Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, January 13, 1894, Image 6

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tmjb AorujhtiiVY js&o&xiTxzct COURIER
lit Till'.
W. Morton 8mith,
Oeman C. Fox,
ntnoM Office Hill N Street.
flump :cn.
TitnOminiKR, onornrln uItiiico
H'x Mantlm
Three Months.
t (K)
I ()
liiNoohN, NkiimJanuauy 111, 1801.
Wo uro uwuro Unit It Ih nxpcuthiK t(H)
much to Iik)I for coimtHtunoy In tho
iivoniKu politician ; hut tho object of our
jiroHout romnrltH, tho Honornblo William
JoiinliiK" Hrynn, whom tho Now Vork
Sun dolljihtH to cull "tho hoy orator of
tho l'lntto," him matlo bo many oxtraor
illnary jirofcBBionB, and lias olampotlhlm
Bolf down bo Rocuroly on tho platform of
holy reutltudo, that wo can hardly con.
Hldor him In tho llftht of an ordinary
politician, of tho Hoyil or Cantor ordor,
who makofl no iirotoiiHlonfl of Biiporla
tlvo Hauctity.
Wo aro, thoroforo, HomowhiitmirprlHed
to olmorvo In tho conduct of our hand
Homo and much talked about conirroiM
mnn, an oxamplo of trimming and in
coiiBlBtoncy that would do credit to tho
most accompllBhed "practical" politi
cian, who haa .TC5 dlBtlnct m)1Ic1ib for
every IIGTi days.
ObBorvora of Mr. Uryan'B public utter
uncea, oven those whoso observation haB
been most cursory, will remombor that
tho congressman, has in tho laat few
months, taken frequent occasion to
borate tho administration for its olTorts
to Bccuro tho pasflatro of tho ropeal bill
by holding aloft tho club of putronago.
Mr. Dryan's remarks along this lino
seemed to indicate a particularly lofty
conception of tho ethics of politics on
his purt ; but Bad to relate, tho "boy
orator of tho Tlatto" has lately given us
reason to Bitspoct that all those high
tlown expressions that have come from
him In such plenitude, uro, liko tho
emanations from othor and less con
spicuously pious politicians, mora guff.
For Mr. Bryan has, during tho past
few weeks, been guilty of tho same
heinous offenso which, when committed
by tho presldont, called forth such for
midable upbraiding. If Mr. Clovoland
sought to secure tho passugo of tho re
peal bill by threatening to withhold
patronage from congroBsmon, Mr. Bryan
has just as strenuously sought to secure
tho appointment of Major Calhoun to tho
postmastership in this city, by threaten
ing to fight tho bond Issue and othor
schemes of tho administration unless
ho Is glvon tho desired "recognition."
It lookB vory muchto us as though
Mr. Bryan haa como down off his lofty
porch, and in his frantic desiro to escape
a snub has dono quite as much In tho
way of dust biting and political barter
ing us any of his brother politicians.
All of which goca to show thut tho
air in tho houso of representatives in
Washington is bad, and that ovor bo
good and lofty a man who entora con
gress will, in a brief space of timo, llko a
cuntoloupo in a cucumber patch, bo
hybridlzod into a common, ovory-day
Bort of truckling politician.
National committeemen aro not pop
ular in Nebraska. Tho opposition to
Mr. Rosowator, tho member of tho na
tional republican committoo for this
stato, 1b paralleled by tho decidedly
vigorous crusado that has boon inaugu
rated against Tobias Castor, Nebraska's
representative in tho national demo
cratic committoo. Thoro is no prob
ability, however, that oithor will resign.
-"IrryNiiyorythlng thut is said about
theso twoKllticians is true, and wo do
state in all Wndor that neither of them
It Khoper representative of his party;
but, 'ft. Rosowatcr and Mr. Castor,
aloTi& with their dotcstablo qualities
havo groat staying powers, and those
persons who aro uctivo in opposition to
tho two committeemen may rest assured
that neither will resign until, in tho Ian
guugo of tho fool governor of Colorudo,
tho upper crust of hades becomes con
gealed, and tho latest reports from this
region do not indicate a speedy freez
ing ovor of tho devil's domain.
Mr. Annin, the Stare Journal's Wash
ington correspondent, is an enterprising
young man who has written several
thousand miles of guff about the Honor
able William Jennings Bryan and Mr.
'Pnlilao. Cna.tT
He sometimes discusses republican
politics by way of relaxation, and ho dis
plays, on occasion, an arrogant damfool
ishnesa that would bo disgusting If it
were not so amusing.
His remarks concerning Governor Mc
Kinley wire the most absurd ebullitions
of spiteful ignorance, and we are pleased
to observo that ex-Governor John M.
Thayer, whose ideas in politics are so
often and so conspicuously sound, gave
the elf-impressed young man a mild
dressing down.
General Thayer la eminently correct
when he says that nine out of every ten
republicans in this atate look upon Mo
Klnley as tho coming presidential candl
dato of tho republican parly, and not'
withstanding Mr. Aniiin, there seems to
bo a welldellned mid distinctly enthu
siastic McKinley feeling among icpubll
cans everywhere.
'Iherotsouly one thing that can pie
vent McKinley from being tho next
publican candidate for president, and
that Is death.
And the wall of tho distressed that
echoes all over this country an awful
rebuke to a democratic Hllcy of demoli
tion that has scattered mlHory In this
fair land from Maine to California -adiuonlHhes
us that the foiled working
men, the lalMirers, yclept the people, will
rally around McKinley as a saviour, and
that ho will bo an overwhelming victor.
Tho champagne brain of Mr. Aniiin
needB renovation. Hnough of tho debris
ought to bo cleared away to enable him
to see things as they aro, and mako it
ImibbIIiIo for him to attach himself to tho
triumphal McKinley car before all tho
places aro taken.
Latkht advices from Washington seem
to Indicate that President Clovoland has
made an imiortant dlscovory, to-wit,
that congress has some rights which tho
president is bound to respect; and ho
has, apparently, reorganized his Ideas
regarding Hawaii. Tho man of tho Iron
norvo in tho White House has, wo aro
led to believe, been forced to separate
himself from tho Idea of rehabilitating
royalty in Honolulu, und Lily, It now ap
pears probable, will havotowalk-aloue-y
In her elTorts to clamber Into tho throne
from which Bho was ejected by tho rev
Governor Walto, of Colorado, played
another engagement aa an egregious ass
this week. Colorado lias produced many
wonderful works; but she has brought
forth nothing that bo compared to the
buzzing nincompoop that at present oc
cupies tho executive olllco of tho contort
lal state. As wo have before remarked,
tho more wo observo tho ungovernable
Idiocy of Walto and Ponnoyor and Llow
oiling, tho more wo aro forced to respect
tho oxecutivo officer of our own state.
Governor Grounso has not always con
ducted himself in such u manner us to
win tho cordial approval of tho people of
Nebraska, but ho has, with at least 0110
notablo exception, when ho joined Buf
falo Bill in making a circus of Nebraska
day at tho world's fuir, boon u dignified
offlciul, und ho has seldom dono any
thing that tended to bring ridiculo up
on tho state, barring tho world's fair
business, which from beginning to ond,
was an inexcusable blunder. Our gov
ernor, wo uro glad to Buy, is not of tho
Walto, Ponnoyor, Llowelling stripe, and
wo aro Bavod tho disagreeable sensation
of constant dread thut ho is going to
mako u ridiculous exhibition of himself
and tho stato before tho country.
Tilt: editor of tho Newit devotes mora
spaco to tho editor of tho Call than ho
does to tho tariff, tho tlnunciul question
and religion; honco wo aro to suppoBo
that in his judgment Newt readers aro
moro concornod in his discussions of
Sam D. Cox than in tho great questions
of publio interest to which so many
nowBpaporB give tho major portion of
their editorial spuco. And tho editor of
the Call puya the buiho compliment to
tho editor of tho News, giving him fur
moro uttontion than ho gives to uny four
or tlvo other subjects. Only tho other
duy ono of these valiant warriors called
the othor un idiot, using u great deal of
valuablo spaco for this purpose. Tho
latter retaliated by likening his adver
sary to an ass, ut tho oxpenso of u con
siderable amount of editorlul spuco.
Doubtless this is all vory interesting for
tho editors themselves; but we havo
some misgivings iib to whether tho peo
plo who pays 10 conts per week for their
respective papers caro vory much to
know what Mr. Dobbins thinks of Mr.
Cox, or what Mr. Cox thinks of Mr.
Dobbins. Wo aro of tho opinion that
thoro aro many questions of greater
weight and far more interest to the after
noon newspaper reader thun the
vitriolic rhodomontudo and luborcd sar
casm which our two friends keop firing
ut each othor.
Tiik unique variety of grammar that
sports itself in tho otllco of tho News, to
which wo woro forced to cull uttontion
by soino very flagrant exhibitions, has
been made tho subject of comment by
othor contemporaries; but wo uro unublo
to record uny improvement on tho purt
of tho News. Thut paper continues to
be almost us amusing as thoso portions
of the Journal that uro the work of
Mr. Jones' nursery school of journalism.
Tiik World Herald is just now on
gaged in an attempt to purge tho demo
cratlc party of a number of objection
able leaders. The World-Herald is not
a recognized domocrutic nowspupor, und
its shafts of venom aimed at Castor
and his ilk fall very flat. Our contem
porary should contlno itself to tho affairs
of the populist party, whore, with tho
Call and News of this city, it rightfully
Govkknoh Waitk'h uddrcBS at tho
opening ot tho special session of tho
Colorado legislature, suggests tho
thought that that freak of officialism,
must bo a reader ot tho Omaha Bee, A
great many of tho epithets which the
governor, discharged on Wednesday uro
strikingly llko tho pet words of Mr.
Ilosewater in ono of IiIh oft-recurring
(pells of volcanic Insanity.
i'l'iu: jear 1801 will witness a linger
development of the wholesale and manu
facturing departments of comtueicial
activity In this city than any three or
four years preceding.
Tiik readetsof the dally newspapers
In this city ate now being vaccinated to
prevent further spread of the portfolio
NOlESlYJ illitll.
The world must bo advancing. Last
Hunday the Salvation Army held a
characteristic meeting in ono of the
evangelical churches. It Is doubtful If
this could have happened a few years
ago. Orthodox prejudices aro obstinate,
and orthodox people aro slow to give up
set plans of work. In announcing this
meeting, the pastor of the First Con
gregational church said ho was glad to
let theso people hold such a meeting.
Ho recognized that the army was doing
a great work, a work that the churches
could not do. Poor and unfortunate
who would never think of going into ono
of our lino churches have been reached
by the army people. They have been
helped and olovntod. Tho army is cor
taluly now doing a work that is really
more important than that dono by tho
churches. The church people also re
cognize this to lie true. Is it not time
thochuich people asked themselves how
this happened? While this meeting was
in progress, several prominent church
men were talking of the meeting, and
wondering how they happened to meet
where they did. They were informed
that tho pastor gave the church freely,
and that tho trustees supported him us
freely. This raised the suspicion that
they might not have been so well re
ceived had theygonoelsowhere. It does
tint seem possible that any church would
In any way discredit the army.
At tho samo time the city is strug
gling along with two Y. W. C. uhhso
clatlons. They havo been making some
very commendable offorts the past two
weeks to unite into one society. Com
mittees have been going back and forth,
and sometimes they soom to bo almost
together. It la high time something of
this kind wero accomplished. The peo
plo should not bo obliged to look at the
tag to discover which society was meant.
About tho only serious obstacle in tho
way of u union is, what do you suppose?
Tho Evangelical test. Hero is a society
organized for the purpose of befriending
and aiding young women who work for
a living, salesladies, stenographers,
clerks and tho liko. They can find in
this society n placo to spond tho noon
hour, u placo where they may gjt a
lunch at cost, where those out of em
ployment may havo assistance, a placo
whore there Is religious instruction;
yet thlB socioty says to every women,
you cannot become an active voting
member of this rociety unless you aro a
mombor of an Evangelical church. Tho
Christian spirit should predominate, but
can any socioty with the alms of theeo
societies afford to really bar out any
one. Tho V. M. C. A. stands on tho
Bumo ground. Wonder If thoy aro right
also? W.
llarlliiKlon Itiiutn llolldny Kitten.
December 23, 24, 25, : and Ml, 180M,
and January 1, 1804, tho B. &. M. will
sell round trip tickets at one fare and a
third, between stations on Burlington
lines not over 200 miles apart, good re
turning till January M.
A. C. Zkimkii, City Pass. Agt.
If you uro sick or debilitated, do not
bo discouraged. Comiwund Oxygen has
wrought many wondortul cures und has
given strength to many. We know this
to bo true from our own experience of
twonty-llvo years, and wo are ready to
furnish abundant proof.
It is worth your while to oxamino the
evidence which you can do by writing
to ub. We will send you, free of charge,
our hook of two hundred iiagcs with
numerous testimonials and records of
surprising cures ot asthma, beonchitis,
consumption, catarrh, rheumatism, ner
vous prostration, neuralgia and other
forms ot discaso and debility.
Homo treatment Is sent out by ex
press, to bo used at home. Olllco treat
ment is administered here. Tho effect
ot both treatments is tho same. Con
sultation frco.
Our success has given riso to many
imitations. Avoid disappointment and
Iosb of money, as thoro is but ono genuine
Compound Oxygon, by sending to
1520 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa., San
Francisco, Cal., Toronto, Canada.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standn
Mr. Jotcph Itemmerlch
An old soldier, camo out of the War fTeatl
enfeebled by TyphoM Ve vcr, and after being
In various hospitals the doctors discharged him
as Incurable with Conat-taptloa. Ho hat
been In poor health slnco, until ho began to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Immediately his coiirIi grew looser, night
sweats ceased, and ho regained good general
health. Ho cordially recommends Hood's Bar
gaparllla.eipcclally to comrades la tho CI. A.
HOOD'8 PlLLS euro Habitual Conittpatlon by
restoring peril taltla action ot the alimentary canal,
Wo urnw iiiul nlwujH have
And all kinds of Decorating and
Flowering Plants.
and FIVE ACRES . . .
Wholly devoted to Flowers and Plants.
Main tfrvon lumen 1 inlln went Union colUw.
They aro warm, good wearers,
And just tho thing.
'rRv 'niisivi.
ED. 6. YflTES
Wrlto to E. Xj. Palmer, P, A. Santo Fa Rout
Onialia. Neb., for tree copy of illottrated foldar
Clieroke Mltx-lp,
and the Tonkawa, Pawnee and KlckapooIUifr
vntlons.soon to bonend fonettloment by the
U. S. ROTernment. Millions of acrea in the fin
est niirlcnHural country under the tun, waiting
to bo tickled by the husbandman's plowshare
thU is almost the last csaae to obtain on af
Uncle Sam's free fams.
The Murray.
I HA II HI II V, Vroprlntor.
Electric cars direct from Union doiot puss
tho door. Itth und llarnoy sts., Oinahu, Neb.
8 1
Music Its:
On the open piano the cat
sings, for her system is padded with violin strings.
Cats are tough, and they'll stand a whole lot of bad
usage. Boys with any life in them give clothing dard
We make hoy s clothing up tough; sew 'em double with silk
thread, and guarantee them to stand rough treatment. They're In
style too. Children's department
:i Kiirlnrlen,
HI Itrliill Store.
Rudge Morris Co.
Fancy Rockers and Chairs,
beather Couches and Chairs
Combination Book Gases,
loadies' Desks, Office Desks and Chairs,
Side Boards, Dining Tables and Chairs,
Hall Trees, Parlor Goods, Etc.
Pocket Knives, Shears and Scissors,
Table Carvers,
Roger's Plated Knives, Forks and Spoons,
Fancy Decorated Tea and Coffee Pots
Nickel Bailing Dishes, Etc.,
Too Numerous to Mention
Rudge & Moin-iai Co.,
-i .
" J)rrv$T ' yyArirfi
for socrot societies.
Cuts from which 7S,UU strong Impressions can bo takon nt from $1 up. Clump, aren't tlioy)
flood onos, too, Kvnry business man should boo us. lluslncss otllco with John Mcintosh, tut
l'rlntor, under city library; Art Department, Western Normal college, Lincoln, Neb,
And several thousand others. I would advise all who would save time to gt to
al&V sVV N
mm-ftca V'CBkC ''"
sn n mm sp1t( ne
RminuisiMl in 1
fursulolu Lincoln, by II. W.BHOWN
ran the scale as she gaily
kept time with the wag of her
tail. The sound brought the mis
tress with haste to the room, and
the cat left the keys on the end of
a broom. On the railroad they
tied her tight down to the track,
but the train cut the rope and the
kitty came back. Now out on
the housetop she plays as she
second floor.
1015-19 0 STEEBT.
NFW $ Nuw linn -Artistic designs
ML-.VV (ft nmj iiniwlnK mndo specially
(m t luuiln vstitx liiinliiiiua sV.
FIRM. 5? stuvIiiim, lluest work, at one
i uin. g jjfth .r . . ...
trrniihy. We doal in striking
ciiilto Bure wlmt cuts you want, lonve It to us,
wo wrlto and illustrate iidTertlsomont lu ad
i cntcny iukah. ir not
union to imiKiim portrait cuts, nowspaper
iiiusiriiuoiis. luiiur iiuiuih, uusinesa cams,
comio skutches, cover designs, headings nuu
onurossed resolution and ninnuirlnl alliiiina
nuwerln fleneriitlvaOrirniia nr Altlmr mv,..
tusruiiUuUtoi'ureu.liieruusdlioawa,su;lia Tweak Memory, toss of Drain
I'OKiir, Ili'adncliu.Wukelulncii, LouMsnliuoil.Nlsbtlr Koiittlons. Nnnu.
iiiui vAvi.iiiii, jr.,H.M.Hi crrvn, n.i-vHiru uhiui uiuaocu, uiJIUul or Slim
...i.f - r -7.r... ..T.v.r.. - . -""--". "---"Tw,
and W.M.lUULAKMUKH.UruKa-lsts.
, uiniiii.Kiiii'Hiriuiiuinnrmiiy.iiniompiionor inianur, i.n earned la
.Tet pocket. SI per box, for U&, by mall prepaid. Willi a & order we
7,le written Biistruntralo rare rrftiail the Maaey. Bold by all
kjlriunilsls. Ak I or IU taku number. WrtJ tir free .Medical Hook sent sealod
In ululu wrauuer. Address N KM. VU Kfclt 1!U.. MaauuloTeiuula.iiuicAuu.
1 .
f T