W&rMi$ "'VtW" gtaj W p; TMT "V imisl$$mf'' '' V THR aATURIAY MORNIXG COURIER i'f U w t I IV m - 5s cv, iw IV. Ki Flo y n. , h.O i sniiiiiR SATURDAY, NOVUMMiK 4, INJ. Ni.llrr Tlia miiWslmiwI liTi hy mivm The miiwrsninwi ii"Tt or kivi- ihm ltl mil W niMiilMc fi'ror imy itny eiirrnl by rniploj-M, xpji1 tliosn for ornrr it Burn imtmimiuij imkim'.. rnl li tmi)rrntUf. . ova Lincoln, Nml, Mil) 1st IM'J notion tliiU.lt tli'lit III wlilrli nn il liy It. This Mill Pun. Tti. ow 'l'nic DUNLHP HOT. XOW i:V. W. I. o t-i 1 m Ms Co, UU7 O Street. Tim Cotirlir ciiii lln I'oiniit lit Hotel Lincoln News Stand. Windsor Hotol Nowh Sfnnd. Ciipttul Hotel Ntnvii Stand. Ilod Dudo Cigar Stoin, 1020 0 St. 15tl. Young, 1207 O St. Clason, Fletcher St Co., 1120 O Bt. Moore's Nowh Stand, 118 Bo. 11th St. Couhikk Olllce, 1201 O St. Aichlo EiiBlgii,2l7 So 11th St. Ill I INE PRINTING AND ENGRAVING. The Courier Publishing coin puny Ih prepuied to do nil klndHot printing, lino work, especially, nt moderate prices; ulao engraving, wedding In vltatlons, calling cards, etc., CU and see samples'. Satuiuiay Moiinimii Couhikk, U201 Oh) rout. AMONG THE RAILROADS. Tourist far to f'ltllfitriilu Clieni Hit!,', Uillrk Trip. Thy travel from t lie north and north west territory, tapped The (Ireat Ikiok, Island route, him demanded service ot UiIh character, and beginning October o, tourist cam will leave MlnneapollH every Thursday morning and join the regular tourist train out of Chicago every Thursday uttornoon nt Columbus Juno tlon, Iowa, ut 11 it. in. Central Iowa and tho great west h1oki district ot that state, deiutinds mid will receive a similar service, and beginning October 10, a Phllllpn-iiock Island ex cursion car will leave Albert Lea every Tuesday morning, ami via LlvoAnoro, Ft. Dodge and Angus, will arrive at Dob Moines that evening, and Wednesday a. id. go west on tho "Ulg Five,' via Omaha, Lincoln and Dcllovillo, at which point It will Join tho regular Tuesday train from Chicago. Full particulars us to cheap rate tickets for this trip, and also as to cost ot berth in tho tourist car cheerfully given on.applicution to any Great Rock Island route ticket agent, or agent at coupon stations of connecting lines. Jno. Skuahtian, Q. P. A. Ciiioaoo. Moving Smith. Convenient markets, good soil, pure water and excellent climate aro advan tage to bo considered when looking up a home, business location, farm, etc, Maryland and tho Virginias afford these, with many more advantages. Improved farm lands, adapted to stock raising, dairying, grain, grass and fruit growing, can be obtained nt low prices and upon easy terms. Thriving towns Invito the merchant, mechanic and business inn. Abundance ot coal timber, ore, water power, etc. Frco sites for manu facturers. For furthor information, address M. V. Richards, Land and Immlgrntioi Agent B. & O. R. It., BulHmoro, Md. The Union l'aclllo Cut Hates. Denvor, ono way 9 0.00 Denver, round trip , 20,00 Pueblo, Colorado Springs und Cheyenne the same rnto. Chicago, ono way.... 9.15 Chicago, round tri , j , 11,55 St. Louis, round trip 10.05 Full information cheerfully given at 1014 O street, southwest cor. O and 11th. J, T. Mahtin, K. II, Sloshon, City Ticket Agt. Hen. Agt. The lnli(ii luclll t'licaii Itulm. Only 830.00 llrst class toOgden, Salt Lake, Helena, Spokane und Portland Ore. For full particulars call at city ticket oillco 1014 O street. Thu llft Ijiunlr' Townsoiid Plamaudon proprietors, -208 O street, telephone 579, (miilfMiiriJ row Wr Vitfr.) to he seen In 'Thereso' Friday night, and that's nil thoro in of It." Calling it bell-boy, MIps Lewis lind him open a bottle of beer In her room. She drank a glass of this with apparent relish, For ten minutes she told of how well she had been treated by newspaper men how Colonel Alden J. Hlotheii, of Minneapolis, had devoted considerable rpncii to telling of her abilities, and how Major Ultllnger, of St., Joseph, had given her an editorial, Interview and criticism and free ad. all In the same Issue of his paper. "How long have you been in tho busi ness, young mini?" sho asked, and with out waiting for a reply she went on: "1 have never met you before. 1 have so many friends among the newspapet men." As the icporter wentaway Miss Lewis called after hlmi "He sure now and state that I will play 'Thereso.' flet It in If there is only o. e line of it." Inquiry at tho oflleo ot tho hotel as to who sent thu telephone message wiu answered by thu statement that it war done by direction of Manager Marston. He sat In tho corridor while tho reporter Interviewed Miss Lewis. Tln r'ar Vt. Whilst vniit In n ilny-ilrenm hut Intel) Ami lutiniiilnit u souk of nif youth , 1 vk with a stiirt us I fitthom'il Tim depth of Its inoiitiltiu ninl truth. Thu iiitnntrul kmik louilly ot freedom Of KlnrlM of Inwls far nwiiy. TImiiikIi ejele" linvn waned slnco t hi'iiril It It wIkiIoiii In intint lotlny. Coulil 1 mill n word tolt roiinxpl Tor iMialiiR of Borrow nml imlu It inlulit ho llmt clillilrou tuilHirn Jt't Mhtht sny I IiiiiI not lived In viiln It inlitlit Ihi that imiin honest toller, hen cnlloil on to lay down bin loud, MIrIiI hit' mo for itrlvlmt, thoouh feehly, In helplim to point out tho road. l' imped throimh n country ot hoiiiIith, (lned horewnrd nml tliorewnril until My ejen linourown dim with emotion, My heart In Its pluce. Ims hIimiiI still. Willi vlitni of heiilth, penco nml plenty Around me wherever I roiun My HioiikIiU hnvo recurred to tliundiion AIkiuiiiIIhk on all ildes nt home. Ye tollerf In nlley, In cities, Yo wenry, oppreM'd nnd down tnul, Leave uln, ilinmo nnd sorrow holilnd jou - do out nnd slinko linmls with your (lod. Why uronn undor liunlcnn that lirenk your Why clamor nt plumles who rulaT Why brent ho but tho nlr of contnitlonl Why listen to dogmas that foolt Let bluo skies nlxivo bo jour temple, (Ireat Nnturn your truthful blub priest. Tho enrili "In Its fullness" will servo ou A rich ud bountiful feast. Why toll, for n inls'rablo plttanoo lu ntmospberos laduu with Kiillt When miles upon miles wait Ilia tllllnu And cities aro still to bn built In lands where to labor's n blesslnu In lauds of perennial sun Whero Nntum meets mini open handed l'njlnif five-fold for duty that's doiiol From fruits of tho earth eat In plenty, Drink ntr from tho mountains with zest Your hearts will urnw stroiiRcr nnd llRhtor Work honestly (lod does tho rest I And It It bo truo ns It's written Thnt Ood "In His ImtiKo" mudo man, do emulate him I Croato sumotlilnu I 'Tin action will swoolen life's spun, 'Tls honesty leads men to labor, 'TIs labor wins honor nnd pelf. Striko out for this now "Land of Promise" A destiny carve for yourself, f hen bonor'd by nil who surround )ou. In homes 1 lint your own bunds liavo mnile, Tim sunsot of lifo yon can welcome Your debts to your Maker aro paid. J. 11. Uarncs, American Theatre. 'ESULTS OF ENVIRONMENT. How is I'lillosnptilrnt lllsroursn m Horn of the. Tlnilillly nt u Uiiuttwuoits Couple. ! It did not tnko u closu observer to pc that they were from tho country. Hi! tall mid lean llgure was adorned with an ill fitting suit of clothes, ntid lilt Inrgo, clumsy boots were still covered with tho dust of country roads a sight so keenly appreciated by tho courtcom bunko stecrer, Bhe had rosy cheeks nnd was plump ol figure. Had sho worn other than n red dress nnd not nn old fashioned bonnet with green ribbons, sho might hnvo been termed real pretty. They stood in front of tho AstorllonM looking about them in n dazed sort o( way. Evidently their doslro wnB to croRt tho street, but tho long lino of truck and wagons, tho cnblo cars with tliolf incessant clanging nnd tho nolao gen erally caused thorn to hesitate. Presently sho clutched him by tho arm and nnxiously, oven nervously, looked into his faco. "Mercy, John, let's go back tor hum. This nolso Is too much." "Ycr right," replied John. "Can'l stand it myself." Bho clutched his arm, nnd with hur ried steps thoy proceeded down Barclay street. A party of gentlemen on tho stops ot tho Astor Houbo had been watching th couple and overheard tho remarks passed between them. "That shows yon what effect environ ment has tipon peoplo," said ono philo sophically. "They wcro brought up In tho country, where probably no mur mur of tho business und commercial world over found its way. To them the lazy wind sighing among tho branches of tho trees, tho singing of tho birds and tho running waters of tho brook form an important part of their daily lifo. They would bo unhappy, even in tho grandest palace, without this simple yet beauti ful muslo of iiuturo. "Yet how different it is with me, add undoubtedly with you nil I I tiro of the country in n fow dnys. To mo tho scene before us now is as inspiring and beauti ful ns liny I over saw elsewhere. Tho rumbling of tlio vehicles over tho pave ment, tho clanging of tho bells, tho hiss ing of steam, tho hurrying feet and the unceasing r.oiso of bustlo and business all cotnbiuo to make ono grand sympho ny that my ears never tiro of hearing. I can work nnd think the better for it, butworo I banished to somo rustio sccno work would cease, inspiration would lenvo mo, nnd I would oven bo unhappy, longiug for tho busy environments of a city liko Now York. "As it is with individuals, so it is with nations, with kingdoms, empires and re publics. Their characters, their traits and their nationalities can all be traced to their surroundings, and I believe thore is nothing in what wo call human na ture that is not a result of environment. Chango tho universe, tho customs and manner of living, and, mark my word, you change human nature." Tho philosophical gentleman looked proudly at his listeners, nnd with the bow of an orator retiring from tho pint form ho Bauntered into thu lobby of tho Astor Houso. New York Herald. THIS HIST UK I IV MlllltNluM VJ$ OFFER MO:LVrAY.. When tho robins nest niiain, And tho merry bobolink And tho bluebird nnd tho wren Their sweot notes toROthor link, Will, oh, will tho svnnto then Btlll ho talking, do you tbtnkT Whs ted Ammunition, I patd two dollars for a tie) Oh, It wns just immenso, And then I started for tho shore, With Ray oty Intense. Said li "I'll paralyse tho iclrlu With this most RorRoous tlo) With thorn 'twill bo lovo at llrst sIrIU As I walk smlllnR by." Hut when 1 stood upon tho bench At Inst I had u lit liy Joto I Tho llrst Rlrl that I saw Had on ouo just llko It. Cloak Dlsnliiy For today only at Tho Ashby Cloak Co. store. A Genuine Philanthropist. Ono of Now York's philanthropic mer chants spends thousands of dollars each year in aiding the poor, but none of his beiioflciaries ever gets a cent in cosh. Ills idea is that money giving demoral izes tho recipient, llo will buy groceries and pay rent for a distressed family and aecuro employment for tho wugo earn ers. Onco thoy aro at work ho tolls them that ho considers it u moral obli gation for them to refund, ut any con venient season, tho sum ho has expended. If they do, he regards tho caso as a tri umph of Bolt respect. If thoy don't, he finds somo excuso for them in his own mind and keeps right nn at his Bolf ap pointed task. Lust whiter he hired a hall in the Hobrow district down town, en gaged a competent teachor nnd provided number of Jowish girls with free in structions. No proselyting was attempt ed. Indeed not a word was said about religion. Tho girls becamo greatly in terested, and their brothers begged for and obtained admittance. Similar classes are to be established this winter. The tnerchantallows himself an incomeof $3, 000 per year. All tho rest of the money he makes is devoted to tho aid of others. Now York Sun. Hherlir tutlr. Notlco Is hereby Riven that b) virtue of nn court of the iiiiril JiullcluliIltrlcto .Nebraska, order of sale Issued by the clerk of tho district within and for Lancaster county, lu nn action wherolu Jumes K. Ilaum Is phiintiil, und Chris nan r. jownseiici in. uuiviuianis, i win in o'clock p HMO, tttll m.. on the 12th duy of December. A. li. ho eust door of thu court liouso. In I ho city of Lincoln, Lancaster coui)t, Nelirusla, ouer tor s.iio ai puoiio miction iiiu ioiiowiiik II Lots numbered twelve (12) tutwjiity-two (!) iclusWo In block fourteen (II). luts twulvo 1121 to twenty-two (!) Incluslvo In block sixteen A beautiful lino of Fur Capes cumo b express yesterday for tho Ashby Cloak Co, Getting Out or It. "Dennis, I'll give you a quarter if jou'll take my dog to the pond and give him a wlni,1' said a farmer to a native of Krlu who was in search of work. Dennis agreed, took the quarter and the dog and started oft, He entered the first public house he came to, spent the quarter, asked the landlord for a pall of water, which he threw over thedojt and then went buck. The farmer, however, uoticed that the underpart of the dog's body was quite dry, aud on taxing Dennis with the fraud got the reply! "Faith, sorr, that dog can only swim on Its hack." New York Mercury Whlta With a Vengeance. Here is astato of things which probably not the wealth of tho Astors could' buy In America. Lord and LndyAllngton have a place in Dorset known as the "Whito farm. Everything is accordingly white. All tho farm buildings, tho house itself, nnd ovon all tho animals on tho place aro whito. Rabbits, cats, guinea pigs, hens, horses, cows, donkeys and all tho creatures aro spotless. But this is not the most remarkable feature. Tho f reo und independent Brit ish men and maids who till tho soil and churn the butter aro compelled to attire themselves in white smocks and white frocks to bear out the general impression of whiteness. Now York Recorder. $25.00 PbUSH GAPES. .. . A (V .li i '4 20.00 ASTRAKAN CAPES.. 15.00' CANADIAN SBAb GAPES. k " -1 jt.ii... 12.50 CONEY CAPES. 4 tir"! 'ikj' 10.00 CONEY CAPES. .$1350 . . 1250 . 1050 . 650 450 J. A. DORSEY, 1121-1123 N STREET. SVE orders Your PnperM mixl IVIcuctiasliaos ixx tlaias cixid sbcvvo money tliosao lmrcl tlmeM. wy O - O CO X H Regular Yearly ami. i-rico, ReRular Prlco of Iloth. CoBinopolitan Magazlno and the Courier 93.00 fl.C0 4.00 Huroor'a Macazitio and tho Courier 0.00 4.00 Hurpor'H Weekly nnd tho Courier 0.00 4.00 Harper's Bazar nnd the Courier 0.00 4.00 Tho Contury Magazine and tho Courior 0.00 3.00 Scribner's Magazino and the Courior COO COO "Puck" and tho Courior 7.00 COO "Lifo" and tho Courior 7.00 4.00 Frank Leslie's an ' tho Courior 0.00 1.75 Youth's Companion (now) nnd tho Courier 11.75 1.00 Now York Weekly World and tho Courior .'1.00 3.00 ' Scientific Americttn und tho Courier 0.00 0.00 Scientific American Supplement anil the Courier, 7.00 7.00 Scientific American and supplement and Courier 9.00 1.00 Ladies' Homo Journal and tho Courier 3.00 0.00 Judge aud tho Courier 7.00 3.00 Lippincotfa and tho Courier COO 0.00 Forum and the Courier 7.00 2.00 Dcmorcst'fl and tho Courier 4.00 3.00 Outing and tho Courier 0.00 3.00 St. Nicholas and tho Courier , COO 4.00 Now York Dramatic Mirror and the Courier. . . . 0.00 4.00 New York Clipper and tho Courior 0.00 4.00 Sporting Lifo und tho Courior 0.00 4.00 Toxas Sittings and tho Courier 0.00 4.00 Truth and tho Courier G.OO 3.00 La Modo-de-Paris und tho Courier 0.00 1.50 La Modo, Now York, and tho Courier 3.50 3.00 Album-do-Modo, N. Y., and tho Courior COO 1.50 McCluro'a Magazino and tho Courier 3.00 Our Price for Both. 12.50 4.25 4.50 4.50 4.75 3.75 6.25 5.50 4.50 2.50 2.10 3.75 5.25 7.00 2.25 5.25 3.25 5125 2.75 3.50 3.75 4.25 4.50 4.50 4.00 4.20 4.00 2.50 4.25 2.25 TUB COURIER will bo clubbed with any reputublo publication in tho world, tho two publications costing only u slight ndvanco over the price of one, nnd in ninny cases exactly tho subscription prico of ono. Remittances muy be made by post-ofllco money order, registered letter or draft. If you want any paper not in tho above list write for our terms. ADDRBtM, Courier Publitsliing? Company, Lincoln, CTotoircaatlECa. Is theiitlonl an illustriil cil fnhler tie- scrlbiiiR tin farms. ranches llm uroht. rf fruit ralshiRura set forth In detail: also fuctr rolatlve to shocp, cattle and seperal farmliut No other country possesses such a dcslrablt climate all tho year around. Write to E. I.. Palmer, P. A. Bnnta Yt ItouU, Omaha. Neb. or f r copy. THREE-MINUTE TALKS AUOUT NEW MEXICO. mines and towns of New Moxlco A Yenr's Subscription to Any One of the following- I'tieri nTis Exre;ra.A2rel FOH- (U). lota ono (I) to twenty-two (!) incluslvo In block teu 101. lots numbered twelve 121 to twenty-twoIS! Inclusive in block seven IT I. lots twelve 112 to twenty-two IS! J incluslvo In blick elulit 8, lots three 3 to thirteen 1J lucluslve lu In block two. lot seveu -7 In block twelvo teu HOI. y-twoISJ I 112 to tw siv ,4 1 I Vi s n ti ,;' TTiijtff) - lu-nasjsa Zi tMSSWMM Hflr?" ot eight 8 lu block two 2, lots nluotevn W tweuty au lu block rour 1,101s seven 1 mitt it 8 ii Mock Ave &, lots twelvo 12 to nineteen ve in uUH.lt throe 3, lots twelvo Vi to incluslvo in block nine H. lots seven 1 It lucluslve lu block sixteen 16, all of lots and blocks la a,ureka addition -" in Til " T" IT ". m Liuicoia, bsaoasM aowniy,,!!- Crepo and tissuo papers at Crancer's, 212 South 11th. For Sunday dinner supplies call ut Halter's market, opiioeitc Lansing Thea ter, Phone 100. For tho luteal und noljibyeat cloaks and capes in cloth and fur go to tho Ashby Cloak Co. ThA new Garments have arrived nnd Appropriate. One day while his apparatus for deep ea soundings, by means of steel piano forte wire, was being constructed, Lord Kelvin entered Mr. Whlto'a shop in Glas gow along with tho great Dr. Joulo, cele brated for his determination of the me chanical equivalent of heat. Joule's attention was called to a bundlo of the pianoforte wire lying in tho shop, and Thomson explained that ho intended it for "soundiug purposes." "What note?" Innocently inquired Joulo and was promptly answered, "The deep C." Ar gonaut. An Explanation. Teacher "For men must work, mad women must weep." what is tho mean ing of that Hue, Tommy Figg? Tommy It means that men has to work to get money, nnd then the women baa to cry before the men will divide with '. IodlaimpoUi JouraaL LADIES' HOME JOURNAL. . GHIGAGO WEEKLY INTER OCEAN. NEW YORK WEEKLY WORLD. GHIGAGO WEEKLY TIMES. To any one sending us 12.00 for a year's subscription toTiiECoimiF.n in advunco, wo will give free a year's subscrip tion to any ouo of the above papers, any ono of which tho regulnr subscription prlco Ih 1.00 toilJiO. Remember you got ono free with a year's subscription to the Courier. M.fl0 worth of good rending for $2.00. SEND IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS NOW! WEDDINGS RECEPTIONS. BRILS. PRRTIES. LUNCHEONS. ETC.. At Popular Priett, at the tame time guaranteeing CORRECR F0RM3 and and all the Very Latett Styk, Elegant In thi$ lint tM thoxo all the New Effects for X893 which include eeveral new and, and odd ehapee together with new facet of script. Cill and tee eamplet. Our work tpeakt for ittelf, Ah this offer will only hold good for u short time, Address COURIER PUB. CO., Office 1201 O St., Lincoln, Neb. TUECOBRIE PUBLISHIHG COmPBHT 1VIcall Ordra fllolloltl. uuo -i 14 a i V q i,litS8UvybdHi.. ArtbyCJwtkOo. .!. is fJ tti, Tii HtjNkWi