PLATTSilOUTIl WEEKLY liEKAM), THURSDAY, AUGT8T 11, XSH7. FARM COLUMN. VAU.M SOTKS. Ni-vcr forget to suit and v;ttor jour Stock ly. (Uycoriiif! mid miIjiImt mixed are good for j:ijch ill Voting ehiekeli.s. I letter uproot old, played-out fruit gar dens. 'J'lic land is wasted. Feed Iudiaii corn sparingly to fowls at this Ht ason, us it is too fattening. Tin; red onion is mud to liold its flavor longer limn itny otlier variety. The earth around potted pi int should not Ik; allowed to get entirely dry, Impure air in the hennery causes many of the linet-t fowels to sicken and die. Queen lees should always lie raised f'Uii the very hest stock in tlie apiary. 1 "liir-r variety -of popcorn with very small kernels for the you:: chicks. A few tvf."l'w'"s planted lu re and there and tcreatly t,,(; ''wauty of a farm. To destroy 1-riurs, rhV'S t(-. utthcin down now, mid as often a they reappear. Don't row fruit or ve ''-al.les too thick; thinning out improves fa0' a"d quality. Enj'liih dairymen are now almost uan-- imous in the opinion that ground oats are the lcst milk-producing grain ration known. Sir. "Ware, of .Massachusetts, says that butter made from ids silage in winter is yellow without any coloring matter, and seems as if umde from June grass. The grapevine kaf-hopper may he suc cessfully attacked with infusions of to bacco or soap-uds, or both combined, sprayed upou the lower surface of the leaves. Michigan shows a : of sheep for Beveral years p:t-:t. The lo-s from to bSS.", was Ss',M; from 1SS." to 1SS(! it was 2:$"J,):5!. :ml the number now on hand is 128,"0 lu- than in 1S(J. If sheep It a-free access to salt they Trill never overeat of it, but if called oc casionally and given it freely they will ent too much, which provokes unnatural thirst and possibly injurious effects. About the surest way to spoil a. spirited horse is to urge him by frequent taps or words un il he finds that he can never satisfy his ,lrivcr, then he will always re main a slow- poke, says the Husband man. Oxford Down sheep attain to very heavy weights, th rani at three years of age reaching as higYJ pounds and ' ewes 300. They are the largest of the mutton breeds, and yld a fleece cf med ium wool weighing ''(' pounds. These weights are for special individuals that have been on exhibition, Wit H00 pounds is not Jin unusual weight for rams oyer tvro Tears old. procu re new crop turnip seed and have the groun d TI,e rows ma' ,,c witle apart, so as tJ" llow of working with the cultivator. '1 ground should be as an ash heap. i the seed in small clusters, about 0 iiu Lea nl,art intl,e rows' as the insects ill of,'"1 Testro-v youn" turnios. If too tine'- when up they can be thinned out. Too mu ted manure can not be u ch fine well-rot d on turnips. Do not put turnips on groun. i occupied by corn the previous year. In fruit-growing remember that are like irraiu and vcetable rnms in mils this, that they must have manure to keep the fertility. Unlike vegetables aiu. grain, however, their feeding roots are mostly at the surface. It is best, there fore, annually to top-dress fruit trees. If manure can not be had, any fresh earth from ditches or roadsides spread a half inch or so under the trees will have a wonderful effect. Indeed, we do not know but that for the fear tree a thin layer of road sand is one of the best of manures. "We have seen apples thrive amazingly with a coating of coal, ashes. Compiled by the St. Loui9 Globe Demo crat. STABILITY1 OF SHF.KP JIVSF.AN'DKY. Mutton is def.ned b y "Webster as the flesh of a sheen, eitr ,cr raw or cooked. Thus, strictly spea.i.r, an breeds of sheep are "mutton b reeds." The varying conditions of my :llld the presence or scarcity of fovap e animals as they hive been domestical!, necessariallv co.n pelled divergeD t systems of sheep herding. Even in a stat . 0f nature, with an animal so susceptabb . to modifications so read ily accomod? aing its -If to extreme influ ences not ma.ny generations could pass before vary;n,r types would be develop ed. But T,vheii to such surroundings was added tjie powerful auxiliary of man's intelli gent seJectioa and provident care, the s' .16ep rapi dly assumed not only di Tcr gent types, but those subjected to sim 1 ar influences .assumed such uniformity as to warrant th eir designation by certain terms, which soon become familiar to those giving attention to sheep hus bandry. Where flock-hc Tders were so situated that their readies! and most liberal in come was to be 1 uul from communities demanding meat raiher than wool, espec ial attention was di tected toward carcass development; whil c, on the other hand, men remote from lartre meat-consuming populations impelled thereto by interest and necessity gave especial care to the culture und increase of those animals pro ducing the greatest percentage of wool in proportion to forage conHumed. Thus early diverging, and assiduously cultivated with a differing paramount object, the permanency of breeds was cs tablished. One of these for convenience and as expressive of their especial adap tability through general acquiescence, was designated "mutton breed," as dis tinguished from the breed in which the fleece was given more prominence. As the science of breeding developed, and competition in mutton production became more intense by reason of enhanc ed prices of land and the fastidiousness of buyers who were able to pay 6uch prices as were necessary to secure the best article, carcass developement began to manifest minor characteristics theretofore unnoticed or uncarcd for, and soon there resulted fixed varieties within the breeds. Especially was this noticable in localities most readily influenced by the increasing demand for mutton: though the changes md improvements in fleece production were encouraged by the desire and ina bility of the people for improvements in clothing material. Not only was variation noticeable in the: size and ceutour of carcass in ani mals bred especially for meat production; it extended to the length and character of the covering of such animals, the dis appearance of horns once presumably the adjunct of their early ancestry and the color of extremities, until with some varieties black or brown faces or legs and hornless poles became the passport to re cognition of pure breeding. This hurried review serves to empha size the position 60 often reiterated in these columns, i. e , that preference so frequently expressed in support of the claims to superiority of any particular type of sheep results more from educa tion, or interest, or immediate surround ings of the individual, than from any especially distinguishing merit it the type itself. It also suggests to those flock owners in the agricultural states who are feeling the pressure of competition en countered in either wool or mutton pro duction as is especially the the fact that neither element of profit can be ignored, as advancing expenditures become insep arable from flock management. Breed ers of mutton types can not afford to ig nore fleece values. Holders af lighter bodied and heavier-fleeced types will be compelled to recognize the importance of carcass development. Each will find lo calities where it will continue to bo prof itable; but gradually the necessity for "making every edge cut" will be recog nized and acted upon. American sheep husbandry ought not and can not be forced into the grooves by which sheep husbandry in older coun tries is guaged. England, with a terri tory consideradly less than some of the slates and a population of more than half as great as that of the United States, has been forced into extremities which, how ever remote similar conditions may be for this country, nevertheless contain val uable lessons for American flock owners. The most valuable of these is the demon stration that sheep industry can be sus tained under a pressure of high-priced and low-priced wools more extreme than any to which flock owners here are likely to be subjected. In this fact alone is enough encouragement to infuse vigor and courage among American flock own - sufficient to successfully tide over any Ci norary depression by which they are temi itcu The; sooner they all realize oena etter. practicaZ Farmer. this the t -socalvks. ' v ; gradually chang- The first mill in its V J ,. . . .jr. necessary food ing conditions, 1 ' the most. . 'iid in its the young creatui 'e can have, u days nl.onnn nrltirr flip first thren nr fnm Liiau; til - , it brings the digesti vc organs of the cai to a condition where it will be able to 1 take stronger food. At the end of three or four da.ys the calf can be taught to drink, but should not then be fed with cold or skim milk. When it is decided that it shall no longer suck, let it be pa tiently taught to drink, unless a foederis used, which is by far preferable to allow ing the rapid drinking of the milk. Back the calf into a corner, and inserting a finger into its xnouth, bend its neck and put its nose into a pail in which are about two quarts of milk. Hold the pail .irmly between the knees, that the strug- les antl bunting may not upset it. Af ter the calf has sucked the fingers a mo mciit, .spread them, and a little milk will be t akc n between them into the mouth It will f.;oou take the hint, and after a few lessons lrink without the fingers, which have b cci removed by degrees. It is best to let the calf get a little hungry before attempting the first lesson. One objec tion to. fe oding a calf is, that it will drink its l "ation so rapidly that there is no opport ;ui ity for mixing with it the saliva, an 1 i mperf ect digestionjf ollows. A calf -feed '.er (there i3 no better than Small's) co mpells the calf to slowly suck its food, a ad causes the same frothing at tho mouth that is always noticed when a calf obtain: i its dinner in the natural way. This is simj )?y the evidence ef tha action of the salivary glands in supplying what nature demands to bo thoroughly mixed with all foods, whether solid or liquid, for their easy and full assiniulation. Where milk is scarce or expensive, calves are sometimes reared on hay tea and grain, but aside from the trouble of mak ing this drink, it has not tho qualities of milk, and is not so readily assimulated. American Agriculturist. rOULTUY HINTS. It is said that the relative cost of rais ing a pound of pork and a pound of chicken is as three to four, that is, if a pound of pork cost six cents, a pound of chicken will cost eight cents. But while the cost of production is so nearly alike, the price realized is about in the ratio of one to three, or, in other words, when pork sells at six cents a pound chickens will bring eighteen cents. Less"hog and hominy" and more roast chicken for us. It is said that fowls supplied with fine-cut rowen hay never contract the habit of pulling feathers. The hay prob ably satisfies the craving for a bulky diet, that is not without reason supposed to lead to feather pulling,and also furnishes employment to the fowls in the days of enforced idleness. It certainly is worth a trial, especially as it costs next to noth ing and is a valuable addition to the diet. Clever is an excellent "egg-food," supplying many of the elements found in the egg. American Poultry Yard. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shilo's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by Smith & Black Bros., Plattsmouth. Neb. Home, Sweet Home. She (thoughtfully) George, dear, are there not times in your life when the pa thos and truth of that most beautiful of all song?, "Home, sweet home, there is no place like home," appear to you with startling vividness, and fill your soul with longing? He (a baseball player) Yes, indeed, particularly when I'm on third base with two men out. New YorJi Svn. "WTjen Bh was Child, ah orie for ttaetoria, When aha became Ml, th oluug to Ctatoria, lfhn aha had Chlldxaa, alia gare thorn Oaatoria, The Intelligent Agriculturist. Texas Sittings. "Got any cow bell?" "Yes, step this way." "These aru too small. Haven't jou any large?" "No, sir; the largest ones are all sold." Rusticus started off and got as far as the door, when the clerk called ofter him: "Look here, stranger, take one ef these small bells for your cow, and you won't have half the trouble in finding her; for when you hear her bell you will always know she can't be far off. The farmer bought the bell. SniLOII'S COUGH and consump tion Cure is sold by us on gaurantec. It ures Consumption. For sal by Smith & Black Bbos. A Case. for Sympathy. Tld-Blts. Jack (after closely scrutinizing his cry ing baby brother) Do babies go to heav en, mamma! Mamma Yes, dear; when they die. What makes you ask? Jack O, nothing; I feel sorry for the angels. Don't you, mamma? "WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspep sia aad Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vi talizer is guaranteed to cura you. Sold by Smith & Black Bros. A New Kind of "Pastoral" Poetry. "Aro you fond of poetry, Mrs. Foe par?" "Indeed I am, Misa Pert; especially Pastralp,etry-" "Paste poetry I nave you a volume of it?" .... -To be sure-t. e h?mua1' know it's marie nr. of verac" u aLL luo F1313 U -.11 4 of our church. "-YonTiC3 oa J1 A A Tteh. Prairie Man-e. and bStche3 of every kind cured in 30 minutes, b.T Wool- ford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no This never fails. Warranted by, F. Fricke & Co., druggists, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, 34-lyr Mrs. Rose Terry Cooke says Ameri can woman don't know how to live. If they want health, she writes, let them learn to live in fresh air open their win dows, wear flannel nightgowns and take a jug of hot water to bed if they are cold, but neyer sleep with closed windows and air all their clothes and their room daily; eat simple,, wholesome food, wear boneless waists an 1 button their skirts on them, and take th ? heel3 off their boots. Then, she argues, t be will be rosy, happy. healthy, and a com fort to everybody as well as themselves. CATARRH CLUED, health and i sweet breath secunid, by Shiloh's Catarrh ! Remedy. Price 50 cents. INasal Injec Jte-rfree, Sold BmWi&Diack Bros. If the stomach perform" its functions actively and regularly tho food of which it is reccptical, is transformed into blo"d of a nourishing quality, which furninhcs vigor and warmth to the whole body, tho remedy best known to give tone to the stomach is Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthen ing Cordial and Blood Purifier. 20 iu3 Insomnia. rittoburK Iiulletia. I'ittsburger. Doctor, I am convinced that I am suffering from tho most pro nounced form of insomnia. M. I). Wht are yomr symptoms? Pittsbut ger. On Sunday lat I remain ed awake during the entire services, though the sermon was one hour long and the thermometer in tho vestibule stood at 02. Drunkenness or th Liquor Hnbit Posi tively Cured by Administaring Dr. Unities' Golden Speet fi c. It can bo yiven in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it; is absolute ly harmless and will effect a permanent nnd speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod'-rate drink er or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who havo taken Golden Specific in their coffee without their 1 ledge.nnd to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. IT NEVER FAILS. The system once impregnated with the Speci fic it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor ap;etitc to exist. For full particulars, address GOLDEN' SPECIFIC CO., 18.i Tinea st.. Cincinnati, O. S:l-ly 3 Fao-slmlln of Patent Ches and Checkerboard. aV vertislnv thn celehratod Synvlta lilock Kerned lea tnd a REWAUB OP S1.5WO. If tod rail to nd it on this small board call on your druKgixt f, full-size. Handsomely Lithographed board, i'iUUtj Of Kcud 0 C9uW for postage to us. COUGH BLOCKS. From Mason Lena, the Converted Gamblen TORT WAT. Ind.. April 5. 1S84. I ha,TO trlTen t' fy Dvlta Couah Blocks a thorough trial. They cur my little trirl(3 years' old) of Crouu. My wife ai mother-lu-law vere troubled with coughs of lunar standing. Una package of the Blocks haa cortsj atuuu mu they cau talk "as only women do." Makis Lasrcu. WORM BLOCKS. XjTMA, O., Jan. 25, 18ST. The Synvlta Worm Blocks ctad like a charm In expelling worms from mr llto tie child. The child is now well and hearty, Irntoai of puny and sickly as before. Jonir G. Robbomqj, BLACKBERRY BLOCKS. The Great Diarrhea and Dyi.nUry Caae&acv Pelphos. O., July 7th, 8S. Onr six-months old child had a severe attack of Bammer Complaint. Physicians could do nothing. la despair we triea pynvita Blackberry Blocks recommended by friend and a few doses effected a complete cure. Accept our heartfelt Indorsement of your Black berry Blocks. Mb- amp Mm. J. Btmmfc The Pynvita Block Remedies art) The neatest thing out, by far. ricasant. Cheap, Convenient, Suro, HaDdy, Reliable, Harmless and Purev No box; no teaspoon or sticky bottle. Po t ta ? Blent packages. Doses SS CiNTt wun anted to cure or money refunded. Ask yonr djnm (1st. If you fall to get them send prioe to THE 8YNVITA CO., Delphee, QhU. avd KBcarrm thih postpaid. IB1KT DONNELLY' A . -.!. a. P JJTD RLAf!SMITn 5! SHOP, Ttagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow r pairing, and general jobbing ks. now prepared to do all kinds of repairing ol (arm and other machinery, as there Is a good lathe In my shop. PSTER RATTEN. The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge ot the wagon inoy K Is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. 5tew Wasoci end Uaslns ts4 t Order HATreFAOTTON QllABAVT NO COLD PEST ! Send one dollar In currency, with ilze shoe usually worn, and try a piir of our Magnetic Indoles for rheumatism, cold feet and bad cir culation. They are tho most powerful mad in the world. The wearer tcels the warmth. lire and rwvitaliziAtioD. in three minute after put ting them on. Went by return mail upon rroclpt of price Snd jour nddress for the "New De parture In Medii:al Treatment without Medi cine." with thousands of testimonials. Write us full particulars of diflicnltles. Our Maenetic Kidney Belts for eentlemen w!'l positively ciire the following diseases with out medicine": rain In the back, head or limbs. nervous aeomiy, luiuoago. general neDimy. rheumatism, uaralysis. neuralcia. sciatica, dis eases of the kidneys, torpid liver. neminal emis sions' Impotency. heart diseasf, dyspepsia. In digestion, hernia or rupture, piles. -etc. Con- sultatlon tree. 1,1 wnn .uuku?iic turn mail upon receipt of price. Send m easure of waist and size of ehoe worn . Send f orcircu -lars. Ord-r direct. lnarA 81(1 hPRl IV tTXlrtf:s Kj. K. kf. MY UV re- solus is warranted to positively cure chronic cases of seminal emissions and lmrtency or money refunded, even after one year's trial. ;rT. ine aoove nescrinea nen i'u iu- THE MAGNETIC APrLIASCE CO.. 134 Dearborn St., Chicaeo. 111. 47 ly Cut this ou to us and we rou free tome- creat value and to you. that u.'hfph u.llf linnir vtitt more on lit hiitlnesjt monov rluht away than anything else In this world. Anyone can do tho work and live at hom Either sex : all rn.iv Something new that just coins money for all workers. We will rart you : capital not needed. This Is one of the cniiiiie, important chances of a lifetime. Tht-e who hre ambitious and enterprising wiU not rtolay. Ci ran d outfit f re. Aidrws Tbui &Vo Aucua U, M aine, 30ly j SI.SQO! n b n a I r" 1 to he made. 11 ! Ai 1 If and return MNIIX I U will un,l nil I i IH r i thihgof for Infants ond Children, Irot cmmrn.JituaaulortoaiiyBrosajsDtiaa I "r Eoa(. DtarrhnDa, EruotAwWrtH to n..c." ia. AlD; " "Jup' , JU lio. OiJ.-nl Sk; iiroosUyo, n. Y. WltWit Injtirloua oeclic&UaQ. RGlO'.ai'EltCENT. 0TT .. i... oifterext ARTiCLOj ' j s Ui lie Sleeliye" $3.00 i.. Potit-xl kIvps Postage In CHT Vw;ik::j fui.i i o. to 23 lbs. 7 vMILY SO J.ES, 240 lbs., $1 -"i'Vlim SCTl38,$lltO$20. aj Forces and BlacksmiUis Tools. Fnrroori' Forge, VIO. r i-rue und lilt or Tools. KVX. . . .. . . .... y ' wit-rij can no onri lops, saving UzuS) WAGON SCALES. Only liiu.iufiicturorH In America TiSiU. '. hlntr Itub I do bent of tfngitt fcicU ! forlj;triiij;sof all Sealest 2-Ton (lx I 2' S4Q. VTl S-Ton7xl3)8SO. IJ. 4-Ton (8xl4)$e0 rVti 'l " l;'n"' ,nx nnd Hrnss lienm with l.--ni.i a-lt s-!. :m other varlvtioa. Alstt, tTSC J 'I'rurkri, 'iiiM-lliaiTows, Corn BliuU- -y I ra wits. lot lies Wrlukrers and iiu llurdwaru tipcclultlua. SAFES OFTlL SIZES. Ho. i, weight 1.1U0 lbs., SO. SEWIHS MACHINES, PRICES REDUCED ? - .-- r TilOM Sfl.1 TO tsie. A l)r:ui:!fil Jlnrhlno, per- .rf'r('V l'i:ilit.iJ, lMiprovMiiftit tlo1Kfiti'i ""tli'i ISii'i-r aliurn, Hlnrk l.' ft IX, ? ':i!iiiit. rurMllure, cotttala- !-. ifl Attiuhmeni. Wur- m CMCg0S0Sl3C8., vjl f.-f S.Jc?cr-ti fi--- - 15 r-r ... v. TKE CHEAPET EATiKC OM EARTH! ASK VCUKr O1-O0E57 FOR THEMI M JTft7-V-V.lA FIRST rftllE HrrjcFORD HERD At the prc-at ?t.Tnis Fair, l.hcadcd by FORTUNE 3QB0, byir j::ou.:.M S-i:. f !!t UVELTX 00, by Lord Wilton. ,IiK 4-.U i;;,7'l, b Tho Grove Ird. DEWS'StTUV 2;nl 1V.IT7. Ly Dolley, half brother to Archibald. JJ numbers 2"3 head. Send for price and cuUiIcl'Uv:. J. S. ISA WIS, CoIcr.y, Ar.dcrtoa Co., Knnim, so : n ii AN Has ntta!nod a r' - ndarci of cxcellccoo vhich Admits or no rutier:or. Itcontains evory imp-o crDentthattaVCIitlT genius, tiiil uud inoccy can j roduw. otje; JKTTC T3 EVEBT OB.QA2H WAS. S ATTXSX? FOB nva YT.AKS Theso oiccl'.cnt Orzans are celebrated for vol- ome, quality of tone, Qiiick response, variety of com- lunation, arustic uesizn, uciiaiy in i:tusu, peneci construction, makiLg liera the riost attractive, orna mental ti.d dc.-irs.blo organs for OOUW, suiooig. ooarchea, lougos, focicucs, ex. EST A r. LIS il EI EKPUTATIOJ tJXEQCAIED FACII-ITIES, BIST 9CAZZUAX. COltEIiTSD, VASS TKI3 THE POPULAR OEOM l:sirjci5ou Eooks and Piano Stools Cta:oe"ac3 end friso Ltr, ou appUcation, Tmxa, r,ii;:Aeo cottase crsau co. BLUE ISLAND AYE CHICAGO, ILL. WbpWk GlasseB. iTl pared tr, furL!-'.i p.ll ttes "Uri employmeiit ilmH- "r Vt, t- j ... ox.- t Tlit mitl liruf- tfable. rtr-otiiTCf either s.-, easily earn from Mcent" to 5i.w. : r - ..iu '. l pro:ortion al sum bv devoting tU'.ir ti ne to the bui- men. That all who seo thu may eend tUeir J J - .1 4-.., .Via t.,Ci;ilU4 IllAke tl!S offer. To s:iib as are not well satined we w in send one Uoliar to pay lomu" i.'ni'.nc u n. Pull oarti-Ju:-.- tl -ri'tli fret. Adtl Gsoac.i: S 'iiiS ft; Co., "vruaud, Maine. m m 39 I ecraAira Compact, 183 FuUoaAestlkXf 1 THE superiority of Corallne over bort, or whalobono tma now botn Ooxor onatrated by over six years qxxg lonce. It is more durnblo. mora pliable, more comrbrtablo, aad NEVCd BREAKS. Tho lmmenso eale oZ thae Coroota SB now over 7000 daily. Boworo of worthless Imitations boncJt with various kinds of cord. Norm are genulno unleaa "Dr. Vr" nor'n Coralino" la printed oa lnslCc tJie ttool cover. r03 SALE EY ALL LEADING KE2CHAZT13. JULIUS PEPPERBERG, MAKUFACTUHEll OV AKD VHOLESALE & RETAIL UEAI.Klt IN THE Choicest Brands of Cigars, bicluding our Flor de Pepperbergo'Sand 'Budtv FULL LINK OTf TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLE always in stock. Nov. . DRESSLER. The 5th St. Merchant Tailc? Keeps a Full LLce oi Foreign 4 Domestie CooJ$. Oonmilt Your Interest by Gi?lng Bin SHERWOOD BLOCJC TPlattKiyxou.tl3. ISToTs jtAj V,? i v. u 1 1 1- r . i. - i: .-. i... l ;i.4-'ft f u4r tui tfcnik. ;iili-rfui K 1 1 iu,. AI tin? Knows ?. ltul r'.kti IUi vtiii. I,lvc. Vtm. Xsstlltrckist auTas. 1 i Hit- man tlllinK of the kiiiU c vi r put lisht-fl. bru.l Fifteua C'entM ' lit sumi y I'jJ a Kttmple copy, fciu ouj prir 1j mct-ult. AgeiiH wanlnl sft'''S. Ysatk Uml, FSHa4 . P. laCRICAN PUB. CO.. 17 Harts SIT4GER WW THIS S) A f- DAIS' TLUU 3 a run t J SWAIUtAX'IXU Circular. t.j E. C. HOWK COu, 13Z S . 6 tb rUIlsv.. tm 3 , TKE OLD RELIABLE. H. A. WATERMAN U M Wholesale and Ketall Dealer ta LUMBER Sliinglcs, Lath, Sath, Doors.BSinds. Can supply every clr-uiand of the trad Call and get tt-rnis. Fourth tr.U la Rear of Opera lloube. oibsr Yard