Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 29, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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inryr.iiii..ttgiir '.""SBJ?
glfc fthtisuwitth $lcckfo gernld.
Publishers & Proprietors.
A Lincoln Man Takos an Overdose
of Electricity.
A special in TWursdiiy'rt Oiimli.i Jl-e
given the following htr. ng exK'r'n;nci f
u Lincoln man WViluesdiiy: "A working
man uiuni-d Smith w;u liorriMy mutilat
ed in a rciiiiirkiiMu manner thin tyening.
On O Ktnict.iif the corner of NinL-t'i,h:ing-ing
from a telephone jxle and lying
along tho ground for a tlihtuiM.e, was a
telephone wire, which had in Home man
ner become crossed, or in connection
vith an electric light wire. As Smith
' was pa.-i.-iing along the street he saw the
wire burning, and attnt-led ly t lie strange
appearance, and not realizing what it
was, evidently took hold of it to ascer
tain what it meant. The shock lie re
ceived was terrific, and his shrieks
brought hundreds to the street. II.)
Could not loosen his Jhold on the w ire,
and it burned his hands to the bone. In
his writhings and contortions the charged
wire came in contac t with his head, burn
ing oul one of his eyes and laying the
bide of his face open. Wherever it struck
liis body it cut like a knife. A bystand
er, realizing the peril of the man, ran to
liim, grabbing him to pull him from the
wire, but by the shock hi received when
he came in contact with the body of the
mm he was knocked ten feet and utterly
prostrated t that it was feared he was
also killed. Ily this time the electricity
had cither burned the man Smith loose
from the wire, or he had succeeded in
liis struggles in breaking away. He was
picked up and carried into an adjoining
restaurant and a half dozed physicians
summoned. Tliejinan presented a horri
ble appearance and despite the physicians'
efforts to put him under the influence of
morphine he nhrieked and writhed in the
agony he suffered until taken to the hos
pital. The doctors express an opinion
that he may survive his injuries although
it appears impossible. It is understood
the oil company in moving tanks through
the streets to-day and passing under tel
ephone wires must have broken this one
which after breaking came in contact
with the electric light wire, and this be
came a death warrant where hundreds of
people wiTv, passing. That others were
not injured through the carelessness is al
most a miracle."
ln the past week there have been sev
eral larire financial transactions bringing
a great deal of foreign money into in
vestment in America. Hut still the com
plaiuts of a money ttringency in the
east continue, notwithstanding thi-J
Croat inflow of foreign gold and the as
Bistance given the money market by the
treasury. An explanation of the situa
tion is by no means easy. The circula
tion of the country is larger by millions
than at this time a year ago, and there is
a steady addition to the supply by the
coinage, of $2,000,000 a month. And a
syndicate in Holland, have bought
bonds and stock of the Oregon Trans
continental .company, to the value of
$10,000,000. The transfer of the Balti
more & Ohio properties to new owner
ship, also involves the immediate pay
ment of at least $10,000,000, more than
one-half of which will coma out of the
hoards of English bankers to swell the
volume of American circulation. The
question is. Where is the money? and
what becomes of all the foreign gold
that is coming to the country? In re
ply, we quo! e the opinion of the ew
York Commercial Acl certifier tnat "the
locking up of money in the national
treasury, and tlie unnatural stimulation
of land boom speculation in the west by
the ertablishinent of reserve cities there,
are the most obviouslv active causes of
the present stringency in the money mar
ket." If this be the true solution the
situation is not likely to be immediately
Only Eight Days of Bliss.
Chris Schrumpf was arrested Thursday
on charge of assault and bat
tery, on a warrant sworn out b y his
wife, Anna, and V.n trial also came off
to-dav. In the trial it was shown that
they had been man ied just i ight days,
and everything seemed to be going
smoothly until a couple of days ao, and
last night their harmony ended in a
quarrel, and to-day the household goods
were sol 1 for $12 and the two separated.
Mr. Schrumpf was lined $23 und costs
which was paid.
Two Definitions. .
Chicago 11!., Sept. 12, 18S7. To the
Editor: Will the Daily Ntws kindly
define a mugwump and oblige,
Anxious Readrr.
Answer A muvu np is a republican
with a conscience. Chicago Xew$.
Oh. no. A mugwump is an ex-republican
who kicked out of the tracts because
his giant intellect is eo far-reaching as to
make him ambitious to own, traverse
and spreai himself over this-broad uni
verse as the gilded-god of pure politics.
Omaha Republican.
Importance of Careful Preparation of
Koll In Wheat CultureHow to gare
fceed Corn A Stun That Insure Safety
In llaii.lliui; Hull.
The subject of horns on cattle has been
rery much discussed of late, and it has
been proven in many cases that they are
expensive appendages. Thi3 is frequently
demonstrated in the handling of bulls. It
often occurs that even a pet bull will be
come enraged and inflict hcrioits injuries
when led only by a ring in tho nose.
" v:.r:
ft ' -IV-'PsS. 'tt. -MH'-u.
In the nccompanyiuft ligure is shown a
device vouched for by u Rural New
Yorker correspondent, who claims that
with it the handling of horned cnimals is
comparatively safe. If thp chain from
any cause should come loose, a weapon of
defense isstiil in the leader's hands. Take
a long fork handle, rivet an iron strap
over it with six or oiht inches of light
chain attached, to which fasten a good
malleable harness snap. Put the snap in
the boko ring and the animal can be led
without the rope if so desired.
AeiIcuI t urai I'll Irs In October.
The following state and provincial fairs
have been announced for October:
Alabama Montgomery, Oct. 17-23.
Canadian Exposition Toronto, Oct.
Colorado Pueblo, Oct. 4-8.
Georgia Macon, Oct. 2-1, Nov. 2.
Missouri St. Louis, Oct. 3-8.
Missouri Fat stock, Kansas City, Ov.c.
27, Nov. 3.
M ;?---'"-' .T-r-Vsnri. Oct. 17-22.
Norv. w...v..
Piedmont Expobiuou Allan...,
Oct, 10-22.
Texas Dallas, Oct. 20, Nov. 5.
Virginia Richmond, Oct. 2G-28.
How to Mako a Good Roller. j
Tho importance of a good roller on tho
farm is too well known and appreciated
to require comment. It is often a ques
tion, however, how to secure 0:19. The
folio win. ac dtf cviption, therefore, of a home I
made roller by a correspondent in Indiana j
Farmer will be welcome to many readers: .
Cut three logs 18 inches in diameter
3 feet 2 or 4 inches long; around each
make a frame. Set two rollers end to
end, with a space of about 7 or 8 inches
between them; make your tongue so high
that the piece across tho end (b) will be
about 8 inches longer than it is from the
middlo of one frame to the middle of the
other; about 4 inches from each end of
said cross piece bore a 5-8 inch hole, and
with the samo bit bore in the center of
each frame, both front and back. Now
when the tongue is raised level with th-c
frames, the holes through the cross pieca
in the end of tongue will correspond with
those in the centers of the two frames,
front; slip a washer about an inch in
thickness between the frames and said
cross piece, and bolt them with 5-8 inch
Ft lToec7?cC
Xow make a bar (c) the same length of
the cross piece on the end of the tongue,
bore a 5-8 inch hole in each end, same
distance apart a3 in cross piece (b) and it
will correspond with the holes in the cen
ter of the two frames, back; slip an inch
washer between said bar and said frames
and bolt with 5-8 inch bolt. Now you
have a roller to roll corn, or a dead fur
row, or a ridge, only the tongue is "lim
ber" or weak. To remedy this, fashion a
piece something like the half of a wagon
hound, fasten that part that would be
front in hounds, just behind the double
trees on the tongue (a), Fig. 2. It will
then arch or raise above the rollers, and
should extend twenty inches or two feet
back of the bar that connects the two
frames back; fasten a support from said
bar up to said hound, place a seat on said
hound where the weight of the driver will
balance the tongue, and you have a roller
that will roll the two insides of a ditch or
the outsides of a ridge. Fasten the third
roller by a coupling polo twenty inches or
two feet long to the middle of the bar
that connects the two front rollers to
gether, and it will roll the space left be
tween the two front ones.
Sowing Wheat.
The manner in which wheat is sown Is
of vital importance, for its influence is felt
to a great extent right on to the harvest
ing of the crop. An ail important matter is
the thorough preparation of the seed bed.
That it pays to carefully prepare the soil
; for wheat has been proven time and
again, and yet not one field in ten is prop
: erly stirred and pulverized before the
i Feed is sown. Remember that it is im
i possible in the care of wheat to make tho
soil too mellow or too fine. All work
clone in this direction is amply paid for by
i the future crop.
' It also pays to-orill in the seed, even if
: one has to hire the drill. It insures the
even dropping and covering of the seed,
and is a savins: of seed. Avoid the use of
foul or imperfect seed; it is a waste of
time, labor and land to sow wheat that has
not been caroully screened and winnowed
j to free it from foreign and imperfect seed.
' la sections where smut is likely to appear
avail yourself of such preventive meas
ures as treat In cj tho seed to briuo or a so
lution of vitriol.
Each farmer must decide in great incis
ure tho question as to what variety of
wheat to bow. It Is not a Fafo plan to
make an entire change in any one season,
and especially where the previous yields
have proven fairly satisfactory. A safe
rule is to sow the soil devoted to the main
crop in some well tested wheat in your
own locality, and experiment with prom
ising new sorts on a small scale. A bushel
of good, clear seed, drilled in, is considered
an "ample quantity for ono acre by many
farmers'. The usual rule is from ono
bushel to five pecks, drilled in, and about
one-half bushel moro sown broadcast.
Saving Soeil Corn.
Tho importance of saving seed corn by
careful selection has been preached from
time to time out of date, and repeated ex
periment has proven tho necessity forcaro
in tho storing of tho corn selected for
seed. In sections where short seasons
prevail early varieties are desirablo, hence
carlinesa ought to be promoted even in
sorts already early by selecting such from
stalks that first ripen their ears. Tho im
portance of choosing fair-sized, well-developed
cars, taken from stalks which
bore at least two ears, is apparent to every
one who has given tho subject any
In tho selection of seed corn too much
care cannot be exercised in keeping a
well-established and desirable variety
pure. It should be borne in mind that
two sorts growing within a quarter of a
milo of one another arc liable to mix,
hence it is not wise to save seed from
such corn.
There does not appear to bo any safer,
easier or better mode of saving corn for
seed than the old time ono of pulling back
and braiding tho husks of twenty or more
ears together, and then hanging theso
braided strands from the rafieis of a corn
houso, a smoke house, the attic or other
dry place. The corn must bo kept dry
and out of the reach of rats and mice. It
is a wise plan to select only tho perfectly
matured cars for seed; these dry more
quickly and are not so liable to mold.
Not a few farmers always plan to hang
their seed corn between the rafters of
their smoke houses, believing that, in ad
dition to the dry atmosphere there found,
the smoke that permeates the kernels acts
as a preventive to insect pests after the
seed is planted.
The Hessian Fly.
There are two broods of the Hessian fly
brought to perfection each year, ono in
the fall and one in tho spring. The ma
female insect deposits its eggs upon
the leaves of the young plant soon after
l'oso appear above ground. As soon as
the . j'gs hatch the young worms make
their . .ny down tho leaf to its base, where
they remain between it and the stem neur
the roots. It requires several weeks for
tho larva to attain full sizo. Its skin then
is hard and brown, and, to the unaided
eye, the insect presents the appearance of
a small iiaxseed. In this condition it re
mains until spring, when the l'y comes
forth and lays its eggs, and so the opera
tion is repeated. The preventive meas
ures that havo from time to time been de
vised by scientists and practical farmers
may bo briefly told as follows:
Sow a part of the wheat early, and if
affected by the fly put in the rest of tho
seed after Sept. 0. The idea is that by
destroying tho first brood the second will
not appear.
rartialiy affected wheat is sometimes
saved by tho use of fertilizers and care
ful cultivation, and if winter wheat, tho
fields may be recuperated in tho spring.
Many of the eggs and larva) may bo de
stroyed by pasturing with sheep and close
croppin-; of wiuter wheat in November or
early December. Some claim that roll
in.? tho ground will answer nearly as
Another remedy i3 to sow hardy varie
ties cT wheat, especially those that tiller
vigor-,, isly.
Ijfcv.o, soot and salt are named as
speciui remedies, and it is also very gener
ally recommended to rako oil the stubble.
Objections are, however, urged by scien
tists against too close cutting and burning
of the stubble, as this is liable to result in
destroying useful parasites, the ichneu
mon fly among tho rest. It has been esti
mated that these parasites (which, by the
by, farmers often mistake for the pests)
destroy at least nine-tenths of all tho
Hessian Cies hatchod.
Keeping Cider Sweet.
There is no process known that will
keep cider sweet without deteriorating its
quality somewhat, but there are various
methods for arresting fermentation and
preventing it from becoming sour. Pro
fessional cider makers sometimes use
Shaw's Antiseptic Solution; others, who
prefer to avoid patented articles, employ
sulphite of lime, which is added after fer
mentation has proceeded until the cider
has acquired tho acid taste desired. The
powder is first mixed in a quart or so of
cider and then poured into the cask and
thoroughly shaken. Do not mistake sul
phate of lime for sulphite of lime; the latter
i tho correct article.
The Cabbage Worm.
The cabbage worm has not been visibly
affected by the hard things said against
him, nor have the numerous sure euro
remedies sensibly affected his appetite.
Peter Henderson suggests the application
of alum water, one pound of pulverized
alum to three gallons of water. This will
not injure the plant and may kill the
worm. Pyrethrum, either in powder or
solution, is effective. The great difficulty
is to get any preparation on the worms,
and to repeat the application a3 often as
the successive broods hatch out.
Agricultural New.
But few apples nre expected outside
of New England and New York.
T. V. Munson has been re-elected pres
ident of the Texas Horticulture society.
The honey production the present sea
eon is reported generally to be a poor one.
The experimental work at noughton
farm, Orange county, N. Y., has been
A botanical museum is to be established
in connection with the experimental farm
at Ottawa.
According to Bradstreet's the New York
hop crop will be about one-half of a for
mer average, but the Pacific coast prom
ises a larger yield.
The tomato crop is almost a failure in
South Carolina is to havo two experi
mental stations.
The corn crop of the south is unprece-
dently large.
The Louisiana sugar crop is reported to
be ahead of every crop since the war.
The Illinois state board of agriculture
declines to recognize the Galloway breed
of cattle as a breed, but classes them tke
same as the Aberdeen-Ac gua.
Drunkenness or tho Liquor Habit Posi
tively Cured by Adminiblarinj
Dr. H Mines' Ool'Jon
Spec-i fic .
It can bo given in a cup of coffee or
tea without the knowledge of the person
taking it; is absolutely hat-miens and w ill
effect a permunent and speedy cure,
whether che patient is a moderate drink
er or an alcoholic wreck. Thousaads of
drunkards have been made temperate
men who have taken Golden Specific in
their coffee without their knowledgc.and
to-day believe they quit drinking of their
own free will. IT Is EVE I J FAILS. The
system once impregnated with the Speci
fic it becomes an utter impossibility for
the liquor appetite to exist. For full
particulars, address GOLDEN SPECIFIC
CO., 185 Race st., Cincinnati, O. 33-1 y
Thomas II. Knight, John A. Brook
and Henry l'atz. con victetl of mandaiigh
ter in the court of the Western d:trnt o
Arkansas, have been i ar ioneil l-v the
WTion Hbr wu mr wo p&to l or Cwtori,
"When r.hf wm a Child, slio cried fur Casioria
When alio lincamn linn, aha cluug t.o Ca.-(orU,
Wiieu she had Children, she gar them OastorU,
Three of the Boston furniture factories
have granted the demand of their work
men for nine hours a day's work. Tie
balance have refused., and their emi'lovi s
are out on a strike.
English Spavm Liniment removes all
Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps and
blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin,
Curbs, Splint, Sweeney, Stifles. Sprains.
Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, t tc.
Save $.0 by use of one bottlf. W.;r
ranted by Frieke fc Co. druggists, Platts
ouuiqp 84-Iyr
The experiments of m.-iking snnr bv
means of eleetrieit y ;i! Ft. Scott. Kansas,
have been pronounced sucecssfu'.
Linioer vera
Wholesale and i:cfa;i !)t hIt tr.
i nil
3 '
Shingles, Lath, Sah,
mv ii wt m
Can supply every demand of the tradi
Call and get terms. I ourth street
In Hear of 0, tra House.
A A 'If
Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plate t
pairing, and general johhing
now prepared to do all kinds of rapLlrlEjr
of farm and other machinery, ai there
la a good lathe In my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
has taken charge ot the waoit sriop
He la well known as a
New Wacom rt1 ltulr n.i '
Send one dollar In currency, with size of shoe
iiHiuiUy worn, and try a pair of our Marneic
insoles for riieumati-'in. colu Ie-t p.imi bad cir
culation. Tlipy are the im.t powerful made in
t lie world. The wearer feeln the warmth, life
and r-vita!ization in three minutes after put
tins them on. Sent by return mail upon receipt
of price. Wiu1 your address for Use "Xcw De
parture in Medical Treatment without Medi
cine." with thousands of Testimonials. Write
us full particulars of dilliculties.
Our Magnetic Kidney Hells for gentlemen
will positively cure the following with
out medicine : 1'ain in the buck, head or limbs.
nervous debility, lumbaso. general debility.
rheumatism, paralysis, neurniiria, sciatica, dis
eases ol The Kiduevs. Torrid liver. seminal emis
slonn, imuotency. heart disease, dyspepsia, in
digestion, hernia or rupture, piles, etc. Con-
situation free. 1 nee oi neir. witn Magnetic
Insoles, $10. Sent by expre C. . 1. or by re
turn mail upon receipt of price. Send m ensure
or waist ami sue oi moe worn, bend iurcircu
lars. Ordr direct.
Notk. lie above described I'.elt wi'h In
soles is warranted to posiiivelv cure chroi
Ci-es of s"ini;iat emissions Htid impolencv or
money reitinded. even alter one year trial.
17 ly 134 Dearborn St.. Chicago, 111.
vm will fctiirt von in bnsinps
which will bring you more
money rh'ht away tl'aa anything else in thi
world. Anyone can do the work and live a!
home. Hither sex : all aes Something new
that just coin oi ey for all workers. We will
start von ; capital not needed. Tlii is one of
the genuine. lDip' riant chances of n lifetime.
Those who arc urrhiiions ;md ei.torprisiii will
not delay, (tnind outfit free. Address TiiVR
& Co., Augusta, Maine. 3Gly
Mil Classes, i.
t.M-a.1 t furnish o1tp with e 111 TMOVmen t
;it home, the whole of the time, or for their
it:ih'. 1'ersoiis of either sex easily fc.rii from
50 cents to $.1.00 per evening, and a proportion
.I mm hv .t..i-j.riTir titi'.e to ttte bus!
r I.., .w 11 -I i ir!4 i.;irn Tifirl :vs mllfh &S
men. That nil who fee this miy fend their
adilrt'ss and t.'t the business. w make this
offer. To such a- are not well satisfied we will
send one dollar to j.av for the trouble of wrlt
iiiz. r ull t iTt'Ciilars and outfit tree. Address
Ukokgk Snxjo.; & Co., Portland, Maine.
H B A 1 t f 10 he made. Cut this on
61 S 1 Y 3 p J and return to ns and we
si ! 1 I 5" 4 w'" sen"l ya frcP sonie-
i n thing of great T.Vme and
5w I i aV J b ltniiortaiieo to you. that
t - 2 He? I a
for Enfnnts pnd Children.
Cxtori ia ao well adapted to children that 1 Castor! er.rr-n rv1!, CmrrHpnt
Iioniiiier.dltasiiupcriortoarijrnrcscritiUoa I four Stomru.-h, 1 nurrhrna, fcru.-tuiion,
Laovtu to me." It. A. Audita, M. I)., Kili,:.1.'S Kivca i'u3 dfc
111 Bo. Oaioi J L, L-rooUu, N. Y. WiUicut injurious medic utioo.
Tua CiiPi-icu Cum' axy, Vsi Fulton BtrertTE,
Down With High Prices!
8old Direct to Consumers.
Tlie "Liiilo Dttcciive," $3.00
D. PoHtal RivoB PoutaKO In CEHTSt
VVi;!gli8 fruin uz. to 23 10s.
TALIILY SCALES, 240 lbs., $5.
Platform Scales, SI I to $20.
FcrCsaji4BiactsmitJis' Tools.
Korico aiitl K.!t ttf 'I'iiuIh, tHB.
7-':irim-r!i tan il ) i.clil Jilia, kuvIiik tlmo
eud inouuy. Auvll.s vLcb. A-u., tc
OfllV lll.'imi fnrt lirora in AmnHca
CSlll IlOt iltlljr hut till- h.-Ht of liUKlloU
Bi,ei:l for humlnysof all Bculoi
2-Ton 6xl2S40.
kl 3-Ton 7xl350.
fill r y 1
V'h U Ttenm Itox ml llrass H-hiii with
r&V.l.' 1a S.:ul.-.i ol Iter arl.-l I.-h. Also,
-i -Trurks. WI..-ell.t-r..u- i si,..i i.
rm, rci-ii miiik. fy ITcxrn, Moll-
; vy Drawers, ( lot ien i Iukctb unj
. &.11 Ihirilw.-irii S l:ilttiM.
l.2l-l"ffi Kfl.4.Wrltr!it 1 llll lh 'J1
i!H:r '::::
r vj s- t u c i -1- i;: Fit k t- v
C,n TO 18.
-rnU-r lfertly li n 1 -1 1 - t, ininrm enietit
.'ii i iu fin... i fiiuieiii, i.jilt iv
Wiilnut 1 11 uru, cfititiiiu
fni; i full si t ot liUebt I iii
jii nveil jMUii l,isni. V. ar-
1 an tea peilcct. b;u u mouty.
'ifjKl for Circulars.
Chicago Sca!3 Go.,
131 S.J(Jrcri(SiiSl..niir-tn,- '.
S l ', I ? i if:'? M BS i4 5S5 I -i.
'SftHHU P' 1 .-''a V : ; r ZS r- -
E Tii''T.'T' :n:ii-V m ttHii 1 1
U T ' M n -l
Fac-similo of Patent Chess and Checkerboard. d
VertiBimr the celehrated fynvita Block. ltumelies
nd a KEWAKI) OF WI,au. Jf you tail tu
nd It on this smuil board rail on vour drutrirtst fo
ull-size. Handsome! v l.ithotrrauhoJ board- i'lUili.
vr tciiu vtiuiA lur pustule ua.
tYom Mason Long, the Converted Gambled
Tom Wayne, Intl., April S, 14. I have Kiven th
Fyn vita Contjli Hloeks a thorough trial. They eured
my little f'irl (3 years' old) of Croup. My wife and,
niother-m-lnw were troubled with couKhs of loni
Ptandinif. Ono packaje of the Blocks has curui
Uiuoi so they can utllt "as only women do."
Masos Lokq.
liTMA. O., J.m. 2o, 1SS7. The 8ynvita Worm Bloclt
acted like a charm in cxpellifti vornis from uiy lit
tie child. The child is im-.T well and hearty. Instead
Of puny und tickly as hcXore. ,
TJib 17 Diarrhira and DrsenterT Cliftrkpr.
Dklphos, O., July 7th, 'Sfi. Our six-months olit
child had a severe attack of Summer Complaint.
Physicians could do nothing. In despair we tried,
pynvita Bluckherry Block-. recommended by a,
friend and a few doses etrectud a complete cure
Accept our heartlelt indorsement of your Black
berry Blocks. Mu. am. J. B A At'.
The Synvita Block Itemedies ara
The neatest thine out, by far.
Pleasant, Cheap. Convenient, Sure,
Handy, Keliable, liarmless and Pure
No box; no teaspoon or ftiekv bottle. Put tip tr
patent packages, ii.t Ixtsr.H 25 Cents. Wan
ranted to cure or money refunded. Ask your drugy
gist. If you fail to pet thtm send price to
THE SYNVITA CO., Dolphos, Ohio,
For Ie1r:tlt.v, i:yiW-pla,
VeaLtteiiN E.:n7iiti-, liiitv
erlhd it:l Clrt iilu
Iron of tlie liiiod, lo of A p
petite. l)pranz'n:fnt ot"
l.lvt-r. HerruufcUfM. Ialplts
tinn nf th Urart, t'ul.'l t eel,
itrafcne, Female
nc, and In t:ct all disorder
nrlnlr, frunj a low State of
the blood, itnd a l)lrifred
( onditioa of tUe liKtlvo
Oif :inm.
Its eilect on the human eystjm la
Br exrttine the stomach to perfect
diWesti n of tood. it enriches ai d
strenethens the blood, civir.n tuna
and Vitmr to the whoie tysttta. tha
irli.wof healtii. elastic ctens. and
--r:i buoyant tpirits. cirini; ample evl.
I ue:ice OA i.a ui;ut;iiviai , n.v3.
J If conettpatei nae Ilesselroth
I Gelatine-Coated Blood and Liver
I r.n. TV. .-.w nj t . .-i m i .ra i I, n nthn.
- j I II1S. 1 JCi i ii-j uiuii. iu... . ..ii
l'-""ii- pills, and are greatly
superior. Ask your DnitT .si inriiwimmio s T.
lh wineof Iron (Price il ;wr Bottle; "i bo:tles,Ja.
Biii Hesseirnih s Bioo.l and l.iver Piils put
box: five boxes. Si), or send direct to
U'n'SD'CE BESSELLOIB. lOTCLicago iTN,Ct5fago.
Wf y Cl
0 0
W b 5 Of w b
i:1 tf.-?Jy i-Ztllill .
n i.r i .- '.-I .ir.wi r . - -i : : b--ti : ii I
i- irreirr r
lea dT3B2-
.7 n r. ,
J V" 7
'IIE superiority of Corallno oXffcr h&z
or whalebone haa now oeen aetc
onstratod by over Blx years ezpei
i , .i-. tt- la mnrft fi 1 1 rn il n mriA
pliablo. more comfortable, and H
Tho immense sale of tlieso Corset9 S3
now over 7000 daily.
Boware of worthless Imitations tKHHSJ
with various kinds of cord.
None are genuino unless "Df Wat
nor'o Corolino" 13 printed oa iaade?
tho Btecl cover.
259 State Streofe
: t ?
( r- i"'
i li t r. i 'i
f r. . M i ' r.', . r.f
X J.'.W rW. . ii '.. i, . w j J. V . . 1.
v is ;i 1 ill! ! : : . '
rr . op T 1
I 1 1 I U V . . -I W 1. 1 J .! W i.
J )t:S!;:t Vot.r 1 1 -.r--L b Chji.k ; CM
T1 1 1 1 -
rr nankins
COPVol Tvci
UKAtYil I I. Hi1C,
It t'ivMtliv LAtibUfi'lf
nud Sentlmml ot tv'-J
Filler iid Shrub, '.ih&l
dilieiei.t kind. A . a.4
tie Kr.rvt Pallet trt rtl.-4
lion wtiii t.".c, fitmi,
Kaniikcrcbiiit tij fjtt. tl
l- llil'Ktlt ccuitll oi
eit' tlie k'.iiit r pul
li-l'.ed. Sell iiftKvi
CcniH in s';iiej
a sun. pie copy, inn ciw
l.rice to a'entf. AM tv
wtnitei) tveryiukcie.
Yer.t!: Street, r-hil.J ,, K !
A p DTS xllh.
1 A rail s i.
t-tf I
-If nit-; i
WAltAXi l it
"STocK7fK3. Sot
CrcuUr. r
E. C. lAOVi li & CO.,
y-'Z.zz ii. o t ii tie., i'luia.,
TTp.9 n Ktanrlar'l of cxccllcnco Vrlilcll
ad m ltd ;f no f-ufx rior.
Itcoatuirn cvr-ry iraprOTemontthatlxiveillYp
gtiuiuu, tikiil uud Laonc-y ciu pruUuco.
f . ! Mm
I :: -." - ,i i. 5
- . . : ,1
Tijc.e rp-
re ccebratcd for YCti-
nine, f;..-i.;:y
f t-..::e.
rrOi-sc. variety of conv
Lif::ui'iii. Bit: -:i, b any in nieh, perfect
n'li-r-'il! :! e -.:"! '1 11 llurn.! ni: i.iri i vn .na
-- .'.- v.-.-., - ....... ,HVU t.l , v.
Uii i iii .:i.-W.s nr6';i:.i lor hvuitt, BCadalSw
clii:rche. i.vlt. tcW.:vi, etc.
coirnixiD, MAiis mis
Inetraclisn Csolo azi Fiona Stools.
Catalogues cxi Tc'.co Uztz, ca trt-Uoatlco, TSXMi
TIIE superiority of Corallno otffcr htJ
R or whalebone naa now oeen aeca
1 onstratod by over Blx years ozpei
i tt- la mnrft finrorilrt. mnro
WWII K"!9-tk51 T
I.-Tf"1 BLS.V