Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, March 10, 1894, Image 3

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I'OUIIINKH'H miigaxlno for March
opens with tlio second article ly
,1ihI Chandler Harris on "The Hen
Island Hurrlcuni'M" tliiH ono dealing
ooelally with the groat rollof work
which Ih being iHiulncti' hy Miss Clam
lliirton nnil tho Red Cross society. Tho
distress in these Islands Ih llkoly to In
crease until tho Unit crop ahull ho until
orcd in tho Into spring, o thai tho noo
salty Ih apt to ho (limit at 11 tlmo whon
tho publlo him, for the most part, lost In
forest In tho catastrophe. Mr. HnrriH,
in IiIh tour fr Scrlbnor's magazine
through nil those islands, Iiiih presented
not only tho tlintrciwliiK part of tho
cntiiHtropho hut the httmormiH hIiIo of it
which tho sou-Island negro ho plentifully
furnishes. Ho Iirh umd tho finest litor
nry skill in doplotlng these HtratiKO
IrIiiiuIh nnil tholr picturesque Inhabit.
uutH, ho that after reading tho iirtlclo
ono feels that ho him actually lived in
now and curious surroundings. Tho
striking Illustrations hy Daniel Smith,
Hindu from sketches on tho spot, mid to
thin impression of reality.
Tho Contury for Mnroh hrlHtlofl with
M)intH, having mtnthcr of articles on
novel mid unliiuo toplcH written hy per
hoiib Hpocinlly ualllled to treat them.
Tho opening article is u nkotch of llfo In
'Tho Tullorlea Umlor tho Hocond Em
plre," hy MIsb Anna L. Ulcknell, who
whh mi inmnto of tho Tullerles tin an In
structor of tho children of cno of tho
court finiiilloH. MIm Ulcknell gives h
graphic Idea of tho daily round of lito at
tho palaco, and tho urtlclo ia interest
Ingly Illustrated with full-page portraits
of tho prlnco imperial v "Napoleon III
and Eugenie" (standing), and an engrav
ing of tho head of tho empress, from
Wlnterhaltor'a famoua group tho last
Iwlng printed ao a' frontiploco with an
appropriate aocond empire decoration.
Thia artlclo la tho sixth in the group of
papers relating to tho Honiipartes which
tho Contury has printed within n year.
Who aro tho moat famous writers and
artists of both continents? Tho Cos
mopolltan magaatno ia endeavoring to
anawor thia inquiry by printing a Hat
from month to month in Ita contents
pages. Thia magaiino claims that not
standing ita extraordinary reduction in
price, it la bringing the most famoua
writers and artlata of Europe and Amer
ica to intoroat ita readers, and in proof
of this claim, submits tho following list
of contributors for tho tiro months end
ing with February: Valdes, Howells,
Paul Heyso, Franclsque Sarcoy, Robert
Grant, John J. Ingalls, Lyman Abbott,
Frederick Maaaon, AgneaRoppller, J. G.
Whittior, (posthumous), Walter Besant,
Mark Twain, St. Goorgo Mivart, Paul
Uourget, Loulso Chandler Moulton,
Flammarion, Tlssandlor, , Dempster
Sherman, Adam Badoau, Captain King,
Arthur Sherburne Hardy, Georgo Ebore,
Do Maupassant, Sir Edwin Arnold,
Spielhagen, Andrew Lang, Berthelot, H.
II. Uoyeeen, Hopklnaon Smith, Lyman
J. Gage, Donlel C. Gilman, Frans von
, Lonbach, Thomaa A, Janvier. And for
artlata who havo Illustrated during the
name tlmo:' Vierge, Reinhart, Marold,
F. D. Small, Dan Beard, Jose Cabrlaety,
Oliver Herford, Remington, Hamilton
Gibson, Otto Baohor, H.S.Mowbray,
OttoGulllonnet, F. G, Attwood, Hopkln
aon Smith, George W. Edward, Paulde
Longpre, Habert Dye, F. H.Bchsll.'How
thia is done for 11.60 a year, the editor
of the Cosmopolitan alone know..
The North American Review haa sel
dom offered Its readers ao great a variety
ot subjects aa tho March, , number con?
tains, nor presented to them a more re
markable list ot contributors.' The open
ing article, which is entitled "The House
of Representatives and the House of
Commons,'' ia certain to attract consid
erable attention on both sides of the
Atlantic. It la by tho secretary of the
navy, Hon. Hilary A. Herbert, whose
long service in the popular branch of
congress makes him peculiarly qualified
to discuss the question from the Ameri
can point of view. Governor Greenhalgo
of Massachusetts, answers tho objections
that havo been made to his proposal 'for
holding an informal "Conference ot Now
England Governors," and tho United
States commissioner of navigation, Hon.
Eugene Tyler Chamberlain, contributes
an able artlclo entitled "A Present
Chance for American Shipping." Under
the caption ot "The New Aspect of the
Woman Question," Sarah Grand, author
ot "The Heavenly Twins," contributes a
clever and powerful article on tho rela
tion ot the sexes,
"An Eclipse ot Virtue," by Champion
Biasell, U the striking title of a novel
contained in the March number ot
"Tales from Town Topics." A rather
startling exposition ot the mysterious
power ot love is made in this story, We
find a beautiful young widow of great
fortune rejecting to some extent the
devotion ot an ardent young lover. She
philosophlxea over the unwisdom of
marrying him, although she loves him
devotedly, and then ot a audden she
literally kidnaps him, by drugging him
and carrying him away albne with her
or a yacht. Their life together is ideal
but fatal, and it only requires the ap
pearance ot a wild little native ot San
Dolago to rob the widow of her caval
. 'er, The little Cuban girl is the means
of bring tho story to u tragic climax, and
tho renders may nee tho khhIIIh despair
that results from woman's depravity and
man's deceit. The atory Ih written In a
brink and daring ntjle, ami Ih ikcoiii
panted by an umtminlly bright collection
of narrative, poems and witticisms
culled from the pages of Town Topics.
The lato iMr. Georgo W. CIiIIiIh wiim
butter known iih an Individual giver
than perhaps any other man In the
United StittcH. It Ih no exaggeration to
nay that Mr. Chllds, for tho hint half of
his life, put more time, lubor and pains
into the work of giving than ho did into
making money. To many people he
Reamed to Realtor IiIh glftH broadcast
ami lieatow thum liiillHcrlminatlngly.lmt
IiIh giving was not without method. In
the Review of KuvIowh for March Mr.
CIiIIiIh' method of giving iHiippreclatively
yet dlRcrlmlnntlugly described by Tab
cott WilllnniH of tho Philadelphia Press.
TIiIh article Ih HIiiHtrnted with ortrnlts
of Mr. Chlldn at dllTerent agcH, mid on
giavlngH of Rome ot IiIh moHt notable
glfta. .
Aftrr HrritUfiiKl
To purify, vitalize mid enrich the Mood,
and give nerve, , bodily and dlgcHtlvo
Htrongth, take HooiI'h SarHiiparllla. Con
tinue the medicine after every meal for
a month or two and you will feel "like a
new man." The merit of HooiI'h Bar
Hiiparllln Ih proven by its tliouHiindH of
wonderful cures. Why don't you try It?
Untitling it Sou are Helling Wash
bron Sc Crosby Superlative for ?1.2T
per Back; also 2Tc California can frtiitH
for 15c. Honey Dew can goodH at 250,
TIicbo nre wonderful reductions in priccH
but the tlmeB demand it of ub. Store
1425 O ntreet. Tel. 010.
Why pay exorbitant prices for up
holstering when Rothschild (Ioch first
class work tit low rates; 120 North 12th
troet. Burr block.
For Texan -mints take tho Missouri
Pacific route. City ticket olllco 1201 O
Whitcbrouflt Coal and Lime Co.
Genuino Coal Creek Canyon and
Rock Springs coal at tho WhitebreiiHt.
Canon City and Rock SpringH coa
nicely screened ut Lincoln Coal corn
puny. Now is tho Unto to take a trip to Flor
ida via tho Missouri Pacific route. City
ticket ofllco 1201 O street, Lincoln, Neb.
The Great Rock Island Routo is now
running a tourist car, leaving Albert
Lea every Monday afternoon on tho
Minneapolis & St. Louis railway, and via
Albert Lea, Liveriuoro, Ft. Dodge,
Angus, Don Moines, Omaha, Lincoln,
Phlllipsburgh and Pueblo, rutin over tho
Scenic and Ogden routen to San Fran
cisco and Los Angelos. .
This is a PhilllpH-Rock Inland tourist
car, and is accompanied by a tourist
conductor through to tho count, and runs
on tho fantest trains, and a bccoikI class
ticket takes you In this cur.
Tho rato for berth reservation in low,
being only N through to tho Pacific
points, and proportionately Icbb for
points on routo, and there Ih no better
way to tako In tho groat mid-winter fair.
To those who cannot go Tuesdays tho
great Rock Island routo runs another
tourist car. leavinir Minneanolis ever
Thursday morning, vhi Albert Lea,
Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids and Colum
bus Junction to Kansan City, and on to
Pueblo over tho Scenic routo and South
er Pacific runs to San Francisco and
Los Angeles.
For full particulars, address
G. TV A., 0. R, I. & P. Ry.,
Mlil-Wltitor Fair, Nan Cut., K-
r union Ticket Now 'on Hate
WlthHound Trip, Limit
April 30 '04.
The Trunk lino between Lincoln,
Atchison, St. Joe, Wichita, Hot Springs,
St. Louis, Houston, Galveston, Los
Angles and all points oust west north
and south. Como and' go via tho
Missouri Pacific tho popular chair car
routo. II. 0. Townsehd G. P. A. St.
Louis, Mo. Phil Daniels C. P, & T. A.
Tolophono .No. 509. City ofllco 1201 O
street, Lincoln Neb.
If you are sick or debilitated, do not
lo discouraged. Compound Oxygen has
wrought many wonderful cures and hue
given strength to many. Wo know thin
to bo truo from our own oxporlonco of
twenty-five years, and wo aro reudy to
furnish abundant proof.
It ia worth your while to examine tho
evidence, which you can da by writing
to us. Wo will send you, froo ot chargo,
our book of two hundred pagea with
numerous testimonials and records of
surprising euros of asthma, boonchitis,
consumption, catarrh, rheumatism, nor
voua prostration, nouralgla and other
forms ot disease and dobility.
Home treatment is sent out by ex
press, to be used at home. Ofllco treat
ment is administered here. Tho effect
ot both treatments is the samo. Con
sultation free.
Our success has given rise to many
imitations. Avoid disappointment and
loss ot money, as there is but ono genuine
Compound Oxygen, by sending to
1520 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa., San
Francisco, Cal.f Toronto, Canada.
ill H
Jrfs'lIK double-breasted
VV three button ciita'
jr trousers of which it
I frock and the
away Hint, tiie
are interchange
able, mo tlm only correct coHtiitueH for
day drew, and the mntoriulHUHCil for the
coat and vi-hI are the name for both and
Include iinllnlHlied worntedn, worsteds
vlcu nan ami chevlotH. The double
breiiHted frock will be biitHllghtly differ
ent In st)lo during the Incoming hchrou
from what it wiih last fall, If tho differ
ence in mcamircd by inchcH;but In effect
the difference will be marked, and tho
coat will be much improu'd by it. It Ih
more a difference of refinement than
anything oIho -the polishing, an it were,
of a rough diamond. The extreme long
nklrtH of the coat came ho Hiiddenly that
Hovoral characterlHtlcH of the do'xmed
Itoh-talls were retained with them for a
time, making a heterogeneoiiH comioutul
of Htylo that wiih a boon to the mighty
army of catlcattiro artlHtH. Hut the in
congruoiiH characterlHtlcH havo beon
eliminated, and the coat Ih now, and will
continue to be throughout the hciihoii, a
consistent, graceful and beautiful gar
ment, that will be very popular with all
who rightly value article drcHH. The
principal changcH are a shorter waist, a
longer collar and fuller nklrtH. For a
man of average height, 5 feet 8 iuchcH,
the wnlnt length will be from n. to 18
liichcn; the full length will be from 12 to
II IiicIich; the nklrtH will have connider
able more bottom (ullncHHthan they had
hint fall, and the collar will be longer
and the gorge lower than they were then.
The vohI may be nlnglo or double
breanted, whether made from the hiiiuo
material iih the coat, or ot a fancy vent
ing; but the Hiiigle-brciiHted vent will bo
much more worn than the other, and
fancy vcntlugH promise to bo In much
Ichh demand than for many hcuhodh.
In woolen materlalH, an in everything
oIbo under the huh, hltUory repentB itnelf,
and the reign of plain fabrics him now
lasted no long that it hcciub rcanonablo
to anticipate nomothing in tho nature ot
a reactionary movement. The quietness
prevailing in 1)Uh1iiuhh generally will, jo
nomo extont, retard thin feeling, and In
any ciiho fiiHhion'B chungen tire brought
ubout ho gradually nowadays that noth
ing in the nature of a revolution Is to bo
oxpocted; but there 1b no denying tho
fact that the feeling for neat effects in
fancy worn ted, wool and cheviots Ih
slowly but surely growing, and in styles,
too, a steady but, ut tho name tlmo, not
too radical advance toward inoro pro
nounced effects is distinctly noticeable,
but will tuko some little tlmo to make
itself thoroughly felt. Quietness and
rollnomoiit will prevail. Neat effects in
checks and striticH will bo sold, and many
attractive new stylos of that character
have beon received with much favor,
especially in undressed fancy suitings in
soft hrowhn, drabs and grays.
It can scarcely bo considered un
natural that the prevailing color tono ot
tho fabrics for tho incoming season
should reflect to nomo ox'tent the somber
"grnyncBs" ot the commercial horizon.
Certain it ,is that gray in Kb various
shades will predominate for spring and
Bummer trado'. Of course thero will bo
many varieties of color und combination,
but it in sufo to nny that 'the inclination
will bo to approach the shades verging
on tho bordern of "browndom," as a
chungo from the blues und slutee to
.which wo have been no long accustomed.
These highly colored statements refer
chietly, it is needless to say, to full suit
lugB and to trouserings. For double-
breasted frocks and cutaways black,
Oxford und Cuinbridgo will apparently
bo most in favor.
Fuirly wide stripo effects tiro likely to
bo populur for troiiHorn, whilo vory nent
stripes aro cquully udupted for both pur
poses. Extreme novelties, however, aro
pronounced stripes, und they have also
sold well. Soft wornted und wool
trouserings will bo qven inoro populur
than herotoforo, and cheviot trouserings
uro ulso Increasing in favor, especially in
tho pronounced stripes. ' ',
There in overy indication that fancy
vestlngB will bo good sollorn thin season,
and thero never was it inoro pleasing
variety to choose from. Thero uro Purls
vcBtings in silk und wool mixtures, und
with overy imaginable description of fig
uro from u pin spot to u plaid, und of
overy concoivublo shade. Thero uro ulso
plain effects in basket and honeycomb
weaves in drubs, ntono colors und creams
for weddings und evening dress. Fine
white inarsoilles in solid,, effects in
buskots, honeycombs, piquoputtorns and
ottoman ribs nro vory uttruetlvo, as uro
also the fancy niurseilles in white
grounds und u variety of flguro effects in
delicuto colorings.
Both dressed und undressed gloves
will bo worn with equal correctness for
Bpring und summer und tho shades will
not bo by uny means urbltrury. Tho
various shades of tun will probably bo
most fuvored, but fawns und pearls espo
ciully in tho undressed finishes will bo u
good deal used. For evening weur peurls
In self or black stitching uro correct.
Tho bell crowned silk hut is appar
ently established flrml in tho estima
tion of the beat dressers. Its (lowing
curves and graceful rolling brim make
It an entirely appropriate adjunct to the
longitudinal auiplitudo of tho present
vogue in coats and thoro is no likelihood
of its being superseded by anything elso
for nomo time.
Mr Anna Sutherland
Kalamazoo, Mich., bad iwelUots In the neck, ot
Qoltre ye'? cmTg 40 Years
Teatsufferlne. 'When the caught cold could not
walk two blocks without fainting. She took
Hood's Sarsaparilla
And U now free from It all. She has urged
many others to take Ilood's Bamparllla and
they hare also been cured. It will do you good.
HOOD'S PILLS Cure 11 Llrer III, jaundice.
nut utaatcbe, duiooimm, lour itomMii,
Prompt, nawer and an boneit opinion, write to
M II NN & CO. who bare had nearly flhr years'
experience In the patent buMnen. Oommnnlca
lion liictlr confidential. A llandboak ot Irv
.Jortnatlon concerning Patema and bow to ob
tain tbcm lent free. Alto a caulogtM of aechaa.
leal and aclentino booki aent freer
patent taken tbrouab Munn A Co, recetTS
epecial notloelnthe Scientific Awirrlcaa.asd
Ihua are brouiht widely before tbe publlowlU.
pat coat to, the Intentor, Tble tplendld paper,
aiucd i weekly, eleaantly llionrated. baa by fartbo
lanreat ciraulatlon ot any aelentlflo work in tba
w5T'.3Jljr"ar 8mfi!e copies aent free..
Bulldlna aVAuoD. monthly, tlio a year. 8inle
copies, js cents. Erery number contains beau
tiful plates. In colors, and photographs ot new
houses, with plans, enabling builders to abow tba
lateat destims and secure contracts. Address
If you want work that 1 pleaiant mid proll table,
endui youruildri'si liuincdlati'lv. We tiuch mm
and women how to earn from fcA.OO per day to
3,000 per yrr without liming had prcvloui
experience, and lurnith the cuiplowueiit ut which
they can make that amount. Notliluy difficult to
learn or that require much time. The work is
easy, healthy, und honorable, nnd can bedone dur.
Inj daytime or etcnlugi, right in ) our own local
Ity, wherever joii II o. The reault of a few
hours' work often equals a week's wng-es.
MTe hare taught thouiamla of both tcxci anil nil
,ei. and many hare laid foundation that will
surely; bring them riches. Home or the mnarlent
inenlnthU country owe their ducccm In life to
the dart given them whlfc In our employ years
ago. You, render, limy do n well! try It. You
cannot fail. Nocnpllnlneccssnrv. Ve fit you out
with aomethlng Hint la new, sof 111, and aure. A
book brimful of advice Ii free to all. Help your
elf by writing for It today not tomorrow.
Delay, are coitly.
OX 420,
C. E. SPAHR, M. D.
enaetiei limitso to diiiiiii or thk
tit and NOSEt AR
.Uks.cs camruLLV adjustko.
o 3
TIIE COURIER will bo clubbed with any repntablo publication in tho world, the two publications costing only a
slight advance over tho price of ono, und in muny cuses exactly the subscription price ot ono. Remittances may bo miide
by post-ofllce money order, registered letter or draft. If ou want uny paper not in the ubovo list write for our terms.
Any reader of thinjiupor can get it froo hy securing 11 club of three BUbflcril)es
and forwarding their mimes, on this iilank, with tiiiikk i(m,aiih,
Henilt by Imnk draft, postofllco or oxpress mnnoy order or registered lotter.
Hamplo copies will bo sent free on application.
Herewith find $.'(.00, and tlio names of three HiilmcrllmrRon blank clipped from
V"; Satuijiiay Moiimmi CouniKii, published at Lincoln, Notirnsku. l'leaso Bend
each of the HiibacriberH named.
Name of Sender
NamcH of Subscribers.
FOR im
The reputation that the Weekly Herald has enjoyed for many years of bcinB
I 'tin i vlno 0W8lmI,cr l tho'ni- w, materially added to (luring tho year
of 1801. No pains or oxpcnra will bo spared to make it in overy department the
most reiki b o, ntcrestinir and instructive or all weekly newspaper publications.
It will bo improved in many ways.
A number of new features and departments will bo added. Tho latest do
oloj mont in all fields of conteiutKiraiieoiiB human interest will bo ably discussed
from week to week by accomplished writers.
will bo given in a concise but comploto form. Every important or interesting
event, either at homo or abroad, will bo duly described In tho columns of tho
Weekly Herald.
In politics tho Herald is absolutely independent andsound. It tells tho rights
and wrongs ot all Bides without fear. b
Farmers and stock raisers cannot afford to bo without the Weekly Herald
during tho coming year. It will contain a regular donv.rtmoiit each weok dovotod
oxc usivoly o subjects of timely interest to them, and giving many valuablo sug
gestions and now ideas.
The women and children of tho land will Und in the Weekly Horald u welcome
visitor. The household nnil flillrlrmi'u muma mill l... iw.n. :....,.....!.. 1 .....
... mi iii i i. V. . "'" m iiinii uunvo nun uiliur-
I taining. riioy will abound in hints and receipts which women so mueh vnlnn.
A brilliant array of novels and short HtorieB by tho best writers in America
and Eng and has been secured, so that fiction will be ono of tho most attractivo
features in tho Weokly Horald during 1851.
in uici, no wcoKiy iieram win no a
with a comploto newspaper.
Only fl.QO a Year.
tIrci: FOR
Herald Square, New York.
Your Popemt oiicl Mneaxlnea In ttxii
csi-Kil stave money tlicae txtxr-cl tlxxicsa.
Rosulor Yoarly Hegulnr Pries
tinb. Prlco. of Both.
v $1.50 Cosmopolitan Magazino and the Courier eV),50
4.00 Harper's Magazine and the Courier (1,00
4.00 Harper's Weekly and tho Courier 0.00
4.00 Harjier's Ilazar and tho Courier 0.00
4.00 The Century Magazine and the Courier 0.00
.'.00 Scribnor'H Magazino and the Courier 5.00
D.00 "Puck" and tho Courior 7.00
5.00 "Life" and the Courior 7.00
4.00 Frank Leslie's and the Courior 0.00
1.75 Youth's Companion (now) and the Courior .'1.75
1.00 New Vork Weokly World and tho Courier .'1.00
II.O0 Scientific American and tho Courier 5.00
5.00 Scientific American Supplement and the Courior, 7.00
7.00 Scientific American unci supplement and Courior 9,00
1.00 Ladies' Home Journal and the Courier .'1.00
5.00 Judge and the Courier 7.00
:t.00 Lippincott's and tho Courior 5.00
5.00 Forum and tho Courier 7.00
2.50 Demorest's and tlio Courier 4.50
.'1.00 Outing and tho Courier 5.00
.'t.OO St. Nicholas and tho Courier 5.00
4.00 Now York Dramatic Mirror and tho Courier.... 0.00
4.00 New York Clipper nnd tho Courier 0.00
4.00 Sporting Life and tho Courier 0.00
4.00 Texas Sirtings and tho Courier 0.00
4.00 Truth and the Courior 0.00
'1.50 La Modo-dO'PariB und tho Courier 5.50
1.50 La Modo, Now York, and the Courier 11.50
.1.50 Album-do-Modo, N. Y., und the Courior 5.50
1.50 McCluro's Magazino und tlio Courior ,'1.50
ii is
State .
magazine or tho highest ordor, combinod
Our Priea
for Both.
rlnoolnf CT30rcaawlsia
i-MuV.B.'Uf-e.a'i.( -
B SBW -- "
; ':;,"i",iri )..'. rrx