Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 22, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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Publishers & Proprietors.
Is published every Thursday morning. Office,
uirner of vino and Fifth streets.
WEKKLV, by mall.
O'0 Off ae year S3 00
Uun copy one year (in advance) 1 5')
One copy ilx months " 75
lleiflirtd at tri- I'ont OGce, ITattemouth, ax
second lass matter.
Call for the Meeting at Lincoln In
The Kobublican Hectors of tlie'state '.ot Ne
braska arc requested to send delegates from
the several coimtie-t, to meet In couvcution at
the. opera house, in the city,of;Lincoln, Wed
nesday, October r, 1X87, at 8 o'clock i. in., for
tlio puroose of3i aclng In'. nomination candi
dates for oue associate Justice of the supreme
court, and for two members of the board of
regents of the Mate university, and to transact
such other business as may be presented to the
Tlio several counties are. entitled to lepre
pcntalion as follows, being based upon the
vote cact for Hon. .lolin M. Thayer, noverncr,
In 1KKU, Klvin one delegate to each new
"county, one dclcate-at-large to each county,
and one for each 150 votes and the major frac
tion thereof :
Antelope ...
Cedar.... ..
Kuril tut
Oosper i..
.... l
.... 15
...... 0
.. ....
Jefferson ....
Johnson ....
Key a i aba. .
:riier.jon . .
Nemaha ....
Nuckolls ...
lted Willow.
. 11
Unorganized i'er'y
It is recommended that no proxies be admit
ted to the couventicn except such as are held
by persons residing in the counties from which
proxies are gi?cn.
Walter 51. Skely, Secretary,
George W. Bi'kton. Chairman.
Republican Primaries.
The republican county convention for
Cass county, will meet at Plattsmoutl
Oct. 1st, 1887, for the purpose of select
in"1 15 delegates to the state convention
to be held in Lincoln Oct. 5th, 1S87, and
15 delegates to the judicial convention
to be held at the same place and date
also, to place in nomination, candidate
for the following county offices:
County Treasurer. County Clerk, Register
Deeds, Sheriff, County Superintendent of In
etruction. County Judije, Clerk of District
Court, Corouer, Surveyor and County Commis
eioner, 2nd District,
The primaries will be held at the re
gpectivc places throughout the county
Saturday. September 24th, 1S87, for the
purpose of selecting delegates to the
county convention. The representation
of the various precincts will be as fol
riattsmoutu 1st Ward, 6 votes,
2nd " 6
3rd - 11
4th " 7 '
Precinct 7 "
Rock Bluffs 0
Liberty . 8
lit. Tleasant 5
Eight Mile Grove 7
Louisville 10
Center . 6 "
Weeping Water 20
Stove Creek 9
F.lmwood 8 "
South Bend 5
Salt Creek 10
Greenwood 8 '
Tipton 7
Tetal 158 ,,
II. C. Ritchie, M. M. Bctxkr,
Sec'y, Chairman.
Mus. S. R. Bokdex, of Tonica, 111.,
died last Sunday. This makes the total
number of deaths, eighty, caused by the
awful Chatsworth wreck.
It will be a wonder if the democratic
press does not oppose the carrying of
captured rebel Hags in the procession nt
Philadelphia as a republican bloody shirt
TnE Louisville Observer is giving the
Omaha police a few rounds which they
verily deserve, but cast not your pearls
before the Omahogs, lest they turn again
and rend you.
TnE president and party have decided
to stop only one hour in Omaha. Even
for that short stop, it might be well for
them to get an order from the mayor in
otrnMinrr the noliccmcn not to arrest
O W uvn0 &
TnE streets of New York were flooded
Saturday with circulars denouncing the
supreme court of Illinois for condemning
the seven "workmen" to death. The
real workmen are the ones that arc insulted.
Two Schools of Finance
A "good illustration of the operation
of opposite; tendencies in finances is
found in the recent history of the United
States and Canada, respectively. Tli!
following figures show tho public debt
of each year of the two countries twenty
years ago and now.
1807. 1887.
U. S $2,508,151,211 $l,2fi!),774,.'W.
Canada.. 100,000,000 300,000,000.
The figures for the United States are
those of debt of all kinds, less cash in
the treasury on July 1, 18'J7, and on Sep
tember 1 1887. The figures for Canada
are close approximations for each date.
It will be noticed that w ithin two de
cades past the United States has reduced
its indebtedness almost one-half, w hile
the debt of the Canadian Confederation
in the samo period has been tripled.
The problem in the United States has
been how to spend the revenue which
has been pouring into the treasury with
out paying off the debt too rapidly.
The problem in Canada has been to make
receipts equal necessary expenditures,
leaving the debt untouched. Canada, in
fact, has been following the system in
vogue in most of the countries of Conti
nental Europe in dealing with its debt.
It can hardly be said, of course, that the
United States1 method has been patterned
after England's, because this country
adopted tlio policy of paying off its obli
gations as rapidly as possible long before
Great Britain became actually alive to
the necessity of reducing the burden of
its public indebtedness.
An inquiry into the character of the
principal item composing the debt of the
United States and Canada is instructive.
Nearly all the indebtedness of the former
has been a legacy of the civil war, while
the latter has never had a war worth' of
the name since the establishment of the
confederation. Neither of the two Kiel
insurrections, of course, can be dignified
with the title of war, any more than can
any one of the half dozen contests which
the United States has waged agarnst the
Indians in the past twenty years. A
large part of Canada's debt is the result
of subsidies to railroads. The United
States, too, has made large subsidies to
ranroaus uesiucs granting tliem immense
tracts of laud. But the amount of this
expenditure has, in the case of the United
States, been returned many times over in
the development of the country's re
sources which the assisted railroads have
brought, while in tho case of Canada the
expenditure still continues to be virtu
ally unproductive.
Although Canada contains only about
one-twelfth the population of the United
States, its ratio of increase in number of
inhabitants is much less than ours. The
debt of Canada today amounts to about
S-oo loreacu man, woman unci child in
rv r i - i.i-i
the Dominion, while the per capita of
debt in the United States is about $2
If an inaccurate comparison could be
made u pon wealth, the disparity between
the weight of the debt burden which
the people of the two countries respec
tively are called upon to bear would be
found to be much greater. And while
this burden is steadily decreasing in the
United States, it is growing at an alarm
ing ratio in Canada. In view of these
facts it is not surprising that the volume
of emigration from the Dominion into
this country, and the causes which pro
duce it, have become a subject of grave
concern to Canadian statesmen.
The United States long ago became im
pressed with the great truth that a debt
is as burdensome and depressing to a
nation as to an individual, and the pol
icy of the leading American statesmen
has been, and is still, to pay it off at the
earliest practicable moment. Canadian
publicists, on the other hand, have been
exponents of the vicious and demoraliz
ing doctrine that a national debt is a na
tional blessing, which is still dominant
in many countries in Europe, especially
France. The steady and alarming ex
pansion in the liabilities of the Dominion
is one of the principal factors in the re
cent growth in the sentiment in that re
gion in favor of annexation to the United
States, while its influence on this coun
try is naturally to make annexation un
popular. St. Louis O lobe-Democrat.
Public opinion throughout Canada is
decidedly shaping itself against the Gov
ernment's threatened coercion policy to
ward Manitoba, if that province does not
submit in the Red River road difficulty.
Last Sunday the Government asked and
obtained an injunction restricting the
further construction of the road. This
action raised a storm of disapprobation
in which the press of the country joined
almost universally. The Toronto Globe,
a paper w hich reflects pretty accurately
the opinion of intelligent Canadians, in
ternets this action as no less an attempt
than to deprive, not simply Manitoba
but the other provinces as will, of their
provincial liberties. In an article recent
ly published that piper takes a bold posi
tion, and appeals to the Canadians rf
the older provinces to support the Mani-
tobans in their present conflict. The ar
ticle thus closes: "If Canadians do not
promptly remonstrate against the Gov
ernment that has dared to prostitute the
Federal authority to the service of a mo
nopoly, they stand liable to be scrunchci
in turn, and will deserve the scrunching
richly for callously concurring in a most
iiif.iiiious attempt at oppression." This
is pretly vigorous language, but scarcely
less so is the opinion of a Winnipeg par
per, me i tee i-rtss, whien says: "it is
useless to shriek treason and rebellion
The question is: Have we the right to
build the road? If we have, that is all
wc c are to know. It may be treason, it
may be rebellion, it may be anything
else, but all the tyranny and sneaking in
the world cannot deprive us of it, and we
will be justified in asserting it in the face
of the cohorts of injustice. If the money
is procurable the Red River Valley road
must and shall be built." These quota
tion represent the opinions both of the
people of Manitoba and the older prov
inccs. There is no doubt that resistane
to the bitter end will be carried out. Be
tween the instance of the Manitobans
then, and the Dominion Government'
determination to squelch this cuterprisi
things are getting badly mixed up; and
lively times in the prairie province are
quite likely to result. Olobe Dem.
The administration party remains di
VHictl upon the question ot its revenue
policy. This is a fact which is made ap
parent ly a comparison of recent utter
auces of state conventions of the party
in reference to the tariff. Take, for ex
ample, the tariff planks in the Penn
sylvania and Iowa platforms which hav
been put forth within the week. The
Pennsylvania plank affirms the declara
tions made by the convention of 1880,
and recommends, as a measure to pre
vent the accumulation of the surplus, a
"wise and prudent" reduction of inter
nal taxation and of duties on imports in
accordance with that declaration. The
convention of 188G declared in favor of
"a fair revision of the revenue laws,
which would not deprive American la
bor of the ability to compete success
fully with foreign labor, nor impose low
er rates of duty than would be ample to
cover any increased cost of production
which might exist in consequence of the
higher rate of wages prevailing here,
This result is regarded as a victory for
Mr. Randall and for protection. In low
on the other hand, a very different
plank has been put in the party platform
The followers of the administratis
there declare in favor of the immediate
reduction of the tariff to a revenue basis.
and favor the retention of the internal
revenue tax on intoxicating liquors anc
tobacco, and protest against its proposed
reductien as a means of maintaining the
tariff. The two wings, it is evident, are
no nearer together than ever. Brad-
A Decision has just been rendered by
the Iowa supreme court which will raise
an important question to be settled b
the supreme court of the United States.
Suit was brought last spring afainst the
owner of a distillery to enjoin him from
manufacturing alcoholic spirits. The
owner of the distillery defended on the
ground that he manufactured entirely
for export within the state and that no
portion of his product was sold in Iowa
and that to interiere with a business car
ried on with citizens of other states
would be to attempt to regulate interstate
commerce and thus to encroach upon the
domain of congress. The court, how
ever, granted the injunction, holding the
right of the state to prohibit the manu
facture of alcohol to be absolute no mat
ter what may be the destiny of the pro
duct, and that interstate commerce is not
interfered with because the manufacture
of the liquor is prevented before it be
comes a subject for transportation. This
is the cas? which has to be passed upon
by the court of last resort. The Iowa
decision, as win le seen, gives the policy
power of the state a wide potency.
iiiE Oihciai ngures ot the lexas pro
hibition canvass, which have iust been
published, reveal two surprising fact
The vote for prohibition (129,278) is
about C0,000 more than most' persons
outside the state supposed the amend
ment would get, and the total yote (350,
905) is greater than anybody either in
side or outside the state believed would
be polled. The yote, indeed, was more
than 25.000 greater than cast in the pres
idential canvass three years ago, and
more than 47,090 in excess of that polled
at the exciting election for governor
last fall. - The majority against the amend
ment (92,354) was large, to be sure,
but as the prohibitionists polled 27,000
votes more than the republicans ever did
in that state, and G4,000 more than they
did last November, the cold-water men
have no especial cause to be discouraged
at the showing they made at the first at
tempt to display their strength. Olobe
Tins country rather prides itself upon
its tolerance of the right of free siceeb,
!ut is it a thin" to be proud of that a
latant anarchist like Herr Most can
opemy denounce the members ot the
:;preiue court of a state as "infamous
;ud blood-thirsty fools," aud not have
his wcasand compressed? Omaha Rep.
A Victory for Prohibition.
The trial of Mum-rath, charged with
eonsiiracv in the murder of Rev. llad-
- -j
dock, of Sioux City, closed at f:K0 p. m.
Saturday and the jury agreed at u p. in.
yesterday afternoon, finding him guilty
of manslaughter.
The verdict is received with general
approval and the state encouraged by its
success will proceed immediately with the
trial of those known to have had a hand
in the murder, and it is believed by some
that Muncrath and hi friends will yet
turn state's evidence and become prose
cuting witnesses. In case this should
come about the state will without doubt
be able to carry a complete victory over
the men implicated in that crime and
bring them to the punishment which
they heartily deserve. The extreme pen
alty for manslaughter in Iowa, is eight
venrs in the penitentiary. Muncrath's
sentence will be pronounced next Mon
WI. E. Confereneo,
The Nebraska Conference of the M. E.
church will hold its twenty seventh ses
sion in St. Paul's church at Lincoln be
ginning AVednesday, Sept. 21st at nine
o'clock aud will continue over the fol
lowing Sabbath. This meeting is of in
terest to many people throughout south
eastern Nebraska.
Bishop John F. Hurst will preside,
nil representative men and women of
the church will be present and speak at
different times. The forenoons will be
devoted to the business of the conference
the afternoons and evenings to meetings
on behalf of various Methodist enter
prises. An interesting feature will be
the Lay Electoral Conference which will
meet on Thursday.
The Course of Human Events.
Ilerr Most is using threatening language
against the execution of the Chicago an
archists. From past observation of the
course of human events we are enabled
to publish his obituary in adyance:
Died Ilerr Most, of strangulation,
brought on by excessive use of threats
against U. S. government, and the pro
mulgation of dynamite bombs. He was,
during his time, addicted to the enforc
ing of his own ideas, which were con
trary to the benefit of society. Any one
caught mourning his decease will be fin
ed ?10 and costs.
A rather amusing incident occured
the other evening on No. 1, at Culbert
son. Some one wishing to get rid of a
yellow cur dog, put a tag 'on it, then
slipped around and tied it on the front
end of the baggage car. When the train
started, the conductor, on the lookout
for tramps, discovered the dog, and took
him into the car. On one side of the
tag was written "Denver or bust!" and
below this was; "Hector Cleveland. My
pa for president of the United States in
188S." On the other side was, "John
Arkans, Pres.' of the llocloj Mountain
Neios. Please announce my arriyal. I
beat the blind baggage from Omaha."
The dog was taken as far as Stratton,
another tag put on, and sent back to Cul
bertson on No. 2. On one side of tag
was written: "Agent at Culbertson." On
the other: "Burt Risley, Cidbertson lle-
ve'Ille. Please announce my return to
Culbertson. I was bounced by the G. A.
R. before I got two miles from town.
Hector Cleveland's pa wont get there in
18S8." JlcCook Gazzette.
lnE Uhicago anarchists have a very
high regard for their lives, as thev are
going to appeal for executive clemency.
They did not value the lives of others at
the Hay Market last May a year ago, so I
they will haye to swing.
i he sentiment in iavor or tanir is
growing rapidly in the south, the cause
of which is the increase in value of the
property; in the last seven years the
crease is over 900,000,000.
TnE corn palace jubilee at Sioux City
promises to be a fine success. The enter
prise is a novel one and is attracting na
tional attention.
Tjie Hastings Gazttte-Jotinial is set
ting forth the necessity of paved streets
to the citizens of that place.
Tue motto of the Manitobans seems to
be "A Red River Valley road or burst."
Preparation of the Sardine.
To prepare the sardine in its perfection
it should be boiled alive in oil, like an old
martyr. If this cannot bo done, then it
should be cooked as soon after death as
possible. It is alleged against some of
the patent nets that the fLh dies at once
in their pockets and its quality is greatly
deteriorated. The manner of cooking i3
simple. As soon as possible after the
fish is caught it is clipped in a kettle of
uing ohve oil. Care must be taken
that the oil is not burned or used too
many times over, and that the fish is not
kept in it too long. The implement used
is made of wire, in two parts, something
like a toasting rake, with hinges, the
fishes being laid on one Fide and tie other
being closed over them, keeping them in
place. San Francisco Chronicle.
The "Neisborlug Darner."
A new trade for women in Albany ia that
of "neighboring darner." The woman who
follows it has for her customers a dozen or
twenty households, each of which she visit?
weekly, and spends a few hours I doing up
tho family darning aud mending.
A.Doniey IMdo to Aboti Sr.
Tho doiik-oj- rido to Almu Seer li the
hardest on tlx? tour. It la through deep
criiid. and often tho tiny donkeys Kink
until your feet so drag as to iuqiodo your
progress. You cannot walk. In mercy
to your donkey you wish you could.
Your study of tho poor animal convinces
you that "ho lias great patience. Tho
driver is a model of foilearaneo; there is
nlwavs, however, n perfect understanding
between donkey and driver. Although
tho pror lx.'ast is continually goadod and
his tail twisted to make linn po, or cue
nnshed lirxlilv to ritrht and left, ami ev(
eeized by tho head and lifted to suit tl ion of tho master ho bears
blandly and seems to feel that ho must
deserve it or he never would l:o so tort
ii red. Ho is a fatalist, and Wliev
that, after all. ho is a "t'ood don
kev" to his driver. For does he not ho,'
his driver tell the howud ii eo, a hundred
tinifs e.ieli d:iv?
Thoro are nearly a thousand synonyms
in Arabic for donkey, nil tender and en
dearing. And then do I not know that
vlirn tlio noon muezzin sounds t7ie don
key and driver retire to pome quiet fchadj
and havo their loving make upsr 1 l.avo
watched the human member of tho firm
as he came with tho meal of choppM
straw for his net. I never saw such
mutual coddling and lovo signaling and
tender understanding in all mv experi
ence. It is melting. Tho boy's face Kuans
with Einiles wlulo ho calL-i lus donkey
names in tho softest tones; and the
homely animal bo shakes lii.3 bead, tnnj
his eves, and oscillates his neck as to
brighten his humble physiognomy into
new expression. Edward L. "Wilson ;
Tho "Ol!ico Hoy" Question.
Our reformers would do well to tako
cognizance of tho "office boy" question
It is no small one, either. It alb-cta
every branch of business. It is a diffi
cult thing nowadays to get hold of a good
ollice boy. Out of fifty applicants
not moro than three or four will l
worth considering. The Ijoys of today
Fcem to lack amhition and mako little
effort to advance themselves. Most boys,
even at the ago of 11. or 15, begin lifo
sadly provided in tho way of education.
being poor writers and spellers and
knowing nothing of grammar. It is tho
lack of earnestness "that is deplorable
They can keep posted on basuball, horse
races and prize fights, but that's about
all they care for.
Occasionally ono meets with a bright
l)oy, quick at figures and intelligent, but
these boys develop tendencies which
make it unsafe to trust them with money,
bo great are tho temptations to a boy who
has not been grounded right when bo
was at his mother's knee. Tins is es
pecially so of city boys who tiro always
the answerers of want advertisements,
Country toys cannot aiford to live in tho
city on $3 or 4 a week. Country boys
are much more useful than city reared
lads, because they havo plenty of ambi
tion. Ii they haven't at first, a few
months in tho city will arouse it. Alono
in a big city a country lxy will naturally
be spurred on by his very lonesorneness,
I do not think the fault is in tho small-
ness of the wages paid, as a business man
will pay extra for a good, No. 1 boy. I
am afraid the causo lies deeper. Busi
ness Man in Gloue-Democrat.
Superstitions About Wood Demons.
From tho Tyrol, from Switzerland,
from Germany or from Brittany, come
well ascertained accounts of the popular
belief in certain wild spirits of the wood.
who are painted in all tho most frightful
shapes the imagination can suggest, and
are characterized by their delight in
every possible form of malevolence.
They kidnap and devour children, le-
witch the cattle, and lead men to lose
their way in tho forest. They can as
sume any size, from the most diminutive
to the most gigantic; nor is any form of
bird or beast an impossible impersonation
of them. The Skongman, the forest
spirit of Sweden, is like a man, but tall
as the highest tree; ho decoys men into
the wood, and, when they have hopelessly
lost their wav, and begin to ween for
fear, leaves them with mocking laughter.
The conception is well nigh identical
with that found among the natives of tho
forests of Brazil, showing with what uni
formity similar conditions produce similar
effects on the human mind. But tho
Russian spirits Ljesclii (from a Polish
word for wood) are even more significant;
for not only are the usi;al diabolical at
tributes assigned to them, such ar tho
leading of men astray or the sending to
them of sickness, but also the conven
tional diabolical features. Their bodies
are after tho human pattern, but they
have the cars and horns of goats, their
feet are cloven, and their fingers end in
claws. The Russian wood spirit is, in
fact, the devil of media-val imagination
and nothing else. Gentleman's Maga
zine. 3 t
Absolutely Pure-
This powiler i-j ver varit'. Arnarvpl f er.r-
ity, etren-i'ii ai;l wlicleonieuess. Mor eco
lu mical t jan tlie oruinarv kinds. ;m! ciinimt tie
Fo ri in co :;r-erit: n with the multitude .f low
tpf t, slior weight alum or phosiiiiate powders.
So d ouly iri e u s. Koyal l'owiKit
Co.,l0CWall St. New York. si-tici
Tr 0 YA LPS S3 ji xj
I1 Pf &
Scrofulous, Inherited and Con
tagious Humors Cured
by Cuticura.
TV II KOI'i ; II the mi tl in in of one of your liookn
received HiroiiuH Mr. J-'liink T. Wniy,
l)nit;i;IM. ApHlla, 1'a., 1 lierauui uruulliletl
wilii your ( ITU l lu I.'kmkiiIh.h, nurt lake IliU
opporlmitv to tesllfy to you lliftt Hu ll live lias
jxTiiiiini-i.lly euri'd in of nui- nf 1 lie worst ciihes
of l!iioit j. si j 1 1 i i : , in i-onni-i't inn willi TMi', l l h.ivc t-M l Si'i-,1, :t n I i ill ii r hii iiK
ln-i'ii ronounrr! Incur thin liy some ot the In st
ili) sici.iiiM in i in eoiiiilry. 1 liikf mciit
!! Ill !l W.-llV. ilU' t) J Oil "tlli.S I'-sUlil.illl.J, 1111-
so'u-iti'd a il i hy you, in older that i them
f uili iiiiK lroni similar maladit s may he encour
aged to (.dve y in- 'i"i i tj:a i; km k'hii h a trial.
1-. H. Will i i l.Noi lt. i.i cclil.uri; l a.
Inference: I'iiak T, Vykav, JJruilff,
Jaiee !C. Iilch.irdson, Ufloni House, J.Vw
(riean. on at h sayn : "In m;h si-i ..I uioiis I 1 -civs
1 1 1 1 1 . oiil on lay lod on; II 1 :i iiiiim
1 ui i . i ) 1 1 . 1 1 . l: vi t l.ii'ir known t o t he liu-ii i
cal tiicuity was tried in vain. I Ix-can.c a ineru
wreck. At. t much could not, lift lay hands to
1 1 1 y head, could not turn in ln-d ; w:is in con
stant pain, and looked U .ii lilt- an :i curse. Wo
relief or eiire in ten years. In lsso 1 heard of
the Ci.'Tii x if a Kk.micdiks, used Ihein, and was
perfectly cured."
Sworn to belore V. S, Com. J. 1. CiiAwi'onu . 'a in: yvoiimt cani-:.
We have heen i-HUhk yourl'i 'i iri'ttA ICKMi:-ill-.n
for eais, and have the lirnt complaint yet
to leceive from a nui chawer. One ol the wor.-t
cases of Scrofula 1 ever saw was cured hy tlio
u-ie of live b. tl les of Ct'Tirt'KA ! I-s'M.v knt
( iTli i HA.iiiiil CiTirniA t-oAU. 'the Soap
takes I he 'eiike'' here as n medicinal fsouii,
XAVLOli & 1'AVl.OU, Linci ists.
1'iuiikfoit, Kan.
Hcstoi-Ti.orw, t ni:t:n t;i.
Aud Contagious Humors, wilh I,of-s of Hair,
ami Kriiidions ol the iikui. are positively cured
hy Cmn in and 'e i iciua Sdai- ex leriially.
and ( l th i i:a I;;nt internally, when
all other f.iil. send for l'aiiihlct.
imi (,;ih'i i'hi; Tisjcai.
We have obtained catisfactory refultn from
thf use of the ( utici;r;i l.emedies in our- own
family, ami recommend Ihein beyond any oth
er lemedies tor direa.-es of the .skin and blood.
1 ho demand for them glows as their inc.i its be
come known,
.MACAUU.AN &.CO.. Dnitjk'islH, l.alro'je, Pa.
I'Ti cv u a ie y.M i: i i g;s
are sold evt lyw here. Price; (itk i;ha. tho
i.reat Hun Cine, f,o cts. ; (. m i, vn , s,,aj- au
Kxiiui-ite Beam nier, oc-ts. ; ( i i h t ka Kksoi -VKNT.the
New l.lood I'uriiler, oil. 1'ottj.u
JIULO AM) Cjll.JIII-AI.Co., lio-ton
pi JilJ'tK-S, Ijlackheads.Ski,, Flemishes, ami
- Baby J Humus, use Cu riet itA ,NoAr
O&oizing Catarrh..
Have you awakened from a disturbed sieen
with all the horrible sensations of an assain
eiuiehnu.' your throat ami pi essii,,M lie life
biealh from your lightened chest' Have vou
noll.-ed thelan-noriuid debility ,l:if sui.c,.(1
the olu rt to clear your throat and head of thia
catarrhal matter? U .hat a depreinK inlluenc,
U, i n Vl "TV" V" -l'"""K l In memory
and 1.1, u.vfthc -bead with pairs and .-Irani;-noises
How .!,i;,cn!t it in to rid t he na.sal pas
sages throat and luns, of this p.-i-omius nu
cusal can tes i-y who arealllieled with catarrh.
How oi;tn -ult to i ndect the system at'iiinst it
,,r.nerfcrot:rr.s tewiuds , ,. luuyX
kidt.ej-. all physicians will admit., ft is ;i tent
bb' disea-e. and cries out for relief ;.nd cure
Ihe le-n. likable curative powers, when ail
oilier remedies utterly fail, of sanhiiu.'
KAl.K A l. Ce Uk. are attested by t housand
who .L'i; lefnily recommend it to fellow-mlier-eiH.
No statement i-made lcL-ardie It that
cannot be saibst.i. iiat .d by the. most resjiecta
ble and re.mblei i ferei.ces.
Kaeh pa.-!-ot contains one boltte of the KaiI
OAI.Cl UK. one. box of C.ATAI'IMIAI. Soi.VKNT
and an 1 m i i;.,vi-.i. Imialki:. wlth tieatiM,
ami diiections, and is sold by all d i u;i-ts for
i'uTTiat Drug & Ciikmicai. Co., Ko.stox.
Tm ci
:V f. .11 I. M t s,:.
.T: -A . J.'.'k Acliiii! b.i Its. I.irw un.l u.l
f r-rCn m- and uteiine pains, v. eiikncHH mt
i-r '.-. lliibimat ion ciiiii-ii ....ii..:,.
Its venule ciwl.l... I i
""'i- ii, nil, ii ii anu nervous
,-E.painr; and strains rcl i v r-l in
mi by that new. elegant and infallible
a?lt to nam :mil jtifl-iin-,ti..,i ,i... ....s
r.-i Anti-I'aiii fl.:ster. -jr, cct.! i f,.,-, .
at nil Uni'iMs r lVriKjt iniv) ash Cukmi-
CAL, i ., Boston.
Sheriffs Sale.
S.ho waiter. lerk iitlliu I livt i i.t i i. :..
. ,. , . ' - ' - "'invi.iniiv, 1 L IJ I U
and for ' as county, "ebraska. and to me di-
, . , - 1 ""; -iul ' teinbcr. A.
II.. ihi. :it, 1 iK-liii-k ii hi if i,i .i.
'.. ' . , I' "i niuu il, l .IL LIMJ
SOlIt h door of t he iiiu i I i,.i,.u I,, ...i.i ,
sell at public auction tlio following real estate,
The north wit, ourirfer of iim t.,ti,,.t
ouarter in w 1. of s ..iuin,.i...'ii. i,..if,..,'i
ol of J he soutliwest ouarter d' Section number
V. - ' o.-ii'i' 0 umoer 1 i-ii i in) 1101 1 n ol raiiKU
No fomteeii (1 j) tn C;i-s county, Xebraska.
With the 111 ivile :mrl ,i ?ir. . i.,
- ----- ....... il ' 1.1. ill". 1 1 1 1-1 c-
nnto belon -mjj or 1,1 aiiy wise tipnerlaiuinir
The same bpiiif levirit nnun mi.-i ...,... ....
... ... ., ...... . nlil, umrii hiu
property of .Join, ( . j;ake. Defendant; to sat
isfy a judgment )f ni,d Court recovered by
A. K. Alexaniler, riaiatnT. a-.-iiin.,t said Defen
cant. riatts.-Louth. Xe'v.. Aiifrust L'itli .T)., i.ssr.
J. C Kikenbary,
23-5t Hhoriir Cass County. Neb.
II, B. VINDHAM. I'laiiifffr
L.O, yxU.fMll, Defendant
To t he non-resident: ! .. f ..... i . . . t- ...
take notice that on t lie 1'tli i-i v ,,'f
' l: 'v Wimlham the d;initi:r. h'ei'ein filed
his petino'.i in the Count v C.nrt if r-..a
eb..a-' :in-t veu. t be ni,i,.,.i 1 .. .. i
which are to recover the m'hh - f J..J, . .7
0-HO dollars. (?7.7') money iolvaiiceii for ..
10I ev ol insurance W'itten l,i- I' u.,.,;,r ...
f'-iidiinfsreo.iest. Mif an, ,1 t
thereon from said date. You are further ,
lieu that i laii.ti!! has ntied on! i,, ,fi . !,oM.-
ind in aid ef which has had eaiii-' , , '
Ksued. Tli re is now ,!e n,2 1 ,""'!f-s--
intetet. You are re.iuirr, to , .';'" iu"1
tition 011 er before tl e n "wi r;"'1 I'"-
1.7. - l"'J 01 ue:ouer,
a v i r
20-it. JOHN a! iJ.VVIFs i 411 )S ,or 1 :ir-
SherifTs Sale-
I5V VIrtllO of flu Kvo.'i't-on t.. .
Showa t. r CU-Vi f t, '" , .ny. iY.-.'-
rccted. I will on the 1st d.-.y of 'Octo'ie- 11
1 SU7, at 1 1 o'clock a . in., of L , ,1 ,1 .' ,'. A. :.. ' :
d.-orof the Court House in s-, i,i V"' 11 '
ruiibc Auction H.e f.,11,.' '.:.. V ."'".
to-wit ---.."...ii .,eai tslate-
,0i nnur" eleven (t,,r ast Whe l'.
v-o.-iny. Ai-w-a-Sit, wiru tile priviletres and au
lerfenances thereu-ito heion-u,... fc u dp
1 he K.-ime heii-i le viu.i 11 ... - T .. '1 .
property of Joh.rM.Vr'jrr: J?
l.arleslenn;m;s'AdmiMrator of the sta'o;r
I'lattirinouth. Xeb., Au'. :;o. a. 1.
Slieiiir (. ..s-t.'ou.-iry, Ne!)
IT-- S
At the ut'.-l: ?t.I.u! Fair. Isl ho:i:icd . t -
a-iMTfiri-hiirisi-i. M-tj;-i.vra-;''b-r;-i
V-;::',n. f.'tovi-: i', i:.r;; t,- -'.
t."'.v.,r;ci'.v 2-, i jv.i, br v:,ir, ui' r
rcfcl.l. llerunumbOK:..... Icn-Sr'Alr
Colony, Attt'cnwu Co.. 2Laaa.
5 i