. . . ,r-.,iTrv fPTTTTnenA V I ( HY AT 1 1? I 9.7 1 Ik's 7. PLAITS U U U 11 L AY J!mH.J j 1 11 iuv .M , , r 11 II ) i 1 I i ' . jgT; Qhttemoiith ygtthhj fjrnlil . .U- - - - KNOTT3 BROS., PubliniKMS A Proprietors. The tlauvJiN'r siU in tint junior, ivnl nicks on Ikt iy-li;iir; sli; is tln-Hii-il in Nilk-t timl Hilling :int .jewels me in li r Imir. Sli'j winks :unl Kih, ami sim per; ami simper, :nul j.,,it,".rli', unci winks; mi. I tlio t.;li y-lif: eis Init littl-, it's Vastly mure thin sin? thinks. Iler f.itlur jro : h in I usH t - :ill ilirfy ami seeily fit tlml; his if. is out at tin: ill-m-.x, inl hn Wiais a sh)'-kili'4 1 :i'l h'lt. il" hoar. I'm' ami saving iiis tl. liars, m oire fnl, lay I'V tl iv ; while she on her whin ainl fanei'S, is sijiianderin thein nil nway. Sin: li's in l-oil of a imirniiitr, un til tli-; hum of noon; thru coiih.h ilown. PiJiippiii;; ami snarling, lic atisc she's call Oil too soon, ll'-r luir is still in papers, licr he ks still 1:i!Ihtc1 with paint re lii'iins of last nilil's M ushi'H liffon; she att 'inpfcd to faint. S!ie falls in love with a fellmv, who swells with a foreign air; ho nuirries ln-r for her motley, she marries him for his hair. One of the very hr-st ni'itelies; l.olh are wll ni:itel in life; she's ;;ot a f-:l for a lnisli.iinl, iisid hu's ot a fool for a wif ..'. Tin-: Jili.Tals liave iii:i1 a threat hit in Great Ilrilain l-y iist ro. luring tin: in:i;;ir lantern in a j n 1 1 i- tl campaign. 'I'll -y iiilere.l a very larv-- unrulier f sliihs ami lanterns an. I every I h turer that .r"es out is well supplied with them, lie i; Sieves tin.' monotony of po litical lc!. it : ly throwing on to a screen in his evening in-a tin;s political cartoons and pietnres uf i-vietioiis in In land pho tographed on th : spot. The ifeet has li.ien to "rreat ly i n.'re i ;e the attendance at tin: inerliiirx. Tins government has had a commiltee incct iiijX and has d. ter lnined to follow suit. It will supply its lecturers and s-t limpet's with tory pictures and endeavor to stem the tide l-y fnxht in the evil :i" with lire. State Jour nal. Ji:st so rett;;iii as the democratic party adopts a tai in'-for-n venue-only platform, just so certain will Use jinrty ; down to defeat. A;-;iista ( (J;t. ) Chroiiieal Th in. This sort of talk docs the country ooil to hear. Unfit would lie more im pressive than it is now if t lie talkers would, so to sneak, occasionally crystal lize some of their talk into acts. A year ago the Georgia democrats nominated ten "revenue-only" candidates for the lower hranch of congress, and if the pro toctionist newspapers of that party made any serious attempts to send it "down to defeat" on that account, tha country lias not heard of the circumstance.. O'Jole Dcino'-rat. Tim fact that there is some fear among certain classes of business men of the occurrence of a panic next year or the year after is a good indication that it will not take place so soon. This fear has al ready produced one good result in cur tailing land speculation, shortening the duration of business credits, and curtail ing loans by banking institutions except upon the best of security. Heretofore panics have comic without warning, and there are many reasons for believing that this will be the c?sr. to a large extent, in the future. Li this particular sense the cxpeet-d srld.un happens. Globe Drill. Tho Verdict Unanimous W. 1). Halt, Druggist, T.ippus, Tnd. testifies: "I au recommend T'.le. trio Hit ters as the very b.-st remedy. Every bot tle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing". Abraham Hare, druggist, llcllville, Ohio. affirms: " The best selling medicine 1 have ever handled in my '20 years' experience is Fleet ric Hitters''. Thousands of other have added their testimony, so that tin. verdict is unanimous that Electric Hitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Hlool. One half dollar a bottb; at F G. Fiieke & Co., drug store. (0) Ho Knew Bettor Than to Claim It There were about half a dozen of them ar.d they had been "off seme where In the country. They were all piled on a v ag on, and as they passed one of the r.uni erous cottages a pretty woman accident kliy turned a white handkerchief loose There were six handkerchiefs wain; wildlv in the breezes in one instant. "Hy Jove, she.; pretty. 1 wonder who she is? That was meant for me " "It wasn't; it v,as"nuant fer inc." said everybody but'a" little old man sitting on the wagon hidden from siht. "Well," he said, "Lll bet it was not me.! rot for me." "Why?" "Hecaue that was my wife." And a dead silence fell on the picnic. Raising a Church Debt. Circus Agent (to Deacon Jones) Will you allow me to nut some posters ou the church fence? Deacon Jones (reflectively) Well, I dunno as t'wduld do any harm, but you would have to pay something for the privilege. The church is trying to get out of debt, and every little helps. Cricus Agent I'll give you a couple of tickets. Deacon Jones All right, go ahead. FA KM AND GARDEN. HOW GCE3E MU3T BE MANAGED TO INSURE PROFITABLE RETURNS. Tli rrcKprtatlain t Carrion Keed All About tlio I'i)jnil:ir Py rctliriini Iititort I'om.Ut l:arlirl Wlro J'cucen with Grouting Trees for Supports. Iu the construct in; of barbed wlro fences it soniel ones happens that, growing trees are used as posts for support. If the wire i.s fastened directly to tho tree, tus Home have praM ircd, the growth of tho tree buries it i.i the bark .".tut wood, where the pre.senee of (.-out inual inoi:jt.uro and tho retention of the water of every bhower tend to produce rusting, and renewing, If ever necessary, is rendered difiiculU X . . . no. 1 iai:i!i:d wir.i: on Tr.rrrs. The accompanying figures represent liioile wln'eh lias lie!ii sueeessl'iiHy .'idopted for using rowin. t r es ;;s posts for tho support of barhed wiro l' nees ;iiid recom mendeil by The ('ouutry (2entleman. Tho usual objections to barbed wiro on trees in this mode are obviat.'d, as v.-i 1 1 be seen in the cut. by placing a narrow board or plank avainsL t he face of the t ree, te curiiin it vvit!i two or three jiaits, and then fastening tho wires to this board, as shown in t ho figures. A board or plunk three or four inches wide answers tho purpose, and it may be pine or cedar. If tho trees to which tlio wire Is fastened are in a line where 1 i-ere. Is no danger of animals becoming injured with the barbs, four wires will make a good hnd durable; barrier. Hut if injury is feared from tho wire to cattle and horses, a visible ob struction must be provided, such as a small rij) rap wall, which may be eighteen or twenty inched high, more or less, thu stones being laid loosely in a straight lino (see Fig. 1). This plan will in most cases serve as well as a regularly laid wall of stones. Animals are not disposed to tread on the stones. dim I n2 FIO. 2. BAKBEI Winn OK TREES. Cut, says tho authority quoted from, if stones are not to by had .arid tho trees are iiot further apart than the length of fence boards, the fence may bo rendered visible by nailing .a board between the two upper w ires, as shown in Fig. Tlicro is still another way to prevent harm to animals which run in adjacent Cejda. This is to cut or plow a small open ditch on cac h side and raise a bank of earth between them and under the line of the fyr.ee. Cut this cannot bo adopted for treej, as the roots will prevent the plowing of do furrows. When posts aro set it iaaneo;;y and efficient way to protect animals, as they are held i:i cheek by the i itches snd the bank of earthand it obviates the i:se of the lower wire, and tho posts being held by the bank nerd not be set so ilecp. When it is desired to run a barbed fe:;co through wood ; or other plantation 'where the trees are not in a .straight line cmvo must be taken to have each Ilea sta nd ia the obtuse angle which it forms, th e wire being always placed on the oaitido where if. will be lirmiy he'd in position. The great convenience and economy of using growing trees instead of pos t.-j i?j an additional inducement fer plantvnjj Har row timber belts at t'ae bo.imi.ari ;s of the principal lields. jTyrctlirHm lnsrct I'owJer. Powdered pyrethruni, sold under vari ous names, as buhach, Persian insect powder, Dalmatian insect powder, etc., has the past few seasons grown steadily in favor as an insecticide in farm and gar den. It has, in a, word, assnmed sr.iTicient importance to entitle it to si familiar ac quaintance with every farmer and every housewife. Some confusion exists owing to the number of names by which pyre thruni is introduced in our markets. Thr.c grown in the United Stares, notably in California, is sold under the name of bu Lach. The imported powder, Pyrcthrnm roseum, is grown in the region south c, the Caucasus mountains, and is known in commerce as Persian insect powder, v.jig that grown tian enimal: cmoncc poisons as Lonuou purple an ,i i..,-i.i m-oen While not a poison to ir ,an nuc bc-at pyrethruni has proven a Valuable remedy for many farm and hotr iehold pcts. Its active principle is n voatile oa which acts on the nervous system , nf the insect. Tho powder should be kvrt dry and stored iu j ciosea pacKages nr. til required for use. j It i3 emploxl bot, anj in polu- ' tions. At the Ohio Experiment Station the best result, j have been gained with the dry powder diluted not more than five ! times with flour, finely slaked lime or other finely powdered substances. At this : station the powder is thoroughly mixed with the dilutent and allowed to etand for : twenty-four hours in a closed vessel before using to gain the best results. It is no- phed with a good lumd bellows. From ; the experience at tnir; station It Is believed, t that pyrethrum will bo found most bene- Bclal tot smooth bodied caUxplllars, toc&b WW .1 . cf J, i I. , I E (J "4 ifri -wv;. t i- m iJaimatui is terrucd V alma- 1 pieumui sii'i'o - V f iV. i ---i powder. -are inuisrc1"'-1- Pyrethruni is not poisonous to higher ! vith il horsp separate n o .u on.- -o.. s, hence its present t,,;r;tv -r-cd sec that it is suppnea .i.. " those who dislike to V, ' " pf, doan straw. Cordmys to oi rabbn.e worms and others liko them. On tho woolly caterpillars it bad littlo r no cii'ect and did not i-rovo a turc remedy for beetles. Ou tho experimental ground of T'nc Hural Xew Vorker, where pri ference i.; given to the California buhach, tucce.ssful result have been obtained by using tho buhach in solution. Mr. Carman, who made the experiment, Insists utori tho use of a hau l force pump ami tho eye lono nozzle for best ellVcl.i. With the above solution applied as hero stalod, ho has been able to destroy the ro .: bugs, which were present in largo numbers this season on his farm. The economy of thi'U '.eof pyrcM-rum or bu hach, in Mr. Carman's opinion, depends upon its application as a line spray or vapor, when the same ipiaut it y ol v. a! . will go lil'ly times in fur us if sprinkled on the plants, while t he time re-mired t: (l.i the work will be perhaps twenty ti::'e !; s. At I he hi sial io:i the pow der is appbetl 1 1 1 1- .iii! bellow s. im pound of p rethrnm diluted witli otia r powdered substance thieo to livo time; was found abundant fj dust a-i acre of cubbage. Oirertioii for Saving C:m'in SenN. s-c d-i of all kinds, says AiU"fif-aii Agri (ldtr.ris;, si.ouM be t'lily ripe when p-alheie-l, but, it is id-' i nip-" t ." ' t t o l:a:' vr..L I l:em as s x.n Ih -y are jipe. For bet ping small (llUiUiities (:'.' : e.-i!:', paper bags are preferable to cl-il h, e ; t :a ;. all'ord l.eitjr ja-otee! ion a-..e:ii;:--t- m-iist ure and in a cis. Always nen !: rai !i acia.ce v ii !i the name of the seed c.e-.iaj:- 1 in it, a'a 1 the year in which it grew. Cold di.es not injure the dab! y of seeds, but. moisture is del riment a! toad liisls. M-Ion, (ueiunber, i-iMi-rli and punipT.bi seeds should be taken only tror.i lit'e, per fect shape-1 specimen:. In a. small w;;y th-.'Si eilo may be simply taken ou!. spread on plates r t ins and dri !. I.-irger ;na;i titiea have to bo wash-d before !t ;. in:;, to r. move the slimo that- adheres to tiiei.i. hen the seeds are tho"oug!ily !ried, I thrin in bags, and k' ; in a dry placa , ;-c,n e from i dee ,. rat ;. l',e. (., parsnips, M'.vr;ps, Crivrots. onions, ta -diilov.i i-j.ud ca.tib i-.-i: will n-'-t proluce 1 until tlio seion.l year. Set out hi early" --h'O' strong, well lasiim-l i !.::i(--, of last s. a son's crop. When t'es m - 1 i ripe, cut the" staiks and '.:! i;.: !. r cover (: dry, then be out the see.is and ! i -.; in paper bug.'. 'Mi- ah urisiir Corn in tho Crib. T-.b'.ny ."a.'es are given by which the numb: rof b.ushels of corn in a crib may be ascertains.'. Hut- ties-; are more or 1, ss untrm-iwi.'rlhy from tne Tact that F.-.ey asmimi; that two bn-lu-ls of corn on 1 be ear tire cquai to one of shellul corn; whereas, in point of fact some corn w ill U .jt make it, whil" some will morethan d.o S'i. These rule:;, h iwevcr, often serve a -ouvement purpose, affording Ji fairly reasonable estimate, a much closer one t! .an maybe had from mere measurement of the eve. Following are a few such rules, any one of which may be employed vis an npp.-oxi.ainte estimate; tho lu-sL is most generally u ed: 1. Measure the length, breadth and hoi'-rhlof the crib, i T-i.sido the r.-.d: muiti ply these together . divide by two. The rese.lt is tho mi. 'ubcr of hu:;hel3 of shelled corn. 2. Level the corn so it . 'd Cflal dePth throughout. Multiply the leuglh, breadtn and depth together, and th ; I"-'dnct by four, and cut oil" one of the i -"i'e3 t tliu right of tho product. The rei "nmuing fig ures will represent the number bushels of shelled corn. 3. Multiply length by height a. " then by width, add two ciphers to the .result, and divide by 12-1. This gives the num ber of bushels of ears. Another rii''- p to proceed as above to obtain the e'ib.'c feet, and then assume that one and c no lifth cubic feet make one bushel of ears of corn. 4. Multiply length by breadth, and the produet by the height, all in inches; divide this by 2,74'-, and the quotient will be i he number of bushels of ears. From two-thirds to ono half of this will bo the number of bushels of shelled corn, t!e peuJiug on tho kind and quality. management of Goose. Oeese are far hardJer and much easier to rear than turkeys, nud, if bit , bring al ways a good price in the market. In a word, there fowls pr.y very well indeed for keeping, and the farr.ier will, as a rule, liiul it worth bis while to have a few of them in the aututun when his .-Train crops .are o.'r the land. (if tho various b lr. of rrc ee th.- louse is the best hni.-v.-n, r.nd with- t!;? r.nibdi'n, aro the chief or.es for con: r . r cial puriwises. The To rdouseis tilso e-.f o i the -,-ray roosc, bt-can. its i!nnia:j.' i.-s of that, color, while tho I- mlwlcti is called t-i'O white t;oose, its plu mo.:e boin. v." "nil 1 thron-;l:out. Notwit' i- t andin;1; tlio i.:ci that, the feathers of Ks nl leu xeese bvin:; hiicher price, than do t' louse, the Kttcr, as has the more popular br:wc are good hiyoia and t!:.i. juicy and well llavored. iose ci t ne i ou-i-.-ii Intimated, is . The Touloiisci ! f is teniler. 'I'hev often renc'i .1 . an enormous weight. 11 -.eir lie; 12- them for close coop: a -i and easily confined by a. 1 ' v fene thrive on less water t'lu n othe: of cccse. vv bo( nl ; lei thev are and will varieties - 'l ' - M ' ! : V" ii 1 .- .. I I TOULOl'Sr. G. iESE. To mako goose kecpinp.- a paying busi- ; Hess, bowever, a cood siz ea jon u vnu a anil TiasiiTra;-; "bles r.s fast as the grain 4-rops, aie nar veste 1. Vv "itli ample ransco and plenty ot s,.r cut. th.evwiU so. in be ready -fo-r -mr-rb-et. It need hardly be told that ceese rau.-t be kept out of tfie mowing 1 rnrn fields or they is ill t'ooa dj lama that will plce them on the wrong fide of the profit and loss coium. i Items -of General Interest. tt, 'c wv,rt State Dairymen'3 afsocl at ion is "agitatins Hie qnestioa o dairy awhools. Many of the states show a revival of the Grange c rder. Th Ift-idinsr cranberry growing stae ra M.i: arhusetts. Kcw Jersey, AViscon Kin and C mnecticttt. In Xew J ersey thert . ere some -5,200 acr ssurulex u-auDerry coo...- a: i vatlorw ' r..i ..r .film, nrui ti.-i si i'r:i e. i - : r, i.si-t', i t - n i :u't' l i i-i ii'.v I XV I IT I.Vi' N'UlllUl LUliiw" A LOT OF FA'fv'.OUS Cmf.'lNALS. Tlio Colovy iT N.'i7 Calrtloiil: llcttfr limn tin Slunifj vf 1'arN. An Jilt- rer.t in; neeount, of t!:e piv.y-!:t Ktatiis i f th" ie 1. -riom Vv neb criiniual.s in , v Caled'-iiia has been fund .lie. by ioi ol:i cial win lias j'l-.-t ictarn. d fr'-m that penal col. my. The mo. t i.-sp- etubie. a-, wi ii u-t thu s. in ir, i f nil tho onvie:.s i; 1; r-zola, tin l'ol.j h ) fired ut, tho r.iiipai r Alcxal.il. r 11 .luring th-i l':;ris ex dibit imi of 1 iiT. Fio.nu-i.t r.pp'ieat i-.us hav-' be-'ii ina.h- f r the b l.'T.l tioii of ber-.-KoVj-Ki, but 1 hey have all been lef us; d lb- is now ia lit-- i.-!aiM of Nun, wli--re he ..-e::p',.-s a I it.; ! jo.mi aeai t I'iomi nil lh" b.i l eliai a. t.ers, and hs cv. n a small earj -ii f..r him II-' ro ims io .at tin- i - la-iil, v-.hi.-Ii i. .ii" f..ar:h i ; i 1 - f l'n i i, at. his own sw - t. ill, at i I lii-; o-induct lias :il iv ii -s 1 --: irr pri.a !:.-. i .!-. lb- I e.vi v.M 11 Irirci; quant it y of ne w - OHper-, booU-i and pamphlets from o iio-n nl. .- in.t : o-s by eVt ry mail. K r--r.i sl.i i , le.e. !d an I f.-ebl... to an t I l .-'lle h g! .'. 1 )i a ! 1 1 1". -i-.-itl, el-i-.s nr.- t ; illi. s and Abadie, l!i. nun .1. r. i s : l,n I 'ai is gr-..'i-r I .. -e.-reic. Tin' wi.rlhi.-s urn einp.-.- I as .tl'ii t. :- av- rngers nl. ."'."i.i.i i, an. I tls-ir oeeup:i! ion ...la'd ii)...i!i by tii--ir c.i:,p ii:i..a i la penal s- i viill.).. iimi pk oil -. '.! if. is er.sy, and al-o cnabl-jK fii.-in io piel; op 1 i! , ..f t..b.-ieci and 'various ."Ids aad cuds, i 1 1 1 1 1 ! i ! . I pg o isi. .ii.-d al ii -. ! u iehar.!, who imir d. red II ban!: nn -:-en.-r at M ii!.-, is ii- .ing v. i-il as a stun- el. i !:, and In .pes one day, if not i g- t t- An -traha at. 1 -ast, to ... 11 1.-dov n in N-'W - (.'ali-iiiiiiia a; a colonist. n of tiio in-.-1. i oml'ort ii a :i i ! !i:i 1 big of th-' con vie! :f is !' na run, t n - cheuii t. a t Ii" I'- ii: ! vi.i'd ' i;iles'.n lies, who !. .! Ih" 1 v. r of his i I" i; .!-.'! ii ai nl -ii :!i ill ( 'h i i-il, .iii'l 1 In ai l.l.-ller.-d I i I ' 1 l.l a lllo-t !l! rneioll -1 IllallC! r. Thi . erimiiia I li.'s p.e .-. 1 t hr. -a ;!i I lie ai i- .us '.'it-'g.ri'- u. .til he arrived among th-- li;.-L el.as, eonvieis. I e has u '. hare in a farm, which be and his wife :.:u et intend, and he has und a-i:is 01 d. rs sun'" of tlio low r c!.-o of criminal.'. His life eiP.-,H-e I..-,; b..-ii roe limit--. I lo one of l.ii. iii y p-iu'-i. The doe tor ivli i w is eeinlomi'.i-d las'; ye-:!- for having nl poison. -d gioni- ! n -1 ii -a ? lie is ;.-i hilt sati fact imi, and hopes to be able t i attain the privileges aeeoriied to i--nay r. hi. On the Wiiole, th. eiiwa tlioM- i ho are an.-- rgoin.; o.is crimes, are highly i- i l ii'-r of .Noumea, an. I th rascals nr.' t.!i" I'.n is ;-aaii, led ci 1 11 ; ma;-', veil .-i-iit.'i;e'-.s f- .r s' i i-;:.-n of by I he u'V- 1 1 1 . . t- iMiiiii; ig-iicd i', .and lie; biulish peas.-oi lie rrrs. i or l.a Fvrl", lu-'sft of wh'.ai are r iur y year a ei-rtaia : timher of li.. s., ot lio'.vn. 'J'lie fi.-ia! uhou.es rgaiast the convicts io tried : s a ai'i.'.iri.lu: rtial and acquitted, rof convicts is 10 'i;u or nmre, has to be ki his revoivi r . formality by The lilill.bt aii; 1 t here are ia n w ho, how.-vi-r, w their own accord of Paris for the ;.it.;o;i ;. ro s:-ul i li oai 1 1 purp. I.-.I1 ' female conviet.-, at to Noumea of Jlai.si hi Cent rale of marrying lirsL se W uiien aro hil ar.' ou the island e!a-s iius.i-.-iii-.-aaants. 1! pervised by nans. Then warders. 1 lie number oi h.'-st class convict-! amounts to f"" and seme of them, lihe I'V'liayrou, have been r.ilowe I to wad for their w-vHS. Thu state fiirinslies them with agrieuiow-'al iniphnients, food, and even a few hea-l of cattle, when tlu-y are permitted in begin l'urming. and they generally con trive to do well. Another class, apart from all the others, is composed of s!;i!!ed trades men and iiieehanies, musicians, and even ac tors. These have a savings bank of their own, a kind of elub, and are almost too pros perous for convicts. The bandsmen aro said to be as good as many regimental performers, and they play programmes of select musio before the governor's mansion twice a week, oesides giving occasional concerts. From this it will bo seen that tho life of many con victs is far bettor than that which is led by thousands iu tho slums of Paris, ami is iio wonder that, such bein tlio case, numerous transgressors against the law of the land, in cluding thoso who commit the most terrible crimes, should view with longing and delight their dispatch to New Caledonia by the elem ent mandate of tho president of the republic London Telegraph. In n llolet T.obby. A man who spent threo hours tho other day intho lobby of tho t'idiaer In. u-e, Chicago, gives tho following fitatisii-'i about the jh'O ple who canio in during that time: One leggi-d men wiio canio in, 47; ono armed men, IS; ;ueri who wuro ghissi.-s, -1J; men who worn . wistachcF, 100; men v. ho wore full beards, .VJ; e e;i wiio had no hair on t'..eir faces, 7S; men wl-o wore Frnico Aloerts, joU. men who iidift, 10t; men who went into tu bar, lid; men who eanio ja and sat down an-J sal i iothiivg, m.'d then g- t up ana ws-tit out., icJ. Kow Y-i: lrii-jne Tho "JTrfRborlng D.-iri-.t-r. A new trade for women i:i Albany w thnt rf 'uiei ;hborir,-; darner." i in- woman u'i follows it. litis for her eiisloiners a dozeii or twenty l.oiisrhelus, a a oi v. n-.eu :-.ie isiu; "c ekly, and spend.? a fi-w b.iira m deli'.g bit tho family darning and mc-iuiu-. ,. Cunlioiiiin'ii c r ti vc! v '.: ie '" i Dr. i I -1 i ii" ;i i!i !l i" .r::r!.i-:i r.:! t;l:i--s- n.i fini'ii.-yiiw-ni ; . lienii'.tl'.e v.!! ie ..! Hi.' ti--'.'-. .T l' 1- t !.'" j n;ir lilCIiie.its. lillsines-i UeU. ll.'! t iii.'.l J-r0l-'ta'el" Ve-set.s ,;f eitl.er m-v e:.si: y ; n. Irelll j rVi ti nts t Hi !'-r I've-.i- ir. ami ii i r--ii-.i t i. i-.- i alMim liv tiev..tiim nil I !;;- lin e t-i t!ie i-tifi- lh'.-s. i'..s .-.n il p i lis e:ini reiiily :-.s i.eu-li :s j men. That all wiio "'-' tii'" m-'V --e--l !!;.-1 ul.-iess i'.l.-l test tli.' leisiness. v. : in:-..;-- l.i'sj Ter. .T-jsik-'i .is nr; i---i wi-.lt .-m-ti . 1 ...... il. T. rll.A ir...:lil. ot wilt- i fi-i'u uj r .i . . i , 1 1 " ... i i .... 3 ' I iier. Full i -1 tie. ill'.! s iirul o'il .it :ie AiiCresi iKOEiiK StI-NS'- & Ci-., 1'oriliiiKi, Maine - . - 111 - I.i iimr Hiih-.t rosi- jgT 1,.' A : i .i i 1. i.-ii: ri !'. 1 It i-iiii l-o ivfii i!).ir:::o.l' iv;T.. oij eff.-Ct a j'n lli.:i::e:!C ai.-l sjie a'T cure. ufbr v-hi !!ier ile: KitV- nt is a nu'.-l- l:ink- . men who -;.. ! -.k-n b l-'-n S,- e.!V in I il...:,- .....V.... v.ii'iont ihei:- ::!'o e ;: l u-! n .14 , , 1- ,1 .. . .. i .' .. I .....,...-.,- 1- - id- tiilV I'i!:: i ' 1:1 . nil .!..:.:.:., - ... T Jk own ti'ee vi'iil. ii ..i, !.:.. l in. cuafc r: iwf .--in oo.ee inure;j'n:it d with '.h' Soeei- - - .hr it iKcotr.-.r. an utter iiin" s-biiity for f'lS-'fr? ;,-liouor ai.i.-lUe to x;-t. For full j:S-vj; .a,ticu'.ars. ntMr,s (JtJi.DKN :'K( 'H'R' jj j i ','.. isr Uavest.. Cincinnati. O. C'-l-ly ?t"o; t 9 V r i i'ii.i-'.i '-i-:o .o..e roi.l i C t k fci B .!! f-l'I -' .11 l :.- e'i s whi'''.; v. ill In i"T ..'.; iu-.ie I k . m.iney ri rht awav th an i-.avtl.ii-4 -i-- n th:-i ..-.il.i. ,,. -.. :e- . :.. lee :o-i oe :i. ) ,u;.e. i-litiiei-s-x : ..!; se;'i'ti;iii-: no.. . ,1,. .... ... M-.i ,i-.!l : Hit, ) iisi t i. s p -, . : , o-i a . w s. . . . ; , art'yo'i : eufital i: I ti.-'--.l-i!. 'i 1. i- if .!: j th" ireiill'lie. ..' i: '.,! eh:.i '-es if :i li'.i-llini-. I "". ' . .' lii .:-,-!l i;;r:- ml! iii-'is ;:-.o5 ...-icis.il- V.'Si! - ', not ii.-1-iy. ilr-ii-l outfit fr. . AuiiM 's I su'i" - X Co.. A-i;v:a. Miiine. Z?-Y j--. ; . ; Excitement In Ttxar.. Civ. Ce item, nt bus !: n t.auv'u 111 of Par's, f...-. by th;? re I. .1. i:. Colby, cer.l. I n- t turn iu i -, i i yl-.iily said h it ion. A trial hot - 1 ! e.-Vi i'V WilS S lit !e- bought a large .. Kin New bib; ; '. t a !-. i n t w . 1 H ims , ol th- 1 i-"CD i ry - f ii d in fe -h thir- 'd. Dr. i"i : v o i.n.l t y - , Ti i for ' Co. I a'. Ha:-! oi lii, in-itt V. ( 1 . -a ovty . I Vi. 1 e iV 'it 1 1 : i ; o ' blMo) Oil S s all and So "t, from ii-.t . :; b: ia , Cml-s ie-: Sore and Save !."( , pa vin, spia i ns, h tc. V.'.ii I'iatK 1 1 r : ! !.- lei. tod ni-i::: e. v iv. R03I2ET I : H ' L'J -V ' . ,1' "pairing, and r,i- 0T now prepfirci to vlo i of fa: in ami ctlo-r ir;. Is a o.i.l I'.-tHe i PETlCJi 2. has taken c!i;..ii;e ci ru. He id well k nown ;t KO. 1 Yv'OKi: ' KCW li'SKDli unit .-: 8 ATIKFACTK1N ; 1 ! A ! C -i . U.J if u.. tl! I; v.-':i-iieM.!a 'iiu! Iv mmv I I Mil! isil, .5 iC d; lM.'iinl of the trade :!;-. s. l-'.-iiuth street (.))-. ra 1 louse. - ' y every d ::' u n.-i- or C:: iJJ .' v.- S tore, v. 2:i S r.f. aiell w noiv orrixjiy, s of Zi'looir Siiiice. Tire iiuvi-:i:s ;ri!ji-; u --i- i i'4t!r3 lit. ni!fl Slurtli, j ; ',J &3$slJ liidiis,llhovi-r 3,5QO iilitsdallons :i i.iioJe I'lt-tnr'j t;i:)!iri', S.;- OIVKS V. iio2sale Pt-ij-. 'i"'i.-ff to couxintu rs o'l oil oniN t-ir :.o-.nn::! or f i:-tily use. T ilw Iki-.v (o --ili-r, 'n;s. gives t-iatj covt of -.ii j- t.ii;?'.' j-ijii ise. m'.. tlriTil.-. ivt-ur. t.r Ii:-- e illli -r'tr-.i. IM U.i'l t.t.l-. co2jtr:lrt incii;; :i ; it.-.-, t-lnntifl C-r.Tn I3i- iimj.q cf t'-'j tiiiiM. A r.t KUKi-; n:ioi l-welj:. of 10 ct .. to defray Mji-.-ne OJ tnttiUjii;. MOMTCO.MERY WARD & CO. ill -Hi ZUcUlisan Avi-iic, !. ';i;er;:o, Down Vith High Prices I 80 TO 70 PERCENT. OF? ! CHE THOUSAND DIFFERENT ARTICLES- Sold Direct to Consumers j Tito "little Detective," $3.00 Iu 13. Postal iriveg Postage in CE3T8 Welfc'lis from M or. to 25 ll. , PA1IILT SCALES, 240 lbs., S5T Platform Scales, Sllto$20 ForpsaRilEMsHitiis' Tools. rarmert' Forge, SKIO. Tonceund Kit of Tools, tz-Z. T-'arnic-ra can do o.J.l Jot.3, snIrn; tla" ami money. Anvils, Vises. tc, O.U. " VACGfl SCALES. flltf t-.'i ii n t r n A .il T."tn notliinu Imt lie-ln-st tif Eu&llaii bi3 1 foTb-'R-lmjaof all scaloai 2-Ton (6x1 ? SO. VI 3-Ton 1 7x I 3) SS3. I 4-Tcn '8x 14) S30. i Aitff c; Bcr.rn flox nnd Rra Honm wita ; ejj- i rut-KS. rt iu'eii.Hi-roRi). .;..rn siie-ii- ea s, r i'-i i u.. e il l ri-ss.-s, ji e;i- ." t-v Jirawp rt-, t'luttis VVrlngeri uiiil aUlIardwarc si.ec!alt!c. I SAFES OF ALL SIZES. Ko. 4, weight l.li.'J lbs., tZX. j SEWES MACHIHES, ! PRICES REDUCED i i y-r' A Kf-aTitifuI Macl.lne, per- fect'y l!:i!i-t.' ii'r'h ij eni:-,".; biMtfi-r ruitcrn. liiai.-lc i ?-,-.-' -i . L'-u "ii'-uf Furniture, contain- i Vi: (K.- 'i .-' i air i ra'.i n t of latest l:u- ; '-W--ir tr. ve.l J'.W.-.',ir.M. V.'ar- j r-i.tud perfect, t-avo noiity. fi y '.-vil Seriel lor Circulars. Senet for Circulnrs. I f ft jc-: i ,- ,-,H- 1 !?v-;r -aT.-.-'C CM EASTKi JS. C'.r.'.-n. f Oi? THEMI t,i,J.cii, S A'. AiH I . IV . . . i n el - : -. .-. 5 -. . - ii '.-ft ;-. - j. . " -: M ! i - : -. SVuDISM ,N ii in l I itn I UViiU iii'k. uimI In Incl nil l) inn t miiiv tiV f tit ! I !, it ittl ti Mo? l ri-tl t iidl I ion ol I ho Ml'-i vci MARVELOUS. 11 v cvelHiir Hn- ri'Tinrii to vjHTVrt T ti o to-.ll. It i-nrii'tt' n. t r.iiKl ut'liM Hi" Mi m. I, f t v I r i . n)il h 1 1 1 1 i; - .r I i 1 1 1 ii k h l v i mi. Ib ut .v. l Ih iltli, -ltirti.' f t' -, aitil l.U-. Ii lit fililt ll . V t Ml' Mtlllild r-V a 1 1 ' mi " ' I .t"'iull..;h-llnh. !:- i 'i- nl ''! r.lf l UMil .ivr ,;,,....-.jl; vliU. ( .ii-, :o.. i :o. !. my MiliT-riiir." A-k ve.ir 1 .1 o-.el 1 I .1 II . --.-1 1 . .1 1. r-SA.-l. hi h 1 1 I r. .a 1 1 i 1 atlr l,e' I I.- . 10:. I ll. ---lr.-ih s r. ...; live i.....-s, so 1 1 it 11. 1 1. T r-.'M1 .III': 'l I t t-H.'. j.r.r i.v::!:.ii: n'. i.norii. v-wwim .v.c.nrira. lIIE Buporiorlty of Corallno over bor- H Or WllulODOno 11113 IIIUW WU11 S onstratcd by over Bis years czper, P ienco. It is moro durable, mofn pliablo. moro comfortablo, and NEYJ2 CREAKS. n t. Tho immenso Ealo Of ttiiW CQYBQtB Jtf now over 7000 daily. Eowaro of wortbles3 frntTyQOWl tone With various kinds of crr. Kono aro genulno unla 0r. Viar ncr'Q Coralino"l3prtR: aa iosldpo tho eteel cover. TC3 BALE BY ALL LEAUIJ18 2ESCSA!ST3 25T M9EtatStreeti aiOACO, JUL. . 9 h o 1 1 ii s V 5 5th St. I-Iciclisnt Toiler nc , :i . ii.i I.'P.K' 'if Fcrolpn k Dcn-cstic Ecods. 0-'ii-o::t t ll- I -;il SHZflWOOD CLOCK - 1 ; i. ' -1 I I J ") . (Ee, i.i t r -,Ja " V-S it V v.- i h usouties t ' a ' . -V ' -i.1;-' 3 r.ii-l Setniipnal oi fvrj tlTfir i.d iliri.li. 'lii(.y v r . - lll.-ri-lll K I M 14. y I 1H J ' A " i -i. ; . H on- MC-wn i;,!!f. inni--1 ,;-r- l Vpid con mi C-.cve. i 1 i-i ( -. Eindl-owblrf aitf. I 1 Vi biu' i T JTi V V, is 1 in-nost tnr-::;K; " t 1 i.-t- ,(,1' I lie K e.'l -v,-r ,n!V ! Y3?7 .-r-.- kk '' a-'!- S..-:,rl l';ftrtl me Kitwii naum rttrr;- 1 1 1 In !H-- III V? .y, e -i- u-Y j.n. . nl -. v.-:ii.::il evr-5. HHICniCAH PLC. C?.. !7 Ti!: Ve.-.lS itrcct. i fciiid';. U, ":-,F" fits (' a yv-n t f :vz: .- CO., ''is.' iTal ftttninr-1 n r-tnnfl.ird of ciecllcnco tchlch fulniii.s of no pujicrior. 1 1 :ofit:ii;is t vry iniprorrment tli at Inventive pouiud, t.kili uii'i money can i-roduuc. Tte-e rxro'eeTit O.'i-ans ere ci-iebrate'l for vot nrne, 'juali'.y tf tvP.c. ijTiick rfspoti.se, variety of Con Linaii'jn. artl-lic tie?ini, biuiutj in f.ni.-h, perfecj construction, n:aki:i:; tuem the moft attractive, onjf ciental a:i-i I.:sir-li.J orana for hoiuee, eyivqi, CiiajcLe-j. lcxJeec, toci'j'aec, etc. - ' ' EHTAEtrSIIEO rt-prTATioj.; CSEQUALED FACILITIES, kxuxxxd v. cnii:3iE?r, COMSIIvED, M'.KS THIS THH POFULAR ORQAH InctruciScn Cooks and Fiaao Stool' Cataaoec-3 an-1 Price Liet3,on fcrrUcatfnn, gajp GHICAS3 COTTAGE CHS AH CO. 831 BLUE ISLAND AYE.j CHICAGO, ILL. MfeiMAji mm A 1 i:' v v." ; OEQAIT. Arr -r -'" r,J