fPBpWW15 ?PWPPinfnpppPi '. r THE ATUROAY 2tfORBst-0- COURIER n m wjmwwmfwm9' H v -y (V, i' y v f V t's n 61RGLE8 Those who minister to tho social fit ment In Lincoln nro courageous; Imt the warm weather of tho past two weeks Km repressed enthusiasm to such hii vitent that to nil npenritnccaM!tity in In a comatose state. Indoor parties nro now quite out of tho question, mul for minn reason lnwn fete arc mvt Hpulnr. It In too hot to ilcntu and couch, In fact, It linn Imh'H too hot to do anything but ntny nt homo nnd nlixlc. Thoro In nil Increasing exodus to Chi cago. In fact, It nctMiin un though half 'ofono'n Huninliitnnci'njiro at tho fair, i nnd tho ncn nhoro and tho nioiintiiinn havo attraelcd tholr quota. Tlio ntay. at-homes are getting ready to go away, or are waiting for tho tlmo for tholr departure to como nroimd, and thoy arc perfectly willing to ronialn quiet. ,Of nil kinds ot social functlonn, wed dings nlono necm to bo beyond tho In fluence or the woathor. July wedding nro almost an plentiful an were June wed dings. Several arc In prospect for tho romalnder of tho month. There will be ono notnblo wedding on tho SQtli. Those who are compiled to ntay lit homo nnd who niiint havo amusement, aeek It theno warm evening nt tho vur lew pleasure resorts. Lincoln park and jhirllngton Dcaeh nro junt now noclal Mecca. Wrlsjht-Hutherftirri. A notnblo wedding ocuurrod Tuesday at high-noon at tho residence of Mr. nnd Mm. John Rutherford nt 1501 B ntreot. The contracting parties woro Minn Alice Iftuth'ertord nnd Mr. Low In Wright of Afcforonto, Canada. Tho coromony wun performod by Dr. O. O. Ijasby of tho St. Paul Methodist- Epincopal church. Only near friends and relatives wero presents After tho Impressive coromony tnd congratulations had boon nhowcrod upon tho happy young couple by all present, an elegant wed- fUng breakfast was rarved, and at S o'clock "in tho afternoon thoy took"' tholr departure for their now Canadian homo. They were accom panied aa far aa Chicago by tho bride's p brother and' his wife, Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Rutherford. During Miss Ruther ford's residence in Lincoln aho has made " many warm friends who testified their ' sateswi'tn a very' practical Manner and '. whose well Wishes 'follow the young f paople to their' new home, Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. F. P, Ruther- evil ot Minneapolis; Mr, nnd Mrs. fe, W. asob, Falrbury; Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Oraw'ford, Mr.i and Mrs. James Lloyd, ' and others. A Pretty Morning Wedding. The residence of Mr. and Mrs E. T. Goddat Bethany Heights was hand somely decorated in roadiness for the marriage of their daughter, Miss G. T. Gadd to Rev. A. D, Harmon ot Auburn, which ocuurrod at 6 o'clock Tuesday morning. Tho ceremony waa performed by Professor Ailesworth ot Cotnor uni versity under beautiful floral drapery Iietwecn tho handsomely decorated par lors and in the presence ot nearly a hundred guests. After the coromony and the happy young couplohnd re wiyed the hearty congratulations of all present a sumptuous wedding break fast was served, after which Mr, and Mrs. Marmon started for Auburn followed v ahAWay .if Iaa anil tiLI aW,a After home ', bsfet visit at the groom's old , they , go to his future Held vt jrork in Helena, Montana, where he wUI become pastor of the Christian ohurch. The young couple were mem bers of the same class at Ootaer. univer sity tor'the past four, years and gradua ted together this year. They have a large, circle of friends in this city who wish them much happiness and pros perity in their new' home. ParmviV Club Mating. The Lancaster County Farmer's club wet Thursday at tho residence of Mr. v? nnd Mrs. Socman. A largo number yere present. The usual social dinner Twaa givon, followed by a gonoral dlscus- sktaot tho subject ot "Boot Production." Mr. A. Greenamoyor gavo an interesting description ot his visit to tho Columbian exposition. Mrs, C, M. Branson gavo a aeloct reading and Miss Hattio Toniplo gayo a recitation. Attor this delightful program delicious ico cream was servod, and the discussion ot winter feed for stock was profitably discussed. A vote 1 of thanks waa tendered Mr. and Mrs, Becman for their hospitality, and the club adjourned to meet at the residence of Mr. C. E. Blaachard August .'!. Minor' Mention. The W. B. C. held their regular meet ing at Lincoln park Saturday afternoon. The two new members, Misses Georgie 'Camp and Stella Curtico, were present ;ad' all had a jolly 'good time, Thoy i twai 'Akftttrnnoil by Mrs. Prult, an ox present woro Misses 'Member, fbose Stella Curtice, Georgie Camp, Nolia Cochrane, Blanche Garten, Maude ' 'Lyons, Grace Huntsinger, Mabel Met- onlfBdiU. Parish, Ulssie Smith, Plor WMstMarley, The menu committee was Mtas NiJla Coohraae sal Miss Georgie ' Ttoltamia oratorio society assist ed( fay the saaswbly ohoruagavsa grand tpmi tth NsrakaI ChaaUuqua -flaHMBBIV AI Uflamo ! MABIIbT mmamt THEODORE THOMAS. Ths fight orrw Theodora ThomM, director of moslo nt the World's Mr, Iim Wen Me already famona name unusual prominence. Despite tit warring factions, Director ThomM It still t llit head of the mniiio department, .. .i c i r t i)........1 I fold Dobbin. 1 110 llireuiKHl mm v. ' mviii'- Minn Mlnnlo Gaylord, who han spoilt tho ' Mr. Herman Robnahwn, of Hartford, 8. D., and Minn Gonovlovo Thrasher, of 1103 O ntreot, woro happily united in marriage nt 12:.W o'clock Saturday after noon in St. Mark's Luthornn church, by tho pentor, Rev.' L. (lroh. Thoy do parted Immediately for tho Columbian ex)onltion, and aftor remaining there n nhort time will go to thoro future homo In 8outh Dakota. Among tho Lincoln people who at tended tho Tuft lecture at Croto Tnos day evening woro; Rov. E. II. Curtln, Mr. N. P. Curtln, Mrs. A. CI. Illllinoyer, Mrn. Georgo Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Funke, Mr. Frank Hathaway, Mr. Dan Whig, Professor Taylor, Minn Clark, Mine Margaret Clark, Minn Hortlo Clurk, Miss Shears. A splendid special program han boon prepared for a musical sorvieo to lie rendored by tho Holy Trinity choir at tho chhrch, corner of Twelfth and J streets, tomorrow morning commencing at 10:1ft. Miss Stella Rico will ufflolato at tho organ and Mr. H. J. W. Scamurk will act aa director un J choirmaster. Mr. Phillip Smith, ot Chicago, and MlssAdele llalloy, ot Phllllpsburg, Kan., were quietly married Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, at tho rosidonco of Mr. II. T. Blaney, 2107 O streot. Rov. J. C. Mc Donald officiating. Tho nowly married couple left In tho utternoon tor tholr now homo in Chicago. Tho choir of Holy Trinity church han invited tho choir ot Chrhit church of ltoatrlco to como to Lincoln next Tuoe day und join It in an outing at Worth ington iicadomy. Tho choir ot Holy Trinity han been entertained at licutricc for tho pant two summo'm. Nown reaches Lincoln of tho betro thal of Minn Puulino Goldsmith formerly of thlt city but now of Chicago, to Mr. Uenjnmun G. Biurich ulnoot tho hike city. The young ludy in well known here where she has many f rionds who will lie pleased to hear ot hor happlnose. past three years studying in Toronto, Canada, and Miss Nannie Lilllbridgo. who has junt returned from Now York, where sho has spent the past two years training hor voice, added greatly to the splendid program. 'Be sure and get Ayor a" is an impor tant caution to all in search ot a thor- oughly-reliablo-blood-purllior, AyorV Sarsaparilla being the ono on which there can be no mannor ot doubt. It has stood the test of neurly halt u cen tury, and has long boon oopsidorod the standard. Us Wanted Them Charged. Willie Afamma says to let me have a bnncb of firecracker. sHorekeepr Yes, my little man. Oocn she want then tiiarged Wlllie-WelL if they ain't you'll hear from me, . Mis friend. Discontented Artist I wish I bai a for tune. I would never paint againji i Ueaerous Brother Brush By Jove, nkl man, I wish I bail oa. I'd gira it U you. -Pick Me Up. f Koihlag In It. . "I don't lolka ownln me own hna " uu Pataftrayrof proprietorsliln. "Itukes 11 tsjstiui out ti net partn rit."K paytn rtsX.' XXmm ;'()i M". r W ! ass old Dobbin throtwh the fenoa, IIow weaa ho IooIcn, mul ottll (lis hair U fnlllnx nit In epotat lie focli the (lamiuiml u1di Us harnpi lil t.t-iuli bl tcp U elow; 'tis plats enotih to vu Die thirty earn o mora to him than fifty are to mo. tls shall not work another jot not that h would coiulilalnt But from thin hour he ne'er ahall know the tuuub of Mhlpnr ruin. Of nil the honca on the farm he'e been the very be!. I ehonM have Ihnufcht of It Lcforo, but now he ball havo rest. I call to my mind the colt ho was, and howl broke Mm In. Wlmwl how ho Llcknd and pranced and plunged) 't wan doubtful which would win. Rut I wnsjnunit aa well a ho and would not bo ilcnlrtl. And itlnco bo'n twen an rafo a arm aa man would whit to rldo. Then In my happy courting days heknowtha very nlitht That I would wlnn the stable door and crest him with dollRbt. lie knew the itlrl I loved was waiting far away and fair, no seemed to ruy, " Twill not bo long before I takeou Ihurot" -. Then on my wedding day bo stood with others at tho church. No doubt he thought for Just that once I loft him In tbo lurch. One face, one form, that day of days, was all that I could see. I did not think of Dobbin then, wbaU'cr he thought of me. And when the year had brought tholr crlef, and I learned Joy's rovorw, . . tie drew the little ones and ma'bchlnd xhe gloomy hoarse. I eannot say that bo dhlned how lonely was my lot. But sluco he has not been tho same; I know that I liaM) not! And so IliTouRh gladness and through grief old Dobbin has been near. No wonder that he looks so old when I have Brow n ho cere. I know full well that fifty Kara la youth to many men. Tia not the ears, but that my heart has reached threescore and tent So while Ille his falling life shall naught but comfort know. Old Dobbin, aa I said at first, shall ne'er teel rein or blow. The best of oats, tho sweetest hay, the field tc wander free, Shall all be hl-a poor return for nil bo's beet to uicl -William U Kcos. Oh.m tu nun. Hotel Manager You arc lookhi'i for a Job, vt Where were you Inst employed? Applicant At tbntlltue museum. I am the iiiilln rubber num. Hotel Manager Uon't My. And how do you expect we um iimke uaj of your AnulUrtut Ax "Ujuacer." sli-l Uoston Courier. A CommeiMlable Ambition. Old Qentltf man What would you Ilka to be when you urow up! lloy I'd Ilka to be a bricklayer. "That's n commeudublu nmbttlon. V.'by would you llku to Ihj n brfcklurer" " HlaiiHo there's so many days when brick layers can't work." Good News. A Slight Error. Coykcndsll (who Is engaged to otic of the Tremlow twlnn) Vou do look alike, und some people can't tell you apart, but I have no difficulty, You bavuiulltlnuo air that Jessie lacks entirely. The Odd Twin Pleu.se, Jock, I am Jcs ale. Judtfe. , Fully UuallUed 'ahTuk. "I see that SnaK&t U p;0pirlna an arti cle entitled 'CurloHltle.i of Orthorap!ir.' Where did ho obtain the material forucb a paperf" "Why, man, he lnw been tba employer ol seveu t) pewrlterH." New Vork lre-. Who It Wat. Jinks When btindarHweroln your home the other nKht, did Mrs. Kitklns look mult! tbo bed for n innnt FIlkliiH Yes, an 1 found one tool Jlnka One of tho burglar? Filklns No, me. Harper's Dns.ur. Not Hold. Dora How do yon llko my new slippers? Cora Flnel 1 shall have to et a iwiir like them. . ' Don I am efmld .you are too late. When I got these yesterday, them were no larger sizes left. Quips. What Hurt. "I don't enjoy the roasting the critics gave me, of courso," wild tho aspiring tra gedian, looking sadly at it portrait of him self in an Illustrated paper, "but thls-thls Is the unkindest cut of ail." Chicago Trib une. A Powerful Motive. Genevieve Why don't you break off with blru If you don't like blinf Rosalie Because then that odious 'Mlu Wllllngs would get him. Chicago KeocnL A Measure of Kt-ouowy. "Wasn't Cbolly's marriage rather sua dent" . "Yes, be found that a Imigercngagvnu-nt rank! brkJklBs,"-TlMn)lt Tribune. A SEASIDE PICTURE. THE ami. OLIVE HARPER DESCRIBES MAKES ONE. Dreaass of Dellests Roauty In Dress. Handsomely Oownsd Voting Ladles at Long Braneh Fathlons In Klouent and Willy rhrnses. (Special Corrttpondence.l Lono Branch, July 13. Some of these days thcro will be nothing left of Long Branch but a hole in tho ground, and eomo of ns utter a fervent hope that all tho haokmen will be piled In the bottom of that hole, for thoy are Philistines. Dtit every year old ocoan takes a now bito out of the shrinking shore down hero, nnd every year the bluffs grow smaller, and some day, aa I said, tho great Atlantic will rlso in his might, and not to mako two bites of a cherry swal low tho wholo place What, then, will become of tho pretty girts nnd lovely matrons who think lifo istiot worth living without Long Drancht Thoro bo thosothat lovo Newport, others who think Saratoga Is just hot enough for them, others who prefer Bar Harbor, but wlion ono loves Long Branch it is with n deep nnd nblding affection thnt outlasts seasons. Tlicre is so much moro to Long Branch than anywhere else for those who frequent it that mothers in still lovo and appreciation for it into their baby daughters, nnd fathers initiate thulr sons into its delights. "Are fashions fashionable at Long Branch?" was tho question put to mo to day. 1 think thoy nro, If my eyes do not deceive me, though I have a pair of blue spec. on. Witness a lovely girl ready for a rldo out to that delightful, shady llttlo hostelry where you can sit in the garden, eat fried crabs and ice cream and watch the flsheraon got water blls- MORX1NO AT liONO BRANCH. tors on the backs of their nocks to take home instead of Ash. This pretty girl had a dress of hopsacking of just the approved degree of coarseness In pale tan, and the skirt wonld form a clrclo as true as n trade dollar. Around that skirt she had three rows of bias mordore vel vet and two rows of unplucked sealskin. The waist was mado of accordion plaited silk, trimmed with the velvet and fur in the same ityle as the skirt, with a square yoke of fur and velvet to protect her chest against I'm hot sunshine and warm land breeze. This name anng lady will in tho even ing wear a dress thin und filmy, and the neck will be bare to penult the chill evening -wind to wander around and give her pneumonia as she promenades with somebody on the cool piazzas. Her hat is of red rough and ready straw, with mordore velvet and n flnff of feath ers. Her sister, who got no invitation to rido behind n pair of high steppers, stays around tho hotel and wears a blue and white htriped satin surah made flain almost to sa verity. A pale blue full ront to the waist rises from a swiss girdle of tho dark blue, bordered with a herringbone stitching in scarlet silk. In the afternoon the ladies pnt on dainty gowns, for their husband and the other women's' husbands, or the man they hops will be tholr own husband soma day, begin to return from the city, or the fish pond, or some other place. Now you may see one young lady in an old rose china silk, with large purple flower-de-luce lying as if crushed flat upon it. Around the bottom are three gauf fered puffs of old rose satin and at the knees threo more. The waist is tho kind that is called buby nnd has a wide belt with four ropes of silver tinsel and pale purplo silk. Similar ones border the neck, forming heading for tho epaulets of lace. The sleeves are puffs, with a fall of lace coming to the elbow, where thoy are met with long suede gloves. AFTCnNOON AT LONO BRANCH. There are wraps to be seen down here that would make your eyes water, so pretty they are, and parasols that are dreams of delicate beauty, There are tennis dresses and dancing dresses, rid ing habits, lounging gowns and hats such hats! to beautiful thet you would think fairies had made them, and it seems as if gloves, slippers and hats were never worn but once here at Long Branch, for everything looks so bright and fresh and new that ono enjoys the sight. ' . Ouvk lUl'CUL -Hi i Vv B' ;S5s?frsMjiijft fc'iWiMF tjK " ' VV iVlXsyMlBssassssaaaaMTsM k 'wmHNvmll& Ssjvj rrTTSlE tsjssBBMasy A FAREWELL. Iteportcd by tho Moon.) "Oood night, sweetheart!" ald Htrephon As the clook struik half nt nine, "(lood night, my love!" qnotb Phi III. With i. 'ls I wlhcd were inlno A kls of lingering stvoolncM, Huch aa rarely cmes to men A kls that was not over When tho clock was striking ten. Maaodh!ulil, sweetheart!" quoth Hlrrphoa As tho hands showed quarter past. "Good night, dear bo 1" said Phyllis, With a kiss Just llko tho lasl- A kins of clinging soft ness, Huch as klngi might quarrel o'er - A kiss thnt wai not over Atrlou-n thirty-four. Then each the words ropcatod. With tho tnual refrain, And when nt ono 'twas l.nlslicd i They observed good night again. ' And then I had to leave them, For my tlmo bad (omotSLct. When next I gazed down 0:1 fiom, They wcro wi) lug goml night yot. I think I see why poets Kpeak of sorrow In lora'a spell; Its cci tasy seems mingled With perpntunl farewell. I'ejtcy I'attlwn In Life. The Stern Parent. "I shall be cverlnwtlngly dlsgrnccd, f ther, if you don't help me out of this af fair.1' "You rcftiHo me? Very well, I know what to do I still havo my revolver." 1 "I'LL PAWS IT." Harper's Bazar. TVhat Ilotbered Ulss. On a certain western railroad forconven lenco tho locomotive it mado to push the train down to the terminus Instead of, na on the return trip, pulling tho train after It. This clrcumstnnce occasioned great bo wlldermcnt of mind to n freshly mode citi zen of tho placo who was of Milesian or igin. "I kin nlsy understbnnd," ho observed after watching thin phenomenon one day, "how tho Injlno pulls thlm cars oop, but I'm bothered iutolruly to underMtliand how Ivcrtblm cars pulls the injlnu down I" Youth's Companion. A Wise Discrimination. A Norman gentleman, fond of the weed, offers his clgur ctt.no to hh neighbor on the right. "Much obliged, but I never smoke." He then turns to hit neighbor on the left. "I am 110 smoker, thanks." His wlfo then whispers In his car, "You haven't offered one to the captain I" "Not if I knowltJie smokes!" Annates Politique et l.lttcraires. To Suit. As a youth Daniel Webster seemed some what opnoaed to physical tutor, but he was quick at repartee. While mowing he com plained to bis father that his scythe wns not hung properly. "Hang It to suit your self, Dan." replied the paternal. Tho boy immediately hung It on a tree near by, say ing, "There, father, It's hung to milt me now." Green Bag. Afraid of Nothing. Customer Didn't you tell me this horte wan afraid of nntbingf' Dealer That's just what I said. "Why, he shies nt his own shadow." "Well, a shallow Is nliout us near noth ing ns anything I know of." New York Weekly. Cultivating- the Muse. Put;itff huvo hero somo verses I would llko to siilmlt. They are not perfect, I ad mlU I'trnnns they want lire. lvlltor You tire nulto right, sir. Fire U what they want, but the wnstclxiskct will do just ns well. Texas Sittings. Whj? A young woman hcut to nncwspnprn poem entitled "I Cannot Make Him Smite" and was mudh dlHpleasod when tho editor Sent it back with a Hue saying that she would probably succeed If sho showed him the poem. Tlt-Ulta. A Vang, Long Time. "Don't you think," the mother said proudly, "that her playing shows a remark able flnlshr" "Yes," replied the young man absently, "but she was a long lime getting to it." Boston Globe. Only One Cause. CltUen Don't you think you should look into the cause, of tho death of that man up in our flat f Coroner It'H not i.ecev-nry. Dr. Kllluro atteudeil him. Yonkew btulesmun. An ImHrtaMt yuery. "What would you do without docton'r't "Well, we might get Hlong, but what would the druggists dot" Texas Sif tings. And It iot Itlfht Up. "I didn't know it won so late," said the volcano, awaking from It long slumber. "I roust atart rry ilro." C'liloouo Trlbuuo. j i III nn E3 fr'" ' "- -g ..,....-. THE O AND TKNTII STIlELTa. Capital, $400,000. Surplus, $100,000. oriitKitsi K. B. Harwood, Prrsldr-nt. CiMs. A. Hans, Vkn l'rejldent. F. M.CcxiK.t'nrdilrr. ('. 8. l.irricorT, AcKlctnTit ( nihlcr. 11.8. FkRRMM, AdtUtlilit CilHllter. Willi NnTIHl Bl. LINCOLN, NEB. GAPITAle, $25(),(M)O.00. tlfllrrrsnnd lllrrrlors. Ioiim II. WnmiiT. I'ri'slilcnt. T. K. HtNDKns, Vice I'rrnldent. J. II. M1C1.AT, t'nshlor. F. K. Johpson, II. I. I.nu. TIhm. Cochran, i:. It. Slier. T. W. liwrcy, V. Ii. Dnjton. General Banking Business Transacted. COM.KTIONS A SrWUl.TT. LINCOLN, NEB. CAPITAL, $100,000.00. SURPLUS, $20,000.00. JOSEPH BOEHMEll, Pre. UEHMAN H. SCUABERQ, V.Trefc ClfAS. E, WAITE, Cashier. GEO. H. SCHWAKE, Ant. Cashier. 1. M. Raymond, President, i), E. Thompson, 'Ico President. 8. II. 1.URMIAM, , OHilor. D. O. Wino, AxKlttiuit Cnshior. I WcharV lllnck. Corner litcvcnth ani () Sts. LINCOLN, NEB. Cnpltcil, 2SO,000. 'Miikctorm I. M. IIimmid. I,nl (Irogory. 8. ll. lliirn'iiim.T. W. Lowitj, ('.(I. Dnwes, ('. II. Morrill. A. J. Siiwjtr, K. C. lirown, Y. W. Little, 8. W. Durnhum. (I. M. l,nmtMrtou, D. K. 'Iliompaon. NEBRASKA CAPITAL, $25o,ooo.oo StocklK.ders' Liabilities. CU0,'X. Pujh interest on mivinRH accounts nnd time deH)sila. Furnislus nxchiuiKU froo tocusti meiM. John Tayi.oh, President. James Kilucun, Vlcn Pretddont. i:. It. T1MU.KY. Curlier. A per rt-nt on Deposits I'nld at the Savings :Boializ AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO. Cor. P and Elorenth Sts. TheoulySafe Deposit Vaults in Lincoln DIRECTOH8. N, 8. Hnrwood. N.C. Hroek. Win. Mclaughlin. W. A. 8olIeok. C. T. IhWKS. O. W. Webster. Albert Wat kins. Krtsl Williams, Ituchel Hold. II. D. Iln:hawny. J. Z. ilriscoo. ('. J. Krust. II. W. lirown. It. O. Phillip. K. K. Hlinr. Ili-nrv Volth. Heur K..LewH. Steam Iyoliae: AND CLEANING WORKS. No. tia iv.'i'-wfcjiJttki. sat. UPHOLTERR AND CA1IINKT MAKK't, Does all kinds ot IU-puiring Promptly. All work warranted. :ioh 80. lttb .st. I.liiLoln, Neb. T. 0. 'KEM, I). 1). S. Rooms 25 and 26, Burr Block. riNCOiv, BVISTM. FREg PamphUts dnocrlblng the resources ot KANSAS, ARIZONA, OKLAHOMA, NEW MEXICO and CALIFORNIA, Muyhohiulby addressing O.T.. Nicholson, O. P. i T. A.. A. T. A 8. Y. K. U., Topcka Kanaa. Mention this pupvr. 'DIE Toll Ion I Vail lernv, In soven dfrTeroob nil roursfs. Only biuli tmido indupnndent .tiriuui in tbo state. Iho Finest Iliiildiiicts, iil ments. anil Able Nonnal Faculty. Na (periim-nt, but an estitbllaluMl nnaeinont. W. I iiin-es, III toachere nnd lecturers. A Uts school ur tlio masses. Wrltu for cutslotcue. It. P. SIZGK. Mot. Lincoln, Mob, km NAii Bi. " JJ C 0. M iiii4-rf bi&4j i .