1MXE& &XJJKDAJY MOKLLVIdVO COURIER AYER.S LLA IIMlREOOTHtB Will CUBE YDU Fsfiff '. A Bright Lad, Ton year of aco, lint u ho itc-ellne to kIi I1I1 inline to tliu imlillo, m.iki4 this nuthoilzi'il, cuiinilciitl.il state nii'iit tu list "WlipiiIwfuniH'jpnrold.iiiymamtinillfit 01 loininiipilon. 'Hie ilix'tor said Hint I, too, would soon die, mill nil our iiHlMiom tluuiKlit tli.it ccn If I illit not (lie. I would iieer lie utile to walk, lieontm- I win v wenk mill puny. A iriitlicrlnu foiined 11ml liiokt' iiiiiIci- my nun. 1 hint my fingernail It LMthcivil nml threw out piece 01 ttoiip. If I hint mjself o in to tnimk tho sKln. It wiii sine to heroine n riitinlni; nine. I luul to liiko I0I1 of nu'illcliiu, luit iKitlilnc lini lone me so much pood n Ajcr'n Sumpa U"!1, .!' L'i,H ",,",,' "to well tiiul sIioiil'.', '1. D. .M., NorciUin, Kims. AYER'S Sarsaparilla l'rrpnrcd by Dr. J, O. Ayer Si Co., Lowell, Mnn. Cures others, will cure you A WREATH OP SMOKE. CUBANS, CREOLES AND SPANIARDS ALL USE THE WEED. ItcAiitlfnl l:jr, Hlirottdrd by Lour, IlnrU t.n1iV Tim ttnlvrMl Courlray nf the Htrvut Wlicre llrnry Clnjr Clunri Ar A Ceuti Kuril. Hn'oll Cntrvstioiidonco.) Havana, Juno 17, Tho first thing wo seo in Havana is 11 cigarette. Its odor Is tho lust memory that In wafted to tin as wo loavo tho harbor. Tho pilot who boards our vessel smokes n cigarette, tho bumboat man who iiiipurtutiea us wheu wo drop atiuhor smokes ti cigarette, anil when wo Intid at tho wharf a cigarette is poked into our face. -Cigarette rolling is in 11 high Bt ago of perfection in Cuba. Tho American young man can learn n good deal in this direction. Tho Cuban $ Dr. T. O'Connor, (Succo.HHor to Dr. Clmrlis Sttnrlae.) CURES CANCERS, TUMORS, W.ns nnd rintnlna without the use ot Knife, Chloroform nr lit her. Ullicc 1300 U Htrwt llm-u Mock. LINCOLN, NEB. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Best Dining- Car Service In tho World. TO THE WORLD'S FAIR TAK THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE PROM THE WEST. Be member, this Line hat a Depot for all trains at Enfflewoodfauburbor Chicago), close to the World' ralr Oat. TAKE THE ROCK ISLAND. JNO. SEBASTIAN, G. T. AND P. A. CHICAGO, ILL. BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND tttrtntlou. It serves men and women alike as n parasol or umbrella. I saw but 0110 woman wearing a bonnet. A light laeo shawl around tho shoulders or thrown ovor tho head mid n fan are the protection used by u Havana lady against tho sun. Tho men who labor dress very lightly. An undershirt and a pair of trousoriuire sufileient raiment. Children of toutler ages are often in a most Edenliko stale, but nobody notices mch things. Even Women stroll around In the business portion of tho city In a looseness or scarcity of garments that would cnuso a pious northerner to shut his eyes. lint this nuno northerner will not bo In Havana n day, from April to Novem ber, before ho wishes his conscience would allow him to dress in nothing at all. Tho narrow streets and a nun straight overhead causo tho great drops to roll down tho visitor's face, while the people ho meets are most aggravating))' cool. When tho stranger sheds his A GENUINE MONARCH. THE SULTAN OF JOHORE WILL SOON UE OUR QUEST. never glances at his pajier and tobmfto. !,,,'. .1 . 1 .... i ......,..,. 1... ii . m..i.iv nt.iu.i!...i ..f 1.1. a a r clotliyfi i ml getH down to two meals a W.OJvNS V v.- vy , Ho is entirely oblivious of his fingers Ho does not moisten tho edge of tho pa per so as to cnuso adhesion. Such an act in n breach of good manners. Vet the roll retains its shape, and its smooth sur faco is not wrinkled. day, ho decides ho can live for a week or so. Hi) L. Haiii.n. JfepMHS 'J"T . H- ' T " " jn - A THING OF BEAUTY. Till. -&&&&&- A HAVANA STItlXT. Theso cigarettes aro of three colors- yellow, white and brown. The yellow provails among natives, while tho whito cotton paper is preferred by strangers. I do not beliovo there is a resident of Havana who does not smoko old men and boys, hags and beautiful ladies. 1 ( 1 luivo 6eeu women walking tho streets with tho longest and blackest of cigars in their mouths. To a foreigner tho Bight is disgusting, but custom sanctions it. A gentleman whom I met in tho city informed 1110 ho smoked on nn aver ngo flvo packages of cigarettes a day and two or thrco cigars. Cigarettes aro put up 11 in a bunch, nml 11 wheel contain ing 1)3 packages can bo bought for $1, Spanish. Henry Clay cigars aro $" and $3.50 a hundred. They aro 15 cents apiece in tho Uuited States. American money commands n premium of from 8 to 10 per cent over Spanish money. Tho mur-. kot fluctuates greatly, however. Tho great tobacco factories in Havana j never fail to astonish tho visitor. Every detail is open to inspection. Cigars aro rolled in countless hundreds by inachino and hand, and cigarettes are spun out in j a never ending roll, chopped olf at one . end into the right length. Qirls of vari- ItiiiiiUoinc (linrl Tlinl Will C'lono Mm World' I'ltlr. ISprchil CorrvRpoiiiU'lit'c. CaUTIIaoi:, Ills., .lune '."J. A middle aged mrinwnlkod into Carthago from his country home, a mile northwest of tho town, ono day last week, and in his hand ho carried a delicately carved gavel. It is tho gavel to bo used in tho ceremonies of closing tho World's Columbian expo sition at Chicago Oct. Ill, IBM. W. 11. Hartels is tho man who wrought this wonder by his own hand. No sooner had ho reached town with his precious piece of wood than ho was induced to liavo a photograph taken of it yid him self as well. In his hand ho is holding tho gavel with which Mr. Lafayette Funk as president of tho Illinois bonid of managers will officially close tho great fair. This gavel was niado expressly for tliis purpose by Mr. Uartels upon tho re quest of tho board of managers. A mere description of tho gavel will not convey the actual beauty of tho piece. It contains Ti different pieces of wood, most elaborately carved and in laid. Tho gavel proior is Hindu of a very choice- cherry burl which shows tho birilseyes. Ono end is bo carved that it can bo inlaid with gold, upon which an appropriate inscription will boengraved. Tho other end contains Mr. Funk's Ini tials, "L". V.," in 11 beautiful monogram inlaid in aspen, walnut and sumac. Tho shaft of tho handle Is carved und is in laid iu Italian maripiotry and is a dream of art. Tho Bartels farm, consisting of about B2 acres, lies at tho edge of a beautiful strip of timber a trifle more than a mile northwest of Carthago. Upon its site in tho early days was erected inissibly ono of tho first sawmills iu tliis part of Illi nois. James Uenbow, a pioneer citi zen, says that ho mado the rails for tho old fence that encircles this farm in 1HJ1. IIk Hit n I'nit 1'iir ('ollerllng- .ftnirln A Hlrittik Adinliliirr of lntrllliii'orp ami lloinlm.t llir third Moimrrli to Vlult Our (llnrloii. Itrpulillr, (Hint'lM Cnrrcsponilr ni'p.) CmcAtio, Juno 83. This country Is soon to witness tho arrlvnl of a now guest iu tho person of tho richest and most widely known of tho smaller oilen tal rulers. Tho shah of Persia has de cided to keep within tho boundaries of his domain this year, tho kaiser will not come, and tho only mnnaich wo shall see will t tho sultan of Johore. Deputy Commissioner Lake of tho World's Columbian exposition lias re ceived word to Join tho sultan at Carls I bad, where lilu majesty is now sojourn I lug for his health, and ho has sailed thither for tho purpose of conducting iilin to thq United States. The visit of an oriental potontato to this country Is of more than passing sig nificance Tho sultan of Johoro will Ik) tho first of tho eastern moiiarchs to set foot upon our shores, and his welcome will bo cordial and demonstrative. Ho is wealthy enough to keep up while travel ing a state almost equal to that main tained by the shah, and those who have tho good fortune to seo him will talk long about his wonderful jewels. Tho sultan Is said to possess tho finest collection of diamonds, rubles and pearls in tho world. Many of tho gems have histories which tell tho story of tho rise and fall of tho elTeto monarchies of the cast, and as ho has a fad for collecting tho finest within his reach ho has spaicd no expense to enrich tho royal treasury in this direction. It requires no little search to find tho domain of tho sultan of Johoro on the map. It lies at tho foot of tho Malay peninsula, a very small country, and one of which tho world at largo hears but little. Hero tho august sultan rules ovor a few hundred thousand people, Malays like himself, and holds his throne by the grace of Queen Victoria. An English governor who resides at Singapore, tho chief city of the peninsu la, takes euro of tho queen's Interests in that part of tho world and Incidentally looks after the sultan. The rajahs of Johoro havo from time immemorial been very ricli, possessing jewels 111 great abundance and keeping up a state as rulers far beyond tho importance of their cramped domaiu. mM rt Vl0Rrir$ f MR WiVJRS0H RKES. THEY WILL PERMIT The most direct 11 MAMMOTH Til KNOWN A' t ALL TOGO Sv f'7rvN f to Is via the VbvVV'llnV I nk mm: l&W,i .. 1! "Y Nrxi V B-issay-ww -r - .v &sss il II ?l Hill ---- w$j V ffi rd.Vi2SeS Ki . . Jj' -f IsINCOLN TRUNK FACTORY. It Is the only IIihI-cIiihh Hue In the city, and all should buy tlcketn over this route. Tninks, Tinvollng lings, Extension Ciihch, Pocket Hoo1h, Dressing Cases, HtrnpH, and everything flint class for tiavellets. Rambler Bicycles ARE EASlkY RISGOGNIZED. c There is a certain air of distinction about RAMUloliH riders haps yon havo noticed It. por ous ages and complexions put tho littlo TJmt wa(J moro tlmn ,mlf n century nBOf cylinders into packages. ith such fa- uml t re,iriMi,lclHi i beauty and won- CHICAGO 1 11 ON W CREST OF IKE AUEGHAN1ES. iMiiia l.lm 1) A (). It It ) SEASON' OITuNS JUNH IS, 1891. Hates, 8i0, 6".r) and t'.Hl a month, lie couling to location. Addiess OEOIKll-J I). DlRIMELDR, Manager, Cumberland, Mil., up to June 10; after that date, either Deer P111U or O.iUlnnd, Ciiinett county, Mil, (Jk) HRLATEST Um 1 111. WORLD. !E EDICIN noHUHiuc OUtCKtll Cullarvi'lul fiirilri'HlnriM.nlulnliiir tl liiu.l iknriliiiui'ur.'i.of Ciniiiuitlm. ( nm r, lirlKlil't IIIm'ui, Sirufiiln, t rma SihllU lilu uitiatUni, Cuturih, 1-luu.ria. Ktiimmh ImiiiIiIi1, tt ru. t ISU IIIM4IIU Inr 11IIV hot Krlllllm1. B iKHifltnlvl rj-lHir IIIIUSH Mil KIIIIK klLLkH cilitlcs at their doors, it is no wonder tho Havannns live with n light between ' their lips. The people deny that tho habit effects them. But 11 stranger is nt onco struck with tho sallow, lifeless faces of tho men ho meets. The causo may be tho heat, tho fever or tho tobacco. I Iu 110 city iu tho United States is so much courtesy shown tho stt anger. Po- J liteness is bred in tho Spaniard and Cu ban. Ask tho dirtiest figure that pushes nn oar or basks on the leveo for a light for your cigar. Ho draws out his box, scratches a match, and carefully shield-' ing it from tho wind holds it to the end of your weed until tho smoko is puffing iu clouds. Inquire of anybody on tho street whore a certain place is, and ho ennnot do too much to find it for you. You may speak but ono word of Span ish and give that with a distorted brogue, nnd no 0110 smiles nt your at- j tempts. Yet theso eiiuiu persons will charge you four prices in a business , transaction nnd swear they aro giving tho cheapest figures. To rob an Ameri-! can is a legitimate transaction. Tho vivacity of tho Havanan lies nbovo , tho hips. His legs aro languid and slow, I but his hands, nrms und faco aro never at rest. Ho talks liko 11 Frenchman, us ing his eyes and hands as well as his mouth. It is amusing to watch a crowd ' of Cubans, ci coles or Spaniards. Anns swing violently, and tho owners act es , though engaged iu a iinnri el. IMackeyis and whito teeth flash. Theso people of Spanish blood have tho most woudeiful eyes. 1 was disappointed in the small number of well built, handsome men I saw, but I was bewildered and iibtouished 1 at the beautiful eyes, shaded by long dink lashes. Good humor seems to be a 1 legacy to these smiling, olive lined be- j iugs, whocoiihtitutethebulkof Havana's ' population tho common people, I mean, I often of doubtful blood, who drive on the donkey and ox carts, or throng the ) wharfs, or give tho narrow street a busy appearance. The women wo meet on the streets would appear much prettier to tho northern eye if they had a few indies 1 leis powder on their faces. Young girls and older ones use it. The heat may ren- 1 der tho diatom a comfortable one, but it is not agreeablo, especially when white powder is spread thickly on a very dark 1 skin. Women are seldom if ever seen alone. In front walks the daughter, and j close behind is the mother or some other 1 elderly lady The middle classes of both I sexes are abroad all day and part of the night, and so of course are the lower, hut the upper circles are not so careless. The gentlemen ride, and tho ladies ttir 'nit little during the day. At night the uirks and drives aro very interesting vitli tho open carriages, in which re dine bowitehiugly handsome women, uid tho well dressed gentlemen Fitting their horses with all the grace of a Spaniard. A lady of Havana, no matter what her station, is iuvaiiably distin guished by small hands and led, datk iyes and a pretty mouth. Hut I have teen many American women who were ar more beautiful. The tan iu Spanish fingers is all Uint is said to be. It is tho most danger- is weapon that can be deviswd iu a der of artistic curving aro many of theso old rails. Tho frame from which smiles tho features of Mr. Bartels' aged moth er in tho exhibit in tho governor's room iu tho Illinois state building is made from some of theso old oak rails. Many other pieces of furniture in that exhibit aro mado of these rails. William Bartels, Sr., settled on this farm in 18.'iS. After his death William tho younger cnino homo from Chicago to look after tho farm and the aged mother. About 14 years ago ho was tho victim of a siege of typhoid fever. During tho weiry days of convalescence ho passed tho time whittling with an old jackknlfo. Ono of tho old oak rails furnished tho material, and before tho young man knew exactly what ho was doing there began to grow under his knifo strokes n wreath of oak leaves and acorns iu bus- ? People give them credit for being- competent to Judijo a bicycle for knowing a good tiling when they see it. . , , An air of confidence is clearly marked in tho graceful hearing of ItAMHIelM? riders. They know the wheel they ride; have utmost con fidence in it. Knowing that Ramblers are high grade, and are sold at list price only, people do not look upon UAMBIeliirridors as frequenters of "bar gain shops." "ALL RAMBLERS HAVE Q. &TJ. PNEUMATIC8." 1. OU'-TI-IlIJ, sows .vcaiszv'r, inO O HTMKIC'l'. fmWsiff'3i' 'vfi if' I Who will cut this Coupon out and buy a pair of Shoes before July 2d, 1893, of 5 per cent of Coupon Purchases goes to Y M. 6. A. Fund. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (e ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) V ) ) ) ) 1 ) 1 ) ) ) ) ). ) 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) - '((((((((('(e(e(e i, ori'iinits: It. I'.. Moult.:, I'rivldi'iit. K. V.. Illiovs, Vice I'ri-u. r. II, IlWIIHT. CiihIiIit. I.llii'iiil liili'ii'-t. AliKolnto MTiirll). 1 lit t'ror t imiil on Siiiiii(H l)cxilu nt tho rutu of I'hn per rent rr iilimuii. It. I w. 11. hauti:i.h. relief, Tho resulrof months of patient labor may now bo been at tho old home. It is an exquisite piece of work in the shape of an oak mantel and mirror frame. Around the frame and mantel edge are wreaths of oak leaves and ncoriiH, while iu the center of the man telpiece in clear bas-relief is a collection of daisies, callus and cattails. The hearth of the mantel contains over 110 diifercnt pieces of wood. This was Mr. Bartels' first triumph, and yet with tho old jack knife lie continued to e.xectito wonders. Mr. Baitels states that his master piece, so consideied by him, is the bas relief carving iu St. John's Epiccopnl church at Keokuk, la., representing Christ carrving ills cross to Calvary. This piece of work is considered the fin est wooil carving extant. In this church also, besides the exquisite carved altar and chancel rail, aro the soveu martyr emblems in bas-relief, Of tho D2 oak carved seats iu tho church no two of them aro similar in design or workman ship. A friend of Mr. BartelB residing near Springfield, as stated, has presented him with an oak log which came from the farm upon which Abraham Lincoln once lived in tliis state. Tills log will be worked up into somo beautiful emblem, or many of them doubtless, which will appropriately coinuieinorato the iiamo of etiiers oeiug King ivaiaKaua ami iimii tho martyr president. Pedro, the unfortunate emperor of Bra- Gay Davidson. zil. T. C. II vitu.vi'ou. .1 w s luminous: i;. Mn.iro. .1. I). .Macfiiilnnd. i:. K. Ilnmii, l)l'IMj.l, .1..). Illlllull, K. ie, Itlljlliuml, John Kiltfcrnlil, I V. ( nUtrt, UiN'ION Savings Bank, Till! BUITAN OF JOIIOItK. A quarter of a century ago ono of them ceded his realm to England, since when succeeding rajahs havo been de pendents, having nothing to do but to spend their wenlth. I ho sultans of .lo horo aro strange admixtures of intelli gence, cruelty and bombast. Tho nat- ural wealth of tho country is simply enormous. Johoro produces spices of every kind nnd scores of valuable woods, precious metals and gems. Its jungles aro tho haunts of tigers, elephants nm1 serpents of great length, and tho mo. Inzzling birds of tho tropics fill its balmy groves. Man there, however, is as cruel as tho typical Mnlay can be. At a time not very far I'mioto from tho present tho coasts of Johoro swarmed with pimfo craft, and moro than one Captain Kidd of tho warm seas sailed ft out tlf se cluded harbors to prey on tho rich com merce of that quarter of the globe. The coming sultan inhabits a pulics built after tho manner of a largo bunga low. It is built of bricks and wood and is not in keeping with the "style" a--biimed by tho monarch while on his travels. Here tho sultan holds Ins levees, here he marshals his little army, and from the palace ho sends out the royal orders not seldom tiuctuied with cruelty. When he lands among us, wo will seo a slight figure adorned with 11 gaudy tur ban well sprinkled with gems. The sul tan's outer dresscousists of a splendidly brocaded jacket, silken trousers with limning red stripes and a manifold sash brilliant in coloring and clasped at tho waist witii diamond buckles. Iu fact, the sultan will suggest a living adver tisement of some diamond store, as in addition to his other decorations his san dals will Hash witii gems, and his sword hilt will dazzle the eye of the foitiiuate beholder Thosiiltan's retinue consists of 10 serv ants ami 3 physicians, whom he carries with him for the purpose of looking after the royal health, ami as his majesty is said to bo overfond of tho delicacies of n 1 it S t D....,-. ti.e table ti.o twain will doubtless nnd VvOVING HOUSKIIOloD UOODS AND TlANOS ineir iiisk 110 easy 0110. Johoie's sultan leaves the a Hairs of his dependency in tho hands of the governor of SiugaiKire, his English master. Ho will visit tlie principal cities of the United States, will pay his icspects to the president anil will inspect the World's fair, traveling all the time iu a state that belits his wealth and high sounding title. He will be the third teal monarch to visit us dining his reign, the 000000000000000 1 1 1 South lilcvcnth Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. ENTIKK CAPITAL INVESTM) IN U. S. BONDS YOUR SAVINGS SOLICITED. TKIiKIMIOXK 170. omcK'iooi OST. (i Speoinlly. None but bpcrlciKcd Men cinploscd. I itcst Jevkes tor Moving M.khlnery, Safes, .iiul other he.iw artLle-. SWING MACHINE AND GUN Repairing. Wo Iiiup Jiit finilo)iMl 11 nklllfiil worknmn from the r.nt. who I full) coniietiTl to nmVti nil n-imlrii In llio iiImhuUiim. T. J. THORPE & CO., sal South Kluvomli St. tr 9rlMi ma ikam rirvii. .iim.iiui m Masmvuw-" .- -. ' 2? NORLHJN'NJJtUIBEET...