V X ! i XI' (A mist mnpwMa FARM COLUMN. I'l.AM YD! Ml TKKI-tH IN OIU 'IIAI(I). I'n.l. IIii.Ul, K . lying to a torrt-sion-1 nt v. lie wanted four yenr old treca for orcii:ir.l m Itin;;, writes as follows in tin? loivu Statu ll jish r: "K jx i ii.iii:i:d growers of fruit ami foivst. ti's know tlmt tli; tree tliat ihisIm-8 dunn ii -i water feeding roots win-re the heed w;if 1-1 n.tcil makes tin; eliauet and lrv( ro-.vlli, :iik1 that it i-iulutvH all our trying : iiimurr and winter rhinites inueli Im.Uh- III. hi tlicj transjlantc(l tree, of t lie rann; v.i! ii ty or sj)i ciis. In thou audi bf cases in tin; uol, original Heeding apple . i (i M i i I i fjjC'ciit (!o ii I - our .-i trees : ! v, li' ic then: tap roots first liom tin? nerd, stand per feet - -uiuni'.T and winters, when the ti -an-; !ant d nursery tiees grown from it me ii it harder than Kanilm. Hut in prael ici- ,e eunnot grow our fruit trees rroni s 1 wln-rej they are to stand, but lieyond all reasonable doubt the next best thir.g is" put them in en e liar w he n young :md small. In practice we have often drmoiisli'at. d that thrifty oue year old trees, carefully taken up, set and culti vated, will in live years make handsomer, cle iii T. he.'dthier and usually larger trees than with the four year old trees, as us ually tak'-n tip and handled, planted at ihc f-.-1 : 1 1 f time, on the same kind of soil, and recr.-iving the same care. The prin ciple is beyond all doubt true that our trees should b! so handled that they will throw out a system of deep reaching roots rind l!:e idea of iot pruning, or repeated iraiisphiiiiing, to make more fibrous sur Jae. root, i;, ill advised and dangerous with everything unless it may be our h-mliesL conifers. Hence the plan of stt- ' ting young fruit trees in nursery row with a view to again cutting the far reaching roots in two years to set in orchard, is iv ;;rabh to the dvclopmcnt of fibrous sulfa, e roots, but it is usually fatal to ,i he health a;;d longevity of tre. s as hardy en as the Duchess, impress still further the importance of this idea of strong, far reaching roots, ve v. ii ! state that many experienced l!."!it i i of the west will not take a nursery tree thai ha not at least one long strong root. In setting (hey make a deep hole with :ia iron bar in the bottom of Use excavation, and carefully insert in it the one long root, lirmitsg it with the bar .-is we plant a long pear graft. The placing of the other roots and filling in S'oes not vary from the usual method. v' ',10 m:l-v ce 'kc ma'i'I3n sport of this deep extending root should remem ber the much sport that was once made o ir idea of deep planting of the grape to bri.b..- over the critical period when the vine v- as set .'ng up for business in a rouli. trying climate. 'hint the young trees in orchard and .give them honest care. JJut if you want to crippi.f them for life, set them in nur vsery row and two years later, when they iiie j;i ; getting hold of mother earth again vv'ith a system of long and deep roo(.s. , at them out w ith a sharp spade n-.! let them struggle for a new lease on Jife in the orchard." I.KT l S ASK OATS, Th : 110 dispute about oats being the : ram iJi' hors:1, cow and hog feed. !NYi ile. r is there any valid excuse why we should ih.i raise? twice as much of it as we elo raise?. Oar practice of making oats a robbing crop is all wrong, ufid the idea ar.uviig many farmers that it is an exiian.-tiiig crop on the-land, more so than corn or wheat, is not borne out Ly gener . al facts where; the lund is treated as for other crops with good and sufficient fer tilizers. V writer in the (Irani;: Bulletin, writ ing from Mississippi, has made experi ments to test the question of special cx Jiaustio:i by sow ing oats on the same land 'very year for four years in succession y.-t ' no other fertilizer than cottonseed, m.1,.:nir so good crops as to convince hii"-- if u '1 u's DL''a'Jurs uat no eshavt3- ; v, , place, but that in the suc tion ii is t n;c. 1 c c.Ii v ye n- h uade "a ,,ale of cottou per arrV' andthe ulil aerward produc ed "th,- best corn thai'" ever rew on ifc it v.a3 cleared." GNco"rethlstlcs- isnotnssatisfvin 5f tllC an" .d vield in bushels had been 6Jv"c 7et 'ts is net s a iroeu or our position mai o cl.d'v cxha'ustinjr to land above other thy of notice. friter m speaking ot a yiel -i i e, says: "There has teen is awarded for more crc',)S k els and s.acre than m m lyGl I us- S. w ' I tljat as a inusclc-forming food for htock of all kinds it is far superior for Mock iinnimals to corn, which at leut is fctill more than a fat producer, ami when fed in two large proportions to muscle-forming foods is actually weakening to the muscles und productive of constitutional deterioration in breeding stock. V. 14 Larhin, in Utrriiuintnin Tt Injrajih. TOO MANY VAKIKTIUS. The experienced orchardist seldom orders more than two or three .sorts of pears, apples, grapes or rasbi-rries to be planted largely for Held culture. The novice feels as though he must plant al most everything he ever heard of. This course is disastrous to the best financial results. Take for instauce a list of twen ty or thirty pears and you will find few of them desirable for market. Many are to small, though of fine quality. Others are large and desirable for family, but not attractive in appearance and not ap preciated in markc. Others are feeble growers, requiring the highest cultivation anel soil peculiarly adapted to them It is usually the sauie with apples, grapes, and other fruits. My advice is, for the uninformed, not to plant until he can find some person in whom he has confi dence, and who can advise wisely. Ex perimental orchards and vineyards are often conducted at considerable expense instead of profit, and yet the novice would make commercial orchard an experimental orchard, embracing many varieties that the experienced would no think of planting. Charles A. Green in iV. Y. Tribune. no n T OKT DISCOURAOKH. The man who is detered from planting a hoini! orchard because an exceptionally hard winter has killed or injured his trees, commits a serious mistake. In the best orchard countries disease or other disability is apt to overtake fruit trees. The regular orchardist is not therefore det rred from planting. On the contra ry, it is done at once, and even trees thought not to be sufficiently fruitful to repay the care they must have, are grub bed up for fuel. This is wise from a business point of view. It is equally wise for the farmer to have a select orch ard of fruits for ljojne use, The reason is, he always has fruits in variety during their season, except in years not prolific in fruit. It may be stated as true that the farmer who has no orchard seldom has a proper supply of fruit for his fami-I3-, and it is equally true that there arc few situations where an orchard, given the sanje care and attention that is accord ed to general farm crops, will not, one year with another, give a fair supply of fruit. Ex. FltrtT TKEKS XKAK STItEAMS. Corrcsponelence of the Kural New Yorker: Ai;lc and pear trees will bear annually fine crops of fruit if standing ("lose to the banks of a living stream. A. Flemish beauty pear tree stands in a lit tle swale, where a clear stream of water runs, feel by a spring a few roels distant, ami at all times, spring and summer, the roots oi one siele of this tree are sub merged in the v ater. Last year we picked from this tree a bushel and a half of as fine pears as one need to look at. They were large, of high color, and gooel flavor, and were ineleed beauties. The tree is healthy and vigorous, and is yet young. On the bank beside a larger stream stanel two Baldwin apple trees. They were some chance seedlings, anel they were grafted a few years ago. The roots of these extend elown the banks into the running water. They bear an nual crops of fine, large, high colored apples, free from worms or specks. The trees are remarkably vigorous and pro tective. Such a thing as au insect is not seen c;j either ef these trees. Can we not utilize the. streams in our country by planting trees on the baiiks; thus getting a profit -from otherwise waste ground. STAY ON THE FARM. Mr. Joseph Kusscll, the eeljtor of the agricultural department of the Dunl&.p Reporter, says people who have the best opinion of farm life are those who get a living otherwise, auel yet there U much truth in the way ex-Senator Chandler puts it. He declares that farming was not only the olelest but the most respectable occupation known to man. "If I had a boy totlay," he exclaimed, "I would rath er put him on an eighty-acre lot that had D 'ver had a plough or an axe upon it than dace nun n tne 'est government oflicein the land:" Agricultural papers u-ill please .cPy tlmt remark, and farm- lads who a. u growing up umsucu ountry life, nd who cannot oyer- -tles3 desiro to ' - city ana .a;nn . toremem- pteasant," ; "ciake them , and - daught er than any I lake this Me that most Izn in - -1 PLATTSMOUTIT "WEEKLY HERALD, THURSDAY, MAY r,, 1SS7. in a good range. In fact, have every convenience you can, so that your wives j and daughters will deem it a pleasure to ' , .. . . " 1 : Beware of Ointments for aCtarrh pei form your household work. In this ) that Contain Mercury, way you can bring up your sons and as mercury w ill surely destroy the su.se daughter on the farm; but when you of smell nnd completely derange Un make; the home repulsive you drive them whole system when entering it through into clerkships and either menial positions , the mucus surfae".;. Sue h articles should when they ought to be (Jod's anuointed never be us.d exo-pt on prescription lorels of creation." The se are plain woiils, ; from reputable physicians, as the d im ig -but they are crammed with hard sense. ! the-y will do are f-n fold to the good you tjtiin:il Bluff Notipnritl. jean possibly deriye f.om them. Hail's Weeping Water Items I-'rom t ti Ri-niiblieau of Atril2Ktli. T. M. Howard will have an elevator put in his house. Parties that have the measles in this vi cinity are all improving. ('has. Ogtlen has built a new house on the south siele nnel is living in it. J. M. IJeardsly left Monday for l'latts mouth. from there he went to Lincedn. A number of Weeping Water singers are practicing up anel will give a concert some time in June. T. J. Clark returned on Monthly from Pennsylvania where he has been for the past two weeks. Mrs. C. H. Halston left yeslerelay morn ing for Iowa to visit 11 few weeks with relatives. Wesely Walker will build two houses on the south side. He has the lumbe.i on the grouiul for one of them now. U. S. Upton wc nt into the Commercial bank last Thursday as assistant cashier to fill the vacancy maele by the resignation of I'J. Smith who returned to his home in Denver, Colorado. Creenwood. I'Voia the Ilswkeye. J. I j. l'hillijis was out 011 the street Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. E, A. Iiyeler were up from Ashland Monday. Mrs. J. M. Lytle is over from Reel Oak making au exteneleel visit. Football is a more fascinating game than base ball in this vicinity. Miss Aeldie Tolanel is now employed in Mrs. J. S. Green's millinery store. One lonesome bicycle and a more lone some looking rieler, are the only curiosi ties in south Greenwooel. Mrs. G. llildebranel was taken with a fainting spell in the postoltiee Tueselay morning but soon rcce)vered. The Plattsmouth Herald is advancing in gtvat shape nenv. The new manager meat has already made itself felt. Wabash Items. Miss Cora Wells of South Benel is very ill with typhoiel fever. Mr. Cowell is painting his house which aelels much to its appearance. Alois Zoa has had a new wind pump put up on his farm. Pete Evelanel hitched up a three year olel colt to his sulky one day last week. The line broke and Pete saw that the colt woulel get away from him so he rolleel out backward and let it go. The result was a eleinoliseel vehicle. Next week the Inland Park will be cleaueel up and improveel, anel we prer elict the people will find it a pleasant anel popular resort during the approaching hot weather. If found elesirable the banel will give concerts every Sunelay after noon. Mr. Manion has kindly donated the use of the groauel anel will also assist in preparing it. , m Endorsement of a Leading Phys ican. "I have used Darbys Prophylatic Fluiel extensively as a disinfectant deodorizer, anel find it an admirable preparation. Whenever there are offensive discharges from wounds, abscesses, etc., it is won derful in its action. I consider it the best preparation I know of as a gargle in eliphtheria or scarlet fever."' J. Ckeswei.i. Mewis, M, D Phila. The Balel Knpbbers should be sent to join the ?.Iollie Maguires. Then the an archists should be sent to join the two. Safe, permanent anel complete are the cures of bilious and interniitten clioeases, made by Prickly Ash Bitters. Pyspep? sia, general debility, habitual constipa tion, liver anel kidney complaints are speeelily eradicated from the system. It disinfects, cleanses anel eliminates all m.-daria. Health anel vigor are obtained more rapidly and pernnmently by the use of this great natural antidote than by any other remedy heretofore known, As a blood purifier anel tonic it brings health, renewed energy anel vitality to a worn anel diseased body. 7-ml Notice. The Plattsmouth Water Con--now ready to receive appli: water, anel, as a special uk1 the citizes-f laftsinouth, to furnish and lay all servie to the lot line on all streets service pi)es are laiel for a! for water received be' Shouhl enough applicatic within that time to warn all plumbing forthese c: cost. Kindly giveef The Pi.at-riatti!-- " Catarrh Cure, manufactured y V- -J. Cheii' & Co., Toledo, Ohio, coiitain.- ! '--ry, d is taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of tie- system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure that you get the genuine, it is taken internally ami 11U11I2 in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A: Co. ""Sold by lniggists, price ?. ce nts per bottle. T-ml The capability of sea water as a preser vative is shown by the fact that among the articles recovered freim vessels sunk in the harboi of Vigo, Spain, in 1 7(, there have been recovered .jetinie:i ef log wood and mahogany that, not withstand ing thier one hundrcel anel eighty-four years, submersion, are in the most perfect state of preservation. Dye rs who have e. pe'rimente.l with the logwooel state that it is even better for dying purposes than wood now imported. The mahogawy, too, is very tine and solid, erne !Lf 1 'I feef long and :.''.'.::, inches square being subsequently worked up in the shape of furniture and walking slicks as momen toes. J'.r. Trio Verdict Unanimous V. I). Suit, Druggist, Ilippus, Ind.. t -:tilies: "I can recommend Klectrio Uu- iers as the ve ry best remedy. Ijvcry bot tle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years" standing". Abraham Hare, druggist, liellville. Ohio, j atiinns: "Tin- best selling medici:ie I hav atunns: " l lie best selling nieelieine I have ever handled in my :20 years' experience, j is Ple-ctrie: liitt.-rs". Th usands of oth-r ! have added their testimony, so that the verdic' is unanimous that Electric Ditters elo e tire all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or IJlood. One half dollar a bottle at F. (1. Friekc ic Co., drug store. (2) Gor.i has been eliscovercel in Tennes see. It was iu the attic of an old house, and the pocket soon punt-heel out. Wixtick flannels may be packed in canqtiior now. Of such comes the bua ness of the elocior and the undertaker. Enjoy Life. "What a truly beautiful world we live in! Nature gives us grandeur of mount ains, glens and oceans, anel thousanels of means ef enjoyment. We can elcsirc no better when in perfect health; but how often elo the majority of people feel like giving it li) elisheai teneel, discourageel anel worn out with disease, when there is no occasion for this feeling, as every suf ferer can easily obtain satisfae:tory proof, that Greta,'.? Aujust Flower will make them free from elisease as whin born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are the direct causes of seventy-five per cent, of such maladies as Dilliotisness, Ineligest ticn. Sick-headache, Cosliveness, Ner vous Prostration, Dizziness of the Heael, Palpitation of the Heart, and other elis tressing symptoms. Three tloscs of August Flower will prove its wonderful effect. Sample bottles 10 cents. Try it. (I i Nonk of the fat places on the interstate j commission has been offered to the West. And j-et there is a "West. i POF-SIOfiAL CAROS. ATTOIl-iEYS AT LAW. -TIV A HU'iK.i. ttnrn-vat Law Ofiiee l with 11. B. Win-liuiiii. over Bank of 'ass C PXAT TS.MOL'T.l, .IllTlyi i Kl-.liASKA. 1Ei-:s;N" Sl'LLl VAX, Attorneys at Law. Will give proui i't .tlteution to a'l bui-iiioss Intrustrtil t- thecti. (::ic..- la Union L:Iock, Kast side. riatts!n:;!it:i, Nth. TAA. S. MATI1E S, Attoruey sit unv. eKilee over M. li. Munihv t'u's ste.re. foul ii side ol i at Jtti aie.1 6t! streets. 21tt It0!, OBEItT B. WINDHAM. Notary PuMic an-1 Atleriiev at La. v. emice over r.a k 01 C:ess Count v. I'latt-spaoalll. Xeb. Oliiee tele phone No, 7 ; resilience. o e. MA. HAIITItl AN, Lawyer, FitzgeraM's Clock. I'lattniout'ii, Neb. l'innii't auo careful ..tteatlou to a ijeaerai 1 w practice'. mvs:cLv:v8 asu suhGEo:3. W. COOK, M D., Phy-IciAU auel Sursean. OH:c :--t KUiier's Pritg Store, rutt moutli. NebriisHa. TO THE LADIES ! It voii are afilf-feel wit h rheumatism, nonral- nerve. "m, aysitepeia. or wiiu in.s ;ieys, lieaiiaehc or eolil .kles, orsKo'li-n feet, nil -air of Aliitrtietic l-'.iot r la tbe reiie-1 and -tr They c rry a poweriul -t of tlie disease. es of tlie'spine, falling a. chronic inilaiiiniat ion iub, incidental hemor tiful, suppressed acd ir . barrenness arid change of . Appliance and Curative r wiih Magnetic Foot Bat- exfire-s C. O, l,,and ex . or by niail n receipt of w'.A satisfactory even utter -y ean b - retarued and rii;n-v-.ciia.seu i ineasur ofait re over th. tmdcrelotiiina. They ir'iicwr. -jr th.; "New Denartiire 5a Me t Vi:hout Medk-ine." with tlinu i iil il-. Send for eiretiiar. e-.ilars as regards your tlilii -i - . , i . ' S V E D I S H WIPJE OF BiSOiU. tmk (.i:i:t r ovsrm j;ov a rkifdt. RV ' 0 l ot- I.-l.ni(v. liy.prp.ln. ferfftnra 1: S -nk !!.-, l.lHi;lnr, Imiitiv H t lll-.l uual lll.-ulill In llllf 1 ) r 1 1- r.i 1, ! r V'Vr V 1TV '"'" l'-rmri-m-ni r the nlife Li I.'iJuJ r. Nrriim.nr.i, lliltit i IIimi i.l'lhi- lli iirl, I ulil IVft, lickb, !! In rill llirtlt-r nrllii It-tun it A.iv .Nettle ttt JjZi3 of Av53!li 3 1 " ' ' ml w Jlt-l-rrU I11 t-tTi-i't fm ttir huiniin pyntoia In MARVELOUS. I'.r r ( It nur t !u- fd .riineh lo porff'Ct it-.f-lpTi nt l.i.iil, 11 .-iit:i In 1 iiml " 1 : en - 1 1-' Ms I In1 1. 1 1 11 nl. j.' 1 hi u li illlj mi l vi'.'nr in tiio In Ii- t-Vhli in, ilm i.iv.;ni, . : i t : . t ni ., iiml I'll-1 :l III (.! I'll 1. pi II,! lltlili CVi- itiTuv ft 11.1 lieiielli iMTiii't'. It i nns: lni e I ii '. I liM-lii itli's I .i-iiiiiin.-i . nt.'.l l:li,...t nml I. Ivor I -ii m. '1 ln-y n I in. mi. 'i . 1 1 1 :t r ntlicr l;iMliv.' 11. 11. 11 iil jiri' kT.-atly niicri' ir. Ai nir in in-t i'-t ! r M i-hM'tri tti swcl I -Ii . me i.l I . mi , i 'i ! f il in r : '...I! le; -ir I,. ,1 1 ..N, ?'.l. (.nl I I !; !' i hS. llln.ul iiml l.ivi i- 1 'ii In e-'-H.'. .er tn.x: Hi e I" '. : i. it -en. I '.lir.-i t to U ;V!d:'. i; ii-:-uiuoin, in am xuame. Wz r r Af?E STILL TRIUMPHANT! r..r e ' : ' . tl.ev Ii lie "t'-e.iiilv eaine.l in r:. '...'. . .;'!i t (.-, '.i:.-.i;i:ii y reasiijj liai e l.eei ii. .. :m j ..en ;,r i-ui.-el tliii';;li it'll tin- I " i 1 1 i "' i :';.!. 'I i;.' '.' i: ii, il h;. i i ;.,:! e, to ih-i r I ''ice d. i, ' i'"l ! 1 1 a ; i V. li ! ve I ; t ( 1 v Intro lae. .1 iln- i aail r:i l u iili F.rlni l.omj I) ".i.' '.aa 1 v. reaa ! ar;;i li (le in v. lien pi clei -I : : i f . Ili;r!l.--t i'i! fr ;;'! Hie V..lif.- meat I'airs. 'I i.,- l.i il.il ii ei ive.l is fur l iist 1 1, - ,i-v, oil, tli- i! ' ' ' , I i"i 1 1 1 1 Hie I;;!,- t . Ii.).-,; inn In It) at WS;. ViJM l:' lull e J.fev ei! l!; a'i::-.!-l-. Iteiaiieis ,i i: : :i, u i. ! tn n lai. l lie m y eneia Mi!! ill i !.e .' I 'iirse! s ill) net )l rei'iv-,- et-i. For Sal? everywhere. Catalogue f;-co on Application , TK0:-I.fJC':i IiAGDOlT h 00., New Ye: fsrKf- iv'j 'ifrfpJ S h& p W?L S-' B2Ua tSsW-oMitf l. SELECTED SISQDS Iff? yMMMM V P fe.-r l;fr?r7 i nur. r--i l '.. r; Ii.' 1 uSiSS, ' I a 1-a a its tWii T:- t.a other Brand. EOKKELLY' v.A.(3-OIlNr AND BLACKSMITH SHOP, and Flow t r---''-"Ji', cd several jelling r.i.- :-reAii-'.-.t tr elo Pel kir.rfs of repairim 'faif-i e..... ;..jr r .-.ehii.ery, as tiieia is " 'i Ux'Jcn In my sheip. t.j.i :.;-.re or t.r-e Ta;;ou sncp tie. li I VOP.KIiIAIi. U: i i ; :J .V.4K. VT r:; in. ; : 1 , 1 . aUe ; I;ei.. CAPITAL. .v.:JOC.OOO. j I ;:cii ;i.-i-i i'ivli-1- in- I.;: ,vs of ? elu n .!:a, and j ' ve i t - a:-i ;, - i'!S 'A 1. anu i j ::an- i' !: '. a;..'1 s. - i.e ; ;! r K,:t-, fori or-ilioj.s. Mm 1 t. ;.!.! inei; iiieais, rriiis A i in. AlVSTPAcrS Ol I'es. 'a-.!iiijiiten am! Sr.rp-. I Mil ii' d eoi ri ei si t of Au- !:! i i : i o i li ;t:i e-rnan-e-l'. .-i.l lu-rie-ct ami ::--ai j:t:.te. V. (I svsf-.-i. e:r.i: n::. .'M AX s ;i : a . :. O. I. ClI IiKliT, Vice 1'ie-st ;:;i.i Tre s. roYK. I., ei j. noniKSON, Agent, n. mm m iwm im 'wm lJUtatjdci-0".viiin woikoi iiislife, over Te-Opaees J-.it, onv F. li. lficKERTOH &. Co., Detroit, llich. iiig Ae-rmIo Aeni. stESTiOKTHipjiPEal LA Pi s 5 ? fi - - ee I.- C.i'- tins or ;-. -:-! il tt tO SniJ ,1 v. -.u si-i'.i von free some li iiiof fcteat value :ud i.e'iei t.iaee li -yea. trial .vi: fU.Tt. ynri in t.iin.H f 2 S 5 ' " i n i ? i ? v. ucV. v. ill brim: yon mere irir'.'i ;oivli:ii--ir el--"' la t h 1 i'h tb w-iK ' '1 live a: r;10T!f,'r U! i.i. Wv.w j : AT'Vi ii t SO' : f-t 1! jT.-T JiPW f '! wnreer. Ve v !' j jr-f 1 - v J n. rfiHG -' .y en 33artlix A MEDICAL Si Cor. 13th STHli randCAt rtOLAvL IIIK THKA I MKNT OK A I.l. CHR0N10 AHD SURGICAL DISEASES. AMI 1 Nl t ll-T'iHY or BXACC3 AKO APHIANCf S rtM DrFOtVITICS TiUSSES. AND UtOUitU tSAULHUS We Imvii tin. ff .-Kioi-M. .iirlii Hi.il r.. in.l n f,,r tlm Mii. i-.Ti; nl H eal men t i.f i-v. tr lorin of .li....... . H ie rc.jiilriiiwi elllier iiieilli-nl or -uruli Hl o.-tilniciii lunt li..ei nil -. ciiiiiii ii r i.l li.veHtlunti inr o. ........ i ..... . -.irreMiiini -li iim. Loiik i-xieru-ni-o In Iri-iiilii ciiiii'j l.y li.ttnr eimlilen un li, treut Iiiun iasu M ienlli'. -iilly wit Ii nit fi-eliiir them. Wlili'K Kill 11(1 I'l.All on ilrfrn.lll..i mii.I llrm i-h. lull I'ei-t. I'nrvn'iirn of lm Si, Inn ihh. KASKS UK WDM KM. I'llen, TuiiiorH. CtiHiVrT iiliii rli.Hi-iiMr-tilti i.liilialiitl'.ii.Kli-cii-lelty I'umlrHlii, Kplli-imy. Kiilnev, Kye. iCur, Mi m, I11wk uml nl Kliru'ie.-il n;.iTiltlnl' ,. n rni:i:ii:i, imiai.kun. mt rs. Tnii, uu I nil klmlM of M.-.ImhI hiiiI Surui. u i'i,lil!inii-ri, iiiuaiitai'tiiri-i unit lor Mile. The only reliable Medical Institute making Private, Snzcirtl Nervous Diseases A NPM'l.tl.TV. ALL! ONTAiai Us AND HlH ill DISK AS KM. from whatever ciiiisn proilueeil, xiiceeni ully trenle.l Wii run rem'ivo Syplillltlo i1hhii Irum llio cyilL-iu williuiit iin'renry. K'v reilorittivo treatment for Iiikh of vltnl nriwf A 1,1. I 'IM Ml 'MCA 'I'll INS (llNHIIKX'1'l A I . ('nil nn.l i-oiiMtilt iim ur Hend inline h ml iinl-ollicr- i.ililicn - I In i ii 1 y ivnlt"ii -enelohn Mump, mulwumiil ?-..ii.j yon, in plum wrapper, our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN rri imuvathj, ra-iAi. axiii nkiivoi ir K.ASKS, SKVIN Al7 WKAKNKSH. SI'KUM 'i'il. Hll K . IMIMTKNI'V. SYI'IMI.IS, (it iNult III Ii r ;:.Mtvl'. VAHICne-KI.M. S'ntHTt'HK, AND A I . I . I'Is::asks ok tmk ;i-;NiTe-i'KiNAi: v oiiiiA.'is, or "end liiHtury or yovu- ihhii fur an oplnlini. I'eisiins nniiblii t. visil ns may lie trealeil nt liic li teene. lv i-iirre.sp'inileiiei. .Meillelni-r nml ln:-lr.;. in . in k. 'nt liv mall or evpre HKCl.'ICKI.V I'.M 'K. Kl I HO.M Olisl.ltV ATION. mi murks to ln.li.in., n ii a fin inr .-n-inler. One pi-rHunal Inti-rvi w pivir-rr' if i nr.veni'-nt. l-'ilty ninniH lor tlie uci iju.amliiti.i ot .n tiei.ls. Hon ii I und Httemluiicu nV rlliHoi.iliK pi n e. Adilr -s:i a!! Letters to Omaha Ellsdical & Surgical Institute Cor. 13th St.,ar.g Capitol Ave, Omaha, NeK CITY H01 EL. Tbl.i bc;:ntlfiil three etorv t.i-h xfrtn-ti:re.e lov.el M.-.ii! st rent . lian lust bee;. t.Iilsl.ni anil "Jte'd tip for the accauiniodatlon of TRANSIENT CUSTOM ICIIS, and KKGULAU 50AliI)KIiS. E7ERY THING NEW AND CLEAN Gccd. Iir ,D coniuY'tlon wfi' -he FHEI) ISOOM. I rop. W'orRiBE Glasfjes.TTENTioN. 'iicil to flinii- ti nil cliissex witb C'lililoyineIit it lioiiie. t lie m li'!e of the time, or for t lief r .1 iiie iiiciiieiits. i:iiiiiess new, Hull! ami prof luble pi koiis of eit tier sex easily ?Hl'ii from il cell pel evening, iiml il il o)Ol t ton- il Mini !v ! votme ill! their tin e to ti e buni- vs. r.i.-s iiikI joi ls earn near y as much neil. 1 liiil nil lii M'e til's II y i-eiul tin-It nil-res ami ter-t tin: b'isiiiess. we make this Her. To sim-Ii ii-" are not well ; ati-!iel c will -eml one lo!lar to .ny for i lie 1 1 on tile; of u rit iiir, I nl! i i tieulais'iuid outfit nee. Atlelresi ;kii:ii. StinsoX .t Co.. rortliilitl, Maine. THE CITIZENS :o jsl. xr es: 2 PLAITS MO L'TII, - NEi'.nA.SLCA. IAP1TAL, - S75.000. OFKIf'Klia 'KA.NK rAKUUTit. .JOS. A. CONNOK, PresiJent. Vle-PreslJeut. W. II. CUSlIINd. Cashier. L'llil.Cl Oli.l Frank C'aiiufl', .1. A. Coi i or, K. 11. (Jut I niauu, J. W. Join se n, Ilei ry l! ck..liil.u O'Keele, W. I). .M rriaiii, Wia. VfJeLcaiao, W. II. CllKl-llie. rraiisr-e;- a (jent-r.-i! Itankln;.' llu-'ness. Ali W'Jio Lave any !:.ii: k i:.;,' business lo tran; :ci are i:ivi:eu to i!l. - No in.tller itow laive or nnjall tie Irf iisaelion, it v iil receive our earef-.ii attention, and we .ro;;:i.-;u uiwiiys cour toons tre-atmeM. tnsaes Certificates of Oe; osits bearing Interest Uuyf anel se!I roieipm i:xe-liaiK;, CotiLty anei C'itv sec-uriiies. Bask Cass County i.'Cotner Mnia and Sixth Streets. n jt T3M otj arm istjeuib . C. If. PA It MELK, I're.'iii'.er.t, IJ M. iA'i J'Ki'.SON. Cashier. ( i ransECts a General EanlniiE Easiness iiigiip:st cash muci: Paid for County and City Waiar.ta. COMLEtTICJiH MAI1K m-1 piomi-tly remitted for. ;iiJtrccTOs : Pain e!e, J. M. Pttre !cn. pfed U order, A. li. Fn lth. ii. Wiiidti-.i. SI. Moirisey, James I'nt;ei sou. Jr. 'OilX r IXZeJEiiALU, S. WALC1I Prcside-nt. Cfceiilir FIRST KATSOKAL ) Jr Xr JKL ! OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEBIIA8KA, JCf-rsthe very best facilities f or tb.c prur pi tratiactlon of lesitlniste BAHKIKQ BUSIHES 4tocks, Tor es, Cr-.d. (.ovcrr ruent acd I.cri Sjcuritte f'.cv.l.l p.ni yclei.lctmlti repr-'v. ed aril 'rn -! iv'.-e! C" t'e e cat (. I- i.. v :; Colin Hi.-lif?: i OMAH r,