Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, August 25, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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JA3. E. K NOTTS, Reporter.
J. II. Waterman returned from Chi
Cftgo Friday.
Mrs. Henry Ilempol loft Monday
to frienda at Ashland.
Charley 1 lowland and wife left Mon
day for a viait at Howard.
Mrs. Will Crehan left Tuesday morn
ing far Colfax Springs, Iowa.
leal estate transactions are leviving 1
and a big fall boom hue opened.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Houueworth re
turned from Burlington Sunday.
The fair greunds and track are bo-!
ing put in condition for the county fair.
Jake Coverk, of Evansvillo, Ind., is
visiting his daughter, Mrs. Grant Austin.
Fred Herrmann returned from his
vacation trip in Germany, Monday morn
ing. Mis3 Lulu Smith, of Omaha, visited
the first of the week with Miss Grace
Lew Myers, a Louisville drug clerk,
once of riattsmouth, was in the city
Mrs. Tom Mackey and daughter, of
Omaha, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Johnson.
Miss Green, of Omaha, who has been
visiting with Mrs. Charles Whitney, re
turned home last evening.
Last Thursday the Carruth canning
company received a carload of cans from
the Nebraska City factory.
Miss Blanche Oneal arrived Friday
last, to aid in the arrangements and pre
sentation of the opereta, Laila.
Rev. W. B. Alexander was called to
Phillips, Friday, on account of the severe
illness of his Bister. He returned Satur
day. Two men were up before Judge
Mathews last Thursday, charged with
drunkenness. They were each fined fiye
dollars and costs.
Wc publish this week a call from
the president of the Nebraska Soldiers
Association for a grand re-union at
Omaha, Sept. 6th.
If you want a little first-class, inno
cent amusement just patronizo the shoot
ing gallery. Prizes aro offered every day
for tho best score of shot?.
LastThursday evening the ladies of the
Episcopal church gave an ice cream social
at tho residenco of Dr. Frickie. Tho lawn
was decorated with Chinese lanterns, and
a pleasant time is reported.
Miss Mary Kennedy, of Omaha, spent
last Sunday in Plattsmouth visiting her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary Kennedy. Sho
returned horn Monday morning taking
her neice little Nellie Kennedy with her
for a short vssit.
J. P. Young is preparing for tho
pening of the city and country schools,
with a full supply of School Books,
School Supplies, Slates, School Bags and
Straps, Writing Material &c. and can
supply the wants of all at low prices,
Last Friday evening the young ladies
of tho II. E. church and Sunday school
gave an ice cream social at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. Eikenbary. The yard
was well lighted with decorative lights
and hammocks and Boats were provided
1 ue yard, was failed witn merry young
folks and the social was a success.
The Daily Journal is about to issue
another boom edition. It will probably
appear the middle of next week, and
contain several thousand extra copies.
Mr. D. O. Magoun, a printer and journal
ist who has figured in newspaper work in
"Nebraska and other portions of the west,
has been secured to aid in the enterprise.
The City Book Store which came
here in the early 6Utamer, and was under
tho management of J. II. Warren, took
its departure last Thursday. It was a
branch of the Omaha house of Ken you
& Co., and kept a first-class stock of
Goods, deserving better patronage than
it received. Mr. A. Smith, an agent for
the companv shipped the goods to
A snake story comes from Millard
Neb., something like this: On the 23rd.
of July Mr. Albert,Schroder was stacking
barley in his field and uncovered a bull
6nake about five feet in length. He
noticed the body was swelled in several
places and on killing it and cutting it
open he found five guinea eggs all sound.
He took them to the barn and placed
them under a setting hen and all
hatehed. Tho voung gunics being as
harty as any.
The home of IL C. Ritchie was the
sceno of an interesting event last Friday
evening. The attraction being a night
booming cereus. The flower, a beautiful
snowy bell containing golden petals,
with a delicate, but delicious odor, drew
out the admiration of many friends who
called to see it during the evening. The
great value of tho plant lies in the fact
that it blooms but once a year. The
blossom opens in the night and usually
. -. -it .ii :
John A. Davies visited in Glenwood
Arch Mueller, of Council Bluffs, was
in tho city Saturday.
A large steamer, the Benton, paused
down the river Sunday.
Mr. Geo. Ilouseworth and wife of
Lincoln are visiting their parents here.
Misses laced serge shoes 33 and
boxed 50 cents only, at Merges. Mtf
Letters from Dr. Schildknecht say
hi health is not improved by his trip
cast and he will return soon.
If realty is what you want examine
the f th column on page 2 of the Herald.
Mrs. H. E. Whiting and Miss Nellie
Simpson left for Valley, Neb., Saturday,
to visit relatives, returning Monday ev
ening. Hon. R. B. Windham's father, Ben
jamin Windham, of Glenwood, and Mrs.
H. II. Oneal, of Clarinda, are visiting
Mr. Windham and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Eigcnbroadt,
of Allington, Chatauqua Co., N. Y., are
paying an extendod visit to their son, A
D. Eigeubroadt.
1 he Herald received a premium
list, Monday, of tho Omaha fair tho
compliments of Daniel U. Wheeler, Pres.
of the Douglas Co. Agricultural society.
-Will. B. Shryock, an old-time Her
ald boy, but now in the drug business
at Louisville, was in tho city Tuesday
with his wife visiting old friends and
Bert Pollock and Tom Patterson re
turned from their bicycle trip to Spirit
Lake last Thursday. They returned via
the cars, however, Bert having broken
his wheel.
-Mrs Randolph, tho famous fortune
teller, has just arrived here. Sho tells
the present, past and future. Her charges
are low, being only from twenty-five up
to fifty cents. Residence on Elm Btrect
between Tenth and Eleventh. No for
tunes told Sundays. 21-tf
Coup's Sixteen Trained Horse9.
Every farmer in Cass county is inter
ested in Coup's Horse Show to appear at
tho Waterman Opera House at Platts
mouth for four nights and Wednesday
afternoon Matinee, commencing next
Monday night. Aug., 29th.
Every lover of fine trained horses will
appreciate this show. Sixteen horses will
appear on the stage at one time, perform
ing some wonderful feats, Besides the
horses, there will be soino other specialty
performances taka place.
This is no humbug, but a strictly first
class entertainment and no ono can afford
to miss it, at the popular prices, 25, 35
and 50. Full brass band and orches
tra, and a street parade each day with
the band and horses don't fail to see it.
Warrick's is tho place to buy School
Books and School supplies. Largest stock
and lowest prices. 23-Ct
Wo have a large quantity of brick
for sale, quality guaranteed. Give us a
call. 22-tf Kurtz & Weckbach.
Cass County Soaked.
The summer drouth which has only
been broken here and there by a few light
showers, and which has been so injurious
to the corn and late potato crop, was
wound up last Saturday afternoon and
night by heavy rains all over tha county
and vicinity, and the 6ky remained over
cast and the weather ceol for several
day,s giving all vegetation a grand op
nortunitv to absorb the much needed
i i
moisture, and become thoroughly refresh
ed before the coming of the hot sun.
The rain was sufficient and will bring
what corn i3 left, with other vegetation,
fruits, etc , out in first-class shape for the
fall harvest.
School Books.
cchool Books and School Supplies at
Warrick's Drug Store.
Held for Burglary and Crand Lar
The nine prisoners brought here by
Sheriff Eikenbary from Iowa last Wed
nesday, were tried on charge of burglary
last Friday in police court. The trial occu
rl tha mnrninrr and Until 3 O ClOCk in
the afternoon. Judge A. N. Sullivan ap
nnarinc for the state, and J. B. Strode
f o
for the defendants.
Thrpft of the nrisoners. Messrs. Weitz,
Hutson and Riley, presented a more in
nocent appearance than the rest, or rath
er, they were not so tough looking, and
heinrr no evidence that they were
implicated in the burglary they were dis
charged, while the remaining six, Messrs,
Hamilton, Cavanaugh, Smith, Brady and
.TrVin and Jim Connors were held each
under $500 bonds, to await the conven
in(T of the district court.
On Saturday Messrs. Cavanaugh, Brady,
Hamilton and Smith, were again arraing
ed before Police Judge Hatnews ana
arcrpil with errand larceny ' from
- . i n
S. & C. Maver s clothing store, inei
" o . " . - .
lawyer, J. B. Strode, failed in his . effort
to limit the value of the goods to,' petit
larceny and the four were held in j $300
additional bonds, eacn.
School Books and School Supplies at
WnrnVV's and save monev. -23-Ct
II. C. Ritekie was in Linwln last
week on Wnelneae eennceteal witk the Omm
county fair.
Burt Bags returned from Omaha Tues
day evening, whew ka has bees putting
in a new set of flue for the I), eV M.
The race for the silter trumpet.Tuee
day evening resulted in fTr f the F.
E. Whits company, their time being 2t
seconds. Ths F. VL Richey team made
the run and oennectiene In. ISJ ascends.
Tin other km mad failiret.
Wa have a large quantity of brick
for sale, quality guaranteed. Give s a
call. JVtf Kurtz & Weckbach.
Tha beautiful caerota Laila was pre
sented last evening and the evening before
atWaterman's opera house to anjenthusius
tic audience. The entertainment was
given under the auspices af lha Y. L. R.
R. A. but was under the direct manage
ment of Miss Birdia Oaeal, assisted by
her sister Blanche. Tho cempotency of
MiBS Oneal ta prepare and present a flrst
clasa cntcrtainmet from home talent was
made grandly apparent from every fea
ture of the eateitainmont. Tho rendering
of "Kittie Clyde" by little Miss Tillie
Weckbach was an especially charming
feature of tho entertainment and called
forth tremendous applause in encoro, and
Miss Oneal's selections were excellent.
"crlet Feveir"
Having appeared in ear village Darby's
rophylactie Fluid was used far disin-
fecting the Collega buildinja. The dis
ease never went beyond a singla ease,
either in tho College or elsewhere, where
tho Fluid was used. Rev. Pees. G. F.
rice. Auburn, Ala.
Darby's Fluid dispels all forms of epi
demic diseases by destroying the sporis
that cause contagien.
Excoursion of B. of L. F.
Tho excursion train of the B. ef L. F.,
consisting of four coaches and a beauti
fully decorated engine, left Plattsmeuth
with about one hundred pleasure seekers
shortly before 8 a. m., Saturday. Ths
routo of tho train was to Omaha, thence
to Lincoln and on to Milford. Tho party
on its arrival at Milford numbered about
150, having been increased n tha way.
At first the prospects f er the day were
gloomy, tho rain having just ceased fall
ing. But the sky soon cleared and tho
excursionists took passage en boats and
were soon landed on Shogo island, the
point of their destination, which is a very
pretty plnco in the Blue river, nere the
day was spent in games, dancing and
boating. At 7 o'clock tha pleasnre-seek-ers
were "all aboard" and tha train start
ed on its return. The homeward trip
was not, however, so pleasant as the morn-
ing one. l no parties were urea irom
their day's rusticating and the rain poured
in torrents the latter half of the journey.
But the most disagreeable part of all was
their having to wait and switch araund
at almost every station, and en this ac
count the train wa3 delayed two hours,
iving in Plattsmouth at midnight.
Notwithstanding the long homeward ride,
a very pleasant day is reported.
The train was under the management
of Conductor Ballinger, legineer C. Z.
Simpson and Fireman James McLaren.
Itch, Prairie Mange, and Scratches of
eyery kind cured in 30 minutes, by Wool-
ford's Sanitary Lotion. Use na other.
This never fails. Warranted by, T. G.
Fricke & Co., druggists, Plattsmouth,
Nebraska. 84-lyr
List of Letters.
Remaining unclaimed, in the Poetoffice
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Aug.24, 1837,
for the week ending Aug. 13.
avik.m .B. (a) Anaer.swa .Mrs. Miaaie,
Allen, George. Bnrnelt.t).'.
(.'ushinan, V. h. Conklin, J. li.
Cnrry or Cunv.rf. uonun, ur. hhihim vr.
Dickinsa. Ui Lizzie. Dills, Trank.
GUlmore. Jolip. . J.
Horn, Miss iary. ". "';
Keller, Levi. K-imalav, Jafca Jt.
Keithley. Mim Crytte- Lucas. Ckarics.
Meixlejohn, U-orue. Mahar.M- W. '
Martin, Mrs. XUa. Morgaa. Klllot .
Mvers. David. O'JUtl. Ueerje. (3)
l'atridf;, Miss Mionlo. Ietrson. L. J.
fiattsmouth Iran Co. Tale, Anale.
Scott. W. IX. Ham peon. A.
Stall. Gush. Turner, Mr. A.
Weber. John.
Persons calling for any of tho above
letters will please say "advertised."
J. N. Wis. P. M.
Sheriffs Sat.
By virtue af n orJer of ala lsenad y w. C
ct..iitr rinric at tha District Caart. vltkli
and for Case ceunty, Nebraska, ana to 41
Z t will n tha 24th dav af Seitmtr. A.
D.. 18S7, atlo'eiock p. m., of said day at the
south deor of the Court Haute la ald eoaaty.
sell at publle aactloa thefeilewlas real estate
'tv -rtrttiwaat. nnarter at the sotithweat
ouarter w Hi of s w theeanth aalf(8V4)
of ef the southwest quarter of section amber
fire (5) Tawnihip namber tei (19) aerth ef raage
Ho. fourteen (14) la Cais eomnty. Hebraska.
with the privilege and appartenanca there
unto beleBSlnx or la any vnse eapertalalBi
thThVaame being levied apan and taken as the
oropertvef John C. iahee. Defendant ; te sat
ffv aludirment of aaid Conrt recovered ay
A. E Alexander, Plaintiff, asainitsaid Defen
iiot.nTit1. Nob.. Aucust 2th 4. D.. 1S87,
J. C. Eikenbary,
23-5t Sheriff Cass Cnntr. Kefc
Legal R1e.
Cass County. J '
Tn all Dersons Interested la ah eat at a of
Ckitfles Drekar, Deceased
lice is hereby eivan that au the 2Tth
iieust. A. D.. 18ST, at the hour ef IS a'e
nf Anient. A. D.. 18ST. at the aoux er is 'eioc
o t. ot the Count? Judee'a ofice. la flatti
mouth. In said County, the petition anklrt far
the appointment oi rieonci n am wumi
aia ntna. will be heard and coaadl
ered : at which time aad place a' I sm;m to
tprited may ap'ar aiid saow eaae. uany
they have, vby ha afeaald no M apnelalM
suru AduiiuUlittor.
Dated tfela 6th day ot Attgnat, A.D.. tssu.
21-3 C ficsSKix. County JuJge.
To Nebraska Ex-Soldlera.
To all ex soldiers of Nebraska:
Wa hope that eacli and every one will
try andmect at tho camping re-union at
Omaha, and will try and bo in camp on
Tuesday, Sept. Cth. Comrades let us try
and get as many in line a possible. Wo
wi6h to inako arrangements for a grand
old re-nnion of all Nebraska men, at as
early a day as possible. Comrade?, you
all want a few days rest and recreation,
and now ie tho time to take it. Farmers,
turn your hersts into the pajturo. Me
chanics and merchants shut up your
shops. Lawrers and agents, giro your
clients a few days rest, leave all cares at
home and come up to tha re-union and
talk over old times and compare notes
with tho "old boys," and we will guar
antee that yen will never miss the time,
but it will be a time ever to be remem
bered by you. Bring your wives and
families witli you and let us havo a camp
meeting of our own.
Trios. J. MAJOiin, President.
II. O. McMakek.
Bec'y Nebraska. Soldier's Associatien.
Exchanges please copy.
Tomatoes, Tomatoes!
Wanted at Frank Carruth & Co. can
ning factory on Main street. Farmers
having a few extra bushels will get the
highest market price. 22-3
She Wanted a ftfan and Cot One.
Savannah News: Jackson Palmer and
Ella Anderson, a colored couple, march
ed into Justice Russell's office last even
ing, the damsel leading the sheepish
looking Jackson by the hand. Ap
proaching tho rather bewildered justice
6he produced an oClcial looking paper
Which proved to bo a marriage license.
and thrusting it into his hands began
chewing her apron strings as 6he said :
Mister, I'se been mity lonesum dis las'
yeah, and I'se wanted a man a heap. I
dun cotched dis hcah dark', and we's
gwine to get married. Dis is dc fust
time dat I eber cum to sich a place as dis
here, and we wants yau to fix tho rati-
Justice Russell's eyes opened wide, but
he took in the situation, and with the
est grace imaginable he performed the
ceremony, after which the smiling couple
walked down the street, hand in hand,
each casting terrible big sheep's eyes at
the other.
A Bargain.
The N. E. and W. N. W. i Sec. 84
T. 11 R. 12. This beautiful farm if pur
chased Boon, can be had for $30 per acre.
Every convenience. Apply to
R. B. Wikdhan,
tf.-22 Plattsmouth, Neb.
Ashland is on the water works list.
Rushville reports crops looking well.
David City is to have Water Works.
Falls City is having a raid from burg
Long Pine carried th day in favor of
water works.
Hastings is to have free mail service
by the first of Sept.
The York County Teacher's Institute is
in session at York.
Gv. Thayer visited tho O. A. R. at
York and made a speech.
Norden reports the corn average to be
56 better than last year.
The Holt countv prohibitionists have a
full ticket in the held.
Cnster county reports she will vield 35
to 40 bushels of eorn per acre.
A jury has finally been secured at Loup
City in the trial of Richardson.
The republican count? convention at
Wahoo meets Sept. 24.
Charley Parker, who robbed paymaster
Bash, is to be removed to Omaha.
The ballot box of Creighton sros stuff
ed on the vote of the county seat election.
Sneak thieves at Wahoo, got away with'
$40 from tha till of Jones Bros. Coal
Blue Springs and Wymore are to haye
a system of water works, .paying for it
The trial of Richardso at Loup City
for tha murder Editor Bennett is in pro
frees. Broken Bow reports, say corn will go
frees 50 to 60 bmskels per acre in that
Tke II. E. Church at Columbus was
track by lightning and damaged to the
auiount of $200.
The prohibitionists haye held their
convention at Fullerton, nominating a
full county ticket.
The Blair canning company employ
about 26 persons, and put up 23,472
cans of cors. in one day.
Extensive preparations are being made
at Norfolk for the soldiers' re-union
whick opens Tuesday.
A one-legged soldier named Crabtree
shot four times at C. Cooney, at Fullerton,
but missed him. Crabtree was placed
under $300 bonds.
A cyclone struck Republican City from
the north, doing great damage and kill
ing one man and injuring several others.
Falls City and vicinity was visited by
a heavy hail storm which destroyed most
all the fruit and did great damage to
Jerry TTkite, a negro who made an in
famous assault wpon a lady at Valentine,
waa nakea from tko jail and hanged by a
The Republican County ' Central Com
mittee, in their meeting at Lincoln decid
ed to hold the county convention 8qt. 3.
Walter Margritz, a 10-ycar-old boy
was dragged to death Ht rUuartby a cow.
lie was leading her and iiud tied tho ropo
about his body.
The county seat election votes between
Niobrary, Creighton and Verdigro wtro
counted fraudulently and tho caso will
go to the courts.
News from Indianola s:iys that placo
and vicinity was visited, the firt.t of tho
week, by a terrific rain and hail utorin,
doing considerable damage.
Tho body of a boy, 8upponed to be that
of Harry Bokcmper, who disappeared
from Omaha last week, was taken from
the river near Nebraska City.
Near Friend, the lightning struck a
barn, burning the building ami contents
and struck u woman, Mrs. Becker, burn
ing her clothes off. She is not expected
to live.
At a meeting of the Irish national
league, at Lincoln Ifonday, resolutions
were addopted denouncing tha procla
mation of tha league by the English
At a Rolicmian Sunday picnic and
danco ne;ir Exeter, two brothers, Frank
and John Newer were phot and instantly
killed by Thomas Rook. Tho men were
excited with beer.
Tho state prohibition convention at
Lincoln adopted their platform, nomi
nated a full f-tate ticket and took a col
lection of over $100 for the Home of the
Friendless in Lincoln.
The drawing of the jury in tiro tri:d
of B. L. Richardson for the murder of
Skip Willard, of Loup City, has been
taken out of the hands of the sheriff and
given to Justice O. W. Hunter.
Monday morning William McQuny,
section boss, was found on the track near
Indianola, in an unconciou9 condition
and with several seal) wounds. It is be
lieved to be a case of foul play.
An old man named Masterman was
chloroformed while at sleep and rohoed
of his money and valuables, at Lincoln.
It is thought by the attending physician,
thnt he may die from the effects of th
A son of William Napier, near Bell
wood, was riding when tho horse threw
him. The boy's foot caught in the stir
rup and he was dragged half a mile, tear
ing thu scalp almost entirely from his
head. He is hardly expected to lira.
Jim Harris, alias Chas. Parker, has
been arrested by the sheriff of Logan
county. on suspicion of being the man
who robbed Paymaster Bash at Antelope
Springs, Wyo., last March. Marshall
Fince, of Kearney, has also arrested one,
Bagnell, for the same crime, and turned
him over to the sheriff f Dawson Co.
Reports from North Platte, Neb., give
full particulars of the arrest of Parker,
the man who robbed Paymaster Bash.
Sheriff Doune effected the arrest at a liv
ery stable at Gandy, by clinching with
him and throwing him down, where, af
ter a hard struggle bystanders disarmed
him, he having cut one of the sheriff's
hands badly and bitten his thumb very
severely. Parker is now in jail at North
Continued from Tstpaye.
A riot occurred in Sicily in which two
government officials were killed.
Au unknown man was run over and
killed by the cars at Laketon, Ind.
The Bulgarian government has ordered
200,000 repeating rifles from an Austrian
A burglar was fatally shot while at
tempting an entrance into the post office
at Black Lick, Pa.
The leading English papers approve
the government's course in proclaiming
the Irish national league.
Frank Lightfoot, who lives near
Marion, Ind., shot and killed his mother,
thinking she was a burglar.
Gov. Adams raised the Colorado
quarantee against Illinois, cattle except
those from Cook county.
A engine ran off the track near Ar
gentine, Mo., fatally injuring two, and
injuring three other persons.
Applications for the prepayment of in
terest on $1,490,000 of bonds have been
received by Secretary Fairchild.
It is reported that all the European
powers disapprove of Prince Ferdinand's
oceupancy of the Bulgarian throne. .
S. F. Barrett, of Houston, Texas, has
completed the invention of a telephone
which is an improvement on the Bell.
John Laws, a desperado near St.
Joseph, Mo., was shot and fatally injured
while resisting arrest by a deputy-sheriff.
Russia has proponed to Turkey that
they accept eastern Roumclla and Bul
garia. Turkey wants the opinion of
other powers.
A collision between an engine and
freight near Knoxville. Tenn., resulted
in a badly wrecked train and one fatal
and one serious injury.
The Irish national league leaders are
preparing to hold a grand demonstration
to denounce the government's action in
suppressing the league.
Considerable difficulty has arisen be
tween the Chatauqua managers and the
cottage owners on the Chautauqua
grounds in New York State.
Express messenger, Bennett, lis been
arrested on suspicion of having stolen a
pickagc of flO.OCO, nn its way from
Omaha to Butte City, Mont.
Two men wer killed and a bov fatally
injured near Nashville, Tenn.. wh;le at
tempting' to drive across the railroad
track in front of a moving train.
David Petrie, agd 17. fell ua ler the
wheels of a gravrl train ah:le attempting
to step from one car to another, at Kar-
2 lei, 111., and was instantiy killed.
Tho ; hail storm whidi passed ycr
southwestern Nebraska and northeast :rn
Kansas is said to havo killed a great deal
of livo stock and ruiuod tho crops.
The statu treasury of Indiana is empty
unci, woik will by suspended on all nUitt
institutions if tiio counties do not
como to tho front with funds to aid the
A Mr. Heath, of Detroit Mich., took his
family nnl sonic friends for a il on
Orcharde lake. Tho boat capsized and
about half Jtho party would havo been
drowned but for tho presence of iniiul of
Miss Rebecca Benth, who swam about
helping the drowning persons to tho up
turned bout. As it was, all. were saved.
Parker has been brought to Cmaha.
Lip; ki, the Jew to be hung in London,
has confessed.
The yellow fever in rtill prevalent at
Key West, Fla.
Prince Furdinnnd hn3 refused to held
an unofficial intcryiew.
Tho village of DeGraff, Logan county,
Ohio, was almost destroyed by firo.
Kansas crops in tho region of Wichita
are reported T0 better than last year.
Corn near Red Oak, Iowa, is estimated
to not run over 20 bushels to the acre.
The Iowa state republican convention
is expected to endorso Allison for Presi
dent. Sioux City, Iowa, is to have a grand
harvest jubilee October, 0th, Cth, 7th and
Tno United Statrs has ordered tho re
lease of Missionary Dean, who is und jr
arrest on the Caroline Islands.
The Irishmen of Liverpool held a meet
ing and protested against the proclama
tion of the Irish national
Tho steamer Marlrid which sailed May
5th for London via Bull River, South
Carolina, is given up for lost.
Tho racing yacht, Thistle, has been
pronounced a fraud, her shape is ximilar
to that of a mussel shell on edge.
It is rumored the Engliah government
will postpone the discussion of thu pro
clamation of the national league.
Dr. N. A. Archer, Prof, of hygiene in
the University of Pennnylvania wat
drowned while bathing at Atlantic City,
N. J.
William (i. Babcock, a wealthy Chica
goan, was shot at Garden, III., a dny or
two ago, and died yesterday without
speaking a word.
The New York jeweler who disappear
ed with other people's diamonds, writes
from Canada that he will come back and
straighten things up.
F. A. Hoyt, cashier of tho Putnam
County Saving bank, of N. Y.. is short
$24,370; Mnlloyt deeded all his pro
perty to the bank enough to make tho
uencienoy good.
Harry T. Cook, discount clerk in tho
Coilumlna .National bank,
r i . .....
at Washing,
ioigeu notes, while Ins rounder
deposited tlu m to the amount of S2.024.
They are under arrest.
The statue of Cuantormac, the last of
the Aztec emperors, was unveiled at tho
City of Mexico. Th" unveiling waa wit
nessed by thousands of Indians who
brought great quantities of flowers.
A story comes from Jackon county.
On., in which a young mr.n in oue par
of the county started to the home of kis
would-be future bride, end arrived juit
in time to attend her funeral. He was
overcome with grief.
Special fr om AVinnipeg eays that the
contractors on the Red River Valley read
put on a large force of nien yesterday
and rushed the grade through the lnd
disputed by thu Canadian Pacific in ppita
of the injuction. There i? great rejoicing
in Winnipeg.
Emporer William is still improving.
A lady 71 years old blew out tho gas,
in Chicago, on retiring.
Two Russian families have beta ex
pelled from Germany.
The Cham pion Machine company, of
St. Joseph, Mo., hu.H been attached by tha
Sheriff Kendall has p"'Hf u;
river to arrest two Uses, ii t ....
with him.
Chicago sent the qi a '
dress, by Mr. Collier, w . :
ally accepted.
Patrick Donohue and P .7.v
a quarrel at Aurorr, 111,
Pete's nose off.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hunt'
daughters Clrara and C. D., ii
ed from their trip to iiurope.
C. E. Bartlott, cashier f tb
National bank, of Sumter Ch:n .
disappeared and is $20,000 fchort.
Y ';'!
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I. I
u'.u, 11
- I T ' T
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Miss Sarah II. Dodge vra arresij l s-t
Gardner 111., on suspicion of beiu' i -i
person who shot Babcock, of Chic..
Two large barns of William Miles nad
son at Hastings, Minn., were struck by
by lightning and burned. Loss $30,000.
The czar of Russia has issued a circular
denying the validity ol the election of
of Prince Ferdinand to the Bulgriau
The confederate land holders in. Eng
land are again at work. They eay ' itc
intend to present a bill to the Uuitad
Prince Ferdinand's proclaaiation in
said to have been wrongly bit.'rprtfc-d.
He did not proclaim BuJtftri' uliUaul
Captain B-rm, of tke fated steaKior
City of Montreal, tLLaks tha steamer was
set on f. re. Oae or twof the passeng'-ra
have died fri tbe effects of tit; night's
iaUCS Wliu liie cuLumy a imj.