JiffSp,.':iWf lHI7VtiK(';;?"r-T5'5l '-""S-V"4 '" ftTTTS- ' THE SATUHtDAY MORNING COURIER 3z s': in M0RNIN6G0URIER PUDLI8HED 8ATURDAY8 lit TltH GOURIBIf, PUHUSINNG 60. W. Morton mitm, editoh Deman C. Fox, uusinsbs MNAotn IhiiiIiiomOIIIcoHIIO Street. I'lionc aw, TEIIMS OF HUOBOHIPTION: Tun CmtniKM, mm yi'nr In ihWiuicp. S' Month .,, Tliroo Months. . .... ,.fHM I HI III Lincoln, Nkii., Dror.MiiKH J), IBM. Ni:WSI,AI,i;tANlTlli:iltlllltTIII.V NmvHi)i(irH huvo h rather (ooIIhIi ImliU of ci'lolimtliiu tliolr IdrthdiiyR by nillltitf utUuitloti to thi'lr iikc, und boimt Iiik of tliulr lUHly condition, JtiHt iih though tho public Ih liiliiroHlctl In tholr pruttlo, ii ml It) conoenu'd In tlutlr tenth hit; uiul other Infantilis experienced, or oven the thlnuH that accompany a milliner iikc If tlm public Iiiih any Intercut In a nowHpupor It Ih In what tho nowHpupor Ih, not In what It Iiiih boon or will bo, uiul whothor tho papor Ih one or ten yearn old Ih a unit tor of very llttlo con pcqiiotico to tho roailor. Ono of tho old out, If not tho oldoHt dally iiowh pnpor iiubllnliod in tho United States Ib tho North American, of riiiladolphla, and it Ih ono of tho poorcBt and most tircnonio of tho k orally IndltToront pupcra publlHhod in that city. In Now York hoiiio of tho beat nowBpnporB aro thono that hnvo boon umonp tho Inst to ontor tho Hold, Ago doesn't niako or mar u nowBpapor, und nntilvorHtirlcB of tho conunenco niont of u nowBpapor havo no hIiiuM oanco. Tub Couiukii wuh Htartcd Jimt clht years iitfo, and with thlH Ihbiio entoin upon Kb ninth volume. Following tho exnmplo of omo of our ooutoinporiirlcH on u liko occuhIoii wo might look back und imy that bIiico Tiik Couiiikk tlret appeared tho grima hiiBdlBappcared from tho BtrootB of Lincoln, to bo replaced by brick and cedar blocks, that electric Btrcot cars huvo beon Intnxlucoil, and other motropolltiun frllln adoptedall the result of agitation by Tiik Coukikk. Bui whatever truth thoro niny bo in all this, Tiik Coumku will not Bay it. Wo will not work ot! any anniversary guff on an innocent public. Wo ruoroly oxtoud congratulutioiiB to our roadors on tho fact that Tiik Coukikh Ib no worse than it in, nnd wish thom all a Morry Christ ihub and nllnppy Now Year. Thkrk is a movoniont on foot in tlito city to provide a now list of subjects for tho distinguished humorist who con ducts tho department in tho News known as "Portincnt Topics.'' It is also tho intention ot thoao intorcHtcd in tho movoniont to throw in a llttlo originality with the assortment Of noWBubjocts that will bo presented to tho JS'cira' humorist. And then ho will probably bo given a supply of real humor. With this aa sistanco it Ib thought that "Pertinent Topics" in tho JVcti'8 may bo" given u now lease of llfo, or u reason tor existence THE MESHAOK. President Cleveland, v his inessago to congress, wont clear around tho world and touched at nearly ovory port. Ho looks in on Chilo, Brazil, Costa Rica, Franco, Great Britain, Liberia, Nicarauguu, Guatemala, Norway, Rus sia, Gormuny, Samoa, Spain and Hawaii. Mr. Cleveland makes evident bin in tentlon to placo Lllluokulaui upon her throuo in Hawaii, but ho doesn't suy anything about re-establishing any more monarchies, and tho countries mentioned abovo thut aro without a king or queen will doubtless rest in security, at least until tho president has finished his job in Hawaii. Mr, Gloveland ulso gives some atten tion to homo affaire. Ho points out by tho use ot figures how tho country has beon going to tho demuition bowwows since ho got hold ot tho reins of govern ment. Ho shows tho discrepancy between the rccoipta ot tho government and Its expenditures. Ho points to the national banks, and tells us that 'during the year forty-six wont into voluntury liquidation, and 153 suspended. And then tho president tackles tho tariff. Ho shows to tho country that l.e Ib not uniniudtul ot tho effect ot tho "object lesson," and notwithstanding the ilory, unturned utterance ot tho Chi cago plutform, ho goes clour buck on tho proposition thut protection is unconsti tutional. Ho does not forgot tho empty fur nuces, silent spindles and closed fac tories, and he does not counsel tho over throw ot protection. All ho advocates is "reform." Considering tho fuct thut he was elected president on tho isbuo ot a tariff for rovenue only vs. protection to American industry, he is remarkably mild. His customary audacity is ul to gether lacking. Mr. Cleveland's message, depicting the almost unprecedented depression hi business following the political revolu tion In 1808, and counseling in the mild at manner "tariff reform' instead of a radical "tariff for levenuo only," la n ationg endowment lif the policy ho ailiMualely i ('presented by that brilliant republican and rlslngst'dcsman, William, McKlnley, tho gentleman, who recently received hiiuIi a IiiiihIhoiiio testimonial f i otn tho voteniof Ohio. Auotn' t o only thing In Lincoln Hint hasn't felt tho effect of tho general bus! iioph depression lit the illvnrcomlll ai (lie county court house. It's a nip anil tuck race butween the (Icciith of di voice and marriage llcensen In tliln county, and tho jmlgPH ato kept busy undoing the work of tho mliilriteiu. "What God hath joined together let no man butst nmindcr," Hounds will; lint it doesn't go with tho judges in this dlntrlcl. LINCOLN AMI II A It It TIM IN, Faith in Lincoln must necessarily bo liiteuslllcd when It Ih considered what an (iiioriuiiiiH strain tho city Iiiih been laboring under the past six months, and how well tho city Iiiih ytood the strain. Tin: Cfiuiiii:ii IiihI week Htuted, and gave conclusive evidence in support ot thu statement, Unit considerably more than $1,000 a day goen out of Lincoln to pay intrest on nioilgngcH and bonds hold In the east. .Homo llttlo attention wuh attracted by this showing, and one coutemiorary in referring to the huiuo seemed to find iih tho most Hlgnillcaut fact in thin connection, Lincoln's de pendence on tho east. Hut thoro Ih a much more important fact made evident by thin showing, namely, that Lincoln Ih in u remarkably healthy condition to be able to stand tlm presBUro to which tho city Iiiih been subjected since tho llrst of last June. Prior to that date, iih wo hnvo pio vloimly Hinted, much mure money came into Lincoln In the form of new loans hi a given period than went out in tho why ot Interest. Hut since .Iinin 1 prncti. cully no money htm cniuo Into tho city, and nearly if not unite a quiuter of a million dollars hae gone out In just one form, and that too in a period when business of every kind Iiiih been at a standstill. There Iiiih been no money undo during this time; but the 81,000 and over a day, ban been sent east just tho same, and while people have been and aro pressed for money, business em biirrasHiueutH have boon remarkably few. HuhIiiobh men in this city have been called upon to meet very heavy obllga tioiiH at homo and abroad, and it Ih a fact that (hero Ih less debt now than at any time for a number ot years. All thiugB considered Lincoln has made a most creditable showing in tho last six months. It has beon made apparent that there is something solid und substantial back of Lincoln'flgrowth, something thut can be depended on in tho time of adversity. Had Lincoln boon dlstiuctivly u manufacturing city, tho hard times would havo worked u much greater hardship on tho people. As it is thoro have been no big plants to close down on a momont'H notice throwing two or tlueo thousand men out of employemont. Tho' smaller concerns have not made any material reductions, the jobbing business has suffered but llttlo, and Lincoln Iiiih mot tho storm with a bravo front, and como out of it with coloiB Hying. Lincoln, most favorably situated In u grout agricultural country, Iiiih the most solid foundation in the world. Tho basis of this town's prositorlty, and the assurance of its future develop ment, may bo found in tho hogs und corn that como from Nebraska farms, und other liko products, moro valuable than gold or silver. Theso things huvo built up Omaha and Lincoln und Ne braska, und given solidity to tho busi ness interests ot the state, mid will make this town, tho natural focus and distributing point for tho stato's market able products, ono of thu most solid and piosporous cities in tho country. Agriculture is conceded to bo tho ono Hiiro foundation ot prosperity, and tho fertility ot Nebraska's soil Ib nu lmprcg nablo safeguard from tho evils that must now und then afflict communities thut depend on mining, or manufacturing or somo other cause for their existence. Hero in Lincoln wo huvo ngriculturo to begin with, und uro rapidly securing u wholesale business und manufacturing industries that uro milking this town u most iui'iortiint commercial center. Tiik JVetcs continues to manifest com mendable zcnl in tho movement for lower tuxes, und if tho other papers will take tho mutter up, und ull pull together it is io8siblo thut important results may bo realized. Tho taxes in this city uro unmercifully bight and the Improvements uro not notably excellent. A very lurgo portion ot tho money is absolutely thrown away in useless extravagance, and ut a time when privuto business is being rigidly overhauled and put on an econmical basis, it is altogether fitting that somo ot tho fancy and expensive frills in tho cityes business affairs should bo lopped of. No man should bo elected to ho city council next spring who will not plcdgo himself to u policy ot low tuxutiou. Thkkk is no question but that tho sontimont among tho heaviest taxpayers of tho city is fuvorublo to tho "dismissal ot the romuiuing usylum cases. Tho best legul tulont ot tho city has declared thut iu no instance would a conviction result, and it, us it uppeurs, tho only reason for further prosecuting tho cusea Ih for buncombe only, It Ih time that the fin co were stopped, It may he fun for some pcnplo; but to tho citizens who have to pay tho taxes It Ih decidedly tiresome. Tho county Iiiih already In curred nu expense of over ?0,000, with absolutely nothing to show for It. In a law suit iih In everything else it Ih a pretty good Idea to havo somo slight insurance of hucccsh before you go ahead. In the asylum cases tho result Ih ii foregone conclusion, and Mr. Wood wind might an well quit. Tho county" attorney Is given credit for making nu earnest effort to convict ,in tho eases ahrady tried, and theso ciikch were te g, tided iih tho strongest of tho lot in favor of the prosecution. Where then la the use of pioceedlng nny further In tlu fnrclyial undertaking? It is about time now for somebody to stale that nil that Ih the 'natter witli tho country is a want of conlldeuce. MINOR NEWS. W. 10. ibirllnglm, for many years a lesldont of Omaha, Iiiih decided to cast In Ills lot with the residents ot Lincoln. Mr. Iluillngiiu is a hiothcr ot Mrs. W. (J. Hell, and through visits here Iiiih already formed a large circle of acquaint ances. Tho occuhIoii for Mr. Hurlingiiu's coming to tills city grows out ot his pur cliasu of the stock ot books and station ery formerly owned by tho Ulason & Fletcher Co. Ho propones to conduct tlto business at thu old place on O street. Tin: Count Kit Ih pleased to see this busl iicsh continued in good hands and pre dicts it successful business career for him. Mrs. Harr I'arker wry pleasantly entertained eighty live poor childten for dinner Thursday. They all scorned to enjoy tho tempting food set befoio them and many thanked the hostcFii for remembering tlieui. Mrs. Ollie Davis, Mm. Fjtink Hrownoll. Miss Hesslo Perry, Miss Whltmoro and others assisted in earring for for the little ouch. NEWS NOTES. Item of Intcrcxt (lutlirrril IhlilliK Hit' IMtl Week. Tiester.HollHovor t!0 kinds of coal. WIUTHHHKAST COAL AND LIMH CO. All kinds of coal. Irester's 1'211 O street. Lincoln Coal company cateis to tho best trade. WIIITHIIK13AST COAL AND LIME COMPANY. David P. Sims, dentist looms 1'2 and III Uurr block. Jeckoll Bros. Tailors, llO north Thir trontli street. For California take the Missouri Pacilic route, via southern route. M. L. Trustor can suit you on coal if any dealer in Lincoln can. 15211 O Btreot. For Toxiih points take tho Missouri Pacilic route. City ticket olllco 1U01 O streut. For nil social doings tho Nebraska state band or orchestra is what is always most desired. No such lino of canned fruits in tho city as shown by W. A. Collin &. Co., 1411 South Eleventh street. Call and see samples of Kuby "anthra cite $11.80, at tho Whitobteast, und you will bo sure to buy a ton. No hotter placo to spend Sunday even ing can bo found than at tho Statu baud concerts ut tho Lansing. Pay 50 conts, got a china cup and cuueor free, und send The Couuikh to somo distnnt friend for three months. For dunces und outings there is no sue) music in Nebraska us that supplied by tho Nebruskn stuto orchestra. Nover order an invitation until you huvo seen tho samples ot tho work lono by tho uow Courier Publishing Co, Tho Lincoln Coal company, 1045 O street, hundleB nil of tho vory best grades of anthracite and bituminous coal. For rates und opendntesof tho No brasku state band or orchestra apply nt tho CouitiF.u office, 11.11 O street, tele phone 25:1. Now t o seated canopy top surrey for salo cheap or will trado for a ilrstchiss phaeton, call or address Lou Wcssol, Lindell hotel. Jcckell Bros, now tailoring establish ment, 119 north Thirteenth strcot nea tho Lansini! is tho uonuiur resort for stylish garments. Why pay exorbitant prices for up holstering when Rothschild does llrst clasB work ut low rntes; 12G North 12th troet. Burr block. - W. O. Din U, 1), 1), N DiBcuBCS of tho teeth, mouth uiul fnce. Booms 501.2-!!, Bruce blk., cor. lfifh nnd O. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. DANCE'S fiPiflll,Baking The only Pure. Cream of Tartur Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Stauda I Valrolman Jullua ZcUllcv ' Of the Brooklyn, N. Y., l'ollco Force, gladly ' trillion to (lis merit ot Hood's 8arsanarllla. Ills wlfo talcciltfordlzzlnd) nud Indigestion rnd It works ctmrnilnatv. "Tlia children nln 1 lako It Willi arc-it honcllt. !tl without doiiht nmou excellent mum lor'i lint Tired reel- la;. I cheerfully recommend HoocTsSarsaparilla l find Hood'H Tills to every one who wishes to havo health nad conifui I." Oct HOOD'S. nuuu o flLLU euro jiTor 1.11, comupauo lillloiunou, Jadidlc, Mid ilcb hoadacus. TOILET WARE Nicely decoruted in ull shapes and grmlcH, ut 1'ittoKH that command at tentlon, is the Special Ittrpok AT 241 SOUTH I ITH ST., The Retail Rooms or THE mUlR COWflH 60.'S NEW CROCKER AND GLASS WARE ESTaHuISHMENT Orders for special decorations and tho replacing of broken pieces Ulonglng to dinner, tea or toilet sots uro solicited. Amateur decorated china to bo fired and glided recoived daily. 211 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. YOU MUST IIAVK BTYMSII CLOTHING! OUR FALL STOCK OF JW SUITS AND OVERCOATS Aro not Excelled in . . Stylo, Fit und Quality AT MOST REASONABLE PRICFf. EZTJust call in und soo thorn."1 & 1130 O Street AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY OR COMMISSION FOR THE ONLY AUTHORIZED E Ily Oull lliiiiillt liU Utornry executor, with tho co-operation of ills family, and for Mr. Illulnoa complete works. "Twenty Years of lonci-css." and his later look, "Political Dls- solllnK topics in tho markets. A. K. 1 Jordan, u. .....uiu, HiuK ii. uruors irom nr nu calls: BRcnts i i.rollt lun.AO. Mrs. llallord.of Ohio iii .Jori!"rv' V)iScftl nmujhi.hi ore (lay prollt orders in two dojs: profit lil.vn. J. Van. "11"i'i"'""ut"1 ir"crH irom ;n calls: profit 7B.3B. fc. A. Talmer, of North Dakota took IU orders in 3 dojs: prollt UH.!in, Kxclu' 8lvn Territory bIvoii. if jou wish to muko lurgo money, wrlto immediately for tonus to THE HENRY BILL PUB. CO.. NORWICH, CONN. I MM 11 CO. FISHER WflBFEL JAMES G BLAIN FAMOUS SACRIFICE SALB viVihwn Goods. 9M, $2.0(1, S3.1MUF0K TllTOTIEI) HATS. $4.$)tt, $5.!)i). I WORTH DOUBLE THESE PRICES. Quills 8c, Fancy Wings half price, Felt Hats, Snlloround shapes -iOo. Tho largcHt Ribbon Dopartmont in tho city, nnd prices to sell tho. goods. Wo must reduco our lurgo stock, acknowledged to bo tho best in tho west. Funke's Opera House Corner. iZxclusive Wholesalers and FOOT BAbk Boys play foot ball. One "f-3K- 7rt7J' Vy n on him. They grab an arm or a leg and try to twist it off; the rear-back-behind stop takes a piece of scantling or a chunk of granite and gives him a couple of licks on the head so as to slacken his pace: they pull, bawl, tug, twist, push, gyrate, jolt, jumble and juggle till it starts us wondering what that ball is made of. It stands the racket and the seams hold together like those boys' suits of ours. They are made up in our factories on purpose to stand the strain that boys are sure to give 'em. The more life a boy has the harder he is on clothes. If the clothes fit they'll last longer. We pride ourselves on our fit and style, both In boy's and men's clothes. All prices on suits from $2.50 up. Second floor; elevator. Special sale of Men's Suits this week. BPB a riu'tri', 13 llclall Ntori'H. H0iJN THAT CAN BE BOUND AT Rudge Morris Co. Fancy Rockers and Chairs, . feeather Couches and Chairs, Combination Book Gases, Ioadies Desks, Office Desks and Chairs, Side Boards, Dining Tables and Ghairs, Hall Trees, Parlor Goods, Etc. Pocket Knives, Shears and Scissors, Table Garvers, Roger's Plated Knives, Forks and Spoons, . Fancy Decorated Tea and Coffee Pots, Nickel Bahing Dishes, Etc., Too Numerous to Mention. Rucl&e & Mollis Co., If .Ww TESraKmS Cor iu loll. Lincoln, by U.W.UKOWM .OF f Corner O and Twelfth Streets. Retailers of Millinery Goods. cxr boy Rets the ball up against his wish -bone and lies down on it. Then 21 boys pile on him till the referee pronounces life extinct. Another boy grabs the ball and scoots. Ail the others seem to make an effort to commit mayhem i 1015-10 0 STREET. &00DS n MANHOOD RESTORED! KffiK ,our,HeB(lacUo,ynkolulnefS.UiitliiiiUood,NliinilrKm"H,oM 'iimSS iitn,uUilrniniiiulliMif powerliiGeiierutlveOrMuiii Vf eliher l'o?n7.?.wi Ly oToroxprllpn. yoiilhlul errors, oxcclvo uo of tobucco oolum or'VlfS? ulanu.wulch 'Hftontlrniltr.CnnuinDtlonor i,,,.ViV;uciSu0l''u"' L'M1?' ai?.'.' '!'.?.V.. Porl)o.for, by umll orepiTn.' WltirksiS onfir -2 and W.N.iUiUlJlliaiUKll,Uriuilsu!! V !- . C'.' ' L 4i4-M- OS HUSH HcwuhhIiUm. niati,iiiyiiuwi fc-ftBJi,m jHftt-Wfnpimrfr'" (.' ! 1