Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 28, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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The man who tampers with ppclfgrcp
in any kind of stock is villnin, n
mutter how rcMectnlIs his ntmt. Theme
who have charge of herd hooks fhonld
insist on the utmmt accuracy, gad the
breeder who is maght fergisjf jjrdijfres
should bo fprcyer excluded frm the
herd boooks. No regulation, howwrcr.
Can keep tho record cUsr unites the
breeder U a man of the Htrictett hsnor.
For instance, ahiyh-rsde calf vill fUa
be a greiitly tuperior individual to torn
animal entitled to a pedigree, The bay
er could never telll tho dinVrnr. In
courso of time however, hw beiriKs to
wonder why his cattle, are. going back
and finds ho has been imposed upon.
Mean time the records are pointed and all
purchasers of the stock an; injured. We
believe that all applications for record
should be made undr oath. The mdn
that will lio will sometiiaes swear to it,
perhaps, but our observation is that men
will often lio who will not nwenr to a lie.
Nothing rains a herd so quickly as the
bad reputation of ita owner. Good rat
tle often suffer because in the hands of a
man in whom those wh know him place
no confidence. In nothing docs it pay
better to be
breeding fine
absolutely honest than in
stock. Coluian's Rural
Preaching economy has become monot-
nous; yet on the farm, as elsewhere,
waste taks more than storuis, frosts and
insects. It is the worst form of waste to
prepare the land, to manure it, to culti
vate the plant, and then leave a good
part of the crop on the ground. "ty'hcn
small grain is cut by a self-binder, prop
erly operated, so little grain is left on
the field that it will not pay for gleaning
it Cut where a reaper with rake or
dropper attachment is used, or the grain
is cut with a cradle, gleaniHg is quite
profitable, especially in the wheat field.
The best implement for the purpose is a
liay rake. Tho revolving-head rake is
better than tho sprinjj-toooth sulky rake,
as it does not raks urn clone, and while
gathering np the grain will take less for
eign matter, especially when the grain
lias been sown on oom-stalk ground with
out removing the stalks. The gleaning
fihou'd be done as soon as the grsin is
cut, as" that layinjf on the sitbble is rap
idly daJnaged; even the dew and theso
bleach it, and a hard rain will best ib
down inAo the stubble. If the gleaning
ia done at" once the graim will bo ef m
good quality as that taken from ths reap
er. The gr&in may bo bond or rav4
away loose. Gleaned ests are Wt fwd
unthreshed. A boy i Illiaoia clearsd
$ 100 by gleaming the grain fluid ef his
neighbors. Many ef lie allows hi a
the gleanings, free. This ay b a hi mi
to other boys, while most farwers ill
nd that it will iy t glea their own
fields. American AgricuUuriat.
IA Card From tho Industrial Experiment
To th e Agriculturists and Horticulturists
ot Nebraska:
Having been employed by the Agricul
tural Experiment SWtios, of ths Univer
sity of Neb.-aska, to stady hs injuri
ous insects oi the I would repct
fully ask from those whom suck work
will particularly aim to benefit, that they
give me their coi'i'ersrion sad assistance
by answering the following inquiries:
(1.) What insect have dwagl jour
garden, orchard, crops or shade tret?
(2.) What time of the year hayp the
insects been most abundant, end have
they been more abundant one year than
(3.) What methods have you tried
for destroying- them, and with what suc
cess? (4.) What experience, if any, have
you had with the foowing insects:
Chinch-bug, Cottonwood beetle, Colorado
Potato beetle, Oibbago wo.'m, Strawber
ry borer, Strawberry saw-fly, Orape gall
louse, Grape flea-beetle, Apple .ark-louse.
Apple root louse, Apple-fruit or Cadling
worm. Apple tent-caterpillar. Fall web
worm, White Tussock moth, Apple lnf
crumpler, I'lum cuiculio, Maple tree b."r-
er, Hescian fly?
(5.) DsBcribe or oeud specimens of in
sects that have aanoyad you.
My intention is to get together material
for a practical report, which it is hoped
will be of benifit te all whe are iUrot
ed in farm, garden or fruit cult ere. He
feponses will gre itly facilitate tho prepar
ation of a proper mailing list, and it" w
hoped that there ill he many.
All suggestions will bo gref ally re
ceived. Cokwat McMiAX, ,
1503 II Street, Lincoln. Nek.
There times when, affcer the ere? haa
been harrestci, khe laxi is allowed
remain nadistftrbei ntil th-j sEcceedinr
spring; bu fr.rpsrieBCO k?s dejaivaWd.
that it is Vtter V ve a crep i sohjo
kind os the greTd all titaea, yrid-j
ed Buci crops be not j-erniiitsd W mature,
but toe turned n2e a erfarye. f
old sjHtsm of fallowing the land, which
was simply to give it a period of rat for
reenperation, proved very beneficial; yet
while the lend h remaining unproductive
advantage should be taken ef the oppor
tunity for MsiHting the soil to regain fer
tility. The soils thai were heavily crop
ped and abaBdeied became slightly cor
red with scanty herbage, but as the feo
ble planta derived mack ef their food
from the atmosphere, and, when plowed
under, added that which they had gained
to the soil, in a few years the soil became
sufficiently fertile te bear a crop of some
kind. But sueh a system is not an ceo
nomical nc, for Dot only is there a loss
of time, but tho procem of recuperation
is slow. Provided the crop bo seeded in
with a view of taming it ander the soil
is always benefited, for while the plants,
through the agency of the roots and
eaves, appropriate nitrogen in the shape
of nitric acid and nmr.mia from the at-
mofiphere and moisture, the roots exert
also both a wiechanioul Mid a chemical
action on the inert elements ef the soil
tstlf, thus converting plant food from
nsoluable materials. Hence, when a
regular crop is removed such as corn, tho
and should be seeded Immediately to
some other crep, as rye, for inwtance, the
rye to be turned tinder when of the pro
per height. No possible injury can he
done the soil, as the rye will set be re
moved, and such a crep performs the
service of assisting to restore fertility,
and also prevents the occupancy of the
land by weeds. The labor of plowing
and harrowing is not very expensive if
credit be given the value of the labor
saved in destroying the weeds that would
spring np should the ground be left un
covered. Shade benefits the land sleo,
and Nome farmers are of the opinion that
the shading of the ground by clover is a
very important matter that does aot re
ceive proper attention; bat where clover
is not pos-iblc,a is the case of some soils,
the growing of special manarial crops is
a cheap and easy Mode of assisting to re
store those soils that have been overcrop
ped and become somewhat exhausted.
Philadelphia Record.
From ttieFrairle Farmer.
Too much sloppy food that which is
drank rather than chewed is liable to
injure the digestive organs of calves, as
well as of children. Of course healthy
mother's milk, being especially adapted
to the infantile atecnack. ia the best of all
nonrishraeat for the young; but whatever
is added to milk, or substituted, should
be of a consisLsnoy to require chewing
mastication. An experienced ealf-raiser,
Mr. O. 8. Bliss, says in the Sew York
Tribune: "All their food needs tfeesame
preparation ia the rnenth and other or
gans of digestion in the yoang calf that
it doos in the aged cow. I kave never
been able to discover evidence that cook
ing in any way improves food for calves,
and when it Is made bjl In the popular
form of the day into porridge, gruel or
other drinkable concoction, it is not only
unprepared, bat it is unfitted for diges
tion." Per contra, Mr. Bliss adds: "Bat
we occasionally run Bpen a mian who
raises extra fine calves which are never
troubled with scours or any of the com
mon ailments. Xe ealf of his ever gets
anything ta drink bat plain skim-milk
and clear, clean water. He feeds dry hay
liberally dry grain sparingly, but increases
the grain rations as the animal develops.
Beginning with bran, middlings er oata
as soon as the calf will take it, he increases
the quantity without material change of
quality for his eow-elvea. Bat the steer
calves, whsther intended for early or
later slaughter, get heaver food just as
fht as they are able to bear it. The
changes are always so gradual as not to
disturb the digestion and every ounco he
gains he holds. He decs not hesitate to
feed linseed meal or cottoa-seed meal as
he sees ocoasion, but he always extends it
very largely with the coarsest bran in the
market. In short, he adapts all his feed
to the sniruil he feeds ia a manner to
compel the exercise of every organ of
digestion to the largest possible extent,
but he never puts upon one organ the of
fice of another. His calves do not ac
quire bad habits and none of them chew
bones or fencebearda."
Advocates of silage have claimed that
a k'iven amount had a greater feeding
valui than an equivalent amouat of the
same nviterial converted iato dry fodder
Against claim it has beea objected
that the o ean by no possibility add to
the autritivr vaUe of its contents, and
that the aaras material coRverted iato dry
fedder would pass the sajue feeding
value. But the lata meeting of tfc "Wis
consin Dairymen' Association, Fret, Ar
eld showed alarly how that claim or
greater feeding valae for lage caa be
substantiated while aot admittiag that
the silo impart oaf Rutritfre prepeasitiee
Bt existing it &a dry iedder. K said:
"Xh well preserved ecsilage save the
animal a gre4 expeiditsre ef fertt ia
hrekig dowe tie wrody fibec of -Jjied
forage, which (vhen ejecalemt feo2e re
giTei. filLci with tkerr jM.UrpJ jakiw aad
the eelltlar tissues nacaaERed, nd reedy
to parti niscr i-ntlj r?ifs eir natri-
tive stores) must result in a vast saving
of force or digestive power; that is an
economy, and this will go to tho support
of the animal. All the animal is compell
ed to do in extra power necessary to con
vert its food into a digestible mass calls
for an extra food ration to sustain this
greater demand upon tho system. This
most be made good by increased rations
or the result is the animal falls off in flesh.
The nearer the winter's food can bo pre
sented in the condition in which it grows
the better. Then the food is broken down
with the minimum amount of gastric
jnices or force; but when in a dried state,
nature is compelled to both moisten this
food and break it down by increased
amounts of gastric juice. In the summer
the animal is supplied with a green raj
tion that is at once thoroughly digested,
a there is no breaking down of cellular
or woody fiber to enable the contents of
these cells to be acted upon, and get all
the nutriment; while in winter tho animal,
besides keeping itself warm is compelled
to make fluid this dried food before it
can get its value as food, and then not
all of it. If this were not so, then the 100
pounds of green grass would have no
greater value as a food than the same
grass dried into hay. The silo comes
nearer presenting our stock with a sum
mer ration in winter than anything yet
chanced upon, and this reasoning goes
far as anything in explaining the seeming
discrepancy between the feeding value
of hay as compared with ensilage Maj.
Alvord Alvord now placing the value of
three tons of good ensilage as the equal
of one ton of fine hay, while the results
of chemical analysis require nearly four
tons of silage to furnish the sumc amount
of nutriment a3 a ton of good hay.
Itrom the Practical Farmer
CATARRH CURED, health and
sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy. Price 50 cents." Nasal Injec
tor free. Sold by Smith & Black Bros.
Whet He Should 3ay.
"Ma." said Bertie, "should I say 'pants'
or 'trowsers'?"
"Trowsers, my dear," said the mother.
"Well, then," said Bertie, "I thiuk
Bridget had better give Fido some water;
he trowsers awfully." Tid-Bits.
sia aad Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vi
talizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold
by Smith & Black Bros.
Jack:- "Papa, what part of speech is
worn am!"
Papa "She isn't any part of speech at
all, Jack; she's the whole of it!"
so quickly cured by Shilo'a Cure. We
guarantee it. Sold by Smith & Black
Bros., Plattsmouth. Neb.
Tho girls are already getting ready
for leap year. A new pin for tho hair or
bonnet has the shape of an interrogation
point. Young man, beware! Seward
-aia e - -
SIIILOH'8 COUGH and consump
tion Cure is sold by us on gaurantee. It
urea Consumption. For salo by
Smith & Black Bros.
In A Bat Fix.
Philadelphia Dispatch.
Sympathetic Friend Poor John died
so suddenly.
Sorrowing Widow - Awful sudden. I
was entirely unprepared for it.
"Poor dear."
"I hadn't a rag in the house that would
do for mourning wear."
Baby waa atok, we cava her Cutoria,
ah vaa CLatd. aba cried for Cutorio,
sh hamraa Uui, aha clans tu Cactoria, .
she had Children, aha gar thezn Cutoria,
Bival Relics.
Charleston News and Courier.
He(to Miss Breezy, of Chicago) "Do
you know the Wabashes, of Michigan
avenue. Miss Breezy?"
Mi68 Breezy "Very slightly."
He "I have heard that Miss Wabash
is a very cultivated young lady."
Miss Breezy (superciliously) "I fancy
that all the culture Clara Wabash has
could be put in a small cart and backed
down hill."
Itch, Prairie Mange, and Scratches of
every kind cured in 30 minutes, by Wool
ford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no other.
This never fails. Warranted by, F. G.
Fricke & Co., druggists, Plattsmouth,
Nebraska. 31-1 yr
Otreleat Angela.
Little Dot "I don't like to stay in the
house this way. What makes it rain so
Careful Mamma "So the grass can
grow and the flowers cone out, dear."
"Does the angels send down all this
wet just for the grass and flowers?"
"I Buppose so."
"Well, what do they slosh it all over
everything for? There isn't any flowers
in the streets."
"It caa't be helped, I guess."
"I guess may be they are hired angels,
and used to washing windows." Ex.
Drunkenness or tho Liquor Huliit Posi
tively Cured by Ad ro mi&tcri n.j
Dr. Hiiiiifis' Golden
It can be given in a cup of coffee or
tea without the knowledge of the person
taking it; is absolutely harmless and will
effect a permanent uinl speedy cure,
whether cho patient is a moderate drink
er or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of
drunkards havo been made temperate
men who have taken Golden Specific in
their coffee without th. ir knowledge,and
to-day believe they quit drinking of thei
own free will. IT NEVEIl FAILS. The
system once impregnated with the Speci
fic it becomes an utter impossibility for
the liquor appetite to exist. For full
particulars, address GOLDKX SPECIFIC
CO., 185 Ibice St.. Cincinnati, (). !:$-ty
Fao-Blmlle of Patent Ctapss nnd Checkerboard ad
Yartiainif the celebrated tiynvita Block Remedies
and a F.WAHIt OP fit ,500. It you fail t.
mm ii ou inis niiiKii Diiarn can on jrouraruwlnt fo
full-xize. Handtomcly l.lthopraphod bouxU, I'iUSiii
vr Bond cuius fur postage to u.
From Mason Long, the Converted Gambler.
Fokt Wayne. Ind.. April 5. 1854.-1 have Riven th
rij uvun v.out'ii i3iurK! a iiiorouita trial. Tney cured
niy little Kirl (K years' old) of Croup. My wife and
uioiut'r-iii-iHw were irouoien witti cnuitln or lona
nmiiuuiK. niv pucicaKO oi ino itiocKd una cured
standing. Ono packatro of tho Works Una curet
uiuiu bo iuuy ciu lain - an omy women do.
nen do."
I.iva.O., Jan. ari, 1S87. Tho Synvita Worm Block
acted like a charm 1 n expelling wormn from my lit
ile child. The child is now wtil and boarty, limtead
of puny and sickly ua before.
Jonx G. RonuixsoN.
The Crciit IHarrhira and Dysentery Checker.
Pelpiioh, O.. July 7th. W. Our nix-month oM
child had a fovcro attac k of Summer C'oinplaliit.
Physicians could Jo nothing. In di-Hpair we tried
Fynvita Blackberry ISIocks recommended by a
friend and a few closes cflected a complete euro.
Accept our heartfelt indorsement of your Black
berry Blocks. Me. asd Mm. J. ft a vy.n a h
Tho Synvlta Block Remedies aro
The neatest tiling out, by far.
I'leasant, Cheap, Convenient, Sum,
liandy, Keliuble, Harmless and l'uro.
No box; no teaspoon or gticky bottle. I'ut np In
patent packages. 5i. Iiosks S. Cents, war
ranted to cure or money refunded. Ask your drujf
gUt. If you luil to net them send price to
THE SYN VITA CO., Dolphos, Ohio,
t3CIIECKEliliOAIlD FREE with each OliDEIi.
V.-y- CJ.!
f St
e' -A xY 1)
Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plotc re
pairing, and general jobbing
av now prepared to do all kinds of repairing
or farm and other machinery, as tnere
la a good lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
has taken charge oi the wagon sncp
He is well known aa a
Hew Wfisfti:
and Hassle
Send one dollar in currency, w ith size of s!ioe
HHUiiUy worn, and try a p:iir of our Maiictic
Insoles for rheumatism, cold feet anil bad cir
culation They are the most powerful made in
the world. 'I lie wearer feels tlie warmth, life
and rvira'ization in three minutes after put
ting them on. Sent by return mail upon receipt
of pi ice fend your address for the "Xcw le
pnrtitre in Medi:ul Treatment without Medi
cine." with thousands of testimonials. Write
us full particulars of diflieuliies.
our Magnet io Kidney ;elts for KentleniPn
will positively cure the following diseases with
out iiit-dieinu: l"ai:i in the back, head or limbs,
nervous debi!it. !umb:iir. general debility,
rheumatism, paralysis, iieuraluia. sciatic.-, dis
t-.V--M.-C I'l I lie hi,lllt S, Ml im nvi i, St
sloii!, inipotency. heart disease. ly
digestion, heriiia or rupture, pile's.
eases of t he kidneys, torpid liver, seminal emis-
spppsia. in-
ete. liir-
sultaticm free. Price of Jelt. with Mntrnetic
Insoles. .?10. Sent by exjiress C . J. or by re
turn mail upon receipt of price. Semi m ensure
of waist and size of shoe worn. Send forcitcu -lars.
ordi-r direct.
N'otk. the above described licit wi'h In
soles is warranted to positively cure chronic
cases of seminal emissions and or
money refunded, even after one year's trial.
TiiK v.';ktm; Ari'i.i.vxcK to..
17 ly J"4 Dearborn St.. Chicago, I'l.
Lastand crown ins? work ofiua life, over TOO paeeg
Just out. F. B. DicKKRSosc & C!o., Detroit, Mich.
IBlS Terms to Acnti. mention thispapeb.
to be made. Cut tins ou
and return to us and we
will send you free some
3 thing of great value and
B importance to you. that
will start you in busir.est
which wiil brmtr von more
money ritrht away tlian anything cise in this
world. Anyone can do the work and live at
home. Either sex ; all aires Something new.
that just coins money for all workers. We will
start you ; capital not needed. This is one of
the genuine, important chances of a lifetime.
Those who are ambitious and enterprising will
not delay, cirand outfit free. Address Tkuk
& Co.. Augusta, Maine. 3cly
Woffii Classes, hm
pared to furnish all classes with employment
at lmnie, the whole of the time, or for their
spare moments. Business new. li'jbt and prof
itable. Persons of either sex easily earn from
50 cents to .5.0o per evening, and a proportion
al sum by devoting all their time to the busi
ness. Boys ami girls earn nearlv as much as
men. That all who see th's may send their
address and test the business, we make this
offer. To such a are not well satisfied we will
send one dollar to pay for tlie trouble of writ
ing, Kull particulars and outfit iree. Address
GiiOUUiS & Co., l'ortland, Maine.
$1,500 z 7
to V. J 5 - A W
for infants
'Cnatorla is so wen adapted to cMiren that I CantoH rnrefl Colic. CoBstlpnflrmv
I recommend it aa superior to any pruacriptioa N our Htomach, I'mrrhcpu, Kruct-'ittorv
knowa to me." 1L A. Aucheii, M. D . ' wrrm. V. i PuOUsb il
XU Bo. Oxiord St, UrooUyn, N. T. WitLo'u iajuriou medicetloa.
Tia CoTAua Cowjut, 183 Fulton etvcrTLV,
Down With High Prices!
30 TO 70 PZE CENT. OFF ;
8olcl Direct to Conumer7.1
Tho "Lililo r.(ef(ive,w $100
Ik D. Postal ivea Postago in CEMTJ
Weighs from i ox. UilSlba.
PAMILT SCALES, 240 lbs., $3.'
Platform Scalost$ito320w
Forges anil B2csmitls, Tools.
Fanners' Forge, fUO.
Forire und Iklt uC Tool., UZB.
iMirmern can do o,l, lohg, Rnvlnir tlina
and money. Anv ils Vibes, to., Ow.
OnlV til rl nil fn A 1
TiMn notliliiK hut, t lie liestof JCuk11Ji
firliwi!n8of all Hcalt:t
2-Ton (Ox I 2) 840.
iVf! 3-Ton 7x1 3) tSO.
ulr. r. 4"Ton 8xl4)$60.
W a TIenm pov nml llrnss Henrn wlta
r '.- I'lU'll S('1lI'. liPr I'ftrl..! t... A I...
iC5Vi ''Mi'-ks. WhiTllmrrowH, Corn Kliell
- erh, reea .M IUh. (iiy ITchmch, Mon
i y Jirawem. l..ih. Vrluers uud
all llurdwuru tsin eluUIt'.
Ko. 4, weight l.KX) IbB., 50.
r II !.-.! ac.l TO 818.
A lic:intlful Miirhlne. ner-
fVSZSttX f 7 Improvement
1-. tfe ' Ijni (i r' aljjut. ! lii nliiire, contuin-
fet IV lhilhlicil. ltimrovi'Micnf.
L i"t? i ull net of latust fi
proved A ttm Utnrtiti. M":
l ;uitud perfect. Save muiit
rril lor Cifctil.-tn
Chicago ScaJa Co.,
lZlSJccrmmSt..(.lutac v
m pm m w $ P
4iit . - -. ? . . ! T C K
A2i' YOUR G iOCt.rf S OVi T Ht Ml
At the t'reat Ft.T.onis Fiiir. l.l.headed by FOIITCXE
2030, by fir ltiehard 2:id. Hit EVELT.V 9 0, by Lord
Vilton. CKOVE 4th i;.7UJ, by The Grove Ird.
DCWSBUKV 2nd ls'.'.cr, by Doller, half brother to
Archibald. Herd numbers 273 head, fcend f or priccf
and catalogue. J. ri. HA WES,
Colony, Aailsmou Co., Kitnsns.
Has ftttfilnod a Ftanclard of Ciccllcnco "which
admits of no euperior.
Itcontuiri-j every improvement that Inventive
getiiui, bKiil and money can prtxlucc
These excellent Organs are celebrated for vol
ume, quality of tone, yuck re?iio:;te, variety of com
binatiou. artislic de.;;;n, beauty in i:niaa, perfect
conrtraction, n;ukin? luem the most at tractive, orna
mental und desirable orgaud for houcs, fcClioola,
Churches, lodges, societica, etc.
Instruction Beaks and Prano Stools.
Catalogues asd Prioe List3, oa application,
XTo will give $100-00 Vs
for any book evrr pnMished containlnir
the valuable information, for the roon-
ey, this one docs. Never iu;re o muen uiiormfc
tion Kath-rei in one volume for live tim-a th price ol
thi one, hence tbro is no trouble in Falling it.
Iteontains 185 vutcs 4' x6 -i. ZO liluxtnitfons, and
16 f ill iu:e colored tilnramg. Bound in th
bviit Encrbsu Cloth, for 95 Cents. One aita-.t orders
VjO for Hdtivs. another 80 for 5 ditys. another 81 for S days,
another for ft weeks; one lady has Hold 7u0 tn a very
t.ort time. Send tor tenua and circular giving taU
it ooateats.
JtenOcatUj pr. DETROIT, sVRCHe
J i4 l''-4
- t
bin y(:?txibJ.s;:,-1
' w'lV ' li) I" W J
pnd Children.
JIB superiority of Corollns oyer he
or whalebone baa now boea i
onstrated by over elx. years
lonce. It la more durablo, Kor
pliablo. more comfortable, and fiEVI
Tho immense sale of these
now over 7000 daily.
Beware of worthles3 lmltattoaS bODCiJ
With var'.oua kinds of cord.
None are gonulno unleaa " OfV Vf'QP
ner's Corallr.9"ia printed oa laiUflCj
tbo eteel cover. .
257 & 259 State BtnA
ikai.i;k IN TIIK
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Flor do PepperbergoT nnd 'Qudn.
always in stock. Kov. 2C. J88."L
The 5th St- Merchant Tailoa
Keeps a Full Line of
Foreign & Domestic Goods.
Consult Your Interest by Giving Htm a Cttk
j'j r ', r. v . . J
J l pvii Ihe LftHEIU
and StBtlauct ol Cri
Flower suit Shrub. Xl.
it! diii r:ut k'ndH. A i". a
the Xsowi BuletM Flirt i.
tita wuh Clovs. Psvaulk
Basdktrchlol aid Fi. If
s Hit- noil eotr.oltl fi 4
of the kind vtr pu!
llshed. hnd Fifieett
'! In huiuiu fLI
a HHLLiDte C'OIV. buM) OUJ
J (irketoavfuu. Ageutf
wuiit-( tvenfrisra. A'i
CtiERICka PUB. CO.. 17 Ronb Ycotb Strts
t. Ptliid't,
nil hn LE
A tn II ft ft nS
fj Atlaobmutn.
Circular. rv
E. C. IIOVE & CO.,
1SZ Ji.GllltiU. X'llllA.,
Wholesale and BeUll Dealer tn
Shingles, Lath, Sasb,
oors Blinds.
Can supply every of the tnula
Call and get tc ring. Fourth street
In Iitar cf Ot cra Ilouie.
LI ill 001"