plWfemwftj $2.00 PER ANNUM. PLATTSMOUTir, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1887. VOLUME XXIII. NUMHHK 18 V , i. V No One Need Remain A Dyspeptic. "I have licen Buffering for over two years with Dyspf psia. For the last year I could not take a tlrink of cold water nor cat any meat without vomiting it up. My life was a misery. I had had recommended Sim mons Liver Regulator, of which I am now taking the Hecond bottle, and the fact is that "Words cannot express the relief I feel. My appetite is very good, and I digest everything thoroughly. I sleep well now, and I used to be very restlcas. I am fleshing up fast; good, strong food and Simmons Liv er Regulator have done it all. I write this in hopes of benefit ing some one who lias suffered as I did, and would take oath to these statements if desired." E. 8. Ballou, Syracuse, Neb. GOIjNT-l-Y OFFICERS. Treasurer. Deputy Treasurer, - Clerk. - Deputy Clerk, Clerk I District Courf, Sheriff, - - Deputy Sheriff. Surveyor. Attorney. upt. ol Pub Schools, County J udue. D. A. Cam i'brlLi Tikis. Pollock J. M, liOBINSON C, C McPhkkson W. C. SHOWALTKR J. ('. KlKK.NBAKV li. C Y ROMANS A. JlADOLK Al.LKX BKK80N MaYXAKI) SPINK O. KCSSCLL 1SOAKD OF surr.itvisoRS. Louis, Ch'in., Weeping Water A. It. Toim, - riattsniouth A. ll. Dickson, - Kimwood GIVIG SOCIETIES. C1ASS CAMP NO. 3.S2, MODKUN WOODMEN ol America Meets second aud fourth Mon day evening at K. of P. hull. All transient brothers are requested to meet with w. L. A. Newcomer, Venerable Consul ; W. C, WHlettn, Worthy Adviser ; P, Merges, Ex-Banker ; J. i. Morris, Clerk-. 1HLATTS.MOUTH LODCK NO. 8. A. O. U. W. Meets every alternate Friday evening at Kockvvood hall at S o'cIock. All transient broth ers are respectfully invited 10 attend. .1. A. iutsche, M. W. ; S. C, Green, Foreman : S. C. Wilde. Kecorder ; S. A. Nowcoiuer. Overseer. McCONIHIE POST 45 C. A. R. ROSTER. Sam. M. Cfiafm an Commander, C. S. Twiss Senior Vice F. a. Hatks Junior " " John W. Woods Adjutant, Auijust Tautscii Q. M. 15KNJ. IIkmpi.k Officer of the Day. John C'ouiiKiAN, " " uard S. P. Holi-owav, Sergt Major. It. H. LiviNC.STux, Post Surgeon Alpha WrIkht, Pot Chaplain Kegular meetings. 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at i'ost Headquarter in ltock wood Block. PROFESSIONAL CARDSt ATTORNEYS at law. "IJEKSON & SULLIVAN, Attorneys at Law. A Will give prompt Attentiou to all business Intrusted to them. OiUce In Union Block, East side. Flattsmouth, Neb. J AS. S. MATHF. VS, Attorney at Law. Office over M. B. Murphv Co's store, south 8lde of Msla between 6th aud 5Ui streets. 21tf "IJOBEUT B. WINDHAM. Notary Public and -X' Attorney at Lar. Office over Hark of Cass County. PlaUsmouth, Neb. Office tele phqpie No, 7 ; residence. No. 6. JOHN A. DA VIES. A ttorney at Law. Office with K. H. Windham, over Bank of Cass Co. Plattsmouth, Jan 71yj Nkbraska. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. EW. COOK, M. P., Phyician and Surgeon. Offic at Fisher's Drug Store, Flatts mouth, Nebraska. I? L, SIOGIN3, M. I., Physician and Sur geon. One door vet of Bennett's store. Office hours from 10 to 12 a. in. and from 3 to 5 nd7to9p. in. Resideni;. corner Ninth and Kim streets Mrs. house. Telephone at office and house. LEGAL. Probate Notice- Jxi the matter of the Inst 1 npceaspd 9!id testament of NoahKJIobbs j "eceasea- In the County Court of Cass C. Nebraska. Netice Is hereby given that on the 23rd day of July A. D.. 1S7. at the County Judge's office In Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the following matter will be heard and considered : The application of Azby C. Hobbs to admit to probote the last will and testament of Noah If Hobbs, late of Elm wood, in said county, de ceased, and for letters testamentary to Azby U. Hobbs. Dated this July Cth. 1&87. By order of the Court. 16-3 C. KussELt, County Judge, ShorifTs Sale. By Tirtne of an execution issued by W. C. Show-alter, Clerk of the District Court within and for Ca.-s county. Nebraska, and to me di-re'-ted, I will on the l"2ih day of August. A D. 1837, at 11 o'clock a. in , of said day at the south door of the Court House in said comity, sell at public auction, the followi-g real estate to-wit : lotne (1) two -2) and three (3) In block sev en (7) in Duke's Addition to tlm city of Flatts mouth, Cass county, Nebraska. The same beiag levied upon nnd taken a the property of Geort: W. Fairtield. defendant ; to satisfy a judgment o! said Court recovered by tolonion i: Nathan, plaintiffs, against said de fendant. Flattsmouth, Neb.. July 2nd A. D..18S7. J. C. Kl KKNSBA KY. 1C-5 Sheriff Cass County, Neb. M'KIO LODGE NO. 84, A. O. U. W. Meets . -- every ulrernat Friday eveniug at K. of I. v hall. Transient brother are respectfully In vited to attend. F.K. White, Master Workman ; Jt. A, T;iite. Foreman ; F. J. Morgan, Overseer ; J. Morris. Hecorder. 'r "WillJ. Warrick's improved poultry powder gives satisfaction every time. Try it Only 20c a lb. 16-4t Missea laced serge shoes 35 and K foxed 50 cent3 only, at Merges. 14tf THE LATEST NEWS. FIEAT AT riTTBBURO. Pittsburg, July 19. Five fatal cases of sunstroke were ."cported to-day. At noon the thermometer registered 84 . A good breeze is blowing, with some in dications of rain. FOKTY-FIVE CASKS OP SUNSTROKE. Cincinnati, July 19. There were re ported to police headquarters, up to mid night, for the entire day, forty-five cases of sunstroke, six of which were fatal. LEFT FOR "WASniKOTON. Elmira, N. Y., July 19. President Cleveland and party arrived here from Cazenovia at 9:45 p. m. A large crowd had gathered at the depot to welcome the party and the President and Mrs. Cleveland from the platform acknowl edged the cheers by bowing and smiling. The party left for Washington at 10:10 p. m. A CATTLK EMBARGO. Washington, D. C, July 19. Dispatch es have been received at the departement of State from the United States minister of Belgium announcing that the govern ment of that country has increased the import duty on coffee, cattle and meat. Meat will not be permitted to enter Bel gium except in the form ofwhole animals and halves and fore-quarters of animals, and then only when the lungs are attach ed. SAILED FOR IIOME. San Francisco, July 19. Accommoda tions were secured this morning for Queen Kapiloani and the remainder of the Hawaiian royal party, on board the Australia, which sailed for Honolulu this afternoon, the queen having decided not to wait for the United States cruiser, IIa8sler, on which accommodations were tendered her. NO MAK'i LAND. Washington, D. C, July, 20. A peti tion signed by the residents of Mineral City, which is one of the neutral strips known as "No Man's Land," lying south of Kansas, has been received by the pres ident respecting his failure to sign the bill passed by both houses of congress at the last session annexing No Man's Land to the state of Kansas. The petitioners represent that for five years past that country has been monopolized by large and influential cattle companies, many of them foreign corporations, which have fenced off for their own purposes thous ands of acres of valuable land, and whose every aim is to keep out the hon est and hard working farmer. The peti tion states that from twenty to thirty families are daily entering this strip and locating and building and breaking ground for crops. The railroads are making surveys and some are about com mencing to grade. Towns are springing up, people are spending their money in building, yet they cannot get a title to the ground they are building upon. Bus iness is impeded and trade is unprotected, The petitioners ask that their statements be investigated and such action taken as will best protect them in their rights. In reply to the letter from the cattle owners on the tract known as "No Man's Land," asking "whether a portion of the herders occupying th'ct land can form an organization and adopt a herd law to govern free rangemen, Land Commission er Sparks states that no person, organiza tion or association has any right, or color of authority, to make a herd regulation or any other regulations in respect to the occupation of lands in tho pnblic land strip. BRITISH. AFFAIRS. London July 19. Lord Salisbury's speech at the Carlton club today was the last straw upon the back of the over burdened conservative camel. It was not only a confession of the government's weakness, but also a frank admission that the conservative party is at the mer cy of the unionists. Several of the most uncompromising tones present were dis posed to resent the premier a concessions to the government's unionist allies and to declare the independence of the tory party, of any part y or fact'on not hold- orthodox tory yiews, but those of them who were not convinced on the spot will shortly be made to see the conservatives are anything but independent. Bad par ty mana cement, over confidence and short sightedness in their warfare against Mr. Gladstone haye resulted in the tory cabinet's being led into ambush and they must eet out as best they can. The to- ries cannot now break with the unionists, nor can the unionists withdraw from their alliance with the conservatives. Neither can stand alone. Both are afraid to appeal to the country in the face of the popular feeling as indicated in the recent elections and there is nothing left for them to do but to remain in the pres ent relations or no to the wall. The lato decisions denote that the electors throughout the country are weary of the trimmin-j tactics of the yov eminent and are anxious for an oppor tunity to give force to their changed opinions through tho medium of the ballot box. The coercion bill has ap pealed to the sentiment of the people and the land bill to their pockets, the latter being the more sensitive spot. V ith the proletariat there will " in many parts of the the country be a greater howl over the adjustment of rents than could be excited among the same people over the extermination of the whole Irish race, except in llornsey, where at the last elec tion, the conservative candidate was re turned without opposition and conse quently there can be no comparison. The reduction of last year's tory majorities indicate the tin ft of public and party feeling, and the outlook is in no wise en couraging to the ministerialists or their allies. The house of commons went formally in a body to the house of lords this af ternoon, where royal assent was given to the Irish crimes act amendment bill, and it was thus made the law of the realm. County Commissioner's Proceed ings. Tuesday, July 19th, 1887. Board met pursuant to adjonrnment; members all present. Minutes of May and June read and approved. Bond of John MeGuin, and Wm. Del- les overseer of dist. 53, approved. The following bills were allowed: ft 1 Oa " -1... 1 -1 i X. A -t jv. j. on ei "in, coi. lusu a ou ui Johnson Bros., nails for county 5 10 T. Clark, wood for paupers. . . 2 85 A. Clark, goods to paupers. ... 8 05 M. B. Murphy & Co., goods to paupers 2; 00 F. S. White, goods to paupers. 20 50 Rend Bros. & Co., goods to paupers 9 45 Poisell & Spencer goods to pau pers 5 20 Robt. Sherwood, goods to pau pers 1 o J. V. Weckbach, goods for jail 35 40 W. II. Malick, boarding city prisoners o4 o W. II. Malick, boarding county prisoners 218 2o J. C. Eikenbary, guarding pris oners o uu M. Spink, salary and ex 109 00 Platts. Gas & E. L. Co., gas for June oO Eli Sampson, boarding pauper. 95 37 Neb telephone, rent for July. . 12 95 T. E. Williams, gasoline vv State Journal Co., bridge book notice G o0 Gazette Journal Co., book 36 50 " " tax receipts. 10 00 John Morris & Co 8 20 Henry Boeck 10 95 Insane case, Mary E. Spencer. . 54 00 J. K. Keithley, tax notice 6 25 O. Jacobs, assessing Elmwood. lol 0 Knotts Bros., note heads and envelops 18 oO Richey Bros., lumber 13G 43 Nat. L. Co., claim $21.50, al lowed 20 Nat. L. Co., lumber 20 -J'J Tidball & Fuller, lumber 21 44 J. W. Quackenbush, lumber. . . 10 00 Piatt L. Co., lumber 114 "u Tho. Buir. a 50 J. S. Duke, mds. for county. . . 3 CO James Mills J B. B. McMurlin 20 Resignation of J. L. Rhoden accepted. W. C. Showalter, clerk of district court reported fees due witnesses, remaining m his office unclaimed, for the half year ending June 1st 1S87. Ed. Wagner $ 2 00 John Patraka 0 DO Catharan Mutzler 4 10 David Hoppe 4 80 Newton Young o DU Ed. Cooper 4 u Thomas B. Stevenson 2 00 Belle Beaver 3 00 George Tinley 5 70 John Sayles o u William Wintersteen 2 00 Benjamin Cross G 00 William Haignt vu John McCarroll 3 80 George Hathaway 3 80 G. L. Lane 3 80 Jas. E. Bauming 3 80 J. II. Austin 3 80 A. B. Taylor 2 00 G. W. Norton 1 85 David Woodward 1 50 Miles M. Morgan 2 00 Frank Dabury 10 00 James Patterson 2 00 William Barnhood 2 20 JohnPhillop 3 80 J. F. Parkins 4 50 Thos. O. Moon 2 50 S. F. Rockwell 2 00 Mrs. O. II. Goodwin 2 00 Anderson Root 3 20 M. J. Turner 1 10 F. Latham 1 10 E. Messier 1 1 J. B. Rennick 1 10 F. Carruth 1 10 B. C. Yeomans 4 90 O. Burgess 6 00 Fred Latham 2 00 Paul Schi ndlcr . . : .' . 6 00 John Baumamer 8 10 J. N. Wise 2 00 L. S. Perie 11 50 William Herold 2 00 J. D. Tubb 2 00 J. N.Wise 2 00 1. W. Shrvock 2 00 J. D. Simpson 4 00 Wm "NT Newell 2 00 J. C. Gilmore 2 80 A. B. Todd 4 00 Jacob Vallery Sr. 2 50 R. B. Windham 4,00 2 00 4 00 a oo 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 (0 2 00 NEBRASKA NEWS. Ord has voted water bonds. Fremont is to haye a packing house. The teachers normal institute at Stnin- ton is a big success. A city directory is in the hands of the printers in Grand Island. Gage county is jubilant oyer the pros pects ior immense crops. Norfolk has "-ranted an Omaha firm a franchise to put in water works. The treasurer of Otoe county took in $140,284.57 in the last six months. Fairbury's municipal expenses for the ensuing year arc estimated at !JG,4".0. Elkhorn valley it is claimed will this year yield the largest corn crop ever known there. Work has been begun on the main building ot the soldiers' and sailors' home at Grand Island. The Falls City band expect to submit a bid for playing during the State Fair at Lincoln. Lincoln merchants have filed a protest with the state board of transportation de manding better rates. Lincoln has contracted to have her daily water supply incrensed'to 2,000,000 gallons at a cost of $0000. Coal lias been discovered near the mouth of the Short Pine river sixteen miles northwest of Graham. Hastings is soon to vote on a proposi tion to issue bonds in the sum of $15,000, to lay additional water mains. The stockholders of the Fremont creamery have just pocketed a semi an nual dividend of ten per cent. This is buttering the biscuits of opulence on both sides. On Friday last Martin O'Brien fell dead at Lincoln. He was waiting for a train to take him to Ansley, Neb., where he expected to go to work on the rail road. Death is supposed to have result ed from heart disease. Gov. Thayer is much criticised by many for pardoning Fitzimmons, tho murderer of Pearl Forcaell three years ago. At the same time he is being urged most earnestly to commute the sentence of Hoffman who is to hang for train wreck ing. Gov. Thayer will attend the centennial celebration of the adoption and promul gation of the federal constitution, to be held in Philadelphia in September. He has appointed as commissioner to repre sent Nebraska the Hon. Wm. M. Robert son of Madison. Last Thursday a farmer named Sallen living near Nelson, Nicholls county, drove to town with a load of hogs which he sold for $50. Another farmer named Coonrad saw him draw the monev and when Sallen started home asked for a ride which was readily gantcd. Two hours afterward the dead body of Sallen was found. Suspicion at once rested on Coonrad and on going to his house he was found in a clean suit of clothes while his wife was washing the blood from the shirt in whieh the murder was committed. Coonrad was taken to the county jail in. Nelson where the sheriff placed an extra guard over him. Friday night passed safely but Saturday nijjht a mob captur ed the jail took him out and hung him Tabor College. FULL COURSES OF STUDY : Classical, Scientific an! Literary, Normal anil EsgiisL Minic, Art and Business ppp-rtments. New Building. BETTER FACILITIES. Fall term begins Sept. 20th. Table board $2 00 to $2.50 per week. All ex penses lo.w. For catalogues address Wm. M. BROOKS, Pres.. Tabor, Iowa. HESSELROTH'S WINE8OFS,iROI!. THESEUTCOISTITrTISJlt EEIEDT. For Debllltv. Dyspepali V ratnrta. 1 .i& n irn or. nor, ImpoT erlahed and NluKKlah Clrr ulo tlon or the Itlood, loaa orAp Eetlte, Derangement of tho .Iver. ervouaneaa, Palplta tlon of the Urart, Cold Feet. Numbneaa. Female Weak" neaa. and In fact all dlaordera arlalnv f r m a Lo w Mtate of the blood, and a DlaordereB. Condition of the llreatlvo Orrani. lla effect on the human system la MARVELOUS. By exciting the p torn acta to perfect digestion of tood, it enriches and strenmbens the blood, riving tone and vior to the whole system, the glow of health, elastic steps, and buoyant spirits, giving ample evi dence of its beneficial effects. If constipated use Hesselroth's Gelatine-Coated Blood and iaver Pills. They cost no more than other laxative Dills, and are irreallr superior. Ask your Drucpist forliesselroth s Swed ish Wineof Iron (Price tl per Bottle; six bottles, til. nil Hesselroth's Blood and I.lver PLUi (25c. per box; fiva boxes, H, or sena aireci 10 P. L. Wi?c Thomas Thomas. . . Will S. Wise E. 11. Todd L. I). Bennett A. B. Taylor Henry Eikenbary . . J. I). Sampson Board adjourned. I 3:H..H) I-'or ;i short time SPECIAL : R & JB H H H tj; wtf si I l inn n 1 S C ra yytSPpp India, XJiiens, Piques, Fancy Nainsooks Uvlv TIIlv LATEST NOVELTIES, Swiss and Hamburg Embroideries and Flouncing. Js. Ccsriploto'luiiie cf Hobos, in " and Colors, of tho Xiatost Designs. :-OUR GOODS ARE ALL, NEW-:-Aml yon are inviletl to call. II I0SFPI- 3 i7 v ,44ESSSi33ffiSBa,. - I v. We Announce Without Further Notice a -OX Commencing TO-DAY, JULY fcepteniber 1st. I 1 38 -AS THIS IS mm without reserve, it will he to the ot County to Having in view the interests multitude to share the benefits of consideration sell to other dealer3 under this clearance b:tc. WM 6 111 Pi r a 1 r Ut1 Bp Bu DO NOT DELAY! "We go to New York soon to make our Fall Purchases, ami we kindly request all of our friends indebted to us to call as early as possible and adjust their accounts. Yours Respectfully, SOLOMON & NATHAN. j Wh-te Front Dry Goods House. Mairi Street, - Plattsrabuth, Neb. 74 - THIS I only vc Avill oiler BARGAINS iw ft an 3 1 T ALL- 12th, and continuing until le Oita A POSITIVE- individual interests of all citizens take advantage of the ot our customers, and to enable the this great sale, we will under no wholesale lots of goods embraced 23 tt r7F iK Offered