Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, December 23, 1893, Image 2

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111 I Hill
sliim (Mil llu.
Tim Sigma Chl's gave Htolr second
hop of tlm season in llmlr hull on N
street last Friday evening. Tim rooms
weio tastily decorated with hiiiIIiix Inter
spersed willi ri'il iintl wliltli carnations,
the U. of N. colors. Illne and old K"lil.
thoonlotsof the ftnlornlty, wore arils
Really draped mound tlm iooiiih. Ho
frosliinents worn served during tlm oven
lug. ('harming music was rendered by
tlio Htuto orclicHtrii, led by PtufcHHor
Irvine. Those piesoiit wore Misses
Lottie WIiimIoii, -In Winger, Llbblo Hi'ii
crest. Mntllo ItiirltH, Alice Maltland,
Nellie Lau, Helena liiiu. Dora Hurley,
lllanolm Carton. Shaw, Whiting. Wilder.
Moore. Kulhnilno Weston, Roberts.
Jeannotto Underwood, Nellie White.
Olivo Lulls, Him tin Hurr, Way Marshall.
Doll, of LufiiyoHo. Intl.; Mcssis. Joseph
Miillallou, Dixon, Frank, Aiitliows,
Pulls, Packard, S. 0. Langworthy.
Hebard, Young, Rlssor, Harry Woks.
Hum E. Low. W. l' Kolloy, Thoodnte
WcHleitniinn, Henry Hliaiinon, Snxton,
Oiillon, HiiHbrook, TiHnon, Moyir, Hurry
Krug, W. H KobltiHon, liiiMitiMiant .1.
.1. Pershing, ProfeHHor U. H. Owoiih and
Prof. Aller. Tlm pnrty was chaperoned
liy Mr. and Mrs. Myron E. Wheeler.
i:iiiiiin ciiiii.
Tlm Empire club iurty at tlm Lansing
hall Saturday evening drew an unusu
ally largo attendance. Anions tlm par
tlelpautH worn: Dr. and Mm. 0. Y
Lnild, Mr. and MrH. Carl Funko, Mr.
and MrH. S. II. Hurnliani, Mr. and Mih.
Hurgreavos, Mr. and MrH. Will Green,
Mr.aiidMrH.C.S. Llpplncott, Mr. and
Mre. W.O. Wilson, Mr. and MrH. F. W.
Hrown, Mrs. Vnll and Minn Dennett, ot
Otualia; Mr. and MrH. .1. A. Huckatnir,
Mr. and Mrn. F. W. LH tic, Mr. and MrH.
A. 0. Hooson, Mr. anil Mih. II. .1. (lioon,
Mr. and Mih. A.W. Jnnson.Mr.nnd Mih.
A. S. llaymund, Mr. and MrH. U. O.
Philips, Mr. and Mrn. 0. 0. Diiwch, Mr.
and Mih. I). E. ThompHon, Mr. and MrH.
Frank Hall, Mr. and Mrn. Mutton, .Miss
Sarah Harris, MIhh Katliariim Weston,
MIhh Sadie Hurnlium.Miss WcllH,of Cin
uiuiiati, Mr. Frank Cook, Mr. C. A.
llauiui, and Mr. Kvann.
Tlm I'utrliircliK.
Tlm llrnt Patriarch's party of tlm
season wiih hold Wednesday evening at
tlm Lansing hall. It wiih a very on
joyublu occasion, iih thu HHHoinblioH of
tlm 1'atriaroliH alwayn aro. TIioho
Iirenent wore: Mr. and Mih. S. it.
Hurnhum, Mr. and MrH. C. G. Dawes,
Mr. and MrH. C. 11. (.lore, Mr. and Mm.
H. O. Philips, Mr. and Mrn. A. S. Ray
nmnd, Mr. and Mrn.O. Y). Yates, Mih. .).
It. Clark, Mrs. W. li. Ogdon, MIhh Hortlo
Clark, MIsh Margaret Clark, Misa Cora
Hardy, Miss Katliariim Weston, Tlm
Misses CI ore, Mr. C. A. llauiui, Mr. 10. C.
Hardy, Mr. William Btull, Mr. 1). 0.
Willi,', Mr. CI. 1 Faueoii.
Om'itr Wllile In MieltMy.
Osour Wildo's lovu of admiration has
grown so of Into that it is quito ontor
tulnlng to observe his deportment on
any itniiortant social or public occasion.
An international dealer in plays, who
enw Mr. Wildo in Loudon less than two
weokH ugo, says that tlm rosthoto Iiiih
grown so far that ho is almost cumber
noino in movemont. Ho might bo de
scribed us a fat dandy, llm chubby
lingers a io loaded down with rings, and
ho decorates his portly poison with
many unconventional things, such as
milled shirt bosoms, a waistcoat with
gold trimmings and buttons, tlm lapels
of which aro wonders of tlm needle
worker's art, while his largo feet aro on
cased in shoes Unit have gold buckles.
His hair is worn long, as of old. Mr.
Wildo talks frequently of his coming
viBit to this country. Nearly all of Iiih
conversation relets to his plays of "Lady
Wiudonnero's Fan'' mid "A Woman ot
No Importance," which ho atlecls to
consider masterpieces. Despite all his
vagai ies, his uuieiuittiug habit ot posing,
and his extraordinary foppishness, ho
easily inaiutaius his place as a lion in
London society. Tina may bo because
It is a bud year for lions, but theio is no
question about the bociul nuportunco ot
Mr. O. Wilde.
Chi Wtmiik Ciiturtiiliiimnt.
This, l-ruluy, utteruoou tho A. and li.
clusues ot tho tlisl grudo o( tho Capitol
school will unite in a Christmas pro
grain in Miss Cainpbell'B loom. Patents
and fnenUs uro invited to bo piesent.
Tho oxoicibcs will cousisl of appiopnato
reci tut ions, linger pluys, kiuciergurtou
games, and Uiu lollowiug tougs:
"ltuiudeer'u Coming," "Letter to Sauiu
Claus," "Jolly Old auint Nicholas," "On
Christiuus Morning," "Christmus Hells,"
"CuristuiuB CJ reeling," utid "Upon Tho
House Toil" Tho two llterury societies
ot tho eighth grudo will unite in u Christ
uiub progrum which will coiibist ot
sougs, eestiys, u debuto uud recitations.
Uttlull hui'luiy Cuuival,
The uuiverBity chupel wus crowded
Saturday evening, tho occubiou being
tho Hist unnuul S. L. and Cj, contest
which wus also Uio soventu unnuul
oratorical contest ot tho Union society.
Tho progrum wus aliened by u vocul
solo, "bull ub tho Night," byMissDoru
Zediker. Mr. J. Normun tihrovo thou
followed with uii oration, "Tho Present
Bociul Unrest," Mr, Leioy Puclturd wus
tho next speuuer uuu uuu lor his sub
ject "Tho Civil Wur." Miss Myrtle
Friel rendered u bouutitul solo, "1 Uuco
had a Hweelliearl," in her usual Hweel
inaiiimr. Mr. Ned 0. Abbott followed
with "A Century of Dishonor." Unfor
Innately lm was HuMering from a bad
cold that mado his oit'n almost In
audible in llm hauknftlm loom. MIhh
Nolllo Watson feel led "Aux ltaliens."
wliilethe audience uiih waiting for tlm
derision of the judges.
Mr. Hlireve wiih given llrst place over
Mr. Abboll by one and one thiid per
cent. The judges weie: on delivery
Chancellor C'nnllcld, Piofessor II. II.
Wilson, Mr. ('. A Atkinson; on man
UHerlpt, PiifeHHiir Kheriuan, Mr. A. C.
KiekottH.and Mr. M. U. Cleihtlinidt.
'Ii'lln lli'i'lhil ill Hie I'll It ' nil ,
Tlm chapel of tlm uniterHlty wiih tilled
Monday evening, when tlm thirty Hint
toiiu lecitnl wasgiMMi under tlm dlreu
tiou of PiofeHHoraud Mis. Menendorf.
The following program was given:
Overture ".Moilem l.lfn" SrlileHKnll
OiiIu'ihII) Ori'lii'Mm.
I'Iiiihi ncilii "NlulilliiKiiln innl tlm Zi'i'li) r."
Miiri'i'ini ilut 1'iiri'it. Ilo) Inn Smith
Mlm 11. tlrni'n (llnuiry.
Si.iriiiiu hiiIu "O.MIu I'liriniiiilu" l'nvnrllii
Mini llnrrlnt O. Illnlr.
Violin niiIo, I'iiiiIiihIii ' 1 1 I'nn at urti". . Vcnli
(limtii ('. Mi'iii'tiilorr.
HiilK'niurn from Cimtii'ii 'llct
Minn Uiu I r innl lluliitrnlty CliotiiH.
Vliillnri.lli.aiili. 5 bii I'nliiiiiii Vniillcr
IlllllirKlllI hoIii j ,, ,(llllllll(, lH,mi.,M.r
MUh IIi'IIii Vim Miiimfi'lili'. ,
Soiirmioholu-'Mm I'Iuuit ulrl . Miirlo-Cclll
Ml llliitr.
I'iiiiitiiI March
I'iiUitmIIj Ori'lnxtrn.
I'Iiii .Milium WiMiliit,'.
t'liiviimlt) Clinriii).
.11111111111111 (Mull Cmii'i'il.
The Tuxedo Mandolin club gave a
delightful conceit at the Fust Haptist
church Tuesday evening, for tlm honollt
of Hit; poor, Tlm club was assisted by
Mr. and Mis. Will O'Mhea, Piofessor
I'liinlt Sttong and Mr. August I Inge-
now. The following piogram was
I'rliicoHH lilii Mn roll I.hwIh
'Wiirrlur Until," I'iOwi Quiirtfl
Vlnllii Hniiii'iilr ilo IIiijiIii . .. I.fiiniinl
Mr. AiuM-t IIiiki'iiow (vliilin),
I n I'IiIimi'h Kiiih'i', I Stmm
j li DniH'iMif llm 'I rniiiti. i I'.iitnii
Niiik, "I I'enr No 1'nr, l'rnf. Kriuik ftlninu.
Select lull from lliilii'iiilnti (llrl (linillllul Iiim)
. I'mli'ii
iliinmirlmi lloiulo DoiOcr
Mrn.O'SliiMi, I'rmiklin Katun, II. K'nlulil.
Owrltirnnr 1'fipulnr Homkh Art-. Ii Cutnn
I'liiuel I'olkii Iliirlimin
Mr. WlllO'Slmn.
Ilrcrzoiif tlm Nllit ... , l.iiuiutli
llliiiiuli Don . . Arr. liy I'. Strum;
'l'cli ii Jim rtct .
Sextet lIuiiJiiM mill (luitnrH ... lviitnn
lleroniKKi lliiuner
( lln (liiviiltii , I.imii
Olll-I'llilllllllll-ll 'It'll I'lll'lll'K,
Tlm "tea parties" of our grandmother's
day uro coming into favor, writes Mrs.
Van Koert Schuyler In the .lanuarj
.diiV' Home JouriHtl. The table is
set with old-fashioned simplicity, and
lighted by candles in silver "branches,"
as tlm candlesticks in those faraway
dayH were called. The china is white
and gold, and tlm linen of the very
liuest. Plates of thin bread ami butter,
"spread on the loaf," cold ham uud
tongue, grated cheese, fruit cake, pound
cako, crullers ami jumbles, with "Dam
son pieserves" anil "short cako" (known
to moderns as soda-biscuit), concluding
with hot wallles, furuisheH a fac-siiuile
tea-tablo of sixty or seventy years ago.
There is a certain old-fashioned frag
rance about such Informal meetings,
like the perfume that exhales from a jar
of roses, whoso sweetness still lingeiH
though the day of their blooming is long
since past.
A pretty wedding ceremony wnssoloin
uized at the homo of the bride, 1111 1)
stieot, Wednesday afternoon at I:.'t0
o'clock, Hov. C. C. Lasby olllciating.
Tho bride, Miss Minnie Goodman, 1h an
estimable and charming young lady, and
made a beautiful bride in a crjiun alba
tross gown, richly trimmed in lace and
carrying a bouquet of bride's roses.
Tho gioom, Mr. Noiman Hurr, Is well
known in Lincoln anil is a graduate of
thoclasHof TKl of the state university.
Tho ceremony was witnessed by only the
relatives and most Immediate friends of
the family, After partaking of a
sumptuous wedding supper and con
gratulating tho happy young couple the
guestH departed.
Mr. and MrH. Hurr were tho recepieuts
ot many useful and liautlsoum presents.
Suinctliiiii; NViv In UiiiiiIiii.
Mrs. Alda .1. Eddy inaugurated an
entirely now idea for amusement, at a
luncheon, at tho Millard, Thursday, in
honor of Miss Van Camp, daughter of
Dr. and Mis. Van Camp. On the invita
tions sent out was a request that each
girl wear in her hair on that occasion, a
sign of her favorite hobby. Tho effect
was very amusing. When all were
seated, a voto was taken as to which was
tho most ingenious, anil it was decided
that Miss hrim Hatch should receive
tho prnso ollered. She woio a tiny coal
scuttle on her head. 'Ihe prizo was a
dainty cup and saucer. Miss llime
baugh received bocond prize a Shakes
pearian calendar. Sho wore a watch,
bignifjing that a "good tium'' was her
put idea. Ono of tho pi oiliest and most
becoming was worn by Miss Emily
Wukoloy, who is a tine 1 reach scholar.
On a band mado of red, white and blue
ribbons, she fastened a silver jU'lir-de'lis.
Mis. Eddy's decorations were also quite
unique. Instead of the usual card at
each pluce, there stood a little Japanese
maiden, with the name in gold letters on
her gown. Pink and white roses and
chrysanthemums wore prettily arran0'cd
on tho table ulbo. After luncheon the
girls weie UBhered into u loom where
iheto were to bo been tho most weird
uud uncanny articles, and they weio
given a book in which to catuioguo
them. Omaha Excelsior.
Curri'iit Tuple Hub.
Tho Current Topic club mot Monday
oveniug iii tho V. M. C. A. roouiB. Tho
meeting wus opened by Prof ebsor Taylor,
giving a synopsis of tlm question fir
tllHcnsslon, "Tlm Islands of Hawaii
Mr. Phillip Komerland took the alllnna
live side of tlm question, which wiih (lie
annexation of Hawaii to the United
HtnteH, Mr. 11. A. Ilawley let! tlm auli
annexation side, ami
question was
thoroughly discussed
I'lm debute wiih
followed by a Hiimmary of the points
brought out, by Professor Taylor.
Ilrrllnl lit Cut hit.
The musical department of the Cot
nor MiilvtMslly gate a lernt recital Tiles
day evening. "Oberoii" b Weber, was
given by Misses Hedfoiil, llealtle, Mut
ton anil Mis. Ilaiiua. Mr Ownings
sang "The Mighty Deep" ami Miss
Kiltie Hedfortl gave Mendelssohn's
"C'aprlccio llrlllianle." MisH Hlhol
Heattie plajetl a piano solo, a wall, Jy
Dtiraml, and a oeal duet wiih performed
by PtofesHor Wallets and Mr. Hilton.
Mr. F. L. Pottit sang "Calvary.' Ileeth
ommi'h "Honata Patlietlque," was ton
tiered by Mis. Ilaiiua. Miss Hedfortl
sang "The Magnetic Wallz," liy Aiddi,
ami MIhh Clark gave HiibetiHleiu'H
"ViiIho Caprice." Theie wiih a piano
duel by MIhsch Ownings uud Murphy
in conclusion.
Illiliwtitllll it lit llm Wi'-telli Nil i,
MIhh May Hummer and Mr. Mathews,
of the Westein Normal, entertained
limit1 friends in a very novel manner one
evening last week at the Hell Line
school limine. A vatlety of games weie
intliilgtd in and the evening passed very
pleasantly. The participants weio:
MIhh Sinclair, Kuinner, Miss Down
iug, MIhh I'm Iter, Mit-H Mtinson, Minn
Shef and MIhh Klearns; and Messrs.
William Miller. Waller Miller, MatlmwH,
Mutison, Hloat, Jut mini, Hlake ami
Mni'i. 'I'eiii. In Ni Viuli.
The general subject of "inen'H teas"
litis exciletl considerablo comment
thioughout the country. HectMitl a
leading society woman here and two of
her souh gave an afternoon tea. 'llm
papers in the west commented upon the
mutter, and the general opinion wus tliut
it indicated a marvellous development
of latter day civilization. The number
of "leas" given by men is much linger
than the papeiH would lead the tender
Io suspect. Tlm majority of men in
society look upon inasciiline "leas" as
an effeminate and rather silly fashion,
bill the women evidently look upon
these chatty little nieetingH an highly
attractive. A bachelor serves a "tea" at
IiIh apiirtmenlH, and makes it a point to
invite the ladies or his acquaintance.
It is supposed that theio is sotuelhing
deliriously wicked about going to a
bachelor's roonm to "tea," accompanied
by twenty or thirty other chatty women,
and the young society man usually en
courages It. It is an easy manner to pay
social obligations, and, what is mine im
portant in these times, it is a cheap way.
New Vork Sun.
( In.leilllii (Mud.
Mr. and Mrs. Hartshorn entertained
the Cinderilln hiirh live club at their
residence on South Klovonth stteet
Saturday evening. The llrst pi izes were
won by Misses HoynoIdH ami Wicker
Hliam, ami the booby prize liy Dr.
Hathaway. Tho guestH weie Moihis. .1.
O. Huech, Nestor Huuunons. Dr. W. T.
Hathaway, T. S. Allen, Will Ellis,
Charles Hetz, Cyrus Fishcrdiek, O. W.
Cromwell, N. Levy, Fi-.-d Weitzel, and
Misses Wickcrsham, May Heynolds,
Claia Crainphorn, Fannie electing,
Carrie Lelaud, Anna Dunn, tiertiude
Chuinbois, Muy lilish uud Mis. Levey
and Ci nm well.
'ow t'uril (.'lull,
A few young people mot with the
Misses Luu, 1D15 I) stieot, Stitutduy
evening for tho purpose of organizing a
now caul club. Those present weie
Misses Mattio Hurks, Wilder, Shaw, Jo
Winger, Anna Hroady, Helena l.att,
Nellie Luu, Anna Lau, and Mer-srs.
Dixon, llebaul, Packard, Pulis, Frank,
Clare, Oscar Voting and Andrews.
Minor Mention.
Miss Mary Miller, of Oak Park, Mis.
D. E. Thompson's sister, assisted in le
ceiving the guests at the lliium dancing
party in Otniihu lust week, lutlesciib
ing her toilet, which wus of yellow bioc
tide, trimmed with magenta velvet, tho
Omaha lkc called her "a magnitlcent
looking gill, tall, with brown eyes ami
Titian colored hair coiled like a crown
about her head."
Tho Lincoln W. C. T. U. uniting with
other women's organizations in this city,
will today observe the twentieth mini
versiiry of the women's erusudo which
hud its inception at llillsbuio, O,,
December "J.!, IST.'I. The exercises will
bo hold in tho V. M. C. A. building,
crmmeuciug in the morning.
llm Christmas entertainment of tho
Sunday school of the First Haptist
church will bo held this, Friday, even
ing. The public is invited to attend
and bring gittsfor tho poor. Dr. l lippiu
will give a stcreoptican lecture on "Tho
Life of Christ."
Professor and Mrs. O. H. Howell, of
the conservatory of music, guvo a ie
ception to luemberB of tho Epworth
league at tho conservatory Wednesday
evening. There was a largo attendance
and an inteiestiug program wasgiveu.
Mrs. Charity Alexander, mother of
Mr. S.J. Alexander, ex-secretary of state,
died Tuesday, aged eighty yeais. The
remains .were taken to Alexandria,
Thayer county, for interment.
Tho sophomore girl s literary society
of tho high school gavean entertainment
at tho high school this evening. An
excellent piogiam will be given
Mr. Hurt Wheeler, of Ot
Known in iiiih ciiy, iiiih been api
stenographer forjudge Dtiiitly'H court.
MrH. Adam Mux and daughter, Minn
I'llen I lav, have gonetoHt. Joseph, Mo,,
...i1( n..... ...mi .,., , 1,ll,lvU
,, . ,, .. ,, . . ,.
iMr. t. i). i ouroui mm gone io Momer
set, Pa., iii response to a telegram an
uoiiiieiug Hie death of his mother.
Mr. ami Mih. Herbert U. Howe, of
Howe, Neb., were the gueHtH of Mr. ami
Mih. Fred C. Howe thin week.
Mih. J. II. lumiiii ami daughter, Miss
Flora (loultl.of Broken How, are visiting
Mrs. W. C. Witinan.
MIhh Heebe left Monday for her home
at Faltmnnt after a pleasant visit with
MIhh Htellu Curtis.
The holiday party of the Pleasant
Hour club will bo held Friday evening,
December 121).
Mih. L. W. Oniroiilto has gono to
Williamsburg, p., to spend the Christ
mas holidays.
Mr. J. W. McDonald returned the
early part of Hie week from a biiHinesH
trip eiiHt.
Mr. M. W. Folf-om viniled the south
ern part of the state this week on busi
ness. Miss Katharine Weston will go to
I lent tlee today to spend the holidays.
Mr. E. S. Dundy, Jr., of Omaha, was
in Lincoln Tuesday ami Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Smith, of
Alliance, were in Lincoln thin week.
Mr. F. M. WooiIh ami Mr. J.I). Foster
went to Hiirlinglou, In., Morday.
Mr. and Mih. W. C. Witinan will spend
Christmas in Fremont, Neb.
Mr. W. S. Siitnineis, deputy attorney
general, iH in Kiiiisiih City.
mi. . . . . . . . , , . . . .
i ne next event ot tut) rmipiro cull)
will be a phantom party.
Mr. John T. Dorgau was in Kansas
City over Sunday.
Mr.A. Koch-Aialriano visited Oinaha
Mr. K. Ci. Vales was in Wichita this
W. R. Dennis Co.
Hatters, Furriers .mil Furnisher.-.
We ki-iiw unit iilii)8 have
And all kinds of Decorating and
Flowering Plants.
and FIVE ACRES . . .
Wholly devoted to Flowers and Plants.
Mulii Ktwii limi.el mile visl Uulinicollofi..
VOL Ml'hT ll.Wi: bTYLlHII
Are not Excolled in ..
Style, Fit and Quality
tJMust call in and see theiu.-j
llOO O Street
Choice of an Immense line at
lc F.aoh,
Choice of entile lot of Fancy
7c a yard.
Worth lilt!.
Hrand "Fruit of tho Loom"
80 a yard.
10 yards to one customer.
Slightly damaged, Slightly soiled,
.T.)o Pair!
LadieH' Suede
Mosijuelaiie (lloveH,
Too Pair.
Ladies' ami Childreu'H Woolen Mit
tens at 11!'$, 10, ' and lr.c.
HJ'-ij'c Each,
llandkrrchiefs Embroidered,
lRc, i!0c ami t!T.c.
To CIoho Out.
Hrocatlcd SilkH, fancy weaves' run
ning from ."1 to i0 yards in a piece, all go
at the unheard of price,
.'K)o Vartl.
Rig drive. Never before otrereil at such
prices in the history or the dry goods
An immense line of Fine Satin. Our I
I'Jc Van!.
Silks - to advertise tts-llim novelties,
extra nunl'itics, best goods. Worth up i
to ?l.l yard, at
:i!)c Yard.
H. R. KRUG & CO.
llOO O
Christmas Gifts
Sole leather, basket,
crystal bound.
Alligator and grain
milking useful and
lltted J3tii.
Pocket Booksi
Ocilcl Cases Letter
I ires sine; Cases
XTi t i t "R?rl 1 In "'' Heal, jiobblo calf, s
xxuic xcoxxs Brail, 1(,athori frn;n 81 w to ,
IsiNGObN Trunk Factory.
iui? o 'nisi2'ir
This is a very lino estableshuient-probably better than anything of tho kind
m the world.
Capacity, l.fiOO baths daily.
Artesian miifernl water is used.
Separate accommodations are piovided for both so.xes.
Tno Grent llxintjo ldtli
Holds about a quarter of a million gallons of Sea Green Salt Wtitor
And is nearly 100 feet long, 'JO feet wide and !! to 0 foot deep.
Hh clear as a crystal, too.
There are some spring boards, trapeze and automatic needlo bath In this dn
'JLAlx Bed Kooiiin
Aro for transients who do not care to leiivo tho building utter a bath
PatientH taking treatment use them also.
llio tin? rtt 1 tx
And many other diseases can be CURED in tho Hot Snlt Department
Now wo'ro coining down to business.
Marble walls, Mosaic lloors, rich Rugs, Carpets and Draperies
(Jreat Hie places, easy chaiis and divans.
All sorts of baths are given. There is also a RARRER SHOP
L"(Uiot,ihic1krL'BHlMB nt,1,("'t"u'nt'"'"1 ovmi ,l Municure, Chiropodist and
Ivunolie Aro Served
And TnrkiHli cotTeo and lots of other things good to eat and drink
And thu halt Iiubii t been told,
Special in LadieH' full regular mndo
Cashmere Hose,
1K5, X) niul HOc.
Extra good valuo.
Full bleached Irish Linen Table Dum
ask, extra wide. Special price
48c Yartl.
Regular prico G2Jc yard.
Ladles' Hlack Ribbed VchIh, ITic.
Ladles' White Merino VestH, :J7(Jc.
Children's Union SuitH, 81..'.
Ladies' ami Children's Wool Hose Ufic
LadieH' Hlack Cotton Houo, 7c pair.
Turkey red Table Damask, extra heavy.
Special price,
iUo Yard.
Red anil White all wool Flannol,
17c Yard.
Good for Underwear.
Suxony YaniH at
.eplivrs, Hear llrand 12c
Host I)ress Hraids Jc
PenliolderH lu
Rest Needles :ti!
Stockinet Shields 5c
Curling Irons ''c
Fancy Hraids worth up to 81.1Tj, for
5, 10 and 2."3c
bilk Thread, in colors only lc
Rest Linen Thread fie spool
Rig Lino of Pockotbooks lfic each
Choice Robertson's stock of Fine
Huttons, crochet, pearl and
metal fii- ilmim
1 Coat and Vest Huttons lc dozen
, Ladies' Ruches lceuch
ciiiivtiH covered, iron, leather and
leather in beautiful designs and colors
elegant presents.
Cilatlstones, cabin bags and club bugs with
useful and complete toilet llttingH.
In seal, alligator, Morocco, Russia, pobblp
calf and lizard, beautifully trimmed with
gold and silver ornaments.
and bill books, chutelnino bugs, shopping
collar mid cuff, handkerchiof, jewel and work boxes
in fancy colored leather.
'Manicure sots, cigar cases, extension
cases, dress suit cases, writing
tabletH, drinking cups, etc.
calf and
ju t
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