Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, March 10, 1894, Image 2

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H But lllitorlotl Hoelitj
Box 1181
f Saturday Moaning Courier
VOL. 0, NO li).
Tho visible Hiiiply of corn hits not
boon larger in twelve jours at this sea
boh, Buys Clupp A Co. Wo recall no sea
Hon when tho crop grown, in comparison
to homo consumption or exports, vvaR
near ub huge. Cribbors overywhoro re
port loss stock than iiHUal; eviilences
Bcein to accumulate indicating runners
have been forced to sell, and cribberH
could not carry their piircluiHCH ontBido
of primary markets. The export de
mand is fair. Tho price, iil:o wheat,
BcctiiH too low, and a tempting invest
ment for tho patient operator.
"When better timcH will arrive is a
question to which a positive anflwer can
not bo made," Bays tho Now York San.
"With tho present 1 ow prices for wheat
nnd other food products no improvement
can bo hoped for immediately at tho
west; tho correspondingly low price of
cotton depresses business at tho south,
and tho reaction of tho two together
upon the manufacturing industries of
tho north and tho cast has a liko effect
thero. Tho partisans of free silver coin
ago insist that tho prevailing low prices
of wheat, cotton and other agricultural
BtapleB aro entirely tho result of tho
demonetization of silver, and could bo
cured by romonotizing it. If they woro
right in this respect thoy would have an
argument in favor of adopting tho
remedy they advocato entitled to re
spectful consideration, but unfortunate
Jy, tho facts aro not on their Bide. That
tho fall in silver has not produced tho
fall in agricultural products, but, that
both aro tho results of a liko abundant
supply which has outrun demand, is
demonstrated by statistics. Tho world's
crop of wheat and cotton, liko that of
silver, has doubled and tnoro than
doubled during tho past twenty years,
whilo tho domand for tho staples has not
increased in proportion. Tho ofton re
peated assertion that tho prico of wheat
has coincided with tho fall of silver,
which, indeed, for a few years wrh true,
Is certainly not truo now. In January,
1891, tho prico of wheat at London,
which is tho world's market, wan .'12
shillings nnd 7 penco sterling per quarter
of eight bimholB, and silver was 18 penco
por ounce. On January 1 of this year
wheat in Ijondon was 20 shillings and 6
penco per quarter, while silver was .'II
pence per ounce. Silvor, therefore, dur
ing these lastthreeyearshasfallen more
than one-third in price, but wheat has
fallon only one-sixth. Sinco January 1
silver liar, had a further fall from .'11
penco to 27' ( ponce, while wheat has
fallen only from 2(5 shillings and li penco
to about 23 shillings. Again, between
January, 1801, and July, 1 811 , while
silver fell from -18 pence to 10 penco por
ounce, wheat actuall rone from 112 shill
ings and 7 ponco per quarter to .'10 shill
ings and (S ponce, and similar contrary
movements of tho prices of tho two
commodities havo occurred several times
sinco. Moreover, oven if tho demonetiza
tion of silvor had caused its fall in prico
as compared with gold and remonotiziiig
it wculd restore it to its old rates, it does
not fallow that the pi ice of wheat would
bo restored likewise. On tho contrary,
silver, being mado equal to gold at 15j
or HS to 1, would measure commodities
to their disadvantugo, just as gold does
now and would keop them at their pros
set low gold prices."
Thero is no appreciable change in tho
situation bo far this week. Tho contin
ued fair weather is having its effect, and
wholesale houscflin all linen report an en
couraging condition of affairs. Country
merchants aro buying very conservative
ly. Tho saleB are mostly made at tho
house, merchants preferring to make a
trip to jobbing editors to purchase their
goods at this Unic, while traveling men
report only a fair business from tho
country. This Ib owing, probably, to
tho fact that the country roads aro Btill
in such poor condition that fow farmers
caro to come to town and merchants are
availing themselves of the opportunity
to do thoir buying at headquarters. Tho
free tickets oireredby Omaha jobbei Bare
of course stimulating trade in this direc
tion. With fair weather, howovor, tho
roads will be in tirst-class condition
within li week or ton days, and a revival
in trade among country dcalora may
curtltinly be looked for. And as a result,
jobbers will also tlnd improvement, both
as to tho bI.o of tho bills and their num
bers. At Omaha the jobbers have been do
ing a vory fair trade, owing to tho olTer
of the commercial organization to pay
the faro of retailors desirous of buying
goods, and many dealers who have hith
erto bought very little at this point, and
some indeed who havo never bought at
Omaha before, havo placed orders for
nice amounts.
It Ih u peculiar phase of the situation
that bankers throughout tho country
report requests for loans from farmers
who havo nover borrowed money before.
This 1b bo especially in tho wealthy bcc
tions of the state, and is owing to tho
fact that farmers aro holding their grain
for better prices and prefer paying a
heavy rate of interest for tho money to
selling tholr produce at present llgures.
How Ion;; this will lust can only bo a
matter of conjecture, and these parlies
will havo to let go come time, either to
sell for higher prices or because thoy do
not care or cannot alTord to hold on any
Frank M. Hlish, manager of R. G.
Dun A Co., furnishes tho following sum
mary of the luminous situation to Tun
Cot'iziKit: HusinoBB for tho week show
some impiovemont, particularly in those
lines most likely to feel tho effect of fnv
orablo weather. Whether this improvo
mont is moioly a brief Bpurt, directly
ti'uceablo to tho open spring weather, or
otherwise, it is altogether welcome and
hits finally infused some little and ener
gy hero and there. Banks report rath
er an increased demand for money and
tnoro than thoy are able to supply, not
withstanding the statements of our four
national bunks dutcd February 28th and
published during tho wook which show
a gain in deposits over the statements
of Dec. 10th of 82:10,508.88 or nearly 12
per cent. This increase is quite largely
from tho interior banks and would seem
to indicate improved conditions in tho
state at largo. Tho Cincinnati 1'rire
Cm-rent jimt published shows that 20,
000 Logs woro packed in West Lincoln
from Nov. to March as compared with
2 1, CCO for tho corresponding period a
year 1130. As nearly all tho westorn
packing points showed a decreased busi
ness thero is somo encouragement in
this. Thoro has been no local failures
during this week and up to this timo
but one failure of consequence since
Jan. 1st. Omaha business circles aro
wrestling with a number of largo pro
jects, among them tho establishment of
a third wholesale dry goods house. This,
thoy seem to feel, would inako them
more and more ablo to cope successfully
with tho heavy business done in Ne-
Ibraska and contiguous torritnry by St.
Joseph and other competing points.
What a pity we cannot cumpeto for a
little of this business ourselves. Here
wo are with tho best of railroad facilities
and a trade about us moro than willing
to give us a share of their patronage,
and we have nothing to offer. It is dilli
cult to over-cstimnto the advantages
that would come to us in tho years
aoead if wo woro ablo to assure tho gen
eral .merchandiso dealer of the state that
ho could como to Lincoln not only for
his groceries, confectionary, fruit, cigars,
queensware, hats, cups and tho like, but
for his boots and shoes, his hardware
and his dry goods. Tho getting in of
theso lines will prove moro nnd tnoro
difficult as tho years go by and as tho
cities about us staengthen themselves
in each department. Wo huvo no cham
ber of commerce, just at this time, but
every loyal Lincolnito should keop an
yo out, and his voico ready for tho en
courugoment of anything likely to bring
about a constimation "so devoutly to bo
Hatavia canned goods at actual cost. & Giffohd
1211 O Street.
To tliu Killturuf ThkCoukikk:
If the managers of tho Lincoln Slate
Journal would coaso publishing Anuin's
rot about Tobio Castor'B littlo black
book and pencil and quit heralding
Ilryan's trip to Denver and ceuso an
nouncing his contemplated speeches, the
readors of that journal would almost bo
willing to hold a iiuibb meeting and pass
a vote of thanks. This stuir has boon
sent to tho Journal now for b!x montlts
or tnoro, till tho readors aro heartily sick
and disgusted with it. Of courso, if tho
Journal follfH aro anxious tocoutiuuo it,
it is their privilege to do bo; but they
havo no moral right to thus punish their
Tobio'H arrival in Washington is
heralded forth as an ovont of great na
tional consequence Who cares what
hiB little black book contains? Who
cares whether he dines with ox-Senator
Moody, of South Dakota, or whether ho
rideB out with Secretary Morton in an
elegant barouche or on a whito piuo
buckboard? Who cures whothor ho
gota a democrat appointed to a 818 a
yoar postolllco? Who is Tobio Custor
anywayV Ho is a very small bore lento
crntiu politician - uncouth and uncul
tured. Ho is tho 11. A M. right-of-way
man, and is, perhaps, as competent to
detorinlno tho vnluu of a piece or dirt as
any other democratic plug, and yot ho is
magnified by Anuitiiuto the great mogul
of tho democratic party of NobniBka
its grand almoner in tho dispensation of
patronage. No democrat, not even
Ogdoti or McShano or Ireland or Charlie
Hrown or Charilo or Plutt or lllnmun or
lloyd can got an olllco from this admin
istration except through permission of
this nntorrilled democrat, Tobio Castor.
Is not this humiliating to tho old demo
cratic stand-ins who havo borne (ho
heat and brunt of the fights through
yearB to bo turned down now by this
Tobio CiistorV
Wo do appeal to tho Journal in bo
half of a largo Buffering public to re
lieve them of Tobio Castorism and II ry
allium. If Mr. Ilryan desires to go to
Denver or to the Pacific coast it Is not
the duty of a republican paper to be his
mouthpiece. Oivo ub u rest from Hry
nn, Castor and A nninlsm. Aiinin had
best look up some other subject.
T. II. M.
The famous Mendelssohn Quintette
club of Boston, will give a concct in
tho Univorsalist church Friday evening
March 10. This club has hud a cotitlnu;
us existence of forty-four yearB. It has
boon under the leadership of one man,
Mr. Thomas Ryan, for twenty-five yours.
Miss Lila Jucl, tho prima dona, Ih with
tho compauy. Tickets may bo procured
at II. W. Hrown's drug Btore. Price 00
Canon City coal at tho Whltohrcust
Coal and Limo Co.
All ladles prefer the Lee broom.
Ami Vnnt Thiin to Ft. Worth, If mutton utiil
l.B I'orte, Tpxiin.
Parties going to tho above points can
biivo nearly twolvo hours in tltno by
taking tho great Rock Island route.
Fast TexiiB oxpreBS leaving Lincoln at
8:20 a. in. reaches Ft. Worth 8:12 a. iu.
and Houston at 7:.'10 p. m. tho following
day. Only one night out. A member
or tho La jiorto syndicate will accom
pany tho party leaving over tho Rock
Island on Tuesday tho 0th inst.
For rates otc. call at city ticket ofHco
1015 O street, corner Eleventh.
C. T. A P. A.
Ilnrvt'nt Kxi'iit-Klon,
Via tho Minsouri PaciHu On tho
Bccond Tuesday in December 181)3
January, Fobuary, March, Ap-il and
May 1804 tho Missouri Pacific route
will sell round trip tickets to all stations
in Texas with final limit to return in 1)0
days from date of sale. Stop over are
ul lowed in ArkanBas, Toxus ami Okla
homa, New Mexico and Indian Torri
tory. Como and take a trip to tho
south. Pin 1. Danikxh, C. P. A T. A.
1201 OBtreet.
Hatavia canned goods ut actual cost.
MlLl.Klt & GlHKOKI),
1211 O Street.
See our ,.
and got
on tho
finest lino
of programs
and invitations
for commencement
over shown
in Lincoln
will bo
to show
you these
lb'M N
Hatavia canned goods at actual cost.
Ml I.I, Hit A GlFI'OIII),
121IO Sheet.
im b
jf HE COURIER bus recorded tl o
Qf fact of the growing breach be
jf tween Congressman Hyran and
the administration, Until recently it
has seemed as though this breach pro.
eluded any further imiucdiutoludvuiiconii
iho part of the congressman; but observ
ant politicians havo noted a change iu
the sltuaiion. Within tho last two
months thoro has been a decided roue
lion against the administration among
Mr. Ilryan's constituents and among tho
democrats of the state gener
ally. This has been caused
chlolly by tho iolicy of the administra
tion in tho matter of appointments, al
though a strong secondary reason exists
in Iho attitude of Mr. Cleveland and his
supporters on tho silver question. Tho
dissatisfaction has almost reached tho
point whore it Ib disaffection. Tho fool
ing iu this county over tho appointment
6f Mr. Hurley is a fair sample of tho
Sentiment elsewhere; the natural result
6f this fooling will bo to strengthen Mr.
firyan, and It is conceded on all sides
(hat ho ifl much stronger in his own
party now than ho wan a fow months
Igo. Politicians who freely predicted,
not so very long back, that the congress
Man could not securo tho democratic
nomination for governor, now say that
flls chances aro pretty good. Mr.
Aryan's political Tate will bo assured
ono way or another in the next two
O. W. Welmtor has reconsidered,
will accept a re-nomination,
A. II. Hutton, tho contractor and
builder, is a candidate for councilman in
tho Fourth ward.
In tho First ward Daly will doubtless
bo returned.
Lawlor In tho Second nnd Graham in
tho Third, will, apparently, huvo a very
easy timo of it.
W. A. Hacknoy, of tho Sixth ward, !b
an aspirant for nomination for tho
Hchool tioart 011 the republican ticket.
A. W. Scott is spoken of for c) airman
of the convention.
Henry Meyers it regarded as being in
lino for re-nomination to tho council
from tho Seventh ward. John Stiro ifl
about tho only opposing candidute.
It would bo interesting to know what
Congressman Hryau said to Major Cal
houn this week aliout tho appointment
of "postmaster, and what the major
thought whon ho said it.
Tho democratic city convention will
bo held at tho court house Friday even
ing March 10. PrimnrieB will bo hold
Thursduy evening March 15, between
the hours or 7 and 0 in tho various
Republican primaries will be hold
Monday; tho convention Wednesday.
J. 0. Pentzor announceB that he is not
a candidute for the board of education.
J. E. Miller iu a candidate for tho
board of education.
Tho retiring members of the board of
education aro: Mre. Upton, MiBa
Phoebe Elliott and Mr. Eaton.
The A. P. A. movement in this city is
steadily growing iu inlluence and num
bers. Jack McColl, of Lexington, who is
looming up as candidate tor governor,
was in tho jity this week.
W. C. Austin is a candidate for water
The meeting of the Young Moh'b Ro
publican club Wednesday night was
particularly enthusiastic. Tho membeiB
of tho club aro workers, and they are
going to take a leading part in this
spring's campaign.
Ed Dames is a candidate for council
man in the Fifth.
In tho Sixth ward tho tight is going
merrily on. Sawyer is uppurentlyu little
in the lead.
Thoro are a scoro of applicants for the
position of national bank examiner now
held by John M. Grilllth. And it is a
singular ract that Grilllth is holding his
job in tho face of the determined and
active opposition of leading democrats.
Tobo Castor is most earnestly opposed
to him, and the officers and niomhoiu of
the democratic state central committee
have urged his removal and endorsed
vit'lous applicants. Thero seems to bo
Utile doubt but that he is kept In office
by republican Inlluence, In which ox
United States Senator Paddock has a
lending part. And tho Omaha bunks,
U'uei'ully, aro strongly in favor of his ro
le.iUou. Hut notwithstanding bin big
pull it is probable that Grltllth will havo
(o go.
The Voting Mou'h Republican club
will bo for tho republican nominees.
That the club will reader enthiiBiuslic
and eillcient service in supHrt or tho
ticket can be depended on- nothwlth
standiug tho romaiksof somo people
who have a habit of talking on subjects
that they know very little about.
"Thoy Bay" Ed. Slzor denies that ho Ih
a candidate for secretary of state.
Thero is u growing feeling in Lancas
ter county that unless tho ropubllcuns
got together, and tolerably early, too,
HiIb county will havo a pretty big job on
its hands when it tries to control the
congressional convention. Unless thoro
is haimouy in tho parly in this county
and satisfaction with tho selected can
didate Lancaster will not bo in it.
Thero itro people who believe W. E.
Hardy would iiiiiko a good school trus
tee Republicans In tho outside counties of
this district, who havo heard F. W. Col
lins speak iu recent campaigns, occas
ionally mention tho doputy county at
torney in connection with tho congres
sional nomination.
Tom Mujors in tho present unlocon
volition campaign is rocoiving some sup
port that ho never received before, and
ho Ih at this writing by Tar the strongest
candidate for governor in the field.
It. R. Greer, of Kearney, wub in town
thin week. Ho BtiyB ho h altogether out
of jKilitics, oxcopt for tho littlo good ho
;an occasionally do his friends.
Thoro will bu a caucus of the republl
1 anB of the Fifth ward this ovoning, and
liko most Fifth ward caucuses, it will
doubtless bo a jo-dandy.
Thero Is talk of scratching already,
before the ticket Is named.
Tommy Allan advises vorylody to
wait until tho democratic convention is
Thoro aro men who have money to
buck tho UBBortion thut F.-iink Waters,
ir nominated, will jkiII the largest vote
on tho ticket. Weir's persistent fight
ing of Waters is adding materially to
tho police judge's strength.
Tho Fremont Tribune adds a few
names to tho list of candidates fur gov
ernor published iu The Tho
Tribune' list is as follows:-Jack Mc
Coll, Tom Majors, A. E. Cady, John
PeterB, E. K. Valentino, Will Gurloy,
W. J. liroutch, S. D. Mercer. Orlando
Tefft, I. M. Raymond.
It Ib said that Dr. S. D. Mercer, of
Omaha, ex-chalrmau of the republican
state central comiuitte, is an avowed
candidate ror governor.
Chris Camp or the Fourth ward, is
being actively pushed for councilman by
tho young republicans.
Neither Paul Clark nor W. F. Kolloy
ever had any idea or running ror olieo
judge. The Jonrnal'it intimation to
that eirect was absolutely without fouti
datlou Sam Holiman is a candidate ror Mose
ly's job in the Fifth.
Statesmen with memories local I the
fact that tho Fiftli ward has a great rec
ord ror turning down its couucilmen at
the end or their first term. Mr Moseley
has u hard tight in store.
Tho primaries will be warm and the
convention will be a good deal wanner.
William M. Clark is talked or for
membership in the board or education.
There aro three leading republican can
dldatv's Tor city engineer, Dobson, the
present incumbent, Ruyuier uud Duwes.
It is said thut II. J. Whltmoro may bo
11 fusion candidate ror jmiIIco judge.
"If W. E. Andrews Ib denied tho nomi
nation for congress iu the Fifth district
congressional convention thero will bo
no earthly use for any other Hastings or
Adams county man trying to securo it,
iih it would but a waste of timo, and
iniiho the city and county tho laughing
stock of tho entire district,'1 Biiyn the
Hastings Nrlnvukau. "If thero Is one
man, who moro than another deserves
this nomination at the hands of tho re
publicans of the Fifth congressional dis
trict, that mail Is W. E. Andrews, ami
the boys throughout tho district seem
pretty thoroughly imbued with this
view or tho situation, and with their
sense or fair play and justice will not
allow themselves to bo Influenced In any
way against his candidacy."
II. A. Habcock is sKiken or iih a conn
clltnunic candidate in tho Fourth ward,
Captain Phelps Paine has again got
the Fourth ward Iu his pocket - so lie
Rev. Luther P. Luddon is talked ot
for one of tho vacancies iu tho board of
education, and his friends aro urging his
nomination by tho republicans.
Comstock Is an avowed candidate for
police judge.
John T. Cochran will bo strongly sup
ported by tho Firth ward ror police
J. P. Walton, or the Firth ward, is a
candidate ror city engineer.
. John P. Maulo is still considered a
couiicllmuuic candidate iu the Firth.
Congressman Ilryan talked to tho
students at tho Western Normal college
yestorday morning.
Luddon, Hackney ami Stlro will prob
ably bo tho republican nominees ror tho
board or education.
Tho convention or tho iieoplo's party
will bo held Thursday March 15. Can
cubob will bo hold Tuesday evening.
Thoro was a caucus of tho republicans
of tho Second ward lust ovoning at tho
county court house.
Third warders will cauctiB to-night ut
tho Windsor hotel.
Thoro will bo a cauctm of republicans
of tho Fourth wurd this ovoning ut
Templo hall.
At a mooting of women hold in tho
V. M. C. A. rooniB Thursday tho follow
ing ladies woro named on a non-partisan
woman sufforago ticket: Mr. I. S. P.
Weeks, Mrs. Labin.MIss Phoebo Elliott.
Tho republicans of tho First ward wil
caucus at tho city council chamber this
ovoning at 8 o'clock.
Joe Swan is a candidate for tho coun
cil in tho Fourth ward.
W. II. Robinson was elected chairman
of tho executive committee or the Young
Men's Republican club at a special meet
ing or tho committee held Thursday
afternoon. Thero is a meeting on foot
to securo a regular or meeting or the
Elderly people remember thoir spring
bitters with a shuddor. Tho present
generation havo much to be thankful
for, not tho least of their blessings being
such a pleasant and thoroughly effective
spring medicine as Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
It is a health restorer and health-muin-taiuer.
Good MtatocB 75c. por bushel, Miller
AGitrord, 12110.
slorHKi---H. F. VuiM-ll, I'rop,
Cupital Storage Co., warehouse 01002:1
South 20th St. Goods or all kinds
kinds packed, moved, shipped or stored,
stoves u Bpeciulty. An order lutt at
Hardy Furniture Co., 211 South 11th
street, or Rudgo A Morris Co., 1118-1122
N Btreot, will be promptly attended to.
The finest lino or pickles. See them.
Miller A Gitrord, 1121 O.
lllllf ItlttCP. to TfXtm,
January D.Fohurary HI, March l.'l, April
10.A May 8, 180l,the H A M will sell excur
sion tickets rrotn Nebraska and Kansas
stations to ioiutu iu Texas at one rare
ror the round trip. For tickets and full
information regarding limits, stopovers,
etc., call at li. A M. doot or city olllco,
comer O and Tenth BtreetB.
G. W. Honshu.. C. P. ,t T. A.
All usk for Theueo Hroom.
For St. Louis take tho Missouri
Pacific route. City ticket office- 1201 O
Tourists rutes to Florida viu tho Mis
souri Pucitlu route on sale now. City
ticket office 1201 O Btreot, Lineoln.Nob.
For California tuko tho Missouri
Pacific route, viu southern mute.