I READ, in atmokiitrlnir to tins T Jottlh and u-ully llntl ahe tit a tew dayi open hrr and Drcssmalim Parlors, Jiqvsr block, ur stairs. - w Hi b iWsl to how a New. Ki 'ad Work ARANTEED. I mouth, Btpt. is, ainS. v . scare Yourself a A 'ft.crea laid oflT in City I.ot, (Palmers Addition, ADJOIN I Ml THE & M. RAILROAD SHOPS, UUle the City limit, nod not nl- 4,.)cct to city Taxr. E RESIDENT LOIS 'V"i iimn, or any other mmii, ran s dinner under bin own roof an ' t cold irrti l from adiuncr pail in theduxty, miioky I''H. y three to ten iniiuiti-4 wuitt from liW work. Cull on J AS. -i. AIATIIr:U, t'ji !. uikI U l K-iuU- -n'. iket ' Store, will make term. o unit s friixx 10 to 350 K-,". lof t'ni.ll,l III! H tin. I W III l.llilll HKNUY I3CXCK lKAI Kl: I IN jl 27 111 t -3 SAFES, GiiAiLS. fc,T, BTf., K M .. Of All Dtmriptiun. (iLLIC BURIAL CASE? px332sr coFFiisra ft, rou J j made and fold cheap for fl, UV FINE HE AUS B J liW READY FOR SERVICE. any thanks for oust patronage. I to cull anil examine my laugh stock of VKKTl'tK AXt COKFIXH .S00O W P a j, I 03 I SB I r iM 7 b 1 0 ,5laxk Jr.&Co oslRelialile ol Cotton, theworlU, for ale at a, esale and Retail BY on & Nathan, MOUTH. NEBRASKA, AND Y LEHNH 1 SO HAVQ WE MOVED ! Opposite V J. G. CH WILL FIND r.S IX THE Ft- BUILDING, in. llcrolil'n, with n full line of MBERS & SON. 4 rait in mithi s 0 If !f r: J UAJ&ffilll,ILlir''! .1.1 HI' 1 AT THE- "HDayligiat ttr 99 - OF - JOS. V. WECKBACH, FinJs tlu largest stock, evi-r STOCK tiJll'lU'll OK (iOODS, and thu fr inspection of tlic inof-t complete public. OUE DRY GOOD DEPAHTM iSnt DUESS GOODS, .VELVET ConsJstinij in jart of elegant SILKS, SATINS, AND VELVETEENS, In every and rade full and line assortment of all XT DONNELLY'S BLACKSMITH SHOP, gy. Machine arid Plow re- '. ana general jooomy ned to'xlo all kinds of repairing otner macniuery, aod lathe In my siiop. TSR RAVEN. liable Wagon Maker charge of tae'wagon op. iraua 0. 'v WOUKMAX. ;- nd Bastc Biade (fltON GUARANTEED. Vt STREIGHT, V. 8trelbt Miller.) rACTCKM OF A IBAYY HARNESS. Collars; Widj&te., neatly done n rort notice. etren Foortb and Fifth, ttelrwmit Hhnager.-. - 1l - FLANNELS, S'lVH'LE DRV GOODS, LACES JLIsTID TKI3yCMX3iTC3-S in complete assortment. Carpels, Oil ; Cloths, Rugs and Mattings, Our display in this line is more complete than ever. CHOICE 1CMIE, In ininiene stock, for the Fall and Winter Trade. , JOS. "V". 'WECKBAOH. 9 DIB. PEAML & 7th ST., Dealers in all kinds of miLimJ!&9 MIXED PAHTO, LIME. CEMEjTT, lIiASTElS, OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY PLATTSHOOTH HERALD rUHI.IMIlKD SVKKV THURSDAY' r TUc PlattsmoutH Herald PflliMini Co. LOCAL NEWS. Another blizzard en Sun Jay luat helped fulfill the predictions that this is to be a cold stormy winter. Joseph Ford bus purtfissed all the skate and fixtures of the roller skate men and will continue a rink in this place Len Mkinuer is assisting County Clerk Jennings in his office, the work there being much heavu-r than ever before. County Sup't Alton was in Plattt- wouth on Inst Fiiday and Sa'urday at-ti-Mil 1 uif to hia official duties in his of- !! bere. llincity sclion s lire in full pmgriss :i;uiti aflfi- the holiday vcu.iuii. ai d with an increaaxnl attendance over the fail term. r . t,. White Ims secured the agency for this city of several ftrst-claas fire innuraiice companies and he will write you a policy to order. Miss Allie Hall, of Eight MileCiove has been engaged .1 n t tin primary de partment of the Weeping Water Hchoola for the winter term. P. H. Murpli? of this city bus been appointed Assistant TSnginw at the state houe in Lincoln during the pres ent session of the legislature. The member of the Cass county delegation, who live in I'laltsmoutl: came down home upon the adjourn ment of the legislature over Similar. A furniture factory in this city will pay, there Is no ifs and amis about it. and to secure manufacturing enter prises this city should strike earnestly. Frank Carruth has recently taken some fine photos of W. J. Warrick's store building, and he baa also some fine shop scenes in the shape of stereo- Scopic views. District Clerk Showalter completed last week a transcript of the Folia case as taken from his records which amounted to some sixty pages. . The transcript wua made fur Messrs. Ik-e-son.Kullivaii A, Woub-y whoareFoliu'a attorneys and who will take the case before the Supreme court. ine ceieoratea iuwin Cllaord, sup ported by a superb array of talent, at the opera house Friday and Saturday Jan. 19th and 18th, opening with Bait! ley Cnmpbell's beautiful and exciting 5 act drama. "The ViflhmtVor how Women Love." Admission 50 cents to bouse; 38 for gallery, no extra charge for reserved seats, for sale at usual place. Klau s hall was filled with a very in telligent audience last evening who as sembled to witness, the perform ince of Vigilant by the Clifford Dramatic com pan j: The play ran smoothly to the end, not a halt twin prtceprible to m.ir the eijijinent of the tviiinir. M-b- Jui Ciicker, a Clair, did full jus ir.- t. that roll. Hi.- liqiiii.t Ixnata f aiUuao lh.it grueted her being proof positive that her acting in this difficult play was duly appreciated b the audience. Mr. Clifford was all that could be desired, thoroughly at ease oa the stage, and having had years of experience to make him familiar with hit art, he succeeded as he does in all he un lertakes in making the pait stand out to the greatest possible ad vantage. Green Bay (Wis) Daily Ga zette. Many new buildings are already un der contemplation for building the cominir scatou and a perfectly safe rs- timate is thai the season will be as lively as the last. in he The friends of John B. Finch this city will be sorry to learn that is having a hard siege with the rheu matics and has been confined to bis bed for some time. By the published notice elsewhere it will be seen that Judge Pound gixes Cass county three terms of court this year, which will be appreciated by the bar of this city at least. Remember the Board of Trade meet ing on tomorrow evening and let the attendenco be equal to that at the last meeting. A few such meetings can accomplish some good for Plattsmouth The painting that has been recently finished In the opera house adds much to the inside appearance and the new twenty-four light chaudelier is a beau tp, and makes the inside of the house with the side lights fairly brilliant. Willie Uuffner of this city has re ceived the appointment as one of the pages in the senate and the Herald, besides being glad to see a Plattsmoiith boy given an opportunity in such work, believes he will fill the position with credit. Secure seats for Jan. 12 and 13, Fri day and Saturday, idwin Clifford s Dramatic Co. commencing with "The Vigilants, or How "Women Love.' Don't fail to witness it played only by this company. Admission 50 cents for house, and 33 for gallery. r ST.LOUIS.MO Sfllc by J. S.Duke. C. B. PARKER & CO., LINCOLN AND PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., j MASL FACTUKEKS OF AND DEALEH3 IN AMERICAN AND ITALIAN MARBLE, AND Granite Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Mantles, &c. First Freniiums 'Awarded Work at Four' State Fairs: Shop next to Sur veyor General'r Office. . ... V.! A. S.FORBE? Foreman."- . i A mm-,,AmT-: fe;, : tjaVTD MILJ Traveling salesman; .y ; rjTiJa i i ai&U U 1H. liGD Board of Trade. Pi.ATTS.MOUTir, Xtb . Jan. 5, "83. Board of Trade met in adjourned trular session. Tin: president being iihcelil. the nieetiuir was ralleil to or- d;r by vici -president Carruth. Koll called and a quorum present; uiiuutoti ot last rculnr, and one special scs tion read uud approved. On motion, the boatd ptocctded to elect officers for the ensuing year. On motion, the first ballot tor pres ident wa5to be informal; on the in formal ballot for prcideut, F. Car ruth received 8 votes: F. E. White, 4 vote, and II. M. Bushncll, 1 vote On motion, the informal ballot wa declared formal, and Mr "Carruth de clared the unanimous choice of the board for president. For vice-president. J. A. Couno aud F. E. White received a majority of the votes ca-t. Mr. White declined (he Kitioti, aud upon motion the rule was suspended, anil II. Bocck was by unanimous vole duly elected 2d vice-president On motion, the secretary was in structed to cat the vote of the board for W. S. Wise, for secretary, which was done, and Mr. Wise declared duly elected. The secretary was on mo tion iustructcd :o cat the vote of the board for F. Gorder for treasurer, which was done, and Mr. Gorder de clared duly elected. On motion, the clficers elect were directed to present, at this meeting, a list of t lie names of members for the board of directors of the board ol trade for the eutuiu year; after con- suUation the following list was presented: F. E. White, chairman; J. W. Mar shall, A. W. McLauirhlin, D. II. Wheeler, J. V. Weckbach, C. W. Sherman and John Wayman, and on moti.in 1 lie list wa adopted an.l the gentlemen named declared duly elect ed us directors. On motion, the number coustifut- iur the siaudin" committees of the board, wa fised at three members for each committee. Ou motion the board of directors were instructed to make A. N. Sulli van chairman of the judiciary com mittee. Ou motion, it was decided to hold an adjourned meeting of the board on Friday evening. January 12th. 1883, at 7:30 o'clock; at which time all officers and committees are requested to make their annual reports in wilting. On motion the president, elect was instructed to employ a janitor for the ensuing year. On motion' board adjourned. -"I A. Wr McLAroHLiir, JB. Sinoufc, . . President. --. Secretary. - - v An I nti testing wliidle. (IIuuwoimI O, blitili. Kev. W. II. ilardman who was for several eain the paslor of the Chn liaii ehiireh, and v bo's family it ill re side here though he is preaching at Greenwood, Neb., was in town Thtirs d iy. 'From him our reporter Irarued 1 11 pun u-nlarH of a most liabelieal swimlio which has just beeu jx-Vpel ra ted upon him; a swindle which the chief of police of Chicago, pronounces ooe of the shrewdest confidence games ever perpetrated iu that city. A. lew weeks ago a Mr. Ethcridge of Grcefi wood; received a letter from one 'V. II. Harper, iuforming him that be was igent for a stock of goods be-long iug lo a Cincinnati firm which he" would trade for property in Iowa or Nebraska. The iroods were iu the'' Sato" warehouse iu Chicago. Har per is a nephew o tne deputy biientt ol' Cum e.iuutv, tibru.-k)i, ami di--. tautlv rciuted to Ktheridgc, although it seems the latter as uot very well acquainted wi'li him. The Mock of V'uod was represented 10 be worth $S,000. Mr. Ethcridge informed Mr. Ilardman of thU opportunity for a trade, representing Harper to be an hom rab'e man, aud he being anxious to dispose of his Glcnwood property to a vantage, in order to move his family to Greenwood, opened a cor respondence with Harper. He wrote him asking for a description of the goods. The elescriptiou was furnished by Harper, the goods consisting of hardware, cutlery, boots and shoes aud numerous other articles of the total valve of $3,000. Iu the letter Harper stated that his firm would give a discount of 25 per cent., as the goods belonged to an Indiana - mer chant who had failed and his firm had siezed upon the outfit to square them selves. There was $750 6torago on the goods which would have- to be paid by the party taking them. The upshot vf the negotiation between them was that Harper was to take t ho Glen wood properly at $5,000. and $1,000 in money, in payment lor the goods. Mr. Hardiuau had an abstract of the property made anil had it ap praised by three disinterested par tics, betore this result was reached, in accordance with instructions from Harper. On December 16th, Mr. Ilardman received a telegram from Harper, requesting him to coui" to Chicago at once if he n desirous of, completing the trade In response to this telegram Mr. Hard man started for Chicago on December 20th, taking with him the deeds lo the land aud. $1,000 in gold. Arriving in that "city ou December 21st, lie put up at the Wiudsor hotel, and ou the 22nd .Har per called upon hint there. Harper introduced him to the clerk, with whom he seemed to have been ac quainted as a particular frieuel of his. About this time a Mr. Miller, claim ing to be one of Ihc Cincinnati, firm who owned the goods made Ms -appearance 011 tho scene. Ou Tuesday ol last week.-the--three, Mr. Ilardman, Harper, i.ud : :Miller visited the warehouss where--' the goods were stored. Miller had-' the inventory of the goodi and the boxes were pointed out coirespomlingly numbered to those in the inventory. A conference was then held between Miller and Harper and at the close of this Mr. Ilardman was informed that Miller would not trade until Harper was'satisticd tint the Glenwood prop erty was wcrth 5,000. The follow ing proposition was then made lo Ilardman: That he should deliver the conveyance, dcceliug the proper ty to Miller, and $1,000 to Harper, and that Miller should make out a bill of i-ale of the goods' to Ilardman and. deliver the fame to Harper,, and that upon the latter becoming satis fied with the Glenwood property, he .should turn over the $1,000 aud the, deed lo Miller, aud the bill, of .sale lo Ilardman, and thus complete the trade. This was assented to by Mr. Hardiuau, aud be- lurneil over. the deed and money receiving from Har per the following leceipt: .. "CHifAOo, Dec. 23, 1832 Ueeeived from W. H. ilardman, a deed to feur lots i.ud a house in block 16 at Glen wood. Iowa, valued at $5,000 and $1,- 000 hi -aidi, to be delivered to Jauie-S Martin on receipt o: the tooilf meii lioiieil in a c rtciu . contract, bill ot sale lo a:d V . 11. Ilardman bein now i.i 1 ov bauds of the nndersigtietl, to be delivered when the tiiiderMgned is .-ati-.fied with the said property at Glenwood, Iowa." . W. A. Hakpek. This contract was made at the Windsor hotel. Harper aud Miller left after niakiuz it. nrom'sinsr to call in the morning. The next day they tailed K pat in an appearance, but a telegram was received from .Harper stating that he had gone to Glenwood to look at the property as Martin would uot turn ove- the goods until be examined it in person. Ou Thurs day a mau giving the name of Scho- field called at the hotel ahd asked the clerk if he knew where Harper was. Th clerk told him that he did not. but that Mr. Ilardman had been doing business with him aud could proba bly leil him. Ue went out stating sired to see Mr. Ilardman. Calling at that time the latter was pointed out to him. ochotleld asked him if he kuew where Harper was Ilardman replied that be waa iu Glenwood. SchohVcl tha told hint that IlarjK-r had informed hi 111 that ho had con siderable business at several points in Iowa, aud that be would uot be back before Mouday. Mr. Uardman waited therefore until Mouday for his return, and on that day au old friend of his aud a lawyer, dropped iu upou him at the Windsor hold very opportunely. To him ho related tho facts we have just given. Tho lawyer immediately pronouueed it a swindle aud together they proceeded to investigate. Inquiry at the Pal mer Huae where Miller bnd stopper! revealed the fact that ho bail left ou Wednesday. The case was then laid before the chier of the police a.:d it was ascertained that Harper had beeu seen 01 f he streets drunk alter the lime when he wus supposed lo have lei t the city, that he ha.J $1,000 draft hi his msm;-iiou aud said he was going lo Pne-blo, X. M. A tele gram v,b then seut to Gleuwood in structing the r.eorler to have any one pn s -in iug tho decJ for record arrested, but uo.oue preseuteel such a deed and it is uot at all likey that any one will. . Mr. . Hardiuau arrived iu this city Thursday lookiug pale aud worn out by anxiety and trouble. The loss is a severe ouo to him as the money was borrowed, and it will bo bard to repay. He will at once take measures lo have the deed set aside, aud he will prvbably save this It was one of the most wily swindhs ever devised or pcrpet'aled, and no one cm wonder Unit Mr. Ilardman was victimized. The Lfuie Kiln Club. "Do odder dy bega. the. old man u ;,iiai.i-aanuica -.expiussion 1 couuteuauce. wheu-one ot Ue meu. bera ofelis club diskjveicd me clyeiu' my na'r.jvid . a leetle lampblack an' sweet ile be dispressed de greatest a&- (onishmeut dat a ponson o' my y'ars Iwould be so vain Gem'len, when ycu find a man widaut a single weak spot in his character you have fouu' a mi n too good fur dis weary world. "When you fiud a drunkard you find a man wid a weakness. He mat bo bouest and iruthful. but when you of fer him whisky you peel de patch off his weak spot. If influence am 1 1 ought to b'ar to reform dat man, watch Lim. He am just as s.n tin to break out in some odder spot as de sun am lo rise an' sot. He will iuh to boss races or poker rooms, or he will dress to kill, or run arter women, or develop sun thing to provw dat he don't keep u tight rein on his hull chaiacter at once. "lleform a gambler an' what do you make of him? Passion fur play am a weakness. Shake it off an' de weak ness breaks out in some odder spot. I have known a sobor, temperate gam bler to reform dat habit and become a drunkard. 'When you find a man wid a weak ness for horses let him alone. Take bis boss away un he will replace it wid suuthin' mo' disagreeable. "I look upon lyin' as a weak hoop on de human bar'l. .Few men lie to lie, but dey lie bekase tley want to cotch de 1110 as fish, or see de biggest or cum de Highest being killed. Lyin' may be called an ambitious weakness. Smith lies to get eben wid Jones, and Jones to get eben wid Brown, an' so it goes. Reform a liar an' some odder heop has got to bust. "Gem'len, when de Lord an' de church refuse to recognize pel feckshun in man why do we expec; and demand it? Half a millyuu clergymen in dis kentry am tell in us from de pulpit each Sabbath day dat man am weak an' sinful ah full o tricks, an yet when a pu son beats us out o' half a dollar we riz up an' yell eut as if it was a strange thing. I doan' drink nor gamble nor lie nor steal, but I'ze got a weakness. I'ze a bit vain. I imagiue d..t I lojk purtier wid my ba'r greased up an' de true color disguis ed. - "Giveadam Jones' doan drink nor chew nor play policy, but he h;.s a weak spot. He'll bet Ids last dollar on a hosa race, an' he'll bet oh dv wrong boss to boot. "Judge Cadaver am regarded in his naybiirlidOd as de soul of integrity, but when he went fishin' last summer he got so corndiculated dat he fell off de wai f an came nigh being drowned. "Good old Sir Isaac Walpole am de fi iend of de sorrowful, a gran'fadder to all chil'en an' his purse am eber open to charity; but he has bought a lottery ticket eaeii 'month for de last nine y'ars and you can't conyince him dat he won't sooner or later strike a prize of sso.eoo. "In wind in' up dis eulogy let me simply warn you agin exprctin' to fin' any man or woman so good an' nice an' perfeca dat a flaw can't be found in de structure; Give Vm due ciedi: fur all good traits an' stand prepar'd to dodge when de bad ones come to de surface. Let us now march on to at tack the reg'lar program.' -- Good new house and two fine lots iu good locatidh price, S800. 42 - Will S. Wise. , UtickletiN Arnica Salve The best salve lit the world for cuts. bruises, sorec, ulcers, salt iheutn, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns and all skin ei option, and posi tively curea piles. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Puce a." cents per box. For sale at Kobei U' Pharmacy. u71y Hohiian I IMnians! A full and complete line in all the latest styles. The ladies will find our stock complete aud we aro selling at tho lowest margins at J. V, Week bach's. . :i2tf For Sale. Forty acres of land one half mile from Plattsmouth, same will bo sold in whole or in lots to Biiit purchasers. Inquire of Wiikklku & Bennktt. 87tf For Sale. Eight quarter sections of choice farming lands iu Cass county on reas onable terms inquire of or write to IT I.I.IVAN it WOO LEV, 2Ctf Plattsmoiith, Neb J. Levy Has resumeil business again, will buy and sell all kinds of Furniture. Also buys Iron, Metals and Bags. I advance money on all kn.ils ol cooils. Jacoii Levy. Plattsmouth. Neb. (let. II. I --J -if NEW FurniturE StorE HARRIS & UNRUH, nic.vi.Ki;. IN FURNITURE 3 C0FFI1TS, ami all klml ul goutl uiiully kept In a JCli.ll- t1 t --r a. MM riiiMT i a w it ii i it i: wto it i: Also, a Very complete Mock of 1-iinci ul ioo.U. Melaliic&VrrOQi'cuCcmr.sJCi sKctsorcs. tMl.LEMS, Ao. Our New anil t-lti;:iiit lu-nisw I' nlui;y In iU'l;iii-. Keliieii:ber the pi ire, in I'NIOX , BLOCK, on Sixth Street. TWO I 'ors soul h of Cass ' uni ty Bank. U In-jtr 1:1:1 i'- f Mill ! l l.'.ll I ii. i! :i V. I I. .- I ISMl.l I It. V I I!. The- Nattsmoiitli Weekly Mill Tho Largest, Oldest and Best County Paper. HARRIS Fresh Oysters. Direct from the sea shore, cons . i t- ly ou hand, al the Central !i.st.u. ant. '-''.'in.".. 1 .miOM'Tirds "ol" "-Vmm1 for sale by V. S. Wise. :$S-tl Jo!insoii ISros., the hardware men. will move into the Kockwowd block as soon as complctod. :ititf Man u fact u ring and Kepaii ing, ood and neat, at Merges. 5tf See our clubbing lUt tlila week, and arrange to secure your wluler'a read ing at LOW RATES TB3 HERALD .mi.! any ublieiition in tho list at a sninll advance over ti c cost of ne. ri.. i i s.mi i"i ii UF.i.'ALI) ITBLISlIIXG CiKlPANY ' llo. I t . i W Mil IN r.MtiiM. All ..iris o! :;' ::u. :t ";;i V.1 ..i ,n I f t t - .til wit i man, hu .. ri.MNF.tt. Ci.nnult II hin ii i.f tin work. t ti. i:tw, . a 't ; i n k m ooi.r.v. 5.000 fence posts fur sale or address .'lOif P. For Lame Back, Sule or Sliiloh's Porous Piasters. ( all on L. Wise. (. best use A. Salisbury, Dentist. i ,- a'-Nv, . v'li mm ' l-i 1 1 1 ; .- I .in i ."i 'iii i-ni !li ill Ii - V - . i ; 1 ill r ) n . I't. . ii obi I 1 1. I,. . ! I I 'I II. I lie i il I.. Ill lor Hi I' hi ot I I 1 1 1 0 1 I Cat pa'i lit Mo'.l a - i ii-1 l:;if t Hoi "si- oi lli:!i:; th.it U.r I ei 1.1 l: and see its. .1 dial!. . 1 1 s ! oil. w linn I el . fli! iltn iNTZFLTW SHOP uKiltliSi I. . in,-, n .Main r J 'im- S'n-i I. 1 1 ' Ii-i-'.-r ence stale i,; (ii-. M.-i, ill I I' .1! ' ,,. i I II a ' . ail V lo ii.-ii'ial c .1 I r M AV'INll. u . I i n ' .i ii: I . I v Irei) ul ' . t it .i;t;s I . I N i'A I I1NT. i ' I'ii-i iiiai-ler, 1 i ! r di v., and I '. ! I'a'i iif ilice. Ii-i iii a ml i el'er-lii-iii- in iiiic owi't usi a-ris- OKKlcr i ciini'-r from I Ii nku I! I i: vl I I'V . )iiosil( I). ( . r count . : I 1 1 e-M ('. A. SN'O'A ., Patent tlii, Wasliiiioion, :!7M THIS CELEBRATED AX FOR SALE BY :MbV! : i la tUo Old Eu-ronio anit FltlJJCI FAIj IaI3XT33 -f-fio-m: Omaha, Kansas City, Atchison and St. Joseph, pon CHICAGO, PEORIA, ST. LOUIS, MILWAUKEE, DETROIT, NIAGARA FALLS, New York, Boston! And All Points EAST and SOUTHEAST. TIIR LINK t'OMPllISES NVarlr 4.0fX) miles. Solid Snnih Steel Track. AH connections an inatl'? in l'NI UKTOTS. It htt a N'HtMnnl I -piituthiti ns bit Tl ! K UK AT TIIUDt'iiH ('All LINK, ini.l is iimversallv runcetled to be TIIK KINKST KO' 1 1'l'Kl) Huilrtiiui in the "World fur nil clashes l ir;tvl. Try tt, mid you will tlud truvc'ltitf :t luxury Instead Of h dl5cintfitrt. Throuirh Tickets vU tliis "cl-bnited Line for sale At nil ortice in Um V All liifwrnnitimi ;int HnTe f Knre. Kleephit? ':ir Accrnimoi:iitniB. 'i tiiie 1 able?-, Ac, will w; ilif fully K'Veii by uppiyiuK to T. J. POTTER, PERCfcVAL LOWELL, 3-1 Vic- I're- I h d-u"! M .ita'"f. ku I Paaw niji r At.. Chic:'of tils. Chicayov III klS rP y DKALERH IN Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. Also A'enis f.,r the 2 Pointed MERCHANT! UNION HAltlt We mill sell this Wire irs Cin.au us uwi mire in the market. (Jivk trs WIRE A CALL Et3 S r. KEMBARY'S . fTHTTr In 1 1 111 l 'NEWPORT," H U T 0 rHi'.'ijrqi'-f?i, mwmm. X-i i C C M F L E T E and Sale Stable. 'IGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DAY OR NIGHT, KVKUVTHINO m IS PIKST-CI.ASS TIIK I5KST TI'.AMS IN SINGLE AM) DOLIiLK CAKUIAGKS. ThK crrv TRA VEI.KHS WILL FIND COM 'LC IE OUTFITS II Y CALLING AT TIIR VINE AND FOUIITII STS. .lulvltf. PLATTSMOUTH NEB. The Finest Pressed Brick IU THE STATE, KENDALL) 31 A X IT & A C T V 11 K B c3"o Sons 16 V John Jilate keens constantly on hand a full line of line Irish and Scotch Whiskies. Aug.17,1882 22yl. - Fine spun silk parlor suites 19 per cent less ilian Omaha pricas. 37 tf IIakeis & Unruii. - It will pay you to read Wine's col umn iu thU paper, you may find j list what vou want. ". 39ll" ; 'Money to loan; easy terms on im proved landa. Sullivan & U'oolly, 5if . at Union lilofb "Shlfge-a special brands of home manufactured cigars are the leaders in the market and are made from the best quality of tobacco. :J0tf that he Would Call At. Mrs. M. A. Buler, Ladies Nurse, of long experience. .Jiest of lieference. Residence, Picnic Hill. Plattsmouth, Neb. Au?. 31. ,S2 3m. J. V. Weckbach has on hand a large j ana well selected stock of carpels, and more coming. He will have the larg est and finest line ever offered in this City. 23tf. The Most SucressFix Remedy ever dis covered as it u certain iu its rfteet iuid dot- not Mister ; Aleo exolk-lit lor lium:m tle-ii. KKAU iKOOF BELOW. FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER Toiingotown. Oliio, May 30th, iww. Ii. J. Kcmlall & Co., Gents : I had a very val uable J amblctoiiian coit w Licli 1 jtrieu very liiBlily, lie had a lart'e Inme r);iviu in one joint aud small one on the otliiT.wliii.-li m:ti4e lilsn very lame ; I bad him under the cliari- of two vctf-ricary durneons who failed to i:i.r him. I was one- day reading the adveriii-rment o Kendall's .Spavin Cure in the Ci.-imu'w Dres. I dt-teaiiiined at once to try it.jn.ii nui ilriiuiNt here Bent for it. they milm-i! :i.i--e bottirs. I took them a'! ami thought 1 v.i ii:d give it a thorough trial, I usedlit uct-imlsi ; ! li rertioas and tbi- fourth day the eolt ceawil ! be lame, and the lumiin had iiis:iiieari-i!. I used but one bottle and the coin limn-arc as free from lump aud at smooth as any ln-ri- ui the -state. He i entirely cured. '1 he i:i i- i.i so remarkable that I let two ot my iieiuhv-.r-liave the remaining tv.o bottles bu arc no using ir. Very Respectfully, L. T. FOSTER. Kendall's Spavin Cure OX HUMAN FLESH. ratten' Mills. N. Y.. Feb.21.178. NPAt.t. & Co.. Gents : The particu- l I used your Kendal! - Spavin Orders received for any nuunf ity and filled in a satisfactory manner. Ihose conteinijJatin to build should examine our work, the quality of our bricks and prices. JLard. in rear ot iJonner Stable, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Cass Countv iron Works loung men thinking of attending school tins winter should send for a circular of the Wyman Commercial College of Omaha. The studies are practical and the institution a good one. 39t4 Farmers and others desiring a p-cn- teei. lucrative agency business, by which $5 to 20 a dav caa be earned send addrisa at ence, on postal, to H C. W Uknfcon & Co.. 195 and 197 Ful ton Stwew York. ' 40ir.m n. j. k iar case on wliii- Cure was a maliguaiit aukie ;rain of sixteen m.)iit!i stauiliu-4. I had tried many thln--, bit in vain. V our Spavin Cure put the foot to the eroiiml aniii. and for the lir-t time sinee hurt, in a natural position. For a family liniment it exoeiis auyiuuig we ever aseo. Yours truly, KEV. M. F. HELL. Tastorof JI. E. Church, Fattens Mill. '. Y Send addrens for Illustrated Circular, which we think gives positive proof of it- virtues. No remedy ha3 ever met with such unqualified succe, to our knowledge, for be:.t as well as man. Price $1. per bottle, or bottles for $5. All Drucsirts have it or can cet it for you. or it willbeeeiittoanyailiire-si.il rece.pt of price by the proprietors, DK. U. .1. KENlvALL & CO. Eaoi-burs Falkt, YU . I 3-ly SOLO Df ALL DRI CGISTS JOHN WAYjIAaX, i'roirietor. A. 'Neb. JIAN UF. 1 VTC REUS OF BOILERS, IKON FRONTS, AND ENGINES,. HOUSE COLUMNS. CASTINGS. Our facilities for heavy work in Columns aud Cast in "S for not surr-n.'srd in the ttatc. MACHINE REPAIRING of all kinds. Our Machine S'ioj is fu'dy for all cla.-ss of work in iron. Patronize .Nebraska nunuTactu ug. e du licitc all fieiyht and time. Partus ljuilJing in : ny part of H e State flioubl wr.te lor our terms i f I'usiriess lluuici art eUipi-l eastern price, lariujj- CH'.1CJ . CASS GOXriTT-ST 121017 W(K3 March 11th, 1883. 'l Pt.ATTTri. XEB.