l 1HE SATURDAY MORNING OOURIKR IV r. lTr ' Hi J' t ' ' ' W' ' ' SHYMIIMER SATUHDAY, SIlPTIiMBBK 30, 1893. Notice. Tim nmlemUnrd li!rpbr Kites nollco flint tt ili .. il nuimnillila ttr nr nn niiy limit 111 rnrro.1 liv PtnlildVM. OXCCIlt (lllMO (of VflllcllBn OWM l turn iwrstinnnr -------i -,--.-- - ..." -i. i., HriipiI by It. Tlili couhikr run. to. Ii1NCOI.Ni hsn., Mf lT, IMM. FAII STYLE or 'rii ift DUNLHP HOT. NOW IIW. XV. R I . Ks Coi 1137 0 Street, The Courier ran lie I'minil at Hotel Lincoln Nows Stanil. Windsor Hotel Nowh Stnnil. Capital Hotel Nowb Stand. P -A Dudo Cigar Store, 1020 O St. M. Youiik, 1SWI O St. ClMKin, Fletcher k Co., 1120 O St. Moore's Nowb Stnntl, 118 So. 11th St. Courier (Mike, 1201 O St. Archlo Ensign, 217 So 11th St. WhltebreiiHt Conl nnd Llmo Co. Bathing caps at Rector'H Pharmacy. Jccltoll Bros. Tailors, 110 north Thlr tnonth Btreot. David P. Sims, dentist, rooms 42 t n 13 Purr block. Canon City conl ut tho Whltobreast Coal anil Llmo Co. Imported and domestic tollot Boapa at Rector's Pharmacy. An entire now lino ot ladle' card cases and pocket booka at Rector's Pharmucy. All onlers via tolophono 308 will reach W. A. Coftln A Co. and recelvo prompt and careful attention. "Tho Bout" Laundry, 2203 O Htreot tolephono 570, H. Townsend k Co., pro prlotore, Lincoln, Neb. N6 Bitch lino ot canned fruits In tho clty.aa Bhown by W. A. Coffln & Co., 143 Souih Elovonth Btreot. For dances and outings there Is, no such iuubIo in Nebraska as that supplied by tho Nebraska Btato orchestra. When you want prompt' Beryji and fair treatment and tho selection from the largeBt stock ot groceries in Lincoln call oa W. A. Coffln k Co., successors to J. Miller, 143 South Eleventh Btreot. Halter'a market, old rellablo markot, aow moved to Thirteenth Btreot, oppoBlte J Lansing theatre, h whero ladles Bhouw call for their meat orders. Telephone ordors over No. 100 receive prompt nt tcntion. Professor Swain's ladies tailoring and dress cutting school. Thorough instruc lions. LoBBonBnotllmltod. Dress mnk Ing dono with dispatch on short notice Patterns cut to measure and all work guaranteed. ' Ask your grocerymnn for tho "Wllbor Rolling Mills" Flour, Chns. Harvey, pro prlotor. Inquire tor "Little Hatchet," "Nlcklo Plate," and "Makers' Constance." Every Back warranted. Reduced Rates by Missouri Pacific will bo given to St. Louis from July 20 to October 31. Vory low rates will bo onsalo and thla will bo on excellent chanco to visit tho greatest carnival city in America. Call on nearest ticket agent M. P. railway for information, oi J,E. R. Miller 12010 Btreot, Lincoln Nob., or H.O. Townsond G.P.A. St. Louis, Mo. Eye and Kar Burgeon. Dr. V. L. Dayton, oculist and nurlst, No. 1203 O Btreot, Lincoln, Neb. Tho Union PaelHa Cut Antes. Donvor, ono way , 8 10.76 - Donvor, round trip 20.00 Pueblo, Colorado Bpringe and Cheyonno tho panto rato. Chicago, ono way 0.15 Chicago, round trip 16.40 St. Louis, one way 10.05 St. Louis, round trip 18.40 Full information cheerfully given at 1044 O street, southwest cor. O and 11th. J. T. Masti., E. B. Slosso.n, City Ticket Agt. Gen. Agt. MoTlug- Huuth. Convenient inarkots, good soil, pure water and oxeollont cllmato arc udvan tages to bo considered whon looking up a homo, business location, farm, otc. Maryland and the Virginias afford these, with many more advantages. Improved farm lands, adapted to stock raising, dairying, grain grass and fruit growing, can be obtained at low prices and upon easy terms. Thriving towns invito tho merchant, mechanic and business man; Abundance of coal, timber, ore, water power, etc. i-ree sues. ior manu facturcrs. ' ? , For further information, address M. V Richards, Land and Immigration Agent B. k O. R, R., Baltimore, Md. 6ffiMSE Otferstaa for circular coat! ssestsskireloasearMol coawstloa, CM . BrksM'S Msssm, Serotala, KA miss, SnUBf, s.asuhna, Catarrh, tmsiw. wnsM oa iroastw. MM BSMsBB fee say asf fSBiaSllWTWW. Mlill m es. asstssra ass r Ja TO A DISCOURAGED POET. Vnu linve to flalil for fame, ilo not fortrat Thrfo tremlnit :1nnt, pc rclitd upon tlitlrhlus, Km Ii rmo n ccnlus to lilmnclf. lisvo quills All Inknl ftinl hnrunrl wull for I ho onset They'll Kiiub yeiu rliilit ami left without regret. A liolt'lnit Imiuir Don't look for It. Tholrrll'f Hove lit ilo they can spsr. Their rh)inlnj llllllt 1 1 ve their own corn to grind nml cash to get. 8lnit If you mint. Of the result why euro? tftoplo will hoed If It I from tho heart, If It have wit and fancy for tho mind. What sain yon by surrender to despair? If y nil havo icood Idooa, well wed to art, Id tints thco hill perched plants will crow kind. Edward B. Creamer in Kow York Sun. FIVE PROPOSALS. Tho summer I was 10 was tin momentous one of my first proposal. I went to spend my vacation with four cousins in Ken. tuck jr. G ay, charming girls were they, liv ing In a low, roso covered house on the edge ot town. Although at home men were not allowed to call, hore they could not be kept away from me, as my cousins had them by tho score. The day before my birthday I met a man a universal beau-as skilled In the art of flirting as I was unskilled. lie flattered mo until my bead swam and went through all tho first stages ot a flirtation without once hinting of marriage. In a confused, blind way I felt that something was wrong. I was ashamed to tell any one, but I thought he ought to know that I did not think ot him as he proteased to think of me. Still all ho said was so lutangtblol could not refute it nor speak out frankly myself. One day when we were driving he sud denly threw his arm around mo and tried to kiss mo. Frightened out ot my wits. I sprang up and actually had my foot on the step prepared to go out over tho wheels when he caught my hand. "Sit down, child I" ho said. "I won't touch you." Never shall I forget tho humiliation of that moment As I look back, I think nothing more unfortunate ever happened to mo than that attempted kiss. It blis tered the unspotted pageot my childish be lief in men, and the welt has never bean smoothed out. ' "There was no harm in what I did," he went on. "It was because I think so much of you." No answer from me. I knew now that he was flirting with me. It made me furious. "Take me home," I said abruptly. In tho silence which followed, my thoughts spun round and round. I could not formu late them. Suddenly ho said, "I love you." I turned and looked at him. It was the first time ho had spoken that word. "Yes, I lovo you," he said. "I am very sorry," I faltered, losing my newfound courage and Indignation at once. 'Sorry!" ho echoed. "Yes, very sorry, for I do not lovo you." "Why do you tell me that!" he cried. "Why couldn't you let me lovo you for the few weeks you will be down here without throwing cold water over me In that way!" "Love me for a few weeks?" I said, pus sled. "How do yon mean ?" Ho laughed In a slightly embarrassed way without reply, so I wont on: "Was that cold water? I did not mean to be rude. I only meant to be honest I do not want to give you any unnecessary pain." He regarded me curiously. "So you tolas you couldn't lovo me?" be asked. "Not well enough to to marry you," I said, with averted face and deep embarass stent Another long silence, which nearly est me frantic What had I done? Why didn't he talk? What could he bethinking off Presently he broke In vehemently wltht "Yes, I do want you, and you will marry me, won't you?" "Oh, not Plcaso don't ask me. I wns afraid otthls, only I couldn't tell you soon er," I faltered, quite alarmed by his. ear nestness. Ho persuaded and coaxed, and I grew almost tearful in denying mm. Final ly he said: "Well, I won't tenso you any more. You will bavo lota ot sweethearts after awhile, and just let me tell you this: If you treat them as yon have mo, they will thank God, as I do, that they bavo met and loved ono perfectly honest woman." And as ho help ed mo down at our own door he added: "I shall never get over this. I shall nover marry." Ho did not como in with me, thereby making everybody ou tho porch smile, as my guilty aspect could not have tailed to do. His tone was so tragic that I thought perhaps be would. kill himself. Uut be did not He married another girl, The next was from a man who professed to care a great deal for me. It came about in this way: I was standing at the top of thepiasxa steps as ho came up tho walk, and overhead too honeysuckle nnd nephetos roses met and made an archi No oho was In sight, but my mischievous cousins wero behind the closed blinds and heard every word, especially as they said Mr. John talked louder than ever in momenta of ten derness, so they claimed that his proposal could bavo been heard "out in tho big road." no took off his hat and stopped at tho foot of tho steps. Without a word of preface ho said: "If I could nee that sweet picture every night when I cume home, I wouldn't ask tho Lord to glvo me another thing! Do you think you could do it for me?" "What, stand here every night?" I said, laughing, thinking t merely a compliment to my white dress. "Yes, stand there every night and let me know that yours was tho face of my wife." I was too stunned to answer. "Will you?" "Ob, Mr. Johnl" I gafcped. "I love you, sweetheart," ho said. "You are the only woman I have ever loved." I certainly beard a sound behind the blinds, but did not daro to look around. "Ob, Mr. Johnl" I said again, llko an Idiot "Could you love an ugly old fellow like me?" be pursued, describing mo in three equally flattering words, which I forbear to repeat "Oh, I don't think you are so very ugly," I said eagerly, trying to bo both polite and honest A subdued flapping of tho curtain behind me made' my hair rise, and my confusion was complete when Mr. John threw bis head backuna laughed so heartily he near ly lost his balance. He interrupted my apology asd grew suddenly grave. "Too ugly and old for you to lovo me, sweetheart, but not too old and ugly te love you. Pretty soon you'll go back up north, but you'll not forget that there's one old fellow dewn south who loves you and would marry you, no matter how old you were you couldn't be ugly any time you wanted him." "Ob, how good you are!" I exclaimed sincerely, for his offer seemed, to my Inex perience, a vsryhandsomo one. I gave the required promise. He begged a rose from mo and came in. I called the girls, who entered with mischievous eyes, and he mndu a long call, quite as it ho bad not been rejected to start with, For a wholo yenr afterward I scarcely spoko to n innn. Then came an end to school days nnd my debut Presently 1 had a curious and dlsngret ablo experience n proposal which iniiktf mo t7 turns nngry, nmuscd nnd rcmorsi- fut. Itwai from n young Hngllshmnn. Ills haughty mother openly detested America nnd regarded American girls as only bear ablo If enormously wealthy, nor eldest ton married n cool million. Her youngvet, her idol, was so foolish ns to fall blindly In low with n dowerless rl. Ho rondo as much love to me as ho dnrcd under the stony eyes of his mother, nml then I went with my family to the sea shore for the summer. Perhaps he tnU'cd me; pcrlinp she forbade him to consider mo. At any rate, something made him follow me. 1 remember that he was playing the "Pil grim Chorus" when I came In from a walk, and ho sold admiringly: "What n neat little fitly you arel" "Use tho plural, please," I said. "Plural, how?" he questioned stupidly. "Phyllis, not filly, Besides, how dare you compare mo to a horse? I detest itl" "I hopo you don't detest me, for I love you." "Nonsense! What would your mother say If sho could hear you wooing a girl who Is no heiress a plebeian American at that! Tftko carol" "I don't care what she'd say! I lovo you even If you are an American. I love all America for your sake, although, I confess, I used to hate it Only an American shall be my wife, if sho will have me. and my mother sHall recelvo her! The little American shall hold hcrown with even my mother. What docs sho say?" "Sho says this: Tho llttlo American is too proud to marry into any family where sho Is not welcomed by all. The slurs cast upon American girls by your mother in my prcsonco ring in my ears too loudly for me to hear you. Your mother's pride forbids you to marry aught save money. My prido forbids mo te marry ought save tho man." "Hang mo itl dou't tell her what you say!" he exclaimed in delight "What a high stepper you are! I like you for it You ought to be in our family. I'll marry you yet, and my mother shall be as glad to get you as I, for I lovo you, Phyllis." "If you do, you will never mention the subject to me again, for not only do I not love you in tho least, but I can't even re spect a man ot your well known habits. I've remonstrated with you often, and you won't oven try to give them up. You mako a bad lover; you would make a worse hus band." "I'll reform If you'll marry me. If 1 could bo with you always, I couldn't help being better." "Try it alone first You are going down hill fast lie i man for tho sake of your own manhood and not to please a weak woman." "I can't. I need your dolly help." "You shall havo it," I said eagerly. "Come and sou me every day if you, like." "No, I mean your hourly presence, I must bo sura of you first I want to reform for my wife. Dear Phyllis, please say Yes.'" "No, not" I said. "I hope you wont think mo unkind, but I can't" "Unkind!" ho echoed. "I think you an the crudest girl I ever knew. I don't be lieve yon lovo me at all." "Why, of course I don't! Did you think" . 1 . "I think that you have driven m to de spair. And when tho worst comes Just say to yourself: 'This is my work. Inlonocould have saved him, and I wouldn't'" "I shan't," I said hastily and inelegant ly. "Because it Isn't It won't be. I don't" "Phyllis, y u llttlo think what you have done today. If you persist, you havo de liberately destroyed n man's soul. Men's souls are in tho hnnds of women. Mine is in yours. What will you do with it?" As usual, I was badly frightened I felt faint, but I stood up and held out both hands to him, saying tremblingly: "I glvo it back to you Just as I received It I daro not undcrtnko tho responsibility. Make ot it what you will." Ho crushed both my hands in his ami then flung them from him. "I'll go to tho devil then!" ho said, and I think ho kept his word. Ono day enmo an offer from a man who had loved mo ever since I was n llttlo girl and who is tho only lover I ever hnd who beer.mo my friend afterward. It seems to mo I must always havo known that he loved me, and ho is still bo unselfish and pa tient iv friend that I always think of him as unchanging. All that ho said was: "Phyllis, we havo gone thus far -In life apart Can't wo go tho rest ot the way to gether?" And when I said "No" and be gan to excuse myself he stopped me: "Dear girl, dou't say that to me, I havo loved you much too long and too well not to know you. I understand all you would say. Trust me ns I trust you, and forget everything I ever said, except that my heart aches with lovo for you. Remember that always. Shall we wulk on?" I was so dismayed by his abrupt dis missal of the subject that I nearly fell down instead. How conventionality helps one through u crisis) Tho last ono was from a man uta ball. On his dress coat, as ho claimed mo for a waltz, was a long, white thread. I smil ingly called his attention to it nnd took it off, My sister saw mo, and knowing things were in that interesting condition when a word would precipitate matters thought to tense mo by saying: u Who is it that says if a woman will take tho trouble to pick n thread from n man's coat that man may havo her for tho ask ing?" She laughed gleefully at our dis comfiture aud floated away. The first time wo stopped to promenade my iartner glanced down at me, aud there, caught in tho flowers ot my gown, was this same long thread. He bent down to take it off Just as we came to a cleaving among tho dancers. "What aro you doing?" I said. "I'm nicking threads off your coat," he repeated, stepping in front of me. "Will you?" I thought he meant would I go on with the waltz. I laid my band in his, and we melted into our places. "Did you understand t" he whispered. Now, it s bad enough to bavo to refuse a man on the sofa, but to haye to do It when you are in bis very arms; when, while ho tells you over and over that he loves yon, he can emphsslzo with a hand pressure without reproof; when every second you aro imperceptibly being drawn closer aud closer. until the wretched truth dnwusupon you that the 'music nnd the dance are sec ondary things, and that iu reality you aro being hugged, actually hugged by a man whom you are not going to marry you must reatst the impulse to put both baadi against him and push with ull your might. You simply get tired suddenly and are taken to your chaperon, where at least you can refuse bltu properly. Ladles' Home Journal. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3. The Nebraska State Orchestra will render a select program from 2 to 5:30 o'clock in the after noon, also 7 to 9:30 in the evening. A valuable and useful souvenir will be given to every lady who A grand display of High Glass Dry tion. , t Kimiu mainly ui mgii 3i.i33 uiy vjuuuo hi inu moil rcubuniipic prices win oe open tor your inspection. A a (! sllfivIi-ta r( U I l t Z. YOU ARB GORDIAULY INVITED. GRAND OPENING SALE OF. CLOAKS! We offer choice of every FIFTEEN DOLIoAR GLOAK in our stock that is up to and including all $15.00 garments, at the low price of $8.50. this mea:iv ' 810.00 JACKETS " Tf 1 eio.00 FUR CAPES I I I eiCOO PLUSH SACQUE3 J kJy v J J Your Choloe ftoixiotx;.:E;itlire (Ittoclc. l?ov tlsB one ! for Ttz.oaclciy only. A SAXvlS of:high BLACKPEAU DE SOIE HLAOKtSATIN DUCHESSE BLACKLFAILLE FRANCAISE BLACK GROS GRAIN ITor titles ono day, oi? Tuesitloyonly. Hai-fl8 3V Street. HIGH CARNIVAL AT ST. LOUI8. THE METROPOLIS OF THE MISSISSIPPI VAL LEY AGAIN 1MIKSEKTS A l'HOdltAM OF FALL FESTIVITIES THAT FOR BRIL LIANCY AND VARIETY OUT KHINE8 THE CARNIVAL UITIEH OF THE OLD WORLD. Paris, tho most magnificent city on cither continent, has for uges held tho proud title ot "tho prcmior carnival city ot tho world." However, during the last ten or twelve years an Americun rival of no mean pretensions hus con tested for that high honor, and today St. Louis holds what Paris' bo reluctantly relinquished, tho titlo ot "tho carnival city of tho two continents." Not content with tho successful ox hibitionsof previous yeurs, tho autumnal festivities association hus arranged a program for 1803 that for brilliancy and variety will bo difficult to improve upon. Tho first of tho great attractions, tho St. Louis exposition, will throw Its doors open to tho public September G and con tinuo until October 31. Tho world re nowned Sousa's band has been engaged by tho management, which in itself is u sufficient inducement to crowd tho mngnificent building during every con cert. Special attention has been puid to tho street illuminations, nnd on tho evenings of August 31, September 7, 11, 21 nnd 29, and October .1, 5, 12 and 10, tho most mugniflccnt display yet nttemptcd will greet tho eyo ot tho fortunate visitor) electricity playing a prominent part. Tho evening of October 3 tho Veiled Prophot and his followers will parudo through tho principal thoroughfares, and immediately after tho grcut ball, which hns received considerable prom. inonco throughout tho world, will bo held. Tho thirty-third great St. Louis fair and zoological gardens, October ,2 to 7, will bo the crowning week of thocarnivnl season. This institution hns no peer, and is known in every lund whero tho footprints of civilization exists. Tho Missouri Pacific railway and Iron Moun tain routo being distinctly St. Louis lines, and having nt nil times tho inter ests of tho city in mind, havo mndo a re markably low round trip rato from all points on tho entiro system to St. Louis and return during tho festivities. For further information in renrd to rates, route, limit of tickets and a copy ot tho fall festivities program, address nearest MisEouri Pacific or Iron Moun tain ticket agent in your territory, or II. C. TownBond, G, P. & T. Agt., St. Louis. Ashby Cloak company 1111 O strcot. The Union l'uclflc Clirup Kutfs. Only 8.10.00 llrst class toOgdcn, Salt Luko, Helena, Spokano and Portland Ore. For full particulars call at city ticket offlco 1011 O street. Althea toilet preparatories at Rector's Pharmacy. DPRICE'S Tlw only Part Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Uied in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard I in, f 7 nml . M i ll. n ,!. .-.u.il' class BIACK Silvias J Unequally Distributed. "No, sir," sharply responded tha woman at the kitchen door. "I've got no victuals for tramps." "Do I look like a tramp, ma'am?" said the man. "If you ain't a tramp, what are your" "I'm the victim of an unjust social sys tem, ma'am." "Oh, you are, are your" "lam. If I had my share of the good things of this world, I wouldn't bo forced to subsist on cold charity, with kicks and cuffs for sldo dishes, and a 'Sick 'im, Tigs!' now and then for dessert." "Why don't you go to workf" "That's tho regular aud proper question, ma'am. I always expect it at this stago ot the conversation. Work, my dear madam," said the weary caller, with a deep sigh, "would not effect an equal distribution ot what the world considers advantages in life." "Oh, it wouldn't!" "No. In my case, for example, it woula leave ungrattfled one ot the simplest long ings in which a man can indulge, no mat ter how hard I might work J' "What longlngr" "The longing, ma'am," ho said, ralstog his ragged remnant of a hat and looking at her mournfully, "to bo able to raise sasti a beard as you can. Good morning." Chi cago Tribune. Bound to He Grammatical. Justice of the Pence Had you ever saw tills mnn before? Witness Yes. "Hud he anno before you hnd went? "No." "Is them your eggs what you say wo stole?" "Yes." "Would you have recoguized them If you hnd seen them before they wns brunghersf" "Yes, I would lmvo knowed tbcru." "Speak graunnntic, young muu. It ain't proper to say 'have knowed.' Yon should say 'havo knew.' " Texas Slftlnus. Ilonin K'rkr Kxcilt'itliillK. By MisEouri Pacific Ry. August 22. September 12 and October 10 1803, witli stop over privileges, going but continu ous, passngoon return trip good for twenty days, this gives very low ratwi, to Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and other points. Cull nt 1201 G street, Lincoln, Neb., Missouri Pacific ofilco, J. E. K. Mille'r ticket agent, for furtherpurtlculurH and tiekotn. Low pricea latest stylos Ahiiiiy Cloak Co. Canon City wd Rock Springs conl nicely screened ut Lincoln Conl com pany. Lincoln Coal company caters to tho best trudo. For all social doings tho Nebraska stato band or orchestra is what is nlwayo most desired. Jeckoll Bros, now tailoring establish ment, 110 north Thirteenth street nea tho Lansing is tho popular resort for stylish garments. Elegant wraps Ahhiiy Cloak Co. Fruited ico cream Eoda water mudo from tho natural fruit, at Rector's Phar macy. W. A. Collin & Co., grocers, 113 South Eleventh street. visits the store.- . It a $1.19 rISR YARD, All Worth IjjIlo&O BUY YOUR Ci0M AT WW PRICE THIS WBBK DURING OUR il I U. 11. nnium I !UU u uu. 1030 O STREET. MUST HAVE A PAIR Th''"' OF P. COX HIGH CUT SHOES, They aro warm, good wearers, And just tho thing. ! II SOMETHING IT NEW I rlllL the Vfc LATEST mf STYLES, : SHAPES, I irn CUT I L Y AND ETC., JI; 1 1 f I ONLY 83. W II TRY THKM. ED. G. YBTES 1110 O 8TREET. k -m r : J, WttUM.,