the consequences of sin in tho next world, and I have made up my minel it is merely a coward's whistling to keep his courage up. I have seen men flaunt their immoralities in the face of tho com munity, and I havo heard them de'fy tho judgment day anel scoff at the idea of any future censequence of their sin; but when they came to die they shrieked until you could hear them for nearly two blccks, and in the 6ummer night tho neighbors got up to put the windows down lecauso they could not endure tho horror. I would not want to 6oe a rail train v. ith five hunelred Christian peoplo on board go down through a drawbridge into a watery grave. I would not want to see five hundred Christian people go into such disaster, but I tell you plainly that I could more easily see that than I could for any protracteel time stand and see an infidel die, though his pillow were of eiiler down and under a canopy of ver milion. I have never been aide to brace up my nerves for such a spectacle. There is something at such a time se indescrib able in the countenance. I just looked in upon it for a minute or two. but the clutch of his fist was so diabolical, and the strength of voice was so unnatural, I could not endure it. "There is no hell, tbero is no hell, there is no hell!" the man had said for sixty years; but that night when I looked in the dying room of my infielel neighbor there was some thing on his countenance which 6eemeel to say: "There is, there is, there is, there is!" The mightiest restraints .today against theft, against immorality, against liber tinism, against crime of all sorts the mightiest restraints aro the retributions of eternity. Jlen know that they can escape the law. but down in the offend er's soul there is the realization of the fact that they car.net escape Goel. He stands at, the end of the road of prof Vigr.Cy, and ho will not clear the guilty. Take all idea of retribution and punish ment out of the hearts and minds of men, and it would not be long before Brooklyn anel New York and Boston and Charles ton and Chicago became Sodoms. Tho only restraints against the evil passions of the world today are Biblo restraints. Suppose now these generals of Atheism and Infidelity got the victory, and sup pose they marshaled a great army made up of the majority of tho world. They aro in companies, in regiments, in brigades the whole army. Forward, march I ye hosts of infidels and atheists, banners flying before, banners flying be hind, banners inscribed with the words: No God! No Christ! No punishment 1 No restraints! Down with the Bible! Bo as you please!" The sun turned into darkness. Forward, march ! yo great army of in fidels and atheists. And first of all you will attack the churches. Away with those houses of worship 1 They have been standing there so long eieiuding the people with consolation in their bereave ments and sorrows. All those churches ought to be extirpatcel; they have tlono so much to relieve the lost anel bring home the wandering, and they have so long held up the idea of eternal rest after the paroxysm of tliis life is over. Turn the St. Peters and St. Pauls anel the tem ples and tabernacles into club houses. Away with those churches! Forward, march 1 ye great army of in fidels anei atheiits, and next of all they scatter the Sabbath schools the Sabbath schools filled with bright eyeel, bright cheeked little ones who are singing songs on Sunday afternoon, and getting instruc tions when they ought to be on the street corners playing marbles, or swearing on the commons. Away with them! For ward, march! ye great army of infidels and atheists, and next of all they will at tack Christian asylums tho institutions of mercy supported by tho Christian philantliropies. Never mind the blind eyes and the deaf ears and the crippled limbs and the weakened intellects. Let paralyzed old age pick up its own food, and orphans fight their own way, and the half reformed go back to their evil habits. Forward, march! ye great army of infidels and atheists, and with your battle axes hew down the cross and split up the manger of Bethlehem. On, ye great army of infidels and athe ists, and now they come to the grave yards anJ the cemetries of tho earth. Iull down tho sculpture above Green wood's gate, for it means the resurrec tion. Tear away at tho entrance of laurel Hill the figure of Old Mortality and the chisel. On, ye great army of in fidels and atheists, into tho graveyards and cemeteries; and whero you see "Asleep in Jesus." cut it away, and where you find a marble story of heaven, blast it, and where 3-ou find over a little child's grave: "Suffer little children to como unto me," substituto tho words "delusion" and "sham." and where you find an angel in marble, strike off the wing, and when you come to a family vault, chisel on the door: "Dead once, dead forever." . But on, ye great army of infidels and atheists, on! They will attempt to ecale heaven. There are hciglfts to Ikj taken. I'ilo hill on hill and I'e-lion tioii O.ssa, and then they hoist tho ladders against tho walls of heaven. On and on until they blow up tho foundations of jasper and tho gates of pearl. They charge up the steep. Now they aim for the throne of him who liveth forever anil ever. They would tako down from their high place the Father, the Son, tho Hely Ghost. "Down with theml" they say. "Down with him from the throne 1" they say. "Down forever! Down out of sight! He is not God. Ho has no right to sit there. Down with hluil Down with Christ!" A world without a head, a universe without a king. Orphan constellations. Fatherless galaxies. Anarchy supremo. A dethroned Jehovali. An assassinated God. Patricide, regicide, deicide. That is what they mean. That is what they will have, if they can, if they can, if they can. Civilization hurled back into semi-barbarism, and semi-barbarism elriven back into Hottentot savagery. Tho wheel of progress turned the other way and turned toward the dark ages. The clock of the centuries put back two thousand years. Go back, you Sand wich Islands, from your schools and from j-our colleges and from your re formed condition to what j ou were in 1820, when the missionaries first came. Call home the fivo hunelreel missionaries from India and overthrow their two thousand schools, where they aro trying to educate the heathen, and scatter the one hundred anel forty thousand little children that they have gathered out of barbarism into civilization. Obliterato all the work of Dr. Duff in India, of David Abeel in China, of Dr. King in Greece, of Judsoa in Burmah, of David Brainard amid tho American aborigines, and send home tho 3,000 missionaries of the cross who are toiling In foreign lands, toiling for Christ's sake, toiling themselves into tho grave. Tell these 3,000 men of God that they are of no use. Send home the med ical missionaries who are doctoring the bodies as well as tho souls of the dying nations. Go home, London Missionary society. Go home, American Board of Foreign Missions. Go home, ye Moravi ans, and relinquish back into darkness and squalor and filth and death the na tions whom ye have begun to lift. Oh, my friends, there has never been such a nefarious plot on earth as that which infidelity and atheism havo planned. We were shockeel a few years ago because of the attempt to blow up tho parliament houses in Lomlon; but if infidelity anel atheism succeed in their attempt, they will elynainite a world. Let them have their full way, anel this world will be a habitation of threo rooms a habitation with just three rooms tho one a madhouse, another a lazaretto, the other a pandemonium. These in fidel bands of music have only just begun their concert yea they have only been stringing their instruments. I today put before you their whole programme from beginning unto close. In the theatre the' tragedy comes first anel the farce after ward; but in this infidel drama of death the farce comes first and the tragedy afterward. And in tho former atheists and infidels, laugh and mock, but in tho latter Qod himself will laugh and mock, lie says so. "I will laugh at their ca lamity and mock when their fear Com eth." From such a chasm of individual, na tional, world wide ruin, stand back. Oh, young men, 6tand back from that chasm! You see the practical drift of my sermon. I want you to know where that road lead 3. Stand back fi 'om that chasni of rum. The timo is going to come (you and I may not live to see it, but it will come, just as certainly as there is a God, it will come) when the infidels and tho atheists who openly, and out and out and above board preach and practice Infidel ity and Atheism will bo cousieiered as criminals against society, as they are now criminals against God. Society will push out the leper, and the wretch with soul gangrened, and ichorous, and vermin covereel, aud rotting apart with Iiis bestiality, will be left to die in tho ditch, and be denied decent burial, and men will come with spades and cover up the carcass where it falls, that it poison net the air, anel the only text in all tho Bible appropriate for the funeral sermon will be Jeremiah xxii, 19: "He shall be buried with the burial of an ass. " A thousand voices come up to me this morning saying: "Do you really think infielelity will succeed? lias Christianity received its death blow? and will tho Bible become obsolete?" Yes. when the smoke of the city chimney arrests and destroys the noonday sun. Joscphus says about the time of the destruction of Jerusalem tho sun was turned into dark ness; but only the clouds rolled between the sun and the earth. The sun went light on. It is the same sun, the same luminary as when at the begin ning it 6hot out like an electric 6park from God's finger, and today it is warming the nations, and today it is gilding the sea, and today it is filling the earth with light. Tho same old sun, not at all worn out, though its light 6teps one hundred anei ninety mill ion miles a second, though its pulsa tions are four hundred and fifty trillion undulations in a second. Same 6un with beautiful white light, made up of tlie violet and tho indigo and the blue and tho green and the red and the yellow and tho orange the seven beautiful colors now just as when the solar spectrum first divided them. At the beginning God said: "Let there l3 light," and light was, and light u. anel light shall le. So Christianity i rolling on. aud it is going to warin all nations, and all nations are to bask in its light. Men way shut the window blinds j so they cannot see it, or they may smoke the pipe of speculation until they are bliadowed under their own vaporing; but tho Ixrd CJod is a sun! This white light of tho Gospel, made up of all tho beauti ful colors of earth and heaven violet pi ticket 1 from amid the spring grass, and tho indigo of tho southern jungles, and tho blue of the skies, and the green of the foliage, and the yellow of tho autumnal wooels, and the orange of tho southern groves, and the red of tho sunsets. All tho beauties of earth and heaven brought out by this spiritual siectrum. Great Britain is going to take all Europe for God. Tho Uniteel States are going to tako all America for God. Both of them together wiil take all Asia for God. All threo of them will take Africa for God. "Who art thou, oli, great mountain? leforo Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain." The mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. Hallelujah, amen ! DAUGHTERS OF EVE. Mrs. Langtry owns a stable full of bkxxled horses. Ellen Terry is fond of eccentric cos tumes and big bunches of roes. Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton has been president of the Woman Suffrage asso ciation twenty years. Mrs. IIicks-Ix)rd wears tho costliest fan in tho country suspended from a chain of diamonds and pearls. Miss Emma Thurbby says sho does net see the necessity of going to Europe to cultivate tho voice, as we have as fine teachers as are to bo found anywhere. A subscription of more than $1,200 has leen raised in Boston for the plucky Ne braska school ma'am, who buffeted the blizzard with her pupils tied to a string. An old lady of 76 living in Dooly county, Oa., is able to perform the feat of dancing a jig with a tumbler of water balanced on her head without spilling a drop. IdaC. Allen, of Dover, N. II., lias been offered a professorship in Smith's college at a salary of 2.700 a year. There are professional baseball players who elo not make more than this. Lexington, Miss., lias three feminine residents who play an imjiortant part in keeping the town in communication with tho rest of the world. One of the ladies aforesaid is postmistress, another express fluent, and tho third has charge of tho telegraph office. Mi-3. Lillian M. Pavy, of London, Eng land, is a commercial traveler now visit ing the western states hi the interest of an English house. She travels alone and finds that in this country a woman does not need an escort to protect her from annoyance. The following advertisement recently appeared in The London Standard: "A lady of good family, without means, with a thorough knowledge of everything, would be grateful to any one who would give her occupation, not particular as to what." The years clutch all alike, and Queen Victoria has fallen into the habit of tak ing little "cat naps" in her chair, even when visitors are present. At such times the royal lady goes through the same routine followed by the most humble of her subjects. Her head falls a little for ward, swaying slightly from side to side; then she sits bolt upright, opens her eyes very wide anel assumes an appearance of great intelligence and alertness. Aunt Becky Young, of Cedar Rapids, la., is a member of the Grand Army oi the Republic, and attends all its reunions in her state. Left a widow with two children at the age of 32, she left her home in Ithaca, N. Y., to go to the front as an hospital nurse. Aunt Becky is CO -ears old now, and her brown hair is streaked with gray, but she is full of life and energy, and no old soldier finds a keener relLh in shouldering his crutch and showing how fields were won than does Aunt Becky in relating stories of her hospital experiences on the field. It seems queer to hear of the life tho Queen of Sweden's doctors are making her leael to overcome a distressing nerv ous malady with which she is afSicted. They make her get up almost at day break, wash in cold water, make her own beel, clean her own room, do garden work, take long walks and go to bed early. They have on several occasions, in order to secure fatigue and give her mind the necessary interest and occupa tion, required her to cook and even wash clothes. Unvysr th3 regime she is get ting strong and hearty, but one does not need to be a queen to enjoy such an ex perience. There is one woman in the department of the interior who cannot be dispensed with. Administrations may come and go, but she goes on forever. She was left over from the last Republican admin istration, and somebody wanted her place. Her salary was 700 a year. She worked only five days in the week, as sho was a Hebrew. Assistant Secretary MulJron said: "We cannot get along without her. She can write a letter that can be understood. She knows just where to put her capitals. She can punc tuate with exactness. Her sentences aro models of lucid brevity." So she not only staid, but her salary is raised to $1,100 a year, and she is worth it. Washington Letter in Detroit Free Press. "Tlie German empress," says a writer in The Journal des Debats, "is the soul of the imperial household. She i3 much better loved there thta outside, where people are unjust to her. She has com mitted tho mistake of remaining English as all the English do and to carry the pride of her race into the middle of a people which admires itself with a naive and enormous complaisance; she brought tho pride of her birth into a family which believes itself the first in the world; her aristocratic tastes into a town where art shows itself in clumsy imitations and patchwork; the independence of her views into a court where everything is regulated and prearranged ; and the lib erty of her religious and political senti ments into a center where religion has its narrow forms, as tho politics of which it is the servant. " A man in a western town seriously proTosed to issue an edition of the Bib!e, witli pages devoted to advertising inserted in the text, but he gave up the idea when lie leimcd what indignation it excited. I- - ,-,"1 H B 1 C -W ,. sti cam (fomboiind For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. REAJU fc STATE BARGAINS, EX -V MINK OUR LIST. Choice Lots in South Park. 21 lots in Thompson's addition; 40 lots in Townft ud's aeidition; Lot M b'or k 138; lots block 104; lot 1 block fi; lot fi block !tr; lot 11 block 111; lot 8 bhek fil; lots in Young and Hays' addition; lots in Palmer's addition; lots iu Duke's ad dition; improvtd property of nil desoi iptions nnd in all pur's of the cityou nisy terms; u new and elesiriible usieleiue in South l'ark, can be bought on monthly pay ments. Before purchasing elsewheir, call and see if we cannot Miii yon better. 5 acres of improvetl ground north of the city limits; 5 acres of ground adjoin ing South Park; 2 acrps of ground adjoining South Park; 1 J fi( irs of ground h(1 jnining South Park; 20 acres near South Pitik: se i sec. 1 1, 'J'. 10, li. r. Cuss Co. price $1,800, if sold seou; nw i sec. 8, T. 12, H. 10, Cass Co., price 0; a valua ble improved stock farm in Merrick Co., Neb., 100 ucrcs nnd on itni'oiiitblc teiins. JL 1ST SU 3EnL XT O EB Consult your best interest by insuring in the PI. o nix, lb:itl(.il or .I tn.i c m panics, about which there is no question ;.s to tin; high it;;i:liti'r m il Fs. i l tilling. Tornado Policies The prcstnt ymr bids i'u'u- to be a ii.-nMioiis cm- ti in loii:a does auel wind storms. Thi is fore-t-hadow rd by ihc M:ii.'be i of storn.s v. i' hay sd reu'ly had the n.o.tt destructive one so far this year having (ihh1 tit .Mt. Ver. non, 111., where a large number of buildings were drs,try-d or dimK'd. The ex emption from tornadoes last year rend era their occuik nee more probable m lKjjS. Call at our office aud get a Tornado Policy. Unimproved hinds for sale or exchange- Wi ndham & Davies, PLATTSMO'O'TH, IT Bennett Will call your attention to the fact that they are headquarters for all kindo of Fruits and Vegetables. We are receiving Fresh Strawberries every day. Oranges, Lemons and Bananas constantly on hand . . Just received, a variety of Canned Scup3. We have Pure Maple Sugar and no mistake. BEN NET 1 p m m ml Id m m iu gy t i P E W. I. JO Sf4, 5rorieis HAS THE FINEST IXT THE CITIT Carriages for Pleasure and r horl Drives Always Xept S-eady. Cor. 4tli and "Via - 2Pla.tts222.0-j.tl1. ROBERT CONNELLY'S i SB C 3 Wagon, Buyyy, Afaekine and Plov pairing, and general jebbiny l now prepared to Co all kinds of re pain- g of farm and ther machinery, an ,tirr in sk ood latl fn my hfr. - -Th h HA 4 t f- Theoltf Rfliabl V?s.pp F'er nag takes nnr.m r"" '"- Probst Notice. Ii-fh? in tr r.f Hi . state of John Nash p c-a-e'- i'lthecou ') c uri of " as- c untv t-br;:Ska. Neti' is hereby kIvp--. that Mary N:h i:d Thomas I. asti, alniini-Iiator " Hi esta: of til" sa'tl John N'iifh deceased, h -s n-.xiie an- ilicatin or fi'ial gettieiniit. f-nd that said cau-f is set f-r lieaiiin; at niv ofUce a' I'!a:ts- in- utii.-rj th 9 '!;!- of Mav" A. L.. isn. o iV . a'd ; at w f'-f ' iiw a' d au' X u' " eV. ' y ,e 'r"""r PlattWm'o'u'tU; April 27U ib'od. 3w I J f 1' Vli ri i".u i'm-1, t: i r . ,u : rr.'.tii M i, i:r Vif 1 1 t ...vl :.i W7 'uLTEJ-h'TlVE. I 'r. li Uc'riv I.: ;:'.! ; 'i;. 'it I 1 1 "I J i : ! r 11 . r.:;il m r-iit !: In;.. i i:;i;!iri! er i.iipiA'.'r- A LAXATIVE. Acl!Ti,r!!ii!'ll t .-it surf lyfiiit'ii-luiwi M i! ( u:.l i oiiM ipnl n it, 11:1 1 j.r.iiutt .-in 11 ,;;ilar liulm. it .-(.. i 1 1 inui.'i. i!iJ mi1.; til ;t it- .!. A DiUHETIC. Ill ft. I (MMIpe Iti'.'t 'lit- t.C: t n:vl l.::rl. lu ll vi' tW' I ic.i 1 l lie ."'i;'; m Mll'' i trfri,i!iNh:"lsriri,l I !!:; My u li li ! ii i- I'.iclivo n mviiii" i' r 1 n vm t'.i i J, iM' U i rin )! 1 1 M'-'l '; i t i j , j .;'!! :; MIt f .'! . !! :: . ! !:jii.!r.-':i..f tr-: in ti' li-.ti'i-i-t. -i-ur. r iv.-"I f r'ii i;--r mlri ' itr-M 1 !n i i rjin.ly u it !l ikmki it(lH U'tinlH. tit-.ul li.rcin ;-l.-ir.i!iViiin lLiU ittrli:i:iar. Trico 1 00. EuM I; r.niKltti. WELLS. niCHARDSOM & CO., Prop' uum,iNi;i'oN. V ". r es i r p H s la iii' LZiB -tzi la B Dr. C. A Marshal!. Pres-TVi-tioij fnatu' 1 t-cll. a i pcialty. reeth txtracted u ilhiut j oin l.j (. of Lauyhiug All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FlTZrjERAt.M'M Hi. ( K I'l, TT-tvOl.'TH. NKI5 K. DRESSLER, The 5th St- Merchant Tailci Keeps a Fu'I JLinf of Foreipn & Ecrrestic Cccds. Consult Your iDtereft b Giving 1 a Cal SHERWOOD BLOCK FiBttsiiiouili. - iMoO T 11