IV" 8Slii LfcttaWssMaMM ili&5 1 " f WffWWTRWsW ev3saMssjeijapsB) . - -- v. -.MHHti J -fT 1ll HB jSA0rXJJIAl? MORNING OOXRIX&R fjEST ffir jui w Ml K V 4 f i c t hi . i -' i(!. kv i lUiYMOiNGHR PUDLI8HED BY TIIH 8ATURDAY8 60UUIUH PUBLISHING 60. W. Morton 8mith, Beman C. Fox, . EoiTon IIUSIHICS MANAOtn IhwIncMOIllcnlWlOHlrwt. l'lmni 2M. TERMS OF 8U1180RIPTI0N1 TilH('HiKli:n,no)i'nrlii mltnnrn 8's Monlln.. Thrrti Mnnllis ' , I W , Ml LINCOLN, NkHm DfOKMHMt 10, IBM. TUT. C11IHINTMAH COIIIIIKK. TiikCouiuku will l) IhhihmI Friday iiiurnliiK 't wpoU, unci advertisers who desire to tivall Ihoinmilvrn of tlio opjmr tunlllM onVrwl by Urn Christmas Oouuikh should net Uiolr copy In hh curly lit the week iih iMirslblo. TIIK I'llllMfH MONKV. 'f UK COUKIKII L'Olllllttll'H to rw'l'lvo tllO very diritliwnlfihed consideration of tho ,OIU'IKt. Which Ih nil rlKht. Hut wo wouhl HUKKt'Bt to tho pooplo who nro rcsironslblo for tho ilitlly appear, aneo of that paper that they sail h llttlo closer to tho shoro of truth. . For Instance, when thoy nay that some body uuctiscd Keono of "attlliK HUo a hotj," thoy outfit to satisfy themselves that tho accused really said that. And they ouuht not to Bay that Tiik CouitiKH "ripped tho city Kovornmont up ono Bldo and down tho othor on ac count of 'Hb utter and indefensible ox trnvMKitnce,"' when Tiik Couiiieii didn't do any bucIi thliiR. Wo havoon Bovornl occasions wild that thetnxi'Rot this city are too hlnh, and last week wo Bald that a laro portion of tho money paid Into tho city treasury Ih thrown away In uboIcbh oxtravaKance. Andtho JoHrmilnnd Mayor Wolr to tho contrary notwithstanding, wo Btill maintain that tho taxes aro too high and that much of tho public money Ib wasted. Tho Journal Ib in h position to protlt by tho city's oxtravaganco, and it is not surprising that It upholds that ox travaganco. Who over hoard of tho Journal advocating economy or gonulno reform, anyway? Whatever is, providing tho JoiirnciJ Is not a loser thereby, la right, to our mornlntf contomDorary. and It eheor. fully throws Its protection around es tablished custom, whether tho custom is right or wrong. Asfor Mayor WelrltdoeBn'tmakoany particular difference what ho says. Tho mayor is Buffering from paresis, or something equally dreadful, and IiIh remarkable manifestations of ono kind or anothor, In a paroxysm of righteous indignation over Sunday evening sacred concorts at ono moment and sheltering criminals tho next, rising to tho holght of supremo idiocy and asking for suggestions from "clergy men, professional men and others," sus pending hi chief 'ot pollco, and now excusing municipal extravagance, aro not entitled to serious conderation. It's a pity, though, to havosuch a man at the head of tho city government. Cities are nearly always extravagant. In Lincoln much money is thrown away, not so much because the city oHlcialB are wilfully extravagant, as becauso they follow precedent, and become careless in the disposal of tho city's money. No one body or official is alone at fault. Nearly every department of tho city is conducted iu such a manner that more or 'teas money is expended unnecessarily and In tho course of tho year the little leaks drain uway a very considerable urn. OJllclalB In this city nro. no worse than those In other places iu this to sped. Public otheialB ever) where look upou public money, uot bo much as a trust tund' to bo expended in tho inosl economical and judicious manner, as an inexauBUblo mint, to bo tupped at will for auy purpose. The agitation that baa been started in this city is in tho iutorcst of good, economical government, and although tho Journal will probably contiuuo to throw a wet blatiket on tho tiro ul frequent intervals the embers will not be oxtiuguished, and in the near future important results may bo realized, Probably ninety-nine per cent of the peoplo are in favor of lower taxation, aud tew will dispute the proposition that a decrease in tho taxes would not necessarily lessen the efficiency of tho city government. Why ' then, should not the taxes bo reduced? economy Is common bimibo, ami our con leiiiHtrnry should get down to llrnt prin ciples when it discusses the money queH Hon, Tho AVim Hiiyn: "Tnr. Cuuiiikk, which appears to bo a worshipper at tho shrino of gold, cannot understand what bonelllfl would at'cruo to thnfnrmeiB of Nebraska from an enlarged volume of currency, and Ih evidently fearful that by some hook or crook of legislation we limy get a 'cheap' dollar.'' We certainly cannot understand how an enlarged volume of currency, of tho spurlouH kind advocated by tho AVirir, would accrue to tho benefit of tho farmers of Nebraska. In Argentine Ilepiibllu there wiih a sudden Increase In tho vol. iiiiio of currency, and tho farmorB and everybody else were visited by tho most dlieful calamity. The per capita wiih large, but the money had loHt Hh stability; credit wiih destrojed and ovoryliody wiih poor. The llrsl consideration whon It coiiich to money iih a meaiiH of exchange Ih quality- -then quantity. A "cheap" dollar would bo tho Inevi table result of free silver, which policy tho A'cie advocates. The country caino near enough to tho yawning chasm of free silver legislation during tho extia session of congress to make appaieut some of the perils hidden therein. Our contemporary hiijh that tho llrst principle of political economy tenches that a largo supply of money tondfl to lower Interest. Why then, when tho banks of New York City, and tho liuanclal centom of tho country, aro loaded down with money, aro tho loaning companies threatening to increase tho rate of In terest? Tho New will probably Bay that It Is becauso there Ih not tho samocouildenco that there wiih some months ago. Exactly, and If congVesn should give lis free silver what little conlldenco thero Ib left would be knocked several times higher than Glldcroy'B kite. There Is little doubt but that tho country would be lieuetltted by an in creaso lit tho volume of currency, but the increase must come along legitimate lines. Two half dollars aro not any better than ono whole dollar. paper, and Mr. Cleveland wero to rofumi to notice what wiih directed at him, he would call tho president A . . Htuck-up thing ' pq And ' ih 44 Wouhl, ' If llu could reach Far enough, K Hlap IiIh face. : ' ' - g- Tiik Korrls wheel him taken up permanent lodglngH In Mayor Weir's head. Hliln liy alilo limy coohiK snl Anil strutted ticli iitlior's curia) lltitntiililii'cniuil tlmlr luvu, nrul Hat. lloommo I hoy Ixitli worn girl., The inllueuco of religion Ih a better teacher of patienco and forbearance than tho drainii. Ycu never heard a man kick at tho size of a woman's hat in church. NEW8 NOTE8. Mr. L. D. llamlcn, Of Augusta, Mo., says i "I do not remember when I began to tako Hood's Sarsaparlllai It m soveral yean ago, and I li.ivo found It does mo a great dual of uoodlii my declining yewi. I am 01 Yoars 3 inonUii and 20 days old, and in health Is per fectly good. 1 have no aches or pains about me. HoodVSarsaparilla re.TUt.itrs my bow'cls. stimulates my appetite, nnd helps sue la sleep well. 1 doubt If a preparation ever was nude no well suited to tlio wants of old people." I.. 11. IlAMLIK. Klin Street, Augusta, Mo., Sopt. SO, 18U1. Conuiirhhman Hkyan and tho ho called republican afternoon papers aro a unit on tho money question. Ono of tho papers also stands with Hryan on the tarltl question, and tho other hasn't any opinion, either way, on this subject. Hut they aro republican palters, with a big expressive R, VHK FOIl HKlltKNSKS AT 1IOMK. The princes aud dukes aud lords and counts who have married American heiresses have, with acarcoly an excep tion, boon outrageous scoundrels or miserable good-for-nothings. Tho princes have bceu paupers, tho dukes donkeys, tho lords lolly-tHqm and the couutB contemptible cads, or conscienceless cheats. Without honor, conscience, honesty or reputation, and besmirched with the mire of tho moral rottenness in which thoy havo wallowed for years, with mountains of debts aud not one cent of inonoy, thoy havo won American .heiress es with tho itlltter of the coronet, and tho fascination of the title. Naturally thero has bceu very little happiness and much trouble in theso ill-assorted mutches. Just now tho nowBpapora aro full of their woes. Tiik Coukikk thiB week tolls of tho tribula tions of somo of tho moro notablo of heso American girls who havo dropped their money into tho lap of tho titled foreigner, and exchanged happiness for misery. If Amorican heiresses insist on marry ing paupora, and paying otl the debts of scapegrace husbanda, it would bo much bettor all around it they would throw themselves into tho armB of Amorican instead of foreign tramps. To be Btiro thoy could not securo a titlo this way; but they would not iind in tho American pauper-gentleman tho distilled essence ot untold centuries of dissipation and vice thero would bo somo hopt ot reformation. And then the mouoy would bo kept at homo. And being right on tho ground tho mother-in-law might be able to exercise moro intluoncn on tho joung man. Then it matters camo to tho worst, it is much easier to obtain a divorce hero lhau in Europe. So that there is every reason why tho Amoricau heiresses should, If thoy per sist in marrying paupers, devote them selves to tho indigent amoug their own countrymen. Give tho Amorican genteel tramp a chance. Fay off American, instead of European debts. Keep our American girls and their money at homo. IIiiiik r Intercut (lutlii-red During tlio I'tiKt Week. Trester sells over UO kinds ot coal. W1HTEHUKAST COAL AND IjIMB CO. All klmlH of coal. irester'H It'll O Htieet. Lincoln Coal company caters to tho best trado. W1UTEHKHAST COAL AND L1MK COMPANY. David P. Sims, dentist rooms 4ii and t!l Purr block. Jockoll Hros. Tailors, 110 north Thlr teonth street. For California tako tho MisHourl Pacitlc route, via southern route. M. L. Trester can Hiiitjouon coal It auy dealer In Lincoln can. 1211 O street. For Texas points tako the Missouri Pacitlc route. City ticket office l'JOl O Htieet. For all social doings tho Nebraska state baud or orchestra is what is alwiiya most desired. No such lino ot canned fruits In tho city as shown by W. A. Collin & Co., ll.'l South Eleventh street. Call and seo samples of Kuby anthra cite W.80, at the Whitebreast, aud you will bo sure to buy a ton. Pay 50 cents, get a china cup and cancer free, and send Tiik Couuikk to some distant friend for three months. For dances nnd outings there is no sue) music in Nebraska as that supplied by tho Nebraska state orchestra. Novor order an invitation until you havo seen the samples of tho work lono by tho now Courier Publishing Co. The Lincoln Coal company, 1015 O Htreot, handles all of tho very best tirades ot anthracito aud bituminous coal. For ratcH and open dates of tho Ne braska state baud or orchestra apply at tho CouitiKH office, ll.'tl O street, tele phone 25.'). Jeckoll Hros. now tailoring establish ment, 110 north Thirteenth street nen tho Lansing is tho popular resort for stylish garments. Why pay exorbitant prices ror up holstering when Rothschild does first class work at low rates; 120 North 12th troot. Uurr block. HOOD'O PlLLS ro a tnllJ. ctutis, pilnlejs, ssf and efficient cathartic. Alwaji rtUabls. FAMOUS SACRIFICE SALE .OF iVihwn Goods. . , $1.08, $2.98, 3.8,jj?01l TMMMEI) HATS. $498, $5.98. J WORTH DOUBLE THESE PRICES. QiiIIIh 8c, Fancy Wiugn half price, Felt Hats, Sailors and shapes 10c. Tho ItugeHt Ribbon Department in tlio city, and prices to sell tho goods. Wo must reduce our largo Btock, acknowledged to bo tho best In tho west. Funke's Opera House Corner. Corner 0 and Twelfth Streets. Bxclusive Wholesalers and Retailers of Millinery Goods. TOILET WARE Nicely decorated iu all shapes and griules, at imiiokh mat command at tention, in tho Special Hupoh AT 241 SOUTH I ITH 8T., Tlio Retail Rooms of T0E mUlR GQWHK GO.'S NEW CROCKER.V AND OLASSi WAHB KSTa liulSHMENT Orders for special decorations and tho replacing ot broken pieces belonging to dinner, tea or toilet sets arq solicited. Amatour decorated china to bo fired aud gilded received daily. v IT'S BASY.. 1 1 ill! IIH 211 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. YOU MUST HAVF. STYLISH llurvmt Kacumliin. Via tho Missouri Paciflc-On tho second Tuesday in December 1803, January, Fobuary, March, Ap-il and May 1804 tho Missouri Pacific routo will sell round trip ticketB to till stations in Texas with final limit to return in '.) days from Uato of sale, atop over aro allowed in Arkansas, Texas and Okla homa, New Mexico and Indian Terri tory, Como and tako a trip to tho south. Phil Danikls, C. P. & T. A. 1201 O street. llrufni'S. Cannot llo Curvil. by local applications as thoy cannot reach tho diseased portion of tho cnr. Thero Ib only ono way to jure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition ot tho mucous lining ot tlio Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed j on havo a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, deafness Is tho result, and unless tho inflammation' can bo taken out and this tubo restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed for ever; nino cases out of ten aro caused by catarrh, which ib nothing but an in flamed condition ot tho mucous sur faces. We will give $100 for any case of deafncks (caused by catarrh) that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; tree. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. BrSold by Druggists. 75c. WW mjmB JHAT 6AN fiE B0UND AT Lincoln always has a question ot tho hour. Just now it seems to bo some thing or other about the homo ot tho friendless. Wo have endeavored to rind out what all the disturbance is about; but we have not thus tar succeeded. It is something highly important, though. TUB NKWB Aril) CHEAP MONKV. The JVeti' saysi "One ot the llrst principles of political economy teaches that a large supply of money tends to lower interest, while when money is scarce rate go up." Om ot tke tt principles ot political The people who will celebrato this Christmas on an' empty stomach and minus overcoats, should take note ot the fact that the coming holiday will be u geuuiue democratic Christmas. OUR, FALL STOCK OF KiETWr SUITS AND OVERCOATS Are not Excollcd in . . Stylo, Fit and Quality AT M081 REASONABLE PRICFF. EyJust call in and soo thorn,"1! FISHER t WRRFEL 1130 O Street 5v (iTi c-ssV jU F'yl If boys could lile Gupids with clothing dispense, what worry 'twould save us as well as expense! We'd give one a collar, another a cuff' which all the year round would be raiment enough. No sewing on buttons nor, mending of rips would cause any grumbling to pass through oUr lips But the facts are that you can clothe the boys with good warm clothing with very little expense right at the present time, and the ripping nor coming off of buttons won't bother you if go to the right place. They're made right. Boys underware, hats and furnishings of all kinds at very low prices from now till holidays. RECEPTION ROOM ON SECOND FLOOR. MH m I 3 ruclorh'pt, i:i Iti'tull Ktttn.M. 1015-19 0 STE.EET. ;ree arms 'n 6herokip. Wrlto to E. L. Palmer, P, A. Bsoto Fe Routs Oniitlm. Neb., for (res copy of Illustrated folds describing ClierolceA aatr-li?, and the Tonkawa, Pawnee and KIckapooR jer vntlonu, soon to be opened fur settlement by the U. 8. RiiTerumrnt. Millions of acres In tbe fin est ak'rlcullnral country undor tbosun, sraitlof to bo tickled by tbe husbandman's plowshare this Is almost tbs last cbanoa to obtain one of Uncle Sam's frsa farms. OMAHA'S LEADINO HOTEL IRA IIIGIIY, l'roprlclor. Eli'ctrlo cars direct from Union depot pass the door, lltli and Hnrney sts Omaha, Nub, Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. People who like to livo wbero there is something going on should go to South America. As timk goes on we are moro and more pained to observe that O rover Cleveland apparently pays no heed to the declaration in tho Cull addressed, to him. It the whilom genius ot tho Call, J one Falrbrother, were still running that DPRICE'S Baking er. Rudge Morris Co. sfrlL2R&44MMr Fancy Rockers and Chairs, Ioeather Couches and Chairs, Combination Book Gases, foadies' Desks, Office Desks and Chairs, Side Boards, Dining Tables and Chairs, Hall Trees, Parlor Goods, Etc. I3V HARDWARE: Pocket Knives, Shears and- Scissors, Table Carvers, Roger's Plated Knives, Forks and Spoons, Fancy Decorated Tea and Coffee Pots, Nickel Bahing Dishes, Etc., Too Numerous to Mention. ius-iiaa iv strgdt. mpA Tht only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Million! of Homes 40 Years the Standard tVJ ANHOOD RESTORED! &&&?!& iuummi't'ii loturoiul nrrviiCi.uicuB.utiiu Weak Motnorr, Lou of Drain 'owur.lleartocljo.Waliolulnun.LoitllanliOOil.Nliiblir Koinlloni. Nerioui ivi,ulllraliiauuulir iiuMorlnUenerutlToOiviiin of cither sex earned br overexertion, yu thrulerrnra, eicefsl(iunuf tobacco, orlutn orstlni. iilant(,whlcblrnatolnrlrmltr.t'niumptlonor Intanltr. Can be carried la )ri. ifiiv-Bw. tirrDi,ntur, uj njaii prepaw, wiitiasiJS order we Iven written siiinriinfrn to cure nrrcfunil the Money. Sold brail ""'" . ".. ,:,"""Iru"riijiir iree sieaicai uooKsentsealra InDlalnwniDDor. AUdri)XEUVEai:i;ut;o..Mukii,in'r,imni rum.A,. lor sule In Lincoln, bj U. V. UltOWN and W. M. UKULAUMUUlt, Urujwlsts. If if W VPhafa KMfVj VHflHriM lsimJ. ( f .; Vi".lJ J