Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, August 11, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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fublishers & Proprietors.
The Surrender of Abe Lincoln Post,
of Council BltfTs, to the Administration-Report
on the Proposed
Pension Bill.
Comrades of Abe Lincolu Post: Your
committee to whom was referred the draft
of the pension bill, prepared by the na
tional committee, respectfully report
against any further consideration of the
bill and would recommend the adoption
of tho following address:
To all Soldiers and Patriotic Citizens
of the Republic: There arc times in the
lives of all men when it is their impera
tive duty to definitely define their posi
tion and to boldly proclaim their relation
to persons and events in order to maintain
their self-respect and preserve the digni
ty and independence which should attach
to manhood.
"What is true in regard to individuals
is also true in respect to organizations,
it is the firm and patriotic belief of Abe
Lincoln Post, No. 29, G. A. R. depart
ment of Iowa, of Council Bluffs, that
such a time has come in the history of the
Grand Army of the Republic, and that it
is now necessary for it to give such clear
and patriotic expression to its sentiments
regarding its relationship to the present
administration, particularly in the matter
of pensions and other soldier benefits, as
will permit no equivocal interpretation.
This, we hold, is now necessary to
maintain the honor of the union soldier
and preserve the self-respect of the loyal
citizen, and in so holding we recognize
that our comrades everywhere, and all
patriotic citizens, are entitled to a state
ment of our reasons therefor.
In order that we may be clearly under
stood it is necessary that we should brief
ly refer to the action taken by the last
national encampment held at San Fran
cisco. That body took up the matter of
pensions and appointed a committee to
draft a bill, which, if it met the approval
of the various posts throughout the coun
try, should be presented to congress for
its consideration. This committee has
performed its duty, and the various Grand
Army posts are now being called upon to
give it their appoval or signify their ob
jections thereto. This is the duty which
now devolves upon the Abe Lincoln post,
and it finds itself patriotically impelled,
while it has no objections to the provis
ions of the bill, to positively express its
disapprobation of any further consider
ation of the matter of pensions or other
soldier benefits while the present admin
istration remains in power, and our rea
sons are:
That the present administration has no
sympathy in common with the union sol
dier as is shown by its repeated offenses
against that patriotic sentiment of the
people of which the union soldier is the
foremost representative.
That it has repeatedly signified its dis
approval of such measures as the one now
proposed and in so doing it has gone out
of its way to insult the veterans who sus
tained the flag against armed treason, and
has never accorded laws for their relief
a respectful consideration.
That, on the contrary, it has stigmatiz
ed the union soldier by the use of oppro
brious names, attacked him with ridicule
and heaped derision upon him, and for
the first time in the annals of history
made a nation's defenders the victims of
political prejudice and partisan malice.
In proof of this we cite:
That it has vetoed in an unfeeling and
brutal manner just laws; that it has syste
maticially removed worthy, crippled and
needy veterans from office and given
places to those whose chief recommenda
tion lay in the fact that they had borne
arms against the government and were
traitors; that its every act affecting the
interests of the soldiers up to the order
to return the rebel flags to those from
whom they were captured has breathed a
spirit of hostility to the record of the
yetcran soldiery of the republic and hu
miliated it in the eyes of the world; that
the tendency has been to make it appear
that the republic is ungrateful to its de
fenders, thereby weakening the stability
of constitutional government, and imper
iling the liberties of the people.
That the honor of the union soldier,
and his rights as an American citizen,
alike forbid his submitting himself to the
certainty of further depredation at the
hands of the administration controling
the government he fought to save, and
that it is better for him, as a soldier and
a man," to suffer his wrongs in dignified
silence, until such time as his just rights
can be honorably recognized, rather than
be a partaker of a bounty wrung from
the enmity of the administration, or the
ingratitude of any party.
That in view of the facts above enu
merated, which are now notorious in the
history of the present administration, we,
the members of Abe Lincoln post, No.
29, G. A- R-, department of Iowa, earn
estly, emphatically and patriotically pro
test against subjecting ourselves and com
rades to any further humiliation by ask
ing any favors of those whose answers in
the past have only been through the cruel
uting of insult or the wicked barb of
Now,thertfore, we appeal to our com
rades everywhere, and, to our friends in
congress and to the patriotic people of
the nation, to refrain for the present,
from further agitation of any question re
lating to pensions and other soldier ben
efits, and as a proof of our sincerity we
hereby declare our disapproval of the
further consideration by the Grand Army
of the Republic of the bill now before
L. 15. C'Ol-'hlNS,
Y. A. Sackett,
Headquarters Are Lincoln Post,
No. 2t, G. A. R.. Department of Ijwa,
Council Bluffs, Aug. 1, 1837. Address
adopted and ordered issue by Abe Lincolu
Post No. 29, G. A. R., department of
Iowa, July 30, 1S87.
II. C. Barnes, Post Commander.
Perilous Position of Three Caroless
Hunters Who did not Know
Few persons believe that a grizzly will
attack a man before, he is himself attack
ed. I was one of those doubting Thom
asses until two years ago, when I was
thoroughly convinced by occi lar demon
stration that some grizzlies, at least, will
attempt to make a meal of a man, even
though he may not have harmed them
previously, says a writer in Harper's
Mayazine. "We were hunting in the
Shoshone mountains in northern "Wyom
ing. I had killed a large elk in the
morning, and on going back to the car
cass in the" afternoon to skin it we saw
that bruin had been there ahead of us,
but had left at our approach. Without
the least apprehension of his return we
leaned our rifles against a tree about fifty
feet away and commenced work. There
were three of us but only two had
rifles, Mr. Hoffman, the photographer,
having left his in camp. He had
finished taking views of the carcass,
and we were all busily engaged
skinning, when, hearing a crashing in the
brush and a series of savage roars and
growls, we looked up the hill, and were
horrified to see three grizzly bears, an old
female and two cubs, about two-thirds
grown, charging upon us with all the
savage fury of a pack of starving wolves
upon a sheepfold.
They were between us and our rifles
when we first saw them, and we sprang
to our horses, which were picketed a few
yards below, supposing, of course, that
when the bears reached the elk carcass
they would proceed to eat it and pay no
further attention to us. Strange to say
it was the carcass to which they paid no
attention. They still came after us, we
had not time for flight and could not
even release and mount our terror stricken
horses. Our only chance was to fignt
for ourselves, and with one accord we all
three grasped our hunting knives and
dashed at them. "We threw our hats and
yelled like Conianches, and the savage
brutes, seeing themselves thus boldly
confronted by equal numbers stopped,
raised on their haunches, growled, snap
ped their jaws for a few moments, and
then walked sullenly back up the hill in
to the brush. This gave U3 an opportun
ity to get hold of our rifles, and then it
was our turn to charge. To make a long
story short we killed the old female and
one cub; the other escaped into the jun
gle before we could get a shot at him.
The resolute front we put on alone saved
our lives.
The grizzly is partially nocturnal in his
habits, and apparently divides his labor
of obtaining food and his traveling about
equally between day and night. It is not
definaitely known to what age he lives in
his wild state, but he is supposed to at
tain to twenty-five or thirty years.
Notwithstanding the great courage and
ferocity of this formidable beast, he will
utter the most pitiable groans and howls
when seriouly or mortally wounded.
Shrubs for Room Decoration.
Among the richly varied species of
evergreen shrubs to be found in the most
ordinary nursery in this country there are
some of the most elegant ornaments for
room decoration. There are the various
sorms of Lawson's Cypress differing so
much in character individually as to ap
pear almost specific when placed side by
side. Many of the Arborvitas are espec
ially adapted to the purpose of room
decoration. Then there are the beautiful
forms of the Japan retinosporas, some in
lovely tints of green, others in golden
and silver shades of variegation. These
are chiefly of pyramid shape, with more
or less freedom of outline. Some, such
as the variety of Lawson's Cypress,known
as erecta riridis, being spire-like in form
with the most pleasing features of out
lino and color. Other sorts, such as
those named rfumosa and nana have
very distinct and pleasing shades of
green. The Japan retinosporas are equally
varied in style and form with theLawson
Cypress. They abound in pleasing shades
of green in the more ordinary types, while
there are some most beautiful sorts in
gold and creamy and silver variegations.
Now, all these and many other bcauti
ful fehrubs may be employed in the decor
ation of rooms with the very best effect,
especially during tho summer." Their
pleasing tints, particularly the beautiful
green sorts, impart an air of coolness to a
room that is quite refreshing in summer
time. They may be jlaccd on brackets
on the walls, in the fire-place, anywhere
in short, where the essential furniture
will not be interfered with by them, and
they will be found beautiful anywhere.
They are usually kept in pots for the pur
pose indicated by nurserymen and flor
ists, and are among tho cheapest of room
plants when their durable character is
taken into account.
One of the most pleasing features of
horticultural, or rather floral, taste of the
present time is its catholicity. It em
braces all things; nothing is considered
too common for the gratification of the
lovo of flowers. The uses to which many
things are turned to show the same spirit.
The present subject, Canterbury bells, is
an instance of this. Formerly, even in
the most popular days, it was used only
in the decoration of shrubbery borders,
but now it may be found in any position,
and it must be admitted that it is beauti
ful in any of them. It is as a window
plant that we have seen it used with very
good effect. In the filling of large-sized
window-boxes ic is of great use and beau
ty, and it is largely grown in pots for
this and similar purposes. The varieties
are numerous, those known as the caly
canthemum race are the most striking
and effective. Iu these the calyx or green
outer envelope of the flower is greatly
enlargffd and assumes the color of the
corola, and thus their ornamental effect
is greatly enhanced. The plants need
not be grown in pots the whole year for
the purposes indicated above. They may
be planted out in rich light soil in spring,
and as soon as they show flower may be
lifted and potted. They do not last so
lont; when so treated as when grown in
pots, but they are often useful in tiding
over a difficulty or when the supply of
choicer flowering plants is scarce.
Leeds Mercury.
Bathingin France.
To begin with, the bathing-boxes are
made attractive and light by their canvas
covers stretched over a pretty shaped
frame-work of wood. A mirror and a
rack of fresh to wis, a basin and such ne
cessities of the dressing room adorn the
interior, as well as a soft rug on the floor.
The bathing master is in attendance, and
a pull on the little bell rope which hangs
inside the door brings his alrt lit
tle person to the bath house to do the bid
ding of the occupant. This cheerful at
tendant arranges monsieur's bathiur
wardrobe and dressing case, and provides
him with warm water' all for the modest
sum of one franc. "When the bather is
arranged in his bathing suit of careful
cut, with his long mantle softly adjusted
by his valet of the bath, he daintily treads
his way toward the platform extending
i nto the water, and which ends in a spring
board. He makes up his mind as he
wanders along to the shock of his first
leap into the blue water. Another bath
ing man is ready to receive our gentleman
as soon as he shall reach the first breaker,
to help him to swim, if heshall need such
assistance, or tell him where are the saftest
On the opposite side are the bathing
machines for the ladies, with a neat little
coiffed maid in attendance. Here there
is the extra garment for the bath the
cork jacket which the polite little mis
tress of the bath insists that madame shall
wear, willy nilly. Two hours is not con
sidered too long for a bath at Trouville,
while at a fashionable American resort
half an hour is thought to be quite enough,
if not a wicked waste of time. Such is
the difference in peoples.
A Case of Deafness Cured.
Office of Shaw & Baldwin's "Wholesale )
Notion House, Toledo, 1., Dec.
11, 1879. )
F. J. Cheney & Co-. Toledo, O. Dear
Sirs: About three monts ago, noticing a
letter addressed to you in the Bee from
Gen. Slevin, in reference to the cure of
his son by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure,
we were induced to commence the use of
it for our daughter Nellie now fourteen
years old, who has been suffering from
catarrh about eight years, during which
time she has been treated by one of the
best physscians in the city. We have al
so tried the use of almost all the known
remedies for catarrh, with no more success
than temporary relief. Many nights have
we laid awake to hold her mouth open to
keep her from strangling. Her hearing
had also become affected. We were
afraid that she would never recover. We
have now used six bottles of Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure, and we believe Nellie to be
entirely cured. In a few days after com
mencing the use of it we noticed a decid
ed change for the better, and from that
right along she has improved, until now
she breathes as easily as any one. She
sleeps well and her hearing is perfectly
good- We feel that the disease is entire
ly removed. We write this unsolicited
letter, feeling that it is due you, and with
the hope that others may be benefited in
like manner. We can hardly realize that
such a change could be effected in so
short a time after battling with the dis
ease so long. We are still using the rem
edy at intervals, as it seems to build up
her system, You are at liberty to use
thi3 in any manner you see proper.
.We are yours, truly,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Bbldwin,
220 Franklin Avenue.
E2?Sold by Druggists, 75c. 20ml
A Mistake of Young Mon-
From the Safety Valv
A New York Merchant recently adver
tised for an assistant book keeper, at a
salary not to exceed $10 a week. How
many applicants do you suppose he
for the vacancy ? Over 5300, and a dozen
or more of them were cupable of cones
ponding in from four to six languages,
and knew all the details of the most com
plicated office work. lie also announced
that there was a chance for a bright boy
to learn a trade in his shop; but the only
application for the place came from a lad
whose head was figuratively as thick as
a meat block, and whose only display of
common sense was when he decided, after
a few weeks of more than unprofitable
apprenticeship, that "somehow he didn't
seem to get along."
It is to be regretted that the young
men of today, as a rule, dislike employ
ment that bears its trade-mark in dirt up
on their hands. They are decidedly op
posed to wearing other than a white shirt,
and would not think of appearing on the
street without a highly laundried collar
of the latest cut. Cuffs are also reckon
ed among the every-day necessities of
this juvenile class. Respectability to them
means following the ever-changing whims
of fashion. With avenues of industry
open on every side, they rush in droves
for the office or ftore where at 20s a week
they can keep up to their unreasonable
standard of respectability and where ad
vancement comes slowly or not at all.
It would be well for the young men
who are forced to strike out early for
themselves to know that in the army of
unemployed men in and about the metrop
olis less than 20 per cent have a trade.
This indicates with unmistakable clear
ness that the best opening is iu the shop.
Of the men who are now at the head of
our great mercantile and manufacturing
establishments nearly every one laid the
foundation of his future success when he
learned a trade.
ClyeThem A Chance!
That is to say, your lungs. Also all
your breathing machinery. Very wond
erful machinery it is. Not only the lar
ger air-passages, but the thousands of
little tubes and cavities leadidg from
When these are clogged and choked
with matter which (night not to be there
j-our lungs cannot do half their work.
And what they do they cannot do well.
Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia,
catarrh, consumption or any of the fam
ily of throat and Lose and head and lung
obstructions, all are bad. And all ought
to be got rid of. There is just one sure
way to get rid of them. That is to take
Boschee.s German Syrup, which any
druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bot
tle. Even if everything else has failed
you, you may depend upon this for cer
tain. (1)
Innocents Abroad. American tour
ists abroad, as we have seen in several
well known instances, do not always car
ry with them intense feelings of reverence
for what they go to see. Sometimes this
is rather painful to sensitive souls, and
sometimes it is very amusing. Two or
three summers ago I was in a railway
train going down through Italy, and we
had just reached the point where the
branch line strikes eff for Rome. I was
looking out at the window, lazily con
templating the sign "A Napoli," which
was over the other side of the station,
when a voice, with all the fine nasal re
sonance of the most vigorous of our Yan
kee brakemen, rang out through the train:
"Na-a-ples Junction! Pahsengers for
East Rome and Rome Center change cars
here!" The peal of laughter that follow
ed showed me that I had many compatri
ots in the other carriages. Everybody
took the joke. In Editor's Drawer,
Harper's Mayazine for Auynst.
Gucklen's Arnica Salve
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains.
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price, 2o cents
per box. For sale by
301y F. G. Fricke & Co.
ine Desi ana Barest Kemcay for Care of
all diseases caused by any derangement cf I
the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach aiid Eowcls. I
Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kinds
yield readily to tho beneficent influence of
It is pleasant to the taste, tones up the
system, restores and preserves health.
It is purely Vegetable, and annot fail to
prove beneficial, both to old and young.
As s Blood Purifier it is raperior to all
others. Sold everywhere at $1.03 abottle
Jonathan IIatt J. W. AIaktiiis.
Sugar Cured Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lard, &c., &c.
of our own make. The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, at
Corner I'earl :uil Seventh Streets.
M r? r- n w I
mnpr sin wn
M. U A. Mte.
r S fl n
Cement Plaster,
SaowesS IS ales. Terms Cash
1 1 1 rl
We are prepared ta do all
binds off SM PMjSTTSSr
osa slsiort
oi' ciy o (iei' clqss of pidq (iqg.
S Yi
The Plattsmoutli Weekly Herald has the largest circulation o
any paper in CassCou atj. Republican in politics. Advertise in it
and if yon have not already, subscribe for it.
Si' J
d hnds.
v A
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J3isiiGSS Cqiels,
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