w ! .Hi i a -. . mT"l 'JftMlWMPIM ffWWW' Wp'"W mri01fT1 .! rv S "Tho Still Altirm" wiib presented r.t i tlio Lansing theatre Thurtday night. Thin molodriimn Ik very fiimlllur to Lin coin theatre goers. It tnticlo thu iihiimI tlinprepsion this week, being presented with tlio customary ou"octlvoness. Tlio play is stirring, with much moro rout dramatic interest tlinn Ih usually found In tlio modem nielodinmu. Any wuy it pleilPeS tllli audlcUCCS tllllt llHKOIIlblo t mo itj produced. Nkw Yokk, Dec. 7. Special I'omiiKii Correspondence. Tlio following aro thin week'H important attractions in Now York: Vaudeville at Tony Pastor's; "A Temperance Town" at tlio Madison Square theatre; vaudovillo at ProotorV; FranclH Wilson in "Erminlo" at tho Hroadway; L. R. Willard at tho I iffl yJBfEmh tvP & HSPlliHkK'kjiiV TII1C III13JVrJ'i." Gardonj Aloxandor Salvini at tho Star; grown tired of thin intolerable snubbing, "1192" at Palmer's; "Charley'B Aunt" ! and to give vent to his chagrin, ho him at tho Standard; "Maine and Georgia" ' erected a palatiul reflidonco on Fifth at tho Fourteenth Street theatre; Avenue, right in tho midst of tlio Evans and Hooy at tho Hijou theatre; Anglomaniac bwoIIb. Ho thereby im vaudovillo at Koster and Mai's and tho j partfl the fact that ho thinks it about Imperial Music Hall; "Olaf" at Niblo's timo his family name is transcribed in theatre; "Tho Nutmeg Match" at tho tho liluo book or the 1G0. Much to his Grand opera house; "Tho Algerians"! satiHfuction, Now Vork society began to at Daly's; "The .Woolen Stock-least admiring glanceB on this ostenta. ing" at Hiurigan's; opera and tious young man, and for a short period, vaudovillo at Keith's Union Square; I it looked as if tho exclusive Empyrean "In Old Kentucky" at tho i might be accessible to him and tho Acadomyof Music; llonry Irving and I members of his family. Unt.it current Kllen Terry at Abboy'H theatre; Opora Comiqtio at Herrmann's; Lillian Hussell in "Princess Nieotino" at thy Casino, (Joining Attraction,,. Next Wednesday, December III, "Friends" will inako its second ap pearance in Lincoln at tho Lansing theatre: In "Friends," Mr. Royls has written a play that deals with various phases ot life, from the highest to the most lowly- that is, of American life. Tho burden ot his theme is the great lovo of two chuniB, who have roughed it together and smilingly parried tlio huffctingfl ot fate, hand in hand.. In such a ease there can be, or course, hut one great disinterested affection, and tho author has most beautifully por-, trayed that Bterling quality. It may tax tho credulity of an audience in general to tho utmost to see a man give i up tho woman he loves better than any- thing on earth to a friend for whom ho has tho highest legard. Hut, isolated as such cases may lie, there are high- minded people yet left in the world who education at Yale, at the expiiation of I aro capable of such a noble sacriliee. I which time, a wedding trip to Japan isi Tho author him clovorly softened this j anticipated. Happy Harry! Once be blow to credulity by making the woman i fore, the Gould family allied itself to in question regard this man only as a true and noble friend, never suspecting his love. Mr. Hoylo has planted his tlowcrs in tho fresh soil of youth and not on the dried surface of soured ex perience, and the blossoms he culls are tho sweeter and purer for their nurtur ing. There is a freshness and originality about him that is charming. His characters aro drawn fiom lifp and they aro well drawn, too. There is but one repulsive feature about the play- the delirium and death of the opium Binokorbut that can be forgiven for ,tbo strong moinl it points. There iB nothing in "Friends" that can give ' offense nothing that a girl just graduated from Bchool could not listen i to. It teaches a pretty lesson, and in creases one's wavering faith in humanity, for it is a beautiful thing to think that such people exist in tho world. There is a villian, but Ids character is kept woll In tho background until tho , supremo moment, and his villainy ends i almost as soon as wo are made aware tluit It oxists. Commencing Monday December 11, tho Holden Comedy company will open a two week's engagement at tho Lansing theatro, presenting a repertory of suit able plays at popular prices. Tho initial performance will bo an original melo drama, entitled "True to tlio Core" written expressly for the company by Mr. Harry Jackson tho principal como diiin of the organization. Tho Holden Comedy company is conceded to bo one of tho strongest lopertory companies on tho road, Including among ita iiioiiiIWb many woll known ami really competent people. MIsb Kittle Do Lormc is tho Houlirotte, She has been seen in Liu- THE) coin many times, and Is very j lensantly reinemhered. Sho Is a very lively per-1 son, and will bo a very attractive feature I at the Lansing for tho next two weeks, j Monday evening ladles will bo admitted i free when accompanied by an escort with a cash ticket. WILL DRINQ HIM UP. Hum ML. (IoiiIiI Will Trulll Hit In tended HikIiiiimI In .Mill Hi iiilriliii'iili On dit, once more, that Ih ninior in Hying. Tlio papers recently nnnoiinco that Miss Gould, daughter of tho Into .lay Gould, him engaged herself to Harry Woodruff, tho young actor. Tho announcement him created tho greatest sensation both in society and draiuatic circleH. It Ih a well known fact that tho Goulds have neer hud ontrco to tho exclusive sot in Now Vork. Although their omra box ih adjacent to that of the lenders In MoAlllstorVsot, friendly i,()WH mVi mwr KtiU exchanged. It In iiIho reported that Goorgo Gould him reports aro true, onco more, tho Goulds aro one peg removed from the circle of Id haute nobhwo nobowe Society docs not altogether express sincero ad miratioii ot Miss Gould's choice. Tho "smart set" consider it a pitiful misalli ance. Harry Woodruff is the clever chappie who iinporsonntctl the army physician in "The Girl I Left Hehind Mo," company, which played hero this summer. Harry is a handsome, dapper like youngster, hut ho can't acta little bit. His acting was mere assumption, and his riiiitinir tendencies were some tiling par excellent. This young man 1.1 1 !.. : i.. 1,-uiiiii imiiui mine muni) in 11 single 'III Q WEAK MADE STRONG minute than any other member of the1 . . ... company could in one I .I ... However, tins may not prevent him from being a model husband to his million heirofs bride. Miss Gould has been heralded .as a truly magnanimous and intelligent girl, giving largely to charity. And in deed, she is doubly generous tu her bethroted. She will giro him a jour's U, ..,. i ft -, ,1 ,.,,.i io Htngo. Mifl. George Gould was Kdith " Kingdon, an except ional actress of he day. "When your heart is bad. and your head is Lad, and you aro bad clean through, what is needed?" asl. d a Sunday-school teacher of her class. "I know Ayer'B Sarsaparilla," spoke up a little girl, whose mother had recently been restored to health by that medi cine , Herpolsheiiner it Co aro heavily over ' stocked on dress goods novelties, and i will sell you Sl..r)().81.ft"iand 81.75 at 81.00 a yard. Water colore and etchings at dancer's, . till! South llth. ' Tin, I.iullrx Mmulil All try that "Good Luck" brand or Japan Tea. New crop or their own importation. Goon Luck Gitoomtv. Chuoi City and nicely screened at Hock Springs coal Lincoln Coal com- puny- Luxury ul' Trntel. "Hello, Jack! Just come down town?'' "No; why?" "Heeauso you look so fresh and trim iib though just out of a bandbox." "Woll, that is natural onough, when j ou consider that, instead of just com ing down town, I have just got into town after a trip east." "Hut that generally uses a man up, and given him that tired feeling, what with cramped quarters and jarring and worrying him almost to death." "1 know that is sometimes the case. Hut frequently it depends upon what jonil yon rldo over. There are roads and roads. I nindo my" journey by the SATURDAY MORNING OCXWRtTOl Michigan Cential, and they have such' perfection In appliances for comfort, such discipline among tho employes,' that tho annoyances aic small Indeed,1 and tho comfort equal to that In one's own homo, unless it is an exceptionally; . luxurious and well appointed one. Try , the Michigan Cential, 'the Niagara 'Fulls Route,' next time ,oii wish to go' east. You'll Mini it so." Arkaimaw Traveller. ll I lit; SlMlt ll. Convenient markets, good soil, puio water and excellent climate aro advan tages to be considered when looking up a home, business location, farm, etc. Maryland and the Virginias afford these, with many mote advantages. Improved farm lands, adapted to stock raising, dairying, grain, grass and fruit growing, can lie obtained at low prices and Umiu easy terms. Thriving towns invito the inerclijint, mechanic and business unn, Abundance or coal timber, ore, water power, etc. Fico sites for manu facturers. For furtherinforniatlon, address M. V. Richards, Laud and Immlgratloi Agent 11. ,v (). II. It., Hal biinoro, Md. II lull l'li- in- llnt'lire I'll ill I'-. Should send at once to John Hkiiahtian, G.T. A..C. It. I. A: P. II. U Chicago. Ten Cents, in stamps, per pack for the slickest cards oii ever shulllcd. For 81.WI you will receive fieo by evpiess ten packs. More )ImIc, I.pm, Spoil. It was 0 p. in., and Horr August Glim tncriuiuiu stood ready equipped in trav eling costume. Ho put on his gloves anil his hat, matched up his phiid. turned the gas off and was about to leave thu room, preparatory to starling on a long jour ney through Germany and Italy, when in th davit his sleeve swept over the ta ble, in consequence of which something dropped on the tloor, which, to judge roin tho sound, must have been a coin. Although during his absence no one could enter the room, as he was in t.ho habit of locking it and taking tho key with him. yet he thought it butter not to leave the money lying about, but sccuro it ui his purse. lie therefore relighted the gas, and found that the coin was only a copper of tho value ot 1 penny sterling. Putting it in his purse, lie hurried out of tho room and quickly locked tho door, for it was just striking 1, and his train loft at 0:18, so that ho had only just timo to catch it. Might month later Glimmer munn, on Ills return from Italy, un locked the door of his room and went in. Htil what is that? The gas was burning merrily just as he left it after lighting it to seek the dropped coin, ho having forgotten to turn it off again in his hur ry, and u couple of days later ho was presented with a gas bill to tho amount cf JL'lOs. iljd. "Hang it," ho said, with u sigh, on paying tho money, "the old proverb, 'Fes Una lonto,' is not so far wrong after all." IIuinorlHtischo Hlatter. It litis been proved that in a patent lock, with mi itverngu sized key having tlx "steps," each capable of being reduced In height 'JO times, the number of changes will boW5,400; further, Hint as the drill pins and the pipes of the keys may ho made of threo different sizes Hie total number of changes would lie S.Mi.'.ixki. In keys of the smallest size the total number would be 648,000, while in tlioo of extraordinary size it could he luuic.-ised to not Ics than 7,776, 000 different cliutim.'. St. Louis Republic. ,-,-, . ,-, i I I J I- SICK HEALED. I ' )"" "'" "" n l" ie"iiiiiiu-ii, in, inn be discouraged. Compound Oxjgen lias i wrought many wonderful cures and has! given strength to mini). Wo know IIiIb' to be true from our own experience or j twenty-live yeais, and we are ready to i furnish abundant proof. It is worth your while to examine tlio evidence, which you can do by writing to us. Wo will send you, Tree of charge, our book or two hundred pages with numerous testimonials and records of nui in iniuu i-iiu-n "i iimiiuiu, ii'iiiiuiiiiiri, ' .. , , , .. JlilllLlI I II I tit tlttt lltltflfldl tlt fltl lltfltllSItt HUH. I..! P .....I I I.!l!.. , i wnniiiHiiiuii I.I1IIU i it i nun iiiiiitruijf ll u i - vims illustration, neuralgia and other forms of disease and debility. Home treatment is sent out by ex- press, to be used at home. Olllco treat ' ment is administered here. The effect or both treatments is the same. Con i sulfation free. I Our success has given rise to many I limitations. Avoid disappointment and ' loss or money, as there is but one genuine i I Compound Oxygen, by sending to , l)KS. ST.MtKKY A: PA LBN. l.VJ!) Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa., San Francisco, Cal.. Toronto, Canada. TU 15 Kr4OKlHT8. i mow ami ulwii) liuvo ROSES CARNATIONS, CHRYSANTHIiMUNS, VIOUUT And all kinds of Decorating and Flowering Plants. TEN GHBENHOUSBS and FIVE AGUES . . . Wholly devoted to Flowers and Plants CITY 8TORE II 34 O 8TREET. OITYOfUEN HOUSE I0IM AND D8T8. TELE 3(14 Muiu tfruun Imuaul iiiilu wt-ttUiiluu college WIN BROS PROMINENT CITIZENS Newspaper men aio, by nature of their oc cupation, kept before tho public. They huvo a habit, perhaps mutually agreed Uhiii, of sounding each other's praises, or what Ih equally effective, "roasting" each other. Any way, tholr names aro pretty nearly always In print, and wo consider them a good means to conjure with. Wo know that when we print in big type such names as O. H. Gei X. r. J. r. ji Wo are suro to attract attention, and just now our one purpose in lifo in to attract your attention hi our magnificent and seolally selected stock of furniture, embracing every thing in this line; also carpets, draperies, household goods, etc. Is a man of wide experience, and much dis cretion, and ho knows a good thing when he sees it. It is not everyone that does. Hut we are suro that there is no one who can full to appreciate tho particularly tine lino of rurnituro at particularly low prices, which we are now offering. SPS.CMiKn Wo can sell you anything you want in the rurnituro lino, at tho very lowest prices the linest stock in the city to select from We Have Got A big line of splendid stoves, all sizes and styles, that wo must close out at once. We aro getting rid or these stows at tho rate or "0 cents on the dollar. Como and see what wo have got. For anything in the lino or furiiituie, stoves, draperies, carpets, house hold goods, etc., call on us. Goods sold on monthly payments. LP LH F 1CS1W-130 O WhiHH"",! Go. URNITUR E &3'1.U1$13'1 ..itvr?llr Dr. T. O'Connor, (flarcMiur to Dr. Charlei BnnrlM.) CURES CANCERS, TUMORS, Wi'iu unit Hululin nlllinut tin tit ol Knlta, Clilcirnforiii nr HI her, Mm not O HtrivtOmni lilnck. LINCOLN, NEB, 1 It liliirnnt tlm liend of all iiiirliiillcnlii pull llalii'd In tint KmhIIhIi lunioumn In no lonwiir din tinted ntiywlii'rt'." Allmny ArMim, TH CMNTURY MAGAZINE IN 1894. THU (IIIHATKNT Of AM, Till MAUAZINKK, 1000 l'iiKr or Hie Hint l.llnriilurti, 1000 lllimlriitliiiu liy llm (In-ultnl ArlUU of Mm Wiirlil. flllltC iirciuriirn nf tlio now volutin) of tlnit'aii I. lury MiiuiikIiio, loxiiitilii wllli tho Nuroin 1st imnilirr, In ono or rnru intnrmt to orory romliir of Mtoritttirn. Tim chief lorlal fontura U A NEW NOVEL BY MARK TWA.M. Thu Miont ilrninnlla Ktury ovnr written by Amorlrii'ii uronti-nt Inunnrlit. Mln anvnral of Murk Twnlii'n Inrlea, It hna for itn icuno u NleiiMilMiiit town on Ihn MIhhIiiiiiI rlror forty von rn fiHii. "l'liild'nlioml Wilton." n liaril. heiiiloil ronntry lnwvor, tho lioro of tho nlory. fiirnldioK iinirfi of Ifio fun Hint ono nnlurnlly ojliocln In llml In u work by tho author of "Tlio limiH-milM Ahroinl," but ho niiponni Inuuitn iinother IIkIiI In tho miirilor trial which fprnii Ihothrilllnu rllmnxof Ihimtory. Thflplnt In troduced n noml nml ItiRPtiloii rniployinont of clnnco In tho detection of crlino, mill tlio chnr iictorn nro well drawn mid thnlr otttry nellon ( lntrplliiK. Tho enntury will contain A SERIES OF SUPEHH ENORAV- INGS ok thk DUTCH MASTERS; Article mi HUNTING OF FIERCE OAME; Articles iloicrlblnn ARTISTS' ADVENTURES, lly lnnilinu American artists, with tholr own tlltistrnlloiisiiirllclcs descrltitlvo of IMPORTANT EXPEDITIONS In all tho io nrout continents, Including tho ad i of two vnunic Americans who t ravorsod sin on bicycles 1 11 novel torles on ventures Asia TRAMPING WITH TRAMPS How n younit mini, dlsuutscd as n tramp, trnv piled over America and loomed nil the secrets of tho "profession ;" IMPORTANT PAPERS ON MUSIC by tho Kroatent llvinKcomposnrsnndmuslcian' Unpublished ossnya by JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL; Hhort stories and novelettes by nil tho leadlnv story wrilnni. rHsnys on tlmnly subjects, humor and fun in tho "l.lliter Vein" ilepartmont, etc., ulc. Tho GREAT CHRISTMAS NUMBER contnliiH n sermon by I'hlllins llroods. sovon complelozlorieH.il muunillreut array of full- pnuo pnirrnvliiRS. n new nirturo of ( (lonern I (Jrant, lettern from ICilwIn Ilootli, etc. (Svi.tMorlt30 JVovir. l'rlcil fl.(Xl n vnnr. Dnnlnra r,-nlvrt iitiarvl,,. tions, or remittance mny Imi inailn to tho pub llsliers by check, draft, money-order, or by cash In registered letter. Address 1 111 0ntiTsr Co. UU Ics: ltU (At., JV. Y. Wrlto for ii "Miniature Century" frmi. BEST LINE TO DENVER ON THE CREST OF THE JUIEGHANIES. (Main Line B. k O. B. It.) ISCASON OPENS JUNE 15, 1893. . I Ratee, ICO, 175 and 190 a month, ao co riling to location. Address GEORGE D. Dr.SHIELDS, Manager, Cumberland, id up to Juno 10: after that date, either Deer Park or Oakland, Garrett county, Md, FREg rjUte4iiirisU Ike MOtrMIN KANSAS, ARIZONA, OKLAHOMA, NEW MEXICO amd CALIFORNIA, May be bsd by ddrMelu O. T. NleboLtos), . T. A., A. T. S. r. ft. ., Topeka, HlIM Mutlnsl klaia . IR 111 iiiiIiii M.J B. -A ItUA.- ' iA4i. r- rja . --