V f' ih-wW " "; " ' j " ' v eF'v ,,Vir""" ''"v ljfn " fr-. THB SiVTMJRIW MORNING COURIER ' 1 rf h i UN Colonel Harry IlntehkinH In a modcut man. Hut by dint ot a Kooddenl of pernever iwico'ii repreRcntntlvo of Tim CmmtKit succeeded thejnthcr day in nvercoiulii"; hlfl natural dirtldeuco to mich an extent that ho related his recent experiences in Oklahoma Territory with perfect free doiu. The. colonel it) an energetic man. Where he Ih thlna are ahvajH Htire to happen, and when there Ih any excite ment koIdk on ho Ih generally' about an near the middle of it an ho can got. On the Friday before tho opening of the Cherokee strip Colonel Hotchlrfiw Hot the whcclH in bin head in motion and ho determined to go down and we the fun. Ho arrived on tho hcodo at about 10 a. m. Tho rush wiib to begin at 1-. There wero (500 people in lino waiting to .eglttter on the outnlde of the ntrlp, and ho immediately paw that if ho waited for IiIh turn ho wouldn't be in it at all. Ho didn't wait. TIiIh Ih how he worked it: "There were two of iih. Leaving the other fellow hanging nlxnit the tall end of the lino I Htarted for the head of the proceKfllon. I got by the Holdiera by keeping clone to tho line and Hcanning every face, conveying the impression that I wiih looking for Homebody. Pretty HiMHi 1 reached tho building where they were making out the papers. 1 immedi ately not to work helping tho men tran Hcribo. My nHHiHtanco wuh thankfully received, and it wuh no time at all until 1 had my own papers all made out. Then 1 tilled out my partncr'H and Kent a Holdier to bring him up on the plea that he had dropped out of bin place and couldn't get in again. The hcIiciuo worked. "Then we Htarted for the train I found out that the people who were waiting to make the runh had formed companion, and that to have any hIiow you had to belong to one of them. They were all full. We couldn't got in. An idea seized me. They were crowding and, aHHiiming an otllcial air, 1 com mnnded them to fall back and keep the track clear. Tho hcIioiiio worked. Then 1 ordered my partner to look after ono of tho platforuiH, and we got aboard among the very lirst. "You ought to have Heen the 'niHh.' Tho train went along at the rate of 12 miloH an hour. Ah far iih the eye could reach tho country wiib covered. It wuh a vaat army on tho rampage. There wero men and women on foot, and mounted in wagoiiH and every Hort of vehicle, everybody tearing along like mad. Tho duet wiib terrible. "Wo stopped tirst at Hound Pond. There wiib a pretty girl on tho train who walked w'ith crutcheH. I looked nftor hor a little and helped her get ikishcs bIoii of a lot. She held her ground, and owing to her crutcheB wiib unmolcHted. In twenty-four hours, when people's rightfl began to bo respected, I noticed that bIio threw tho crutches away. Smooth Bcheme. "I wiib holding a lot and wiib unpro vided with arms. A big, ugly chap came along and told me to get out, Hay ing that the lot wiib his and that he in tended to havo possession. I worked a . blutr. I told him to go and get a spade. " 'What for?1 " 'To dig a hole with,' I said. "Tho only way you can got possession of this lot is to occupy it as a grave aftor I get through with you. "Tho fellow withdrew after some par leying. "I biiw that Enid was tho place to go to, and I went. Thoro I saw Georgo Hawley, ot Lincoln, and ho was making more money than anybody. Ho had 200 yards of muslin- -nobody else had any. Ho sold it for 3T a yard for signs. I thought I might make some money transcribing claim papers, but there wero too many at it. I quit. A follow came up and asked me if I knew of any body who bought railroad tickotB. I had an inspiration and told him I was in the business myself to como over to tho tent in half an hour. I wont back, and Hawley and I rigged up a big sign: CUT RATES-KAILHOAD TICKETS HOUGIIT AND SOLD--well, 1 niado SUM in a few dnyB in the ticket busi ness. "I bought and sold everything. Ono day a follow came along and otfored his team of mules and a wagon for sale. I bought tho outfit for 9110, and hitched tho team in front of the tent. In Ichh than two hours afterwards, before I had even ted the animals, I sold tho nutllt Tor 8150. "We got possession of some lots. I built a $2T house on one of them and a i'20 house on tho other, They aro rent ing now for $.'15 a month each, The lots me worth 800 or 81,000. I was in tho Htrip two weeks and came away with 100 more money than I took with me when I I'.'ft home, and besides thohouses and lots I havo three other vacant lots at Enid that I can probably hold. Some people made barrels of money. Rome didn't make any." Col unci Hotchkiss states that ox-Con-gresKuian Laws has opened a land ollleo at Enid, and at last reports was doing a "land oftlco business." And W. L. Cuuditr, tho precimiH scamp who aided tho election of Congressman Hryan a year ago by bunkoing Jerome Shamp he'Hgot bin reward. It seems that tlio government ban trustees In the different land districts In tho territory to make transfers. Cundlff Ib ono of theso trustees, and he getB 85 a day. "The most money waH nutdo by tho gang of fellows from Kingfisher who had been through It before and knew how to work the game," said Colonel Hotchkiss. "Thoy had things all arranged before they got to Enid. They formed a city government, elected a mayor and so on, and then proceeded to take In the money, charging fees galore for every conceivable thing. There were about 0,000 people waiting to make their en tries. Numbered cards were Issued at 10 cents a piece. Then lots ot low num bers were hold back, which wero dis posed of at prices ranging from 825 to 8200. "One scheme was like this: A man who was waiting to prove up would be approached and told that for a very moderate fee a memorandum of his number, name and claim would bo taken and that ho would bo notified when to appear. Ho would In due time receive notification only to find that his lot or piece of laud had been duly made over to some one else bearing Ills name. Then he would bo steered to a 'lawyer' In the deal who would extract a fee and promise to see the other fellow and try and olTcet a compromise. He would see the 'other fellow' and then inform his client that he''other fellow' would re limiuish 'his rights and turn over the papers already made out In his own name for, say 82(H), and usually tho money was paid. No end of money wiih taken in by Illegitimate deals of this character." lly belriK denld of nerve TIiitu'h iiiiiny thiinrHono inlei; Anil tlilx Ih j iih t iih trim Of toothache iih of klsief. The wisest course in olities is to vote for the best man, and jnu cannot be mistaken. So, in the use of blood purltiers, you can't be mistaken if you take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, because all parties agree that It Is the best the Superior Medicine. Try it this mouth. Ilou'n Thin! We olicr One Hundred Dollais re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not ce cured by HhII'h Cidurrh Cine. V. .7. CHENEV & CO., Toledo, O. We, tho underHigned havo known V. J.Chene for the last llf teen years, and boliove him poifectly hnuoinhlo in all business transactions and tiniineially able to carry out any obligations matin by their linn. Wkht A- Tiiuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldimi, Kinnan & Maiivin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. HiiU'h Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly utxin tho blood and mucous Biirfaces of tho system. Testi monialB sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. No misrepresentations; no special sales; no damaged goods at the Ahiiiiy Cloak Co. M. 1j. Ti ester sells Pennsylvania, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming coals cheap for cash, 1211 O street. Tho Lincoln Paper Hox company have added a folding box department to their business and have a steady stream of orders for cantons to increaso Lincoln made goods such as Soaps, Medicines, Candies, Extracts etc. Tho Lincoln Coal company, 1015 O street, handles all of tho very best grades of anthracite and bituminous coal. ' Some Ji-OKi-tiililrul "Mont'." Don't say or write Austro-Hungary. Thobest writers prefer Austria-Hungary. Don't call tho Chinese "Mongolians." It is hotter to reserve tho latter name for the peoplo who llvo north of China proper. Don't speak of a uativo of China as a Chinaman. You would not say that you had an Ireland man digging in your garden. It is better to call John a Chinese. Don't say. that New York is located on Manhattan Island. Don't speak of China as our antipodes. Our antipodes is the point on tho other side of the world reached by a straight line passing through the place in which we stand and the center of tho earth. Our antipodes is in the ocean southwest of Australia. Don't forget that Oriental names ending in "an" havo the accent almost invariably on tho last syllable, as Teheran, Heloochistan. Don't say that tho compass points to tho north, for it doea not except in certain places. Tho compass points to magnetic north, which is at present considerably west of tho north pole. When Lieutenant Orcely wiib at Lady Franklin Hay the declination of his needle was found to be very gieat. tho needle pointing toward the magnetic pole hi a direction nearly southwent. When you aro writing a novel Don't get your geographical facts hi badly mixed as to rellect discredit upon early training. In one of the popular novels of the day the Azotes are referred to as in a southern latitude. The writer also introduces his hero into the Antarctic legions in January and speaks of tho "Inky blackness" of the nights he experienced there. Of course anybody ought to know that the month of January Is tho height of the Ant arctic summer, and the entire mouth is ono continuouBduy. wwi i Tho following new music is rcortod by Oeorgo A. Crancer: " "lneMc, Dear, as I Iiovo You," "When Ma Ma Let's Me Out," "Come Hack Sweetheart," "Jack and Mall," "A Whisper of liove," "On the Mldway.or the Jolly Hum Huw." "I.n Mn llnir, it I l.oo Vim," ISniiK liy It. J. Jimp, lu comic opera "Africa.") Mldnt Urn roam sweetly hloomluir 'nentli a clnttdlcia iky Snt two Inters futility tnlklnit ofluliiy hour Kiinit by llullitlnir enstlea in tlm future, ilreiiiniiift of Iii-IhIiI ilnja la idnru TVUItitf how lovo wonlil Milan', for ever, ever I mi re. CIIOItt'HI Line inn dear ns I love )ou, i'Iit truidlnu, ever trail la my heart former dwell, lov'il with u line no loiiKiu'cnn (ell All my hope la llieo I place, look mn ilnrllntf in tlio fnru Onpcnk tlio vtonltiiif Jo) illvlne, will )ou ilur- Unit HiMin Ih mine. Tlio Hweet roiei neon may ierlli, nklc lie over cant Lore will nter liloom ntiil lloiirlili, nhnilow iln not lat Mny no dotilitliifr, no imIikMiik midden the liiuirt I uilore Love' light bIioiiIiI ever lie mIiIiiIiik, for eter ever morn Am I wnkltiK or nllll drcumliur. word like theno to lienr Tell mn truly, () in) darllnu, linte I ninth! to fear I mn llftt'ninif to jour plcudluu, u I nn'er illil before Lint to ui) lienrt, how 'IN thinhhliur, for )on, for )on ever more "Ah Soon An the llonej .Momi'i. Over." Lmo Ih not vvlint It iihimI to Ih', lliut Ih plain both to )ou nnil me Now Olildiuo Iiiih mnile t In bteiik. I. mo in often a splendid mlitiike. IId'h not liappy in hIiiuIii life: hIic'h not lntpp) till hIiu'hii wife. So tliey piny the )()iuen!iil con ins fhii-diiuu up with tl hi illvort'o. ('IIOItt'H! Oh, how Kill) ynuinr people me, leiiUnu home nnil (heir mn mid pn. .Spreading their hiiIIh when oiiin; Ciiplil pro- vnlln, fancy the) are llvlnu In elm or. That's nil rltihtforn mliiiitoor tuo then bin bunk IhhiK' Uneiirl) throimh You ilon't want him mill ho iloefii't want )ou, iih hiMin iih tlio honey moouV oer. Onretwherii ever tho hul) went plni wiih iifcil to a compliment. Now if any one Hpeakn to hor, himbanil Jontoim mill MnrtH toBwonr, Hii'h not happy, ah, there'H the rub, hooii he iiiIhsi'9 his cozy dub. Ma in law couinx anil hIiijh ii week, hm-hanil anil wlfo nre afralil to Hpeak. Hack In town with bin frlemU of jure, evonliiK MiiiIh him at home no more, llusluoHH keepn him till late in Iiiwiit-IiiihIciohh meanH puttliiK whlnky iloun. SIiii'h luvlteil to every ball, in ery dancer Ih at her call. Lomi'h calm ocean iHnowaKnle.theiiewHpaperH tell iih the Hume olil tale. Mie'H My Itent (ill I. ISiiiiR in "A Trip toChliiatown."! In yomlur cottaKu by the hoii-iIuoIIh iiij bent lrl. llrlglit anil IiuikIsoiiio iih can bo, Ih hi) bent lrl. I call on her every Sunday ove;xlie ureetn mn with n Hiulle, When Cupid lurks mid noftly lie", in miibnnh In iiiikoIh kuIko. CIIOKl'rii HIiu'h my bent Kir), don't Jim know, Soon we'll marry, I lino her mi- when the wed- dim; IipIIh they riui, When the bridal miiik vndbIiik, all the hoiirH will pleauuro lirlnt:. She's my bent lrl. Kill. Whllii hIiikIuk, ilauciiiK all da) loux with in) bent ulrl. Sweat n llowurn on the lawn, I" in) l""t uirl. My heart with Joy in over-llowed, ni) line, nhe IioIiU tho key. The weddliiK belln )ou'll hear at dawn, how happy then we will be. M. L. Treater can Biiit you on coal if any dealer in Lincoln can. 1-11 O ptreet. Not Ire of ICeinoval. Thu liiiBlnesH otllco of the Satihmiay MoitNi.Mi Couuimt him heen moved to 1'201 O Htreet. Ahiiiiy Oi.oak Co. 1114 O Htreet. Not lee. Notice of ii r Helen of Incorporation of the Went Park Land company, of Lincoln, Nebrnnka, tiled on the '.nth day of OcIoIht, 1MM. I. NAMi: OV TIIIH COIII'llllATIOV ! Tho nmiii) of this corporation hIiiiII bo the West l'ark Land Coiniany. ii. 1'iiinuil'ai, i'l.ack op tiianhactisii iih iiuhini:hh. Tho iirincipal place of trauHiictini; the IiiihI ueH of thin corporation hIiiiII bo Lincoln, Lim cimtnr county, Nebraska, but paid corporation uhall hav6 power to eitahllsli branch otllcen at New York City, New York, and Han I'mnrlrcii, California. ' HI. TIIKIIKNUItAI, NATL'lli: III' Till: lll'HIM.HH I TO UU TIIANHACTKI). j ThoKcneral nature of thubuiiinoHtobetranH acted by thU corporation dhall bo the purcluiM' and mile of real estate in the gtnto of Neliranka nud eUewheru, to nccujit mid liold the title thereto, to erect biilhlinitH thereon, to improve, enlarge, repair and fiirnuli the name, to loan and borrow money and to kIvo mid take iiocoh nary necurlty for tho h.iiiie, to rent or IciimiiiIII or any part of the property held by or placed in tlio custody of biiid corporation, and Huchothei buaincHH an may lie necuHHury to carry out the, Koueral purpoao of thu bimiDOHH to be traiiH i acted. IV. THU AMOUNT (IK C AI'ITAI. HKM'K AUTIIOIl- ' I7KI). The amount of capital stock authorized in ' ono hundred thousand (tlUC.UU.IU) dollar, which Khali be roprcHcntott by certlllcaten of ' Vtock of one hundred (flUll.Ui) dullarn each. I which shall bu uou-nBHeieiabloand fully pa Id up I beforutho coiniuciicemvnt of hindncs of thin coriiorntion. , 'llio caiiitnt stock may bo increnxi'd nl ion ri'Kulnr meetiuuof tlii)8tockholdcror mi) epo- . cial meetiiiK called for that purpose. ' V. 1IMi;ilK CDUMCNCKMKNT (IK TIIK I, UK III TIIIH COKI'IIIIATIDN. The life of thin corporation vhall commence i on tliolMh day of October, IVM, and hIiiiII ter minatoou the'.Tth day of October, ll'lll, union it vliallbo dUkolveil in tho iiianuer liereinafli r prescrlbod. Vl.iTlli: IIIOIII.HT AMOUNT (IK IMIhllTiaiM.Hs Tho hiuheHt amount of ludehleduohH or liability which this corporation hIihII nt am one time Hiibject itnulf, vliall hoono'iiinrtor of the amount of capital xtock. VII, TIIKIIH'ICF.HH. The alfaim and biiHluekH of thin corporallou nhall bo inmiaKi'il by a Ixiard of live directoii. all of whom nhall bo Htockholdem, nnil each of whom nhall own not lonHthau ten (III) nhnrenof the capital Mock, In a president, a ilcoprini dent, a necretary and a t reinsurer, and tlioprem dent nhall boelluiblu to Hie ollice of treaniirer I'll A Mi L. SlIl.l.DOV, Liosi.l. ('. IIuiik. I'iiah. L. Ili'iili. r Incorporator. U.lltl.ltf l.. IILllll, C. 11. SlIKLDON. m I. M, IMYMONI), PrnMrnt. EXCHANGE I I). Ii. rilOMI'MlN, Vhr I'frvlJrnt. K. II. IIUKNIIAM, (i.illlrr. U H I) (5. VIN(i. Avtlvtmit (ttler, O. I.IUNKi:, 2t AIMnt Caviller. LINCOLN, NED. CAPITA!, $2S(),(H)()7 SUWUUS, $15,000. Olreiloi. ,M. Ilajmoiul, U.K. tlrown, H. II, lliirnham, I), It. 'IIiouiphou, (Ml. Diiwoh, (!, II. Merrill, A. .1. Kaw)er, I.ewU (Ireitory, V, W. I. Kile, (I. M. I.anibertfon I). (I. Wltm, S. W. Ilurnhain. THE FiflST Hrtiohhl Mi O AN I) TKNT1I HTHKKTB. Capital, $400,000. Surplus, $100,000. ornrr.itHt F.. S. llAnwiMlti, Prenldi'iit. (!iiah. A. llANN , Vlee rrenlitrnt. I'. M.l (NiK.l imliler. . ... (;. H. l.iii'iM'oi r, akhIkIiiui rnniiior. C. H. II. H. I lll'.I.MAN, Al4tllllt ( IIHllllT. LINCOLN, NEB. G APIT A lo, $250,000.00. Officer mid Dlrrelori. John II. Wiikiut, l'rcahlent. T. K. Samii;uh, Vlro I'reiildout. J. II. MlCl.AT, Cnnhler. W, K. Jnlinmin, It. 1. I.nu, Thoi. Cochrta, K. It. Hltcr. Ti W. Lowrcy, W.L. Da) ton. General Banking Business Transacted. Collection n a Hi'kCiAf.TT. A lirrrcnt on lepoll 1'ulil lit tlir trlJVCOJiV AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO. Cor. 1' anil Khiventh Bin. ThconluSafe DejwM Vmilt in Lincoln DIHKCTOHH. N. . Ilnnrooil. N.C. Ilrock. .Wm. Mel.aiiuhlln. W. A. Solleck. '.. T. IIokks. O. V. Webster. AlbortWntklns. Krod Wlllliiiiia. linclicl Llonl. II. D. Ila'.hnwny. J.Z. llriHioe. C. .1. KrnM. II. W. Drown. ll.O. I'hllllpi. !:. II. Blrer. Henry Vellh. Henry It. Liml. LADII5S' AND GHILDRRN'S (rAIKCUTTINGr o o o SHAMPOOING A SPECIALTY, AT SAM WESJRMELD'S. HURR BLOCK. Real Estate Loans 'n fnrmi in Eastern Nobraika anil Improved proporty In Lincoln, for torm of year. IrOWBST CURRENT RATES. R. E. AND J. MOORE. RICHARDS BLOCK. Corner Klovcntb and O StrinU, Llncol. FROM S2.60 TO $4.50. Lincoln Stiff Hat Factory S. W. COR. TWBLFTH AND O BT8. ttil II tit a Mocked, Cleaned, Dyed and wtde as (jood us new. All kinds of Repair Work done. UPHOLSTERER ANI OAII1NKT MAKIH, Docs all klndfl of KojmiriiiK Promptly. All work warranted. I0H 8o. llth St. I.tnculn, Nab. T. C. KERN, 1). T). S. Rooms 25 and 26, Burr Block. LINCOLN, - - 2WIC13. WA1M Ti'Q Howtoeconomiietl : T yjSXilllJ ij and monfymii to t? A 1 I? t,, world' falrtot X' iVJ.IV. advantaRu, ii a ai thnat beat! ouea- tinn that may naTa. puzzled you. Avoid mistake br KOttlnc iioiteil lu advance. I'erhapa tlmllluitrataa: 'folder junt Utued by Santa Fe Roots U; ; what you need. It contain Wewn of world', fulr buildlnKi, accurate map ot Chicago.' and other informa- . S'illre'i!: SANTA FE! rainier, I'. A. Santa IAIlfin? I Vo Routh, Omaha, ItU U 1 Jli. and ask for free copy. ' C. E. SPAHR, M. D. PHAOIIOC LIMITtD TO OIIAC Of INI LYL'nd NOSeEARI THROAT cLAiaca ckwcrukLV adjuitcd, 1215 O STREET. LINCOLN, NEB. COLUMBIA ni m i ORDER FURNITURg, BBD KOOM SRTS, FOIoDING I3BDS, CHAIRS, loOUNGISS, BOOK CASKS,' TABIoES AND FUKNITUKE 01s ALU KINDS. CURTAINS, CARPETS AND A COMIM.IJTI5 MNK OP HOUSEHOLD pSKH rar. liO.IMOBS AND EASY TERMS, g ITlEIHZER & 127-128 NORTH FOURTEENTH STREET. DO YOU KNOW THAT YOr CAN BUY RKAL ESTATR OF ANY DESOIMPTION OTIKAPKR AT THE RKES- RNT 3I031ETT Til AN YOU EVER CAN A0A1N. While the llnaneial Miliey of our government Ih in a greater alate of nneertainty tlian ever before, teal eatate la the foundation of all wealth, the name, year In ami yearont. Bneh timemiH thene may doprcHH itH value, ho that luirititiH may he found; lint the fact remaiim that the value in STILL there, andjiH tfood n gold. 'I'Iioho who have funda to iuveat, I wIhIi to any ri(lit here, atop and eoiiHider that thene are the timea that try men'H hoiiIh. That from now until .January 1 m alwayn a clime time, even in timea of plenty, What will it lie thin year? Von can buy property now that will doulile in value after .lanuary 1, 181)1, mark what I tell iiii, and await the remilt; and in the meantime take advantage of it. If piopeity uiiiHt lie parted with at a naeritiee, you cun liene. lit by it. We have larue holdina at Normal in LuikIh and Lota, alwi in Uioad Acren, which uiiiHt lie Hold. Call and nee, and we will make ou helieve. REAb ESTATE EXCHANGE LKDWITH IILOCK, OUOUNI) FI.OOIl, COH. 11TR AND P Kit. ED. R. SIZER, JOHN J. GlbblLAN, A. D. KITCHEN. 6ALk AND S - SANITARY bb HKATINl Our stock is uriunKL'd to suit everybody. Goine ami make your selection. M. J. HAIvL & BRO ittoN STOVES, GOODS KUIili MNK OK J -tii IN 8WEIIBU uo: STOVBS. 'rwi5i5'r. WT T AWivnf' '