Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 08, 1883, Image 2

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    iwiu.ineiit of
yi, Hum hit usual piact upn
mo ivuitu uuniiii uir
loised by the II tat a ld. W
V general principles when an
tuinlalered well aud lioneal
uo,Uut anall be permitted to
hia time; at tbe a-aiuo time
uoval, tits llEKALD believed
e bus no grounds to make
out widening '"the breach in
ucan party. ilr. trounae
was able to do in tbal line
and if we understand the wo
rn prompted biui in attempt-
I .1... . I t
UW 111 IIII1U tvuKiranvuai
to the hands of tbe democra
last election, it was because
zo Ciuunse) hud been griev-
appointed at not receiving
lugrttsaional nomiuatiou hiin-
atever else way have been
e which prompted a boat of
Ililicuua in the third cougrea
irict to utternpt the Ueieat
leulinu, to a "man up a tree,"
I . I. . . A ..ll ......
uae, HUU WM gciic-jau tvir
y republicaua outaide of that
hat Lorenzo Crounae hold
ps the beat federal ollice in
was willing to ieud bituaelfj
leine of throwing hia district
ands of the democracy be-
i. Lorenzo Crounae) could not
to succeed Mr. Valentine. liua beeu almost con
in otllcc allien hia advent m-
fiaka, and should make no
aiiiht pui ty haa trt-rtL
generously ad the olU lepuo-
ly has, uiiU wliile, Mt believe.
ll'Ue, o Jul US All. (Jl'uuiibti
tied; .a lue .t.iu3 uuio, hi.- re
vs ui an clliot) v Licit iie has at-
U M lltlellt) , and the.
Ullge llulU Hie ai l wll.1 l".'H-
1, who U liA II. e UiiJdl of i. i.n
llioc, .u.ii also iii Lin- iiiui.''- ol"
t ol couil lor llie veal, .lu..' i.i Ulckel in palloiMe
wlucii Mr. l-iaii li. L.iii't:,
llUebl civil bi I Vice isii-ii.-.
rained of.
iii) election ii ai hand, aud a
I'Tuinent i lo be cli'.'itcu ior
I' ' "i 3 ' '' coiiiiuciciuy ni.'p
Vil, !;. An e.cliaiigc b.
a uiore ililei(i-t if luu..i
o'.ir vi'liu iii buil
m luuiiiri -ul eieciiolin."
U.H trt'ldl,.iilJ true lillo
.ulcn-sl iii,i u uc weUui'c ol
u in wr.tppiU up iu i he
icui, his Jii'wu, his' progeny,
licitriUBloue, cieryihmg lull
till 11111 frll U'i ll 111 li.mallnl
Is lo a great extent uepeuu-
the orderly aud ecouo.uicul
ration ot the local yo vern
ier wlticli he lives; yet year
ir, we sec the average ciiizcu,
au occupation to lollovv, a
lo give his aliculioti lo, ue
the lioine government, aud,
liner, turning it over to oih-
rcally have a much less iu
it ihun the rouiiueut husi-
u. lie will descant earncstly
lueully on I he curreucy ques
the I arm question- ue win
sell on the administration of
ual government, or the laud
i in Ireland, and yet ho can-
ouSXhihe levy of taxes, as
the vuluatioL ol property iu
V or town in which he re-
j for the past year, or the
i of the general improvement
fund, lor the curreut year.
;lileis, y ou find no oue ho
c ao aevere, as tbia business
his criticisms, after a citv
alias been. held.
ekai.d mentions this subject
Nlorniauce ol its duty, to say
Junta, that it is tho ooundeu
Ivcry oue who has the futurc
IjI our cuv at iieari, to see to
tally , that good, intelligent,
lalive citizens are put lor-
'.he dille.eut cily olli.e.;
,0 have tlte whole g od ol ilie
iiy at heart. Let it be a qtica
ootl goveriiineut. li' pniiv
ii-iis urc to be uiuiic. et tiu
who coii-siiUiUf iliesi' j-artii:-'.
It, unit .-ii.' proper luc;:
il at the ! ad d' our iiti i-.r-
tiie coining year, iluibile-s,
tnk city will ha e veiy uu-
cuterprises to consider
matters lire air.-ady re
the atlontioii of coiiiiuitiee-'
tizers-, and the importauce o:
L niuuicip-il goveruuieui thai
Ipromp;ly and intelligently
oi'vious to ali.
lsh national testimonial is be-
jpforTheltev. feamuel Kol-
na. Wales, who isclaimet
real oiiginator of the penny
iwland Hill, it i said, only
jut the suggestion made in
rMr. Iioberta to tne govern
id eudorsHj by the cotnuiia
ben appointed.
e glad to see that tbe nation
l. . . . .a
fbeen benentea uy 6ucn acneap
oostal system, will not let thr
r suffer in his old age, but
t its benevolence be felt, and
will do good.
Oerts is 83 years old, and
the many induenthd subscrib-
L testimonial axe "Mr. Glad
r. Brignt, Lord Derby and the
Wes' minister.
T. " t - i. : -
r ibe next congress, wmcu is
fie. take up this, tariff, matter
shave down duties when they
zh. It is simply an adjust-
.ntiea gentlemen ; a matter of
lu to whether this or that in-
protected too much or too
vuknow you never meant
land direct taxation. Go in
e for the good of lha coun-
i will ilnd a republican nii-
U obstruct business, but
slang and show You now
v. TotiSV,Tr o . v
.tu uiira iCvlUmll ot BeuaalK
Hltall. rthCou; I., . l.u iiilmiLiai of Hie
1 HO-Uiiter Vd IU iiicidmla iu the
lives of lliesiueii, winch have mtde
them notorious or frttnous shall ,we
say? as law breakeis, and outlaws
Mgaiuat every eutitunt of decency,
and every principle of morality and
good government.
To read the announcements in the
Chicago papers, one would think 'one
of the greatest and best cliiietis of tlte
great cily of the lakes had fallen in
the prime 'of hia manhood full of
A tew days ago the country was
startled with the announcement of the
sudden death of three very prominent
onions; Marshall Jewell, of Connecti
cut; William E. Dodge aud ex-senator
MorgHu, of New York. Men who
were aud have been prominent in the
political and comtneicial circles of our
country ; men whom their fellow men
had delighted to honor iu many ways,
aud who died universally honored anu
mourned by their fellow citisens; yet
tbe metropolitan press of the country
gave these good men no such promi
neiice in thwir news columns, as they
give iIih human brutes Klliolt and
Duii u.
AVe look iu vain for some redeeming
trail iu the character or life of this
uiau Klliolt whose career is Hashed
upon the whole public by the&e joui
nals with suci. glamour to entitle
him to such proiuineiii notice. We
rtad that in his young manhood he
whs a coiiiiuon pickpocket and a bur
I glur,u "j til bud"' and common lelou.
lli.ll lltiUi this career l.u Lio.oUiv:i.l
lli.o . ilili UediCed priZt: tighter .Hid l'X
i nolient ol I lie ta.uiiv ait i-i .s.-it' (lc-
Ii'its . "U.'il BVe llie lirallv." And
. pautse I" ii.ynii'f im lie re ii:
.:. uisliMi.'l 1 1 t - ei' ;il le.idn.g ;i i.;
I W Hi; olieli loMi e of to I -.lire
I m lie a spa pc: a ti.taU.ko tlu- mU.'lt
j ol ll;e Ameiican iu.mi.
.Suieiv the journalism of touay i.
1.01 ke iii!g puce Viitii tiio civ i.iz ai-j!-of
tiie ii.:.'Ctt nth century if such food
ui iii uiand ed ly the public.
AU.XANUKR II. MKniBN.s, ot Heel
gia, i ded. lie was vice president
01 the conled-racy ,itnd 4lnce his po
iilieat disulMiiliea were it-tuoved, has
iieive l his st.ite, almost continuously,
111 coi.gtefcs. Iast year lie was chosen
givei nor !' (.ii-mgia. The two iiiosl
ho.uble events in his career, weic the
lv,o spet-Clus lie made at the com
mencement of the rebellion.
The tii si, aud by tar the ablest effort
of his life, was made before the legis
laiuie of hia state, in reply to Toombs
of Georgia, who was urging that atate
to secede. Mr. Stephens argued
agaiust secession.
The second speech was made very
soon atterwards at Savannah, when be
attempted to place himself in accord
with the south, and espoused the
cause of states rights.
Unquestionably these two speeches,
made within a few dajaof each other,
and so inconsistant and conflicting, in
every respect, have given Mr. Stephens
great deal of trouble since the close
of the war.
lie was a great man in many re
spects, and passed away with the con
fidence aud love of the people of
braska Soil.
A Fabulous Price Already Offered fur
the Uonanaiu
A well known gentleman of this city
yesterday left the lee ollice a bottle of
crude petroleum with the informa
tion that it was from a well sunk for
water only iu Nebraska soil.
This oil is from the hotel well of A.
and J' Hillings, Salem Richardson
county, Nebraska.
About a mouth ago the water of this
well commenced to get dirty, so much
so that it ouid not be used for domestic
pursues. Thinking that some evil dis
posed perBons were purposely tpoiliug
the water, the Messrs. Dilliogs had the
well ptuiped dry aud CiCaued out ;but the
next day whs as oily as ever. The water in
the well is some teu feet deep, and there
is a layer of this oil over a foot thick on
top of it. The Messrs. ISillingg have ul
ready been ntfered a iViblous price for
their property, but as they believe '"there
is millions in it," they will hold on un
til it is developed.
T!iey are now drilling a t-ix-ineh hole
a few feel from the well, and v ill go
several hundred feet pro.-pucting.
The pcoji.i! ot' bait lit me all jiililuiil
aud property has advalU't d - per cent,
siuee the oil wa-, iliieovered.
'there hit iii.iuy ood iuaiea'ins n
coid iu liur- :. holy, uud u,e prospecting
lor i ll vv .li miii tv develop coai, 11 U U e-
ut oil lh i'.- i i.t.- .ine.:dy lieen a unla
bel' ol' oi. .uiiii i'3, liave cxn.ii'ii.' 1
li: will uii. 1 oil, ..11 i Witliout cxeepiioii
j n uo.uu i- ii u (t ( iily e.mine iraii oil,
tint y v 1 I V --ip.-I I'll- .u tle.e, thvie lel:l j
iy ' I' vv v. Vila iu lVnuylvania that aro I t:,t 'iniea 10
flvel of today, only.
tbo political moun-
Derpetual sunshine.
falls witU tnelr
y tice several ap
rto no mn
The next eclipse of the suu, which
is billed for May 6, will be three times
s good an opportunity- for the astron
omers as usual, the period of totalitv
being thrice as long as the ave.age
To make up for this unusual accom
modation, however, it has been so ar
ranged that in almost all the world
there are only two little coral reefs in
the South Pacific where a solid poiu
ot observation can be found. Every
where elee the Hue of totality passes
over the ocean. The United State
end an expedition to one oi these
poiuts, Caroline Island, con-istinu ot
certain seieiitinV geitileiii'Mi anil the
ii'" it.ible uavv lieutenant, :iud I!rit
in ii-iio'b a fhurogrphiu p:-r:y it
tl.eir coiupnny. It is exp -led. is one
r.-.-iiit of the oO-ervi.tivili. t.' Isle i'
1V1- ve.- 1 i'i'."-;i.ti c to !'!! .re
theii; in a pia:i-f. iikr, tVn i:ii.-:iii'.
Trtf. i ice's Vjih" iii: tn ar r to tiie .-iin
tlnui Mereury. If th" tin t one it
will be iiiriH eiiouj'i .or -iigu; .-it ion.
ix to what to d with i. . .J:nbe Dein
irat. A MODEL Sunday hc1x1 Ii:w been
upened at Monifcsh, Scotland, to in
augurate the fact that Suuday schools
were first started in Scotland at a
tiUce mamd Brechin, Forfarshire, in
l76o. before Mr. Raikes lieijaD his
school in Glocester, England and it
was the Citing place where a lead
should be taken in that great and good
The school has been built at a cost
of tn thousand dollars (2.000) and to
be as a model for other Sunday schools
in Scotland.
It has been done under the supervis
ion of Rv. Dr. Yonng, touvoner, Sun
day school committee, church of Scot
land. The church has now nearly
J.ooa schools, attended by 240.00O
Mr. E. P. Ripley, general freight agent
of the C, B. & Q. railroad, instructs
agents that all freight from points on
his road east of Stanton, Iowa, to points
on the B. & M. R. in Neb. will be routed
as follows:
Via Pacific Junction- To all main
line stations, to stations on the Nebraska
railway divisions west of Lincoln; to
stations on tbe Atchison & Nebraska
division north of Adams; to stations on
the Republican valley division from
Hastings t and including Denver; to
atations on the Wytuore branch, except
Via Nebraska City-r-To atations on
Nebraska railway divisiou east of Lin
coln ; to' Nemaha line stations, to and in
cluding Tecnraseh.
Via Burlington Junction and Boswell
To stations on the Republican yalley
division east of Anrboy; to stations on
tbe Atchison & Nebraska division south
of Firth, except Tecumseb.
Freight from C. B- & Q- stations west
of and including Stautou, will be routed
Pci3c Junction or NebrasJ-L'ity
nuly, ccoraiu-j to the moat a" Jcot
U the City
e city of
lTTi,i)uw- -nV6 bOIHlS
fyr $1,009 each got Tno money for
them and built a high school building
with it. The city paid the Interest
until 1876, ' when it repudiated the
bonds, aud has since paid nothing
upon them. The holder of tbe bonds
brought suit on the interest coupons
due in 1878 and 1879, in the United
States circuit court for Nebraska, but
Judgment was rendered in favor of
the city on the grounds that the bonds
were illegal. The case was taken to
the supreme court of the United
States, where on yesterday the judg
ment was reversed and the bonds held
to be good ; so that I'lattsmoutb will
now be obliged to par the full amount
with Interest and costs.
Tbe attorneys in the case, were Geo.
E, Pritchett for the plaintiff, and J.
I. Webster for the defendant.
UWha Herald.
The diagonal road across Iowa from
McGregor via DesMoiues to south
western Iowa is assured. Heretofore
tbe terminal point at the west has
been mentioned as Nebraska City, but
the proper point and the very best
point on the Missouri river is at
I'lattsmoutb. At Nebraska City the
diagonal road would terminate in a
city of 4000 Inhabitants with connec
tious with a local stub road to Lincoln.
At Plattsmonlh the diagonal road
would terminate in a city of 6000
people m iking direct connection with
the Burlington system, with .Denver
and all Colorado, Utah and westward
points, with ail poiuts in Nebraska,
w ith direct cosineci ions with Omaha
and the northern Nehrask.i roads and
llie Union Pacific. Vo comparison
xii.- ti.;lvvee!i the two pl.iCJS us ter
minal poiui.-, .nul the diagonal road
should be in form vd of tho t'ACt.
'Say, da'you tldiik littlo practical
j ke doS any hurt," nVked the bad boy
of :k grocery man. as ie come in wl h
his Sunday suit on, nni a bouquet in
bis button-bole, and pfied off a couple
of figs from a new bo that hud been
just opened. """"
"No, sir," said the grocery 'man, as h
licked of the syrup that dripped from
a quart measure, from wblch he had i
been filling a jug. "1 bold that a man
that gets tnaj at a practical joke, that
Is, one that does not Injure him, la a
fool, and be ought to be shunned by
all decent people. That's a nice bou
quet you have In your coat. What is
it, panaiea? Let me smell i it," and
the grocery man bent over in frout of
tho boy to take a whiff at the bouquet.
As be did so a stream of water shot
out of tbe innocent looking bouquet
and struck him full in tbe face, and
run down over his shirt, and the gro
cety man yelled murder, and fell over
a barrel of axe helves and scythe
snaths, and then grouped around for a
towel to wipe bis face.
"You condum skunk," said tbe gro
cery man to the boy, as be took up au
axe helve and started for him, -'what
k ind of a golblasted squirt gun have you
got there. I will maul you by thun
der," and be rolled up bis shirt sleeves.
"There, keep your temper. I look a
test vote of you ou the subject of prac
tical jokes, before the machine began
to play upon tbe conflagration that
was raging on your whisky nose, aud
you said a man that would get mad at
h j j'&u was a foo", and now I know it.
iUle, let nie anoW it to you. There is
a rubber hose runs from the bouquo!,
iii. -tide my coat to inj pants pocket,
and thure is a tuib of lubber that
holds abuu-it-ill a pint, and when a
feller smells of the po, 1 squee..: the
b-tib, and you see the result. It'n fun,
whole you don't. uquiiL n- wn a person
I thai gets iiiad.'
iKH.ii!, ,:id ih.ifj 011 DfV'l yoiii
b.f'ids l. .; 1 " "I .1 ' 1 ilV Jtl'-d
Col i? that o l n tpe Udi Hose Oil
yiu blurt Mri'Ve. .'td tt. iljou have
tbe i .cii, do you think your business
.would tv.iniprovVdr Suppose 1 should
till tho , customers that you buy sour
kmut of a wooden nh oe I'oliicker, who
makes it of pieces of cabbage that be
gets by gathering swill, and you sell
that stuff to respectable people, could
you pay your, rent? If I should tell
them "that you put lozengers iu the
collection plate at church, aud charge
the minister forty cents a pound for
olromargarlrie, you would have to
close up. Old mau. I am outo you.
and now you apologize for pulling my
Tbe grocery man turned pale duiug
tbe recital, and Dually said the bad
boy was one of the best little fellows
in this town, and the boy went out
and hung up a sign in frout, "Girl
wanted to cook." Peck's Sun.
1 I
Legal Notice.
pun-: - Oil. .111:1 liee.
A .i...d Ptoi k.
llo-Me v. Yoik lleraid has done a
:.(.4tiiliei i.i aet 01 generosity, it has
made aii the an aiigeiueiils for motlied
relief of too auiieiers by ilie western
floods. It deposited in about one hun
dred places, namely ho. els, upon which
am junta could he &ul.s. 1 ibed. ii t
ed the filial Willi a Colli! ihuliou of
five thousand doila: s. It induced sev
eral managers lo arrange for dramatic
benefit pel tormauces, and altogether
arranged a system of raiting means to
relieve llie sufferers. There will be
those of course, who will say,
it was all done for advertisement.
May be it was, but the poor who are
the recipients of the beneflis will not
feel inclined to question the motive.
C. B. Nonpariel.
Frank Leslie's Sunday Magazine.
The April number contains even
more than the usual attractive fea
tures. The Rev. Moses D. Hoge con
tributes "V hat is Presoyterianism?"
being No. IV of "Religious Deuomln
at.ous in the United States"; the edi
tor, Dr. Tal wage, lias a characteristic
article, "Mending the Bible"; Edwin
De Leon continues those deeply inter
esting papeis, "The American Pilgrim
in Palestine," etc., etc. There are ser
ial and short stories, a large number
of very excellent sketches, some ad
mirably written essays, a sermon by
Dr. Talraage, "Homesickness," several
poems of great merit, a record of im
portant events, personal notes and
comments, editorial comments, obitu
ary notices, etc. The miscellany is
most comprehensive, entertaining and
instructive; the number, in fact, over
flows with good things, and abounds
with illustrations. The price is only
25 cents a copy, or S3 a year, postpaid.
Address, Mrs. Frank Leslie, Publisher,
3. 55 aud 57 Park Place. New York.
The May number will contain thr
first of a series of papers by Lieut.
Fred Sehwa'ka, the Arctic explonr,
entitlml, "Among the Natives of the
Irish Idiots.
MacMurphy's estimate of 1L0 liish
vliatacter seems to be fairly piiom
:...! hi the foil i.ving trom an editor
ial iu li;--' Oui i.'sa Republican of the
"As usual, Ireland is unfortunate,
;iod (he mi.s:'orttinu seems to be de
served and line to a fatal defect in ll.e
Irish character."
This is respectfully referred to Mac
Donagh, of ibe Watchman for annljs:.'.
to ascertain who has their foot iu it'
Plat'.smouth Herald.
When we undeitake to analyst- M.a -MacMurphy.
a New Hampshire yh.n
kee with a double-barrelled Irish name
we tnerelv say he ought to change hii
name. He measures the defects of tbe
Irish character by those he finds in
the galvanised Murphies, and he
knows as little about them as he does
about English grairmar and intelli
gent writing Omaha Watchman.
The United States Marshalship.
De Moines Regl-iter.
The Iowa delegation has agreed
upon Col. Richard Root, of Mt. Pleas
ant, for Uuited States marshal for
the southern district of Iowa, to sue
ceed Col. Chapman, who was not a
candidate for reappointment. Col.
Root has gained by his long exper
ience as deputy marshal an intimate
acquaintance with the business ot
tbis'office, and this, bis good
natureU capacity will make him a
thi rough and competent marshal.
He is a fighting republican, was a
gallant soldier, and will make as
faithful an official in this office as
the United States has ever had.
The boastful Bogardus has again
been beaten by Dr. Carver, in a pigeon
match. Frank White says it is now
in order to have our sportsman club
called together to consider the advis
ability of changing our Bogarduses
name to Carver.
J. C. Gilmore, tbe new president ot
the Cass county agricultural society, is
an old wheel horse in fair business,
and his selection ii both a just reoog
nition of bis past services and an as
surance to the public that the forth
coming fair will be a success.
It is stated iu tbe papers that the
new wife of Senator Tabor, of Color
do, was about as bad a citizen in he
former home, Oabkosh, us Tabor w
iu Denver
qr..-;;ioii, l:
regard to the whisky
this country, fecurrrd
jiin! at the closing houi.i of c-:!igiess,
w hen Proctor Knott, of Kentucky, in
a pathetic .p;'ecli, appealed to the
houriP, on his twelve years' record
wi-.hout a special favor, that the house,
t ";ke up t he bonded whisky bill for
action. Mr. White, of Kentucky, re-.-poiided
"Tho bunded w hisky bill on
S.Hulay! never I" and the tnotioa to
consider it was lost by au overwhelm
ing vote.
Thk recent decision in the U. S. su
preme court by which the high school
bouds iu this city were declared to be
vadd aud their former decision reversed
will require the careful attention of a
business city government the cotuiBg
year to meet their payment
through a judicious aud ecouomic
ci'.y govern inunt. The city owes it to
itscif to sue that the obligation is met
with as little increased expense to the
city as possible.
Henry George's new book, "Pro
gress and Poverty" is exciting wide
spread attention and is universally
commended. Mr. George recognizes
that in all progress there is another
side poverty ; and his new book rang
ing between these two topics asks
why ? and answers it in a manner that
is almost irresistable and challenges
the admiration of the most thought
ful. The selection of Mr. W. S. Wise
as secretary of the Cass Co. agricul
tural society, for the present jear,
was one of the-most fortunate select
ions that could be made. Mr. Wise
is an efficient and thorough worker;
a gentleman who leaves nothing un
done requiring attention, and in that
exacting office, with its many duties,
he will prove the right man in the
right place:
Kvks presidents are subjected to com
petition in love affairs. Go-sij, has had
it that President Arthur was n attentive
admirer of Jli.-s Frelinghiiysen and it
aovv occurs C'ongrcsstu-tii Kas-on is
eattniorO'l cf the i iuif party Hild gosips
t. .! i y :iy tiie eloquence of tie great Io'.:i
c mgre-isoi-in will leaw his excellency
second in xlin cniiti'st.
WIGGINS has an abundance of faith
in himself: ii- has pie.iictfd from tie
ih t j ttiL 1 it !i the most stupendous
".v I...! storm -li-Mi ilio Atlantic coast
or. riicfifd, and Iv lias gone to Halifax,
Nova Scotia, to' it. As a very
t-.iveic stortn is raging along
the En
glish coast it looks as though his pro
phecy would he ciojvned with fnitii-
. Mr. A. W. McLaugbiin, who is
now in Chicago in the interests ol
the city of Pialisinoiitli ami by
au'-ii'.-rity oi'tlie board oi" trade, vvii;
do Ins whoL' duly and use his best
efforts to secure to this city such
industries as will tend to the up
building of this city and the increas
ed value of our hoinet-.
Gov. Dawes ha vetoed the bill passed
by llie legislature creating the office of
county attorney. This veto will be well
received for it saves an increased espen
diture uncalled for and the measure it
self was already unpopular. The gov
ernor also vetoed several other measures
of minor importance.
An assertion is made, based upon
the best of authority,' that, in Spain,
thousands of the people never wash
from the day of their birth to the day
of their death. This item is referred
to the topics man of tbe State Journal
for a Henry Clay Dean application.
As Others See 11.
John W. Marshall tbe oldest post
master in Nebraska has been renomi
mated and we hope be will be confirm
ed. Neb. City Press.
The Last New Joke.
When the little short mau begged
the big tall woman for a kiss, she
stooped to conquer.
Ex-Triasubeb Polk, of Tennessee,
has been released on twenty thousand
dollar bonds, of coarse this means that
Polk must be on band when bis ease
in tbe criminal court is called.
The war with Senator VanWyck on
the floor of the 17. S. senate, we sup
pose, according to Senator Mornl,
mi gilt be termed the -Merry War."
Wc- mtniuil thp ti.nii'ji in estprHavV
.,L " J t . ... j 1 j
Vnyin Journal, let us have a tbrai
cut with the meat 11 it.
-Mebky War," C. U. Van Wyck.
Feter Frraoal
8ih Pentun
rialn tills
rtcr lli-ni, I
iii-frin;...: , . j
I i .e. 1 ui i ii . 1.1 tiKf no'.ii'O that ou llie Mil
d-y ui -VI., l?n , 1 r'.-r iei-tt.ii iiiil . until
iii v.. u iriii, uleil uietr pel tl.m iu
l. it- . I -l.. i 0-1 l'l ' .,.i,i. C'.ldCU iNetllll-.!.
.1; inn! Aiii h i., flic Ljicl arm !'r:. ur
c.i .-.Lira iiie l. i.jir .'j.imi- a crilutu IUl-1 Iii.?
t'tei:iru i.T Hit- ili-Iti, atiiut lo Itir oiain-
up. is t n u-iciin.tlivi rtul. i vol :
i.-.ii o n. , :o.., t-.iv.--, kiiiUm 11, luurtt in
anu ! ti.a.n) Ml umt part i t In: ei,,h.i'ii
n.f.ii'i ill .1 cwniiua.iUoii ot liiu iltie l, ween
I'r. .1 .u.l W uci -.. -:n.i l.u H. i!l In bijcli four
1:1 n. .,!.'-. iiiuu.n.u iu l.u cay ol I'iatlx-
IlK'Utll to IM'Ule l.'ll- Kljrill ol III iill Jil OIUl!l-
H..ry b...ii-i it itU '.pin , iKai, lur mi
llt.uUi-p.l ..lid lAlU-C, liulUl hikI Ivm
iiui.itiuil il:iy uulla.s 1 ciji-ciivel.. . Hit U111
our il l." u:.u iiaThui.' J im 4. IHM, uuil llin
oliior Aiinl lstu, '.i.'. 1 iiat i i- mv ilui
upuu "..ui uu;t anu i:i Tit-iti;- l.i njin ml ttiirn
ion. ill.l !: liii.1 ll h ii.lrfint I toil) April lSlll,
itfi lncli m.iii Aini n.i. n ci.i;ul..n juay
loi i lci-'Iii I ii... t ui iL-:ri,.l.u. t i r-.ja'luiJ !
pi.y i a . ni.i, i- t'd:it iiia in:iy l.o
.sunt to :'. u.ij- i!it iiiu.iui Jouml uu3. V.
iiro i ii.), :iivii u .:isv ii .ain pot.iiuu ou or bo
f .r- t.'u 10! li J.? oi April, 1hi.
l).;inil ,'iIjui ii
I I'K!ii:o.-v ami I'l l;.
.I .inl iF.
would lead tho bonuiiet to him for j in- .-A.-utoj -x. i-:.-t.oi.. tiin: ottney. '
half an hoar to play it ou a ciiitoue-i. j ' ,..
itr.d 11. c boj hx.'.I it, on the grocen j 'illll-J l.TiVL'21.
...... l t lirhi.1 t ... ii;it. ;i i. I 1 . IV.l' l i. I ' " ' 11 ' ' -i "..'' u
into the giooety
Tiir. ,
... V
Immense Practice in Plattsmouthi Nebraska,
Saturday, RIay 19, I80p
t r 'Pi i f.
4 1 I 1 1 Ii
;." i"!1 l . ; l tie gioivry in -in sa.ti ..e woul-.t giv
of the moat promising signs i)f j the boy half a pa:,d of if Iu
:.iu;rt ngut tiac
man's tact. He .tried it on the urs.
customer that caiao in, and got it right
in ids own face, and then tho bulb in
Ins pants pocket got lo leaking and the
list of tho wiiicr ran dow n the grocery
maii'd" tiotist i'a ieg, and He gave it up
iu disgust and hanUed it back to the j
boy. "How Was it that your pa had : ;
to be carried home from tbe social. ie
in a hack the other night," naked the j -grocery
mau as be stooa close to th- ' i!
... - . . 1 II .1 ... !
Btovo 8 II1S I'ituis IKK WUU1U UI I, I.U
has not go. to drinking uguia has hey"
"O, no," said the boy, as he tillud the
bulb with vinegar, to practice oh bis
chum, "It was this bouquet that got
pa into tbe trouble, You see I got pa
to smell of it, and I just rilled him
chuck full of water, lie got mad and
called me all kinds of names, and I
would fetch up in state's jrison, aud
then he wanted to borrow it to wear
to the sociable. He said he would
have more fun than you could shake a
stick a-, and I asked him if .be didn't
think he would fetch up in state's
prison, and he said it was different
with a man. He said when a mau
played a joke there was a certain dig
nity about it that was lacking in a
boy. So I lent it to him, and we all
went to the sociable in the basement
of the church. I never see pa more
kitten than he was that night. . He
filled tbe bulb with ice water, aDd the
first one he got to smell of his buttou
bole bouquet was an old maid who
thinks pa is a heathen, bat she likes
to be made something of by any
oouy mat wears panis, ana wnen p: ;
sidled op to her and begau talk! !..,
about wba. a great work the chnsii oii
wimmen of the land were doing in ed.i- ! .;i i. r'l.i
Oi.i - i!:i :i: kim i, t:.;ii 1 l::i (oven my
".:, ."iia? 1 i':, lei i : i-.i; ami aiti-r
l :;-. ii .ii in;; i i ii:!..iri;t r..i r;:s ;,! ut.nly. and
furf'i iltai iiv ha- li:.i l.ic tiiiie tliu
l.l far I ii-t. ilo-.i-i4 !n-iiollur 1'ial tin"
ui..!. i.-iK!." l i. '.:.!..-. uo f l.tiii rt i; tli- Miik ali.t
.,; i-i'fl i i,:u if- inn, elt.'ar In luturr. or
i!t iii.- ; i- .. ..i i, ; mi Ta.a i ik i 1 imt i-mi-fii-wlii"
ii i i. ;. -1.1.1 if may i i.n i oonli ai tii lu-
rt iiii I. at iii.a . ni f. nail ill. run; llie ii-
iii. until i i-t in- in:!.. il. C ll. lill.l..
l-uatti -ii.!. . li.. l'fii, 17. Vfi. M3
Ear & -Eye, Tlrpal k Lais, Caiarrli, Kidneys
T 1 -- .1 w -- mr y 1 TT v-v- 1 T A r r r- a r 1 14 T 11 x r A'
cirfu-..t:t ciiiu. i uiiiiiii; xiotu3ua da vven tta
Chronic and Nervous DiseasesJ
L"7;,:i Notice.
'i f . 1.. if Mi.ii.i.k ffiM'.y. iii
! .W.I i.i..f ii. i i-e, mat Albeit
i.-i -1 - - - . i. '. C i-i. ii. i li" iStiile of
a. i . i - ..n i:i -ii'ii il:" ft 1'i-liiu.iry I8h:i,
I. O I. Ill lllf f.ill.HV f .llll .I lilMi POllll
fiui. t : no rvii;.U of a dormant
'i.i t.i ia.r.i-il iu mutt court by K. K.
i'.. in. -i . m Hi.- nil day i.l Janumy .H7C for
kl iinit SU mi fn-i. and fl!.?2
funs. aua'nt tiie uld . iihi leu it. W. Kine aliu
8. u Ward, wbim laid judgment wan on
ilie 4lii nay oi r .-tiriiury iv,n, ior a valuable
coiiaitleiatioii nisi 'iiej to the iiilit Albeit Wei
ton. and the aid I'll a. H. W. King is uotlfled
mai ne n requirea loapiiearana enow suaici
eat cause ou or before Hie loth day of inrll
1S3 wliy the italtl Jiulrmeiit uliuiild net be re
vived or me same win xtand revived.
I'lattsmoutb, .Neb., Keb'v SWtft 1S3.
J. W. Joiiniox,
County Judge. .
J, It. Strode, Att'y for Welton. sot4
"Estray Notice.
Tnkeu up by the Riibacrltier at hi plaee Iu the
city of yiatlxaioutli on the Till day of Febra
ury 1H83 one h;lil brown mare auppooed to be
12 or 14 yean old, lias collar mar. Tbe owner
la hereby notified to call, prove property , pay
expeiiHen Incurred, and take ber away.
ii. 11. MULXIrt.
Plattsmoutb. Feb. 2;th ihki. ou-tt
Tax Deed Notice.
To the unknown owner of ubdl vision lot 21.
In sec. T. Town. 12, Kauge 14 eat lu CaM county
Take notice that the undersigned did on the
11th day of May, 1881, purcbain the Raid de
scribed lot at private Bale for the taxes of 1H76,
1ST7. 1878 and U79 then delinquent; the said
lot hi vlnu been previously offered a- public tax
.tale for tne said taxex, and tfiere being uo bid
ders therefor ; that said lot) waa msruM-d for
taxation on the tax books lor.naid years, as be
longing to an unknown owner or iion-rerideut
of iald county ; that the time of redeiubtioD of
aid realentate from yale will expire on Cue 11th
day of May. IHXii. ami that if not redeeinfd
orior to ait '-.. i!ouel UU". a deed will
be insat'd to tii'- liiid.T.isr:"!
.' 1' .. .: IoNOVAN.
i !.ut-i.. :t'.. X. . .;'.!-. ii' i.. i.v;--iitc
I lie, ti: -fovfr. .1 :lif ?".' ;.!f-:t i me Ik the world I. r ee.kiie of the back and lliiibs.BII
iintm i.i-:f h.o i,f in ! 1 1-. .f v . elK-ral debility, net vousi.e, Im g'Jtir, eoiilnnluii of iJeu, llj.
ta'iii ft tin lieaiu. tl.Miilt) .' tiiiiitiiliij:. it I in ii in ol xikibt or Kliiillueim. dixeaiMM of the aJ.
tbiMiil. iiuki or iiiifi-1 tuns of tne liver. luim. aloiuai'lt or boweln llie-tt terrible diaoloi!
hiilii: l.tiiii f'.lil.oy iiiii.H-i ul yuul li -anil aeei el riul le mole latai o llie villi ill liiaiat
sni,f-. ol .- !. to ll.e niiiiiiif i. ul I lyns.M, liHt'iimu lb-ir uiont lutlleut tioea oi autlclpalaa
lcniif ill..: niairiiiKe iinpt.iiii.if. '
I iiure ilial aie .ifterlnK Irom the evil practlee, wbleli dentroy their lucutal aud pby
cyilijl.i, f.iuhli.K
1 h.. ci lu'i'miii of vi hlfh an a dull' tllsl rf iifd uiind. whieh uuflt theiu for imrjoruiiiitr tbetr t
i.lfHM M.1..1 1 itut Iiriidv iiiiiriimri liuixiiiblr. diHtrrttif tt tho Mi' t lull oi tho he
CipjsMf-n el rvim. evit liiirbiutirtK, cuwiir-Jh-r. Crura. Urrlti. reviles uUflM-pmllur. IT
t UiacbureH, pain in the bak aud nlp, short breathuiK, iiieiautftiotyr'tli
enriLiy ol coiui.auy auu nave pieit'ieure in uo aituin, iitniun a uiru iu iua iuuiuihk ih wiiva 11
in iiiif. Mfiitinal wi'akni'Hrf.'loi-t inaiiliood, white bone depoalt in the urine, nervouaneas, treiablltl
rout union of liioiiclit, watery and v.eak eyes, dyiepi, constipation, puleueas, pais aud wealy
iii'ii in the, limbs, e'e, hiioufil roiinilt me Immediately aud be restored to perfect health.
Who li.ivi lierome vietimn of nolitary virn, that dreadful and deatrucllve which uu
mjl .... ... to hi i 1 1 i . iv i'uv I iioli-aiitis of voiinir men of exalted talent and brilllaut lutaltk
alio mUM ollieruUe entrance liMteuiui; i.eiiiitunt with the luuudera el their eloqueuoe or wak
to ei-Atacv tlio liviii)! Ijie, may ca-il Willi coiinneiie.
Married fi-ixiii.t ol y.niiii? lueu foun ni.lalln iiiairiai; beware of pliyalal -aeakiieM. Uim'
ot .tn'i--ativt- iiotver. lii.iiilf aiy or any oilier li.iiUaiincallou speedily relieved, lie who .iiK-ea
liiiiw-U initlei lliu eaiu oi nr. I'lshliUtl may relli;ioiily coullde iu a Is ho. or an a Keutlerua... and
i-oi.Milenily ro!y uioii 111" skill ;ui a iUysUlali.
ImiiK'tHatrly fineil ani full vlior restored. This dixtressluK affectlou. wlilch reudrrs life a bur
leu and iiriiriace Impossible, is the penalty payed by Win victim for Improper luduUear.
louni: ineii am apt to 101111..H exceaaes from Dot being naare u tbe dreadful coiiKeituenee ilial
uiay ensue. .No who tbut uoderataiids tula sutijeel wilt deny that prix reallou Is loil sooner b
tirVf falling lulo Improper liabllsiliaa by the prudent, llesidea being Oeorlvwd of the plaae
uitti oi iieailby uttspiiiiiiS. the uiost aeilous aud destruitlve )iuptouia ol both nitud aud batlj
ariae. the system become deranged, tbe physical ami mental powera weaken; Lost procrta-
ive powers, uervous irritatbllliy, dTSpepata. palpitation of tbe heart, ludlgettlou, coiisllla
tional debility, wasting of the frauie, cutiKh couauiuptlon aud death.
TrrsouA ruined in health by unleiivrued pretndtrn who kepnthiti trifling iuntU uiiTitul
lliSUaK DUlMUUOUa auu milt iuu cnniwunua, nuuuiu ppij luiuifluiinfiy.
graduated at one of the most eminent colleges in the t'nlted Htatea. has effected soma of tbs
inuat ionlliine cures that were ever known. Many troubled with rinli.i in ! u.1
trad wheu asleep, areat nervousiios, being alarmed at certaiu souutls, with frequeul blushing,
atlaaded aometiiues wljb derali;euirnt of the mind, were cured limiiedlately.
Dr. P. addresses all those who have injured themselves by Improper ludulgeoce and solitary
Habits which ruin both uilud and body, untitling tbew for business, study, aoclety or inarrlaaa.
These are some of the aad. melonelioly eOects proiKced by tbe early habits of youth, U I
Weakaess of the back and limbs, pains In tbe head and dimness of sight, loss of muscular pow
ers, palpitalioa of the heart, dyspepsia, uervous irritability, derangement of digestive fuucllous,
debility, consumption, etc.
CONSULTATION FREE. Charges moderate and within the of all whe need Mclenttl
Medical treatment. Those who reside at a distance and cannot call will f ecleve prompt alUa
tiou through the mall by slinplyaendiug their symptoms with postage.
Addrers Lock Box 3a, Omaha, Neb.
Mend postal for copy of the Medical Advance.
J.. U- . ! UK JJ U. J! .J S
eating tlic hentlit-n, shn felt r.-.l koo,!. SZ"tX n.':.i i;':'! V
1 1:.. . ai i :if i
i.i.-r in ?.i-.. 1
s Sain.
i p.;
:md then she noticed pa's posy in ii in
hi;tro:i-h')le nnl nhe touehe.1 it, tin 1 Mii.-i!
r-.'ii.- h;.i ovit iior S.fiik to Bin..;! c.i' il. Ii
:i t-ii-rnji fjii
ijie h-.i;!)
.ibiiut h-i.".'
Tariff reduction
aw - i I
ff vti r btrtif k lier right j
in the lic.St?, .'linl some of it went info j
iitr .itiunolo place, nnti, O, my, tiion't j
a. ii. on i.t
A!rr. : t ir;.
-I'liits ii. -il
u.ii.'iry. .'ir
'.lie" :
eis r,l .')! li.
i 1. 1 . i-: : i --i -si-
ijv f r i
secai iv.
i i-.
to an
Las-, t i-i.lltv.
ill.' (Ui 1'ii-
!.-..-.. ai io oVio-k
'llitUffiif tin- i.l'l
iii-.: it pi' f Iiivl.liiiir
ii r ".V:i. r, iu taiii
i.Ml h
toll. 17
inj.'-. - ! !-
;::!-'ii i-;-.-i
1 "T
, n..l
r.ii-; i tv, i;: :
i .'.- ye.u" o!J
''.'.I fi "i l.llIM ll:ji
i.'ii r - la. as:i. ail
;0. l;l'lf ui' ft a- Ui'i' v. .1: i.liiv
( :ui::.Kii m o.i.
A'lti llli'tr::tur.
all." yell. T!i- Misters ifat!ierel arotiul
iit-i', Mi J they .-ui. I h'T fact; 'iis a'l nriv,-
Lesxil ftiC9
SfLif ti N. Mo;-rfain. I'efeuilaiir. wi!I take jo-
p'.ii-.iH'll. i'tiil tii 'U".ii WHS COIlim OU. I tj.,. "th;;t on the 1st. ilay of M.or-li 3. .(niiu
ll . i'ai'lifS. fiCliU!.-!. tl-l ill Iii 1 IliS l.l-liooil
in tl.i- ihsirtfi ff .ir; .i (....- I ouuiy. -e
nnd fluj Wiolc bcr iu the kirehin, anil
.-I ii. to:l t!i? in pa iitid s! -.i'i -il her v. t'i:
n liish of ice cream, anil the wiruuien
toiti the rniiiibti r, uni the dviicon?,
I Ley v.enl to pa for a 'nexplana.tlou, u:i'l j
Jul toi.i t : I'-in it was not ri , an.l themiti
"iUr am iut. iV.-tei.l unJ ijot near pa,
pa let the water jfo at him, ami
.uu i
l.i-ai.i.i. a-.-'i-'t :; l-l
p.i-J'fi ' li ifli aif ! r
l!iu:i pli.-O'Liil 1 ill'- In i
utiiiiia' st ii.iai'tei ol ...
l!ii ff'VIi. litlll! t-if Vfl
:ti(t IrtPit h--ii! If.' delrni
Cil t a'.!"wer -ai1 j.f.iiiou ;:
day tI A ;:".'.
!):;tf.-t .t!li:!i l
v..:i .v Voii!t-y. ioi Alt
Uo ol.j. ft and
ii.nv- -h !. iii.l east
iif ...-.-.! Pali of the
no'. iii. tf en. 1 1 i"'li
l! Uy tin rax deed to
it .a are re tuilr-
Hill- llie 11 il
.'. i:MS.
r. lt3
Stock )
oil iii. if e,naJ llicn :t 'ieaeoii got a dose, j
au.l ji:i lioiirhet, and (hen tho minister, :
who I'S-sil to go to co:ief: and le a J
liazar, nU 1 oox. hj g.,1 iiKi-l :i:;..l sip.ia".l 1
oil and iiit pa linee times rigiit oy the
eye, uud oue of the dfaco.-i he kick-.d
pa, anil pa got iual aud sai.i ho eon "id
clean out the whole shehan, and 1 ... o.
to pull ott his coat, when they Lua i... I
him out doors, aud ma got mail to f.o
ua abused, and the left the sociable, aaii
I bad to stay and eat ice cream for the
whole family. Pa says that settles it
with him. lie says'thcy haven't got any
more christian charity in that church
than they have got in a tannery. His
eyes was just getting over being blacked
from the sparring lessons, and now he
has ot to go through the oysters and
beef-Jteak cure again. He says it's all
owing tome."
"Well, what has all this got to do
with your putting up signs in front of
my store, "'Rotten Eggs and 'Frowy
Butter a specialty,' said the grocery
man as he took the boy by the ear and
pulled him around. "You have got an
idea yoa are smart, ami I want you to
keep away from here. The next time I
catch you in here I shall call tbe police
and have you pulled. Now gitP
The boy pushed h!s ear back on the
ide of his head where it belonged,
took out a cigarette and lit it, and after
puffing smoke in the face of the
grocery cat that was sleeping on the
cover to the sugar barrel, he said, "If I
was a provision pirate, that never sold
anything but what was spoiled so it
couldn't be sold in a tlrst-class store
who cheated in weights and measures,
who bought only wormy figs and de
cayed codfish, who got his butter from
a fat rendering establishment, h;3 cider
from a vinegar factory, and l;i3 sugar
trom a glucose factory, I would not
insult tho son of ono of me tlrsi
families. Why, sir, I could o cut on
the corner, aud when I saw cusicniers
coming here I could UU a story t'i?-t
v.ould tura their stoahs, and
them to the grocery
Notice to Creditors.
of Nebra-i-.a.l - e..iii.y.
:ie f
ry .-.por".-..
- l! .!'.'
f"' ii'i.l
ii.- .-v'a -in! i i-t" ;it- oi
.t. .'v .-I cv unty attil
i f v i.l i' i f ii ' j i'i: o oy tiie
:'. .' ... . ,.. : f .,!... in I'lfil -
A:"i, "ii i iii'-yi ' t! ... ! in. li i A l 1SK!. j ""
. .i..! K J -i : I' fi'.f. -.u'i " :;i .-is i '
ft: i' Ii in a " '' ' ' o -. it v 1 1 l- lira-
. a l. i" ii ie Uu ii iis liianod fur Lreilitt r-i
'- :i i ui a-ei ! ii-i' ii' heir t-hdiun Ior ix-
l .a'.lilil :.!lil .l'l.'.Vi.i:'''.
,,., u'i'.er uy . tii'-1 ITth day of Feb-
V i 1-tfii. J W.JOHNSOX.
"lij i onnty JuJt.
Lace CURTAIN Goods,
Toilet & Bridal Quilts,
Legal Notice. .
la the dWirlct court cf Cb county, Mebraoka.
lu llie luaiter of tiie appiicatioa of Sarah K.
Tuc-Kr and Albert ki. 1 uckcr. aduilnisiuton
of tiie edate of James H. Tucker, leceaaed,
for license lo ell land.
On reading tne prtilion of Sarah R. Tucker
and Albert C. Tucker, admlui-itrators of tbeei
tate of Junes H. Tucker, deceased, represent
ing amoi:); olber lliin that tbe said deceased
died, s ued of eortaia real entate therein de
scribed, and tii!--Ills necessary to sell tbe
same to pay wi acuii i saiu ueceasea ; ana
uraylDir lor a Heeae to-sell the same j and It
aiiDi-ariuK to the court that it la necessary to
sell said real entata for tbat purpose. It is or
dered tiiat said petition be heard at the office
of the clerk of the district court lo the city of
Lincoln, Ijwcasler county Nebraska, at one
o'clock p. iu. ou the Gill day of AprU ig3. It
is further ordered tbat till, order be published
at least lour sueecMve weeks before sltl day
fixed for hfcartng ol aaitl petiiion ! tbe I'lat tu
rnout h Hrhai.1i. a weekly uewxpaper, pub
lished at 1'lattsmouth la said county of C-s
a. u. loi xn,
SulUran Wooley Judge
Legal Notice.
Ia tii District Court of Cass County, Nebraska
In the matter of tbe application of Clianes H.
Dill, ttuariiiau of Otis M. Heudrlx. lor a li
cense to sell and convey Lis intercut hi real
On readine tbe petltloB, duly verified, ot
Charles li. fill. KUardiau ot Oils . lieodrix,
representicK autor.g omrr things tHat bis said
ward is seized of aa undivided onc-OIta part
or interest in and lo certain real euate. therein
described, and that It U avecnary aud expe
dient thai llie value be o!il i'ur tne purpose of
the neceittary edticalio- and el niiiua ot FaiJ
Kara, ts c-!l lii iau:iial Intr- ; It lsr'lf f.'. mat sa: je.iiii,.ii oe hea.nt
a; ue uLi-v :i ii-? ei r., ui iu- liaiicl Ctui i,
in i.i !-' .' ul;Jia. i.l iln.ji.i.lj: (f hen-
C-il. ."i.i' J ."', ul olitr Cl' Ck f, IU..
ui. L;..-Ci.ti tiry ot ftii. vt..lj. I-nJ. it is lur
.Hi.- li.-uticti l.:..l ULiiCf Or ,;iVf u Ij I In lisxt
ol i. ae iltus, AprHat u: j,sitaiiive. ot
li.1 !.li
iil .oui mtc
-lucii heat'.iin
ft k.y liC .V3
bratKa. an
ltifr ot-ror
the estate a
aid for tiiis
Scllti'an &-
-nctiiuv. ll'i-" tiii;r l
i--i ltiolf flaOiy of
mmmA .III
i rr?rr
I ...C t.1... Ill
oL Cuv, fiiate of
c ol a Cor,v of tin
,'ii- li tcivi.-d in
y i-tlivre t.o diiy
.K'llllOlI. j
i'OilSH, Ji6e. I
9 lor pfi.liuuf.-. . i
ja. P 1
if 0 p
1 poor
in tax a
1 educes tai j-
Suppose 1 should
Wiggins tor Mr h el-vettb.
3 Somethlns
Vnd farmers
cat sleeps in tl
teriuiuai. (jrnana IW