( . ' READ, III nMiiotttii'lliir lit tin l.mtli ihiIIi Mini 1-Iil V itml in st ti' l:i 'l hi-r Aii Eressmaiim Parlors, Tnrvw nriwtr Tin.HTilHs: ;S BLOCK, UP ST MRS. I " mil i t ir.i t.UU Wi ! jiln,.l 'o lm a Sc. Ex- pit Mil it i iittuni. yuan' oik a r - ' A T T T V TT T V X -fY-lN, X . IT- d . Willi ll, Sfpt. kS.iKO'-'r'-SHHia. iCurc Yaursclf a O vM HI ! X Acres Jtd'otr in City Lot, Palmer's Addition. I 'U l lur City limit l mil mi?- , ji l I l 4 it J V. JlKSl lHXT LOTS man, or.nriy oiii'-r mhiii, '" Jn'rli. lur.uu'liT lirotti roofiurl rnKl giui frotn'it lAimi r uil 4 i;t ll.t- tlil'.tv, t tiiok s!imj. tliri't-tte tL-i iuiii'ifV -waik flol.t, Iii"'lj4. "1(41 '"I v . M'v lit !.:ttv ;um! K. i.t J illtl' lt :lP,Or foijr(.)iil UK n t4.ul will Imilil No 'Lotm'fi ' Sin iil- I..' , .' I'KAI.Kli I V SAFES, CiiAiiU. Arc, r.j, nr., . -OJS-AU Vejcrij'tiniiS. ' -- TALC BURIAL GASES z-s, ready iii;i4i mill sold olirn) for cnsli. M V Fl NlFlfaA ItSK .. . . M)v i:::.vi)V vol: skkviimc. i iiiii:i II::ii.ks fin i:ist I'.i'.ri'tia. i'.I !i i ill nun t : : 1 1 1 1 1 . . - my l.AKi;!: STOCK t)V CD - i t i3 T- H lLj H 0 o. Chrk Jr. & Co. (in tlio worlJ, (r ":il" at wholesale and Retail nv & Nathan, amon rTMOlTTII, XliBIJASKA. jEilT DONNELLY'S c3-oisr .'BLACKS3I1TII SHOP, Uxyjli, Machine arvl Ploir re in'ir, awl ytntrul jobliwj i.r'M. ;red to do all kimls at roairiiB hi iiii otht-r mar-liiiH-ry. :ls tlurre is a g-od lallie iu my shop. PETER RA17ES, 1 Reliable Wason Maker ' ikeu I'liawe of the waaoii shop, t il k:iovti us a NO. 1 WOKKM.VN. ;&Sa an.l l!u;ilf raailr to rdcr. nsKAcriox (;CAitANTi:;:a SON STREIGHT, emtor to Ntrflzht Jk. Stiller.) MAXlTAaCMBOP 5 $ mm HARNESS. A targe line or Bridles, Collars,. Whips &c, '. ways in stock. ig of all kind neatltj donetn sort notice. rttrert. betveen Fourth ml Fifth, P I Q X hi P. 1 1 3 . CO -1 M anft Most Heliie ioo! notion, SO HAVE WE MOVED ! AND YOU WILL FIND IS IN TIIK LEHMOFF BUILDING, Oj toi-ite Win. IFi'iolil', witSi u full line of i J. G. CHAMBERS & SON. 73 11 iil at 66 1st 0 OF JOS, Ki.i.l StlH-n our m'T mom "DiiKss (ioons. A FLANNEL a iMtaj.l.-'.c Carpels, Oil Cloths, Our (iiji:!v ia tlii- line t D Bff' E 3 in 1 1 ! 1 1 1 ! i JOS. -V. Oenlers in ILUMIBISIg, I irz -rvr tt.t IE Li-Vi. is ?S r Jj U tilJaJjtdJJL M&i$laj IgjLEMI, 7 f p. v vVWiM Tinner s' Ml illilCOF ALL KINDS ; y i i i i i I PARKER & LINCOLN AND PLATTSHOUTH, mam K.vci t i:i:i;.s of ami pkai.eks is 'AM4HKICAN AX1 ITALIAN 3IARBLE, X AND Granit't Monuments, Headstones Tablets, Mantles, &c First Preailvms Awatded Woik at Four veyor Gentfils Otiiee. A. S. FOliES. Foreman M1W 1 ml aw Tin: -4- 99 - 'Sl WECKB ii()iiS. i ' i! 'i i t i I !i:l tho iao.-t i'iiHijlfte i.;' tlii1 jaililic. 5 A 'RT'IYL 9 J t ? 4. i.lte i i.-il-t of i'-.-t lit SILK'S. SATIXS, YKLY i: I KKNS, every ami ainl litu; Sul-'lMt'llt all a full Goons, a -..:-t::!rai. Bugs and Mattings, more' complete titan ever. Kail iirul Winter Yra le IT.. all kimls of rm sp-ivr- st " ! A Jills I'V, FOR SALE BY ST.LOUIS.MO lc by J. S.Duke. State Fairs 'Shop next to ffr- flxcelsior I'LATTSMODTH HERALD. I tltUSIIKI) EVERY THURSDAY BY The Flattsmonth Herald PaNisIiiBE Co. LOCAL NEWS. The juvenile band In this city Is a Bucces and a good many wereaurprUed hearing ttiem, to find how well the boys could do. A good many overcharged drluker were making a racket on the street Christmas night but the disturbance was early quelled and the city quiet at an early hour. The special term of the district court closed last week and the times for holding sessions in this county tfie coming year have not yet been fixed by the Judge. The coming session of the legislature will take a good many politicians from this county up to Lincoln to watch the doings of the sessions and put in an oar in the election of a U. S senator. Messrs. John McKeever and Charles Herrmann have opened the finest bil liard hall in the city up stairs in the Haszor-iliefc building, corner Main and Fifth street, tlin firm have one of the lightest roo'iia in the city, easy of ac cess and Just, adapted for such a place. They h:ive four entirely new Bruns wick & IS ilk t.ihles with fixtures c m plete. Th.-v l:a ve adopt 1 a wise plan net pirtiiii! in a l") Kail pool table aid caiiliuiiiL' the luill strictly to a billiard room. A choice line of American and imported civatH are kept in their cane ! and ad I'm niching v iv a ? r i, r are ci'tnplete in .nalii. l..ll. l ' I'l l C.'l (tilll. (Otlh ial.) i l :t I . m h r; 1 1 a ks s I o .v . lSoard met pursuant to adjotirumcnt Present J. Crawford Samuel Richard son and countv clerk. The following was done to wit: Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The following claims were then al lowed : S Rich'dson serv. as coin $ 24 00 J W Jennings sal. and Ex. acct (4 16 " making certificates ofelcction 43 73 ' canvassing elec tion and making returns.. 12 00 D II Wheeler canvassing elec tion and making returns.. 8 00 A W White canvassing i lec tion and making returns.. S 00 D & M piping for county 18 50 W II ISaker m'dse for paupers. 13 00 J P Young staioneiy for Co.. . 17 55 II BoecK ct.fiin for pauper 9 01 M A Hartigan fees in state case 23 00 J Y Weckbach mdse for pau pers 33 40 Mrs Perry ncct as witness :;0 00 Jcs Ford board and guarding witness 48 00 Chapman & lSeeson and Sulli van & Woolej fees in case state vs Polin 103 00 Pettit jurors Nov. term 729 20 Grand " " " 83 40 " " witnesses Nov. term 132 00 E Davis w'k on poor h'se chim neys 9 87 John Sharp b'dng paupers 114 05 E Iloggeboon w'k on culvert.. 3 05 South Platte Lumber Co 16:J 46 Win Coon nept lefunded Dist. 32 3 50 J M Carper rect refunded dist. 2:5 3 00 P E RufTiif-r plow for district 33 14 05 The following bonds were then ap' proved : Jacob Yal'ery Jr. assessor Plat's mouth precinct. David Line overseer district Xo. A F Drunk " - C II Dill A U R trr " S C Bethel G M Flower 10. " 2M 0 2(5 6 Water. S V Orton ajsessor Weeping It G Gordon assessor Centre. W J Agnw assessor 1st ward Platts- mouth. Petition of Joseph McCaig and oth ers, ask in for the location of a county road, commencing on the south-west corner of Sec. 34, Township 11, Range 10; and running thence north one mile. Tic owners cf i he land across which the rcvl runs, h iving given written const nt to the location of said road, it is hereby ordered to open the same. Settlement made w.th A.J. McDon ald for culvert in towa of Weeping Water. The following claims werj then al lowed : G W Fairfield .-urvvyiiig 8 40 00 John Scott part pay on build ing culvert 600 00 R W Hyers Jailor's fees Nov.. 43 00 " b'dug prisoners Nov 76 10 F frtadelmann boarding jury in Polin case 27 00 Mc Fairfield covering culvert. 40 65 E Sampson overseer dist No. 16 40 00 S P Ifolloway b'dng and g'rdng witness 20 00 I'lattsmouth Herald Pub. Co. printing 40 00 J E Morrison fe s state case. . . Sullivan & Woo!ey att'y fees s'nte case R W livers court fees II L E Lincoln bailiff J C Eikei.bar; " S P Hi lloway - L f SHIes " i::ai:i " II f V ! .1 S " 5 00 35 00 38 20 24 00 26 00 30 00 26 CO - 00 - 00 , DMiibr assisting settlement j t ii Ti e.'.s 3 00 ! ; cat assfMin,' damages ti iiiity load o CO .1 I' Kuby rssesitiff damages Co. load 2 30 John Richardson assess'ng dam, ceuntv road 2 30 C E Wescott clothing for pris.. 7 25 I Wiles service as com 24 00 S Richaidson service as com... 16 00 J Craw foul " " 20 00 A Mc Fairfield bal. oa grading 94 Sl Roll Smith tax refunded dist. 41 3 00 Jerome Pa:iidge wo:R on cul vert 13 12 Ordered that county treasurer be instructed to receive from G. W. Nor ton, B. H. Wisdom, Wm. Short, Fallen estate tax on laada owned by them. for the year 160, without interest as per list furnished. Commissioners havmz hnisneu set tlement with treasurer, adj mrned to meet January 2nd ls83. Attest: J. W. Jexmxos. Co. Clei k. Three lirures Letter. TutiKK C.UOYK.S. Deo. 23 The rain Tuesday night softened up old Mother Karth that the roads ure getting bad to get around. Dick Oldham is going to build a new bouse soon, on the Long place; be will commence it right away, Intving the lumber now on the ground. The wooden wedding spoke of In our last letter to be held at Mr. UlalU went oft very pleasantly, a large num ber ef people were present, and a goodly number of presents were giv en. The snow storm Wednesday night and Thursday, did not make the roads dry up or get any bettar that we could see. Mr. Hartigan is conducting our win ter term of school. It closed on Fri day last, for a two weeks vacation, giving ttie scholars as well as the teacher, a chance to take in the holi days; the school having been running throe months before the winter term set in. Mr. Hart is conducting the school at Rock Creek this winter with good success. Tqe peeple around in the vicinity of Three Groves, are rejoicing more than they were last winter for having bet ter mail facilities, although we only get mail tri weekly, we gel it regular ly; the present carrier is very punctual not missing a trip so far. A good por tion of the Three Groves mail conies via Weeping Water and Avnca. As llock lSaitfj can't all nit a c.n respondei.t for the Hkkalu, we send an i it in from there, Slu-ra.s Hail, better ku vu ;:s the Old Fellows Hall, has been retltted and the lovers of Hi lantaatic had a grand ball there n Christmas night. also a supper at liowmil Allen's. The lM-eiim at l.'ofk IWutfi ha- !..-e i bos ii .i.ii:!. .ii. tl Im i.i good iiiniiiii or der. ISij; Sir. vill jrive tlieni a call soiiiuot lhi.se moonlight niul Is and see how they are prospering and prob ably report to the IlEKAl.l). Miss Carrie Solilater, of Liuiiville, made a visit in cur locality one or two days last week. Dr. Wiley returned from Ottawa, Kansas, on Saturday last. He reports Mrs. Baldwin better, and improving quite rapidly. ill Kurai, lioin kock Ureek, was stormed in two d iys last week in our neighborhood. niie coming up to town, we no tice that the Rock Creek bridge has been repaired, something very badly needed. Bio Sis. Louisville Locals. me past weeK lias oeen a gala one for the sober and industrious litti city of Louisville. On Saturday evening an interesting entertainment was given by the Lou isville school, it being the close of a very satisfactory term, taught by II. W. Zink and Miss Calkins. Monday evening the citizens united in fixing up a splendid Christmas tree, the presents were handsomely and tastefully at ranged; we are sorry our space will not permit personal mention of t he choir, as the singing would certainly have been creditable to any town in the state. Mrs. D. D. Martindale, who has long been helpless from chronic rheuma tism, we are glad to note is improv ing. Ol LefTler spent the holidays witk friends here. John Leesly, of Piattsmouth. is vis iting his brother-in-law, C. W. King. Ben Waid came in from Kearney last week, having closed up his con tract on the Kearney canal ; Ben has earned quite a reputation in his line for promptness and quality of work; he goes to Tecumseh with Tom Mur phy, of Piattsmouth, to work on the B. & M. D. I). Tapper and Philip Huber, are visiting friends in Ohio this week. The case of Laverty vs Timblen, re sulted in a judgment for Laverty to the amount of $4.50; this amount hav ing been tendered by Timblen; the plaintiff pays costs, it is said he will appeal. m m Ccaar Creek Letter. Cedar Creek, Dec. 25, 1882 Ed. Herald: Say. can you danc that German Polka? You can lear from a dancing master who visits here iit times. Last week Mr Williams, the stock man, shipped Fix ear loads of hogs from t;-N station. Mr. IIle brought in a hog that weighed 020 pounds; "takes the cake." Concord's gayest ones called on our town last Sabbath ; as the bells made quite a noise, they surely thougLt they were sleighing. The festive youths who upturned the wagon at the blacksmith shop may meet what is beyond their expectation if thev do not Quietly undo the mis chief. U. B quarterly meeting was held at Glendale on Saturday and Sunday. Mi. Snyder is '.he name of George Savles' dashing young clerk. He sold a cigar to More Anoh. A eolith, cold or sore throiit should bt ttoooed. Neulect freouentlv results in an iiscr.rao c luu disease or consump tion, lii o u's Urotichi i Troches docs not disorder tlie stomach like couh syr Uis mid b.-ilaaiiiS, init act directly on the inlhtiacd parts, allaying irritation give re lief la asthma, bronchitis, coughs catarrt and the throat troubles winch singers am eulilic sneakers are subject to. For thirty years Brown's Bronchial Troches have been recommended by physicians, and have always given gat is taction Having been tcited by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they t harp attains! Trpl l.m pri tpil TflnlT AmOD the few staple remedies of the age. Sol at 23 cents a box everywhere. Bncklen's Arnica Salre. The best salve In the world for cuts I brui.-ts, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever suit s letter, chapped hands, chilblains corns and all skin eruptions, and post lively cures piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. I'rice 3j cents per box. Jtor sale at Roberta' Pharmacy. 3ly AT JOE McVEY'S Sample Rooms Yom will find the Finest Imported French Hiandy, Champaign, and other Fin Wines. Pure Kentucky. V nisKies, several of the Itest and most popular brands of BOTTLE BEER. Fresh Beer always on draught, and Fine Ci gars. 26tf. Dr. Black's Rteumatic Cure is an internal remedy and is pronounced by hundreds who have used it to contain more true medical virtue than anj other kind thrown upon the market in the shape of oils and liniments. . It is warranted. Smith. -Black & Co., pro prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A. D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf I The World Hans Fioof. "The proof of the pudding is the eating there of," and not In chewing the string which' tied the bag. There fore, take Dr. Jones' Hed Clover Tonio It cures all blood disorders, torpid liv er, sick headache, cost iveness, and all diseases of the urinary organs. The best appetizer and tonic known. Sold by Smith & Black llros. Fifty cents per bottle. Oct.S.'Si e4 w. Bedroom and parlor seta at reduced rates at Henry Uoeck's. 3t4 Just received, a large invoice of toy suites, dressing cases, beds, cribs tables Chairs, perambulators, aleds, etc. 3'tf Harris & Unrvh. THE KEY. GKO. H.TRAHYE,for Ilurbon. lnd says: "iSoth myself and wife owe our lives to SAILOH'S CON SUMPTION CURE." ARE YOU MADE misserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow tkin? Shi 1 oil's Yitalizer is a punitive cure. WHY WILL YOU cough whenShi loh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts. 5o cts. and SI. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a posiUve cure for Catarrh, Diphth eria and Canker Mouth. For sale by SSeowly SMITH A HLACK ISROS. Uaby orpine, family organs of vnrl oiik ftylfrt.' 1'riecn. !f0, $M, $72, f'J3 and upwards; we can mi it you all iu htyiei and prices. Opera hon-o block. .'to .' l'ilii j no mIk ihi1oi ntiiiis lit per cent 1 1. an ;inaha pl ices. 1ST 1 1 llAttuis I'nui'ii. I ti Yi! Id till Moves. N.t v it iiti anding Mother Shipton's dire i redictinn, the world still exists The people wi:l live longer i.-j they ns Dr. ISinelow's Positive Cute, which subdues and conqiie s conii , colds. Consilium ion wlwi niiiir eo'ith. and all t aiHeH ..t ti. imov K.ir i.ioof call at Suiiih it Black Bro. drug store and get a bottle fiee. Oct 5, 82 29e4w .Tn' v ill s..ii i nis., the hnrdware men,! v. ill. o :,.c Koi-kvoud block i- M.i it - I I Ii. Ii tod. "tjl I Schlie.'a special brands of home, maniiTiu ! tired cigars ate the leaders in j the iioiil.et mid are made from the) best qa.ilitv of tobacco. :;ot f "HACKME TACK," a lasting and fragmnt p-iluine. Price 25 and 50 cents. SIIILOW a CUKE U I LLimmed late ly relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Com plaint i oujhjive jprinted gnari antee . ... . i ..... i --i.:i .i .. uit cicij coii.ii: yi million. s v ii..h.i.n It never fails to eirre.'' A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shiioh's Catarrh Reme dy. Price 50 cents. For sale by 3aeowly Smith ifc Blacl Bros. At Cost. A special line of laces, embroider ies and an assm tment of fancy goods will be sold at cost until after holidays. Zephyrs reduced to ten cts. an ounce. We must red tie stuck for new spring stock. Come and examine our stock before purchasing. It will pay you to do so. Mrs. Johnson & Sweeney, 3t39 Milliners. Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut ter's Glycerine Tooth Tablets. Beauti fy I Cleanse! Preserve 1 tf J. Levy Has resumed business again, will buy and sell all kinds of Furniture. Also buys Iron, Metals and Rags. I advance money on all kinds of goods. Jacob Levy. Piattsmouth, Neb. Oct. 14, 18S2-tf. Don't forget that a Mason & Ham lin organ is a holiday present that will stay by your dear Irieud louger than almot anything else you can give and give her be"ter satisfaction. 3(to Jami'A Pet Ice. Agent. D.iliiiaiis ! I) i!ni;ins! A lull and complete line in ail the latest styles. The ladies will find our stock complete and we are selling at the lowest margins at J. Y, Wech bach's. 32 if For Sate. qua r;er sections F. i k I t quarier sections of choice fa: ming lands in Cass county on reas onable terms inquire ot or write to Sullivan & Wooley, 26tf Piattsmouth, Neb New Music Store. 1'iatioF, organs, and musical nier chandise at Opera house block. 3615 For Sale. Foityacits of land one half mile tiom Piattsmouth, same will be sold tn whole or in Iocs to suit purchasers Inquire of II EEL Ell & BENNETT. ui5 Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and Notary Public, second door east of Court House. Piattsmouth, Neb. OtCrc Young men thinking of attending scnool this winter should send for circular of the Wvman Commercial College of Omaha. The studies are practical and the institution a good one. 39t4 1,000 Cords of Wood for sale by W. S. Wise. 38-tt Mrs. M. A. Buler, Ladies Nurse, of long experience. Best of Reference, Residence, Picnic Hill. Piattsmouth, Neb. Aug. .11, ,82 3m r armers ana otners desiring a gen teel. lucrative azeucy business, bv which 85 to 820 a day can be earned send address at once, on postal, to II C. Wilkinson & Co.. 195 and 197 Fid ton St., New York. 40t0m Settlement Notice All parties knowning themselve in debted to me are notified to call and make settlement by the first of Janu ary as all outstanding accounts must be settled at that time. 39t4 W. II. SCHILDKNECIIT. Manufact uringand Repairing. aod and neat, at Merges . otf o.ouo lence posts for sale, tail on or address 36tf P. L. Wi-k We are making a specialty of ti- chairs for the holiday trade. 37tf Harris & Us ti t. At Schlegel's cigar store m iv I v i be found the very best brand of -ne t ing and chewing tobaccos in t r mu ket. :;ut f Fifteen Cent Lnuch. Xext to Clark's grocery I have open ed u 15 cent lunch room; Coffee. Bread and batter. Meat, and Potatoes for 15c. Farmers come and see me. 29 lmo J. P. Antil. Fresh Oysters. Direct from the sea shore, constant ly on hand, at the Central Restaur ant. 22m3. A. Salisbury, Dentist. 13tf John Blake keeps constantly on hand a full line of fine Irish and Scotch Whiskies. Aug.17,1882 22yl. J. V. Weckbach has on hand a large and welt selected stock of carpets, and more coming. He will have the larg est and finest line ever offered in this city. 23tf Money to loan ; easy terms on im proved lands. Sullivan & Wooley. Sit ... at Union Block It will pay yon to rea i Wise's col umn in this Darter, von mar find lust vt hat von want. 9tf REAL ESTATE (AND) COLLECTION AttENCY. Law and collection business promp tly attended to at this office and pro ceeds remitted without delay. Notarial work, conveyancing and abotrarting attended to on bhort no tice ami satisfaction guaranteed. If there is any thing wc do make a specialty of, it is city and suburban real estate. Several lino fan. is aud some wild land at bargains. Laboriug men can get a homo by peying month ly what they now pay tor house rent. Space forbids giving but a small percent a l- of tho bargains now on the books ut this sigency; we name the following: Six choice half aero lots, 8 minutes from R. K. simps, at from .H0 to $150 each, and on terms that would make a man ashamed to say ho did not own a house. Come und no, you are not compelled to buy and we wont give these lots away, but im can get them so "hey w ill absolute! v cost you noth ing. Five acre lot I, un.'-r Jroin cttv lor $.'..o part on time. Eleven acre i"t niilo from city for jm'.O thi is iAtr;i line. 1 have three picies ol'outside prop erty which I cut sell and under tnke to turnUii piirchiiser work enough to p:i for tin ui, now I will fiirni-h ill'- ioiiici niul you the work, work is hut hu is me. It you will tlo the work ut a fair rice 1 will give you a clear dii! I r il land; if oil can't, do the wor ; come :iuil see me, I may find some one who will do il lor you. Ten acres for s; (X) tlOO (Ml ' " " 750 00 " " j:.oo oo Several siu ill 1 r ici ve)l improved r.tid adjoining the cilv, 1 r sale at reasonable rale-. FARM LANDS. 10 acres, wild (UK) (M hi) " improv'd 16( () OO 120 " " '0M) 00 160 " ' aOCO 00 200 ' " I'.'JUO CO JU) " " 6000 (! Finest ktod; larm in C'ass county $16000, long time and low rate ol in terest. 160 acres, wild $2500 160 ' K(i() SO " " PJOO SO " ' 32d0 160 acres, wild, K -;i. " (cash) $1000 cu v n;i.i'i;ii l v. Cor. lot 3 I. lk from shops (cheaiil-iilOO 1 1 lit 150 450 175 150 300 200 :i.-.o 41 iO 2 3 cor 1 3 cur 2 ' 3 N. ;!i sired (line) Picnic Hill V:ishi ngl on :i 1 IiI'k from M:i.n extra 1.1 ' r I m pro veil ci t y rca I c-i :.t in abun dance. I can ii ii 1 1 uli.it o.i want in this line if you will call and see me. Business houses and lots for snle at much lower figures than will be asked six months hence. Stores aud dwellings ren'ed and for rent, rents promptly collected. If you don't see what you want iu this column come and ask for it. I've probably missed just what you want. Otlice open nearly everv evening from 6 to 8. W. S. WISE, Union Block. KENDALL'S) 2:0 5 Tuk Most Successful Kf.mkoy ever dis covered as it is certain in its r fleets and does not lilimer; Also excellent for human flenli. HEAD 1'llOOK BELOW. FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER Younjjxtou 11. Ohio, May 10th, 1880. 15. .1. Kendall & Co., tientt : I had a very val uable 1 anib'.etniiian colt which I prized very 111 111 , 11c nan i larK' mine !jmv in in one join l and a small one on the oilier, which made liiai very lame ; I hail 1 1 1 fit under I he charge of two veterinary surgeons who failed to cure him. I was one duv reading the advertisement o Kendall's Spavin Cure iu the ChicuKo Ex press. I deteauiiued at once to try It. ami our clrucKists here sent for it. they ordered three bottles, I took them all and tlioii''!i! I would give it a thorough trial, I usedlit according to di rections and the fourth day the colt ceased to be lame, and the lump had disappeared. I used but one bottle and the colts liinlnt are as free from lumps and as smooth as any horse in tbe state. He is entirely cured. The cure a to remarkable that I let two ot my neighbors have the remaining two bottles who are now us idc it. Very' Respectfully, L. T. FOSTER. Kendall's Spavin Cure OX HUMAN FLESH, ratten'f Mills. N. Y.. Feb. 21. 178. B. .1. Kf.xiia!,!. & Co.. Gents : The particu lar rase on which I used your Kendall's Spavin Cure was a malignant ankle sprain of sixteen mouths standing. 1 had tried many things, hut in vain. 1 our spavin are put t he toot to the ground agniu. and for I he lir-t time since hurt, iu a natural position. For a family hniuieut it exeells anything e ever used. Yours truly, KEY. M. I Ill'I.L. castor or M. E. ( htiri h. I'atti i.s Mill. Y fend address for Illustrated circular, which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such iiui'.:alifled success, to our knowledge, for beast as well a man. Price SI, per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Druggists have it or can get it for you. or it will be sent to anv address on receipt of price by the proprietors. IK. I!. J. KENDALL & CO. Enoshurg Falls. Vt. 3-ly SOLD BY ALL DHl'KCIMS 'NEWP01 1 1 The Grand Central Hotel Af SOUTH BEND, SEB.. BIT IDIR.. H. K-LUKE. Houe newly fitted up. EveryftinK ew M1 neat. Meals and Lodging at Beuona- b!e rates. Call and try u. NEW. PurniturE StorE HARRIS & UNRUH, DKAI.EItSf IN FURNITURE 2 COFFINS, ami nil klml' of nsiuilly kepi In a F .--'rb , o. I r - v 1 c .VI u- v . a . !r FIHMT (l.tKN Kl KM TI lilt HI Oil It Also, a very eouileU dork of l'uneial timiil-i, MetalIic&Wo3ucnCoffiDs,Cr,slicts,riOl:cs, EMBLEMS, Ac. Our Niw uuil vlfuanl lieaise In alwayn In leutltllrsft. Remember the place, in UNION (BLOCK, on Sixth Street. TWO Doors south of Cass Coun ty Bank. Wlinir wo iikm le foiiiiil nlirlit or ilav. HARRIS & UNRUH, 24tt.t ri.ATTSMOt Til. M M. "MIKE "SCIIKELLBACHERr HOUSE SIIOI 1N; & WAiiON iil PAIKINtl. All Kinds of Farm ' lmpieinenls UwM will Neat I'usnaml I ilspalcli. Ilorsc, .llnlftV Ox Shoeing, In st.ort, we'll shoe anything that hu? four fret, lioin a Zebra to a tiiiall'e. Conic and see us. ITBW SHOP Ii Filth S' l.i-lui-i n Main and Vine SHeets list IIITH.H!' . 111! fli.lll III. VKV II Fit A I iioii'k lev. THIS CELEBRATED ... .It -:;,:':!; H-fx ;;y 1 JLQ T 1 DEALERS IN Hardware, Stoves and i in ware. Also Auents . th 2 Pointed MERCK A N TH UNION R Alt II WIRM We toil I stll tltii Wire as 01mnp as any mire in the imirlut. Ol vk us a call JOftES & EIKENBARY'S' COMPLETE Livery and IGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DAY OR NIGHT, EVLUV'i iiixt; IS FIRST-CLASS--Till-; BEST TEAMS IX SINGLE AND DOUBLE CAR IMAGES. TllA VELERS WILL FIND COMPLELE OUTFITS RY CAl.LISO AT TUK EE1o:e2.:o.:i? VINE AND FOURTH STS. The Finest Pressed Brick IIT THE STATE, A. U T A C c2T. Sons Orders received for any quantity and filled in a satisfactory manner. Those contemplating to Imilri should examine our work, the quality of our bricks and prices. Yard, in rear of JLSohucr Stahie, Piattsmouth, Nebraska. Cass County Iron Works JOIIX WA13IAN, rroprictor. Plattsinontli. Neb. MANUFACTURERS OF BOILEIl, ENGINES, IROX FRONTS, HOUSE COLUMNS, AND CASTINGS. Our facilities furlieivy work in Columns hqiJ Castings for Business Houm-s ! not gitrriasseil in the State. MACHINE REI'AIItlNG of ail kin.ls. Our M whine Shop is fully c.uit)vl for all classes of work in iron. Patroni.o Nebraska manufaclitritij'. V'e ilui licatc all caitern prires, saving frei-jht nl time. Parties huiluinp; in any part of the State CASS GQTJT7TTT March 11th, 1882. Tho Piattsmouth Weekly I 3 ! The Lartfitt, Oldest and llest County Paper. See our chiliblii list this week, and nriaiice to sefuri' your winl"i'a read iiiK at LOW RATES THE HERALD and any publication .n Die list at a small advance over ll-e cost of one. l'LATTSMOl'TU IIKUALD IT'HLIMIINO CO Ml' AN V John H Cii tha hnnlwam man, bit now a llrt-uU 'i'lNMEll. Cau-alt fur jii ii' on all ltlitJa of tin work. 2Jtt ... . S50.000 TO l.0.4 it VAIIH i.ivnv ri:itis imsv. tr si i.i. it a n. toi. I'ntriits oblniiicd, mid all other huiiic( in the l! S. I'.itent ollice alleiidid ., , r mo)i;i:a i k fi:i:s. Our ollice is cpiMi-ite I In I '. S I'nt cnl ollice. und we i tin olitnin pulei ls iu less line- ihun I hose remote liu.ii (A .l!lti ft)N. sen! .M i I KI or DI.AUTNO. V advise as to pal en 1 11 hi I! I y free ol i liif.'c; niul we iHiikc No 'I I A i IvS I'XLKSS U K OUI AIN I'ATLNT. We letcr. here, lit the l'o- niastir, iheSiiil.ol Money Order div., mid Hi.' i l!i ial ot the ''. S. I'ulitit ollice. For : in ular. advice. Ieiiu. and refer- cures lo iii liial clients ill your o II 1 -tote o con ul y . mid l ess Opposite 1'ali nt Ollice, Washington, D.C. M7t' AX FOR SALE BY ale Stable. n.r. city 9 f U)0J ill Julvltf. TLATTSMOUTH NEB. T IT It S IS Y s& Soicn.. should write for our terms on ant in I23.0IT WOHKS " PLATTSMOTUn NEB. j plattsmout; DAYID .AJiLLLK, J raveling Salesman. ' "oN-st-clianiinil Manaffpr. II 0 M. 8TKEIGHT. Bulne ManaRer. 1 y -1 s