Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, July 15, 1893, Image 6

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    abiTE HA'ruiimAY morkio courier
1 1 1
1 '.S JIT
n w w"r t-r
rival, abandoned his own exertions ii'ton
tho violin. Ho viewed tlio advent of tin with suspicion mul commented
upon It witli cynicism. Apparently he
recognized In tlio soft harmonies Cyn.
thlu's deft fliiKoro struck from tlio strings
a dangerous ally to sentiment. Alcldes,
as wo havo neeii, wan a foo to roitiunce,
ot seamstress milliner. There it an ! ot coquetry to tho man at licr vide. A
n.ncli iiromenuding in the slnjlo bust
Hess street of tho littlo village, indulged ,
In no ulnilessly as to give tho observer ,
tlio general Impression of a rehearsal. ,
lint it wan apparent that fcininino carl
oMty culminated
rapid intcrchuugo of hostilities passed
between tho ladies in a discriminating
survey of one another's costumes, which
wax more expressive than word?. Mis)
Bertha Maverick, with Bupercillos eyo
lids and defiant nestrlls, re-enforced hct
loss aggressive companion. Bruce, who
!., !, , flitO t. VtltNin
Ullllk 4ill WltM tMtM,
I must not omit to mention a certain
formality in dress which MIm Dalian bo
Kan to affect about thin time. It was in
tho direction of long train) and trailing
habits. Thero was much mysterious re
hearsal in tho seclusion of her littlo
room, a disposition to gather her skirts
in one gloved band and tiptoe about,
avoiding intermcdlnto objects with nn
acquired daintiness and grace. Thero
were certain fastidious aim of manner
which wero deftly caught and quite as
faithfully rehearsed in private. During
theso ceremonies a small riding whip,
formerly presented to Cynthia by Mr.
Buck Jcrrold, wim generally carried
lightly in tho right hand, A nwift ranter
oxer tho adjacent hills, attended by tho
one scrutiny of tho remote horizon, in
variably followed this painstaking per
formance. Such mysterious behavior was not
without provoking tho comment of other
member of the household.
"I should reckon yo' was practicln fo'
the tight rope, wl' all yo' airs and graces,
Mis' Cynthy," tho ebony Amelia ronton
"Is there any private theatricals goln
locotno off down at San MarcusV" in
Quired the mystified Alcidis, hsvlnu
through the open door caught a glimpse
of his daughter attitudinizing. "I didn't
know, from tint thnr high stopplu, but
you war posin fur tho stony hearted
princess thot refuses tho poor but descrv
a young man in tho play."
To all tkls ingenious badinage Miss
Dallas preferred an attitndo of disdalu
,fnl reticence, but she was manifestly
unhappy and ill at ease. That joyoiu,
liijht nearted gayoty which once ps
eased her had taken wings. She sang
no more, where once her glad votco chal
lenged the mocking bird. Sho was as
capricious as an April day. Peevish and
fretful -with her father for tho most part,
there wero intervals of sudden tender
sesa when ike overwhelmed him with
kisses and caresses. Possibly at such
momenta a certain absent individual was
ever present to her fancy whose namo sho
sever suffered to pass her lips. Philoso
phers aver that in matters of the heart
there is a species of cold comfort in thus
lavishing the affections by proxy.
t During this unsatisfactory period Cyn
thia's treatment of Mr, Buck Jerrold
Was moot remarkable. This gentleman
'kM mm wont to visit her often; to pots
hours in her society, to sit quietly by her
" old silent Mid thoughtful, smoking his
trip osmI rsotwg her every word or ac
won with nrevereaoe and admiration that
was little short ol worship. .Formerly
Miss polios had permitted this oppress! ro
hosaofO as if hers by a species of divine
right, hod laughed and chatted with him
pleasantly, accented his little gifts and
keepsakes gratefully-, sent him upon her
errands with the air of conferring a fa
tor and exerted her many fascinations
m way known only, to the sex.
All this had been most agreeable to
Jerrold. With evident satisfaction ho
"basked in tlie sunshine of her favor. But
o change camo suddenly about. With
the advent of the spring roundups came
more frequent visits on the part of that
gentleman and a strung waywardness
in Cynthia's reception. Sho greeted him
with marked embarrassment and ro
straiut. Tho former silence ot his man
ner was now eclipsed by her own tad
at tho river, whither.
. iltji 1 it i1 Stlrittt Mia tltrttxititr!.?... t
i WO IlUVlI BLTlla WW II IWJ IU lUIUUIlLU. I Ultra tuuitui I'mum, .mj nitiiuuyiiMIIU Ul I "' ,- , '
"Yo wanter look out,, Cyntl.y, fur the San Marcus led, and to which locality win about o speak, noting nt onco the
poetry and iioiisoiiho thot tlmr tarnal . tlio footsteps or tno ratr uaugniors wero """". "; ', , V --""
!i.i....ii nn t.n nhimlr mil of. ..f v nn.. nm,t imniliitratlv directed. his hat and imssed on, but as ho did so,
turn it looso on ver nnitunrdcd foolln's." i Foremost among these lovely txxlcs
ho wild gravely, surprising her once trlans was Miss Dertha Maverick, with
eves that were ' nn eyo like tho flash of u bayonet and a
"It's a destroyer profile decidedly aquiline, Hho could l
of tho amwtlto, nnd gener'ly plumb full seen on any pleasant afternoon, defying
o' onsntisfattorinpss," bestowing a glance tho ndmlratlou of tho lmfllml sun with n
nlnyitiK uimmi it with
wistful and far away
' tfC'oS jrv3w
. jaiWiWx h k
ttimtt tho glistening strings that was full
of foreboding, "1 know a girl onco thot
was thot led away by orleof them jinglin
critters thet sho didn't donothln else but
play an lie round, n-longln and a-yrarn-in,
until by atid by tho sallow faced
critter got herself clean bewitched. Hor
family and friends could do notliln with
Iter. Hho wouldn't cat notliln. And fln'ly
sho wont into a galloplu consumption,
and they buried her ono very damp day
in tho arly spring."
But in splto of this terrible example
of tho fascination of guitar playing Cyn
thia still persisted in her practicing. She
endured with cheerfulness tho soro fin
gers, tired wrists and other annoyances
which this exacting Instrument imposes
upon its dovotees. And sho received no
end of encouragement in other ways.
Tho mocking birds which fled aghast
from tho shrieking violin sometimes
favored her with imltatlvo outbursts
that sincorcit form of flatten. Perched
on some tossing spray or flickering hero
and thero in their odd "half mourning,"
they produced snatches of her waltzes
ami fandangoes. Thero won a certain
sentimental lizard with nspecnlatlvo eye
that would bask daily niton n sunny rock,
and from his rapt demeanor during her
performance was apparently enabled to
obtain glimpses of the Infinite, hitherto
dented. And Aulus sympathized and
lent his quiet and dignified approval. And
tho fawn wan soothed into a dreamy lau
guor that wus fast becoming habitual.
So the days passed, and Cynthia's heart
found much of consolation, and Mr.
Buck J?rrold wondered at the change in
bis Uulclnei. and had long soufcrouces
with tho mystified Alcldes, vho wan an
ooyed and fretful and mado mysterious
referenco to tho provalenco of malaria
and the existence of "dumb oger" tho
inference being that his lovely daughter
wan suffering from tho maladies of a for
ward spring, until one day Mr. Jerrold
inrprir-cd the old man with this query:
"Yo don't reckon, then, thot the visit
of thet thar Henry Bruce hex bed any
thin to do with this yer change? It's my
opinion thet's what's done it."
"Why, he wa' n't here more'n two days
at the furthest," remonstrated the fa
ther, storing at his questioner.
"Thet'a air right," returned Jcrrold
meditatively, "but it don't take any
great length of time with the proper per
son. Ive bean tola tlmrs been cases
where it was only o word or a look thet
done tho biz'noss. Purvided thet's the
true stato of the cose," ho added, stretch'
ing his huge limbs awkwardly, whilo a
weary look crept suddenly into his eyes,
"purvided thet's it, and ho proves him
self to bo a better man uur I am, Cynthy
must tako Iter ch'icc. I hevn't got notli
ln ag'in hint. Ho'o n squaro sort of chap,
and man cs h a man can stand bein
beat by a straight forrard feller who is
better flxod and better favored."
Then camo a letter from Henry Bruco
to Cynthia, couched in delicato terms,
wherein he expressed regret that ho was
unablo to act us her escort to tho coming
ball at San Marcus, but that courtesy
necessitated that he should itccompauy
Miss Stafford. Cynthia iwrused this
mlsf ive calmly, wept over it in private
and then acted with tho pcrversoness of
womankind, Sho did not change her at
titude toward the deserving Mr. .Jerrold,
but the sat down and indited a long epis
tle to tho neglectful and dangerous Cap
tain Forakcr, in which she reproached
that gentleman for bis long absehco from
her side, represented herself as languish
ing from lack of his attentions and in
quired if ho could eparo timo from his
engrowing luilHarv duties to take her to
thd coming lestmty.
Vet eecn la this noprles rtcnnnoltcrtng
the (In ix sped on and on,
Jcrrold was often astounded ut his elo
quence in his efforts to entertain her,
but Cynthia wus at all times absent and
distronsht, and appeared to bo haunted
by o nervous dread that Mr. Jerrold
wos about to say something which it
would give her great pain to hear. Upon
the slightest pretext she would cscapo
him and bury herself amid the solitudes
of the sympathetic pines. Hero that
strange trouble which made her heart
acho would occasionally overflow her
eyes, nud thero were tears shed in tho
dim woods as little bidden as understood
tears which the pines bemoaned and
the bluebirds oud squirrels held sacred,
but which somehow brought the balm
of relief to her who shed them.
I do not think through it all that Miss
Dallas wan really conscious of being in
love, only in o general way that she was
bereaved and disappointed. The occur
, rences of the past f ow months hod come
to her in the light of a revelation. She
was suddenly aware of tho existence of
'' some one who possessed for her o pecul
r..,ior sympathy whose words awoko a re
rspoaoive echo in her heart somoouo im
Measurably superior to tho rough men
she usually encountered. She could not
""explain the strange claim this hitherto
unrealised being had upon her, Sho only
knew that it existed; that she longed for
Its infloeuce; that she grieved when it
wos denied. And thero was associated
with this feeling, as there always is, one
of pique and injury for tho apjrent no
V gleet which site boa suffered.
c. ''', How much' this state of mind was al
Wviatedwhen the obliging sheriff put
" into her hands the guitar sent by Henry
Bruoeitts impossible, to soy. Certain it
" m thot pern instrument wos the reclp
tjSBof. mora' tender treatment. She
s4orodH with ribbon, carried it about
ftti fcf Msmsrtly just rproetiosd in
!mmaumm m. Abet this Urn t)
And Contain Forakcr, vain, critical
and complacent, read this letter care
fully over his after dinner cigar, smiled
superciliously, adjusted his officer's cap
rakishly over bis distracting curls, and
mounting his horso rodo over from the
post and passed tho afternoon with Cyn
thia. That bo was received with o cordial
ity ho had no reason nor tight to expect;
that Cynthia flirted with him desperate
ly and in a manner calculated to strike
despair into the heart of Buck Jerrold,
and that tho irato Alcldes was moved
several times in tho courso of that event
ful afternoon to cast longing glances in
the direction of tho "Silont Mary" may
bo readily imagined by tho reader who
has remarked tho inconsistency of wom
an when dominated by pique.
Small wonder that Captain Forakcr
promised to go to tho ball; that ho lis
tened cheerfully to Cynthia's plan to
visit Miss Bertha Maverick, tho fascinat
ing daughter ot thevillago blacksmith,
and agreed to call for her at that lady's
homo on tho evening in question, and
that bo rodo back to his quarters with a
self satisfied smllo upon his supercilious
features, curling his gray utustacho and
otherwise pluming himself upon tho tri
umphs of the afternoon. That alter Inn
doparturo Cynthia dismissed him utterly
from his mind, and that sho hated Miss
Stafford cordially and was conscious in
her heart of hearts that Henry Bruce
was inoro fascinating than over are
fucts that .will readily occur to her ap
preciative and discriminating sex, to
whoso tender sympathies her present
emotions aro intrusted.
parasol of palo pink and leading on, its
it were, by this orlfliinimo of Hontlmcut,
tho thronging cohorts orl cxan coquetry.
Threo days of aimless pilgrimaging on
tho part of tho SaiMarcus maidens, nud
all at onco was seen tho method of this
vernal madness.
Occasional horsemen began to bo met
with on tho dusty highway. By degrees
tho nuiiiUr of these was augmented to
mounted squads and groups, until at
last their proMrtions reached thoso of
a generous cavalcade, Of course this
irruption of eligible manhood was tho
occasion of much Indiscriminate flirta
tion, and thero were many glances given
and exchanged that boded ill for tho fu
ture peace of mind of tho parties con
cerned. Mischievous eyes challenged
observation beneath dainty bonnets, and
tho tilted sunshade was eloquent of the
warfare of Cupid.
Need it bo said that bronzed and
bearded faces accepted these overtures
with more than equal frankness, that
tho fluttering handkerchief in every In
stance received tho recognition of the
ruined sombrero, and that everywhere
along this dangerously actlvo highway
thero was a ilispOHitlon on tho part of
either sex to halt frequently nnd look
But onco in town, theso amorous ad
vances of tho sterner sex gave rlso to
reckless outlay of capital and n remark
able colicltudo in matter of dress. The
barber was put into requisition, and tho
demand for "b'ilcd shirts" nnd "store
clothes" threatened to exceed the limited
'supply cf thoso articles.
Meanwhile notes in very erratic hand
writing wero constantly flying about.
Mr. Lariat, in conformance with a cus
tom as absurd as unnecessary, was giv
ing Miss Lone Star preliminary notice
that ho contemplated the pleasure of call
ing upon her, and tho latter lady was re
sponding that sho would take pleasure in
being at homo in anticipation of that
gratifying e cut. And so feminine van
ity was flat tt red on tho ono band and the
manly breast disquieted for some days to
como on the other by these rare oppor
tunities for. visiting, the dearth of wom
anhood upon the frontier rendering
young manhood practically defensolcss.
And to fucilitate this dangerous state of
things tho event of the ball approached.
at which mitslo and the dance thoe de
stroyers of philosophy were, to finish
matters end put tho coup de graco to
the general infatuation.
Through tlio foresight of Bruco and
Kcrnochan, the best room in the Half
Way House had been engaged in nd
vanco for Kato nnd Edith. For them
selves tho gentlemen accepted with good
humor such primitive quarters as oppor
tunity afforded. On the morning of tho
eventful dny they drove down to San
Marcus in a light conveyance, reaching
tho littlo hostelry in timo for dinner.
Hero they registered in the small blank
book which answered for tho usual hotel
register, und Miss Stafford noted with
some merriment that an entry made by
Phil Kcrnochan on Christmas day, two
years previous, occurred only four pages
buck. Hero that lady's patrician nostrils
were saluted with the. odor of kerosene
and frontier cookery, and after enduring
the stuffy atmosphcro end rheumatic
appointments of her bedroom sho came
down to dinner with en amusement very
similar to that with which luxurious
pcop'o cuter upon tho enjoyment of a
Doubtless by the timo sho had dis
cussed this remarkable meal, eaten amid
promiscuous society nnd ovorseered by
tho officious proprietor who kept up a
running flro of conversation with tho
myrmidons of tho kitchen through a long
slit in tlio vfaiwgot, oud dealt his plates
and appetizing (.isiies over tho heads of
his guests with great recklessness and
liberality tho novelty of Texan hotel
life begen to pall somewhat upon tho
young lady.
I cannot cay that Edith's appetite was
Improved, cither by tho panoramic view
of hotel cookery tho wainscot afforded,
or by the gentlemun opposite, who ato
ho heard Miss Bertha Maverick remark
in a high, metallio voice:
"Thet's tho stuckup pleco you wa3 tell
in mo about eh, Cynthia? Well, tf I
reckoned I was so ivowerful fascinatin, 1
wouldn't let every ono know it when
ever I met 'em. Tho aim and graces ot
thet fast-colored brunetto is enough to
natch'ally paralyze nn 8-day kitchen
With tho first shndows of evening pub
lic curiosity begnu to bo attracted in the
direction of a long, low structnro, whose
spacious outlines and shutterless win
dows showed black against tho lighter
Tho building lind lccn reared in tho in
terests of Erin by a prosperous Hilier
niiin, who rejoiced in tho classic namo oi
TJlysHcs Miigiudy and consecrated hif
architectural efforts and poetic memo
ries under the tltlo of "Tarn's hall," but
tho cynical Texan youth wero wanting
in reverence for Ireland's legendary past.
"Turrler's hall" was tho popular render
ing of Mr. Magindy's poetic christening.
Actuated by tlio name spirit of skepti
cism they pelted tho edifice with mud
and stones, and sent vagrant tomato cans
on voyages of discovery through Its an
cient lights. Externally it was apathetic
diagram of its owner's highly lacerated
But there wero occasions when tho im
portanco of Turricr's hall impressed it
self even ii'ton this derisive public.
During political meetings, religious rt
vivals and tempcranco crusades the hand
of tho vundul was staid. Among such
intervals cf immunity wus tho present.
Tho very rr.bblo that bud been most ne
tivo i:i ltombardmcnt now bestowed
themselves in attempted renovation and
repair. Tho spacious nuditorium was
swept and. aired, tho relics of barbarism
wero moved, tho drafts from tho win
I jWJ effectually sealed by :ho interven
tion of cardboard, bits cf carpet and
cast offhats, and even tho redeeming
touches of putty und varnish wero here
und thero utlemptcd.
And when feminine tasto was added to
tho rude but practical efforts of men it
was wonderful to noto tho transforming
change to see. how tho ravages cf time
ami abuse yielded to a littlo well 1e
stowed decoration, On this occasion the
San Marcus maidens had employed the
rarnltnre of hemlock loughs nnd gayly
colored muslin with felling effect, and
tho tallow candles perched everywhere
seemed to threaten a general conflagration.
Mr. Ulysces Mugindy himself was r.t
present going about tho building and
lighting these candles with a long pole,
attended by a gung of small boys who
restrained their uncomplimentary epi
thets in view of tho coming festivity.
And scurcely had tho last elevated dip
commenced to contribute its greasy drop
pings to tho gratuitous shower that
rained everywhere upon tho ballroom
floor, when with laughter and merri
ment the guests began to arrive and tako
up their positions on tho. hard wooden
benches that wore rauged at either end
of tho room.
slLMomEBfimt m Kl VA VvoT
! I "Hill ,. W 7 V Wl
Wo have now in
stock tho
most approved
nnd best line
of WhcciH 6ver
shown here,
end invito you
to cull and
"Dauntless Scorcher," "King Scorcher,"
' "Royal bight Roadster," "The Majestic,"
"The Dauntless Compeer," for tadies
Also t'.ielcatest Novelty, thp COMMON SENSE HIGKORY WHBBb.
Never buy a Wheel until you have seen ub.
Gor. 10th and M Sts.
Carriage Manufacturers.
And seveir.l thousand others. I would advise all ho would ssve time to go to
"HewaB.--iuUywude,"siild.Tarler. "He
shunnied th i (toor Hiptara In my face."
"Dear me,1' returned Hicks. "It's lucky
you have a hard face; otherwise it might
Lave got broken." Harper's Bazar.
The Mght.ScMOD.
Fngltlgh I wonder why it is there aro so
many weddings take place in the autumn.
Waglcigh Traditional custom. Adam
and Kve were married around about the
(all. Vogue.
aherat-idly disappearing, come early.
WW- -
For weeks it hod been apparent at Sau
Marcus that a social event of unusual
importance was impending. For weeks
aflutter of expectancy had disquieted
th feminine heart, displaying itself in
animated lossip upon the street corners.
te'M atarisinf tendency to indnbjetn
1W n Moyirawf unatney to manic in en? i , uuweu narrmuij
liipiH llll oM ! Pws-a IlrneaaaeUwiwd her eyes with nsml
molasses on his p'o and supplied a very
wido month with u very largo knife,
ami a general suggestion that tho unnat
ural flzo of this aperture was duo to tho
hazard attending tho experiment. How
beit, t';io meal was endured, and perhaps
in droad of dyspeptic retribution Mis's
Stafford proposed to Henry Bruco to
tako her for n short stroll through tho
town. To this tho gontloman readily
assented, r.nd passing tho long lino of
vicious and kicking saddlo horses teth
ered iu front of tho hotel they joined
tho animatoJ procession of strollor that
Idled through tho main street of San
I leavo to tho imagination bow much
attention the fair northerner attracted,
what admiring glanccn from undorbroud
sombreros wero cast after her erect fig
ure and nraceful carriage, and with
what envious whispers of detraction the
belies of thj villago remarked tho fault
lessnessof her fashionablo walking dress.
But I must mention ono incident of this
afternoon walk. They had reached a
point about half way between tho hotel
and tho river when a familiar volco
caused Bruco to raiso his eyes. Cynthia
stood before him, looking very pretty
and engaging from tho becoming depths
of a quaint poke bonnet. She was ac
compauied by an elderly wan iu the
dress of an officer. lie wus nonchalantly
puffing a cigar. Mis Bertha Maverick,
escorted by a cowman of athletic build
and awkward gait, was just behind her.
A quick color, mounted to Cynthia's
cfieek. and she "bowed hurriedly tc
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