-9jr","m-" Mffi&i0Kp '; fa;V(" -tr jW'f r ; i v , I-. IM-IlS SUJIVOAY MOlNING COURIER '. r$-WO 'T W THE First National Bank O AND TKNTH HTHKlrfs. Gapital, $400,000. Surplus, $100,000. oi'i'i('i:itst K. H. II l!(K)l), I'ri'Milcut. 1'll.vn. A. II VSN.v, Vim I'rmlili'iil. I'. Mi COOK, t'lllillll'r. , ('. S. l.tlTlvorr, AMmit (tamer. II. S. 1iii:i:man, Ar.iHmit Cnitliicr. Colli mtlci. ogo INxition'l J3tualc LINCOLN, NEB. 6AIMTAIrf$20,()00.00. Ofllrer Mini lilrertnm. .loitN II. WllliillT, I'rrslilrnt. T. I'.. Sniii:ki. Vice I'tmiilont. .1. II. Mt('l,..('llKllllT. V. K. JiiIiiixoii. II. 1'. Inii. Tim. Cochran, K. It. Slier, T. . Lmvicy. V. I.. I)iiIiii. General Banking Durness 'l'ransncrd. Coi.i.i.ctomi a Wri:etvin. A MIjWCAN MATIONAU A BXCIIANGB IN BANK. Ulcli.ir.IV lUiick, Cur. Mcventh aiU O Su. LINCOLN, NEB. otriiitfii, ijt-jno.oo.). I. .M. liVVMIINII, 1'ri'hilllMll. I), i:, 'I'iiomi'm'n. VIoi. IVflilcnt. S. II. HfitMlAM.Cniililcr. 1). (1. Wimi, Aci-lslaiil ('iidilvr. Diumtoiih -I. .M. Iliiymnnil. I.owlo Owwiry, S. II. lliirilliiiin. T. V. Luvvcr), ('.(I. l)nwj"H,( . H.JIiirlll. A. .1. Snwjor, I.. K. Iliovvii. KVv. Utile, S. V. ISiiriilmm. (I. M. I.iinibortMiii. 1). K. Tlii)ini!"iii. Qcrman JSJ ational Bank, LINCOLN, NEB. CAPITAL, $100,000.00. SURPLUS, $20,000.00. JUSlll'JI UOEIIMhUi. Pit. 1IKUMAX II. SCllAMCUG, Pies. CIIAS. A'. U'AITH, ('ashler. GKV. II. SCIIWAKK, As.it. faultier. . jut rent nil lrn.-lt I'ldil iittlie S&ciL'Vi.i.'i&giS 33cira2t AND SAFE DEPOSIT' CO. Cur. P iiml KU'Vi'iith St. The on I ij. Safe 1 7(w Wntlti In Linenlii IJIIIKCU.US. N. S. Ilnrvvun'). N.C. Ilr rk. Win. MrLiitulillii. W. A. Si-!l ( k. C.T. ll.n. O.W. WflKwr. Allcit Wnikn i. I'rnl WiMnr h. ltnchol Llojil. II. D. llntlinwiiy. A.'.. Hi if i'. t"..l. Kii'ht. 11. V. hi wn. I!. . l'.i.'.i. . r '.'. ixit. II nr cltli. II m K. Low In. IV J5 13HJA S3 JCPk. CAPITAL, 2m).ooo.oo HtiickliiiliK'N' Lillliilltlex. jnVIi),WSI. I'll-" liitt iv.r on vmiiu-i iiccoimtu unit time ilo.n x t. l'liriiNlies 'toliiiiiKt true Id ClUltlllllPJH. Jons Tvw.on, I'reslili'iit. JAMW KlMICllN, Vll'ii l'r -xi'ltfllt. ii. It.TiMiui:.(,ntilir. CAPITAL Steam T$r&lrtx AND CLEANING WORKS. Xu. 11: 8 N.TwolfH. 5"t. UPHOLSTERER ami c vtiv i.r m itr.u. Dies all km In df Recalling P.omptly. A'l work tturiantod. :t(lH So. I ltd M. I.lnoilli. Vi'li T. 0. KEHX, !). IK S. Fooms 2 and 26, Burr BIolU. LIXCOI-N. - - .VISIt. LADlliS' AND CHILDREN'S IIAIIttTTTIXd o o o SHAMPOOING A SPECIALTY, r SA3I WETKHIKLIi'S. RUHR UI.OCF. PHoKEtfOfRRKtfeJ't" afljSLurf:. JEB. 129 LlKCOliKi S. 30. ST. rain UN .Mr. T. S. A lion went to Union Tuesday. lion. Thomas.!. Majors was In tho oily Tiu'wliiy. Mr. It. I). Muirri'ttiriU'iiTuvHiliiyfrmn Chicap). Mr. II. i:. Kohhiim left Tlmmlny for Cliicii'o. Mr. X.U. Ahlwitt left for C1iIck ThuiHilay. MIhh I'.llu Kaufman dopartod for Ohio TlniiHday. Mr. Iloinan 0. Dawori Iuim tutnrnod from Ohio. Mr. Air Shilling .loft .Sunday Un w woild'H fair. Mih. 1-3. S. Mayor loft Tuowlay Tor Philadoliihia. Mr. A. H.IIarKrayoH roturnoil Tmwdny fiiim Chicnuo. Mr. and Mih. 11. E. Monro hno rotnrnod from Chloii'o. Mr. Vj. K. Ihown tottirnod Tuonday from Cliii'nn"- ludv S. 'J'. Cochran wont to'l'liornton, Iowa, 'J'uowlay. Mih, A. L. Sullivan hat uiturnod from tho woild'H fair. Mr. A. Ivooh-A'ndriano was an Omaha vimtor 'J mwlaj. lion. H. It. Cltoor, of Koaruoy, wim in tho city laHt wook. MShhAkiiph Kitchen loft Vodnondny rorSalt Lal;oUit. Hon It. II. CVrlin, or Omalia, wan in tho city TlniiHday. Mih. Lucy Rtoariw loft Wodnonday for San I raucihco. Mr. A. S. liioou. of Omaha, wan In tho city all of hint wook. Hon. V. J. C'ouuoll, of Omaha, wan in tho city Wodnonday. Mr. ami Mih. OoorKo K. ShloIdH loft Monday for bl. l.ouin. Mr. iIuliiiM WoHtoiuian 1h doinj; lojior torial wo.k on tho Ike. Mr. tioorno Valnh roturnod hint wook from Coritoll uulvoiHity. Mr. and Mih. II. II. Shaw departed for Chicago WodnoHday. Mr. 1. .J.CoHgrflTo willdolivora lourth of duly oration at lOxotor. Mr. and Mrn. K. It. Hutchison have Hono to JolVotHon City, Mo. Mr. .John T. Dorian returned lant Sat urday fiom Salt Lalco City. M!r. and Mih. C.C. Waldo departed for tlto world'n fair Wednesday. Mr. and Mrn. William Clark huvo ro turnod fiom tho woild'H rair. Mr. William McLaughlin Iiiih re turned from tho world'n fair. Mr. and Mih. It. 1). Muir rotuined Tuofday from tin world's fair. MisH Josephine and Mii8 Mary Tro maino loft for Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mih. 10. E. Ponnott returned Thau-day from tho world'H rair. Mr. VimDropHor. or WuHhington.iH tho Ki'ost of Mr. and Mih. It. JI. Oakloy. Mr. 11 White loft Tuonday for Indian apolis, whoro ho will spend the Hummer. Mr. Ivozin Welch krt WodnoBdayovon ingror I )onvorand other Colorado pointn. Mr. and Mih. CIuiiIoh M. Koofor ro turnod ThurHday from tho world'H fair. MisH Amy Lander, or Denver, ih visiting her nistor, Mif-H Jessio Lander. I'rofot-sor and Mrs. Cioorgo E. How ard will leave Monday ior tho woild'H Tair. I tow and Mrn. T. X. Dahi andoung oHt daughter have rotuined from Chi cago. Tho MifScH Carson are ovpoctod hack friiiu Chicago tho latter part of thin wook. Mr. Thomas II. Honton and Mr. My ron Wheeler loft Thuit-'day for the wi rld's fair. Mips Xorth or ColuniliUH has lioon tho guest of tho MIss-'oh Cowdory, for tho pant few days. Mr. and Mih. M. P. Miller, or HagoiH town. Mi1., mo thoguoHthof Mr. and Mrs I). I'. Eamonlay. Hon. A. It. Humphrey, coiuuiipHlonci of pul. lie lauds and huilding. wan in Xorfolk liiHt week. Mrs. It. W. FurniiH. of llrownvillo. is i.i Lincoln visiting her hou, Mr. C!. (I. l'"iuiiaa. at ITU" P Ht. Mr. (loorgeZuokor, of Now York Cit, was tho kih st of Mr. and MrH. Herpol. slioinior the piiHl wook. Mr. .). I. Maefa.land rntuniod tho willy part of tho wook from Washington, P. C., and Pennsylvania. Tl.o formal opening of the now llihor. nian liall. thiitoenth and P stiootH.will occur WodnoHday ovoning, duly 5. Miss Henrietta Hawloy wont to No li. aska City ThurHday, whoio hIio will remain a few weeks visitlngwitli fr.ondH. Mr. and Mih. Fred C. Howo roturiii'd from their Inidnl tour Sundaj. Tiny United Dom or and other Colorado pointr. Mr. W. E. Annin.or Washington. I). C. and Omaha, who war Senator Paddock' private sociotary, was in tho city Thim my. Mr. and Mrs. ltoliort Mcltoynolds, of Oklahoma City, am receiving tho coi. Mti la iniih uf heir fiiondh .it the Lin do 1. M . D. !'.. TlomiMinund lorsiso. , Mis Mit.-y M 11-t who haw Loon i 0 .cm.; ,i.io iXji'ced hauK in a fi-w I ll ,H. I Mrs. D. L. llinoo and Miss Klw'd-y I I -i. ii.ius lay fu, .ho Xviv Yoi'K Chau tauiiia. They will visit tho world's fail on route. Dr. CI. A. McCandloss of Lanoastor. Pa., is tl.o guest of his nephew, Mr. L. A. Mc"andle's. Tho doctor thinks or lo caUug in Lincoln. Mih. Zi'hiung and Mr. Frank C. 'oh rung will leave in a Tow days for Col firaiYo. when' it is honed Mrs. Zohriuur's health will ho honelltted. Mr. O. W. Wohflter and sou Joseph returned Tuosdaj from tho world'H fair. l.MiH. Wol.stor and Master Itlcluud will I spend thomimmcr in Ohio. ! Piof. OweiiH. of tho Htato uulvorslty, has hoon uiado a momlier or tho Inter national oongrossor olootrioians, to moot In I'lilcago August -1 to'JI. Theto will ho plenty or skilled em plou'sin attendance at tho sanitarium on Tin: Cm'iin.u's fioo iIiijh. Parents need have no fear of their children, Mrs. John It. Clark and Miss Lulu Clark toturnetl homo last Saluiday, no. oouipauli paiilodliy It, who lui Misses llertioand Margniot Clai Miss Clara Walsh will leave next Thursday for Philadelphia, to join rela tives, and together they will go In At lantic City, N. J. to spend tho milliliter. Mr. II. M. Hufihuoll editor or tho Call, iloliveiodan interesting address ioforo tho teachers institute Wednesday even ing on his experiences in South America. Professor Xowootnher has made Until turangomontH to go to California to take tho chair or languages in a ptivato school near Leland Stanford univeisity. Mr. John West, of Denver Ih visitlui in Lincoln. It Is expected (hat loturii witii Ids fiiiuilv in the near fu ture and iigiuii tidto up Ids loHnleneo in Huh oily. Mif. Jennie SI Hen and her tdsterMV- Ituhy Jones, loft Mondax for tho world's fair. The. will I ii joined later li Miss Mario Jones, who has hoon studying at (Irand Itupiiis, Midi. Mr. C. It. Iticliter. or St. Joseph. Mo., ppenl Sunday in the cit.w Mr. Itiehtei. who loft Lincoln a war or so ago. is holidly oHtahlishoil in lim new liomo, and is in tho enjoyment of deserved yron pority. Mr. and .Mrs. Osear Fniiko loturnod Trom their Inidal tiip Woduosday. Tlioy spent three weekn iu Cliicago and on the lakes. Mr. and Mih. Fuulcc are residing on Kstieet hotwoou Tweirth and Thir teenth. Mr. J. D. Knight who i on a tishing expedition near Ton or, Minn., i-eiit homo a haiiel of Hh last week to Mr. John liiwoll, wliogouoroitsly distribu ted them among tho elllploxoH al tho Colli t hllUFO. Mr. !'. W. ColliiiH addiesod tho Lan caster county teacher's institute at Mon day's session. His lecoptioii wiih moHt piilhusiastic. Mr. ColiiiiH is one of tho most fniciliio HieakeiH in the Htato. and his servici's arc much in demand. Mr. and Mis. L. C. Ilurr and Mim Chillies L. Uurr returned from Chicago Tiitsdav. after a ton ihij's visit at the rair. 'Ihe weio accompanied hy Miss Mao Ilurr. whom they mot in Cliicago on hor return fiom La Salle seminar). Aulniriidalo, Mas. Vm. CJoo. 11. Frankfurter han arrived in tliis city from (loruiany to take charge of tlie chemical work in the experiment station connected with tho Htato univer sity. Piof. Frankfurter has hoon in vestigating for a iiuinher of years iu tho noted uuiveiHitiesof (.ierinnuy, and hoiiio of his discoveries) iu chemistry are of substantial value. The new pipe organ in St. Marks Liitheren church won pulilielv tested Fiiday evening at an organ recital given In ProroKHot F.J. Ileiiedict or St. Louis, assisted ly Miss Sadie Horkley, the elocutionist. A siilendid piograin had hoon propoied, and tho V. P. S. C. E. H'rvod ice cream iu tlie lower part of tho chuieh. Mr. W. V. K'elloy. whos. brilliant ser vices as special correspondent for tho state .limruul during the Indian trouHi'H in tho iilnck "ITills. attracted much attention tit tho time. infie-ueutlj referred to in the world's fiio puohea tiou issued liy Mull'alo Hill. In this pub lication tho wiling Lineolnito is called tho "bravo young Kelley." A numhoi of oxtraets from his diHpatches to tho Jour nal aio prink"'. Mr. Mark A. Skinner, of Colorado SpiiugH. Colo., and Miss I initio H. Hed ges wero united iu marriage Wcdnesda evening at tli' losi.ioiio" of the bride. laiiSslreot. Uev. C. II. Xewuau iilll dating. The coieinouj icjiirred at Siliti o'clock and was vitno8'od by ro iativPH and intimate frionds. It' was fiilliivvod by tin elaborate vwddiug .Hiip per. Mr. and Mrs. Skinner left Friday for their homo in Colorado. Whatever may bo tho caus of blanch ing, tlie hair miiv lie restored to ItB original color by tho use of that polent .omody Hull's Vegetable Sicilian I lair Iteaewer. IJovb and g'ul between tho ages of It! and 'id, who furnish their own Imlhint'; suits, will lo admitted to tho gio. t, pluiiuo in the new sanitarium, l-ou,-N'onth and M r.n.nts. APSOLUTEIA' I HIKE OF CHAIKiE. Tuesday audi Saturday luoinii'H. July I and 15, upon I lie prerontatiuti of nCiiuiittii coupon.1 Tuesday morning, fnun '.) in 12 o'elock. kn lioys; Saturday nio:niug. July 1.1, same Iiouih, for girls. JeoKeil Hios. n.-vv tailititu es'ab! sh meiit, lit) north Thirlooith street n r the Lansing is tlie popular rchort r r stylish garments. New Imported SwisH Cheeeo. .V (iitrord.groco.s, opmsite Ilurr Miller block. Never give a party or order ice urenni, ices or lunches until you have tlrM boon Mr. Hi own at tho Jloyal Cafe, P2I Xorth Tenth stieet. For Sunday dinner supplies liidtor's market, oppjslto Laiisitii tor. Phono UK). call at : Thou- I'urs storcil for tho summer insured I'ico from moths a.ul theft at F. K. Vi.olkor's. practical furrier, Y. M, C. A liuilding. !: ml t: rMir imiii. Pr. W. '.. D.. 'in no ibs a'i'l uirW , N.i. ll. i (I st.e.t, L. ic i!;j. Xeb. i ink 1'irnxiJ oor weak FO.l th WOlt .1- o I AIR. I You will always tlud a great lino Jo select fiom at our store. All tho very ' latest HliapcH and designs in the mos't ! c niifortitlile and easiest lit Mug. Tans in i Oxfords, (iaiteis, and bluchers and nil! tho other nobby olk'c.s. WE1ISTEU ,v ItODOEItS, lwl . O. street. u S. (iillick, I'awhio'.ialilo Tailor. Latest novelties iu goitlomus' sining goods. (Iillick still caters to tho wish of tho public. Call on him an 1 hu suited. ' 1010 O street, room 10. , HON, W. F. CODY, iiiiiiiiiu inn iimi hi, (hiiniiiiiumiiioi' the Willi Writ Htittu. At Theiovvas aiioiuptlon or HulTalo Hill's wild west show in Sundav's Cliicago Herald. "Hein Is aglluipsoof the grand entice; Cossacks follow, standing in tho stirrups, waving, shouting, twirling their guns a dangerous oiowd they scorn as they take their, position in tho lapidly foi tiling body of horsemen, And thou comes the Alalia, their oiig elnaks Hying, their little hoises bending low ami running the earth Willi their sharp little honrs. They aio like a loaf from "Aiaddln." Thoy aio like a dioant fiom Asia. Theto is an American git I alone an American girl who can tell .mhi soinethiiigof tliiHcountiy ,voti call ,vour homo. She has lived hot life in the wild west, ami her friends are tho mountains. She passes like a Hash, but she helps her horse as lie wheels about and faces you. And then with a blare or Ituinpels and tlto noihoor much shouting, comes tlie Amoiiean cavalry from I ho distant entrance way. A piolly incident was added tho day I visited tho show. In tho biiv below mo sat Mis. Cody, wife of ImiIuiIo Ulll, witli iter daughter and hor daiiglito.V daughter tho latter u bright little child of iiouiil .1 voars. The little one Iimi kept her place iu the bo till the Americans wcie lieialdeil, audas tho Hindus of "L'he Star Spangled llatiner" welcomed the soldiers hIic slipped fiom her uiother'H side and began a little wall)', of her own up and .down I lie passageway between tho I)o.ch. She helil her Iniiuls aliovo lior head and plrouollod grace fully down and back, caioless or the thousands who had turned for the moment fiom tho Hold to wateh her liiin'eing and then darted baok to her mother with a laugh of delight. Willi a laugh or delight that was succeeded ill a moment by u scicaui or pleasure and a baby salute from two white hands, ror hero was llulialnl hill. Ho iodo from Die distant gate tow-aids us. not with tho wild rush or common men, but with the graeeful I movement of a master whose ominone( was lit in. Ilhi lioisc is the gift of i uonorui .vines a spiomuu animal, as proud of his master ns a horse can bo. and as clean or limb as an Aiab barb. Theto iHiisidvoor oheeisas the king of scouts dcsoiibof Ids oh o!o. bowing to the left and light, then pausing for a mo ment hero at our foot to lir Ids hat and and smile his iickuovvicilgoiuentH or our hearty welcome. 'Ladies mid gentlemen,' lie says and wmiehow it doesn't for a moment seem the formal address of a showman. Ladies and gentlemen, wo welcome von to this congress of nations, anil' Imt you 1om the wotds there, for Ihe cheoiH have not died out yet. Hut you catch in strong tones, 'Hough liders of tlie woilu'aiid the wide slouch hat is ic ttuticd to tho head us tho handsome hijrso backs away fiom tho stand and takes his position at the front of the solid Kiiuaro. Tho little grandchild or tho leader has never seen him at the head of his men. She is standing on her chair, ohippinu her hands and call ing a rapturouH greeting. The. bund is playing its HWiTtost music. Hoforo vou. in successive Hinges, rest the links of that chain which begins with tho Inuso men ol A ruby and coiiiiccIh evcrv race in every eliiuo. ending with this 'group of Indians who seem born for tho saddle and tho i fin." I.liirnln IVnpV.. Iii OiiimIiii, Lincoln people who go to Omaha, ami Lincoln p.-ople have hoiir-Iiow noitiiiil tlie habit or going lo Omaha with more or less fieiuoncy. have discovered that tiio pleiiMintest place to put up at in the popular Murrav hotel. Manager Ira lligby lias thepli-iisiiieiif greoMng many of his old time l.iieilu r i'-nils. Mr. lligby is a hotel man or wide experience. llo was connected witli the Windsor hotel iu this city, and was for some time proprietor of tho Hotel Watson. Xe in aska City. He lias friends every where, and ids known capability as a hotel manager is adrawingcard. Tho Muriay is the hotel for Lincoln people. '1 lie table is unsurpassed and tlie rooms are the pleasantcst in the city. Miiniiii't- VVimIuii And that tired feeling, loss of appetite and nervous ptiHtratiou aio iliivon away by Hood's S.usapaiilla. like mist before the morning sun. To reali.e the benotlt of tluHgieat medicine, give it a trial ami you will join the army of en thusittBtic adiniieisof Hoods Sarsatitir ilia. iil"iniil rittifii-. will sell tickets at greatly loduced ratei on account or tlie X.itiomi birt inlay Fouith of July tickotH on pale July .r and 1 and giHiii for return until and 'includ ing July ."; City otlieo ltfil O ntioet i.incolu Neii. J. E; . Miliar C. T. A. Till'tlMi llitlle.. Tho tin kih lintli depu.'tmiMitn of tho Hiint.uiu'ii .in' now completed, and they ate, wit in .nt eijceptioliH, the rlnet in tie state. 'II. .-re uro tw distract depart mi u s, one for ucn and o ie fur vvmiiio.i. Timii I i'li ItrtK lo ( iiliu-iiilii. Tho lini.ii Pacitic rath. ay will now sell round trio tickets tj Denver, Cm , rado Spr.ngs. Manitou ami Puel lo nt tin low rate of ,b-l.l" ginid ritn:ninn j until October .'Utt. Stop .iveia allowed liotwo-'u l'uoblo and Cboy.iino. t or 1 nnl piutici Iji'h cdl or itud.oss C.tv Tick-t olllce. Itl I O street. I J. i.Mvh'IIN. E. 1. fc I,'li ON, I C.iy I lelset Agoi.t, (.ion. A ,ont. Do not forgot 'I'm. loh.ii its two fro days at tlie uaiiitaiium. I'.oys andgi.ls wiih Coi'itu a coupons admitted lite to the great plunge, luosday, ,lt.h I ai. Sal unlay, July lo. Jso bUie iui.i ci.t out i lie coupon. HushiivH men thut want a clean ccono micdl luiieli tit noon, t us tend or going home, w ill and a Hue ouinc- at the Cate L ,.l -i Si.th 'ic i h s. '. Pi icon ..i.lll 4lA.' l.. I UtilHi 'U' 1)(1111,1.. ( .IL'UIO f O ..duilShlo.i u hi (,-fiu i ill.ie ill tl.o 11 IV ril ..ullUUl. Mrs. McChive and M e. Euiiiiiiiuur, line iliiSHiiuiUi. g, I 'J 8 O srreot. ( lt ( )i"Fi7i k7 oiFfuiiiT rou pun. Ask your grocoryman for tho "Will oi Itolling Mills'' Flour, Clias. Haivcy, pio (hit-tor. Iinpiirofor i.itMe lla.eiiet," Nickle Plato, 'mil 1-iiKeis' Cms aic-." I- very sack wainuted. 'Ihe llnost grocery sto:o in thu citw Miller ic ILirn.il, Special Discount sdlei Tnl)le Iviinoiiis9 'Xovxols iiicl Ttviy Guodi HT iEHTLY REOUCED PRICES I5IvOCI-I fe Pi'io;ivskIvo I "! 141 AND I YOR ToiRSTS liiteiidinu; XrItil to I'm to Ti'fivoloew, 11 io WorliJ' Soa SlKii'Uq MoiiiitrilnM'oi' I ,t I ICC'M, Will find it greatly to their advantage to look through our stock before making up their Just now wo ore offering some o.vceptionully fine bargains in all lines of IS An.l t.tii mvl' callutl batgain "ii from houses, PI to ?t) -V uk. i in south loth st, orrosm: aovKiiXMiw squaiib. GOLLgGB, Tt. Solioo,! I'dp tlo MisKosi 1 11 8PRL If 'FtiUME'.tLY OF SHENANDOAH. IOWA.i tn iiopiii'tnioiiiMi wltliiitit cli.ii.rf. j..4iiiiii liini.lm. ,ilainli Mitui.niMiin, i.iiiri r acciti,n,ii Minim, .truiic iHi-ull. exii;ri I inn. iiBi'in.'i I, i" mir.'lii'i.iilM e iriliutiiin, tlnnm-sh vvi rk. Iiluii iRi-lul unit l JuUii in ii.nin-iu'iw mill .iivv exp -i i lur ntuil.-nl. .-.,..... DUI'AUTMKXTS AND GOUKSES. Wi. Ii ivii " rtiur . Our iniuic tint' nrt, m.ii ait, ilolwirtu, iilooutlumirx, nurrk mill klmlcr unili a in it iii.iiIk) Iniliiiui; oliiiN ifur tutli cliililr.-n ut.il tuil ut t Ci.i). nr. n, i i mill,..) In lii tvntl. STltl-UT CAR i;iiii part if tlm elf j" fnriil! vilmntl.-n I tin- Wot Tn N.irmnl. V.m din eater nt mi 4limi nail ilml jiul viii'li rlui.ii-ii nii ilw.i V rii.i, irrnll mill . iiji. h His liTiinii-ii uiil II. I'KI. iii.iI .'iiiiuu-i low M.k.. Siimiii r ti'tin m.-n Jiuin'.M. i-nl. mil cimtliiu.- vmi'I... uii ouii .'lit r ni 'ia llm., Ii,.w,.,-,t. Ciiti.l.i-it. a riu'ulnrv .'iw " mm NORMAL WOE. UNMirto. TELEPHONE 250. James ii. IciNri3 It STISAM AND HOT WATER HEATING. (las and Electric Fixtures. Agent r v CAPITOL ami 110LTON HOT WATER HEATERS and COMBINATION (!.VS MACHINES. 125 NORTH NINTJiSIREET,,,, nitiiiiiiiiiiHi' Cdplcliis, KIOIIIV'SS C.ooilN ISmporiiiiii. 143 O STREET. K Infill, K . vr t.nt over prices o.ffurcil by so ? mwi P Lll s t." i'oiiohoi'N, TKANSFKHS Il'.l. .1. ('A'o.t.V, l'r,'si,lent,ur IF. .. KIXSl.KV, .vv'njf Trfuit. oriiTr. i --'i i) 4