-r T li V1nmjitwtm t0n m mmmimtn M i T13.T3 A0M3TRIAY MORNING COURIER 1 I Tho qiu'rttion im to whether there In it deflirnhle opening in politic for a jming until who him eiioujjh money to mipport him, wih treated in tin lnterentiiiK mini ner in tlio Oinahii World-Herald tho other titty. Tho Ideim advanced were not particularly now; lint they were in tercHtitiK enough toattiacta ood deal of attention. PoliticH ought to ho tho mtmt prouiln lug tlelti for an inilepcntlent joting man of principle; but it Isn't. It in the lieHt tiling in tho world to ntuy out of. Tlio modern view of politic in that it Ih a poHHihlo nhort cut to huccckh, ami tho political wo'ld i tilled with ndvon ttireiH who inalte ehePHinen of thtmo heneath them ami (,'iiinhh) with voteH. Principle in iih fai removed fiom them itH tho HtarH art) from tho earth. IVlfiri tho ilertiileratum, and any Hucriltco will 1)0 inatlo to itcconipliHh tho tlemrcd end. Theio are hoiiio very good men in Doliticn: hut there aie not many of them. They K)t into politic by ncci dent, and poinehow, they are not vet proud of their heing there. There aie hoiiio j on UK men in politic? who are over) tiling that Ih houoiable. Hut in mr.Ht ciibch they noon got tlinnuHteti and quit, or elm) thoy are inlluencetl by their environment, ami degenerate into mere political adventurer. Politic ought to bo tho liight'Ht call lug. It i in reality, tho lowet. A decent man in politic ha to pend hi life in making excuse for being there. There aie element in modern poll tic that appeal to a mau'fl etipidit and livarico anil pelliBhncH in Rtieh a waj . iliat few men are able to rcit. Church Howo ha been at the Lincoln hotel for overal week, during lii re covcry from a dangerou Hurgictd opera tion. Up to a few daj ago lie was con lined to hi room, and politician fiom out in the tato have in.ulo it a practice to drop in and nee the invalid. "In tliiB way," ho reniiuked to a Comtihit reprcHentative cnterday, "I have had an excellent opportunity to learn the feeling, politically, in ditTerent part of tho state, and I am jutilled in sa ing that tho outlook for tho republican party in the next state election is verj bright. It pecms to mo that theio will bo no ditllcult) in electing a republican ticket, piovit'ed good men ate selected. And I think tho republicans can obtain control of the next legislature." Mr. Howo is also of the opinion that it will ho a comparatively easy matter to elect a republican congtessinan in this dis trict. It is beginning to bo manifest from tho movement of loading populists and Hrvnn democrat that an elfoit will be made in this state to unite all voteis who believe in tho free coinage of ilver. whether thoy aio populist, democrat or republicans, in a common caupo foi tho purpose of electing a state ticket and moiiiboi of the legiHlatuie, the ultimate idea being, of com ho, to captuie tho United State bontitoiliip. Thoso who are interested in this move ment are in favor of nominating liryau for governor, and pome strong populist fot lieutenant governor, a outlined in Tin: Couiut.it pome weeks ago, tho in tention being to push liiyan for the senate. This Hcliemo is legarded as an exceedingly piobablo jossibility bj Bcoie of well-informed politician. Should thi bo dono tho issue in No brapka will bo the silver question. Tho republican paity would naturally retain it position in favor of honest money. What the Call ami Ncica in tlu cit would do wo aro unable to say. lloth claim to bo republican papei and both advocate the fteo silver heresies. Improper ami deficient care of tho scaly will cause gtayness or the hair and baldness. Escape both by tho upo of that icliablo specitlc Hall' Hair He newer. M. Ij. TreHter, coal and lumber. 11211 O street. CI'IKJIIIIIIl' I'itiiiIIn, 1811 1. The Union Pacillc will now receive application fcr penult for 18!)1. Come early. City ticket olllco Kill O street. i llllir ltiitc to TfXUH. On December 1U, 1S1KI, .) miliar) !), Feburary III, March IK, Apiil 10, and May 8, lb'.H, the H & M will sell o.xcur. oion tieket fiom Nobraka and Kansas stations to points in Texas at one faro for tlio round trip. For tickets and full information legarding limits, stop overs, etc., call at li. k M. depot or city olllco, corner O and Tenth sheets. A. C. Zn.Mhii. C. P.,tT. A. 'I he I'liliin I'ikIIIc Clieup KhIck. Onlj ?:K).00 llrfit clap to Ogden, Salt Lake, Helena, Spokane and Portland Ore. For full particulars call at city tickot olllce 10H O street. lliirlliiKtou Itoiile llolliln) Itiilm. December 2.'), 21, ', HO and .'!1, 181KI. and January 1, 1801, tho B. A: M. will poll lound trip ticket at one faro and a thiid, between stations on Hurhngtnn lines not over 200 miles apart, good io turning till January li. A. 0. ZtiMtii, City Pass. Agt. CHRISTMAS GHOSTS. 'iwlxl tlio tiuwin Until mid tlm n vtltiUrciiliii: lout; nun, lint lihcmta t rnl eil lit your tie. lre To uinko your I e ii p I a k blood run alowl llmvnld, hmvKrave. h o w wine, we urnwl Wliixt ClirlMiiun kIkhI niu innkn utichtll 8ao these Unit troop hi mournful row Tlio Kluntn c nil run mImi lit wlllf Tlio boiistaoiin tiilk In Imrn nml lirye On Chrlittniin cm', olil IckhimU know. As into li) otin tlio ji'nn retire. Wo men full ulletit then, I trow Btich nlk'litn Im memory tnahow, Hurli oI(im from (IkmIMhiico thrill. Ah, inr-l tliiy tomo with Christmas nnow- Tho uliontn we nil cnu rnlao nt will. Oh, children of tlio vlllnKo choir, Your enroll on tlio midnight throwl Oh, bright in ruMtho mint unit mlro, Yo ruilily hearts of L'hrUtmnn kIowI Bent Imck tho ohnilen, bent down tho won, Itchow tlio HlroiiK'lh of tnnrnl will) Ik) welcome, nil, to cmno or ko Tho uhoHtM wo all ran nilso nt will. Frlrlid, nuniiim cordn, rimiii or alow, Wo part, llko uueitts who'vo Joyod tholr nil; Fernet them not, nor mount thoin bo Tho uhonts o nil can nil no nt will) -Andrew Ijuik. -&L ASr TRADE IN CHRISTMAS TREES. Wo now require a million or two of young evergreens for Christmas trees, and these, too, aro cut nml stored uway In good time, the choppers often going Into tlio woods soon after tho 1st of No vember. A fall of snow in Novombor or December greatly increases tlio dlfllculty, becauso tho snow is apt to melt and freczo, rendering tho branches too brit tle for traiiHportation. Tho woodmen therefore like to get their work forward and pile their trees in tho woods along side tho road, whoro thoy will keep fresh and green for six weeks. Tho largest market for Christinas trees is Philadelphia, whence they are dis tributed to all parts of tliocountry with in 1,000 miles. The woodmen got from 0 to $8 a hundred for their trees, which Boll in the cities nt prices ranging from 50 cents to $!). As for Christmas presents, they give employment to many important trades, tho work upon which is continuous from the first of January to the last of De comber. Sonio knowing grandmothers and ingenious aunts, to say nothing of uncles and grandfathers, aro on the look out all tho year for Christmas surprint, which they hide away in unfathomable recesses, sometimes forgotten by them selves. WHEN MEN OPEN THEIR HEARTS. Thero is nothing inoro effective or oft quoted than those lines from tlio "Christ mas Carol" of Charles Dickens: "There aro inuuy things from winch 1 might have derived good, by winch 1 have not profited, 1 dare say," returned Scroogo's nephew, "Chribtmas among tho rest. But 1 am sure I have always thought of Christmas when it lias come round apart from the veneration due to its sa cred name and origin, if anything be longing to it can be apart from that as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charita ble, pleasant time: tlio only timu I know of in tho long calendar of tho year when men ami women seem by one consent to open their shut up hearts freely and to think of people below them, as if they really were fellow passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys. And there foie, uncle, though it has never put a icrup of gold or bilver in my pocket, 1 believe that it has dono mo good and Will do mo good, and I say, God bless it I" n&R ORIGIN OF CAROLS. Tho singing of carols on Christinas eve and Clirintmas day is of mediraval origin. A carol bliould bo simple nnd melodious There aro many fine speci mens of them, but moat of thorn are not fine. Here is the first verso of a favorite and ancient and fumous one: (1(m1 re-t jou, merry k'entlemim: Let nolhiiiK jouillnmny, for Jesus Christ, our Suvlour, Wius burn upun thlHilny To save lit ull fiom siitun'n power, When wo luul khi" iiBtray. Oh, tidings of comfort und Joy, Kur .li'stw Christ, our Saviour, W'u- iKirn on ChrlhlnmHiUy. NEWS NOTES. Hems of lnterel (iulliereil DiiiIiik the l'llsl Week. WHITBHHBAST COAL AND LIMB CO. No such lino of canned fruits in the city as shown by W. A. Cotlin k C., U'. South Bleventh street. Cull and pee sample of Huby iinthrn cite &D.80, at the Whitebreast. and jou will bo sure to Imy it ton. Paj W) cents, got a china cup and caucer free, and send Tin: Corun.n to some distant friend for three months. For dance and outing there is no sue) music in Nebiaska a that supplied by the Nebraska state orchestra. Never order an invitation until jou hiiNopeon the sample of tlio work lono by tho now Courier Publishing Co. The Lincoln Coal company, 1015 O street, handles all of tho very best guide of antluacite and bituminous coal. For rates und open dates of tho Ne braska state bund or orchestra apply at tho Couiuku olllco, 1131 O street, tele phone '2.').'i. Joekell Hros. new tailoiing establish ment, 111) north Thirteenth street nea the Lansing i tho populur resort for stjlish garments. Why pay exorbitant priceB for up holstering when Ho'lischild does llrst cliib work at low rates; 120 North 12th treet, Uurr block, WAl-- FT K&WM& I llrWr iSsftHw tiS -Ms vm ", ' . kl y-- , ,- in llr uiiiiiuiiiiiiu v i ivr amount of peace and good .vlll on eaith and Tin: Contint hope that It tender may bo in the enjo.Miient of a liberal portion of this blessing which dcesu't cost any thing, so far a money i concerned, ami jet i ho hard to get. A Meiry Christ um to all, and to all a glad New Year! In addition to (hi geiieial benedic tion wo hnoa few Hpet'ial request to make of Santa Clan, and iih they are particularly modest, we are hiiio they will be granted. Wo want Koine atiti fat for Charley Hun, ami a jumping rope for Tom Cooke, hoiiio iioim) uiedicino for A. Koch-Amhiiino, and a hobby hoiso for Major Weir, a heal ty, baby laugh for Lew MiiipIiiiII ami a (heck god'H foini and phi, for W. F, Kelloy, a pair of wliiker for Theodoio Wcpteriiiann. Fied V. Howe, and hew WcphcI, ii couple of million blank tleeiee of diwucc for haneiiHter county' dishiet judge, a eiieiilatiou expei t for the Ercniuy Nrwx, an auilieneo for Fiauk llmr when he ing, and a little self conlldeiieo for C. C). Whcilon; u little stjle fm Fiauk .eh i ling, and a becoming degieo of hjues for Hemaii (!. Dawes. (.niioi Citj and nici Ij Hcreened at panj. Hock Spiiug coal liiucolu Coal coin All coal nicely pcieaned at the While breast. W. A. Collin k Co., groceiH, 1 l.'l Sotitli Fleventh street. I'ino now lino of business HiiitiugH fiom $'2. toSIOin Scotch and hoinespuns .leckell HroH.. 11!) north Thirleeiith street, near Lansing theatre. M. h. Trester, Peniia. hind coal, I '.ill Ontreot. Pictures for tlio holidnjH at Ciancer', lilt! South 11th. WII ITFHHFAST COA i7aNI) hIM K COMPANV. Canon City coal at the Whitebreiipt Coal and Lime Co. M. Ij. Treter sell Pennsjlvania, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, ami Wyoming coal cheap for cash, 11! 1 1 O Htreet. Tho Whitebreast is headqiiai tei for all grade of steam coal. "INE PRINTING AND ENGRAVING. Tho Courier Publishing company i prepaied to do all kind of piinting, lino work, especially, at moderate prices; nlno engraving, wedding in vitations, calling cards, etc., Call and see painples. Satiuday Mou.Ni.No Commit, 1201 C) Htreet. ASK FOR (newYork. ASSORTED CHOCOLATES IN SEALED PACKAGES AT JJECTOlt'SPJIAUMACY AIpo a full line of j-JokiDAY Perfumes Prom the Laboratories of KUCKSUGKKtf, COLGATE Sl'.HLY, WRIGHT, LUNDBOIfC, and others. IIJVIjJ ChristhIRS Bift Books. Single volumes ami in set ALBUMS. CIIILDHK.VS HOOKS. Teacher', Coiiipieheiihive, l-'amilj and Pocket 13 113 I- TOIbET CASES, kATEST GAMES. TOYS AND DOLLS! TOYS AND DOLLS! W.t.BVlrUiW, 11U0 O STREET. Cluson & Flotchor' Old Stand There Is a lensoiiablo SOUVEISJIRS! IAllO IrtiniKui'O otf tlio Im IVw on l$3tltlllf loll fit tlio KTHttOR DECORfttttft CQtyPMW'S ROOMS, Antl will lo Mold !' tl ruul MOtfOt Wlldt oooooooocooooooooooxooooooooooooooooooooooooooc I ( Of eo u I ho jou mo not going to let Chi iiilniaH goby without Homo !' appiopiinte gift to lelalhe oi fileiid, ami, of coiiiho S i) jou will not fall to visit the iS ( C r BEST PbAGB (5 In the citj to obtain a handsome ami lanly gift, which, of coiirKO, I y 2 our Hloie, I tt i it i full of the uewcHt ami most attractive V K lineH of .lewelrj, Slherwato, etc. j', -WE- x Can hIiou ym tinythlu ou limv dcniin in tlm way of Silvorwuro, X r lOntiitv A i t ii'luu IMlirru VV ill iilt jiu PInu nml Jini'iilri' 5i V .T "'! 'H-t """' " ""m "''Mill; O NtivrltirH, nmn of thorn inoYpntmlvi). ', 1 W 0 T 0 j . B. TR0HtN 5 00. 1 X I w Uw! intmoHTKicitr, MIVCOIN. X I Soooooooooogoooooooocxx p) - NEW for secret Midi IIi'm. CutK from which ".VHOHtroim liiiprenHldiiK run Im tiiken nt from $1 up. ('Iienp. nrnn't theyl (looiloiifx.tiHi. Kvery liiiHineHH limn kIioiiIiI Ken iih. IIiihIiioi'h olllce with John Mclntoi.li, the Printer, under cit) lllirnry; Art l)einrtment, WeHlern Normiil colleun, l.liiciiln, Neli, INVlTflTIOHb4 -iroie- WEDDINGS RECEPTIONS. BALLS. In thi line tee ihow all the New Effects for 1893 which include several new and and odd iliapes together with new faces of script. Call and set: samples. Our work speaks for itself, CAbbING CARDS WITH AMPLE EXI'EIUENCE ARE ENABLED TO Elegixx At Popular Prictt, at the same time guaranteeing COlillECli FOltHS and and all the Very Latest Styles, W GOURIEU PUBLISH!! MMl Mail Order Nolioitecl. loin fit fi IVoiiiIiwiI IM'loo. Come cni'ly '! xx'fititt tlicy -will o i'f ilcll-a New firm Artlnllo iIphIuhk nml tlruwIiiKM iiiiiiIii Mpirlull) to Ihmiiii )imr himlni'B.H. ji itriivinuH, llnenl work, lit unit- lift 1 1 till! CIIHt lit Htllllll lilllll- Kriilili). Wn ilenl ill ntrikliiK nun riitrliy nil. AM. ir nol iiiiile ciirii ulmt riitB joii wiiiit, Iciivn it to im. Vi wrllii nml illiiHtrntii iiilti'rtiini'iitH In ml ilitlim to iiuikiiiu imrtriiit nilB, iiwHiiinr illiiHlinlioiiH. letter liemln, Iiiihiiii'kh rnriln. I'oinli' Kkelrliei. liner iIcnIkiih, liemlltiWM unci ein'riiHKi'il reHiiliitioiiH mill mi'iiiiiriiil lilliuiiif .cyt PBRT1ES. lNCIItnl5. tit. A' 7.S I'M: 1 ICULAlt USE, WB EXECUTE THE MOST , 1134 O Strst OAprrAi AND CLEANING WORKS. No, iii N.'l'welltli Mi. TIii Jb-Ht of AtiH'rii'ttn Ncwsihijht II MILKS A, DANA, Editor. Tin American ('onntltutiu)i, the American Idea, the American Spirit. These Jlmt, last, and all the time, for ever I THE SUNDAY SUN IH Till- C1KHATKST SUNDAV NHWHPAPHH IN TUB WOULD. Price fio. a copy Hy mall, 12 a year Daily, by mail, fll a year Daily ami Sunday, by mail, fH a your I'ho Weekly, . -tlu yenr Atlilrm TIIK NUN, Nw York. V0R &04. Special Inducement to Subscribe NOW to TOWN TOPICS. fl.no will imy for the entire jeiir 1MK, nml jiiii will rerolvn I'ltKK from iliiln of mihurrlp t ion tlm Inniii m of Town Tonic for tlio remainder of this jenr. Iiicliiiliint tlin npecliil ClirUlinun iminher (ilonhlu iiumlivr, price 'J5 cunti),coii tnlnliiK A Marvelous Tale by Ambrose Blercc, Kntllled 'rit Diuunvil 'Vtxltxu f n.oo, thn renuliir chili prlrn of Town Toplri nml TiiIi'h from Town Topimforoiin your, will net ) on not only Town ToplcH im nhovn to th end of 1MH, lint thn four vol u men of tnle for that jenriinil thn holiday iiiiinlxir of tiilen, out Decemlier 1, thin your, with tho (lUKAT I'ltl.K HTOHV, A Thoroughly Cosmopolitan Novel. PRICE BO CENTS. ('rlticH iiKrenthiit this Ih thoHtromreat mill must Intensidy Interest ln of thi remarkable tierlt'Hof I'rizn Htorles. Hiimit in check, money order, pontnl note, to TOWN TOIMCH, A Went :iil HI., N. V. N. Il.-lliivn jou road AMELIE RIVE8' Intoit ami lieHt novel, TANIS, THIi SANG-DIGGHFt? JUST OUT. Ilimo, cloth, Kill. IX'M poHtpnld. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphrey"' HurclUci are clon tlflcll 7 ind carefully prt-iuril 1Uiii1U', uxl for yrari In private practice and for over thirty yeara liy tha people with entire hiktcwi. Every nliujlo BpecUSo aiieclal cure for tlie illMoae nnmed. They cure w Ithoiit itruitKliiK. urKlnK or mtuelnff tho yl'in ami aro In fact anil deed Uw Hoverelia Iteuiedira of the U urld. vo. ciran raieia, lVttrer; CoriReitloua, Inflammatloni.. ,ija 4-Worma, Worm Fever, Worm Collo 03 3-Teethlnui Colic, Crying, Wakefuloeai .39 4-OUrrben. of Children or Adult 35 7-C'ougna, CoM, llronchltU 33 H-Neuraltfln, Toothache, Faccaclie 33 B-llrudiichra, hick Headache, Vertigo.. ,33 lU-Ilyaprpaln. lllllouiicM,CoiMtlpaUoa. .33 Il-Huppreed or I'uliiful 1'erloila . .33 13-Wbltra, 'loo I'io(um) Period 38 13-C'roup, I.nryngllla, lloaneueaa 33 It-Halt Uheum, Krylelat,Kruptloui.. .38 13-ItbeamntUm, Hheumatlc I'alna 38 lU-MaUrla, Chilli, Fever and Ague .33 in-C'alnrrh, Influema, Cold In the Head. .33 30-Whaoplnir I'ough .'i8 37-Kldupy Itlarnara .38 liH-Ncrvnua Delilllty 1.00 3U-(!rlunry Wriikiiraa. Wettlnn Ile.1 .33 HIIMrilUKYH' WITCH IIA.KI. OIL, "The I'llo Olntmfiil."-TrUI Mie.2SL'ta. Sola bf prncil.u.vr miiI o.i..IJ es rlrt f Ha. Da. Ilcarai.t.' M.nviL(ll(,) .! aaa. UCirilUala' 3ID.ro., 1 1 1 a I II niUaai St., IW TOM. S P e cTm c s . What is this anyhow 7 It is the only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled from the watch. To be had only with Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases JBfc stamped with this trade mark. vJ A ptittl nlll bring you Mitch eti Mntr. Keystone Watch Case Co.. "" PHILADELPHIA.