Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, January 11, 1883, Image 5

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. Our ( tubbing List for ls3.
. The Hkiiali offer the following
clubbing rates to its patron for the
following yea:
Turn tlMiA.uainl North A mr. Review
. 4 . W
. 3 l
. 4.1
. IN
. a no
, 1.'.0
. ifxt
. J :
' Our t'otitlurul x'kly..
' t'rslrle Ksrmer
Kiiiur.lMjr Midi
ew lurk Tours
1 rltiun.
" " " C'hlrco Tribune
' 'Itinm
" WuHirrn Uurnl
tl -V, t iirlv rl.l
I 'lnftl.u:tll V.tlkliltt. 3. Ml
omiihii llr wltU preei.. S 64
" O.ualis. lie p. ' "
Uiirlitixiua tlkee... 4.u
" ' " :itir (KT4U "i 70
Ani'T. Agriculturist 2 w
" Al.tntli-M'liilnlr 6 .o
- II'- Miil!i)y .
W ri-kly w-i
I'.auinr 6 10
l.taliu's Muullilr 4.1o
4 Newspaper 4.00
Hut ily Unarluo : 75
Irl-h Win Id S uo
,. New Vnrs. Lrtlicr 4.10
" " Weekly 4 10
" Toledo Made
Oil. or publications will b added to
IU list in future.
A. u'.t.liur, UrntUt.
Additional Locals on fourth pg.
Today i the feast or unreason.
Let u firget politic and eujoy to
d y with t!io nia rily.
The preparation for th High school
riainmeiit foes on bravely.
Court b.isinrss has progressed during
week with a large Alteiidauro.
Wm. Neville lava a new walk In
rout of his residence, which is a move
in the right direction.
Muiulimi.Lii, com dowul" you
are fairly bealeu and the Jourual man
i t-utiiletl to vour teat.
The Hock wood block i all plastered
Hi plate glass windows in place, aud
eiyihing iu readiness for finishing
The business office of Mrrlsey Bros,
ie now located in tbe Union block with
W.&. Wise. The firm Ond their loca
tion a good one.
uburibors to the IUiiald should
m c our flubbing lit, aud iu their re
tic nl select mmeKuo J paper iu addi
tion lor the coming year.
NfbruskA stands sevculh iu the list
ot com producing states iu thi year
of extremes, when good crop aud
democratic ielories meet.
The only turkey douated to the
IUhalu vm a crow; cousequeut
ly our Thanksgiving diuuer shall be
beans aud cod fish as usual.
It is rumored that P. B. Murphy,
Miles Morgau, Wheat ley Micklewait
and Jake Lolmea are caudidates for
the vacant office of Chief of Police.
Farmers have found the ore ent fall
un except ioniilly good oii for gather
ing their corn, and thus far no bad
storms on stock have visited thl sec
tion. The Vd;ir Creek school has com
niencixl ;i four month's term with
Frank Browne us teacher, whom w
know to be a gvnl scholar and A prac
tical mau.
The case f Kcinharkle v K. & M.
sor damaso to propeity by right of
way on Stoni street, wan tried, and
verdict ot $:00 damages rcudercd for
The Missouri racitic Is doing a
heivy Ri.uihvrn freight 1umh?b aud a
good' deal of Cas county grain iaflud
iug tor the first time thi year a St.
-Louis market.
walk lvs bi put ' across
Main atreet by jnrfiiasd aubacrii
tiou fram Warrip's drag atora to An-
til 's res-mutant, aud it is an improve-
mcr.t that will b appreclatea.
The railroad war, which has cut
rates almost to uothing ou the Mil
waukee A St. Taul. and Illinois Ccutral
roads, is reported a nuder advine
ment for a speedy settlement.
The play bi'is for the opening of
the opera house were printed at the
Hkrai.d office aud were the first of the
kind issued. The Hfkai.o ftirnirihes
themherearter forsll troupes engaged
at hte opera house.
It is reported on the streets that
that packing house ia to be built aud
operated; capital stock $10000. Fiv
thousand of which Mr. Parmele takes,
and the balance is furnished by the
Journal, iu check, gall and soap grease.
hureu It. Sherman, governor of
Iowa, hiw writtou'au article on -'Pro-hibi'.i"-u
i Iowa,"' which a; pears iu
tl i ie-einbor North Americau Kc
k 'f-w. A public iiRicial in the fields
Tif literature in almost a novelty; but
Gov. .Sherman's contribution is one
of the best iu that rblest of American
The following is dedicated to the
Flattstnouih bar:
"A lawyer receutly lost a bride in a
peculiar way. At the wedding, in
being called to stand tip for the cere
mony, from fchcer force T habit, he
was not ready to proieeed, and asked
a continuauce, aud so tbo bri.le got
mad aud shipped him."
Iu the murder trb.l of John Polin
r the murder of fVtih Mwttnr
(- ,
hich is in progress this week, Dis-
sAitorncy v atson is conducting
- prosecutiou, asauted bv Mr.
Strode, and the court, at Polin's re
quest, appointed Chapman & Beesn
a-iu &UIWVUU A vwoley to defeud the
rr;suer. More corntdeto utes on
e trial will be givcu uext week.
The ense of n.irli.- .-o it,, r rt
. . o . i . 1 m.. v.
.JoiSe of Weeping Water, asliiug
ujiirus recei-ed by
rking iu the lode
rial at this term of
an & Wouley an-1
ntiff, Travis
the de-
lace ana
paries, aad a
I1 hand for
r fight witn-
?o arrests fol-
arVl-'soa, or
ers arrange
7ot need to go
ff!Tany other
h it much
tun to them,
have busi-
!l be killed
rest, so that
Mrs. 1.1 M. Hsyet visited re
day last iu Omaha.
- A. W. McLaughlin was up at Omaha
last Tuesday.
James M. Patterson was in Qualia
Tuesday of this week.
Dr. K. K. Living it on at the Omaha
medical college Saturday last
Miss Lena Marshall, of Lincoln, Is
visiting with Mrs. D. II. Wheeler this
Dr. W. 8. Hlchey came np from
Wilbur and visited this city over Sun
day last.
William Duilnm, agrnt for II. E.
Buck leu & Co , Chicago, was in the
city Monday.
It. O. Fellows of the Anburu Post
called at these newspaper headquar
ter on Mouday.
Miss I'fMe Styles, of Lincoln, is visit
lug with Miss Leu a Levings during
If there Is e thing above another
that Plattsmooth i rally neds. it is a
new court house.
Will Chambers has been visfting
relatives, fr'eads aad old acquain
tances in 0 leu wood
Mr. and Mrs. F. 1(. Wilson are ex
pected iu this city soon, euroute for
New York from Deuver.
Michael O'Connor left last Tuesday
morning for Denver, where be wilt
work the coming winter.
Cashier McLaughlin returned from
Chicago Monday, after a week's
absence on a business tour.
Will and Charlie Gyger came dowu
from Omaha last Tuesday on a visit
to their parents iu this city.
V. II. Dyar, state agent Davis sew
ing machine, circulated In the city
Friday last, going north Saturday.
D. II Myron and Frauk Wheeler
came down to their home city to wit
ness the openiug of the opera houe.
Presiding Elder Jones held services
with the M. E. church last Sabbath,
returning to Lincoln Mouday morn
ing. Joe McCaig, of KImwood, visited
this city for the first time since elec
tion, on Monday. He is slowly recov
ering. Hon. .. Ilosewater, editor of the
Omaha Bee, was in tho city Tuesday
evening, the guest ot Joseph A. Con
nor, Ks(i.
Dr. Iluiler, Harry Race, Frank Bar
rett, Dr. Hall and others from Weep
ing Water were in the city the first of
the week.
J. O. McLain. Esq , an enterprising
farmer and stock raiser of Ulendale
made the Herald a pleasant call
Deputy Sheriff McElwain. who has
been out lo.kiug for Bordeu, the
fraud, teturned Monday and he
brought his men.
U. S. Marshall Iiierbower and J.
G.Taylor of tha B. & M. attended the
opening ot the new opera house, this
city. Tuesday eveuiug.
A. II Reigner. of Lincoln, state
aent for the Stale Insurance Com
pany, of Des Moines, Iowa, called at
this otflce Wednesday.
J. D. Hurd, laamiger of the adver
tising department of the Nebraska
Slate Journal, made the HlRALD office
a pleasant call on Wednesday morning.
- The ladies ol Lincoln have secured
a hoase and have au organization,
"The home for the friendless," which
has been before aud will be the com
ing wiater a source of much good, and
a eubstaatial remembrance of the
poor. In Plattsmouth there has
never been a winter to our knowledge
that poverty aud want has not beer
among us sometimes needlessly, at
other times through mistertune which
csmii te some, aud which they find
impossiblo to avoid suffering always
'ollows, and the suffering is in most
cases among children who are uuable
to help themselves. Winters hereto
fore we have taken occasion to call
attention to these facts, and through
personal investigation we have found
them true. Dr. tSchildkuecht, during
the time he was county physician,
did no small amount of woik in this
most creditable cause, but it cannot
be so woll provided for in any way as
by close attention lrom all: it is the
whole public who see til's many cases
of want, and not the few. If some
central place or organization for aid
were had, the public could report
cases of need and merit that came to
their view, and the organisation
could give it attention. These hints
are thrown out thus early in the win
ter for your consideration
Grand Opera House.
The mammoth Boston double Uncle
Tom's Cabin Company took Cincinnati
with a rush. The parade on the street
yesterday, with donkeys, bloodhounds,
and some ef the principal people, at
tracted a great deal of attention, and
is another evidence that the manage
ment understand bringing the merits
of the troupe befere the people. They
opened at the Grand last night before
a crowded bouse. There is little ot
the old or stale in the play. It comes
in new dress, with all the important
features doubled and improved. Takeii
all in all, it ia the best Uncle Torn
Company that has visitsd , Cincin
nati. The donkeys and t e blood
hounds are novel and attractive addi
tions. The piece is put on In the best
of style. The transformation scene it
a grand spectacle. The company is
ntrong in all the leading parts. The
two Topseys and Eva won the praise
f the audienee. The Lawyers and
other people are all good in their char
acters. The jubilee singers are among
tha best which have Tislted CincinratL
The audience showed its appreciation
by frequent applause and a fair use of
handkerchiefs in the mora touching
scenes. Cincinnati Enquirer.
The Presbyterian social at Mr. Mars
land's last Friday evening was largely
attended, and a pleasant time enjoyed
by these present. Tb. Epistopal social
held the venir.g before at Mr. James
Pettees was pronounced one of the
jolliest gatherings of the season.
The ladies of Lincoln give a Thanks
giving dinner to tb poor and needy in
that city, which ia ot that the
ladles of this city aboold follow.
Court witf not adjourn over Thank
giving, buAthr jurors, judge, etc, wi
a. tkaL L - a. sV.AaM
k. a. lIUiL L-. - ' a. 1 . Vn e)Vwk
men' for Carte
Watercuau A So
riagtcn, judgement
Heudrichs vs Mickle, dismiss
plaintiff's cost.
Keiuhackle vs II. k M., Judgement
for Iloiuhsckle, &W0.
Carter vs Swiudell, settled by agree
ment. Franxen vs B. & M., judgment for
Franxeu, $t0.
Jnckiiiaii vs Mo. Pacific It. U .leave
given plain lift to amend petition in
stall I r r by iuterlinestiou.
Beardsley vs Prairie Lodge No. '25,
I. O. ). F., judgement for Beardsley,
Wilson vs Morton, dismissed at
plaintiff's cost.
David U. Stetson vs Frank P.
Thompson, judgment by court 4006.30.
Ueubcr Bros vs Bennett & Lewis,
dismissed at plaintiff's cost as per
II. P. Lau A Co. vs S. S. Reed aul
Cyrus Norman, inotiea to quash pro
cess sustained.
Caroline Euglo vs Nicholas Engle,
dismi.-bed at piaiuliff 's cot.
E. Gf Dovey vsCily of Plattsmontli,
judgment for plaiutiff, $389.50; two
other cases the same, $SJ6.25 and
Geo. E. Fialey vs Rachel Fiuley,
dismissed at plaintiff's cost. Eliza
beth Smith vs Harry Smith, same. a
The Keene five cent Savings Bank,
vs Thomas Itaukin, et al, same.
Fred Lehuhofl" vs R. W. Hyers and
William L. Browu, settled and dis
missed. Hannah Cummings vs J. W. Pitt
mau et at, dismissed at plaiatiS s
J. M. Patterson, treasurer et Cass
county, vs F. M. Kinzie, same as
A. McFairfield vs Charles Holmes
and Geo. Poisell, referred to A. W.
Crites to take testimony and report
on or before Dec. 19, 1882.
John Black vs John Lyman et al.
judgment tor plaintis, $27.25.
John Black vs D. II. Mills, et al,
judgment fer plaintiff, $46.55.
Commodore Shelton vs Elizabetn
Sheltou, divorce granted and custody
of child given plaintiff.
Delia Mills vs James W. Mills, re
ferred to Milton D. Polk to try issues
of law and fact and report during this
Nellie Steinberg vs -Albert Steia
berg, referred to S. P. Vauatta as
above. f
Lottie Allen vs Charles Allen, refer
red to J. E. Morrison as above.
Lona M. Hardy vs Samuel N. Hardy,
referred to 11. 1). Travis as above
Allred B. Tibbitts vs Mary A. JSur
ger et al, decree for plaintiff, $46.t0.
P. S. Barnes vs John W. Clark, set
tled by agreement.
Auirust Stohlmau vs Louisa Stohl
mau, divorce grauted at plaintiff's
James P. Iicedy vs John Irw in et si,
decree as prayed for iu plaintiff's pe
tition. Miln-Burleigh in Othello Friday
evening. ...
Peter Mumm is putting in a new
counter In his corner room prepara
tory to moving.
Tuesday was a genuine sharp frosty
day aud the first good evidence that
winter was upon us.
The gas was lit In the new opera
house for the first . time, ou Monday
evening and all worked first-class.
S. A C. Mayer have put iu place a
very handsome red and gold sign over
fiie entrance to their new store room.
W. J. Warrick has bad four thous
and bills printed of late for general
distribution- He believe? iu printer's
Major Wheeler made a peace officer
of himself iu good order the ether eve
ning during the disturbance on Main
David Miller, tax collector far
Plattsmouth city and precinct, is mak
ing the rounds these days calling on
A literary club, a lyceum or som
social organization would snake pleas
ant many eveuings this winter if once
Business In the city brightens up as
the holiday season approaches and
Lvely times for the next thirty days
may be expected.
. Night yardmaster Place sustained a
squeezing between two coaches the
other evening, but fortunately no ser
ious damage was done.
The present season is under Vennors
prediction to be a very cold one, and
consequently people will buy coaI a id
eujoy a warm, open winter.
John L. Burleigh appears as Othello
and Geo. C. Miln as Iago in the ren
dition of Othello by the Miln-Burleigh
Co.. at the Opera House Friday even
ing. The T. A. M. club have made elab
orate preparations for their invitation
ball on Thursday evening, and a num
ber of guests from Omaha, Lincoln
and Glenwoed will bepreseut.
The criminal calender was taken up
Tuesday morning. The case of State
vs John Polin, under indictment for
murder in the 1st degree, was taken
up first, and the day occupied in secur
ing a iury.
There is a constant demand for Cass
county real estate and. the Hkkald
has answered two such inquiries the
present week. The real estate market
may be dull bat it is from the fact
that very littlo land is in the market.
The grand jury adjourned last Fri
day night, and as predicted did some
good work. If the inmates ol differ
ent houses of ill-fame iu this city Lad
not fled there would have been some
indictments found against them that
would have closed them up in short
- John McKeever, the first proprietor
of the Perkins House, who made hosts
of friends, in. this city, and who as
mine host was an entire success
the traveling public, haa been ba to
frlattamouth the last week. and kinks
It ia the boss town of tho westf and if
A4 .finds a chance ho will stay Jkith
The Herald is in receipt of the
wedding cards of Mr. and Mrs. W. U.
Me Knew; thatgentlemai. being united
in marriage to Miss Ida Higgins, at
Washington, D C, on Wednesday,
November 22, 1882. Mr. MeKnew has
beou tor the last two years U. S. Asst.
Engineer, in charge of tiie govern
ment work at this city. He has a
host of friends and acquaintances iu
Plattsmouth, who will unite with the
Hkrald in hearty congratulations
and tbe lest of wishes for their future.
Mr. McXnew is now located at St.
JoseixA, Mo.
Uonday night, just after dark one
of the incidents that are .so prevalent
ir this city, ooourred on Main Street
nsar the corner of . Fourth bet ween
.-. .4 ...... 1. -n . I-n 1 1 .1
frightfully and stripped for prise
figbt. For ton minutes people living
in the vicinity and passers-by bad to
listen to the vile talk, and many stran
gers passing by remarked upon the
fact, and inquired if this city had a
police force. As usual. In such dis
turbances, after tbe parties had been
separated the night policeman arrived
on the scene and was ready for busi
ness after the citizens had abated the
George Ploehn, a brother-in-law of
Peter and John Mumm, died on Fri
day evening last of malarial fever,
after a ten day's Illness. The funeral
occurred on Sunday, under the auspi
ces of tho Leiderkranx, of which tho
deceased had been a member for some
time past. The 11. & M. band headed
the procession in uniform, and render
ed appropriate music. This being the
first death in the Leiderkranx ranks,
the ceremonies at the house and tho
cemetery were of an unusual order.
He was but 24 years of age.
1 Uu U&kald acknowledges the re-
ceipt of complimentary s for tho T. A.
M. Thanksgiving ball, which owing
to the careful aud special attention
given it in its arrangements, cannot
fail of being a succcbss, and one of the
brilliant eveuts of the season.
Editor Herald: Will yoo please
mention the fact that wo are in need
of a sidewalk on Fifth street between
Vine and Main streets- Perhaps "the
powers that be" will look to ths mat
ter, at once. T&xta.
Dr. Fishblatt, whose advertisement
appears elsewhere in oar eolnmns, re
ceives great praise from the press of
Omaha, and is undoubtedly all that is
claimed for him.
A birthday party will be given by
Miss Lena Levings on next Tuesday
evening, to which a largo 'number of
the yonpg people - iu tho city have
been given cards of invitation.
A number in the audience at "Mss
cotte" did not fail to recognize Mr.
Guibcrson, who ha appeared in this
city heietofore with the Kendalls.
T. A. M. necktie and hid gloves, in
evening shades at tho Opera House
Clothing Store. -
Joseph Ford has consolidated his
two barber shops, bringing tha one
opposite tbe court hooso np antler Car
ruth's, where he will bold forth here
after. Ho has with himself three of
tho best barbers in tbe atato. Call and
soo him. , It
For Sale.
Forty aoreo of land one half sails
from Plattsmonth, sasao will ho sold
In whole or in lots to suit purchasers.
Inquire of Whrkuh A BssraoTT.
( ttba--Ai ner.
ailed deer. Jl
poultry la liUnense
r-ltlck tailed
Dressed poultry
Pork tenderloins.
Pork ribs.
Chipped dried beef in pound cans.
Dried beet In chunks.
Boyds best brands of sugar cured
Our own make kettle rendered lard
Beef, pork and mutton
All at the leading market of
3711 A. Q. II ATT A Co.
snatched from the Grave.
Mrs. Helen Pharviz. No. 321. Dayton
street. Chicago. III., is now In her
sixty-eighth year, and states that she
baa suffered with consumption for
about ten years, was treated by nine
physicians, all of tli-m pronouncing
her case hopeless, hiie had given up
all hones of ever recovering, beveu
bottles of Dr. King s New - Discovery
for Consumption completely cured her.
Doubting ones, please drop her a postal
and satisfy yourselves. Trial bottles
free at Roberta Pharmacy. Large
Sice 1.00. STeSw
Just received, a largo invoice of toy
suites, dressing cases, beds, cribs table
chairs; perambulators, sleds, etc.
37tf Harris A UNKin
Farm for rent near town; also team
for sale. Inquire of J. It. Strode. S6t3
Two good finisher wanted, apply to
Harris A, Un run. 37tl
Use Will J. Warrick's Condition
powder it excels all others. 36 14
Johnson Bros , the hardware men
will move into the Hoik wood block
as toon as coraplctod. 36tf
We are making specialty of fine
chairs for tho holiday trade.
37tf . Harbij & Unbuu.
5.000 fence posts for -alc. Call on
or address . 36if . P. L. Wish.
"A Treatise on the Horse," regular
price 25 cents, my price 15 ccuts.
36t4 w. J. Warrick.
Try Will J. Warrick's poultry pow
der for cholera, drooping, &o., and be
convinced of its merits. 36t4
Baby organs, family organs of vari
out styles. Prices, f 22, $50, $t30, $72,
$93 and upwards; wc can suit you all
in styles and prices. Opera house
bloc. 36;o
Fine spun silk parlor suites 1 per
cent less than Omaha prices.
: 37 tf Harris Jb Unruw.
Bennett A Lewis sells Breraner's
crackers. lmo34
Bremuer's crackers at Weckbach's
M. B. Murphy sells Bremuer's crack
ers. lmo34
Paints oils and varnjshes at War
rick s drug store. lmo34
Weckbach sells Bremner's prackers.
Go to Warrick's for wall paper and
window curtains. lmo84
Perfumes, fine soaps, combs, brushes
Ac, at Warrick's drug store. lmo34
tiriggs' Gljceriue Salve.
The best on earth can truely be said
of Griggs' Glycerine Salve, which is a
sure cure for cuts, bruises, scalds,
burns, wounds, and all other sores.
Will positively cure piles, tetter and
all skin eruption?. Satisfaction guar
anteed or money refunded. Only 25c.
for sale by Smith A Black Bros. 29-1 ly
Attention Farmers.
The well known firm of Speer &
Hulburt of St. Louis have established
a grain agency at Louisville. Ncl. on
the M. P. R R. where the highest mar
ket price will be paid for grain.
Waltkr Cutfokth.
Who also keeps'a good 'supply of the
celebrated Rich Hill coal for s tie. 35-3
' - . " Never tlive Up. "
If you are sufferrng-with low and de
pressed spirits, loss of appetite, general
debility, disordered blood, weak con
stitution, headache, or anv di-oase uf a
bilion by an mean procure a
bottle of Electric Bitters. You will
be surprised to see the rapid improve
ment that will follow; you will be in
spired with new life; strength and
activity will return; pain and m'sery
will cease, and henceforth you will
rejoice in the praise of Electi icBitters.
Sold at fifty cents a bottle at Roberts'
Pharmacy. 37e3w
Backlen's Arnica salve.
Tho best salve In the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulc rs.salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns and all skin e ruptions, and posi
tively cures piles. It is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction or money re
funded. Price i5 cents per box. For
sale at Roberts Pharmacy. :J.71y
Patents .
Obtained, and all other business iu
tho U. S. Patent office attended to for
Our office is opposite the U. S. Pat
eut office, and we can obtain patents
in less time than those remote from
advise as to patentability free of
charge; and we make NO CHARGES
We refer, here, to the Postmaster,
ihe Supt. of Money Order div., and
the official of the L. b. Patent otuce.
For circular, advice, terms, and refer
ences to actual clients in your own
state or county, address
C. A. SNOW Jb CO.,
Opposite Patent Office. -Washington,
D. U. 3tl
The Plattsmouth Weekly
HI! 3
Tha Largest. Oldest and Best
County Paper.
f. See oar clubbiug list this week, and
arrange to secure your winter's read
ing at
and any pablicatlon in the list at a
small advance oyer tbe coot of one.
Tlff'lfvV IlkVl TrTl
a. uj.v, ...
Burbon. Ind-says: "iioiku
wife owe our lives to SAILtfll'S CON
ARE YOU MADE tuisserable by
Indigestion, Constipation. Dizziness,
Loss of Appetite, Yellow bkln? Shi
loh's Vitalizer Is a positive cure.
Wlir WILL YOU cough wheuShl
loh'e Cure will give immealate relief.
Price 10 cts. 50 cts. and $1.
-a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphth
eria and Canker Mouth. For sale by
Go to Warrick's for school books'
jNMfph Kurd
wtshi-a to announce t (he public that
ha has taken pittiue.-odou of the barber
shop under Carruth's, where he may
hereafter be found; also' that he has
procured a No. 1 man to take charge
of his lower Main St. shop opposite
the court house. All wishing work in
the tonsorial line, call at either shop
Ik World Mill Mores,
v.ttsrlthstjtndiiiff Mother Sainton
.I!,- ,.ruli.( ion t lm World still fliftlft
The people will live longer is iney use
If K IfU AW M rMNILlVH l.Uir. WJllfTII
subdues and conquers coughs, colds.
COnSUUipilOn, wnwpm vwugu, nuu mil
, nf tliA lunas. For uroof call
at Smith A Black Bros, drug store and
get a Dome iree. oci j, ss-skhw
Ci anil Uamsev. attorneys and
V.. tur I? I'nl.lir second door eaat of
lHurt llOUSe. I lailUUJOUin, it:u. uvdic
Ttiura la nn usa fnlbinir. Die) IVntral
. t . . j ..vw - --r - - -
Restaurant Is the boss eating House i
the state. 23tf
A. Salisl ury. Dentist.
W. II. Baker sells Bremner's crack
ers. lmo34
"HACKMETACK," a lasting and
fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50
ly relieve Croup, Wkoopina: Cough and
plaint you have a printed guanantee
on every bottle of Muluh a Vitalizer
It never fails to cure.
each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Reme
dy. Price 50 cents. For sale l7
35eowly Smith A Blacl Bros.
Don't, full In rfill mill nviimiiia oni
clegnnt stock of organs, one hundred
tvles to select from. Low urices for
cash or easy pavmcuts. Optra house
block. James Pel tee, Geu'l Agt. 36t5
Bremner's crackers at M. B. Mur
phy's. lmo34
For Sale.
I offer for sale my farm consisting
of I65i acres, well improved, situated
3 miles south of South Bend, Neb.; al
so a quarter section of unimproved
land in tbe same vicinity. Apply on
premises or address
15 W. Briggs, South Bend,
34U Cass Co., Neb.
Ihe World Hants Proof.
'The proof of the pudding is the
eating there of," and not in chewing
the string wbtcti tied the bag. There
fore, take Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic
It cures all blood disorders, torpid liv
er, sick headache, costiveuess, and all
diseases of the unuary organs. The
best appetizer and tonic known, bold
by Smith & Black Bros. Fifty cents
perbo'.tle. Oct.5,'8 e4w.
Bremner's crackers at Bennett A
.ewis'. lmo31 .
Taken Up.
Taken up on the 6th day of Novem
ber A. D., 1882, one white and, black
spotted boar pig. about three months
oiu. Mo ear marks or other marks.
Tbe owner may call, prove property,
pay charges and take it a way.
Eight Mile Grove. Caa? county. Neb..
Nov. 6, 1882. J. II. Kiskic.
Bremner's crackers at W. II. Bakers.
75 cents for ladys foxed shoes at
75 cents for ladys Newport ties at
8 4.50 for first-class hand made boots
at Merges. .
Merges sell boots and shoes cheaper
than any man in the state.
I have the best shoe makers in the
Keyariux done exceleut aud cheap at
Merges. 23tf
Go to the Parlor Restaurant for the
best meals in town, for 25 cts. Meals
at all hours. Day board at $4.00 per
week. Arctic Soda Water always on
draught. 22tf M. M. Ccrran.
Mrs. M. A. Buler, Ladies Nurse, of
long experience. Best of Reference.
Residence, Picnic Hill.
Plattsmouth, Neb. Aug. 31. .92 3m.
At Schlegel's cigar store may always
be found tbe very best brands of smok
ing and chewing tobaccos in the mar
ket. 30tf
John IV. Cox the hardware man, bea
now a firat-clasa TINNER. Consult
for prices on all kinds of tin work.
Schlegei'a special brands of home
manufactured cigars are the leaders in
the market and are made from the
Hoaf. nufllitv n9 fftKapn ''.Of f
manufactured cigars
tlio marlraf Ami o
vuo uiaiace auu ai c
best quality of tobacco.
- Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut
ter's Glycerine Tooth Tablets. Beauti
fy! Cleanse! Preserve I tf
J. Levy
Has resumed business again, will buy
and sell all kinds of Furniture. Also
buys Iron, Metals and Rags. I advance
money on all kinds of goods.
Jacob Leyt.
Plattsmouth, Neb. Oct. 14. 1882 tf.
The regular annual meeting of the
Plattsmouth Driving Park Association
will be held at the office of Co. Judge,
tbe 1st Tuesdiy iu Dec., to-wit: Dec.
5th, at 7:30 p. m.. 1882, for the hearing
of reports from officers, statement of
accounts, aud election of oflicers. A
full attendance is positively needed.
By order of U. V. Matthews,
Jno. A. MacMurpht, Pres.
56t2 Sec'tyJ
For Sale.
Eight quarter sections of choice
farming lands in Cass county on reas
onable terms inquire of or write to
Sullivan A Wooley,
26tf Plattsmouth, Neb
All persons having claims against
the Cass County Agricultural Society,
which have been presented and
audited, or persons claiming prem
iums for the vear 1882, will rleMe
call on Walter L. Thomas, assistant
secretary, and receive orders or pre
sent bills at once.
S5-3t. I). II. Wheeler, Pres.
Don't forsret that a Mason A Ham
lin organ is a holiday present that
will stay by your deaf friend louger
than almost" anything else you can
give and give her better satisfaction.
S6t5 James Pettee, Agent.
Dolmans I Dolmans I
' A full and complete line in all the
latest styles. Tbe ladies will find our
stock complete and we are selling at
the lowest margins at J. V, Wecfc
bach's. , S2tf
New Xosie Store.
Pianos, organs, and musical mer
chandise at Opera house block. 36t5
IFMM (g,
there .yon can find as fine a toc
IT - V 1 WW B o -
.ye weary, oi all umcls, 5
the largest ever brought t the ci.
aiaai they have got to he sold. DiW,
for cash. 1 will guarantee to meet j
prices of Umaha or elsewhere.
The IB,5 wImm c without hlowfii
or mi;represeiitation9 you m ge-W
square deal.
Latest Novelties ia Neckwear, w
received. ESig Stock of HJiiderwef
Hcmcmber tlte
TERMS Strictly Cash.
Filled with
U5y far the
c hoice .selected
of TPlattsmouiii
M mi mi
iUy ViS UJ Vffi tUtJltj s
to liave our slck so complete tlialjiO'
a-al sT sra www fflnstst rgaiii fIin sflimliii.
variety ot Koods9 and tlte
.Wc make to you.
W4ftVt Wftttlr r -li-i t purt ieul.r. We J
l,..s 1 e ,
jLwiifjis iiuii a variety lor
Frank Osirriitli,
IFull stock of everything
locution next to WeckbJ
new - goods just arrkvin
MT3L. eseB ""k
m Jki mm
most iiiaguificeiit si
J1HY G(IDTDS ever ol
and Cass County. We