Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, January 25, 1883, Image 4

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    luniiuuuuiu uuiuuiu.
( Oar 1 labblnf List fur 1HS3.
Tha HKttALn offers the following
tubbing rates to its patrons for tit
following year:
Tm II km i it anil North Amrr. Kiiir
" ' lliTtn' MifB7ln
. :.-
3 v
. 4.K0
. a. i a
. 4.1
. .o
. il.tO
. 2 60
. 3.:s
' " " our t'uiitlneul w'kljr...
' " I'mlrlv Karnmr
" Sulurdity Mglil
" New lurk Tim
" Chicago Tnbua.
" M " 1lnie
. " W tiler Kurl
" New York Wcrld
- ' Oiii'UiiiitW VlkbUtt.
- " lluuliil Hr ollb prrul.
- Oinuiot Hep. " "
' ' II in li iik ion llawkeje. ..
" Inter Ocean
" " " Aim-r. AirilculluiKt ...
' Atlutilic Mnullilv
llrH-i ' Mont hi)
" NewMineer-.
4 oo
V 00
.V 00
4 1
' " HumUs MuizHlne :i 75
IrNh World MtO
.. Nr York Ledger i 10
Weekly 4.iij
Toll-do Wail 3.o
lilrt;;i Weekly Nei.. 't -'.
' " (Vlilurv MKlu. A.S.
., hi. Nli.-boliu 4.Ji
Other publications will be added to
list in I uture.
M. 1). Pwlk.of Loiii-villc, is now iu
fhe cmplov of tlie IIkkai.i Publish
ing Coni'(iny, ami niiv lumincsn he
may traumct in it behalf will be fully
Attention Farmers.
Twenty thousaud dollars to loun on
iw-lui'U i't 11 per rent. straight.
I'll is money i private fund 4 and
ynu will do well to call and see me, if
vu wain money. .No red tape ami
uo delay. W. S. Wisk,
4Sui I'nion Block
k, Salisbury, i:ntUI.
Additional locals will be found on
the 4th page.
The prospects lor mi early spring
according to Yeunor nud Tiee nro
uiost ll altering.
The days are visibly Icuthcuiiig,
and the suu will soon have too iniic'i
efl'ect to k-.'f si 'ihiug r iod.
Husiuess In uses h i ye experienced
very tame times through the coid
day-', no one being iu from the coun
I ry.
Justice Newberry held court Mon
day aud disposed of two cases on the
docket. The amount involved in
each cum- was small
Tho 11. & M. during list week's
heavy storm have kept their road
well cleared ol snow and de'nys wero
ninrlt less on account of it.
1. A. Barrett, one of Weeping Wa
ter's stock nieu, was iu the city Tues
day, and reports business good with
him and the stock market lively.
Or. A. Salisbury ha moved his
deutal rooms to his new location in
the Hock wood block. He has now
very convenience for his work.
Billy Dunfau is carrying the mail
south from this city this winter and
he is finding some bid days for trav
eling, that are almost impassable.
J. II. Stri de has opened his law of-j
lice in the Bock W iiikI block in I he!
east front room upstair, where he
may be found hcrcuftcr. He has a J
good loca ion and :i good olllce.
The telephone to the telegraph of-J
lice iu tho depot, was in constant use j
during the stormy days to lind out I
about trains on mid oil" time, .iud it j
vras appreciated by tlice who ucd
The Pluitsmouih city bchooU have
ncirly 1,100 pupils enrolled tli?pre?-
eut term, and t :e priucip:il is usiugf
streutiotis l)"oii to cure tardiness
and its utteudunt effect
tton the fcd.ooU.
Hasgorsliek l?ros. have moved to
their rooms over Elson's clothing store
weje, hereafter their merchant tailor
ing establishment may ue iouna. icey
will repair and cUan suits equal to
any ; see their advertisement.
Tho T. A. M. club are airitatiiifr a
costume party for their tinnl dance
before the first duts'of lent. The
date 'or the party if Friday evening,
the 2d of the coming mouth, and the
place Itockwod hali.
Weeping Water has an active Y. M.
C. A. vganizatiou that recently held
a pujillc entertainment which was an
" entire success. The organization and
Its work speaks much for the good
name of our neighboring town
The police court had a trial Mon
day morning which u bystauder pro
nouueed a good sample of a court of
vigilantes iu the mountains, so lar as
ppcarar.ces go; but it was a blood
less and tobacco smoke contest.
The Liederkranz are making exten
sive preparations for their invitation
masquerade ball aud they have made
arrangements to have a large assort
ment of suits from St. Joe from which
parties desiring, cau make selection.
The next show ihat comes to this
city is booked' for the 31st in the ope
ra houf.e, aud which is very highly
commended. It is to be hoped that
the theatre goers iu the city may give
au audience w orthy the house and
the company.
The Hekali in making a note of
the auctiou sale of .1. II. Campbell six
miles south of town, mixed the dates
somewhat, saying the auction was
the 12th, w hen the nght df!e i ou
Thursday, February 'JAl. Take note
of correction all w ho arc interested.
It is rumored that Cnhitr Mc
laughlin of ihe First Xatioual Bank
will do this coining siiminjr what he
has loi.g contemplated, and that is,
build hiinseif a residence ou his
lots, corner ol" Fifth and Oak streets.
.v.iich is as lia:uls i'.:n i location as
scre i.Iu P;att:uouih
If the b iild- I
iug is built it will be a good improve
inent in tint First ward.
Tuesday the telephone couuectiou
between ;his city, Lincoln, Omaha,
Fremoui, et al. w as made, and the
central otlices iu the different places
held converse together. The work of
regulating the Hue so all works
smoothly will occupy two or three
days; but by the l ist ol the week, reg
ular communications will be oprned
and the line ready lor business.
The Tribune Almanac for lt3, a
copy of which we have just received,
is oae of the handv practical books of
refereuce. that cost but little and
give volumes in facts and figures.
Every county in the United States,
where an election was held last fall,
has its tabulated vole in the Tribune
Almanac which alone is of much val
ue fer reference. .The Tribune Alma
nac Is sold for 25 cents. Address the
New York Tribune, New York. " '
Tha folio w iug mi among the person
al movements to and from the city
daring the past week:
Henry lloevk in I .mils last week.
....Miss Josie Stadelmali is visiting
the present wctk with friends in Lin
coln.. K I. (n)le has relumed to Mor
ris, Minn. ..lames IVtlee was at Spring
flsld aim other points westward last
week ...Attorney lleeson win In Lin
coln last week in attendance at the
Supreme court ...Jno Montgomery,
of Dreuuier cracker fame, called Tues
day .... 1 A Barrett, of Weeping Wa
ter called Monday S I, Thomas
was In Wahoo last week attending
the state Bee Keepers' association. . . .
Theodore Bodine, of Bloomington, in
the city this week .... By Yeoman,
Weeping Water, in l'lattsmouth Tues
day. ...II U. IdviniiMton and I). II.
Wheeler in Omaha Monday of this
week IM. O'Koiirk is home auiu
to riattsiiMiuih alter a few mouths
adjourn in .Michignu and lowa....K.
Mclutyre, president ol the Stale board
of ngi iculi lire, w as in I he city Tuci-
day T. B. Mevcuii, of Xebrn-ka I
C'it , al the l'erkins House Tuesday
. . . . !cwr. Windham, Morrison and
Newell were Lincoln passengers on
Tuesday evening Frank Currnth
nud wife are visiting lor a few days
nt the Stale eapilol ...T. Ji. Wilson,
ot Ashland, wus iu I'iatlsinoiith yes
terday oil legal iui-iiics . .l. ('.
Fleming, of Weeping Water. viiieil
this city yt-rda H. K l'alnit r
was iu Lincoln over Tuev.ay . . . . K.
F. (juthiuau aud wi;e of this city
were registered at the Millard,
Omaha ou Tuesday ...Mrs. (Jco. S.
Smith has gone to Liucoln for a few
days visit with friends in t hat city
Sam. B. Kose, representing W. T.
Seaman, was doing l'lattsmouth this
List or Letters.
List of letters remaining unclaimed
iu the post office at l'lattsmouth, Cass
Cunty, Neb., Jan
Adam, Walter
Andrews, J
Bates, Mrs. Ada
Hunger, Kmil
Conger, W. J.
Carroll, E. B.
Dela, Emma
Goldwaite, W. F.
Gainer, E. li. 2
Ilogclbouc, E. 1
Jansen, Johanna
Levlue, M.
'.'.1. ink:;.
Avers, llebcccii
Burgess, M.
Bates, Isaac
Benedict, A. S.
Cole, W. S.
Dunn, Sam'l
llaltnu, Ed.
(iroup, Mrs. Ola '2
Huffman, Mrs. W.
Harvey, Chas.
Kimball, Mrs. E.
Latitenschlager,.) W
McVicker, Rob'fc 2 .asou, Joseph
McDermott, II. Miuard, Elenor J.
McClintic,Mrs.ELNarley, Mrs. Dora
Necuda, Joe Naughton, J as.
Peterson, Miss I) Kobsou, Wni.
Reppler, Lucy Williams, Mrs. Jas.
Persons calling for the above will
please say "Advertised."
J. W. M ahsii all. P. M.
A casual remark w as made the oth-!
er day In the presence of tne IIekalt
which is worth more thai: passing no
tice. The remark made w as in effect
that the entire success of the steam
heating apparatus in the opera house
block, proved that it was just what was
i teded in the high school building to
heat comfortably i he different rooms
for the co.'ulort of pnpiis and for econ
omy's sakr to the city. It is well for
the school board and citizens to think
of this. AM wh ) hate children at
tending there know the complaints
thai are made of cold rooms on cold
days and the almost impossibility some
days to make them comfortable. The
furnace system there is a failure; haul
coal stoves to heat the large rooms are
not au entire success and are an ex
pensive luxury. A practical examin
ation will prove that the building can
be thoroughly healed by steam at all
times and at less expense than the
present system. Therefore the school
board and the city should consider
such an improvement. '
The K. C. train, Saturday night, just
after leaving Omaha, met with quite
an accident which resul ed fortunately
without loss of life. The boggage aud
smoking car jumped the track when
the train was running about twenty
miles au hour, the car turning on its
side, aud being well mashed up as well
as the front end of the coach next to
it. Some of the passengers were bruis
ed and well shaken up but no serious
injuries were sustained.
The Missouri I'acilic. from all ac
counts, suffered the most from snow
in this part of the state, the road be
ing a north and south one, and having
many deep cuts all along the line in
the state. A large force of men were
placed at work after the storm in
cleaning out the track and forwarding
abandoned trains.
TLe C. B. & Q. company, which was
among the first to order the discontin
uance of the wine aud liouor list on
its diuing cars iu Iowa after the pas
sage of the prohibitory amendment,
has resumed the same, as the amend
ment has been pronounced null and
void by the highest court in Iowa.
Advertisers should bear in mind cribed in the Bev. C. Van Santvoord's
that it costs no more to advertise in ! recollections of "A Reception by Pies
the Herald, which has the largest j ideilt Lincoln .
circulation of any two papers in Cass j
county, than it does in some sheets j
that have but 200 subscribers. j
Anvoae lookinsr across the
river 1
these davs will uole a irooi mauv !
loads of wood hcadid across the river
for this place. The amount of wood
brought over from the low a sitle this
winter i larger than ever before.
If the li. M. could put iu a new
. - . I t.. a'., .-
aepoi mis moo me iracKs at i.n- ooi ,
ol Main street, Ihe traveling public;
would iippneiat ii, and the dangers ;
fbat ate there now would be entirely J
removed. . , j
A few fanners louud their wav iuto
the city yesterday, the rirst after the
luiiivv stvirms null blockades. Tho
nninMiir lrf.m -i lit.nw-n f,uit.fl tnniiv
vv""'" i
bad r ads nud much suow in the wav. ;
If busiueV meu ou Main street at ! for the arrest of the enai r for car
least would keep their walsc clear of j ry ing conceaLHl w eapons was sworn
suow the pedestrians would apprcci- out by the roadmastr, ii.e engineer
ate it much, aud their own comfort I was arrested aud the engine taken out
would repay ihcui.
Tho W. C. T. U. meet next week
W-dnesday p. m. instei.d ol yesterday
as was auuounced T!ie request is
made for a large atten lance at that
lime. !
Among the latest rutiors is that of
a wedding wi this city which will oc
cur shortly and my
unexpected Jo many.
'e sonn'what
rons :" subscribe
"Delays arg jiaaefi
tnr tha IT vl
I.i'w. Mrcrs ctiarircil with llmbezzle
On the i:)th day or .January, Will. .1.
Warrick filed it ronipl.ilnt In the coun
ty court against L:w. I. Myers churg
ing hini with embezzlement of money,
while- einphiyed as a cl.-rk in the com
plainants drug store i:i thij city. On
the same evening Mycins was arresttnl
and brought into court and the case
Continued till the l'tli inst. On that
day a further continuance was granted
and the case cauie on for trial yester
day. The defendant demanded a jury,
the amount alleged to have been em
bezzled being less than ?:i3.0o. The
following being :t list of the jurors:
M. B. Murphy, Nelson Jean, L. 1).
Bcnnvtt, A. W. White, F. 1. (jiilliuiau
and Fred. Hermann. The case was
prosecuted by .1. B. Stiode and M. A.
Hart igun,' and defeudnd by A. Beesuii.
The testimony of Mr. Warrick was to
the effect that at divers tunes he had
c ounted t he Ui'nt. v m ll'i tills w hen
toing out of the .stole and on his It
Iiiiii would a' iin coii i'. t'le same, and
t til owing otf eel lain sales liaving been
made, the amount in the lids would
lint ctl'i eepond theiewilh. On the
lJlh day ot this in 'i 1 1 It he said he
eoutiud all the money ill the tills ami
then lel'i the store and had the deputy
sheriff scud in pal tics to buy articles
and pay the cah. n his return the
1 ciish was short s.:'ii and no entries on
tLe books oi elsewhere to show for it.
Aain on die 1 ilh he had MieiilV Ily
eis go inti the store early iu the morn
ing before Myers had returned from
his breakfast arid e unit the in ti y in
all the. money drawers when they
I'Klh left the stoic. Mr. Wnl l ick went
aivuy sleigh riding and the siicrilf
Stint iu several put t u s to buy goods.
As soon as Mr. Wail it k letiirned, he
sant Myers to the post ollice and beck
oned to tho sheiilT on the opposite
side of the street to come and count
the cash iu the draweis. The amount
in the drawers was found to be short
2.l5. Myers in his defence claimed
to have taken two dollars and charged
the same to himself on the books for
it; but Warrick swore that the charge
was made before Mye s came back
from bis breakfast. The parlies who
purchased goods during Mr. Warrick's
absence testified as to the amounts
they each spent in the store. The
trial lasted nil t'ay and about live
o'clock was given to tin jury. Mr.
li?eson asked the jury to return a ver-dit-t
of not guilty and that the charge
was made without probable cause.
The jury were out about one hour
when they brought iu a verdict of not
guilty, but refused to say there was
not probable cause for the action.
Mr. Myers has lived in l'lattsmouth a
long time and has always been re-
i garded as strictly honest, and the
! IIiluai.d is glad that he is by the vei-
diet of six good men. cleared of this
criminal charge, for w h it six as good
men as composed that jury say after
hearing all the evidncp ought t i sat
isfy everybody.
lite Midwinter Century.
I T he beginning of :i now story l y
W. D. Howells. in the Midwinter
(Februarv)- Century, is a lib rary
event, whose importance is increased
by the- discussion, in the pa:-t tour
mouths, of ihe ehar;.ct rs, ethical pur
pose and literary (iiulities of A Mod
ern Instance Mr. Howell's audi
ence has boon held lip to u high
notch of curiosity to sec ihe opening
chapters of "A Woman's Ilcitson "
His readers will not be disappoiuted.
The scene is onre more Boston, but
the social atmosphere and the pur
pose have undergone a complete
change. Only the style remains the
same; but here, too, the reader will
perceive frc-hness of attitude nri a
new vivacity. The fourth part of the
'Led-Horse Claim," by Mary 'hillock
Foote. heightens the dramatic inter
est of this fascinating story, which
will end in the .March number. Evich
part is embellished by a picture from
the author's pencil. Mrs. Burnett's
"Through One Administration" is de
veloping a new interest as it nears
the conclusion. The short story of
the number i- a humorously fancilul
tale, by Frank K. Stockton, entitled
"The Spectral Mortgage."
Leading public questions receive un
usual attention in this number of the
Century, fov which reason it is appro
priate that the frontispiece should be
a portrait of George A iliiam Curtis
(one of Cole's most successful engrav
ings), an sketch of
the well-known essayist and publicist
being contributed by S. S. Conant, of
Harper's Weekly." Miss Emma La
zarus d discusses "The Jewish Prob
lem" with vigor and resources of fact;
E. V. Smadey. in a graphic article,
throws light on several important
"Features of the New North-west,"
and Edward T. Peters explains the
"Evils of Our Public Land Policy," to
which he ascribes the prostration of
agricultural interests in the Atlantic
states. A characteristic scene in the j
White House life of Lincoln is des-
The trustees of the j lint board of
the Masonic and I. O. O. F. hall com
, . . ...
pany are nereo; summoned io me i .a
the office of D. II. WheeUr &
Saturday evening, Jan. "th, inst., at
7 o'clock p. in. The s-cretary and
treasurey for the past year will make
report at that time, and otli ers for en
suing year will be elected and such
other important business as may come
Uie trustees be (..1S;.i(,rt.d
By order of the President.
P. P. Gass, Sec y.
Down at Weeping Water one day
! during the snow blockade- ihe roadmas-
ter rnd an engineeer d" an engine
i snowed in down there had some diffi-
! ' ulty
The engineer saji'ig that his
engine was frozen tip:, i refused to
take it cut on the road . A warrant
to work bv others. At the trial no
one appearing against the arrested
party he w as discharged.
The union meetings at the church
ire being continued this week with in
creased interest and attendance. These
meetings will be continued through
the week and will be fall of interest
to all who attend. The pastors hav
ing the meeting in charge, are laboring
earnestly to accomplish a good work,
1 and all are "cordially invited to be
present at any r-all uj "..-igs.
I ;
Heal Estate Trlttsfera; from Janu
ary 1st to JanuarVSO.
C. Oaebel aud ife to J. C. GieleL
100 acres in Center piecinet -3iW.
C. Treat and hub,nd to 0. Shluulz J
lot iu Weeplfg Water -
Sarah M. Toman and Uusliand to J.
IS. Toman, lot in IuUville-p-MO.
John A. MacMurphy and wife to H.
B. Windham, lot iu PUttsmouth
A. Stetson to A. C. Loder. land in
Greenwood precinct 8187.
Joseph Master to A. C. I-oder, the
se of nw and the ne or the ew 31-18-9
A. M. Smith trustee to H. . Buregss
lands north of PlatWinotith 811SG.
I). II. Wheeler and wife to D. H.
Whoeler Jr., lots in Plattsinouth
J. A. Davis to Dick Franzen. 13 I
acres in Avoca preeiuct $100.
s. Long and wife to Z. Cole, the wi
of the nw l.Vll-10 1KI.
Zerah Cole to S. Long. n"' e 11-10
Jehu Ongt r to Ezra Murphy, wj
sw 'MO-14-S230.).
W. S. Wise and wife to L. Ander
son, lot in Plaltsmouth $125.
L. P. Newman to W? S. VUe, lots
in l'lattsmouth 300.
M. B. Cutter and wife to W. S.
Wise, lots in Plattsinouth $40.
A. S. Holloway to B, S. Torreuce,
s'j of se 27-11-11 8250.
J. S. Keedy and wife to J. W. aud
Ceo. Lloyd, sw 58-ll-l3-$3200.
Paul S. Hubous to J. Cromwell.
se S4-10-lt 8l"i(M.
J. M. Beardsley and wife to C. M.
Chase, lots in Weeping Water 2500.
C. M. Cnase and L Ctiasn to J. M.
Beardsley lots in Weeping Water
I'nited States to J. W. Clark, ua of
n w 1 a-12-lo same to J. Behrns :J20.
Laud J. Calkins to O. Kendall, aw
30- 1 S-12 .$1000.
0. Kendall to T. Kuby sw 88 12-12-1G00.
E. C. BuUdick and wife to A. C.
Loder, the sw of nw and the nw of aw
31- 12-3 12H0.
It. Brown to John Tult, lots in
Plattsmouth 15.
J. D. Tutt and wife to L. D. Ben
nett, lots in l'lattsmouth KM).
.1. Newhall and wife to A. Newhall,
s'i of se 20-10-10 $1270.
E. Ilogan to E. W. Lane, laud in
10-10-10 l. 00
fe. W. Merriam aud wife to U. A.
Sharp, fract'on of tots 4!2.
(J. W. Norton and wife to Chas.
Tiouible. se 17-10 12 j500.
1. M. Ward and wife to Johu Hase
meier, lot iu Ijou'.sville 1H000.
tJ. '.V. Norton and wife to Peter
Crab tree, sw 21-10-11 $2500.
I'laitsmouth should have oue hun
dred subscribers to the telephone ex
change instead of fifty to show tho en
terprise in the support of the modern
conveniences that other places show.
The telephone system has been in
vogue here nearly a year now and
thosj who have taken instruments aud
used them kuow how useful
they are in busises.s. If parties in the
city would take instruments and
double the number in the exchange
the usefulness to old and .new sub
scribe! s would be nearly doable. The
telephone being a grand success is
worthy a more liberal support.
The roads out in the county are re
ported to be in a very bad condition
from the big snowdrifts, which have,
in places, entirely blockaded the high
ways so that long drives are necessary
to get around; nevertheless the town
has been full of farmers, fur the last
two or three days busy trading.
Why is it that our efficient Chief of
Police does not have the sidewalks
cleaned up, they are in a decidedly bad
condition, our neighboiing cities have
taken the matter in hand and show up
in respectable shape.
The South and Southeast Florida.
Should you contemplate a trip to
Nashville. Chattanooga, Atlanta,
Chaikston, S. C: Savannah, Ga.; Jack
sonville, Florida, or in fact any point
in the south or southeast, it will be to
your interest to examine the advan
tages over all other lines, offered by
the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & South
ern R'y "Iron Mountain Route" in
the way of fast time, elegant equip
ments, &c.
At present a daily train is ruu from
St. Louis Grand Union Depot, attach
ed to which will be found an elegant
Pullman Palace Sleeping Car, which
runs thioii-h to Nashville, Tenu.,
where direct connections are made
with express trains of connecting
lines, for points mentioned above.
This train connects at Nashville with
the Jacksonville express, having a
Pullman Palace sleeping car of the
very finest make attached, which run
through to Jacksonville, Florida with
out change.
For further information address
F. Chandler,
C. B. Kinnax, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Ass't Gen. Pass.Agt.
l.ingarus stoleu Kisses.
Lingards Stolen Kisses Combination
play in the Opera House here, one
night only, and that night is Thurs
day evening next, Feb. 1st. Tae fol
lowing are among the press notices:
Nothing could' well be more
thoroughly amusing. All the charac
ters are takeu from life. In the ex
Minister and Tutor we recognize a
dear old friend, who in his day bad a
time and has not forgotten it. Chica
go Times.
One of the funniest comedies ever
written, and bound to have a long
run. Chicago Tribune.
Stolen kisses is a very effective and
amusing comedy, and its scenes tickle
the auditor until laughter is the only
outlet for the sensation. The house
is nightly filled. St. Louis Republi
can. Tuesday night I went with the pret
tiest girl in San Francisco to the Bush
street theatre. Her smile is sunlingbt,
and her laugh that sunlight set to
tune. So Mirthful was Stolen Kisses
that we did nothing but laugh. So
had opera as well as comedy. It w
indeed a comedy; bright, sparkling,
and full of exhileration, it fairly intox
icates. Sucn wit, such humor,, sueh
satire, such a combination of the
buoyant and beautiful in dramatic
dialogoe, is never found outside of a
French play. It is rich in plot, rich
in scenes, rich in everything, in fact
that contributes to attractiveness. I
do not know when I have been so
thoroughly entortained as I was by
the Lingards. As an imitably qtaaint
and yet peculiarly natural comedian, I
do not believe that William Horace
Liugard has a superior now living.
San Call.
South Iteud Letter,
burnt, Nut., Jan. '.'0. il.
Ihe worst storm ol the scumii
j fclruck this place Thursday or uoou.
II coiitiuueil w ithout intermission nil
sometime last night. Friday -morning
the thermometer indicated -' de
grees below zero, and has been but
little above 20 duce that lime. Our
coal dealers have a good supply of
coal; consequently none iitrd sillier
from the cold.
It is rumored Ihat we mic to have a
bank soon. S be i .
Our P. M. had relatives from Iowa
aud 111. visitiug last week. A sister,
sUfer-iu-law aud two nephews.
W. C. Curtis aud family of Mich,
aud A. W Searl and family of Elm-
i wood, were iu towu Mondav visiting
M. Scarl tho principul of our schools.
Jno. Wells, of Atchison. Kansas,
brother of W. L. Wells and Mrs. II. J.
Streight, was visiting bis relatives
here a few days ago.
-McAfee says he don't believe iu iin
luersiou, neither does he believe in
defrauding the toll gatherer. He was
crossing the Platte on the ice and
broke through, which accounts for
this biiddeu change of in iud.
C. II. li I, II. J. Sircight and wife
aud W. J. Streight, were nt the i-n i
tol this week. The laM ihiee were
iulcrcatcd in the election of I'.S. sen
ator, but lb i what purpose Dill was
lobbying is unknown to the writer.
E. II. Phelps, our popu! ,r station
agent, has incepted a situation as
clerk lor the Avery I iniifacturiiig
company, of I'coria, Illinois; and wil i
leave the Bend as soon as his success
or is ready to Iske charge of the of
fice here. He has a host of friends iu
the Bend w ho w ill be sorry to see
him go.
J. O. Kouiuiu3 has been iu town
for a few daya waiting lor trout,
which were being shipped him from
Wi-'rousiu. The fish armed on this
evenings train.
Our gruiu merchants are piling
Ihe top prices for grain, coii-eejucii tly
our streets are crowded with teams
wheu it is lit weather o haul gruiu.
There are children iu the Bend, ol
8 j-ears of age, who never attend Sib
bath school, and who have never
heurd the C.o.spl preached. What is
the proprlc y of foreign mission .-cr-uious
as long as this is the case.
The station ageui furnished the
following statement of receipts and
shipmvuts for IbK'J-
Car loads shipped; corn, 1K1; wheat
33; rye, 12; barley, 8; oais, 1; hogs, :!'.!;
stone, 124; receipts; lumber, fix; coal,!
29; salt, 3; freight charges collected,'
113,000. Hakoi.p.
Three ( roves News.
Jan. 22, l;;.
Ei. Hkkai.d: Two days have
elapsed since the great snow storm
of this season has fallen, and we hope
the worst is over. The lanes and
roads are all blockaded and jam full
of the beautiful snow Bus.uess is
brought to a stand still. The farmers
are all housed up; no siir whatever
in the neighborhood.
On Saturday your correspondent
got aboard of a inustaug ami si.irlrd
OU" to p-ospcet and to see if anybody
had frozen to death Miijweijjjjulxj.
eteregistercd the coldest on I iiday
morning, 18 degrees Lclou .wo, and
about the same on Saturday all day.
Friday the mercury stood al 11 below
the entire day. Sunday Ihe weather
moderated lo some extent and to-day
Monday the prospects are we wil. i
have some lair weather, and that the J
roads and laucs will be opened out j
within a dav or two.
Bio Sis.
Jaxcary 2:)d, 1HS3.
News reached us from Union that
the dwelling house of old man Bcaty
burned to the ground on last Sunday
morning, the tire caught from a defect
ive due. Our informant informs us
that nearly everything was taken out
of the house. No further particulars
are in our possession at this writing.
Mr. Beaty Is well known all over this
county and one among the very early
settlers. His misfortune will be a
heavy loss to him. B. S.
Louisville Locals.
Louie Eickhoff and wife are visit
ing friends in Chicago this week. j
Miss Annie Calkins spent the sb- '
bath in your city. j
B. G. Hoover and D. D. Ma--; judaic !
purchased round trip tickets to Cedar '
Creek last Thursday. The storm w as
so severe, trains wire not run, bin
the aforesaid B. G. and D. D. faced j
the storm afoot into Louisville. They j
say the snow drifts actually groan--.1 j
when Ben put down them N.. l -'s of ;
his, and that Martindale was out ,
sight several times, but he bobbed up j
serenely at the depot half an hoar j
ahead of schedule time and now wau:s
his 15 cents back that he pai I for gel-i
ting to walk four miles against the,
worst breee that ever struck Nebras- j
K;l. j
Our neighboring city of Weeping!
Water has been shut out from tl.. j
busy world for the past four days, but
we are glad to note the trains are all I
running again on time. !
Weston is no longer the undisputed j
champion pedestrian, Frank Barrett
and Steve Orton of W. W. are both !
making fine records tha may lose him
his belt.
Lute Boedeker is putting up a large
amount of ice for his butcher shop.
J. W. Griff en is also in the same busi
The transfer business of the rail
roads here has assumed extensive pro
portions. The B. & M. alone trans
ferring goods in one day the freight on
which amounted to over $l,oon. Im
mense quantities of ore from Denver
and the Colorado mines are being
hipped to the St. I4ouU smelting
works, this apparently being the most
direct route from Denver to St. Louis.
lioss & Mil grim, our painters, are
doing a laud office busi uess in adver
tising cards; they certainly -get up a
vtry artistic card, and judging from
the patronage they receive, are doubt
less Hppieetated.
Ir. L nick, our pipultr
ariist a I txxhb'riiiisf. li ii fixed u;t a
hiie o. I aim nt :n big hs a sheep,
f..l he has. been offered 820.
Anyone capturing rare animal ol
any kind might find it to their advan
tage to send it to him.
lmlsOlle School Keport.
Whole number enrolled, 110; aver
age at tendance 80. The follow ing in
the average grade of the pupils in the
higher department that answer So per
cent of all (itiestions given at the
monthly examination, Jan. lwth, iss:5:
A. .1 . u HADES.
L. E. Waterman 5 branches
Florence I i lover 7 . ..
. sit!
Minnie Engel
Clara Cleghorn
Anna Sayles
Homer Calkins
Lew is Jenkins
Frank Howell
May Bock well 2
Lizzie Howell ."
f. O I! AUK.
Barak TodorskiSS Herby Khodes t0
Willie Hall 80 Chas. Chizek 85
Fail Hoover SO Dora Ward S2
Wm. Urwiu S'i.
Many were unable to alteud the ex
amination on account of I he seveie
weather. 1L W. ZlK, Prin.
Mendale Gossip.
Our -chool dosed Friday; Mr. I'hil
beit the teacher, we understand, w ill
start for Indiana, his former home, iu
a lew dtM s.
Miss Boycher, of Misioiui. i- vim -ing
friends in this vicinil.
Tl e siuoiiio- school i. progres
sing finely under the can' of Mr.
Moor.-id Grand Prairie.
Mr. John Thomas i.-keejiin bach"'
on the Cut for I h 1 1 ice but, In. m ap
pearances he wont b . very much long
er. There wi.l be no incciiDg here for
three vchs on account o! the absent-
: of M r. Swan.
The Sabbath schcol has adjourned
until the first Sunday in April.
We b-arn that .1. L. Moore intends
inoviim' ou a farm near Lincoln
so ill.
The Evans boy wil! move to tie
old Shaler farm.
B. and Hugh Bauisay start tor Oi
egon soon to grow up with that
thrifty young state.
Miles Staudinh is i.-iiiuy hi par
cuts iu Peuus 1 vauia. J. L.
Weeping Water Items.
l-i ion Hie W. W . i:t-iililii'aii.
Wc understand Mr. Epperson
erect a residence iu Weeping Water
JtV-'l feel, ii- ioii a- the weather
will permit.
Frank Dobney will have a large
sale of stock al his place of residence
soiuh id tow n ou Siluiday tin -7th.
Mr. J. W. Clark gave a farewell
oyster .-upper to a few of bis bachelor
friends, at the Star n .-laiuniit, ou
Monday evening. We acknowledge
an invitation, but being ui of town
was nol able to be in attendance.
Mr. W. Jameson, a farmer residing!
eijihl miles northeast of this place,
b ought iu thirty lour head of hogs
ye-'erday, whic'i weighed lo.-KHi
pounds, an average of nearly ICO
pounds ( a h. Ilercc. ived .,.7;, i(.r
dred for them.
business cluing;: w hich has been
ding for some time has been coin
ed. Messrs. Sehlont. A; Dewy
k? exchanged their general nii r-
idise store, buiiding aud lots in
place, to Mi. Denis Dean, ot the
hh Platte Lumber Company, for
louring mills located at Ashland,
the transfer of property will lake
i: as soou as the necessary ai
emeiits can be completed,
discovery has been made while
ng for water oil the premises ol
Mr. E. L BceJ, which may prove of
considerable val ue. The well is still
iu progress, and although now more
thau one huudrcd feel deep, uo water
of any consequence has been fi nr.1.,
though we learn that a bed of very
line maible has been st.iu k and pass
ed through, at ju-t w hat depth from
the surface we are nol informed. If
not at too great a depth, and if f. und
to be iu Siifiieicnt qtiiiiil ities lo war
rant its being quarried it may prove
an item of importance to Weeping
Water in general and Mr. Heed iu
CI.AIIK-i KOSS-Ou Wednesday.. l.iaiiiii-v lTtli
lti.'i. at Ihe residence f .lr. ;. t'russ, l,v
Ki-v. I". S. Mather, ui l.ii.coln. .Mr. .f. W".
i.iuk. of W'e"iin W aier, nail Miss a.nna
K. Ckcss, of Victoria. I'ks eiuinty.
The IIekald proffers congratula
tions to the happy coup!, with the
v ish that a long and useful life may
be opened before them. Both are from
two of Cass county's most highly es
teemed families, w ho have Ions: been
residents here, arid w ho enjoy the con-j
fidence of all. Mr. and Mrs. Clark w ill
make th-ir home in Weeping Water. !
lo ill. .mil Mi-. IViiperliriu, itiis eity. j
on sijtui-iia. eveniajr. January it'll. iss.jt :
"oil. i
Mother and son aie both doing nice-!
ly, and J uiius bears the honors of in-!
creased family responsibilities with"
due dignity. I
January Corn Comer.
Cnit -a tin, Jar.. John B. Lyon & j
Co., a heavy board of trade firm filed a j
bill iu ihe circuit court today against !
about a dozn other firms, alleging that j
the defendan'.s conspired to corner!
January corn, by which conspiracy !
ihe pi ice of corn has been raised lit ;
teen cents above its actual ptice. The i
bill asks the defendants to l enjoined !
from calling ou complainants lor mar- '
gins or repurchasing for their account '
when margins are not put up. The I
suit is brought to test the statute j
which provides that all contracts made
with parties running a earner shall be I
void. Lyon & Co., are short two bun-j
dred thousand bushels of corn sold at !
4S.I4t'.-"5',le. The suit has caused
much excitement on "Change, aud the
markets are depressed for a lime.
From the above associated pi ess
dispatch, it would seem the great
boom in prices is not the healthy out
growth of a heavier demand, but is
owing principally to speculations on
"Change. If that be ttue, the produc
ers may find it profitable to sell at once
rather than wait for an uncertain May
or June rise.
This section of the state never had j
a loncer or liner run of sleighing than '
at the present time. The trouble in
ut;!izing it is, that not one farmer iu
many has a sleigh or ever exacts to
want one.
Saie Money.
Times are hard and money wo need
and must havojt. mid all (hose know
ing themselves indebted . Io , mo will
please call and "elllu by the first of
March of cl-e Ihe mi'coiiiiIs W :ll be
!cft for collection, ('all nud nave
.wt and trouble nud be friendly.
4 ln J. M. SriiNt:t.i!Arlli:it.
A Burgulu In Butter Cows.
S. II. Atwood informs us that he
bus ten grade Jersey 's ( to fifteen
sixteenths pure) coining two and three
yenrs old, that will give milk the
coming summer and that he will
close out at s;'0 to if-G.'i each.
I ho W orld Wants Proof.
"The proof of the pudding is the
eatiug there of," and not in chew ing
the string which tied the bag. There
fore, take Dr. Jones Bed Clover Tonic
It cures all blood disorders, torpid liv
er, sick headache, costiveness, aud all
diseases of the urinary organs. The
Ust appetizer and tonic known. Sold
by Smith & Black Bros. Fifty cents
per bottle. Oct.5,'yj clw.
Le:n h's hoimnnade candies are the
bc-t in town, fresh and strictlv pure.
' :ilt.t
Griggs Glycerine Salve.
The best ou earth cau li uely bo said
of Griggs' Glycerine Salve, which U a
sure euro for cuts, bruises, scalds,
burns, wounds, and all other sores.
Will positively cure piles, tetter and
all skin eruptions. Satisfaction guar
anteed or money refunded. Only 25c.
for sale by Smith & Black Bros. !-1 ly
For Sale.
A new frame house with stone base
ment, containing 5 rooms; convenient
to ti e II. 11. shops. For price and
terns apply to Albert Calkins, or
Wheeler V Bennett. 45t2
Ih World Mill Moves.
Nitwit list. Hiding Mother Shipton's
dire prediction, th world still exists
The people will live longer is they use
lr. Bigelow's Positive Cure, which
subdues and conquers coughs, colds,
consumption, whooping cough, and all
diseases of the luns. For proof call
at Smith & Black Gro. drug store and
get a bott lo free. Oct.5,V 2!e4 w
You can save nionev bv btiving
your groceries for cash of
Lew is.
Hemic! t
1 1 1 J
iretilutliig Library.
To the citizens of Plattsinouth and
viciu.ty I wish to announce that I
have opened a cii cuhlt ing 1 ibrary and
am commencing wit ti 'tM volumes to
which will be made constant addi
tions. I he books arc in part Histories,
Biographies, noted works of fiction,
late nov4 Is ;:nd an assort nient of books
for the yoiiii-- folks. Terms; Ten
Cents a week, payable in advance.
Call and see mv catalogue.
W. J. Wai:i:h k.
Who's tlie Best Physician.
The olio that noes most to relieve
suffering humanity of the thousand
aud one ills I hat befall them, is cer
tainly the best of all phy.dciaus. Elec
tric Bitters are daily doing this, cur
ing where all other remedies failed.
As a spring tonic an I blood purifier
they have no equal. '1 he positively
cure liver nu I kidney complaints. In
ihe strongos' sense of the term, they
are the best and cheapest physician
known. Daily Time?. Sold by Bob
crt's Pharinaev at oO cents. :)9ctiw-Jv
Burlington and Missouri
Omaha. Neb.,
Itiver Kail-
I. "
)n and allei January 1st, 1.8:!, this
company w ill sell -Co and mile (
Passenger tickets good only ou its
lines iu Kansas and Nebraska east of
McCook station, at t wo and one-half
cents per mile.
These tickets aie issued only to bus
iness men and their traveling i ('pre
ventatives d ung business wilb our
They are placed in the hands of
ticket agents at till our principal Junc
tion Stations, but will be sold only
upon an order from, the Oeneral
Freight Agent. All parties will there
fore have to obtain the necessary or
der in advance of any trip.
Mileage tickets are issued in the
name of one individual only, are not
transferable and are limited iu time to
six months for ""o miles and one year
for I ,t ti) mi'es.
Baggage to the .i::i iint of I -VI lis.,
will lie carried lice on these tickets.
Between the Missouri Itiver and
Colorado, and between J unction points
in Nebraska and Denvpr. a Commer
cial Bate of sMO.OO will be made for
the same class of business men. Or
ders for these tickets can hi- obtained
of the Cenerrl Freight Agent, General
Agents a Missouri river points and in
the East, of this Company and of the
C. B. A; (I. II. It., and the K. C.1. Jo.
A; C. B. B. B., 1'V) lbs. of baggage being
passed free on these Commercial Tu k
ets, and all weight in excess of that
w 'ill be charged for at the rate of 83.i'"
per loo ib. P. s. Er.STis
Oeneral Ticket Agent.
A Ui'inai kable Ksctspe.
Mrs. (Jeo. C- Clarke, of Port Dal
huiisie. Ontai io. states that she bat
been annulled to her room for a long
lime with that dreadful disease, con
sumption. The doctors said she could ;
not ecape an early grave, but fortu
nately she began taking Dr. King's
New Discover) for Consumption, and j
in a short lime she was completely j
tired. Doubting ones, please write
Mrs. Clarke be convinced. Trial
bottles free at BolxrCs Pharmacy, j
Lace size !. .;:- 1'iw lv '
Till: BEV. f'Eu. IL TBAH VE.for
Biirbou. Indsays: "I'.oth myself and
wife owe our lives to sAli.OH'S CON
ABE VOl" MADE misserable by j
Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness,!
Loss of Appetite, Yellow .-kin? .shi- j
lob's Vitaiizer is a positive cure.
WHY WILL VOl' cough when Shi
lob's Cure will give immediate relief.
Price 10 cts. 5o cts. and dl.
-a positive cine for Catarrh, Diphth
eria and Canker Mouth. For sale by
- save your teeth by using Dr. Clut
ter's Olycerine Tooth i'.ibie'.s. Beaut i-
1 M .,..( I....r... If
,,.,t.. w.,..
We clialienge any dealer in the statj
of Nebraska lo pfouuee ;is line a cigar
for t,uritv au l uualitr of the tobacco
as is used iu the manufact ore of the
Flor de peppetlf-rg and Bocky grade.
ii i.ii s x i-t i r-itiit'i".
December Tth. 11. i
I wiil give a Cash discount of 10 per
cent on ail Iry Good3, purchased of
me in the next :') days, a3 I wish to !
reduce my stock before February 1st
to save invoicing. I mean business. .
W. II. Bakeu.
December 2Mb, 1-82 4 ltf.
Wm. Herold's Job! established dry
irfiaib snd grocerv hou-e for bargains
The best oods for the lea.
al William Herolds.
For Snlc.
south of Cedar
Hm) acres one nine
Creek Mation. 140 acres under plow.
New house, bam and other out build
ings, line bearing orchard, sdl in best
condition. Inquire or address ALEX,
or Mat.S-hf.wikl, l'lattsmouth. Ne
braska. -:'tf.
oinb honev a
Beimel I
loan; easy ttrms on iui-
at I'ulou Bl.Tck
Choice c
j l-ew is".
j profftygs.
Blake's Building1, up S tail
Wheiethey me dally n ivlng
We also wish to liifoi m t he citizens
arrangement'! f'r
Dying, Cleaning an' Repairii
! n" short notice, and warrant satishictlon.
of tfac old stand you will fin
Smith &
I$o trouble io find us.
Coine mid see a
At Wholesale; aim. Retail. ViiA
paid lor all kinds oi country
produce. Cull and see me
Opposite First
wwmm mmmw
rom mis uaie
sell iny lare stock of
AT l l!r
us I must close them out. Thi
n rure chance for bargains, n
(I mean what I say.
it to you on trial. Call early
secure choice bargains, as I do
intend to rostock in those li
xfiean time win
rock bottom rices.
Until b2'Si-
J9 9 H- T7
i Iv relieve Croup, Whooping C
. 4
. tiajaHTigfU tflt S?
StUtiIUl K jje v.r m,M 6
rsw m a Jt.k f tJFS'
' w m
; "llfitS? 1
j . .
- a "Rft.jaBt., cf ij S3., ; l-rt, recommend Ihe pubb
IIS QpaS.iPcppfrberg's e.gar- vvhic!.
Painty ISookM9
stationery 9 sll:e.
l'lattsmouth, Jan.Jth, im.
Pai -lies w. iliug ico doliveie.l next
skiion will liilit lo their interest to
I consult Jox ph W Fairfield now. B
maKinir your con. " with now
vou will a ive money. - 40 tl"
Important to Travelers.
Sp'cial inducements are offered jou
by tne liuriingion route, u wn: puj
you to -ad their :adverUsem,nt to be ;
found elsewhere in this Issue. . 47tf
Oysters aud Clery
everyday at J. D. Simpson; none
but IJoolh's special brands of choicest
oysters, handled ; iUmIki evipj.lexl. 8 -tl
U IMul.
a cotnplet line of all kinds of
of Pl iltsniotiih thai we have in
Black Bro:
National Ran
unfil eiseu out
amd will pr
sen groceries
: - II A( KMETACK." a la
I fragrant perfume. Piiue v
j i cuts.
i you nave :t pnnied gu
u . every bottle of Shiloh's
It never fails to '-uie.
each bottle of Shiloh's C.ttari
dy. Price 0 cents. For sab
""..wly Smith v Bi a i.
Lt gUlatire Becoiun en la t
Tin: naslv fumes iu li. B
cars is sufficient proof that
, gar are aluite-atet with
; drugs, sUch as opium, St. Jai
i or any other stud' Unit
! genius can devinc. We then
i iu conformity of Prof. Aim
alone of finest oualilr, but a!
1 IfroViS'iiifi
luring uin session ami pi
clear mind for business.
4:'-tf Jtt.ifs Pkpi'k
ictiirer, Plattsmo
Settle I p. V
Johu B Cox desires to vet
and ac otiuts nil straiglitcuc,
! fore tho 1st of Februarv
I Hci tfully and earnestly re.,'
parn. s Kuow.'iig ,licmelv(
iieotca to iilm,
' "r " '
i, to call at hit j
uuts -' ji-tl
':tle all accounts'
At ScMecd'a ciirar tln r !
t found the very best bran.
mz anu cbewinj tobaccos in
Tl . : . .. .
JuniZ Vhl SLVm"
the state. 3tf
Jolniaou nrei siarel
51 totbiiev llockuo.
1 1