! nMfl . a ViJii ak ; rt K5SLI zssjjl -Zfi. ft St aryJnBWJiJg'Tr'lnW"WWAy"' BBTSgy i j i nniafiffrttiim V" --,2 WHEN POLLY TAKES THE AIR, A Htlla wicker basket rnlli Along the paxement walk, AM at l ho lht the young and old Begin to laugh and Ulk And wave flr hands ami alases throw And cr "! herwl" "Bee therel" This way It cornear-and all because wtet Poll flakes the alrl TaeMwafcojrirun and shout with glee And follow on behind. The coachman and the footman ksis At If they had a mind Ts do ths same-the rd old priest lands still with solemn tsre, As down the ahsdy avcnus Sweet rally takes I ho elrl Item every window shines a bead Of clustering, golden carl, And every door grow bright with thron Of merry boys nnd glrlu The holler nnd the maid forget To work-as on the tUlr They nee and pry with carious eye Waen Polly takes the air! And all the while sweet Polly ell In dainty gown nnd hat And smiles en one the lores beet- ller pretty Mai teeeeat And softly eeea when patsy porra, wiuwst n tnongnt c ears law all the town time apeMc dowa When Polly takes the air! -NtellaOeeke I YenUi Companion. QUELLING A MUTINY. "However soma aklppera glta aaywecre at nil," naM the old sailor, "Is a mystery ta is. for many of 'cm doa't knew tnMt navigation thaa I dosa aaeat prsaea la, whlea ain't much. Talk about 'wan little caarabsaslttln up aloft,' lookla eat far ataa m these, I think they mart bar fall growa aagem to act aa supercargoes, a aavlgatla ones at that. "I knaw'd a skipper oaoa aa we were a gala frags New York to Callforny, nnd a aaaf) what kaow'd hint says to kirn. 'Why. yaa aaa't vkaow kow to navigate.' 'No,' aafa be, 'I doa't, bttt I guess I'll lara afore 1 gala there.' I doa't know aow wkHkar aa did or aot, but he got there anyway, o'i bat eaptaln of a coastla aehooaer run aw dowa to the capes of Vlrglany, and put Mai aay wkaras onto tka coast of America wHk a had Haa Into km kaad, aad ko'd tall XM whan ka wan fast enough, but aa for ata aaythia wltk tka nun, moon or atari, ft eddtcatloa la that respect aad bean Beg- "Ha teak oat one of these here Jint stock aaTalra what went out to Callforny la IMS aad la) la tka first of tke gold fever. Kv- enbedy were craay to go, and a lot of chaps, 'aaadred or so, would club together, each aattta la as much, nnd they would buy toe Teats) eat awl put their own traps aboard af kar aad start. Tkey generally giv' the a'ltaaar a share of tka ooaMira for his serv Swa, aad auurbe tka aiata got the same. Wall, at aonrse a skipper tkat were good faff aaytkla la them daya wouldn't go ou no ataVlayaa that, and In consequence they gad to ptek up any thin they could git. Gen- arally, aowaver, tae skippers wnn smart for to alt twMeeesloa of the vessel arrlval-leastwtse this here one I'm aMlta aa you old anyway, "U be didn't know anyi were a good saltormaa. aad that greeaaaran what aad lived all their lives oa shore found out. Wheatley gat dowa fatotaaaobthboraoodaf Rio. tkey laMa a atcotla aad pauses resolatloas far ta an la taara, a4 they aaaatata a eoasiatttee awe attaint tacoe reeeimioae ta tae srnp a.' He tells 'em that be wara't abort of eSaytkiaaadthataewera'taaaiala.'TaeB Cakey tella hint' aa how ha were only their j anrtaak,,tbaV,th,ejc were the owaers, aad taataaMUatgoiik Tbca be tella, 'eat that taejM were' oaiy ahsiingiri. aad that ha were.the'oapula of that there ship, and ibat if they war arutlnoUa he'd put 'em in trout . VThea they gits out their sbootin irons- airarried revolvera la then days thetenaklm for to try It oa. Thru aataraaaadoalUallkanda,and takes the '.,aaaattaa4af ker,e4ewsMp aad farlatha mawinnn to'gaiian sails, etosa reefs top-' aalkVitarla tka ooumca, puts, the helm a 'afwa or two dowa aad aaada all hands be- -law,' telUa .'anl that tba passenger luul anampoaatssioa of the vessel by force, and aba aavta'ataue her safe he kadoonclud- . "v r"V""". wmrw vT w Mfiv ,f Klr jvad were ho well armed, for to surrea 4ar ratkartaaa ta have bloodshed. VWriirvaa Bailors seta tka Joke rlgkt ., aay,Taay.kjMeVI that tkey aad the on aata aaaji kata. whaled every one of then akja U Vey had' 'a' wanted to, but they ianwldtaat'thiejereplaaoftaeolduian'a wavM briaa 'em to. aad tkey liked that , aaMar; ' WeU theM man tells these chape Hill) Ttmli'), rilhtr Willi u. without 'em I could have lining you lo terms In nnnt Im way if I hud wnntel to, hut I thoiiKht thl would Im I Im pleaMiiiU-st for all hMiiiU, lull I want you now-all of yoti-dMlnctly for to understand that I utti't affonl In li three days agin on this (MMHKi'i ' " arter this any of you clmjm l nititlnoux I'll put a Inillrt through his aViul jUt n Snick as I'd shoot n cat. And now, Mr, ones, call all bands nnd limkr Mill.' "'Well,' says Curly, koIii on with the yarn, 'there weren't any more nui-tlu's and Bo mom resolutions, and one of these chaps a few days nrterward, talkin about R In the forecastle, said aa how democracy did well enough for shore use, but oat oa blue water It weren't worth a eeai.' "I might as well tell you the end of this Jtat stock cotisarn, for when you've heerd the end of one you've heerd the end of pret ty much all of 'em what went out In thla way. This old man, you see, although he weren't a navigator, were a aailormaa and know'd what he were about, and he chimes 1a with one of these lawyer chape, aad no aoonerdoea the ship git to San Fraaatsea than they puts some sort of a paper onto her and throws her Into law. "Well, the chaps what had come out iu ker they wanted to go to the dlggln's, and aotne went off without glttia anythla for their share, nnd others took Jlst what were affered, nnd at the end of a couple of weeks tke skipper and the lawyer chap owned the whole of her. Then the skipper he gits a mall crew Into her, and he goes over to the landwlch Islands and feU-hes back a cargo af oalons, potMoea aad wlmmln, oa all of which he dono first rate, that one v'yaaa makln him a rich man. "You wouldn't think, sir, If you seen the alendld vegetables raised In Callforny, that they ever hnd to Import any, but I've eeea aatoaa and potatoes sellln for II a pound, aad as for wlmmln they waa always ktgk there. And so you tea this here tklpper done well even if he didn't know naviga tion. "I mind once oomln home from Liverpool la theablp Atlas, aad we'd had a head wind far weeks nnd bid fair for to make a terri ble long pasoage of It, whea aae day, Just arter noon, the moon changed, aad tke wind shifted from west ta nor'west ta aeVior east. Well, we got all tka starboard stun anils set and soon had kar a-geta about alae knots, whlck were fast for ker, far she wen a full ship aad didn't go over aad above fast "Well, about alx bells la tka arteraeea watch we made a brig away towtadward with the British ensign lyia, half mast and union down. Tke old man ware very nrovoked. vou mav be sure, list aawe had cot this fair wlud to have to stop, bat there weren't no help for It, nnd all hands waa ealled and the atunsalls took In and the royals and flyln Jib furled, and we braced up sharp on a wind for to beat up to him. " 'Now,' says the aid man to tha mate, It's more than likely she is but of provi sions, aad wo mustn't lose a minute more than we can help of this fair wind. Bo git up some bread and beef and pork and have some water In handy casks ready to go In tke boat. Ult both of our boats cleared away, so as to supply her at once, or If they want to be took off we can transfer 'em without delay.' Well, we washes out a eouple of beef barrels clean nnd fills 'em up with fresh water. We gits up a couple of barrels of beef and a couple of pork and about half a dosen barrels of bread, and we alear awny both quarter boats aad neleoU a arew for both of 'em. Taea we aiews up the to'gaiian' sails and hove about on the port tack anu let ber lay wnn tbemainiop sall to the mast. "The brig all thla while had been runnln' down afore the wind, and soon came dowa across our atarn,.Hnd the old man baltedi 'Brig ahoy I What can I do for you tlrstf ' "There was almut a second's pause, and then come thn reply, "What is your longi tude!'" "You ought to have sveu our old man's face Jint then. 'Drink 1cm turn and buy a chronometer,' says he to the Kuglisu clinp, and then to us: 'Fill away the maiuyardl Down main tackt Gather aft the slack of the sheet! I'ut your helm p Bosteady ah you go,' Jlst full, aadt Wyt JSUttahiaow for stays! Down bolrn! Hard a-eet , Hise tacks and sheets) Mnln to' bow Hue I Main sail haul) Head braces) Foru bowline! I,et go and haul!" "Well, the minute we got her around we piled the muslin onto her and soon had her trottia toward Sandy Hook agiu with stun sails alow nnd aloft, leavln the Britisher to Ind out bis lougltude from some one better aatured than our old man." Exchange. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS IT if DID YOU EVER HBAR OF ANYTHING WKE IT, AT THE GRBAT FAIR AT ST. JOSEPH, MO. i WHICH 13150IIVsH 1 SE ED I i lllIUEfllUi; THEflEXWILL CONTEST IN RACES ON THE FAST MILE TRACK MM FIVE Nil OF . THE FASTEST HORSES NOW IN MINI THE tflUT ?TC& FOR Kii TROT W1I.I, TAKK 1'LACK TMUHHUAY, HKITKMHKH ai. THE ENKTIE8 ARE AB FOLLOW8:-Msrt ha; Wllktu, '2:08; Hello Vtirn, 2:08U': Little Albert, 2:10; Walter E., 2:10; Orcenlcaf, 2:10; NtahtinKnlo (Antler non'e), 2:10(; Nightingale (Hamlin's), 2:10; Directum (:t),2:llM; RylandT., Phu-bo Wllkm, 2:12; Favora, 2:12; Henrico, 2:17f; AHxP2:10. 2:lltf; TE ORUT T;RU FOR JAiU Pf. WIM. TAKK PLACE FKIUAY MKITKMtlKK S. THE ENTRIES ARE AB FOLLOWS :-Muw.ot, 2KM; Hal Pointer, 'lM)i; Flying Jib, 2Kfti; Guy, 2KXJj Manager, 2K)7; Blue Sign, 2:08m; Robert J., 2K4; Ontonlan, 2K)7?.,'; Riley Medium, 2:10; Turco, 2:13; Atlantic King, 2:11; Divan, 2:15). PROGRAMME! i Monday, September 18, $6,000 for races. Tuesday, September 19, $8,000 for races. Wednesday, September 20, $8,000 for races. Thursday, September 21,$lo,ooo for races. Friday, September 22, $8.ooo for races. Saturday, September 23, $8,ooo for races. HAfeF FARE RATES ON ; itii IMLL it $ A RAIbROADS. PRBBIDBNT, Ioesit i iaast'aaviaBaiiuma.onio ine aiga sens, aa beta too atroac for him wltk his force, as aisa wawaniw ivr vw auiivsiuei, mm aiao, aa4 klo oeaeera were iKisboers. and thev anywaere A lake tae ahlp into Rio or aa Wyeaaru or iaate JOHN . BlillTaAIK:, 0 jmJ V amrrvaaaWaaaaCe "aafJHavJ aV PBaWBlCaaaSlll- laT AsAVafl tXLlP ' LV t IVVOTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVsaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaVr ' saMWJLteaW, "Miiii'ipjjpsi e,v HOMER J KILCKJr$, 8ECRBTAHY. 'i ?rf iastrumeata oa MMsHm iWHAMAMLin A WjftkMl.k aa Uiera waan'fca soul of 'eat as kaow'd where tkey was, tkey would have aad a nice- lata Badlu Klb or anywheres else "Well, they tried blusteria at first, but tke skipper and his mates bad their revolv ers, aad tkey v Just tokl these ehapt that while they would not begin tke Hwlit they vara agola for to defend themselves, and aa taere kappeaed to be one or two lawyers wanna tkla lot tkey told the rest aa Low ttwaatda'tdo; that aotwitbstaadln their owaeta tkey wasn'.t notkln else here nsers,aad that the taw would them as Mutineers aud uothin alae tf tkey used any force. fa, arter its hours, they holds another bobm wore resoluileusaa kaw they had glv up the idea of jtoln to iUoaadoraeriu tkeeaptalu for to proceed aaV ala v'yaae, aad tkey appoluted another aasaealttea for to let the old man know lakv He telle tke eowmlttee that he will take charge acta ouly on eondltions that tkersaall all slaa a paper aoknowluduia iaetr matlaoaa coaduet and say in they are i mmtt ,lw fwn im oi iim Vyaaa for to obey all his lawful orders, and aw tkat tkey gtv up all taeir weapons. .( "Well, first aff, tkey said' tkey'd see klai .first, aad, so aha laid comfortable aad ejalet far tao daa loader. Tkey tried all Wast tar to git some of tke sailors for ta laka akarge, bat tke men kuowed better tkaa tkat, and so at last tkey kekl another saattla aud passed some more resolutions aa kow tke aeaeiwlty of the case admitted of a alternative, and so they agreed to the r akifyer'a terms, That were the last lueetiu tkeykeM, and tbey didn't' ihum no more reaajaans, but tkey slgnd tke paper Mth aaa af tke lawyers drawed up, aad laaf araagall their revolvtrsaml plleil'em Mali tkd poop afore tke captain. Taea theoid luaa sajs I was told this r a ekap ealled Curly Jack, aa were I vf ker at the time, aad be said kow I takes the paper aud looks at f rvvolverf ,aml lie aaya, ;(2eatle eatkWled,', Thtu he teant aa tke amall Mta aad.tkrawaltover-' I nkm ka say agia.'Kow -yaa Mmlil hi inila Ina I Amt' , aad eakt luawieToY you Inar Lee aad His aaldiers. General Robert E. Lee, tn Confederate commander In the civil war, was nlmost Idolised by his soldiers. A curious inci dent illuetratlng both the love of the men and, Lee's courtesy toward them Is related by a Confederate veteran. Not long after tke surrender, when ru mors were abroad that le waa likely to be executed for treason, the general was liv ing at kla kome In Richmond, One day a Confederate soldier In the ragged remnants of a butternut uniform came up to General Lee as ke sat on the veranda of kla house and saluted very respect fully, The general saluted la return and naked tke man wkat ke wanted. "General," said he, "there's M more of us fellows round the corner." "Indeed! Why don't they come u; to the bouse f" "Too ragged, general. They're raggeder'n me. Now, I'll tell you wbnt we're after, general. We bear you're to be tried for treawin. Now, we've got a mountain hol low 'way up there, where uobody can't get. There's a right smart of good land In it, and if you'll come along we'll work tke land for you and take good eare of you, and you shan't never suffer wantl" Lee was much affected. He called the test of the ragged veterans Into tke house, and while he told them that it would not be proper for him to hide In the mountains or to seek to escape In any way from what ever might befall him be was very grateful to them for their offer. Tkey went sadly back to their mouataiu hollow, but soon afterward understood that they were free to take up the ordinary employments of life among their fellows aad that none were to die or lose tkelr lib erty for their part la the war. Youth's Companion. Tv.Si OFTHE TP Wa .have bow is stock the most approved and beat line , of Wheels ever shown here, and invite you to call and aoo the "Dauntless Scorcher," "King Scorcher,'" "Royal bight Roadster," "The Majestic," "The Dauntless Compeer," for foadies Also t:ie Latest Novelty.the COMMON SENSE HICKORY WHBBIt. Novor buy a Wheel until ou hare seen us Gor. 10th and M Sts. Carriage Manufacturers. pOUND IT AT kAST. WESTERN HQRIT1HL GOLLiGE. l?o Woliool for tlie 2Vfciaaaa?aa W OU SPL IU 1 HEW Mil (FORMERLY OF SHENANDOAH, IOWA.) 'S3 Departmenti US Teaotiera. Besutlfnl. healthy location. 20-scre csmnns. electric streetcar line ninf directly to eamsas without ohsiure. K30.000 in bulldiuxs, splondid equipments, superior .accommodation!, strosa faculty, experienced maiiusemont, comprehensive clrrlculom, thorough work, high mural aba Christian Influences and low expenses for students. DEPARTMENTS AND COURSES. We bsve 25 courxr. Our munlc. fine art, pen srt, delinrto, elociillonnrr. courtea and kinder- Rarten and model training schools (for both children snd student tcucliera), nrn not ertmlled la le west. . bl HtUT (JAtf. I KAINbr-l.Kb to say part of the city for all who attend the Western Normnl. Ton can enter at any time and nnaiuii sucn cisiaes ss you uesirn. op Write, or call and aee m. term ooem Anrll 11. 1893. and continue! 10 weeks. Summer term oDeu June 20. 1M snd continues S weeks. You csn enter st any time, however. t;iitnlogup and circulars free. Address, NISTERN IHHIMAL COLLEGE. UKG91N. NEB. WM. M. CIiOA, Preaiilent. or W. J. KINSLEY, See'y and Treas. M. JUST THE BOOK I HAVE BEEN t bOOKING FOR.' And sevetol thousand others. I would advise all who would save time to ge to . V. BKOVWS, 123 SOUTH I ITH 8T His Cbelee af Weapons. A capital story la ,told of an honest old wbwler captain who, liavlug aiven unintvu tlonal offense by his bluftness, was cbul leiiKd to a duel. At first be stoutly re fusitl to entertain the idea, ueitber wishing to injure hU opponent nor to be disabled himself by one who waa already notorious as a duelist. Being pressed, however, be at length consented, but avalllug himself of hisrlKbtto select the weapons hestag gered his insolent opponent by choosing harpoons at a distauceof 60 yards. It la utmost needlesa to say that, under the elr cuBMUuees, the Ire eater aried off and aasti ly quitted the dletriot,-Lodon Tit-aMta. To break a needle while aaaalag a gar meat 1 a sign that the owner will live to vsarftoaCt ' ' '' ' ,- i, i . Tj. ( 't INVITATIONS Printed or -FOR WEDDINGS RECEPTIONS. BIUS, MM, MM, El WITH AMPLE EXPERIENCE IN THIS PARTICULAR LINE, WM ARE ENABLED TO EXECUTE THE MOST Elegant oo o 1 ) 34 O STREET. & E. MOORE. . .. ....... ai AWAssBiski useave .eafaawV . MANHOQU If Wit aaWI Ty..u Vw.KiliSSf kil(i-. 1?lsnboo4.fl,SU K, wsi mav MuTairanTaaEdiiiiuiirsoweriiiueiiersuvsurssss oreiwer VIM Ml tsssas&txsssz&sa IsaVsaamr 1" veHpessst. irsis.fyRj L"liHKraS: JHE.19Tl3a aaaaaaaaV,DBaV9,v wrtitesi awas-asiife fl"'rvg SzSKL Jaj JGSM Ss 5ani aBBBBamBmaBaBaX,:?r:.:uVdTC I W.M.UUUJtKMUKit,lMUSVIMS. ? - Intuitu. Ak for It. isser lnnIZlwrabuar. AddreMS -rot sale la Wutota.Sy H. W.BHUWN sud suss." woniUrfal rfwedf ry,UMapiBrsiu ilout, Nt rrou- MimuH at or hi at-esrfletiln Hll'd OavcAoo At Popular Prfcay, at f ro time guaranteeing CORRECR FORMS an and all the Very Latest Stylet, ' T IE COU PUBU&llsn Mil Xlcall Ordera Molioltect 1184 O .." -.i"1 , -' y - . i !i tt t4. ?'