Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, November 25, 1893, Image 2

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v KrZi'tr
Wfs--jfi.iV ? "K Ti y
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Thi (tovsrnnr'a Waff Rntrrlnlnril,
Colonel and Mrs. R. K. Olllln gave
tho most brllllnnt entortiilnmnnt of tho
week, touilcrlnff on Wednesday n ro.
Cfpllon o Governor Crounso nnd mom.
bors of his staff, nt tho Lincoln hotel,
followed by a thentro party nt tho
Tho members of tho stiif! nnd aider
woro attired In dress uniform without
Ide uriiiH, nnd with tho military decora
tlons In tho banquettlng hnll nt the
hotel, tho scono was most martial, re
lieved by tho light colored tollotn of the
ladles: Tho guests arrived nt 5 o'clock,
nnd nn olnboruto bamiuot was nerved im
lllue 1'itlnt on Shell.
Celery. , . ,
Consonmui Alnliftboi,,
8uirodq VollslUo ltliMulir(Mitn.
UrolloU HimiiUli Mackerel Mnltrn d'llotol.
I'liinim-i DurlirM,
Fillet of llorf hux l'tilMIe.
French Von.
Lemon Hlirtbol. (lUcmlCherrle.
(Jtinllen .'innponiii remon.
APinriiHii' ii;
Froili lousier Moynnniin
Drmnml Lettuce
KnnlUli l'Uu
um rilililiniCt. .Moniirw.
Aitortml Crtkon. Jelly macmioiiim.
Llintlotie HUKin nu nurniciiiuu.
HiiidNut Icol'ionm.
Fruit. ,
Chocao ami Win or Crnckcn.
Cnfo Nolr.
After tho banquet tho party occupied
boxes nt tho Lansing theatre, witness
ing Clara Morris presentation of
Governor Crounso wits unavoldnbl)
dotalncd away from tho city. Those
present woro: Adjutant-General Giigo.
Colonol Forshing, Colonel Correll,
Colonel, Bratt, Colonel Talne, Colonel
Dills, Colomol Jonklns, Mr. Frank M.
Hall, Miss Baird, Miss Doll, of Lnfay.
ette, Iud., Mrs. Jonklns, MIbs Jonklns,
Mrs. Prank M. Hall, Miss Corroll.MIsp
8arah Harris, Miss Jones.
A JawUh lteiieflt.
It Is seldom that ono hoars of the
Jewish community giving n benefit for
themselves or that anyono sees them
out on a begging expedition, soiling
I Ii
If, tickets, etc. However, rtot to bo out
done by their co-rellglonists in matters
of church work (and they now have u
beautiful 'new edifice) thoy gave on
TUeeday evening a brilliant affair at
Masonic temple in 'which over a hun
dred people participated. The enter
tllriment we In the shape of a ball and
banquet, the music being furnished by
the Nebraska state orchestra. The
program was composed of twelve pum
.ben for each of which a new selection
waa rendered, being from such popular
operas as "The Isle of Champagne,'
"Robin Hood" etc., Harry Irvine and
bis men being at their best. Afterjiup-
per cakes left over were auctioneered
off, and these, togethor with all remain
ins; food, enough to till a small express
wagon, were Voted to tho poor of tho
city. Turkey, duck, fruits and all tho
other delicacies wero left ovor In
abundance to gladden the hearts of the
poor people. The affair betted ovor
$900 which goes for the benefit of the
new Temple of Israel, corner of
Twelfth and D streets.
Charity Organisation Horlety
The annual meeting of the Charity
Organisation society was hold Tuesday
afternoon at the rooms of the society, on
south Twelfth street. Tho reports sub
mitted showed much good work done.
The following board of managers was
kcUdt Meters N. B. Harwood.W. A.
8elUek,J.P.Uebard, II. W. Brown, G.
Wi Closaoa, 8. M. Benedict, A. J.
lawyer, Charles Mayer, F. M. Fling, E.
T. Hartley, J. E. Miller, J. J. Butler,
Re. John Hewitt, H. J. Walsh, Rev,
B.H. Cfaapln. Rev. E. H. Curtis. Rev.
Lewis Gregory. Mesdames A. H. Dorrla,
& I. link, H.A. Babooek, N. 8. liar
wood, 1. B. P. Weeks, L. 0. Richards, .
R, ,81aer. The following officers were
elected: TivsWent, Mr. N.8.Harwood;
vice-president,, Rev. John Hewitt;
general secrctiuy, Mr. J. P. Hebard;
treasurer, VLr.'JLL W.Brown.
Eliltcopal Miulcale.
An enjojable muslcalo was given at
tho refinance of Mrs. William Tylor, 808
D street, under tho auspices of tho
church of the Holy Trinity, Monday
evening. Mr. H. J. W. Seamark gave u
delightful rendition of tho song, "O,
Promise Mo,"' the accoBipunimont being
played by Miss Rice. Miss Mario
Hoover pleased with a piano solo,
"Romance and Walts.' Carmcna" wus
WBg by Miss Helen Lau, and tho
Asaphlon quartet gave several selections.
Miss Bertha Tyler sang "Lullaby," by
Gardiner. There was also a solo by Mr.
R. Clapp, a duet by Miss Lau and Mr.
Seamark, a second solo by Mr. Seamark,
an Instrumental solo by Miss Olive Sea
mark, "The Last Watch," solo, Miss
Simon, also whistling 'solo, "Caratlna,"
violin solo, Mr. F. Ferris, a duet by tho
Misses Lau.
Saturday evening, at 7:30, at the reel
deaee of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. David Stevens, is Kansas City,
Me,, Mr. William B. Rose and Mrs.
QeaevieveSatoa, were united in but
Mr. sad Mrs. Rose will be at
i la this city after November 99 at
MM P street Mr. Rose is deputy clerk
el Mm supreme court, and is most highly
renrded. The bride is well known as a
termer resident of Lincoln, aad will Had
I ",! -l.-J- 1.
aMIahUjr evMiag the Empire olua
Kavo a dullirlitful putty at tho LaiinlnK.
Thomi prenent wero MoHHrn. and Men.
(laincR A. B. Haymond, Will Green, A,
V. Jitimen, W. Jl. HargreavoB, O. F.
Ladd, Carl Funko, N. C. Abbott, I). E.
Thoinpwm, H. II. Oakloy, W. O. Wilmn,
8. H. HuruhHiii, F. W. Little, It. J.
Green, L. O. Burr, J. A. HuckHtnlT, C. H.
Llpplncott, Mra, J. W. Maxwell, of
South lloiul, Waidi.; MIrh Sadlo Hum
ham, Mr. C. A. llunnn, Mr. John T.
Dorgan, Mr. II. G. Dawen, MIhh Jean,
notto WIIhoii, MIhh Ward, of Mlunewta;
Minn Sarah Harrln, MIbh Dull and MIhh
Nelllo Kuiiiii, of OiiuiIiu.
Hull Fir Card Tarty.
Mr. and Mm. O. W. Wjbstor enter
tained tho Holi Fit card club Monday
evonlng. ThoRo present werot MesHrs.
aim jicH(iamofl jjorue, u. m. xnoiup
Hon, Patrick, M. Turner, Huffman,
Haldwln, B. U. Moore, Rlckott, Llppln
cott, E. 11 Brown, MoiHsnor, Illlliuoyer
A Hrnrrlly of Men In NoolHy.
nufllni'SH dcmandH are tunro urgent
ban thoy have been for jearn,
and men who have formerly given much
of their tlmo to enciety, aro HndliiK it
iieceHBary to adopt it umro coimervatlvc
L'ourflo- and men in noclety tiro Hcarccr
than ovor. In Lincoln the number of
availablo young men who aro dcHirable
in notably rid a) I, and it la tho mime
everywhere. Tho ttituation In Omaha
is forcofully dopicted by thu Dee uh fol
lows "Tlio week has brought a HorlouH con
dition to tho uiI.uIr of tho young women,
particularly tho dubutantoR; thero Ih a
woful lack of dancing men among the
smart sot and before tho Lenten hcukod
Iuwiih tho Macedonian cry will echo
through tho drawing rooms of OiorwoIIb,
Oh, for u dozen eligible men, good
dnncers preferred, but men in any
event!' At tho fort Friday night there
wero four glrln present to overy man, a
condition of affairs that Iiiih not obtained
In Omaha for a number of years. Under
Ihcso circuniHtanccH tho men who aro in
Mocloly havo it in their jiowor to form
tho moflt compact truat that over oxiHtcd,
a triint as far reaching In its nature uh
tho Standard Oil. It Ih to bo hoped,
howovor, that thoHetiRon will bring back
to tho ranks some of tho many who havo
given up society and its pleasures for
the club and assist in giving the uirla a
jolly good season of delightful pleasure."
Aftitrnnnn Reception In Omntia.
Mrs. Webster's afternoon reception nt
which thogontlomon wero expected wns
nform of entertainment which should
bo popular hero, If tho men can onco get
It into their heads that they can and
should occasionally Icavo business n
little earlier than usual and meet at
each other's houses for a little chat be
fore tho hour arrives when dress suits
aro Imperative. -For cut-away coats or
frock coats are on regie at afternoon
teas that run from four to Bovon, and
although dresB is never improper after
six, it is not called forntBUch receptions.
A man can appear with what ho him
boon wearing at his bank, or his ofllce,
provided his coat is black and not' too
much of business wenr nnd tear to it.
Mrs. Reed's supper on last Tuesday
evening was anothor Very dollghtful
form of ontortuinment. Tho difference
between a "tea" nnd a "supper" as ex
plainod by a bright friend of ours, Is
that at a "ten" you havo nothing but
tea, whilo at a "supper" you havo some
thing to eat, which was decidedly tho
case at Mrs. Rood's. It took on almost
the proportions of a dinner, and was
delightfully cooked nnd handsomely
Berved. Omaha ExcelBior.
What' Proper In Card.
The present season has brought few
changes in tho styles of visiting cards.
Individual taste is beginning to be dis
played; but a few limitations are
still observed. For instance, a matron's
card is larger and narrower than the
cttru or. ner unmarried uaugmer. Tne
old style of having a young ludy'c namo
engraved below that of her mother on
tho same card is revived, also that of
having the name of the husband and
wifoeugravod togothor on ono sizable
card instead of on separate cards. All
cards aro smaller than they were u year
ago. This is especially noticeable in the
cards of gentlemen, which are but tiny
Blips of card-board with the name pre
fixed by Mr. in the center.
'Minor Mention.
At the request of Chancellor Canflold
Muyor Weir has uppointod a committoo
to co-operato with the faculty and
regents of tho stato university and tho
committoo appointed by Governor
Crounse and arrange for tho appropriato
celebration of the twenty-fifth anniver
sary of tho university. The committoo
is as follows: Hon. A. II. Weir, chair
man; Messrs. J. J. Gillllan, J. Burrows,
S. U. Burnham, A. G. Woltenbarger, U.
S. Hotchkiss, . R. Sizer, LoGrand
Baldwin,' C. J. Ernst, S. L. Geiathardt,
J. U.' McClay; Mesjamos J. I. Under
wood, E. T. Hartley, Frank Hall, A. J.
Sawyer and I. S. P. Weeks.
The Joie do Vie club was entertained
last Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. G,
H. Wilcox, 14UJ C street. Those present
were-Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Burris, Dr. and
Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Cauger, Mr.
and Mrs. James Morgues, Mr, and Mrs.
W. F. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Douglas,
Mrs. S. E. Walters, Mrs. 8. E. Brown,
Mr.O.L. Robinson, Mr. J. W.Elliott,
Mr. Charles Barris.
Mr. William Bloen, the new physical
instructor of the Y. M. C. A. bas arrived
la the city and taken charge of the
Jgymaaalwu. Mr. Sloan has had a wide
rango of experience in gymnanh.m work,
and ho will undoubtedly provo to bo a
valuable addition to tho forces that are
now giving tho Young Men's Christian
association now lifo and vigor.
Tho funeral of Mrs, L. M. HobbliiH
occurred Tuesday afternoon from the
residence of Mrs. A. J. Caldwell and
Mr. 0. C. Caldwell, sister and nephew of
tho doconwd. Hov. C. 0. Lasby, of the
St Paul M. K. church conducted the
services. Mrs. Kobblns was in her
eightieth year, and had lived In Lincoln
nearly twenty years.
An organization has hcon perfected iu
this city for tho purpemo supplying nee
eosary clothing to poor children in the
public scIiooIh, with Mrs. 0. L. Hall,
(resident; Mrs. W. M. Groan, treasurer,
and Mrs. A. II. Webber, sccrotary.
Contributions are solicited, and all dona
tions should bo sent to Mrs. Croan.
Shoes aro particularly needed.
Tho fourth unulversary of the estab
lishment of Tnbithn homo and hospital
wiih celebrated Sunday afternoon at the
homo. Addresses wero made by it num
ber of tho city paators. and Hov. Dr.
Hewitt submitted tho annual roxrt of
tho institution. Thero are at tho pres
ent tlmo eighty children in tho home.
A mandolin club, composed of young
women, has been organized at the stato
university. The inomberH are; MIbhcr
Lucy Grifllth, JcvhIo Leland Jo Lott
rldgo, Stella Curtlco, May Moore, Gert
rude Chambers, Helen Hoover and Miss
The Valo glee and banjo clubs will
glvo a concert at Boyd's theatre, Omaha,
December 28, and society leaders are
preparing to glvo tho young men' n re
ception iu tho afternoon, and a large
subscription ball following tho concert.
Tho Single Tax club met Tuesday
evening, the subject undfr dismission
being, "Resolved, That tho Individual
Must Not bo, the Last in the Social
Miss O. C. Tcnnant Clary Ih expected
iu tho city next week, when she will at
onco begin tho work of preparation for
thd'scason of grand opera in this city.
Whist will bo tho popular pastime
among tho people who play cards this
winter. Alboit there is a growing in
clination in tho direction of tokcr.
Tho Patriarchs ono of Lincoln's
oldest dancing clubs, has organized for
thu season. Tho first party will bo
glvon in a few days.
Miss Boufoy and Miss Hyatt gave an
elocutionary and drnmutie entertain
ment ut tho conservatory of music hist
Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Nissloy entertained
a number of frionds ut cards last even
ing in honor of their guest, Miss Vfard,
of Wusccu.
Tho Hoh Fit club will bo entertained
Tuqsday evonlng, November 28, by Mr.
and Mrs. HurlbUt, 1517 M Btreet.
Miss Mary Miller, of Chicago, arrived
In this city Wednesday, and Ih visiting
her sister, Mrs. D. E. Thompson.
Hon 0. C. Lane, mayor of Des Moines,
is visiting in tho city, tho guest of his
daughter, Mrs. W. S. Su minors.
Tho "Hard Times" Whist club will
bo entertained this evening nt tho
residence of Miss Bortio Burr.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Stovons, of Chicago,
tiro visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. P. O.Hodlund,
210 south Sovonteenth street.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Leonard have
taken Congressman Bryan's house on D
street for the winter.
The Faculty club of tho Western
Normal college mot last Friday evening.
Miss Ward, of Waseca, Minn., is tho
guest of Mr. and Mrs. U. R. Nlssley.
Ex-Congressman W. J. Connell, of
Omaha, was in tho city this week.
Mrs. J, E. Baum, of Omaha, is tho
guest of Mrs. D. E. Thompson.
Mr. L. O. Burr has been in Cmuha
this week on legal business.
Mr. Joseph T. Mullaliou went to
Kearney yesterday.
Hon. "Dick" Berlin, of Omahs, was in
the city Thursday.
Mr, John M. Stewcrt has returned
from Mindon.
Miss Edith Perkins loft Wednesday
for Guthrie.
Mr. Charles L. Burr, went to Holdrego
Miss Graco Grifllth has roturnod from
Dr. C. E. Spahr bus returned from
Mrs. John C. Allen, is vising in
After llreabfait.
To purify, vitalize and enrich the blood,
and give nervo, bodily and digestivo
strength, tako Hoou'a Sarsaparilla.
Continue the medicine after every meal
for a month or two and you will fee)
"like a new man." Tho merit of Hood's
Sarsaparilla is proven by its thousands
of wonderful cureB. Why don't you try
The I.allr Should
All try that "Good Luck" brand
of Japan Tea. New crop of
their own importation.
Goon Luck Grocery.
For Sunday dinner supplies call at
Halter's market, oppoeito Lansing Then
ter. Phono 100.
Eye aad Ear Burgeon.
Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist and aurist,
No. 1303 O street, Lincoln, Neb.
Tli OlilCit'iitlriniin Atltulrrjl Oiillmili-j
flt IHil Nut C'wlvli On.
A certain youth had apparently beet
making himself offensive to a certali
young woman, and another youth lute
taken Jhe)ming woman's jmrt to tin
oxro7itofpuneiilng'tlio llrsryouOrii.
the eye, knocking him down, jumping
on him nnd then kicking him. Aftei
it was all ovor an old gentleman tool
the victor usldo and Raid, "I admin
"Wot'a that?" ashed the vlclor.
"I say I admire gallantry. I saw you
go to tho defouso of that young lady."
"She's my gal " explained the youth.
"Your girl?''
"Yep. tyVvo been tralnln' togetltei
for six mouths."
"I'm her steady company. See?"
"Oh, yes, yes, of course. That miidt
you nil the angrier when jou saw thb
fellow uunoylng her."
'Annoyln' her! Mister, you don't
seem to catch on. I've been lav in' foi
this tow-headed dude fer most u month,
'catiso I don't like him. See? He
sorter riles me. An" Mag sliu don't like
him, neither. But I couldn't get neai
to him to smash him- ho wouldn't
glvo mo no reason to do it, an' so Mac
sho Haya: 'I'll Hx him. I'll joHt gel
him a ilirtlii', an1 then you can step ti j
an' smash him forlllrtln' with your gal.
Awful smart gal, Mag is. So she tugt
herself out an' goes out an' catches tin
gilly's eye an' gives a soit of
dazzle, an that .gives me tho chancel
want, an I conies up an' asks him
what he's Hlrtin' with my ghl fer an'
biffs him ono iu tho oje an' then juni s
nu him an' squares up fer all the timt
I've been waitin. Great girl, Mug Is.
She knows how to help u feller out
when bo's ilyln fer a chance to swipe
ono of these yeller-shoed skates."
M. L. Trester, I'enua. hard coal. 1211
O street.
Only the Scars Remain,
"Among tho many testimonial which I
see In regard to ceitnla niedlolnei perform
ing cures, cleansing the blood, etc.," writes
Uxxht Hudson, of tho James Smith
Wiiolen Machinery Co.,
riillndclpliln, Pa., "none
Impress niu muro than my
own ease. Twenty years
ago, ut tho nge of is yours,
I had swellings como on
my legs, which hroko nud
bCCUtna running mim.
do mu no good, and It was
fcarod tho bones
would bo affected. At lost,
my good old mother
arced me to try Ayer'n
sursnpariiin. I took thrco
bottles, tho sores healed.
and I have not been
troubled slnco. Only the
cars remnln. and tlio
memory of the pnt, to
ATr a Barsaparllln tin dono me. I now
weigh two hundred nnd twenty pound, nnd
am In tho best of henlth. I have been on the
rond for the past twolvo years, have noticed
Ayer'a Sin-'p'irllla mhertlsed la nil parts
of tho United Htnti's, nnd nlwnys take pleas,
tiro Iu telling what good It did for mo."
For the cure of nil diseases originating In
impure blood, the best remedy Is
AYER'8 SartaparlMa
Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer Co., low-,1, Mum.
Curea other?. wi( curevou
Nicely decorated in all' shapes and
grades, at nuoES that command at
tention, is tho
Special Attraction
Tho Retail Rooms nt
Orflnra tnr anntnl flnnnmttnna im.1 llm
replacing of hrnknn pieces LtlonRiiif,' to
Miiiuur, iuii or iuuui HuiH aro solicited.
Amittmir (lonnrntnil nliinii tn n fl.-l
and gilded received .daily.
A beautifully decorated
after-dinner cup and saucer
of the, finest china given
away free to overy now sub.
scrlbertoTiiE Courier who
pays GO cents in advance for
thrco month's subscription.
These cups and saucers can.
not bo purchased for less
than 75 cents or 91. Sam
ples will bo placed on exhi
bit ion ut The Courier ofllce
1201 0 street, in a few days.
Iq H
l m
1 1 Mi I
CHI (fill if1
mints JIBE P10VING
Our large stock of Furniture, Stoves and Household
Goods, marked down to pi ices that attract purchasers,
is moving rapidly. We are making a
A large stock of Chairs at 'way down prices.
Furniture. Household
Sold on. JSnaay 1?fyxx&xtsa.
Sociljslcln Garments.
. e. voej:l,:k::eIs.
. M. C. -V. Uiillcllmj;. - . Cor.lummidKt!ltM.
CSrliopniriiig done in tho neatest manner, satisfaction 0UAitANTr.KD.""S2j
W Z2S2 v
.. hi. ."in 11'i.uiiiiiiiiiii nun iiiomorini uiduois
.... wi -.,... . . . for swrot societies.
t ills frijm which 73,(Xl.lroiii iniprciuiloiiR cnu ha liikrn nt from $1 up. CIipiiii. nrou't thovt
no i oiira.too. hi.ry Iji.hIiicch man nlmulil oo uh. , lluslnocs olllci. wUli.Ioh i J&chitosi. Ttfio
I'rlnti'r, uiiilor city library; Art l)opartmonl, Western Nonnul colleco, Lincoln, Neb.
This is a very lino cstnbleBhmont probably belter than nnythinir of tho kind
in tho world. ,
Capacity, 1,500 Imtlm daily.
Artesian mineral water is used.
Soparato uccoinuiodatious aro provided for both Boxes.
Holds about a quarter of a million gallons of Sea Green Salt Witter.
And ih nearly lot) feet long, 20 feet wide and '1 to 9 feet deep.
Its clear as a crystal, too.
There aro soino spring boards, trnpozo and iiutoniatic needlo bath in this de.
llie Bed Rooms
Aro for transients who do not earo to loavo tho building after a bath.
Patients taking truat inont iibu them also.
And many othor dlseiiBos can bo CURED in tho Hot Salt Department.
Tlxe 1va.ilc:isla Batlis!
Now wo'ro coming down to business,
Marblo walls, Mosaic Hoors, rich Rugs, Carpots and Drnpoiies.
Great iiro places, easy chairB and divans.
All sorts of baths aro given. Thero is also a HARDER SHOP.
Ladles' Hair Dressing Department, and even a Manicure, Chiropodist and
Doot Dlaclt.
Iunohesi A.v& (Served
And Turkish coffco and lots of other things good to eat and drink.
And tho half hasn't beeu told.
V'l" . '
w &BE AT -n
Goods pud Carpets
Now linn Artistic dcslwnH
nnd (InuvliiKs mndo spcclnlly
lo Imhiiii our Inmlncsa. Iin
Krin Inert, llnost work, ut onu
llfth tlio rost of sloiKi lltlio
urunliy. Wo ilonl Iu HtrlklnK
m w
nllllll flllrii win
nllllll flllrii wluit j.l.fu v.m !...... t. .- ....
...ii. liiiiiij ilirtlii. ii mil
iiwrituiiiul llluslrnlo ii(lvortlsoiiiiiit In nil
il lion to umkliiK poitralt ciits. nowHpnior
llliiHtrntlotiH. lotlor lit'iulrt, IiiihIih'hm ennis,
conilo skvtclips, covnr ili'sUnc, liondloRs nuil
A f
,i "r.
m i mmtmmmmubmi.
t ! mii, i, tfsytjit iyii,,! mjnaypi misWIM'i'WiilM ' ii fi
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.. ..
nf0mti,mmmm;n pMjiwity ,,,