Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, November 25, 1893, Image 8

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. ...
Tho undersigned liorlr Kite notlra (lint It
rill not be responsible f,r or pity any iloht In
curred by employes, except thosn for which nn
order It siten personally slnod by II. This
rule it imperative. Cuckirr run. Co.
Lincoln, Nrii., May Ut lu.
W. R. roril SO Co.
737 0 Sfrfef.
Til Courier run tin Found at
Hotel Lincoln Nows Stnnd.
Windsor Hotel Nown Stnnd.
Onpltul Hotel Nows Stand.
Rod Dudo Cigar Storo, 1020 0 St.
Ed. Young, 1207 O St.
Olason, Fletcher Co., 1120 O St.
Mooro's Nowb Stnnd, 118 So. 11th St.
Courikh Ofllco, 1201 0 St.
Archie Ensign, 2 17 So 11th St.
The Courier Publishing
company ! prepared to do ull
kind of printing, line work,
especially, at modorato prlcoe;
alto engraving, wedding in
vitations, calling curds, etc.,
Call and aee tampion.
Satukday Mornino,
1201 O Btroot.
Tli Hst Laundry
Townaeud iStFlauiandou proprietor, 2208
0 street, telephone 670.
W. V. 1U, 1. U. H.,
Dlsiasss of the teeth, mouth and (ace.
RoomsDOl-U-U, liruce blk., cor. 15th and O.
Mow' This!
We offer Oue Hundred Dollara re
ward (or any caae ot Catarrh that cau.
aet u cureU by Hull's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, the uuderslgned have known F.
J.Cheney (or the laat fifteen years, uud
believe him perfectly honoraolo lu all
bustaasa trauaautiona and financially
able to carry out any obligation uiaue
by their tlrui.
Waarr Tkuax, Wholeaalo Druggists,
Toledo, O. Waloimo, Kinnan & Mahvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catartu Cure is taken iniorn
ally, acting directly upon tho blood ucu
mucous sutfacea of ttiu system. Testl
mounds seut tree. Price Voc. per bottle,
bold by all Druggists.
Th Vulou i'aulHO Cut Kates.
Denver, oue way f 0.00
Deuver, ruunu trip imam
Pueulu, Colorado oprings and Cueyouuu
tUeaauie rate.
Chicago, oue way 0.1b
Chicago, rouud trip j 11.55
Bt, Louis, round trip. 10.05
b ull luioruiatiou cheerfully givon at
1044 u aueei, soutnweei cor. U auU illti.
4. T. im, Hi. tf. bLosaort,
City icet Agt. Ueu. vgt.
Harvest Kxounlou.
,Vla th Missouri Pacido-On the
tsoond Tuesday in December 1KXJ,
January, Feuuary, March, Apil auu
May latfi the Missouri Paciuu route
will sell round, trip tickets to all stations
ia Texas with final limit to return lu bu
days from date of sale. Slop over are
allowed lu Arkansas, Texas and Okla
homa, New Mexico and Indian Terri
tory. Come aud take a trip to the
south. Phil Danikls, C. P. T. A.
12U1 O street.
la th district court ot Laueaster county, Ne
brasaa. Austin KUuy pUlntlll, t. Martin Mloy,
TUuw.s J. uuey auu Aiury UUuy iiUlou Uu
lvuuuiK. 'iuuuiu J. HUey dotondant, will take notlcu
Uiaiuukuu kutaayot novwuoiir, itM,Auu.
ltuuy, iiiulutia uuiulu, Hiou uu pouiiuu lu luu
auui.icvutt ut iuucwiiur vouut), Avoru.kd,
Rtfkiual luu Uuluiiuubta uotelu, luu ouji-cl uuu
(un)vrut vuucu uiu turuvur uuiuttuu iuuui
UivubttuuttHkilUallvr oi avvliuu It, lowudli
lW,UVUU bl IUliU I, UUU VUl Ul UIO .Ulll 1. Ol,,
lu xu.tuir uiuuu, rtuuiuu, iutour tu tu
puiutiu, kud luui luu uutuuuuuu UUU i:UCll uuu
oi Uium no uucruoa 10 unvo uu rwut, uuu, lu uikuu, ur uuuiuuu u( uuy uuiuro wuui
KTui lu miiu auuvu Uuwjriooa i)iouiUv, uud luul
mux uiiu rtuuy uu uuvrovu tu iki lu j uwuur tu
M ot imiU uruuiuuM. luu uru ruo,utrua lu
atutwur iMtd utfitituu utt ur oolunj tuo au day
or livcoutucr, idM.
liotou at L)tuuuin tliU Zith day of Noromber,
V. AUoliN tUUcl,
HI I'OfND A BURR, till atturuuy.
Notic li Uareby givuu Utut by virtue of au
oruvr or aai imuuu uy hie utorK u( tuo duirict
CvUll ut lUtt tuuu jUUIVUUUUlllUlOl Muuraou,
iuuutuu tur jtbiuur uuuuo. lu "u acuuu
Wuululu Jaiuw fe. liauut U uiaiulut, aud tiutut
UaUC.tfUlUMUVtlu. UdtuUUMUU, t wiu av i
o iuuck l. lu., uu tug UIU Uay u( iiuwuiour, A. U,
leW, at luu ul uuur ut luu uuurt uuuu, tu luu
ctiy u( titucwiu, iaucaatur cuuuiy, AuuruMa,
our tor au) at uuuiiu auuliou tuo tuuuwuui
Stfavrtuvu roai uataio tu-wtt I
uuu uuutuurvu iwutvo ,ii) to twenty-two Zi)
luciuMulu utuua tuuiluuu tlj,iuu twutvu (l.;
tu ttuul-twu (U) lUCllUJMU 1U UuVK IUUkiu
(U)J,luUuuu tl lutwuuiy-iwu iUUuuulVu lu
bu tuu lluj, una uuutuuruu twuttru itij l.
tw vuty-twu iuJ lu utucit auirt,utj,iuu
twutvu iuj u tweuiy-twu ii uiuujtuuiu utmia
itfut e, mmj turuu a tu tuuiuuu W mciiutuu lu
ktuva, uu 1, luia autueu lu to twvuly tu luctu
ai tu utuut twu, tut auvuu I lu utuca twutvu
U, tut uujut a tu tuuea two 'i, luia tauutouu iw
auu twuuty A) ut utuua tourt.iou auvuut auu
ujut tu tMuva Uo ft, luu twutvu U tu utuuiwu
isuMUiuivitiuutuva turuu, tuia twuivu u tu
StRinau l UMUustv lu btuca uiuu s, luu auvuu i
tu MVWU 11 liMMlUUVM Ut UuCK UtwUU 10, alt Ut
ia auuv Imu auu Uuotis ut burmta auutiiou
totavMty 9t ioucuta. tuc.wr vuuuty, Ao-
v . sMraaa this Bst October
" "
'THs Tcnnmut fats which befel
A ConUd Mulwuan Angry Water and
HnvRot Line, In Whlrh th Latter 1-o.t.
A Cowardly Knglneer A Bird Onlde4
th Rllen to th Hrtoue.
And who tlmt roinotnliers can hear
without a thrill tho nanio of tho steam
ship Central Amorlcn, which sank in a
great storm on Sept. 19, 1817, with most
of her officers mid crow, nonrly 400 pas
sngers and l.BOO.OOO In goldf.
The Central Attiorlcn was crowded
with treasure ladon pooplo from Call
fornla on their way to Now York. Aft
er loavlng Ilnvatin on Sept. 8 she ran
into a Btoiin, The ntcatnor beK-n to
leak, and Captain Hermlen cnl!o,l upon
the pasiongers to form linrsaiid pass
the buckets. Hour nftur hour the tern
peat howled, nnd thohugovcRnel groaned
as the Iminonno seas broke itftitlnnt her.
Honr after hour tho men with tho buck
et tolled for their llvesi slowly the wa
ter gnlned on thotn,
Tho ofllcers uxhurtod tho bucket gangs
not to panne for n moment if the ship
was to to saved. Tho wind roared and
the storm Increased in fury, Evory pas
senger stuck to his post and worked un
til ho fell to tho dock exhausted. Then
the women ottered to tuko the places of
their wornout, fainting husbands and
brother, but nono of tho men -y.ld al
low It. As tho horror of ' . Mtuation
gradually dawned on tho ikIikIn of tho
wonion and children tho air was filled
with sounds of torror, but above the
raging hurricanu and tho cries of lamon
tation rosu tho chorus of the bucket
Heave, olil heave, nhl stamp and ,
We'll be Jolly blather, old
AU day long they sung this song and
fought for life against the steadily ris
ing water. Mrs. Eiuiton, a bride on her
honeymoon trip, pussod bottles of wino
to the'herolo men to strengthen them in
their desperate work. All night long
the strusriile wan continued, nnd still th
ocean gained Inch by inch. Tho women
begged, with team in their eyes, to be
allowed to help. They cheered the bravo
follows and wept when they saw thorn
fall to the duck with whlto fuces aud
trembling limbs. ,
During tho noxt day tho poril of tho
steamer was increased by tho lack of food
and water. The hurricano tossed tho
sinking hull about and shattered her
spars and masts. Vhllo the tired and
sleepless men stuck to tho buckots tho
women knelt aud prayed to God for as
sistance. About S o'clock In tho afternoon a sail
was seen to windward. Guns wore flroJ
and signals of distress hoisted. The
strange vessel, which turned out to Y )
the brig Marino of Boston, answered the
signals and tried to approach, but the
gal blew her about three miles away.
Then tho, boats were made ready, and
th women and children prepared them
selves. They had to strip off noarly all
of their clothes and put on life preserv
ers. Many of the womon had gold,
which they could not carry with th
them. Twoof thorn went to their state
rooms and took out bugs of $20 gold
pieces, which they throw down in the
cabin, Inviting tho others to take what
they pleased. Tho money rolled and
Jlnglod about on tho floor, whllo tho two
weeping women explained that they wore,
returning homo to enjoy the fortune
which they hud made in California, and
that they would be beggars if the ship
was lost. Nono of tho womon dared to
take more than two pieces of gold lest It
might weigh them down.'
The men still remained at their work,
saying that they would remain on bourd
ntil another ship arrived, as the Marin
could not take all the passengers, and
the women mid children must be saved
first Among those heroes was Billy
Birch, the famous minstrel.
Two of the lifeboats were smashed by
th sea, but three boats were filled with
women and chlldreu, many of the latter
being infants. Tho last boat to leave
oarried th chief engineer. lie solemnly
promised the captain to return, but th
moment he got into the boat he drew
knlf and threatened to kill any one who
followed him. Later on, when the worn
a aad children wer put on board the
Marin, the chief engineer, like the cow
ard and liar he was, refused to return.
Now the sinking steumship was so low
la the ocean that almost every wave
wept her deck. Soino of the passengers
got into the rigging, while others tried
to build a raft. Night came on. The
storm continued to rage. The ship quiv
ered and careened. Rockets soaro I up
into the bellowing, angry heavens. Slow
ly the vesaol filled with water, and the.
doomed ho clinging to her deck and
rigging prepared for death. There was
no weeping and no shrieking, no wring
ing of hands. The cuptaln stood at th
wheel to the Inst.
All at onco the ship, as if in an agony
of death herself, made a plunge at an
angle of 4S dogroea, and with an appall
ing shriek from the engulfed mass she
disappeared, and nearly ftOO human be
ings were left struggling among th
teres waters. The scene was horrifying,
and many who were saved afterward
fainted at the mere memory of it.
A few held ou to plunks aud spars all
through the wild night, and as the day
broke the Norwegian bark Ellen arrived
aad picked up 40 of the men.
"1 was forced out of my course jnst
before 1 met yon," said the cuptuln of
the Ellen to th rescued passengers,
"and when I altered my course a bird
Cew across the ship once or twice, and
then darted into my face. A few mio
ntss later the bird repeated its morr
meats. 1 thought it an extraordinary
thing, and while thinking on it in this
way the inysterions bird reappeared, and
for th third time (lew into my face.
This induced me to alter my course back
to the original one, aud in a short time 1
beard noises in the sea and discovered
that I was lu th midst of shipwrecked
Who shall w v'mt power guided th
fight of the 1 1 l fut fs n it throagh th
atorunrsirr bu York Herald.
N lee llUerliulnatlon,
George la n liamUoino, benrdod colored
nnn, not black, but of a Spanish com-
Elcxlon, who is managing man buyer,
utlcr nnd genern! factotum for a Bos
ton lady who keopi nil ox)ennlvo board
ing house on tho hill." Tho manners
of Ueoriro. who wns broil In ttm .mit).
are perfect nt onco self respectful, ousy
nd nattering to each boarder s feeling
of personal consequence.
He is ono of tho rnrn mnn whn nrn nl.
ways deferential nnd never servtlo.
inougn nut a ueuu wniter, ho might
well bo called n trentlcmnn. Tlmt li Ima
a very nice discrimination in lauguago
this true anecdote will nhowi
The ttolllt on which (Icorirn Is tnnrhv
U the reputation of tho boarding hones
In which he is so trustod, so liked nnd so
much tho tnsnagiug man. II i is assidu
ous 2? maintaining tho tubln on a liberal
scale uud seeing that no boarder lacks
arytLlng or waits unduly for any nttou
tton by reason of tho neglect of tho minor
servants, who aro nil women.
If they aro all busy, Georgo fills the
Sps." Thus it chanced ono day not
lg ago that ho leaned deferentially
over tho shoulder of n now boarder and
said, "Applo pie and ico cream, sah."
Tho now boarder is somewhat deaf
and long accustomed to less liberal
boarding houses. Not suro that ho had
beard Goorgo aright, ho looked around
and said:
"Whatt Apple pie or Ico cream?"
"No, sah, not hero, null I Applo pt
vnd ico cream, sah," wild Goorgo, with
admirable suavity nnd perfect vindica
tion of his boarding houso from posslblo
suspicion of being ono of thoso places
whero thoy offer tho guests nothing moro
than a choico between dishes of dessert
Youth's Companion.
Cnrloaltlei of Words.
Thoro aro two words in the whole
rango of the English languago contain
ing all the vowels in their regular order.
Thoy aro abstemious and facetious. Tho
following words each have them iu ir
regular order: Authoritative, disadvan
tageous, encouraging, efficacious, instan
taneous, importunate, mendacious, ne
farious, precarious, pertinacious, sacri
legious, simultaneous, tenacious, unin
tentional, unobjectionable, unequivocal,
nndlscovorablo and vexatious. A search
throrgh tho dictionary might bring bov
erul others to light. It is unually said
that thcro aro but seven nine loitered
monosyllabic words In tho English lan
guago: Scratched, stretched, scrunched,
scrunched, screeched, squelched and
Here aro eomoof tho shortest sentences
Into which tho alphabet can, bo compress
ed! "J. Gruy, pack with my box five
dozen quills," 83 letters. "Quack, glad
lepkyr, w-rt my javelin box,"Ul letters.
'I'hlz, styx, wrong, buck flame, quib,"
W letters. "1, quartz pyz, who fling
muck beds," 28 letters. "Fritz! qulckl
land!' hew gypsum box," 20 letters.
"Duuipty qnlzl whirl back fogs next,"
87 letters. "Export my fund. Quiz block
whlg8,"201etters. "Get nymph, quiz and
brow. Ax luck," 20 letters. Iu more sober
English, the lost one would be, "Murry,
be cheerful, watch your business."
These sentences would make excellent
writing copies, for they sccuro attention
to every letter and profitable exercises
for learners of tho typewriter, as they
take in all tho keys, uud thus fumiliurize
one readily with all possible combina
Uf" By changing from capltuls to
leaver caso tho valuo of tho exercises is
g.eaUy increased. London Tit-Bits.
Couldn't Mttttar th Hhlbboleth.
"Who'a there?" said a feminine vole.
"It' hloonly mo hie dour."
"Oh, it's only you, is it? And now snp
poao yon tell mo where you've been since
this morning."
"Yes hie darling. You sheo it hlo
happened this way. Wo hie wont
out fls fls fishun hlo and the wind
died out-hlo."
"So the wind died out, did it?"
"Yesh hlc m'dear. And If yon hlo
only knew how shick hlo your own
hubbie wash hie thish minute hlo
you'd open tho door."
"8ick, are you?" she snorted. "You're)
"Don't shay that, darling hio can't
yon hlo hear mo shutTcring hie?"
"Oh, yes, 1 hoar you. Now 1 am go
ing to open the door, but not until you
convince mo that you are not Intoxicat
ed. Do you hear me?"
"Beforo this door opens yon've got to
sar qu.. .. tlirco times, without taking
breath, '.it sells seoshells.'"
"O hlc lor."
"I shed ull ri."
"Well, go ahead."
"She sells soushells, she shells shells"
"That won't do. 1 want you to say
distinctly and rapidly. 'She sells sea
shells.'" "Allrl. Shesollshcshellseasells. What's
the mutter with thatshV"
Ho didn't get in. Pittsburg Press.
Monkeje and Their Sick.
Monkeys, with somo notable excep
tions, are somo degrees worse than sav
age men in their treatment of tho sick.
On the new Jumnu cuuul at Delhi
l 'eys swurui in trees upon the banks
ana treat their sick comradea in true
luunkey fashion.
The colony by the canal being over
crowded, and us a consequence un
healthy, did and probably does still suf
fer from vurious unpleasant diseases.
When one monkey is so obviously un
well as to offend the feelings of the
others, a f ow of tho larger monkeys watch
it, and taking a fuvoruble opportunity
i u nto the cuual. If it Is not
downed ut onco, the sick monkey is
pitched in again ufterit regains the trees
and either drowned or forced to keep
aloof from tho flock.
At the Loudon Zoological garden the
monkeys torment a sick one without
mercy, and unless it is at once removed
from the cage it bus little chance of re
covery, The small monkeys bite and
pinch it The lurger oues swing it
around by the tail. When it dies, as
many monkeys as ca And room ait oa
Its body. Excbauge.
13 RY
New Goods at Xvow Ij?io-e
J. A.
o 3
it 1 r,E COUR1KR will bo clubbed with any repntnblo publication in tho world, tho two publicntioim cofltinc only
Blight nilyanco over the 1 piico of ono. and in muny cuech exactly tho eubeeription price of ono. Remittances mny Co inn.
by post-ofllco money order, registered letter or diult. If jou mint uny pupcr not in tho nl.oio llet write for our terms
Jo JeBerun' Dozing Lemon.
Rising young uctors usually guard
their positions with a jealous eye, and
during tho early lifo of Joseph Jefferson
he wus no exception to tho rule. When
under tho management of Dion Bouci
cault, "Tho Octoroon" was produced,
and in the announcement of tho papcra
Jefferson's numo did not appear. Being
one of tho principals in tho druma, ho
naturally felt indignant, nnd bo ho sent
his part to tho theater with n noto in
which he resigned from his cngagoment
until a now arrangement could bo en
tered into. About this time Jefferson
was suffering from dyspopsiaund con
ceived tho idea that tho gentlo exercise
of boxing would relievo him. Ho en
gaged a professor of tho "manly nrt,"
and his boxing lessons wcro given in tho
drawing room of tho house whero ho wus
Tho day following his resignation ho
and tho professor wero Indulging ia a
"fiorco exchaugo," when, suddouly look
ing over his opponent's shoulder, ho dis
covered tho amazed faces of Dion Bouci
cault und William Stuart. They stood
aghast at tho sccuo and fancied that
Jefferson Intended Bottling his difficul
ties by an appeal to scionce und luul 60
cured tho borviccs of n professional
bruiser to assist him. Their alarm wus
soon set nt rest by Jefferson, who dis
missed tho pugilist nnd camo to u nioro
explicit undcrstuuding without tho aid
of the Marquis of Queeosburry. Phila
delphia Inquirer., '
It has been proved tbut In a patent lock,
with an average sized key having six
"atfcDS." each rmmliln nt Iwlntr r.lnruut In
height SO times, the number of changes
win ueou.vv; lunner, iimtas tneurill pins
and the pipes of the keys may be made of
three different alzra thn total nnnilirnf
changes would be 2,M',(KX), In keys of the
smiillrit aire the total number would be
648,000, while In those of extraordinary size
it could be Increased to not less than 7,770,
000 different chanttea. St. Louis Republic.
An Afternoon on Midway.
This is tho rather striking titlo ot u
now und very populur inuslcul composi
tion thut is' now being pluycd by tho
leading orchestras of tho country. It is
1121-1123 IN STREET.
Your riJoi' unci Mrin;lncw lr. tula way
cirxcl novo money tlicne lxvcl tlmos.
81.50 CoBinojK)litun Mngnzino nnd tho Courier 8.'J.f)0
4.00 Hnrpcr'n Mnguzino and tho Courier 0.00
4.00 Hurpor's Weekly and tho Courier 0.00
4.00 Harper's Unznr nnd tho Courier G 00
SH 'i'ho Century Mnguzino nnd tho Courier 0.00
J.00 facnbner'B Mnguzino nnd tho Courier 5.00
5.00 "Puck" mid tho Courier 700
5.00 "Life" nnd tho Courier 7,00
4.00 Frank Lefllio's und tho Courier. 0.00
ri? J outh'H Companion (now) und tho Courier 11.75
1.00 Now 1 ork Weekly World und tho Courier ,'1.00
a.00 Scientific American nnd tho Courier 5,00
S'fS Scientific American Supplement nnd thoCourior, 7.00
7.00 Scientific American Hndmipplomontiind Courier 9.00
1.00 Ladies' Homo Journal und tho Courier .'1.00
5.00 Judgo nnd tho Courier 7.00
.1.00 Lippincott'a nnd tho Courier 5.00
5.00 Forum nnd tho Courier 7,00
2.50 Dcmorest'B und tho Courier 4.50
a.00 Outing uud tho Courier C.00
.'.00 St. KichohiH nnd tho Courior 5.00
4.00 Now York Drumntlc Mirror und tho Courier. . . . COO
4.00 Now York Clipper nnd tho Courier 0.00
4.00 Sporting Lire und tho Courior 0.00
4.00 Toxiih Sittings und tho Courior 0.00
4.00 Truth und tho Courior 0.00
11.50 Lu Modo-do-Puris nnd tho Courier 550
1.50 Lu Mode, New York, nnd tho Courior .'1.50
.'1.50 Album-ilo-Mode, N. Y., und tho Courior 5.50
1.50 McCluro'R Mnguzino und tho Courier 3.50
ULtolisl -
u very pleusing description of lifo and
miifiic on thut part ot tho greut Colum
bian exposition thut furnlfhed bo much
uniUBoiuent for visitors, und no ono thut
Iiub been on tho PlniBanco will fail to
recognize tho feutuicB thut tiro intio
duced. It includcH tho uiru of ull
nutions of tho earth, travel to tho
grouudn by train, tho vuriouH itiBtru
montfl uppil by every tuition, tho lour of
lions ut 1 1 iigen buck's, etc. "An After
noon on Midivuy I'IuIbuuco" i tho work
of Mr. Gtistitv LudorR, mimical director
ut tho Schiller theatre, nnd 1b published
by tho Henry Dutmer Mimic Hoiibo, 103
Randolph Btreot, Chicago, whero tho
picco cau also bo hud for piano, pub
lislied with beautiful lithogruphed titlo
page giving n correct view of Midway,
for 75 centB. It'fl ull thorugo nnd lovers
ot uoveltieH for the piano will do well to
order ut onco while (lio piece ia now und
popular. Tiik Colmiikk ucknowlcdgcs
receipt of oicliestral parts, with which
it hna hud tho pleiiHtiro of extending Kb
compliiuentB to tho Nobrusku atato
For St. LouIb
Puciilc route. City
tnko tho Missouri I
ticket ofllco 1201 O !
Have you Been tho beautiful china
cups, und Bauceis given away by Tin:
Coukikii? Tliey uro on exhibition in
Tiik ofllco und in tho principal
stores in tho city. Now BiibBcriborB can
obtain u cup und saucer by paying 50
cents in advanco for tlirco months' sub
scription, the regular price ot tho paper
alono. If you nro already u subsciiber,
you can obtain u cup uud Buucor freo
by paying up nrrcuraund Iho Htibscript
tinn for ono year in advanco.
M. L. Trestor sella Pennsylvania,
Iowu, Missouri, Kunsas, Colorado, und
Wyoming coals cheap for cash, 1241 O
For California tuko tho Missouri
Puciilc route, viu southorn route.
Our Prloo
lor Until.
.irai2 Company,
Linooln, Nobraalcn.
Lincoln Not In the League.
Tho Western bneo bull leuguo wus
formally reorganized nt Indianupolis
Tuesduy, uud NcbriiBku Beenis to bo
ahut out. Tho following citieB wero ud.
milled: Iiuliunhpolis, Toledo, Detroit,
Grand Kupida, Milivutikco, KnnsiiB City
Minnenpolis und Sioux City.
"Oh, May." tho mnldeii Bald, "nnd rest
Thy weary hood upon tliU breast."
Hut ho with swift uti'p pnsaod her by,
VoucliKalliiK only this reply t
Into 11 mko (hi) imildea flow,
And cried, with fnco of livid huu:
"it's eottim-hultliiK. sir, nnd rii
Not henco deceived, for there is tin
Canon City conl ut tho Wlillebreast
Coal und Limo Co.
millo Tlllbroolc
Bon of
Mayor Tillbrook
of McKceaport, Pa,, had n Scrofula luncl under
oaa car which tlio physlcan buccd and tUcn It
bocains a ninntiijr. soro, end vjas followed br
eryilpolaa. lln. Tlllbroolc cavo lilm
Hood's Sarsaparilla
the soro healed up, ho becamo perfectly well
nnd 1$ now n lively, robust boy, Other parent
wlioao children suffer from Impure blood
should prom by tliU example.
HOOD'S PlLLO cur Ualiltiul ConttlpaUoa by
iMtorlag perltttlUo acUou ol tb aUmtnUry - nl
i'?M3Hl'Ai .-ti
iW yii,
idA' K9E "Jflw