Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, December 16, 1893, Image 1

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    p ( i
Saturday Morning Courier
VOLUME 9, NO. 2.
Burly In tho nionotury stringency that
him enuscd bo ninny chungon in llnancliil
and tniHincHH methods, the Omuhu banks
adopted n rulu to tho effect that thoy
would outer for collection all iteniH on
towiiH outside ot Omaha, and not givo
crodit for thoiu until paid.
Thoir cuBtoin had been to glvo tlieir
correspondents anil ciiHtomorH credit for
all cash iteniH on Nebraska townn or on
points oast. Tho new rulo wan enforced
for .eoveral months, und it worked a
hardship on all outside Nebraska banks
ns it suddenly rondored a largo
amount ot "cash" itotus unavailable, and
pluced tho country banks, already hard
pressed, in an ombarasBing positiou.
Tho now rulo tended to greatly in
crease tho panicky feeling throughout
tho state. For example; tho grain man,
or cattle dealer, in somo small town in
western Nebraska, was accustomed to
draw against shipments ot grain or
cattle, and havo hi? drafts cashed by his
local bank. Suddenly ho was told by
Ills bank that they could not give him
credit for his drafts that ho must wait
.until they could collect tho draft and
got tho monoy back, necessitating a do
luy of a wcok or ten days. "Wo are
forced into this," tho Ivuik would toll
him, "because our Omaha correspon
dents will not credit tho draft."
Tho circuinstnnces wero not alwajs
understood and appreciated, and in
many cases bunk patrons becamo sus
picious and lost confidence in tho banks,
thus adding to the genural uneasiness.
Tho Lincoln bunks, although appar
ently compolled by tho action of tho
Omaha bunks to follow to somo extent
tho rulo adopted by them, in most in
stances did not mako tho slightest
change in thoir method ot doing busi-
It is a well known fact that tho banks
ot this city extended accommodations to
their country correspondents through
tho panic, whon help was absolutely
needed, und when it was possible to lend
assistance, while tho Omaha banks shut
themselves up like clams and refused to
loan a dollar, no mutter how budly
needed or how good tho security. Tho
Omuha bunliB guvo ovidonco of tho fact
thut they wore budly rattled, und their
whole course throughout tho panic was
such as to aggravate tho uneasiness in
Btcd of restoring contidence. It is for
tunato that tho backs of Now York
wero not goyomed by tho sumo kind of
i. peculiar linunciul methods during tho
trying summer months. If they hud
dono us tho Omaha bunks did, theio
wouldn't bo many bunks left in tho
country toduy.
Tho result of tho notion of tho bunks
in Lincoln during tho pust six months
hus been to bring them inereused busi
ness und now friends throughout tho
state, and Omaha seems to havo sud
denly lccognized in Lincoln a dangerous
rivul, and the bankers ot Omaha have
taken it upon themselves to discriminate
aguinst Lincoln in every way.
A fow weeks ago the Omaha Clearing
House association agreed not togivo Lin
coln bunks credit for items druwn on
points outside of Omaha, und to enter
all such for collection. It wus soon
found, howovor, that Lincoln could do
its own collecting. Tho Clearing House
association thon resolved to enter for
collection all checks and drufts druwn
on Lincoln, und received by thorn from
their bunk correspondents out in tho
stnto, and thoir city customers, and also
to charge a high rate of exchango for
collecting such items. And the Omaha
bunks aro doing this, notwithstanding
tho fact thut all ot tho Lincoln banks
ha'o always kept largo baluuces ,in
Omuhu, and thut they virtually huvo tho
monoy in their own hands tho moment
they receive a Lincoln check. Thoir ex-"
cubo, whon tho Lincoln bunkers pro
tested aguinst such unjust discrimina
tion was that tho "Omaha jobbers and
wholesalers domnuded it."
Tho ilimsincsB ot this oxcubo can bo
scon in tho numerous complaints and
protests of these jobbers appearing in
tho daily papers in Omuhu against tho
now ordor of things, and from tho fact
that most of tho wholesalers are sending
thoir Lincoln items direct to tho Lin
coln bunks, and receiving in return thoir
Now York or Chicago exchange at par.
WMa finrtntiilv flnna not lnnlf nn if tint
Omuhu wholesu!omorchunts"demundod"
this discrimination against Lincoln.
Tho answer of u prominent Omaha
bank president to a country banker who
asked why ho refused to accept draftH
drawn by his bank on a Lincoln corres
pondent, was that: "Tho Omaha bunks
uro trying in this way to forco an cquit
able, distribution of tho stnto funds, ot
which too largo a proportion is kept in
Lincoln." It is presumed that they
will stop discriminating against Lincoln
whon thoy got thin "equitable" propor
tion of tho state monoy, (moaning by
"equltnblo" about ull of it.) Any ono nt
all posted on state tlnanccs knows that
this is u pure bluff, as Omaha has now
and always has had tho lion's share of
tho state funds.
It cannot bo denied that this petty
spite work of tho Omaha Clearing
Houso association has worked a hard-
shlp.on tho Lincoln banks; but it has
not made the Omaha banks any now
frlonds throughout tho state and they
have lost besides tho largo deposits
which tho Lincoln banks used to keep
with them. Of courso tho real object
of tho Omaha banks is to forco country
banks keeping accounts in Lincoln to
change to Omaha, by refusing to accept
their drafts drawn on Lincoln; but so
fur it hus not had tho desired ofTect.
Not only havo tho Lincoln banks not
lost any of their correspondents, but in
several instances, banks keeping ac
counts in both cities havo withdrawn
their balances and closed their Omaha
accounts becuuso of this action. Tho
Lincoln bunks puy 1 por cent more in
tercst on. daily balances than Omuhu,
furnish drufts to correspondents, are
inoio liberal in crediting up outside
items, and during tho past year havo
earned a reputation for taking euro of
their customers.
II. All'iway, tho well known Now York
llnaneial conespondent, in referring to
tho piling up of money in tho New York
banks, says: "It is always best to look at
botn sides, anu tins money glut nrgu
emenl is tho strongest and fuirest
argument thut tho bears have.
To somo extent it is of consequence Yot
dining tho lust week I huvo failed to
Und a single bunker who is giving heed
to tho idea so advanced. I havo taken
the trouble to cull tlpOtf About a" dozen
of the foremost bankers having close
relations to Wall sticct, and without
exception thoy join in tho statement
thut tho abundance of money is full ot
tonic eirects."
"Thoy say thut tho money in tho big
banks here is not tho money which
belongs to commercial und industrial
interests. It is money, which, in times
of Wall streot activity, is kept whirling
in tho stock market. Its abundance
does not in any way, thoy insist, icp
rescnt restricted trade or any public
nervousness. It piles up merely
uwuiting Wall streot uses."
"It really seems strango that an one
could seriously believe that an income
tax upon individuals or, for thut
mutter, upon corporations could be
imposed and bo collected," says a New
York exchange. "America is far
different to any other nation. Hero wo
have types that do not exist among
other peoplo. Many aro up to-day,
rated in the hundreds of thousands or
dollars, but on the morrow
their fortuno, income -everything
hus vanished. In England, where one
hus an estate, no matter how frco, or to
what extent entailed; in France,
where "des rentes" aro secure, and in
Germany, income taxes are a source
of rovenuo to tho Government, because
these can be definitely ascertained and
an income tax collected. With but fow
landed propriotots, like tho Astors,
Goelets,und Havemeyers in this city, and
with real estate ownors of comparatively
similar means iu other cities and towns
the collection of nn income tux is
ulmost an impossibility. Wo huvo no
mi 10 incomes in this country."
"Tho wealth of the Vandorbilts, P. D.
Armour, und tons of thousands of
otheis, doponds upon political und not
pbjsical conditions. An advance in
commodities, a change in tarilf laws,
a fulling otr of railroad earnings or a
monetary panic may reduce the revenue
of tho multi-inilllonatrcs from 25 to 75
por cent. As an illustration it need
only to bo said thut when Mr
Huntington was asked, during
monetnry panic of lust July
August, what Ids iucomo amounted to,
he roplied; "Lust your my rovonuo
exceeded 85,060,000, but this your the
shrinkage in values has cost my estate
nearly 820,000,000. Clorks, mechanics
urtisuus, servants and unskilled lab
oroiB cannot ulToril tho luxury ot an
iucomo tax, and it will ho decidedly
dilllcult, almost impossibo, to collect ono
in any other direction."
Canon City coal
Coul und Llmo Co.
at the Whitobrcust
An afternoon paper reviews Dr. Wee's
article on tho American public school
system in tho December Forum, which
callstoniindaremurkuiadoto a Couiuku
representative a fow days ago by a
prominent citizen: "Why don't you
'roast' tho public schools in Tick
Couiuku? They aro a sham and a
delusion. I went to a plug school whon
I was young and by tho thno I was
fifteen I knew a great deal more than
my boy does now, and ho's nineteen
and it is not tho boy's fault either.
Tho public schools arrange matters so
that pupils cannot graduate from the
high school until they are about twenty
years old, and thon they aro only just
prepared to outer tho state university.
Whon thoy got out of tho high school
thoir heads aro crammed fidl ot a lot ot
scraps and now fanglod nouceenso, and
they know practically nothing about
what we used , to call tho common
branches. There isn't any thorough
ness iu the system practiced in tho
publioiflchools in this city, and that's
why so many people send their children
away from home."
Now the newspaper or Individual that
ventures to say anything disparaging of
tho Lincoln public schools, is likely to
stir up Mr. Henry E. Lewis, und thut
gentleman does not hesitate to bark.
Tub Couiuku confesses to it good deul
ot timidity, and we approach this sub
ject in fear and trembling. Mr. Lowls
is liable to tell us that wo do not know
what we aro talking about, and if he
did, wo aro not sure that we could con
tradict him.
Uesides Tiik Couiuku doesn't "roust"
any body or any thing. This promi
nent citizen must huvo been thinking ot
tho Journal when ho asked us to roust
tho schools. Tho Journal Ib tho paper
that is always aggressive, and fearless,
and over in u. lighting. moodjOur.
specialty is peace and quiet and con
servatism. Without roasting the schools in any
way, wo may bo permitted to say that
there aio somo things in connection
witli the public school system iu Lin
coln and it is much thesamo elsewhere,
- that do not meet with unqualified
approval, and it is not surprising that in
Chicago and olsewhoro an earnest pro
test has lately gone up against tho
"fads" which are given such an impor
tant place iu tho public schools to thf,
detriment of more useful studies.
Most of the boys who attend tho
public schools are destined for business
careers in which a thorough knowledge
of tho three or for principal studies will
be iulinitely more valuable than u
smattering of information, interesting
enough, and valuable, maybe, to some
pupils, but which will not enable them
to keep' hooks and transact ordinary
business, and many of the pupils are
children ot parents of modeiuto means
who cannot afford to keep them iu
school until they uro twenty yours old,
learning things that will not do them
any good when they commence to earn
tlieir living.
Theto is a growing sentiment in this
country in favor of a public school sys
tem that will give the most thorough
instruction iu tho most useful brunches
iu tho shortest time, leaving what mo
known as tho "fads" for the j rivato or
special schools.
After ull there is no moro fruitful
subject for bright newspuper writers
than whiskers. The talented young
men who write for tho press in this city
huvo displayed a fertility of imagination
and a graceful Imagery, us to stylo, in
handling this subject that entitle them
to distinguished consideration par
ticularly of him who furnished them
the theme.
Marguerite, u character In "Friends,"
produced at tho Lansing theatre
Wednesday ovoning, says in tho play;
"Dramatic criticism is only ono man's
opinion," This istho viow taken by niuny
theatrical people of minor importance.
Hut it is not altogether true.
When it is said that Hooth wiibu great
tragedian, combining tho highest
element of stage art with rare in
tellectual perception, or thut Joseph
JelTersou it n groat comedian, or thut
Thomas W. Keeno in a notorious runtor
or that FiiuicIb Wilson in a clover stage
bulToon, this is not one man's opinion.
It is the opinion of ull educated, well
informed people, ot ull those whoso
judgment in theatrical
aSy sort of value.
matters is of
here may bo shades of opinion
Ono critic may see qualities or points
i another pusses by unnoticed.
wliut there are certain Htandanliierected,
it not by art, then by common sense,
ami when the critic is governed by these
hnA'oices not his opinion alone, but that
of un Intelligent public sentiment.
Whon a critic accuses an uclor of
ranting, who makes a stump speech of a
fragment of ordinary conversation, ho
expresses u fact known toall Intelligent,
dcRcriminatimr net sons.
!t&Hinn lilt urit'u Hint) rilnfii frfr1u
With allot her great ability, gives us a
representation of emotions the like or
which we never see except on the stage, ho
ls"hot stating his own opinion meiely
but that of a large clans of intelligent
With all of its defects and shortcom
Inge there Is somo reason and consistency
anil honesty buck of dramatic criticism,
and to say that It is merely ono man's
opinion is to say what In known to bo
Prejudice- creeps into drnmatic crit
icism, as into every thing elso whore
h'lMnun nature is concerned, and some
copies are like blacksmiths at a
jowoler'n bench. Hut these is honest
criticism and a criticism that represents
in n general way a rational and practi
cally unanimous intelligence.
'Whatever may
which tho News
bo tho aflliction from
is suffering, causing
that paper to appear several times a
week so pale that it is almost white, it
la to ho hoped that the recovery may
beispeedy. Whito pupor can bo pur
chased for a good deal less than ft conts
u shoot or 10 cents a week, and tho
poorly printed issues ot tho News aro
not even good whito paper.
ptnahu pays Lincoln a decided com
pliment in tho incessunt wurfiiro which
it wages against this city. Lincoln
generally manifests a most friendly feel
ing for tho metropolis, but Omuhu
scurcely over misses uu opportunity to
vent its spleen to the prejudice of tho
capital. Every jeur emphasizes the
demand lu this city for more wholesale
houses, and the time is coining when we
will get them, and when thut time does
come Lincoln will not be dependent on
Omuha lu tho slightest degree.
It Is assorted on tho most reliable
authority that the young ladies who
practice in the gymnasium at the state
university are distinguished by a supple
ness of limb that in truly remarkable.
When it comes to kicking it is said that
there is scarcely anything in the gymna
sium that is beyond tho reach of the
accomplished young women. Work
men aro kept busy repairing holes in
the ceiling, and an order is shortly to bo
issued to tho effect that tho feminine
gymnasts must wear slippers with
square, instead of pointed toes.
Somo rare newspuper ability is sport
ing itself iu tho Call olllco. We read
iu that paper, among the court news,
Tliu nice, nrrcn kmbh iibout llui court limine.
Iiiih been put to licit for t Im winter. Tlu cov
ering of fertilizer will imikn it blossom out
m;ii In in full forco next 8iirlii.
A little monoy put into soup houses
in this city would put warmth, susten
ance und gratitude into many a destitute
A prominent bunk
cussing tho present
cashier in
attitude of
tho Omuhu bunks toward tho bunks in
city said: "I hardly think thoy will
able to inainain their position for
length of time. Tho wholesale dealers
in Omaha will, I think, drive them
to recede from their present position.
If thoy persist there may lie some in
convenience, but iu thoendit will greatly
benefit Lincoln, us it will cause dealors
ull over the state to patronize
tho wholesnlors in thin city when ever
possible, this stimulating the wholesale
liusiness already established hero und
mukiug u positive demand for tho
establishment of houses wholesaling
hardware, boots and shoes, dry goods,
and tlio different lines carried by tho
country deuler."
It in asserted that tho volume of bus
iness in Omuha for tho year 18S),'l will be
fully as great as in 1602. There was a
gain iu clearings in
months, iih compared
Uio lust eleven
with tint sumo
period lust your, of 88,590,711.
(Coiiiuiui'c on Third Paye.)
Mr. Annin siijh Heptesentatlves Mu
Keighun and Kom wero not present lit
tho opening of eongiess. Their scats
weio vacant, wheieln they resemble tho
heads of the two congressmen.
j nere is ono singular raet lu connec
tion with the candidacy of Major ,1. J).
Calhoun for the postolllee. Homo of tho
strongest friends of the administration
and bilteiest foes of llryau me urging
Calhoun's appointment, on the ground
that the placing of Calhoun iu the post
olllco would be n death blow to the
llrjun boom. Calhoun, they assert, has
furnished tho brains for the country
editors lu lecent campaigns, and Is
really responsible for much of Hryiin's
popularity, llryau would never occupy
tho exulted place he does, It Is further
claimed If it had not been for Oil. The
major would never be given the appoint
ment unless ho agrees to cut loose from
Hryau and adhere to the administration,
and this being tho cubo, it will be
readily seen, thut tho appointment of tho
editor of tho llvrald would not
strengthen tho llryau cause.
I ! lfl .- II. . !
Tub Couiuku can furnish pleasant
und profitable outside employment to
ono or two young men or women.
M. L. Trestor, city coal olllco,
street, yards M. P. and 27th II.
O streot.
1211 O
M. and
Of courso somo people will contend
that tho asylum cases ought to huvo
been prosecuted; but if anyone has any
good reusou why tho farcical proceeding
should bo carried any farther, it Iiiih not
thus far been produced.
Rotuil trudo in Lincoln continues
about tho same, with somo real activity
lu holiday goods, and collections slow.
It is a noticeable fact that Christmas
buyers' aro confining themselves for tho
most part to tho necessities. Fancy
articles are not moving with tho accus
tomed rapidity. Monoy that used to
go into these things is being put into
boo Is and shoes and dry goods and
clothing. Still most dealers report a
fair holiday trade, in somo instances,
much better than wan uxpected,
An ICxilontvi Hunk I'ri-ilili'iit.
Somo amusing stories uro being told
about a gentleman who controls a pros
perous bunk lu Chicago. Among ills
weaknesses is the one of resorting to
nil kinds of tho most variegated pro
fanity on tho least possible pretext, and
I have heard It remarked by one of his
admirers "that it was worth while going
into the bank and discovering any
excuse for picking a fuss with him iu
order to enjoy the privilege of hearing
a real, sure-enough bunk president
curse und swear like a bootblack."
Quaintly illustrative ot this weakness
on the part of tho great banker was an
incident that occurred iu the institution
controlled by him only a few weeks ago.
An elderly merchant, onoof the heaviest
depositors in the bunk, culled at pre
cisely ten minutes past twelve on u cer
tain day to puy a note for a largo
amount. He walked to tho cashier's
window and was about to hand over the
requisite amount ot currency when ho
was accosted by the president of tho
bunk. " and you,"
wan his polite salutation. "What in the
do you mean coining in
hero to puy thut note ton minutes utter
twelve when ou said you'd bo hero at
twelvoo'clock?" Thoubushed merchant,
who Is himself ono of tho most tillable of
men and a society niagjiiito of some im
portance, endeavored to stammer out u
few words to tho effect thut ten minutes
was not ii lifetime, or words to that
effect, but ho wits promptly interrupted
by another pleasant little outbreak al
most an emphatic as the first: "
and blast your eyes," roared
the bunker, now highly indignant.
"What in tho do you sup
pose I want to give you any leeway for?
I'm not lending money for fun
it, and I say - ----- und - -
u man who doesn't get on deck ut the
time he sujs ho will, - hlin!" It
took the elderly merchant about thirty
sccoiuIb to pay in the amount of his note,
and only about twice as long to get up a
ii little indignation on his own account.
Iu tho meantime the president ot tho
bank hud retired behind a ncighborinu
window und commenced to rid himself
f .mother vollev of tirofanltv. which ho
cust In tho direction ot any clerks and
ottleluls ot tho institution thut hap
pened to bo ucurost to him. In this
agreeable occupation ho was presently
Interrupted by the now Indignant
merchant, who, having taken up his
note, proceeded to tear that document
Into fragments mid cant tho same
through the brass hilling straight Into
tho face of tho bank president, accom
panying tho action with words some,
thing like these: "You damned old
swelled-up old gas pipe, you, wo aro
both of us pretty old men, but If you'll
come out of your cage I'll chow you up
Into little pieces mid spit them out. An
It Is you'll never got another dollar of
my money into your rotten old bank
again." They say thut for twonty.four
liours arterwards the banker fulled to
utteru single word that would bo out of
place iu a Sunday school manual.
Two chrysanthemums met as thoy
wero walking along tho avoiluo. Tho
one, all yellow, was wearing a young
man of tho period; the other, lu whito,
hud u girl ot tho period lu its button
hole, Tho yellow ono took off Uh hut. "Why,
how do you do?" it said.
"Delighted to oeo you!" sulti tho
other. i
"Do you know," wont on tho yollow
one, "thut I urn heiirlng of ull sorts ot
changes in tho matter of boutounioresT"
"Ah, you confirm my wort suspicions!
I, too, havo hud rumors comu to mo.
How dreadful It would bo If."
"If wo woro to find that wo woro not
in fashion!"
"Yes. I urn glad you finished it for
me. It in too dreadful to think of I"
"Thero in only ono wuy out ot tho un
certainty." "Yen. Only ono."
"Do wo dure to load bo doclsivo a
"Anything, bo wo bo suro ot not being
utifushiomiblo. Holdness always suc
ceeds." "Yen. Very well, 'thoi. Watch!"
Tho yollow (lower took oil bis man-of the
period und throw him Into tho gutter.
"I I will do tho Bumo." Tho white
flower flung uwuy tho girl' it had been
"Aftornll," Bala thVwhlto flower, M4
they walked down thouvonuo, "It'wusa'
very ugly fushion. Thoy woro not at all
pretty to look utl" ,
At tint ConcrvMtory.
A very plcusunt surprise was per
potruted on Mrs. Howell by tho Faculty
und students on Suturduy ovoning lust,
It having boon discovered thut itwushor
birthday. She was with somo dllllculy
enticed homo from tho Christian Church, to find tho purlor tilled with
students uno frlonds. A Boeiul ovoning
was spent, und Mrs. Howell wun the
reelpont of Bovoral clcgunt presents.
a soricn ot receptions will be given by
Director und Mm. Howell und the faculty
of tho Conservatory, during the season,
to different organizations of tho cltv.
Tho flrBt of of tho sorioH will occour on
Wednesday ovoning of next week.
Try somo Ruby Hurd coul at White
breiist Coul company gU.80.
Kynnml Kar Hurgron.
Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist and uurist,
No. 120.' O street, Lincoln, Nob.
Whon you want prompt sorvico und
fair treatment and tho selection from
the largest stock of groceries in Lincoln
cull on W. A. Coflln & Co., BiicccssorB to
J. Miller, ll.'l South Eleventh street.
The Elk Mountain und Ruby anthra
cite from Colorado aro fust taking tho
place ot eastern anthracite. For sale ut
the Whitebreust compuny it).60.
All coul nicely screaned ut tho Whito
brcust. W. A. Collin & Co., grocers, 113 South
Elorenth streot.
Fine new lino ot business suitings
from 825 to flO In Scotch und homespuns
Jeckell Hros., 110 north Thirteenth
streot, near Lansing theatre.
M. L. Trestor, I'ennu. hurd coul, 1211
O street.
Pictures for tho holidays at Cruncor's,
212 South 11th.
W. R. Dennis Co.
Hutters, Furriers and Furnishers,
I Ml
i m tinfM1"-- '
MhiiMMua i
JlailtlM r