WV-MW-srmmmiutmY,i 'ryunmiwip 'ypaawwgy "yugf - ijp -,T'qwl w i t rTi "j - THE SATURDAY MORSJXIVG COURIER 1; If : ,s f ill'- is It! it k M 't i t. Sfr M. 1 1 WITH HIS LIFE. The I'rlett Paid lor h litil Krror hf m "Yituittler " He had l-oiiiouui to iimih a second lieu tenant A young ami heardlcvi mail ante from West Point mid t lit ragged old trooper who had boon lighting Indian for three years smiled In contempt. I'll y wit mingled with contempt, lion over It was unjusUothe boy to put lilm up nualmt I the ravage Apachts for IiIh llr.t trial. Even honiu of the veteran ofticers of the war hlul made a bad failure of It when they camo out to the plains. "The joungstt-r," an tho men called him, bad been with uh a fortnight when the colonel oidered him out on a scout. We were to go down thu valley four miles, turn to the went and ride down the bank of Walnut creek three miles and then come back over the hills. Ouu sergeant, one corporal 25 hooper In all, At that time the. chances uero ngulnst sighting nn Indian, but the movement would tell their pies that wo ueiu alert and watchful. In duo time we leached the creek and turned In. It was lined with trees and bushes and offend covir to an enemy. "The youngster" gave no outer.-', how over. and appeared greatly surprised when hi looked back and obscrx ed the attitude ol tho men. They laid their cat bluea ready for what iiiIkIiI route and olilhtti'd oil against the hillside. 1 think; the officer wiu about to hurl some Indignant protect at us when we got a volley from the bushes. Every man in that troop realized on the instant that wo had only ten or a dozen redskins to deal with every mttii uu buu IU31I1 iv liiiv nu mm viiu in ' . but the officer. Had we wheeltd Into line, umiavoiieyam.ci.nrBl-u,vveM,0 ,, ,vC driven them from cover and had a good ftlmw tri i. ti.rtittnnt.i tli, lltlllll. 'Tlin youngster" wan rattled by the suddenness of the attack, and la-cuuso two or tnree horses wont down he lost his head and ordered ua to push forward at a gallop, leuvlmr two men who had been dismounted, but were unhurt, to be deliberately shot down as they sought for cover. We had i dashed forward about liair a mile wuen every trooper suddenly pulled up and wheeled about. No one gave the order, but all acted In concert. We wcru too late to save our comrades, but thu sight of their mutilated bodies brought Hhoutafor revenge as wo charged tho thicket. We got a feeble volley, and another home went down, but In 10 minutes we had wiped out tho last skulking warrior. Nine of them hud put the 25 of us to flight. "The youngster" was brought back to us by the sound of the firing. His face wore look of astonishment and dismay as he saw the dead. When he was informed that wo had made a cowurdly retreat beforesuch a small force, and when a trooper held up the scalp lockn of our dead comrades and growled out that they had been abandoned to their fate when a cool head would have saved them, the face of thu young man was wblto as death and he made uo reply. A trooper was sent to thu fort for an ambu lance to carry in the dead, and after beat ing up tho hushes ugaln we sat down to wait his return. The lieutenant demount ed and sat by himself. For a long time he sat with his face In his hands galng at the earth, and there wasn't one of us who didn't feel sorry for lilm. By and by he called tho sergeant over to him and asked: "Sergeant, did you realize that we were being tired on by so smull a force?" "1 judged them to number from 0 to 12, sir," was tlio tepiy. "And had you been In command what ac tion would you have takenr" "Fours right, wheel and give 'em a vol ley and then charge. That would have been my way if they had numbered 100, for a dash would have driven them from cover a nd let us In." "And the order I gave was to push for ward, which was the same as retreat V "So we understood, sir." "And you returned and attacked without orders?" "Without orders, sir." "That will do, sergeant. The ambulance should be here soon, and you will see about the bodies. Try and tell a plain, straight story about the tight when you report to the captain." With that ho got up and moved up the hill aa if surveying the country, and uo one happened to bu InoUlugat him when he put hU revolver to his head and sent a bullet into his brains. Ilowa dead before we reached him. I'oor "youngster!" A court martial would have dismissed him from the service. Kven hiul no charges been pre ferred, he could not have held his head up among men lighting nieu. "Say," exclaimed tho sergeant as we stood looking at thu body, "he made a mis take, but paid for it with Ills life, and uo man shall speak III of him. lie was a youngster and had newr seen an Injun, and that's all that ailed him." M. Quad. General Muliune In Wuslilnuliin. Tho qunlntext of all of thu national tig- ' .,-,',, ,,, , , , ares in Washington Is General William I "' millionaire, Oakley Khinelander, Mahono of Virginia. He Is here almosf.ua who could scarcely tear himself away steadily as when he was a senator. Of j frmn v,.Ht Point, if all that ia said is course It isn't the same white hat of the . ...10i finest felt, tho same short black coat cut " - . Into the waist, ihe same curiously shaped To pieveut the hardening of the aub trousers, full at the thighs and tapering to ' ctaneoua tissues of the scalp and the tight lit at tue aiiKie annve me low cut shoes. Uuttlieliat, tne coat, tnu trousers and the shoes are of pieclsely the patterns which made their appearance in Washing ton with General Mahoiie years ago. The finest material enters Into thu general's wardrobe, and It is never allowed to show Oge, mil l,u successive ouu.is are exuci re- Droductiiiusof the curious originals. And sO'Oiio leaving Washington and returning after a decade sees General Mahono look- . lug precisely as ho did. Washington Cor- retpoiident. , Uimettlin: the Ink Ilottle. "There seems to be," said a man of family, "a certain class of domestic accidents that cannot be definitely accounted for. Among these I should put the upsetting of tho ink bottle Who ever knew how tho ink bottle got upset? Hero comes Mr. Seven-year-old, who says to his mother, '.Mamma, the iuk's upset.' His mother jumps up, t'lug, 'Why, how did that happuuf "Some people think that ink bottles, end more particularly children's ink bottles, have a tendency to sort of jump up and prance around and upset themselves; but this is mere theory. Nobody ever saw an ink bottle do that, and it is probable that the question Is ouu of those that must re main without a dt Unite and satisfactory answer." New Yoik Sun. Wuruara of tha Vmr North. The wonders of tho aurora borenlls in the Drltisb possessions, just over the Hue of Alaska, cannot be told. The heavens all winter long are lit up with a golden glow Indeed I may say the colors the sparkles and flashes are so many, constant und va ried that no one can describe them. There Is practically uo day dm lug thu year. For two or three mouth, i p in Dec. IB, from 0 to 13 o'clock, there Is a sort of dawn, but the rest of the time it. Is night. Ithtso clear that you can go out and read a uevs paper any lure. Sun FraucUco Kxaminer. HAPPY ON 9 I, 5000. Illl In ii llriiiikl)ii Pint on a Ninull Millar). "All, what nn awfully swell girl Kiln I'Yrrls used to bo; anil how she Iiiih dimmed lately," mused Tom Do Witt. "Yon mean since lier marriage?" asked Jack Kurd. "Yea. Unco, nothing on earth wiih too good for Iter. Moat of the fellows in our net who tried their luck worn not nearly gtaal enough. Hut hIio made n great utintako wImmi she married Ferris." "Poor devil of a clerk, wasn't huV" "Hn wiib and la jot. They live in a Hut over in Brooklyn somewhere, My sister called thoro the other day, and alio aiiya tlm way they live, la simply dls heartening. Small, dark rooma with cheap fttrnituro, and u couple of squal ling klda for hric-u-hrnu. Pleasant Hitttntlun. Tim Hat looks out on a livery stable in tho rear and a Catholic Hchool in tlm front. The heat bed-room ia in a dark alcove opening invitingly olT tho dining room. They have no servant and Ella doea nil tho limine work, ho her lunula are getting red and bony, and alio ia going on frightfully In her looks. They never go unywhere or see nnylaaly. Haven't been to the theatre once since they were married ,)rrB , , , , , t ' wlien lie geta liome I the evening; and then they have to economize. And my slater aaya the Hitddeat thing about it all la that Ella Iiiih tin audacity to be ho liliaafully and perfectly happy." "Happy!" ejaculated Jack. "She ia and ho ia her husband. That'a the worHt part of it," replied Tom. "My sinter aaid alio him not seen anybody ho genuinely contented and happy in u long time. Qadl when I think what ahe used to be I can't help feeling wirry for her." "You're right!" mdd Jack, with fer vent conviction. "Thoro aro no more pitiable objects than people who can bo huppy on fifteen hundred a year!" -Harry Roiiiuino in lialtimoru Life. Tin IVrlml or Moiiriiinir In Noelel). Though we have no royal families in America, or more particularly in New York, where the crown and coronet are aa often seen us in England, it bcciuh to mo that witli the frequency of deatlm in families that are rated iih "leadeia," pociety will have to make a new law prescribing the limits of a term of mourning. I think, in every case, thu younger members of thu family Hhould bu permitted to appear at social gather ings without comment. And after all, it ia nothing but fear of criticism that makes the term of mourning so fasliiun able and long. If half tho people were really sincere in following such a fashion it would be different, but they aro con tinually doing things which tho strict lawa of mourning do not permit, simply because they consider themselves not seen. I noticed at Jhe horse show a daughter-in-law of a famous statesman, recently deceased, who paid duo respect to tho memory of the departed by her choice of garments; but if she can ap pear at the horse show, certainly there can bu no line drawn at the opera or dinners. Other members of her family have permitted their mimes to appear on thu lists of all the fashionable sub scription dances. That I commend, for if tliey cannot partake of pleasure them selves, tlieio Ih no earthly reason why they should not contribute to the happi ness of friends.- Town Topics.. , lien I .Mini's Oianil-IlaiiKliti-r. Miss (Irani, Colonel Fred Grant's daughter and niece of Mrs. Potter Palmer, will beone of the reigning belles in New Yoik this season. "Already there aro a lot of dangleia in her train," isuya ruin Topics, "and among othera who aro said to be somewhat facinated ! Iiv liai luifsij m muni iu tint 1 n rwluttlitfi obliteration of the hair follicles, which cause baldness, use Hall's Hair He newer. Tlm Hex! I.inunlrj j Townsend ifcPhiuinndon proprietor, JOH . () . , t(.il1ono r.7. W. '. IIiivU, l. 1). h Diseases of the teeth, mouth ami face. Rooms 501.2-:), Hrace blk., cor. 15th and O. Tlm Union Turllle Cheap Ituteo. Only 8.'I0.0() tlrst class to Ogden, Salt Lake, Helena, Spokane and Portland Ore. For full particulars rail at city ticket ofUco 1044 O street. For St. Louis Pacific route. City street. take the Missouri ticket otllce 1201 O Canon City coal at the WliMobreast Coal and Limo Co. M. L. Trester sells Pennsylvania, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, ami Wyoming coals cheap for cash, 1211 O street. For California take thu Missouri Pacilio route, via southern route, Jeckcll Bros, new tuiloring establish ment, 110 north Thirteenth street ncu tho Lansing ia tho popular resort for stylish garments. W. A. Colilnlfc Co., grocers, 14."l South ' Eleventh street. WIUTE1SREAST COAL AND LIME COMPANY. CLEVELAND'8 POLICY. The l'relicnt Con Incrd Tluit There Wns no Aiiierleau Itewilitllon, I Tlila ia the era of rtimoia. It ia now whispered that Ptcsldent Cleveland hua recently devoted mo vend houra to n thor ough and conclusive examination of American history of the revolutionary period; that he Iiiih made up Ida mind unalterably that the grouuda Hot up by the colonial a to justify their involution were and are trivial and Inadequate; and that aa a liunetlcinryof the unlaw ful and abhorrent acta of Ucorgn Wash, iugton and Ida fellow couapiratorH, and aa a micccHHor of the said Waahington In a government founded upon force, foreign Interference and an iiiijiiHtlllnlilc revolt ugaitiHt coiiHtltuted authority, he couceivea it to bo Ilia duty to light thu gi eat wrong done to good King (leorge by Ida stilT-ucckcd nml relielliotm sub jeclH, a ciimu in leaped to which this government Iiiih not merely been an ue ccHsory after the fact, hut in one form or another waa nn active principal. It iatiHHcrtcd that tin ho vlowa of the prealdeut, withheld from the American people, huve been Htihinltted in accord ance with Ida lialilt to Croat llritaln'a Inspection, and that hergracioiiHinajeaty Iiiih been pleased to aiguify her entire Hiitisfaction with them. Sir .lulian I'nuncefote, however, ia, it la wild, op pressed with doubta, not sinned by the prealdeut, concerning the practicability of reatoring thiuga in atatu ipio, and ia ttneaay leat the American people in hoiuu Htidden and inexplicable whim, ahotild refuse to be thim disponed of, and Hhould rcaciit the aecret trial, conviction, and punishment by reprimand and reversal of previously honored past occupaiita of tho presidential chair. It ia underatootl that Sir John auggcHta, in prefeiencu to an American rconthrunomont of the KticccRBor of King Cleorge, the adoption by the president of a policy which will catiae tliia country to pay permanent tribute to Great Hritnin aa onoofita trade and commercial dependautH; re versing in Kngland'a interest the re ciprocity, Hubsidy mid other policiea by which vc are to build up trade for our rcIvch in the other America; breaking down in Kngland'a intereattliu frowning tarilT barriera designed to protect local Industries; and moulding our foreign (Hilicy in accordance witli English sug gueatioiiH, to this end tilling tho diplom atic Hcrvicc with rcpuhliciiu-dcHpiHing mnuoclcd AnglniuatiincH, and reatoring a pro-Engliah queen in Hawaii. Unquestionably tiiia ia the era of rumors. IOx. The princes of thu world have not troubled the world much witli lofty thoughta or poetic utterances. The following Htanzn by thu gifted and kindly l'rinceaa Mary of Teck ia much too good to bo forgotten: If each man la Ills nienaaru, Would do a brother's tmrt, To cunt a ray of sunliaht Into u brother's heart. HnwclaiiiKfil would Ihj our i-iiiintrj. How clmiwd would lx our poor) iul tlii'ii iuIkIiI Christina nations Desert n the iiiiinoonrit mure. -CIiIciikii Saturday KwiiIiik Herald. W1I1TBHUKAST OOAIjAND LIMK COMPANY. Call and see samplca of Huliy antlira cite 80.8:), at the Whitebieaat. und you will be sure to buy a ton. Ktihinga nicely framed, only tfl.tVi, at CrancerV, 121i! South 11th. Nicely framed etching 81.(5."i, See them at Craneer'H. 'Jit! South 11th. Ti ester Hullaover 20 kinda of coal. The Whitubreaat ia lieadqiiartorH for nil gradea of ateain coal. Mlil-Wliiter Fair. Nan rninilseo 'nl K- I'lirslmi Tiekels Now oil Sale Wllliltiiiiml Trip, l.lmll April HO MM. The Trunk line between Iiiucolu, AtchiHon. St. Joe, Wichita, Hot Springs, St. Louia, Houatou, UalveHton, J.oa AngleH and all points eimt weat north and antith. Come and go via the Missouri Pacific the popular chair car route. II. C. TowiiBond (3. P. A. St. Lamia, Mo. Phil Daniela C. P. &. T. A. Telephone No. (iOi). City olllce 11MI1 O street, Lincoln Neb. The sacred concert at the Lansing Sunday evening was a gieat success, judging from every point of view. Nevt Sunday's will be even better. Heat seats for 50 cents, find a good one for 25 cents should be sufllcient Inducement to till thu house every Sunday. I M. L. Trester, city coal ollieo, 1211 Oj street, yards M. P. and 27th IS. M. and O street. The Courier ran He I'iiiumI al Hotel Lincoln News Stand. Windsor Hotel News Stand. Capital Hotel News Stand. Ro'I Dudo Cigar Store, 1020 O St. Ed. Young, 1207 O St. Clason, Fletcher & Co., 1120 O St. Moore's News Stand, 118 So. Uth St. ContiKit Olllce, 1201 O St. Archio Ensign, 217 So 11th St. INE PRINTING AND ENGRAVING. The Courier Publishing company is prepared to do all kinda of printing, tine work, especially, at moderate prices; also engraving, wedding iu vitutlons, calling cards, etc., Call und seo samples. S.VTUItlMY MOH.NINO CoUltll.lt, 1201 O street. E 'I o We are offering our Immense stuck of W( &00&S A.T A. Ii REDBN. Including tho full line of CLOAKS FALL UNEKUWEAH. HOSIERY. HLANKETS. DOMESTICS. CLOAKS, SHAWLS. DUESS GOODS, NOVELTY DUESS PATTERNS. Especial attention is called to thu lino of DUESS GOODS and CLOAKS bought for this season. A special CLOAK SOLE, Including the Kobortson stock at And our own immensu Hue of high grade and stylish cloaks at 0 I And every garment plain figures. marked in LINCOLN, NEB. OST. YOUR CHIC B UllJLfll 41REU1E !25o iflGO., .. II 115 IM4OHIMTM. yJjB "'tlZJmli IN We rov and nlwiijra hnyn ysKsWfali.rl I, ROSES CAKNATION8, CHHYSANTHIJMUNS: all kinda of Decorating and Flowering Plants. TUN (lUHKNIIOUHIW ani FIVK ACHES.. . Wholly devoted to Floweia ami Plants. CITY 8TORE II 34 O 8TREET. 1 OITY OIIIIN HOUIK I0IH ANO 0 ST0. TILL 84 Mala ureea lionnnl inlln went Union coIIckc TOILET WflBE Nicely decorated In all shapes and gradcH, at I'liioi.H that eomimiml at tendon, la the Special Httrrgtion AT 241 80UTH NTH ST., The Retail llooma of the muiR COWflH CCS NEW CKOCKEM AND GLABP WAKE ESTAiiulSHMENT Orders for special decorations and thu replacing of broken pieces belonging to dinner, tea or toilet seta aru solicited. Amateur decorated china to be fired and glided received dally. 211 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. A YenrV Niilmcrlptlon l Any flnr of Hie KoIIiimtIiik I'aprm LADIES' HOME JOURNAL. CHICAGO WEEKLY INTER OCEAN. NEW YORK WEEKLY WORLD. CHICAGO WEEKLY TIMES. To any ouu sending us 2.00 for a year's subscription toTiir.CouitiKit in advance, we will give frooii year's subscrip tion to any ouu of the above papers, any one of which thu regular subscription price is 81.00 to 81.50. llemcmbur you got one free with a year's subscription to thu Courier. ft'liO worth of good reading for 82.00. 8ENDIN YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS NOW! i Ah this offer will only hold good for a short time. Address COUlUfill PUB. CO.. Olllce 1201 O St., Lincoln, Neb. THE JSXXIV. The Jlrat of Aiiwrtvuii XewH)iicrn. Oil MILKS A. DANA, Kditor. The American Constitution, the I iliiercdH Idea, the, American Spirit. These Jlrst, last, and all Ihe time, for- ever! , THE SUNDAY SUN IS THE GREATEST SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD. Price 5c. a copy ISy mail, 2 a year Daily, bj mail, SO a yeur Daily and Sunday, by mail, - 88 a yeur The Weekly, 81 a year Address Til i: Nt'.N, N'e York. Cioe 'n 6herolp. 1 :ir ms i ili In K. L. Palmer, P, A. Banto Kp limit. 'iiiiiIiii. Nob., for frracopyof llluatrated Io1iIk I si i Utilise Cherolcee Mtrli, mid Hie Tonkawa, Pawnra anil KlrkHpoo It, .re tale i soon to banprncd fursettlunipiit !) tli I - unuTiimrnt. Millloni of ncrra in tlis tin el trlraliiirsl country under tlionun, waliln l s tickled by tha Imibandman'a inlisrii. tliir ia almoat Ilia lait cbauca to obiain nun of Uiuin Ham'a fraa farioa. 1 1 I HI ffMfY , VIOUHT8 H1. im'J ' m w$um ' e; VOU MUMT IIAVK NTVMHII CLOTHING! OUH FALL STOCK OF NEJW SUITS AND OVERCOATS Aru not Excelled In ,, Style, Fit and Quality AT M081 REASONABLE PRICE8. OTJtist call in and boo thom.lU FMEfl t WflRHL 11 (JO O Mtrout MUST HAVE A PAIH' OF P. COX HIGH GUI' SHOES, They are warm, good wearers, And just the thing. SOMETHING NEW. THE LATEST STYLES. SHAPES, CUT AND ETC., ONLY $3. I'WV TH1SM. a 6. YHTES I I 1 0 O 8TREET. AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY OR COMMISSION FOR THE ONLY AUTHORIZED E Ily (lull lliiinllton, lila literary executor, with tlm ro-operatloii of IiIh funilly, and for Mr. Unhid' complete wnrki, "Twenty Ychm of ('oimreim." mid IiIh Inter book, "1'olltlcnl 1)U riiHHloim." Dim iironpucttli for tlieno tlireo bent Helliiitf IxMiku in tlio miirketu. A. K. 1. Jordan, of Miihin, tiMik 112 orders from tlrat UU calls; imeatH vrotlttllHI.no. Mm. llallnnl.of Ohio, took 15orlorN, IIISi'iil ItiiHtilii, In oreiluyiiirotlt i'itl.'tn. !:. N.ltlce, of MnmncliutPttN, took 17 onlum ia two iIiijh; protlt f4?.'4A. J. Part rlilwe. at Maine. tiMik 411 orders from ;w rnlU; protlt $7ff.ltn. IC. A. l'nlmcr. of North Dakota, took U orilcrH la :i ilajm protlt $VH,'iH, Kxclu klve Territory aiveii. If ou wlnli to niako larito money, w rite Immediately for ternm to THE HENRY BILL PUB. CO, NORWICH, CONN. ?0R 894. Special Inducement to Subscribe NOW to TOWN TOPICS. 44,00 will pay for tlm entire jonr lbSU, and you will reccitoKKKK from dntn of iubcri tlon tliolbmicH of Town Topics forthoreniaiudor of this jear, iiichnllnK tlm special ClirUtmaa iiiiiiiIht (doubli) nnmlier, prico '.'S cents), con taining ' A Marvelous Tale by Ambrose Blerce, Entitled "Tno Diinmed 'riYlsiu;. $.1.00, tlio reimlur club prico of Town Topics and Tales from Tnu n Topics for mm jenr, will Kct jou not only Town Topics aa ubuvp to the end of ispi.but tlio four volumes of talcs for tlint jeur and tlm lioliday number of tales, nut DecKinlxir 1, this ) ear, Willi tlio (lltlJAT I'Kl.K hTOltY, Vxxt:txor&9r Kent A Thoroughly Cosmopolitan Novel, PRICE 50 CENTS. V Critics mireotliat tlila ii tlioatminteit and most liilcnsoly Interesting of this mmarkabla series of Prim Stories. Itomit in check, inono) order, ptal noto, to TOWN TOPIC8, i I West !:ii Ml., S, V, N. II, -Huve oa read AMELIE RIVES' latest nod lie! noel, TANIS, THB SANG-DIGGEH? JUST OUT. I'.'ino, cloth, ullt, $1.W postpaid. J I AM aTl ?9Pm I tf .v-.. j