Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 03, 1888, Image 1

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    " .
f if;
$2.00 PER ANNUM.
I fill! nr
8 rt
U H If H (Si Til H E H 0
II U i U (I M
I L I I!)
Absolutely Pure-
This powder tx-vpr varies. A ir.arvel of pur
ity, utreirMi and wholesonieness. More (cii
noiulcal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot he
old in competition with the multitude of low
tflct, short vrciirht alum or phosphate powders.
Aold only in ens. Kov al Uakino 1'owuek
Co..ie6Vall St. New York. UUt-IS
Mayer, -
Clerk, - Q
Police Judge,
V K Fox
Ceuucilmen, 1st ward, A .
J V Wkchiiacu
, ( Con n'cosxon.
1 1' M(, 1'kks
KltKI) (illlillKR
i L 11 Hawks Worth
Beard Tub. Works
Deputy Treasurer, -
Clerk. -
Deputy Clerk,
Recorder of Deeds
Deputy Recorder
Clerk at District Coart,
ttupt. of Jub. Schools.
County Judge.
Hmil ClSITClt KlKI.fl
Ex A Chi tchfi kld
W. II. l'ooi.
John M. Lkyda
A. Maimji.k
Allkk Bkkson
Maynarii Spink
C. Kusshxl
A. B. Todd, - riattsmoutli
Louis Foltz, Cli'm., - "Weeping Water
B. Dickson,
CASS LODRK No. 1P5. 1. O. O. F. -Meets
every Tuesday evening of each week. All
transient brothers are respectfully invited to
O. F.. mecti every alternate Friday in
each month in the Masonic Hull. Visiting
Brothers are invited to attend.
rilRlO L01X;E XO. 81. A. O. U. W Meets
- every alrernat Friday evening at W. of 1
hall. Transient brothers are respeettu'.ly in
cited to at tend. F.J. Morjian.M aster Workman ;
E. S. Barsto, Foreman ; t ranK i.rovvn. wvei
S. Barsto, Foreman ; t ranK i.rovvn. wvei
r; I. Bowen, lluide ; Ueoige 1 ou.-worth.
corder; II. J. Johnson. Financier; Wash,
lith. Receiver ; M. Maybrinht. 1'ast M. W.;
Smith. Receiver; M. Maybrinht,
Jack Daugherty , Inside Ouun!
tt America Meets second and fourth Mon
4 ay eveniuit at K. of 1. hall. All transient
brothers are requested to meet with us. I,. A.
Nawco ner. Venerable Consul : . !
Worthy Adviser ; D, B. Smith, Ex. Banker ; N .
C. Willetts, Clerk.
Meets every alternate Friday evening at
Rockwood hall at 8 ocIock, All transient broth
ers are respectfully invited o attend. L. .
Larson, M. W. ; F. Bovd. Foreman: S. I.
Wilde, Recorder ; Leonard Anderson. Overseer.
McOONlHiE POST 45 G, A. R.
.T vr. JonxsoK ro'iimiuider,
C S Tw !. Senior Vice
F. a. BATHS Junior " '
; KO. NlI.K" A(- J 11
Hzmiy STitK.n;:ir i
Maws Dixon OSieer of the la
CHAULRS l'OKI) ' " ;"iir"
AXDEltsox Fnv Srr-t Major.
Jadoh (ohb'.kmax. . ..Quarter Master Sergi.
L. C. Cuktis 1'ost Chai-laii.
fifeefiur Saturday eve:iiu.s
J AS. S. MKT11E-VS. Attorney ;t Law. Office
over Peter Merce's store, north side of
MVn betws -. rth aul 6th street?.
MA. IIABTBJAN. Lawyer, Fitzgerald's
BloeV, i'i o fniouih, Nebraska. Prompt
and careful atteiuioutoageneral law )ractiee
"7 N. Sl'I.l.lVAN. Attorney at Law. Will
A, give prompt attfntion to aH bnsines? -trusted
to !ii:n. C-f ice in L'nion Block, East
side, Plattsmoulls, Neb.
war. lTh r q w me,
personal attention to all Business Entrust
to my care.
Titles Examined. Abstarcts Compiled, In
surance Written, l eal Estate Sold.
Better Facilities for making Farm Loans than
Any QtilCC Agcncr,
PlattMtuoutii, - Xrbsa'iKa.
It. B. Wis mi AM, Johx A. Dayiks,
Notary Public. Notary Public.
Lttor23.9ys - at - Lav7.
Cflice over Bant of Cass County.
Plattsvoctii, - Nebbaska.
Send us thirty subscribers to the
"Wlekly IIerald and get a Jgxd watch
Charged with Selling Green Goods
Ukeexville, S. C, ilay 1. John
Iiishop was nntbtcd today by Deputy
Marshall "Williams on a charge offering
"green goods" for sale. Witnesses swera
that last fall the accused hhowed them a
if 1 note, sajiug tliat it was a sample of
"green gods," nnd that hu could furnish
it in any amount, at the rata of $1 for
$10. liishop udmiltrd having tried to
sell "green goods," but says hu was un
able to dispose of any. He gave $500
baud for his appearance nt trial during
the next term of the district court. L.
W. MtOuinn, a nieichiiiit tn Coffee
street, also had a hearing ab'. fre Com
tuissineer lleyward a charge of being
an accomplice in the nllcged handling of
"green goods." Mr. McUuiuu made tho
remark, in the presence of several wit
nesses, that lie had paid oil a n te of
$50 at the bank with "green goods,'' an 1
also said at another time t hat "green
goods" went like lt cakes. On this
evidence he was arretted and bound over
for trial.
The Great Methodist Conference
NkwVouk, Jlay 2. The general con
ference of the Episcopal church
opened ita session yesterday. Bishop
Bowman, senior bishop, presided and con
ducted tho exercises. The number of
ministerial delegates elected is 233, and
the number ef lay delegates 175. Among
the lay delegates are fix women, fcvery
stato and territory in the union is repre
sented, and there are delegates from Can
aday, Mexico, China, Japan, Africa, Italy,
German', Sweden, Norway, Switzerland
and India.
Bishop Bowman appointed tw com
mittees to consider the eligibility of wo
man delegates and foreign delegates,
against whom protests have been made.
The protests against women arc on th
ground that their admision implies and
compels a Titaluterpretatioi by this
body of a law not enacted by the general
conference alone, but which was ordained
by the constitutional process.
Public Debt Statement.
"WAsiiiNtfrox. May 2. Following is a
recapitulation of the public debt state
ment: Interest bearing debt: Principal,
$1,03.3,169,762; interest, $7,003,343; to
tal, $1,015,705,10. Debt on which in
terest has ctased since maturity, $2,S46,
029; debt bearing bo interest, $653,222,
242. Total debt: Principal, $1,699,097,
159; interest, $7,730,217; total, $1,706,
833,367. Total debt, less available casli
items, $1,291,877, 824; net cash in treas
ury, $110,244,909. Debt less cash in
treasury May 1, $1,181,032,833; debt
less cash in treasury April 1. $1,190,S68,
153; decrease sf debt during month, $9,
233,300; decrease since June 30, 1S87,
$97,793,SS1. Cash in treasury, available
for reduction of public debt, $314,935,
532; total cash in treasury, as shown by
treasurer's general account, $590,368,518.
Arrangements for the Parade.
A special meeting of the city fire de
partment was held on Monday evening
in the council chamber. It was decided
by a motion that they Mould hold. their
celebration on the 11th of May, 1888.
The line of march will be north on
Sixth to Vine to Third, south on Third
to Main, west to Sevcn'.h, then counter
march to Fifth. The parade will be fol
lowed by hose cart races for the silver
trumpet under the same rules as used
last year. Then 'will follow a grand test
of the rapacity of the water works. A
motion was made that a committee of
five be appointed as a reception coimnit
tca: Green, Brocken fold, Johns, Thomas,
CTRourk, Osborne were appointed.
The B. & M. baud has been engaged
for the day and will head the componies
in the parade.
In the evening a grand ball will be
given f r the benefit of the tire depart
ment at the opera house.
The parade will be notable event in
ti e history of the fire department and an
honor to our city, and we haye not the
slightest doubt but that the ball to be
given the same evening will be well pat
ronized by a large number of our citi
zens. Give our volunteer department
every encouragement.
It is reported a divorce case is
threatened should the same flirtations
take place agiin which were carried on
last evening at an entertainment in this
city. We hope it may nt proye serious.
You can get any kind of uddle at
bed rock pricei at W. G. Kecfer'n har
ness store. 6-3
- -Any one sending us thirty subscrib
ers to the Weekly Herald, we will give
them an Elgin silver watch.
Xow is your chance if you wish a
good watch send us thirty subscribers to
tha Herald.
Both Machines of Cood Merit and
Itefercnce was made in ur issue of
Monday to a content of road machines, to
be held near the city for the benefit of
our county commissioners who had at
one of their previous meetings byfefficial
action determined to purchase, baring
become convinced that there were
better methods of making reads than by
the old way with plow and scrapers.
Knowing that there were several food
machines in the market, they extended
an invitation to audi ns might see lit to
compete for the sale, to enter into a field
contest, the understanding to bo that the
commissioners .should buy the cie that
in their judgment, was superior and best
adapted to the wants of the county.
The manufacturers of the two machines
mentioned in Monday's issuf, viz: the
Austin Steel Keveisible and tho Western
Reversible, signified their intention of
entering the contest. The Austin Steel
machine arrived from Chicr.j-o on time
for the contest on Monday, the day ap
pointed, but it was not until Monday
evening that theWestrrn machine arrived
from Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, the machine
having previously been exhibited forwde
near Council Bluffs and then hauled
overland from there with teams. Owing
to delays, in making repairs, on the de
linquent Western machine, woik could
not be commenced till after noon. The
place selected for the contest was on the
hills this side of the poor farm. About
eighty rods of road was staked out
and one machine was givtn one side
and one the other side of the road, so as to
better exhibit and test the reyersible fea
tures of each machine. Here both ma
chines worked with no apparent differ
ence as to successful work. At about 4
o'clock the machines were taken to an
other place where the prairie 6od had
neyer been broken ami where the old
tracks in the road were badly washed
out into deep ruts, the object being to
better test their plowing ability. Here
the work was as evenly divided as possi
ble and lots cast, and both machines set
to work, separate and apart, and the re
sult was really wonderful. The machines
plowed in the tough sod with perfect
success, both doing their work well.
After the work was completed a disin
terested person was seat to pace the
length and width of each piece of work
and the result is that the Western Ma
chine's work was 32 rods long by an
average of 19 feet wide and the Austin
ijfeel Machine's work was 38 rods long
by an average of 22 feet wide audit
was plainly apparant that the Steel Ma
chins had moved considerably the most
dirt. The roads finished were
oval in form with a perfectly smooth
surface, and entirely settled the ques
tion of the desirability of implensents of
the kind for general road work. Four
horses on each machine wcro worked
till about the middle of the afternoon,
when an additional, team was added
making six horses on each machine.
The tima employed on the last allotted
piices of work was one hour. How
ever, the Steel machine made one and a
half rounds beyond that tine in leveling
the dirt in tho center of ths road.
The commissioners at their meeting
this morniag decided te- purchase two
machines of each make, paying the tamo
price there fer.
The Austin Steel machine is the more
durable, bsing of steel, while that of the
Wtst'jru is largely of wood; the Austin,
is more simple in its construction, and
lias na castings, while the Western is
more complicated, having ccnsielerablo
geariugand various castings w hich when
broken must be supplied frcm the manu
facturers' shops. The Austin is operated
by levers affording quicker action while
tba Western is operated by wheels, neces
sitating slower action of the blade. Th
Austin has a Ion rear axle s usseptabl
of being shiftud so that the extra ltugth
can be used on either side of the machine
rendering it better capable of turning the
dirt from deeper ditche3 to the center of
the road. The heft of tho Austin is low
down, while the Western is high, btinj
elevated on high bolsters with the gear
ing and castings still abovo that, thus
rendering it top heavy in working in
ditches and fteep side grades. The
wheels ef the Austin machine have a
wider tread and are of the Sarven patent,
costing more than those of the Western.
The blade on the Austin machine can be
adjusted to any cutting perpendicular
angle, and as its cutting edge wears off
can be lewereel accordingly, whereas the
blaele of the Western is bolted to the
beam and can not he lowered to retain
the proper curve ss the cutting eelge
wears off. The upper edge
of the blade on the Austin is intended to
be used as a cutting edge aud can be
sharpened at the same time, which saves
much labor.
One xcrcePtae advantage the
Western machine hsd over the Aus
tin, wa3 in the manipulation of the re
versing of the blade; however, the blaele
of the Austin was reversed with perfect
From vvednesday Vi Dally.
Miss Maud McCoy id "in Omaha visit
ing friends.
John II. Pool, of Wabash, is in the
city visiting his ten, W. II. Pool.
Judge Applegate, of Tccumsch, will i
preside over the court today. j
Mrs. Maul, of Kankakee, is the gius-t
of Mrs. of thi.-, city. j
Judge Chapman left this morning fe;r :
Tecumscli anel will return this evening '
or tomorrow morning. i
Mis lluttie Shipman left this morning j
for Weeping Water to attend the Y. W. !
C. T. U. Convention held there today.
Miss Maggie Streight took her d '.
parturc last evening for South 1! nd, i
Neb., vthcre she will viit relatives for a
few days. i
Mrs. Lucy M. P'",,i nrnv-i V- "
teruwon on ihn "ilyer." bi- is oi. in r !
way from Leadville. Colorado, to her j
heme at Madison, Ind., anel will r' ni'dn !
over here for a feiv days to visit Iht j
brotheMr. H. C. Ritchie, and family.
Miss Kate M. Wright anel Miss Lulu !
Bassett of the Nebraska City sclmois '
were in town yesterday visiting our
schools. We hope they hove recovered
enough pointers to re-pay them for their
time and tremble anel from appearances
we suppose they elicl. It is said th" as
sistant principal has promised to return
the call shortly.
The case of Ellis and Archer who
were charged with robbery a few elnys
ago, and arrikste cl, was brought up be
fore Justice Stilts this morning at 10
o'clock. As no cvielencc of any note
could be brought against them, they were
discharged. An explanation is certainly
due them as it appears all the trouble
came about by misrepresentation in some
way and just through malice of tome
parties. When the case came up this
morning aud the witnesses examined, no
evidence could be obtained which woulel
convict either of them.
Mr. F. M. Richey is making consiel
erable improvements in the way ef a
sidewalk in front f his property on
Pearl street. When he built the walk
four years ago he raised it sixteen inches
above the ground cud eluring that time
his lumber "took a drop" twenty inches,
conseepjently he wa3 obliged to dig it
At the republican causus last Saturday
at the Hutehins school house. R,,
J. L. Hutehics, J. Cox, A. Sheldon, J.
Leyda, B. II. Bates, and Orlando TefTt
were elected delegates to the republican
eeninty convention at Weeping uter on
SatutelayMay 5th.
The next meeting of the Avoca repub
lican club will be htlel at .Maple Grove
schoed house near G. F.'s o:i
Saturday eve., May 11th. Topic for
discussion, "What i being dene fer th--Soldiers
anel Sailors of the lato war?"
By Prof. Will Q. Cromwell. We have
a club of about 40, h:id a good attend
ance and nice meeting last S.itumav
night. Ex senator TefTt, B. W. Bitr.-:,
and Wm. O. Cromwell discussetl ami
discoursed on the question of European
wages being lower than American and
Rob. Malcomb, J. P. is on a bitid ex
plore out west, and r.ill visit hi.i brother
George also D. B. Il.iil and families be
fore his return.
Mrs. Alf. Marshall nnd children have
returned from Hebron, and are visiting
her mother, Mis. F. Beatty of this place
for a shoit season, after which they ex
pect to locate and build in AVer ping
Much sickness prevails in Ayoca anel
vicinity at present. Mias-les are in many
families in an aggravated form just now.
We are without a doctor just ow and
Drs. R. B. Wallace of Factory vilie, J. E.
Hall cf Weeping Water, W. H. Sh.-r-man
of Berlin, ami J. A. Pollard e;f
Nehwaka, aro in attendance on the sick
Al. Marshall, (C. Rivett's manager and
prescription clerk), is kept ctu?tut!y
busy on prescription work.
J. ;F. Kaufman has just graeluated
from the Lincoln business college.
The Home Fire Insurance Company of
Omaha, gives permission in its policies,
to finish and repair dwelliusja and farm
builelings, and ts erct additions and
ordinary outbuildings, and to use steam
power for threshing, aud one gasoline
stove in dwelling, without extra charge
or notice to the company.
Lost A dark brown heifer 2 years
old. Informntien should be left at tho
connty clerk's office.
C-w2. IIuxry Falteil
jyo t r
We earnestly request all ef our friends
inelebted to us to call at once: and fettle f
accounts elite. We have sustained heavy
loss by the destruction ;f our Krnuch Ij
Ilous'j at Fairmont, Nob., by fire and now
that we need money to me-rt our oblign- jj
tions, we hope there will not be tur- G
among our frienels who woulel refuse to
call promptly at this particular time and
adjust accotiii
Trusting this will receive your kind I
consideration and prompt attention, we
remain, Yours Truly,
T4t (rWAHA
A First Class Newspaper and the onlv one in Omaha that prints Daily two
Press Repoits.
DAILY 8 Pages, intruding Sunday, . .
SUM D AY 12 to 20 Pages
Pages and Premium. . .
Subscribe by Mail, through your
If you want a geioel silver watch,
send us 30 subscribers to the Weekly
We will t've a silver watch, that is
warranted by the jewelry men of this
city, to any one who brings us 15 yearly
cash subscribers to the Daily Hekald.
Go to W. G. Keefer's Harness Store f r
everything usually kept in a
place, at prices to suit the times. 0 3
2 s
co H S
S ri 3 R
Sc! X u-j T, icaii:3 an:' De t'cm Errnnchert.
lt:r CHARLES A. VJ1CLE3 CQ Salti.-nore.K4
b - - 1 -
Cj K . T C3 -
z La r i
c n I
ra O c- P
. . n,
S' r- I
c ;
$1 0.00 a year
2.00 a year
, 1.00 a year
AlihNTIS W A IN Thi).
Postmaster cr Newsdealer. Address
Kotico of Probate of Will.
Ih the of t!ie last wiil and testament et John
Lieliai iisnii, deceased.
In i:ouulv C'.ait. Ca- county Xtbroka
Notice N here!. tiveu tliat c.i tl.e ltn day
f'f May A. 1. 2.. at tiifi County Judge's o ce
, in nkiisini.iMii, e as county, ..lra'K., one
i o'c! k in Hi- afteiii- on. the foliowirj; matter
J be heard and considered : '1 lie applica
tion of .M. M. Li'l:aid.):i to admit to p:obs,to
tiifi iat will a-id testament of John Lieha: d
son lutu of riaitt-m.'Utii. in s .id eonr.ty, de;-
. . ...i. m, .iim uri i - i.-,- ,ji om.i iswaiioo wiui
will annexed o W. ;. Sliowal'.er.
Uated May 1st 1.
Jiy order o the Ccuit.
c. ;si:r.r,
C'ojuty j ue.j-e.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the r state of .L,l:n Nash, e'e
Cfased, in the eoun;y court of t'am county,
Notiee is Ijr-rehy ivon, that Mary Xasli rind
Thomas I. N:.i!i, adiiiiniMtratori' ot th ettato
of tap said John Nash deceived, Iims made ap
plication lor liaal s-t ! lenient, und that said
cau-e is set for iieaiitr: a' my oith-c at J'laits
inijutli. tm the Ij day f .May A. 1)., 18-;i. at 10
oxloclc a. m., on -.aid day ; at which tii.m and
pince, a:i person icitere-teil m.y Lo protenS
and examine said acounts.
Ll ssf.ll, Co. Judse.
Plat' sinouth, April 27th m?. 3v
"Paitilssn ID en-tic ts."
Ti eoi'ly Ifcnti-t In the West rrt- ;',i this
e'.v Ssi--;!i i f I'i!..etiiii; ;in ! 't:.!:-; i i-tli
with, ut l'aia. ;;r a:.x'!t!ietio ii eu-
tli!y ir-'in
en LOKOFOK3I on i:tiieu
Teeth extmcted and :n tiHci-1 !--rh snsecd
n'-xt &y if (!e-ire.l . Tho pu:e: vai ion of the
natural teeth specialty.
The very aae-r. ;fii-c in Union Block, over
1 he ti'.!i:e!.s; Bink,
V. G. Keefcr keeps the largest lina of
Harness e ver kept in County, nt rock
bottom prices. C-'S