V CWvij fit ft IKl $2.00 PER ANNUM. IM.ATTSMOUTH. NBBR ASKA. TM URSDA Y. APRIL 7, 1887. VOLUME XXIII. NUMBER 3. flffe- Che ,. ' ' ...... v.-1 . v ' I I MiE WiBHII III! I 11-1-1 .11 IM-WHIIJI-liijl ! M II I ' 1 liiiiil Only Small Cash Payment Required. Balance in Monthly Installments. This addition lies near the BB. M, US. US. Shops aMljoiniiig' the city ia the Soatii, and con tains some oft lie most Sightly Residence iLots fount! witlaln tlie corporate limits. 'ill toe sold before prices are advanced to keep pace witli tlae " IIoom." TIae strong proba bility that the 332. EI. IEL 3HL will, soon establish a JFonaaidry near this -addition makes the 3Lots therein most desirable, IBon't let the opportunity escape you and. then growl at your self nffarward. We have listed on our books Home off the Choicest Improved and Unim proved property in the city. it in our hands at reasonable Apply to How's Your Liver? In the Orientnl salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without - a hc.il thy Liver. When the Liver is torpid the Bowels ! are sluggish and constituted, ' the; food lies in the stomach undigested, poisoning the blood; frequent headache rnues: a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and ner vousness indicate how the whole system is deranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been the means of restor ing more people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraordinary power and efficacy. . NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED. A a general family remedy for Dlspepsla Torpid Liver. Constipation, etc., I hardly ever ue anything el. and hare never been disap pointed in the eftVet produced ; it netmi to be ulinoit a perfect cure for all disease of the SfomscU and Bowels. W. J. McELROY. Haeoa. Ga. Bucklen's Arnica Salve- The Bet Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sored, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It it guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by SOly F. G. Faicks & Co. We quote the following notice of IIo worth's Uibernica Co.: "Howorth's Hibernica Comedy and Specialty Com pany appeared before a large audience at Masic Hall last evening, and made a ipost favorable impression, judging from the hearty bursts of applause that were fre quently evoked. The "Two Dans" were so cleverly made up that it was very dif ficult to distinguish them apart. The songs and jigs were especially good, and aeveral of them were enthusiastically en cored.. The play fairly bubbles over with mirth and wir, and the characters were all acceptably presented. The en tertainment will be repeated this evening, aud the merits of the performance sbeuld insure large attendance. Gazette, Pitts ton, Pa." Lo3T On the night of March 24th, a saddle was lost west of the grave-yard. The finder will please leave it at this office. SrvV a ii rate 33. -V7TlSriDtt A - Three Grove Notes. Thrkk Gkovks, April 5, 1887. j Editor Hkkald: Mrs. Charles Carroll has been quite ill the last few days, but is now gradually improving. f;Mr. G W. "Worley has rented a place out near Elruwood, this ronuty. He will move his family and household furniture out this coming week. James Allison, who met with a very severe accident at nattsmoutn, a lew weeks ago is out again, and is carrying his shoulder in a sling. Quite an interesting school meeting was held at our school house yesterday at 1 o'clock. There was a good turn out and considerable important business was transacted. The subject of building a new school house was well discussed by the patrons of the district, and it was finally agreed upon to levy 7 mill tax and repair the old house, A committee of three was appointed to repair said building, consisting of J. II. Allison, Billy O'Brien and Geo. Shrader. J. II. Allison was elected director, to be quali fied at the beginning of the Bchool year, the 1st of July, under the law. Robert Nichols tendered his resignation of the office of director, which was accepted by the patrons, and John D. Tighnor, Esq., was appointed by the board to act as tem porary director until the new one was sworn in. A very meager treasurer's report was read, in fact, almost none at all, showing the financial affairs of the district. But then it was learned from the directors that the funds of the district was rather short, as usual in this district. The enumeration showed that there were 87 scholars in the district between the ages of 5 and 21 years. The citizens of the Rock Creek neigh borhood were thrown into a ripple of ex citement on Saturday evening by Will Holmes getting badly hurt by a runaway team. It was first rumored that he had both legs and one arm broken, but on further inquiry as to the particulars of the accident, it was learned that there was only one leg broken, and that being near the ankle. The accident occurred in the feed lot where "Will was feeding cattle. The team became frightened from the falling of the scoop board onto the double trees, when they started to run, and upset the wagoa throwing Will out under the wagon in some way caus ing the result as above 6tated. Dr. Schildknecht was sent for immediately, nd the wound was soon dressed. Will Ilonies is the son of J. B. Holmes, and many will be surprised to learn of the young mas B accident. KIobt$8. From T OF THIS TIME PKOPE ( . - Call and examine our list. M figures. and we will Und you a Over Bank Cass County. Commissioners Proceedings. Tuesday, April 5, 1887. The following claims were allowed: Maynard Spink, salary and exp. .$107 00 Cass Co. Eagle, pr'g court docket 37 15 F 8 White, goods to pauper 20 50 Johnson, Tutt & Gault, assessing damages 6 30 11 54 3 50 98 50 J E Hall, salary 4th quarter Graham & Wilkinson, nails J C Eikcnbary, guard'g prisoners J P Young, paper and ink 5 60 60 80 00 05 00 J C Eikenbary, viewing road. . D Woodard. W Conn, wood Plattgtnouth Gns Co Dan Drum, viewing road o Neb. Telephone Co Chase & Churchill, coffin 9 75 10 40 W J Doty, viewing road 3 00 25 II Boeck, burying Wroth 17 James Clark, repairing and re moving bridge 25 4 10 11 8 35 00 50 95 95 00 75 Oliver & Ramge, goods to pauper JVWeekbach, " " " E G Dovey fe Son " " " Poisal & Spencer " JI B Murphy & Co. " " Wm Herold & Son, " " " Skinner & Ritchio, wcrk on Nu 6 36 75 00 50 00 merical Index A V Robinson, attending Jansen Gazette Journal Co., books 105 00 Eli Sampson, boarding paupers. . Ill 44 J E Hall appointed county physician at Weeping Water at $50 per year. O'Neil road petition refused. Greenwood road ordered as petitioned for. J W Quackenbusb, coal for pau pers 28 66 T.Clark, coal for county..- S6 15 Allen Beeson, salary 1st quarter. . 250 00 Road petition of Geo. Shrader recon sidered and allowed $15. Bid of W. J. White for building all county bridges at $6.10 per foot was ac cepted. Resignation of R. D. Bailey; district No. 47, accepted, and B. L. Wilcockson appointed to fill vacancy. Application of Stephen Hultish to sell malt liquors in Wabash was granted. Death of Mrs. Almira M. Jansen. The wife of Peter Jansen and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Metteer, died at her home last Saturday. This sudden bereavement cast a gloom of sorrow over the community where Mrs. Jansen was so favorably known as a devoted wife and loving mother. The funeral services were largely attended by friends who sought to bear with, the husband and ix children the grief tvbich had so suddenly befallen them. r n ss n n n (1 J RW 2& LEGAL. Proposals forArmy Transportation Headquaktfirs .'fpartmknt of t "HE 1 f uii'K, Ullice of CU'f Quariermaste, Omaha, jSkb , Sluieii 15, 18&7. WEALED Proposals, in triplicate, subject to usual conditions, w.ll be received at t tils of fie until 12 o'clock noon, central siautlard time oil Friday. April isili. 1S87, at which time and place they wii- be opened in the presence of bidders, for the trar.sport ition of si.e: mil itary )tores and supplies as may be turned over by tiie quartennas .-r's department f'-r that purpose on the f liourmg utrscribed routes during the fiscal jenr. co.-iniieiiciug J uly 1st, 1887. I. Between ttie freight st.-iti -n orneaiest point to l"ort Laramie. t which l'rcitsiit can be delivered on the Cheyenne & on In ru rail road, and Fort .Laramie, v j. 2. iietweeu Lusk. WyMiniLii:, on the Wyoming t'entre rail road, ana Fort l.araiuk', W yoininu- 3. Between Douglas. Wyoming, and Fort MeKinney, Wy- mi:ig. 4. Between Kaw.in. Wyoming, and Fort McKinney, Wyoming. .r. Between Custer -ta ion, on her;) Pacific Kailway, aid Kort McKinney, Wyoming, t; Between Fort Cas per. W yorr.ing, or any other point nearest to Kort Washak e. at wineli freight c n be deliv ered i'li the Wyoming Centra! ri ro. d. and Fort Washakie, Wvo'mina. 7. Between Raw lins, Wyoming, and Kort Washakie, w yoming 8. Between Carter, Wyoming, and Fort Bridg cr. Wyoming. 9. Between Trice. I.'tah. a d Fort Du hesne, Utah 10. Between Omaha quartermasier's detct, r anv oilier points within the limits of the citv of Omaha, and F rt Omaha. Nebraska. 11. net ween points wherever required v. itiiin the limits o the city of Omaha, Nebraska. 1. Between Valentine, Nebrakn, i-.ud Fort Niobrara. Nebraska. 13. Between 1 li&c ier, Nebraska, and Kort Niobra ra, Nebraska. 14 Bctwe n Cheyenne city an i Cheyesine quartermaster's d pot, Cheyenne ciiv a'id Fo:t 1. A. Kuell. and Cheyenne quartermas er's depot anil K rt 1. A Kussell, Wyoming- 15. Between ShH Lake City and Fort Douglas. Utah. 10. For transfeiricg from or into cars aud hauling stores between lailrnd depots and oilier onus at Ogtien, Itah. 17. For tcan.if-rring from r into cars and hauling stores beiwee.i railroad de. ot an:l other points at Camp r"i!ot Butle, wyoir.ing. 18. For trans ferring from r into cars and hauling stoic between railroad depot ani other pbintK at Carter, W yondiig. 11. For transferring from or into cars a d hauling stores between rail road depot an I et her poi.its t Rawlins Wyo imng. 20. For tr.Tnsfe ring from or into ears and nauiing stores bet een railroad depot and other poin's at l'nee. V ah. 21 For transfer ring from or into cars and hauling stores be tween railroad rieot and other points at Fort Sidney. Nebraska, 22. For tran-ftni' g from or into cars and hauling -ton s between rail road depot and other p nts at Lusk, Wyoming. 23. For tiansfenvng from or into ca' and naulini; 8t-res between railroad depot and other iHiints at Doagia. Wyoming. Vroposals for transportation on any or all of the routes above named will b received. The covern rnent reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Blank pioposaU. form of contracts and printed circular, giving ful information a to manner f bidding. c.nid:tion to be ob served by bidders, ana terms f contract and payment, will be furnished on application to this office. Envelope containing proposals to be marked "Froposals for Transportation on Koute. No. and addressed to the under Signed. 52-1 G. E. DASDY, Chief Quartermaster. ShertfTs Sale- BY VIRTUE of an Order of Sale issued by W". C. abov.a.tei. Clerk of the Distiict Court within and f.-r Caes county. Nebraska, and to nie directed. I wi 1 on the adh day of April A. n 1W, at 10 o'clock a. in of said day. at the Sou' h door f the court house in said county, sell at public auction the following real estate, t0The north half of the northwest quarter of Section twentv-nine (23) in township twelve d") north if ratine thirteen (13). east of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Cass cotmtv. Nebraska, with ihe pnvileges and appurtenances thereunto belong'ng or in anywise ap enabling. The same being levied upon an 1 taken as the property of Daniels. Draper and Viore Ann Draper, defendants, to s.ttisfv a judgment of iaid Court recovered by the First National Bark of Fiattsmouth, Ne braska, plaintiff, airainst ald defendant. 1 Uttpinouth. Neb .M-troli 19. A. I). 18S7. J. C- E1KKNBAKY. Sheriff U ks county. Neb. Iv M. lIARTIGA" Attorney for Plaintiff. 2-5 n n c a .i s4l v!J you have property for sale place purchaser. Or JOHIT Proposals for Military Supplies. IlFADQUAKTERS DKPAHTMKNT OK THK ) I'lattk, oflice of ch'f Quart. rinaMer, V Omai'.a. Neb . March 2ith, 187. ) SEALED Proposals, in triplicate, mbjeetto - usual conditions, wi 1 be received at this oflice until 12 o'clock no' n (central standard lime) on dales named hereal ter, at which times and place they will be opened in pres ence of bidders, for fur- ishing aud delivery 'f fuel, forage, straw and charcoal, during the fiscal year commencing .July 18S7, at eacli of the following military posts and stations : Omaha uepot. heyet-nc depot, Ogden depot, Forts Omaha Niobiara, itobinson. kidney, D. A. nusell. Rridger, LsriMiiu McKinney. Wa shakie, i-ulheaue and Douglas, ('amp l'ilct Butte at Rock Sprincs, Wyo., Va cntine, Ne;.. Jaisk, W'vo., Douglas, Wyo., Rawlins, Wyo , l rice. Utah, and the Department J-ih Range at Bellevue. Neb. Proposal for wood, coal j and charcoal will be opened a'urdy. April j ;wth,lMS7. Proposals for hay, straw, grain and bran wil be opened Tuesdy. May 24th. 1k7. ' Except at Omaha depot, proposals will also be received up to the came hour (central tiu:-) by the quarte- maulers at each ta bn above nam ed, for supplies required for his station only. Proposals will be'eceived tthis oflice until May 24th, 17. for supplying grin and bran at Rawilus and Carter, wo, and also at Salt Lake City and Price Station. L"tb. Pre'erence will be given to articles of domestic produc tion ami manufacture, conditio! s of price and quality being equal, and Midi preference will be -jriven to articles ot American production Uand manufacture produced on t lie Pacific coaet to the extent ot the eoiismr prion requirea Dy the public service there. Proposals for either class of the stores mentioned or for qu rtitien 1 than the whole required w il be received. The government reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or to accept any proposal for a les quantity than tne total bid for. blank proposal and lull r.ismictiocs will be furnished on application to this oftlce or to the quartermasters at the various posts named. Envelopes containing pro; osals should be marked "Proposals for , t ." and addressed to the undersigned or to the re-specii-e post quartermaster. 2-4 O. B. DANDY, Ou-ii tennafter, U. S. A., Chief Quartermaster. Legal Notice. In the District Court of Cass Couuty. Nebraska In the matter of the application of 1 Legrand 11. Brown, admiiiistrat- or of the estate of J. McF. Ha- ! good.deceased. for license to sell JOrdes. r al estate to pay the debts of j said estate. J Upon reading the duly veined ne'ition of Legrand B. Brown, administrator of the estate of John McF. Hagood. deceased, praying for a liceHse to seleo much of lo's 1. 2. 3. 4 and 3, aud the south-west quarter of Section 33 T. 11, K. 14. belonging to sa'd estate, s may be nec essary to pay the outstand ng indebtedness of said estate, and it appcari g satisfactorily that the personal property ot said estate Is insuffi cient to pay sai-i indebtednes. and that it is neeessary 10 sell the land described in said pe tition lor that pur nose ; It is there ore ordered and adjudged that the hearing of said cuse be set for the 15th day of Mav, A. D. 187. at my chambers, to-wit : the oflice ol the Clerk of the District Court of Cass Couuty, In the City f I'lat'sinou'h, at which tima and place all persons interested may ap pear and show cause, if any there be, why li cense, should not he granted to said Lt-grand B.Brown, administrator of said estate, to sell so much of s .id south-west quarter, and lots 1, 2. 3. 4 and 5. in Section T. 11. It. 14. Eat. as may be necessary to pay said indebtedness. And it is further ordered that notice of the pendency of the cause be published In the Plaitsmouth I1erai.ii, a n-ws;japer published in and of general circulation in sid County of Cass, for four consecutive weeks next preced ing said dav set for hearing said cause. one at Plattmouth this 2th day of March, A. D. 17. SAM M. CHAPMAN, Judge. Jas. S. M tTHRWi, Att'y for Administrator. 2-4 Tax Notice. ToEHwin M. Ward, non-resident, ownerof lots twelve U2). thirteen (13) and fourteen 1 14), in block six . in Thompson's Addition to the Citv of Plattstnouth, Casi County, State of Nebraska : You are hereby notified that Oeo Tntberry did on the 9th day of March. 185. purchase said lot. In this notice above describ-d. at tax na'e for the delinquent i axes of l)72. 174. 1"5. 1876." 177, 1P7S. 167U, ls80, 1881. 182. 18S3 and that said l jts were then taxed asn n-resident. The time of redemotio from said tax sale expired the 9-h day of March. 1887. On completion of this notice I shall apply to the County Treas urer for a deed. 2-4 GeokgeTctbkbby. nnnnw Mnnu Ml V DVIE S. Probata Notice. In the matter of the Last Will and Tesl amen of Josiah Horning, deceased. In Count t Court, Cass Couuty. Nebraska. Notice Is hereby given that on the 23d day of April A. D. 1887. at the County Judge's, oftlce in IlaltsT.nuth. Cass County. Nebraska, at 10 0 -,, rk ln 'orenoon, the following mat'er 1 1' T ,'eard tanl considered : The appllcatloa -,V' ' Jinv lg to admit to probate the 1st will ?nd testameut of Josiah Horning, late ot 1 lattsinouth. in sai.! Ccunty. rteceasei, and for letters testamentary to O. J. Horninr By order of the Court. r . . . , RuusBir., Countr Judge. Dated April 4th. 1887. 3.3 Notice of Application for Drugslst's Permit to Sell Liquors. To whom !t may concern : Notice is hereby gjv, n tat the unders'rned will make application to the City Council of Ilatt-mouih at its second ret u!i;r irifcetluif lu April. 1887. to -wit: on the wth day of sld niutitn.fur a license cr permit to sell mult spnitous and Vinous Lqur.rs f . r the year end ing May 1st, IRK, for medicinal, mechanical, chemical and sacramental puri cses at my ulaco of l.usinees on eat half of lot ele- en (111. u block twei.tv -eight (2x)t City of Platt-iuoutH Couuty of CasR, Ktate of Nebraska 3"3 Will J. WAititH-K. The Latest News. Every Bee Keeper ttroughout the county and State are invited to visit my Apiary without delay inside the next 30 days, for there is bomething of the utmoxt importance awaiting them. 1 nil colonies of Italian Bees. . . . . .$ A two-story Simidjcitv liee-Hiv .00 .50 all complete Section Ilouev Boxes 44x44. i.r M o.OO retracted Honey for sale nt lSjCperlb. Italian Queen Beea at $1.00. Anvth supply line furnished on hort notice. J. 5L lOl'KO, r2t4 JRock Bluffa, Neh. 3Ioney to loan at lowest rates. 46tf ' Wise & Johxsov. Orders taken for Coal at the Tele 26tf. phoce office. Onion, radish, lettuce, souash. tufnin. and all other kinds of seed, by the pound or less at Bennett s. 2-5 The highest price paid for produce by Bennett. conntrr 2-5 " Buy your garden seeds in bulk nt Ben nett's. They come much cheaper than by the package. 2-5 I have a few bushels of Clark's No. 1 potatoes for seed. They are one of the earliest and best varieties. 2-5 L. D. Bennett. Carden Seeds- L. D. Bennett h;u received a full sup ply of all kinds of garden seed in bu!k, which he will sell by the pound or ounce at a much less rate than thoe in pack ages. 2-5 For Sale A Union Piano, in good condition. For particulars address 50niS Mrs. Wit. B. Pokteb. I have some German Millet for 61 at 75 cents per bushel. 3t3 . Wm. Mirtexs.