Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, August 12, 1893, Image 10

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Conky Island, N. Y., Allg. 7, (Bpo
la) Oourikm OoTrearKndonce.l(leorRo
Plxou, of Boston, thn young man with
the cafo an lalt complexion, .ovorlast
Ingly walloped Eddie Pierce, of Now
York, at the Coney Inland Athlotto club
this evening.
Some how or other tho Impression got
abroad that Dixon, after defeating Nunc
Wallace, of England) Aim Willis, of
Australia, and Cad McCarthy, of tho
United States; would lay down traforo
Pierce, who slnoo hla alleged draw with
JSlddona haa done nothing In tho realm
of Hatlctifie.
,But the colored boy, notwithstanding
all that haa been said alwlit hla Im
paired physical powera,nallcdJnto Plorco
like a thousand of brick and won hla
96,000 aa eaay m you pleaeo.
There waaagrsatcrowd-noatly 10,000
people. Jim Corbett and Manager
Brady and scad of the puglllatlc and
porting big wig were there.
At 0:30, after the Murphy-MoBrMe
skirmish, Tom O'Rourke wade hla ap
pearance, and atepplng on hla heela waa
George Dixon. Tlie latter waa cheered;
but when, a few minute later Pierce
presented hhnaelf tho crowd went wild.
It waa a Plorco crowd anil no miaUtKo,
llut while Plerco got the crowd, Dixon
he got the right and the 10,000, and tho
colored chap haa no fault to tind.
Behind Dixon were Tom O'Rourke, of
New York, and JackHavelln and Morrla
Kelly, of Boaton. Plerco waa looked
after by Charley Norton, Con Rlordan,
Nick Dunn, John White and Sam Kelly.
Lavelle kept time for Pierce and M,lko
Brashy for Dixon.
In the first round Pierce waa aoon
caught in the wind. Then both men
eUnehed, but broke away. Pierce came
la violent contact with hla antagoniat'a
left and then with hk rkf ht. The round
tided with a pretty exhibition of in
In the second round Pierce got in a
rood one on Dlxon'a face, and through
out the lively aparrlng that barked thin
round Pierce apparently had the beat
Third Round The Boaton young man
waked up and west after Pierce. He
let out hU left and the New Yorker
touched the rope. Pierce then came to
the front; only to receive a tremendoua
discharge Dixon aeemed to have a doten
hand, and somehow they all appeared
to mad on Pieroe. The hitter got rattled,
and after a brief attempt to take his
atedioiae standiag; ha weait down on the
Boor la a heap. Then he got up, and
'wen immediately towelled down again,
aad theiMfhi waa, awarded to Dixon.
It waa aanrly tea mtaiitea before Pieroe
got baek to earth again. Bran the
Pieroe .cathualaetc admitted that ha waa
Jri U ftMbf out of hla ernes.
V'( Dixon; who by the way, made 911,000
last year by( hla fists, will right Solly
Smith, of California, within a month.
Smith recently knocked put Johnnie
QrlfBnL of MasMofauMtta,
In 'the preliminary aet-to between
Murphy and McBrlde, the latter won
hla 91,000 after a pretty tea-round fight.
' la the fourth round both men drew
'.a .. i i.t r,t
til INiulmnnni will nnt ftaht ChAVnakl
V , ".""!"" ." V . " . 7. ., 7Z .
at the aeavywejgm acaje, oat says xaat
' ha will tight any mlddUwelght la the
workl at IM pouada. No one oan blame
the red-beaded rooster for showing the
Oattforalaa reapeet, tor if the real merit
, o Choyaakl ia known to one Ighter in
the world It Is to Robert FtUmauaoaa.
The mea have seen a great deal of each
. other, boxed together, andetwdted each
othar ai aa aetor would hla part That
PitaslminoM should refiaw to tight Joe
hi a great feather ia the latter'a cap, aad
ahould atrve to rata him ia the eetlma
tkm of the aportlng world. That it will
there ia not the slightest doubt iu my
mind. Choyaakl haa been auxioua to
fight Fita ever since the latter defeated
' ..Jim Hall, and when he left here for the
west he told certain gentlemen to do all
in their power towards making the
match. Little Charley Noel once offered
FUasimmoae a chance to right the San
Fraaolaeo man, aad this ia what tho
'V' ' Australian answered i "Choynskl and I
''' are friends and cannot fight each other."
Its too bad that such Damon and
, ' Pythian lovo should deprive the follow
' era of flstlcumng tho opportunity of see
1 . iag auch a cracking good fight aa these
two men would make, Sporting News.
Cor&oK Tralalac
Jim Corbett arrived at hla old train.
ing quarters at' Ashbury Park, N. J., oa
Augusts. This week he began training
. mpreparatkm for his flght.wlth Mitchell.
In'reterenoe to his insisting on adhering
lo tha original eootract, which specified
' fo Cray Island club for the Mitchell
, contest, Corbett eays: "I want to make
itemphatie that I never said I could not
'get fair ipiay at' Chicago. The Chicago
t people nave treated me wen nu x aauw
I could gat fair "play there. It would
.be absurd, for me to say otherwise. Aa
for tha Columbiaa club, it iaa good one
gad 'I wish it. every suceess. Neither
,fr. Brady nor I ever expressed any
doubt aa to tfcat"aiub'a ability to put
throughtbe tight tln Indiana aad make
ItasusMss Inataading by th Coney
laUadomb I akaply hW to my arei
atytaaiaat wttk Judge Ntwteo." '
A iiiiNn tvitaaea.
Counsel For the Defense (to witness)
You say that en the night of the attempted
mantra the moon then so brightly that
you could see the burglar In the room.
Waa yout hnahanil awake at t iu tlmef
Wltnea I don't know.
Comiael Waa hla face turned toward
you or not?
Whntaa-I den't know.
Counsel Whatl You don't know wheth
er hU face waa turned to you or the wallf
Witness No,
Counsel My lord and gentlemen of the
tury, yon hear what thla witness says. She
iaa declared the prUonera to be the bur
glare who were In the room, and yet aha Is
nnable to Hate In what position her bus
bead waa lying In bed. Well (to witness),
hew la It yea don't knowf
Wltnea I could not nee.
Counsel-Hit, hat Juat what I thought
Youeould Bot tee. Youweroao positive
m yeur recognition of the accused, ami yet
could not tee which way your husband's
faee waa turned, Rxplala that If yon can.
Witness Well, then, air, ray huslwnd Im
ee bald that In the twilight I am tumble to
distinguish hla faea from the back of hla
,haad.-Maaahelmer VolkablaU,
A Chraal Idea,
lira. Meriarty I do be wondcrln phat
lllke'll any whin ha Bees the portyalre on
he dura.
Mike 1 aee yew have caught on to the
ew style to hang towels, Mary Ann, and
tt'a a good wan. Harper's Baasr.
hewing Oar Hef Wealth.
A man who haa been' traveling throagh
MM newly discovered oiliekle tslls the
story of Undine: la a tarmhoaael whoss own
er had last straek eil.a'haaojaomeilrlM
fall evening eostume beating madly on the
era of a ataait puna TMoehrataelency
atateilet,to a eaaaal observer, waa the
sea tees aee wave na&snas? sheet nee steak
kmWkM krf sralala aktU ak
cheated aaatiyarprMaa4t said that pa
hadtoidktr tha everybody whe waa rieh
always kxmghl a dress from Mr. Worth
aad a "big grand piano," But "pa" had
evidently net read of shoes aad stockings;
The tease, Ttehet Was Gas.
"Looky hers," said Farmer Begosh in a
Chicago restaurant, "can't I get anything
to sat on this meal ticket"
"What kind of a ticket U it?" said the
"H'i a union ticket."
"All right. Help yourself. Here they
arei 8alt, pepper, vlasgar and mottard."
Washington Star.
A Carta A4vertleaiet.
la paper from beyond the
sated, a aHaalloa aa cashier, by Frits
am larssany eotptojeu aa aa kvubuu
with tke arm of X Co. HsUamioted
wMh a pair at weedea lean a seearlty U
hla faaara employer." Lanterns,
gats aan acn Heweaai's Argnnianli
Two newsboys were disputing erne point
iha other afternoon, and dtapnttng it wl .
aoaaidcrabwaerimoay. Finally one wound
ap the argaaMat by remarking eaatempta
eaatyi VYaa, g'loaarl YaagiveaMwermsl"
Mew Yerk Kewa,
"Ah, Mr. Tbaothyl" said the city girt to
the country pott, "aad do yoa still court
r "Well, ne'um," replied Timothy, blush
law "H's-it's' Mary Jones jes' aowl"
Irath. AU steady.
"Now, my little girls and boys," said a
teacher, "I want yon to be very still so
still that yon can hear a pin drop."
In a moment all was silent, when n little
boy shrieked out, "Letherdropl"-Tlt-Bits.
Tea Oaad aa ArtJrt.
-Why did you aw
ad youth
Algy He tied me foh-ln-hand to smooth
It looked like one of those weady mado
,-Nsw York Weekly.
Ha Tales ts.
Iteiative Has your son dsveloped talent
la any special direction f
Fond Mother No, he does not seem to
have any talents. He must be a genius.
Good Newt.
WaaM Be Tea CaaataraL
Novelltt-I'd like to have my heroine do
aamethlng absolutely unlquel
Frtend-Yetf Why don't you hsvs her
lalat wbca there's so ons looking? Detroit
A Paragon mt stegalarlty.
OflodmaaAfc you regular about
Iirdtrly;-Vry. I've stew away every
gWiy tor the. laat 74 years. Truth.
Wfk 'v-a-r-r
'', AM Ue Waau.
Analltst.rlWlll there be a chance to get
a m the worldf
f Preprictor At half past S la the morn-
lag.-Kate Field's Wsahlagtoa.
Ho Caataa'l Talt.
"Walter, haw long aa yea
Why, sir, aaU they arc
WHlsv 9(L
mwJKLjETmlEl 41 IUam
vrXtSmfnfVrW law
Macon, August 4. Hpeclal Couhikh
Correspondence. J--Iarry Twitchell, onco
tho fnmnua and aucrvaflfnl pitcher of tho
Detroit's, mado tho longest throw on
record ut tho ball park. Just before tho
commencement of tho game with
Ctmttnnoogn, Twitchell stopped to tho
front to muko n throw for n prlao of 125,
tho prizo having boun offered for tho
longest throw mndo on the Macon
grounds during this season. When
Twiicholl picked up tho ball and tho
judges took their place no ono had any
Idea that ho would mora than beat tho
local record. It never entered tho head
of any ono that tho throw tho plnyor
waa nlout to make would bo tho longest
throw on record. When tho diatanco
hud boon measured It was found that
Twitcholl had not only lwaton tho record
for tho longeat throw In tho southern
loaguo, but. that ho had eclipsed tho
record of tho world. Tho highest record
In this loaguo until yesterday waa 1234
yards, and a purso of 125 waa mado up
to Twitcholl if ho bent tho record. Ho
mado the magniflcont throw of 1 yards
and S Inches, aurpasfling tho record of
tho world by 2 ynrda and .1 Inches. ( Tho
throw was nmdo In tho prosonco of 1,000
pooplo iindMunngarBnrnio,ot tho Louin
villo club, and Matuigora Sohtnolz, of
Chattanooga, and Board, of Macon, and
Uniplro Sornd. Twitcholl waa loudly
applauded over IiIm oxplolt. Twitchell
wna formerly tho champion pltchor of
tho champion Dotroit clnb, but his arm
gavo out sovoral yearn ago and ho
stopped pitching, and it Is remarkable
that ho ahould have bo recovered tho
uso of his arm us to mako tho champion
throw of tho world,
Hard Times Do Not Vase the flame.
Wo montionod tho fact a few days ago
that tho harder tho times In a couimor
cial sonso tho bettor has always boon
tho baso ball patronage. And now
comes ono of tho numt oxtonsivo tho
atrlcal managers in tho world, Charles
Frohman, and makes tho samo atato
mont rolntivo to tho patronage of tho
stago. Who can explain it? Ib it be
cause when men begin to worry over bad
business thoy sook'aolaco and temporary
forgettulnesa at tho ball grounds? Or
la it merely bocauso moro pooplo have
more tituo to give to sporta and amuso
monts? Wo hoard a philosopher any last
week that thoro aro just two conditions
of men now who need not worry. Ono
is a government clork, and the other 1b
a good ball player. Sporting News.
"Atltr the Hall.
In hla play, "April Fool," Qua Wl":
lams sings a parody on After the Ball
which makes a hit with those who have
a leaning towards tho national game.
It runa asfollows:
A freah younjr maiden climbed an old man oar,
Begged fur a atorr in language queer!
"Why la our note flat, Junt llko two boeraT
Hare you no flnserat Wlioro aro rour.oaraT"
"I played baao ball, pot, year, years ago
I waa a rucnt nemer, n queer ono, i Know t
Ono day a daliy waa aont to the wall,
I ran to center field, after tho ball."
"Aftor the ball, In clover, I ran llko a young
Tripped, foil and aaw tho etare, dear, half of
my tooth wero gono t
Many a bono was aching, I broke my flngora
I waa a chomp when I ran, pet, after tho ball."
State Tennle Tournament.
The state tennis association kt having
some little troublo at present over the
location of aomo championship games.
The executive board of tho association
ia composed of ono member each from
the Omaha, Hastings and Lincoln clubs.
The Hastings club 'has arranged for a
tournament of doubles to be held here
in September and asked that it be rec
ognised as the state championship tour
nament, the tournament of singles to be
played in Omaha. Lincoln agreed to
this, but Omaha haa sent out circulars
announcing the tournament for both
singles and doubles in that city for tho
15th, 10th and 17 of tho present month.
Tho other clubs in tho asaocintinn otiject
to this, but it is likely thut tho matter
will bo satisfactorily settled. Tho ar
rangomout for tho September tourna
ment will bo complotod and tho tourna
ment hold as proposed. Several entrieu
have ulroady been mndo nnd it promises
to bo ono of the most interesting jot hold.
For dances and outings thoro ia no
such music in NobVasku as that supplied
by tho Nebraska stato orcboatra.
Novor order an invitation until you
lave seen the sample of the work dono
by tho new Courier Publishing Co.
-.1 .1.. .. .M
For rates and open dates of tho Ne
braska state band or orchestra apply' at
the Courier office, 1131 O street, tele
phono 353.
When you and your best girl 'are out
for a stroll always mako a boo line for
Juno icu cream pavilion Thirteenth
and O streets.
Jeckell Bros, new tailoring' establish
ment, 119 north Thirteenth street near
tho LanainO is the popular resort for
stylish garments.
Kya and Kar Harmon.
Dr. W, L. Dayton, oculist aad auritt,
No. 1908 O street, Lineola, Neb. ' t j '
Secretary Marion flrowa Harraatlc to
Hllvnrltra In Chicago.
Says tho Nebraska City Pre: In
ono of tho Chicago papers an timiiHing
and chnrnctorifltio story is told of Sec
rotary Mortou. It scorns that while in
Chicago ho went over to tho hall whuro
tho bi.motalliats' convention wan being
hold. As ho approached ho mot several
delegates coming away. Ho naked them
why thoy left tho convention, and they
replied that tho half waB not largo
enough, that thoy had planned for a
thousand delegates when thoro wiih
seventeen hundred. "Why" rejoined
tho secretary, "why leave tho hull?
Why not pans a resolution enlarging
it to tho nlzo required?" Tho Inference
is plainly applicable to tho effort bfbl
motnlKsts. Thoy can boo tho foolishness
of trying to make n hall turgor by resolu
tion, but thoy can not boo tho tislessness
of trying to mako silver moro vnluablo
by resolution.
"Where ehtll you go, Mia IIcnh." Iio tukiMt
"Thla aummertlde tieinilllntr?"
"To Loudon, Parta, nnd at laet
To Rome," the aiuwered, amlllng.
And will ahe go abroad? A Iaa,
Twaa but a awoot pretent. alrt
Twos Ionrton. Conn., and Paris, Man..
And Rome, N. Y., ahe meant, air!
A Mendaelona Spirit.
The other night a reckless Denver Hkcp
tlo attended a aplrltuullat materlallat meet
Ing, nnd In the courae of tho evening, mm
turning to be of the fnlthful, he nought an
Interview with hla father. The medium
being willing, the father appeared. Tlnx
conversation followed;
"How are you, fatherf Are you happy
la the spirit worldf"
"Yes, my son, very happy."
"And how It my poor, dead slater, Janer"
"She, too, la content and happy."
"And Is poor brother Jim happy toor"
"Yes, my boy: be enjoys the tplrlt
There was a moment's stlenos, when tn
skeptic broke out with!
"What makes you lie to, fatherf I never
had a sitter Jane or a brother Jim. As a
truthful tplrlt you're not In It."
Thla broke up the meeting. Colorado
Coached Too Wall.
The 0-year-old son of a family living on
Seventy-second street was Informed the
other morning that the rectorwat expected
to call In tho afternoon. Aft luncheon
the mother began to coach him hla oat
echlttn, his name, age, eta
"He will atk your name," she said, "and
you mutt tell him 'Frankle Jones.' Then
he will ask your age, and you mutt say
'Six years old In June,' He will ntk you
who made you, and you inuat say 'God,'
and then It he auks what ha made you of
you mutt say 'Dirt.' "
The rector came, and sure enough be
asked the little fellow bis name, whereup
on Frankle shouted, "Frankle Jones, o
years old In June, God, dirt," all in one
brcath.-Naw York Times.
Daabta to Prevent Her.
A sympathetic lady on 'one oeeaeton
stepped up to the bedside of a soldier lying
ia a hospital during the war and Inquired,
"Well, my poor man, Is there anything you
wantr" "No, mlas, I b'leevenot." "You're
sure there Is nothing I can do for your"
"Nothln I can think of." "Oh. I do want
to do something for you. Can't I wash
your hapdt and face?" "Waal, if yo' want
to do that I reckln yo' kin, but yo'll be the
fo'teenth lady who's doue that same thing
this nio'ning, and two of 'em has washed
my feet." San Francisco Argonaut.
A Perfect Picture.
Strawber Well, old man, i want to con
gratulate you. I understand that your en
gagement la announced.
Bingerly (modestly) Yes, and I am the
happiest man in the world.
Strawber Of courae. And the girl ahe
ia sarpaualagly beautiful and nan the lovo
(last disposition Imaginable. She wiih Juat
bora for you and is the sweetest, dcareat
thing In the world.
Stngerly Why, great Seoul old fellow, 1
didn't know that you bad ever met her.
Nat lateaded as aa Insult.
"Do you call that thing a veal cutletf "
remarked a testy youth to toe-waiter in a
restaurant aa hs pointed to a leathery mans
on the plate before blm.
The waiter assured him that it waa.
"Why," said he angrily, "It's an iutult
terve tuch a thing. It'a an Intuit to the
calf to call that veal."
"I beg your pardon, air," replied tt
waiter humbly: "I did not intend to intuit
you."-New York Herald.
Room at tha Top.
Merchant Have you bad any experience
tn chinawarof
Applicant Years of It, sir.
"What tlo you do when you break a valu
able plccef"
"Well er I usually tet it together asaln
and put It where some customer will knock
It over."
"You'll do." Pittsburg Gazette.
"What a pretty sailor salt your llttlt
Willie hat, Mrs. Sllmaonl And. Willie,
where shall you wear itf "
"I think mamma 'expects to tahe me on
Tour yacht." Life.
A full lino of Imported Sardines and
canned soups. Miller & aifTord,opposlto
Burr block
Fruitod Ico cream soda wntcr mado
from tho natural fruit, nt Rector's Phar
macy. Fino now lino of business suitings
from 125 to W0 in Scotch and homespuns,
Jeckel Bros., 110 north Thirteenth
street, near Lansing theatre.
1 lii
u n
Cycling Note.
KoKiilarclub run for Hundny August 18 will
bo to llentrlrit and return) an early itnrt la
ennentlnl ao aa to amid tho warmer part of tho
Tho raco program at tho fair promlaoa to Im a
good ono. Thero will bo thrco rarea encli of
tho tlireo daya together with ono additional
llro-inllo linndlcnp racoon tho Inst day.
Mourn. Kolley, Walton, Drowning, Mllmlno.
Plorco, Hulllvmi, Petora nnd Webster atnrtod at
10 n. m. laat Hundny on tho ntn to Wnrerly by
way1 of Htnrena creek. Drowning did not llko
tho hill nml cut acroxa to Ilnvelock und wont
out tho olhor way) Kelley'a "rabbit tracka"
blow up and ho wnlkod homo) while l'lerro nnd
Hullirau'arrlved lit Lincoln Kd Walton tried
to beat tho "lljor" In from Wavorly, but aaya
that "tho engineer put upn Job on him," bo
cntuio "ho couldn't koep up at nil."
Modo (Iriinth and F. II, Hndloy mado tho trip
through to Chicago nwhoel InaoTon and ono
hnlf dnja tho cyclometer registers 611 mile,
rtu nvorago of 8IH miles per day. Thoy had
considerable, rain to contend with, leaving hero
aftor a honvy rain tho night before! they found
miserably muddy roads until thoy passed Dei
Moines from thoro on tho roada wero very
dusty, ao Unit all tho way through thoy found
very poor roada. Tholr biggest day'a work waa
111 miles from Weston to West Liberty. Thoy
OYcrtook two Iowa whoolmen and two Kansas
men, who passed through Lincoln two days be
fore thoy stnrted, all bound for Chicago, tho
six continuing on together, arriving In Chicago
Wcdnosday evening tho Ud n creditable show
Ing for tho riding powera of our bo)s.
Thursday evening n medium sited, rod bended
man with n largo fund of talk, furnished con
sldernblo amusement for n largo nudlonco, on
ono of our side atroots, with his endeavors to
muster tho Intricacies of the silent steed. Ho
had a great deal to any about hla ability on tho
cyclo, which would cnuso a smile to cross tho
fnces of tho spectators aa his ovory attempt to
control tho wheel was a dismal failure, but his
ncrvo did not seom to fail him. Ho kindly In
formed tho pooplo that ho waa a safo blower by
profession and thought ho ought to bo a snfo
rldor or a aafcty rldoror words to that effect.
Ilia gyrations ou that wheel wero as comical aa
n box of monkoya ovor dared to bo. Ho finally
appeared to have mastered tho main foaturcs
and roilo off clinging to tho handles and call
ing back that ho was gcing now.
Lacroaao Notes.
W. V. Dlnsley haa been under tho wcathor tor
sovoral daya but Is around again.
W. II. Cook who haa boon laid up for some
tlmo Is getting Into shnpo agnin.
Modnflrlmth is expected back from Chicago
In tlmo to tnko part In tho Lnbor Hay gamo.
A. C. Ott formerly of llrantford, Canada
has Just arrived In tho city and will strengthen
tho "homo" of tho Lincoln club.
Oeorgo Qascolgno has returned from Chicago
where ha witnessed tho groat gamo between
tbo Shamrocks of Montreal and tho Torontos.
Tho Lincoln club goes to Omaha on Labor
Day, September 4 to play tho victorious Omaha
team which defoated tho Kearney club on July
Omaha Teanla Tournament.
Tho tennis tournament for stato champion
ship honors Iu Omaha will opon August IS and
closo on tho 17th. Handsome prises will bo
awarded winners In gontlomons' single and
doubles, Drhwinga for places will tako plato
In Mr. Young's ofllco In tho New York Llfo
building this, Saturday evening. Thero will bo a
number of Lincoln entries.
Tho Ideul Opera Company nt Lincoln Park
"Iolanthe" for the Coming Week.
"Said Pasha," by tho Ideal opera company
haa boon thoroughly enjoyed by atoadily in
ccoasing audiences at Lincoln park this week.
Tho company has groatly Improved sinco tho
opening of tho season, nnd tho rendition of
"Said Pasha" was marked by tho excellence of
tho chorus, and tho very clover work of Goldto
Rlnchart and Miss Flosslo Moore as Sereno and
Alti, and somo of tho other principals. Miss
Rinehart appears to singular advantngoln thla
opera. Her sailor's danco In tho first act was a
very taking feature. Her costumes wore all
very pretty. Hubert Sallngor and Vorso Dond,
tho comedians, furnished considornblo amuse
ment. Altogether tho performance wna very
cnjoynblo. Thu company Li groatly superior to
tho organization at tho park last summer.
Special earn has been taken in tho rehearsals
for "lolaotho". tho opening performances of
! which
wlUbv niven to-morrow, Sunday, after
noon and evening. A feature of the program at
Lincoln park for Sunday will bo two concorts
by tho full Nebraska state bnnd,twenty-flvo
plouep. ThciFxtirt will bo given iu the lifter
ntlm iwm 2 iit W tfiWy und In tho eyening, pre
ceding tho operatic iwl'fvrmnnco.
l-.,,lt lhirlington Hcach tho h'i t tent has lecn n
yUy week. Tho warm weiUlior calletl out
loiitu crowds, and hundreda wilM Inbathlngor,
siU.Hl'ip the Inke, or rode on t,t)o steamer, or
danced ,11 vthf pavilion. Tlip has boon a big
attendance U?ftf,y( feiriuoli and ovonlog.
Sailing grovss mow puplllAr ovory day. Every
lxxly alls now, aud tho yachts aro in constant
domanil. Die niauagnmunt of Kurlingtou
Bench try to mako tha public thoroughly at
homo at this mort, aiid thoy havo succeeded
ailmlrnbl) , Thero U so much to do, and every
thing Uso pleasant, that r"plo IIIv to goto
tholako. Tho resort grows moro and moro
popular. Music ovory evening nt Burlington
The Union Fuclllu Cheap Kates.
Only 930.00 llrst class to'Ogden, Salt
Luko, Helena, SpoUuno und Portland
For full particulars call ut city ticket
ofllco 1014 O street.
aaTBl aTsa Jk 1 1 al atjfl 1. I'M M at
- The ealy Pure Cream of Tartar Powder, No Ammonia; No Alum.
Um4 im Million! of Hornet 40 Years the SUnaW
"W. R. Dennla Ms Co
1137 O Street.
Tho Courier ran Ita Found at
Hotel Lincoln Nowh Stand.
Windsor Hotel Nowb Stand.
Capital Hotel Nowh Stand.
Itotl Dudo Cigar Storo, 1020 O St.
Ki. Young, 1207 O St.
Clnson, Fletcher A Co., 1120 O St.
Moore's Nowb Stand, 118 So. 11th St. Offlco, 11.11 O St.
F. Poino. 1429 O St.
Archlo Ensign, 217 So 11th St.
NollreT- "
Tho umlorslgned hereby gives notico that It
win not oo res ponsiuie lor or pay any nobt in
cur red by employes, oxropt thoso for
order Is given personally signed by
which an
IV It. Tills
rulo Is imperative CotmtKtt I'os. Co.
LINCOLN, WKB., May 18T, ItlKI.
The Saturday Morning Courier
will be sent to any address for
Three Months for
This is a trial ofier and will be
withdrawn September 1.
Furs stored at F. E. Voclkor's.
Whltobrcast Coal and Limo Co.
Bathing caps at Rector's Pharmacy.
Althoa toilet preparatories at Rector's.
Jeckoll Bros. Tailors, 110 north Thir
teenth etroot.
David P. Sims, dentist, rooms 42
43 Burr block.
Try Club Houbo cofTco, nono so Kood
Mlllor & Gilford.
Imported and domestic toiht soaps at
Rector's Phurrnucy.
Sampson Sisters, artistic dressmaking,
1123 N street, ovor Dorsoy's.
Buffalo Flour, 81.00 per sack. Miller
& Gilford, grocers, opposite Burr block.
An ontiro now lino of ladies' card cases
and pocket books at Rector's Pharmacy.
All orders via tolophono 398 will roach
W. A. Coffin & Co. and rocoivo prompt
ind careful attontion.
No such line of cannod fruits in the
city aB shown by W. A. Coffin & Co., 143
South Eloventh fltreet.
When you want prompt service and
fair treatment and tho selection from
tho largest stock of grocorics in Lincoln
call on VV. A. Coffin s Co., successors to
J. Miller, 143 South Eloventh street.
Halter's markot, old roliublo market,
now moved to Thirteenth stroot, opposite
Lansing theatre, Ib whore Indies should
call for their meut orders. Telephone
oruors over mo. juu receive prompt at
tontion. Professor Swain's ladies tailoring and
dress cutting school. Thorough instruc
tions. Lessons not limited. Dress mak
ing dono with dispatch on short notice.
Patterns cut to measure and all work
Why lot your furs remain at home
u-horo moths uro almost suro to got into
them, whon F. E. Volkor, u practical
furrier, will store thorn until noxt winter
and guarantee, to return thorn in perfect
order. Cull nnd seo him nt tho Y, M. O.
A. building,
Ask yourgrrcorymun for tho "Wllbor
Roiling Mlis" Flour, Chns. Hurvey, pro
priotnr. Inquire for
"Mtilo Hatchot."
Nicklo Plate," and
"linkers' Constance."
Every Buck wnrrunted.
Reduced Rates by Missouri PaciHo
will bo given to St. Louis from July 20
to October 31. Very low ratoB will bo
on buIo und this will bo an excellent
chanco to visit tho greatest carnival
city in Amorica. Cull on nearest ticket
ugont M. P. ruilwuy for information, or
J. E. R. Miller 1201 O streot, Lincoln
Nob., or H. O. Townsond G.P.A. St.
Louis, Mo.
j. j