PLATTSMOUTII WEEKLY HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE 1867. Drunksnnt, or Liquor Habit. on ba Cured hy AdmlnUUrlng Dr. Hatlne' Golden Specific It can m given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it, effecting a speedy and perman ent cure, whether the patient is a modr ato drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thous ands of drunkards have been made tciupnrate men who have taken the Gold en Specific in their coffee without their knowledge, aud to-day believe they quit drinking of thoir own free will. No harmful effects result from it adminis tration. Cures guaranteed. Send for cirular and full particulars. Addreas in confidunce Oolden Specific Co., 185 Hnce street, Cincinnati. Ohio. 33-1 y A new ground for suit against a railway company has just been L-Htablished in France. A painter named Board while traveling on the Paris-Lyons road was attacked by a robber and seriously wound ed. He sued and got damages, the com pany being held responsible becauno the construction of the cars did not aford sulliceut protection. The judge decided that their was a genuine contract between the passenger and the company, the ticket constituting the written instru ment, and that the railroad people were bound by it, not only to bring the man to his destination, but also afford him protec tion during his journey. Hastings Ne-braskan- Ask your druggist for Electricty in a bottle. The greatest catarrh and head ache remedy known. 11-4 Miss Rose Elizabeth Cleveland will be associated with Mrs. Martha J. Lamb in editing the Magazine of American His tory. Sho will probably take charge of a department under her own name. Til AT HACKING COUGH can be eo quickly cured by Shilo's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by Smith & Black Bros., Plattsmouth. Neb. All tho housework of Wellesley Col lege is done by the students, who devote to it forty-five minutes out of the twenty four hours. There are 300 girls, and every girl is trained to do one kind of work, and to do it quickly and well. Co operation saves a yast deal of 4timo and labor. Malaria. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is held in wide esteem as a specific and preventive. In it we have the means of rendering the air and water wholesome. J'Darbya Fluid ia a good defecator a&vl destroyer of miasmatic matter. J. C. Both, Chemist, U. S. Mint, Phila." "It should, be u-'ed. everywhere where .impure gases are generated, from decom posing matter," Holmes Steel, M. D., Savannah, Ga. Miss Parloa has given up her cooking school, and will spend the next year lec turing in the South. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspep sia aud Liver Complaint! Shiloh'a Vi talizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold, by Smith & Black Broa. Miss Kate Stoneman, of Albany, N. Y. , the first woman admitted to the bar in that State, addressed, the senior class at Vaiflar College, recently, on "The Higher Education of Women." TTjen Bahy -waj Hot, wa rare liar Caatorla, TTnao the wm Child, ah ariad far Caataria, When aha beoama Ulu, aba along to Cm tori, "When aba bad Children, soa gara taem Caatocia Elsie P. Buckinham successfully man aces a fruit farm of several hundred acres in California, and. urges other women to take up the same kind of work, for which bu thinks women are well fitted. SHILOirS COUGH and consump tion Cure is sold by us on gaurantee. It ures Consumption. For sale by Smith & Black Bros. Miss Octavi Hill, who has done so much to improve the condition of the London 6lums, proposes to set up in Southwark a kind of palace of entertain ment for the poor of that district CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injec tor free. Sold by' Smith & Black Bros. Patents Crantod To citizens of Nebraska during the past week, and reported expressly for Thb Herald, by C. A. Snow & Co., patent .lawyers, Washington, D. C - P. M. Cross, Phillips, steam engine valve; O. A. Gordon," Axtell, sleigh brake; C. TL Traxler, Hastings, hoisting apparatus; J. E. Hutson & J. M. C. Jones, Beatrice, Automatic feeder for can filling machines. Lady of Lyons, that made a record oi at fimaaeipma recently, is uy H,v Argyle, a son of Cuyler. al , , F4 Electricity in a bottle will cure ner- halOU3 headache in from 3 to 10 minutes. , "J or sale by all druggists. 11-4 MONKT IK DltHRDINO GOOD IfOIlMEfl. The bent horacs in the world for light service are bred in the United States; in deed, it may be said that this country yields a bettor clara of horses for all work than does any other on the globe; and beyond all question our road horses are signally superior to those of any other land. There is money, good, substantial nion ey, nor that in small quantity in breeding horses well, with a fixed end in view. Every farmer has, or may have, a good mart; it may not be of great iiitrinnic value,but a mare of good points, well spirited, good on the road, well moddled as a dam, with room to carry and nour ish her foal. This mare is capable of do ing good service in breeding, equally with that ithe renders in other labors for her owner. The farmer's aim should be the pro duction of the best foal possible, because it costs no more to raise a good than a poor colt, and there is no economy in us ing a cheap or convenient stallion when a first class one of fit blood lines and high quality can be had for a little extra trou ble and a little more meney. Let our renders estimate tho value of care in breeding by considering the prices which good stock brings, even when young.and the condition of the market in cities and large towns where good, well-looking horses, having good action, style and substance, always are in demand, and they will conclude that it pays to breed well. There is no use in trying to breed good stock if the sire is selected at hap hazard; breeding is a science and there can be no sure outcome from either its study or application unless tho progenitor of the stock shall havo been thoroughly bred. It is well to use a well bred mare whenever this is possible, but a strongly bred sire will unfailingly improve upon the most ordinarily bred dam and will more than make good her deficiencies and compensate for tho investment. American Agriculturist. THH LARGEST JARM IN TUB WORLD. In the extreme southwest corner of Louisiana lies the largest producing farm in th world. It runs 100 miles north and south, and many miles east and west, and is owned and operated by a syndi cate of nrthern capitalists. Their gen eral manager, J. B. Watkins, gives an in teresting account of this gigantic planta tion, which throws the great Dalrymle farm in Dakota into the shade complete- "The 1,500,000 acres of our tract," Mr. Watkins said, "was purchased in 1883 from tho state of Louisiana and from the United States government. At that time it was a vast grazing land for the cattle of the few dealers in the neighborhood. Whsn I took posession I found over 30,000 head of half wild horses and cat tle. My work was to divide the immense tract into convenient pastures, establish ing stations or ranches every six miles. The fencing alone cost in the neighbor hood of $50,000. The land I found to be best adapted to rice, sugar corn, and cotton.' All our cultivating, ditching, etc., is done by steam power. We take a tract, say half a mile wide, for instance, and place an engine on each side. The engines are portable, and operate a cable attachment to four plows, and under this arrangement we are able to plow thirty acres a day with only the labor of three men. Our harrowing, planting, and other cultivation is done in like manner; in fact, there is not a single draught horse on the entire place. We have, of course, horses for the herders of cattle, of which we now have 16,000 head. The southern Pacific railroad runs for thirty six miles through our farm. We have three steamboats operating on the waters of our own estate, upon which there are 300 miles of navigable waters. We have an ice house, a bank, a ship yard, and a rice mill." St. Louis Republican. SWEET AND SOUK CREAM. "From the fact that sweet and sour cream require different temperatures for churning, the two should never be mixed; they cannot be churned together without loss." So says an exchange. But where a skimming of cream is added just before churning, there is such a difference be tween it and the original batch, in ripen ing condition, that it is pretty sure to be wasted. It is generally understood that sweet cream" tieeds to be churned at a lower temperature than sour; but as few, if any, dairymen churn their cream while it is sweet, yery little is known about it. The ripening, however, is strongly sus- "pected to consist of something more than souring. It may be sour when taken off from the milk, bat this does not appear to fit it for churning. Something more is required some chemical change which it gets by standing. In addition to sour ing, it is understood by some to absorb oxygen from the atmosphere, which would involve other changes than sour ing. But certain it is that the whole batch must became equalized by giving it time to uniformly "ripen" before the best results in chvrnimg can be secured. Perhaps these points wil some day be settled by scientific experiments. Wes tern Resources. The New York Times says: One con sideration of great importance at this sea son is in regard to the watering of 6tock. The cattle go up to the water trough half buried in snow and drink the ice-cold water, forced by thirst to swallow it in a hurry and in a large quantity. Iu a few minutes the gallons of cold water swal lowed so reduce the tempature of the animals that they stand shivering aud draw up in a heap, evidently suffering severely from the chilling. This Treat reduction of tempature of the stomach and adjacent organs is a serious injury. The milking cows are checked in their production, fattening cattle are denuded of so much fat, breeding stock are so chilled internally that the fetus is en dangered or chilled and abortion follows in time, and by very inability to drink enoifgh of the cold water the stock are stinted of the indi.pen.Mbl aid to diges tion and suffer more damage in this way. Industrial Rfe. Fire awl Water speaks quits strongly in fayor of the use of tile for roof cover ing, instead of slats, which is ia this country almost the only material esnploy ed for roofs iu cities, r eUswhere ia cases where shinies would be objectionable. As that excellent journal truly says, a sltte roof ander the. action ef fire, and particularly if water is'.thrown on it while hot, cracks and fls in all directions, even ing crevices through which a strong draught is immediately set up, increasing the fury of the flames in the building which the roef is snpposed to protect. On this account even cedar shingles aro preferred to slate for roofing by manyjex perinced Are engineers for the reason that infiamable as they are, the shingles do not fly to piece when a cinder fills on them, but char, and till burned through, at least, serve te prevent fire inside tho building from breaking out ef the roof. Tiles, unlike slates never crack or fly, but keep their place even when red hot; and their thickness and non conducting prop erty enables them to keep the heat from cinders er burning brands for an indefinite time from affecting the boarding beneath them. The mai a abjection to tho uso of tiles in this country have hitherto been their cost, and the difficulty of laying them, no as to keep ont our fins drifting snows, but with a little effort, particular ly if architects and insurance managers could act in concert in tke matter both defects might bo overcome. A consider able demand would soon make tiles her as cheap as thy are In England and France, or Germany, where they are the universal roof covering, and roofs laid with them might easily be made, not only impervious to snow, but against the shaking of winds or earthquakes by lay ing them ia mortar or -cement. This, with cheap tiles, would net b an expen sive matter, and while a slate roof con stantly needs repairs, tiles ia cement, laid on a roof of simple form, are almost in destructible. Thousand of roofs in France and Germany, laid in this way four or five hundred ysara ago, are still in good conditio, and they not only are really sal id and enduring, but look so, presenting an appearance of substantial comfort which architects well understand. American Architect. Bloomi:ntos, Ills., Skpt. 18. 1883. Messrs F. J. Ckeney & Co., Tolede, O.: Have takea Hall's Catarrh Care. Had catarrh all my life; ant 48 years old. Had asthma 19 years and a dreadful cough for fiys year. Have taken everything; went to the hot springs; I have done nothing but take medicine for 19 years. Wh?a I commenced using Hall's Catarrh Cure I was almost dead. I sent for the doctor the day I got Hall's Catarrh Cure, and I told him that I would dio aay way and that I would try your medicine. I was very bad. How I suffered for 9 years! I could hardly breathe at times. I saw Hall's Catarrh Cure advertised in the pa pers and commenced taking it. I would have .been under the ground today if it had not been for that. I have not had one bad spell of coffing since. In breath ing my head feels well and I am well. It has done me a thousand dollars worth of good. Then ten of my friend, s on see ing what it has done for me, taking it, and it is helpiog them. I only wish that every one who has catarrh, asthma and a bad cough could see me, so that I could tell them all to take it. All that know me her know how I have suffered. (I have been here since 1858,) and say to me that "I am so glad that you found some thing that could cure you." Everybody says, "how much better you look." The doctors say they are glad I found Hall's Catarrh Cure as they could not cure me. I cannot express my gratitude to yon for the good Hall's Catarrh Cure has done me. Yon can use as much of this letter as will do the afflicted good. Publish it to the whole world it is all true and thej should know it. Joseph Chrismax, 11ml 401 East North street. The Presbyterian church South should send congratulations to the southern mil itia, who fell out of line yesterday be cause in drawing for position for review they had been placed in rear of a colored company. The honor and dignity of the South has beeu maintained, Sah. O ma fia liep. Si THB superiority of Corallno over horn or whalebone has mow been dem onstrated by over six years exper ience. It la more durable, more pliable, mors comfortable, and NEVER BREAKS. The immense Bale of these Corsets la sow over 7 COO dally. Beware of worthless Imitations boned With various kinds of cord. None are genuine unless "Dr. War ner's Corallno" is printed on inside of the steel cover. FOB BALE BY ALL LEADDJG MEECHUST8. 257 & 259 BUUBtrset, CHICAGO, ILL. ROBERT DONNELLY' lljfk b -w.A.a-ojs; BLACKSMITH SHOP, Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general Jobbing aa. now prepared to do all kinds of repairing or larm and other machinery, as there is a good lathe lu my shop. PETER RAUSIf, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge ot the wagon snop He is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN Slew WagoDM and Hassle nci ( Order SATISFACTION UARANT "I'll make assurance doubly euro and take a bond." lillani Guarantee and Trust Cotfy. CAPITAL, $300,000. Incorporated under the Laws of Nebraska, and authorized t net ax FISCAL ana TKANitVKH AOJSNTS, and as Trustees for Estates, Corporations, Ma niclpalitiCB aud Individuals, THIS Company will furnish ABSTRACTS OP TITLK of Douglas. Cass. Washington and Sarpy Counties from full and correct set t t Ab stract Books of its own, aud through an organ ized system, copyrighted, will perfect aud Uuakamkk Tn LttS to Keal Estate. Nathan Sheltox, Geo. I. Gii.rkrt, President. Vice l'rest. A. C. Powkll, Sec. and Treas. J. M. ROBINSON, Agent, PLjiTJS.UOUTJZ, 1-tf JESfiMSKl. 1T0 COLD PEET! Send one dollar iu currency, with sie of shoe usually worn, aud try a pair of our Magnetic IdhoUs for rheumatism , cold feet and bad cir culation. They are the most powerful made in the world. The wearer feelo the warmth. Wit and rvitalization in three minute after put tine them on. Sent by return mall upon receipt of price. Send your address for the "New De parture la Medical Ireatmeut without !eiU- cine." with thousands of ti'timou als. Write us full particulars of dirhcultics. Our Magnetic Kidney Belts for centlemen will positively cure the following dineases with out medicine : I'ain in the back, head or limbs. nervous riebilitv. iumbaco. ireneral debility. rheumatiin, paralysis, neuralgia, sciatica, dis asea of the kidneys, tornid liver.fcc initial etnis siono, Impotency. heart disease, dyspepsia, in digestion, hernia or rupture, piles, etc. Con sultation free. Price of Belt, with Mairnetie Insoles. (. Sent bv exuress C. O. I), or br re turn mail upon receipt of price, fiend in easura of waist and size of hoe worn. Send forcircu -lars. Order direct. Notr. 1 he above described Belt wi'h In- koloa is warranted to positively cure chronic CiHes of si'ininal emissions and impotency or money reiunueu, even alter one year trial. THE MAGNETIC AIM'LIAXCE CO., if ly 134 Dearborn St., Chicago. III. S&. CHASS'S te? Book Last and crowning work ofiua life, over 700 pages Just out. F. B. Cickkhsoh & Co., Detroit, Mich. BIS Terms to Aetnti, uextiok this pap kr MONEYI to be made. Cut this ou and return to us and wa will send you free some- bin? of treat value and nportance to you, that will ftart you in business which will brum vou more money richt away thau anything eUe in thi world. Anyone can do the work and live at home. Either sex ; alli;e Something new, that just coin u.oney for all workers. We w,ll start you ; capital not needed. This is one of the Keuuine, important chances of a lifetime. Thoie who are ambitious aud enterprising wiy Dot delay. Grand outfit free. Address Trui 3 Co,, Augusta. Maine. 3Cly To Newspaper Publishers. We have 75 pounds of good bourgeois type, which we will sell for 20 cents per pound, also 250 pounds nonpariel type, for 25 cents per pound, and 50 pounds long primer, for 30 cents per pound. Itch, Prairie Mange, and Scratches of cyery kind cured in 30 minutes, by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This never fails. Warranted by. F. G. Fricke & Co druggists, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 34-1 yr l w no H E-i5 .. : I r fc. 1 '- -X. f t i r, i 1 m v .1 for Infants pnd Children. "Castorla Is so well adapted to children that I CastOrf onres Oolle. ConnHpatlon, I recommend it as superior to any rreocriiiUoa I axr Ftomach, DiarThroa, Eructation, known to ma." IL A. Aacnaa. lL D.. I KiUZ''' glTC "P tf"oU LU Bo. Oxford St., Ittookljrn, If. Y. WltHout Injurious medication. ta Ctxtacb Compact, 1S3 Fulton CtrMt, XT. T Down With High Prices! 80 TO 70 PEE CENT. OFF CK THOUSAND DIFFERENT ARTICLES Sold Direct to Consumers. Tho "Liille Detective," $3.00 X X. Postal eivaa Poataso la CXMTHj Wulgus from 14 ox. to aoiti. FAMILY S0ALE3, 240 lbs., $5. Platform 8oalo3(3iitoS20. Fomcs anil Bac5sInillls, Tools. runners' Fot-ire, ttlO. Force and Kit or Tools. SS. Farmers can do odil loljs, snvlnic UinO ana money. Anviln. Vines. Ac, 4. ' WAGON SCALES. OlllV TTl .nil f.tll n.r. In A m pstn nolliliiif r.ut tlic ln-stof tiiulliU becl furLmai lngsof all Bculusi 2-Ton (0x12) C40. 3-Ton (7x1 3) SSO. 4-Ton (8x14) too. Ream Hoi and llraii Ilpam wtm racli Peal. .Uil.M her varieties. Alau, 1 rucks. Wheelbarrows, Corn htiell crs. Feed Mills. Copv I'rcssua, Mon ty Drawers. Clot lies Wrluuers uud all Hard aro bjuclalllt;s. SAFES OFTLL SIZES. No. 4. -weight 1.100 lbs., aM. SEWING MACHINES, PRICES REDUCED FROM S6S TO 81 i A brauttmi Machine, w fertlv flrilKhi'il- 1iiiirv,tn..: in tho Kliit'T put tern, lilt, wulnut KurnUuru, coma: li'K l full si'l of lilt cut ': Iiruved Attiii-hiiLtma V.' runted porect. Save rnoi, Sond lor CJii-tsul:; i Chicago Scsle Cc . 151 SJeJuwnbt.. FRANK DRESSLEB, nl lioom.s over Buch s Grocery Store. Main Street, - Plattsmouth, Ni l: Satisfaction Guaranteed in All Work. Apr. 22, 1B80. FIRST PRIZE HEREFORD HERD .At the preat St.Txmig Fnir, lj.hoaded by rOM'lTNn SOW. by Sir Richard 2nd. $1 It EVELYM 9 0, by Lcr.l Vllton. GROVE th i:!,TU5, by Tho Grove DKWSCrUl' 2nd ls.-.TT. by Policy, half brother to Archibald. Herd numbers 275 head. S-ci:d for priccr nd catalogue. J. 8. HAWr.S, Colony, Auiicrtoa Co., Kiuito. SO AO COTTAGE Das Attained a standard of excellence 'which admits of no superior. It contains every improvement that Inventive ffonius, skill uuU money can product). These excellent Organs are celebrated for vol nine, quality of tone, (jiucic reepouee, ariety of com bination, artistic design, Ix-auty in finish, perfect construction, malting ue;u the most attractive, orna mental and dceirbble organs for Louies, schools. Churches, lodges, societies, etc. ESTABLISHED UEPCTATIOJr. tXEqrALED FACILITIES, EtXIIJUEJD WORHUFJf, X1EST UATEEIAL, COMMUTED. M-AJLE THIS THB POPULAR ORQAH Instruction Csoks and Piano Stools. Catalogues and Prloa Lists, oa application, raxm, CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO. 831 BLUE ISLAND AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. OFiLD OF WISDOH r it V7o will give 100.00 L for any book ever published containing; U er, this one dues. Never "as there so much Inform, tfon gathered In one volume for Hie times the price j6 VSUUAIS1TT UUIM UlSHIIVUf B.WS uav&v ILia one, Dem-t mere is no (toodw m ssuinir is. It contains I E 5 pnes 30 illustrations, an4 aesxrt. 30 Ulu-tniUona, ao4 fkstEassiss IQ run taure colored Olazrami, uonna in th tvt tntrlinn Cloth, fur B .L for V davs, another N lor 6 dars.anotnar I lor Boars, nnt h-r 400 for 6 weuka : one lad has sold 700 In a Ter tli'irt time, fiend for term and circular giving tata) . .ti tj- i:Il DETROIT. iMICH. hniif Toil W Mm mm, PillpiMl fc5r6UHE 2530 ' kiM&q was- 3J 81,50 Fae-slmlle of Patent Chess and Checkerboard. aV Yenm! n ii thin roli'lirutorl rtynvita lliix s UoaiX'llea and u 11RWAUI) OP Wl.&OO. if you fail to find It on this small board rail on your UruKKlit fop full-niMi. Handsomely I,ltliirapliod board, 1 UEiil. or auuU O cuuta for poHluiiO to us. COUGH BLOCKS. From Mason Ixntr, tho Converted (j ambler. Fout WA YNK, Ind., April 5, 1RM. I have given th Synvlta CoiikIi lllocks a tliorouuli trial. Tliey curl Biy little KirM.'t yeurs' old) of On nip. My wlfo unit Diother-ln-law weru troubled with coughs of lomr tundliiK. One parkaxe of tho Hlocka haa curxl ibuiu so tbey can tullt "tut only women do." , MAMON lAJUQ. WORM BLOCKS. I,IMA, O.. Jan. 2.'i, lbM7. Tho Hynvlta Worm Block atd like a eliarm In ezpellinu wornn from my lit tle child. The child Is now well and hearty, lusteud, of puny und tdckly as before. . jonvG. RoiiBissosr. m BLACKBERRY BLOCXS. The Great Dlarrhasa and Dykcntcry Checker. Dki.phos, O., July 7th, W. Our nix-month old child had a severe attuck of Hummer Complaint. I'hyKiciuii could do nthint(. In despair wo tried hynvlta Hlitckberry JJIocks recommendod by s friend and n few doses effected a comploto nurs. Accept our heartfelt Indorsement of your Hiacko berry Blocks. MitANU Mua. J. &AZiiAjr. The Pynvlta Block Hemedles are The neatest thliiK out, by far. PleaHunt, Cheup, Cinvenient, Sure, liandy, Unliable, Uaruiless aud Puro. No box; no teaspoon or sticky bottle. I'ut np In patent packages. X& Dohks lid Ckntn. Whm raiitwil to cure or money refunded. Ask your drug'. Siat. If you fail to got them aeud price to I THE SYNVITA CO., Delphos, Ohio.' AND ItECKIVE TBK.M I0TPAII. trCITECKEllUOAJLD FliE with tucA ORDEIi JULIUS PEPPERBERG, MANUKACTLTtKH OK AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DISALElt IN T1JE Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor de Pepperborgo. and 'Buds. FULL LINK OK TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' AliTICLEfl always in stock. Nov. 20, 1 885. I DRESSLER Tho 5th St. Merchant Tailor Keeps a t ull Line of Foreign & Domestic Goods. Oor.sult Your Intcrr-Ft by CIvir;g Tilm a Cal SHERVOOD BLOCK i fi :ir K X-J' tint ?J li: iT.H I. H ;!. ll I In- tf.ijCUiiliC .''I $Bhn.(i:t M tver Fiawtr urj rsk, 'Jo3 ijliU-ri-l'l kiliMh. A !-. u ti- kr;wa Rulstcf f llrtj tiua wiin Clone. (-muM, KniltTcb'ti tee Tit. It S t ' t?.v ceniilclt wui E.IRTIMC ol tl.e fcinu vi-r puh U.hiil. heud l iftrcil Olila In stanipn fo a nain pie copy, kIh our prU-e tr, Hi;eius. Amenta v. him fd tvtrvwherc. A (L. KMCRICkK PU3. CO.. 17 Boflii Tttlfc Street. rklUd's. P. S1MOER A F- BITS' TI ft A Fall tiet t JL J AltachmfnU. WAItlt A I r.i Circular. A . C. HOWE & CQ-. 123, H. 6 tti HU, VlUla., Ia Lumber Yard. THE OLD RELIABLE. H. A. WATERHAfU SON Wboleeale and Retail Dealer In PINE LUMBER Shingles, Lath, Sash, 1 rm fl DoorssBiinds, Can supply every demand of the trad Call and get terms. Fourth street .m Ia Rear of Opera Iloose. S17 UAL. t r