iiii ifiMi H f Ml (iJWB' WMi th uivr moijnx:&o COURIER SOLID STATEMENTSI -THE LAItGEST, STRONGEST, GltEAllCST AND HEST f Hcw,i IV' ir 1 1 , niiiiuihiu iU'iiiini. One of the piottlcst and most enjoy nhlo txM'litl events of the season was the reception given liy Mih..1. II. MoMurtr.v at her bountiful home lit the corner of .1 11111I Twelfth stroetHThurttduy afternoon. Tho ladles wore Invited tn meet the state exeentlve Imurtl of the otiiig WolUllllH flirlHllHIl HWMH'lllllOII, iiml the almost ununluinns noootitnnco llllel the lurgo nsnnsof Mis. MoMuitryti ologunt home. The purlins, hulls mul miuhIo room weie decorated hi 11 most tasteful milliner, Puhns hunUeil In every possi Itle nook, 11ml eut Mowers lllllng nuiiior una wises mill Imwls, milled heiuity mid fragrance to mi nlrouily ohurniing sociio. Mrs. MoMurtiy wiih uaslstod In rocolv Inn lv Mrs. F.usioiduy, state ptoslilont, Mis. Miller, vice-president, Mrs, Hodge mini, treiimirer, mid Minn Hitmen, nation al seoietnry of the oigaiilzutlon. The guests were leeelv ed at the door by Mis. l-'rnnk Hull, and lifter prosoiitu tion to the hostess and ussistunts were iniulit iii'iioiiIiiIkiI with each other by Mis. V. V. Luthl, Mih. U. K. ClltTen and Miss Mmy .loneH. An Intoiostlng program that wiih at tentlvelv listened to and iniieh enjoyed, conslstc'dof an mhlreHH of welcome by Mrn. Kustotduy; a iuhhIl'iiI number by Mm. A. W ilniiHt'n; an address by Mr. Kuv, western orgiiulzor of the 1 . M. U. A.,'follnwod by one fiom MIhh HarneH, mid a iiiiihIi'iiI number teiideieil by Mrn. t H. Upplncott. At theeoneltiHlon of the ptngruni the hocIiiI ploiiHiiies weie lenevved and the ImlleH were Invited to the dining loom wheie dainty lefreHhiiieittH weie nerved bv Mm. Perry and Mih. (been, from a bible glistening with uut glass and nil ver, the deeoratloiiH theiu being entirely of pink lOSI'H. The following Ih 11 partial llHt of the guests: Mendamen l Utile, V. M. Leonard. A. (1. lleenon, Chan. Ijipjieneott Frank Hrown, J. A. Iluckstutf, J. H. Wright. I). K. Thompson. H. II. Hum ham, V. II. Huigreuvos, W. H. Ogdon.A. M. Halrd, A. K. llurgreavos, Carl Fiinlie. A. W. .liiUHeu, J. huuib, Will Clieen, Hd Clieen, H. 1. loonier. II. K. Hiown, .1. H. Hm lev, W.MarHhall, h. C. Klohurds. .1. U. Klehurds. A. S. Ituymontl. It. U. Outcult, I. M. Itaynionil, P. V. M. Hay inond, H. (I. Dorr. b. V. Hiirr, C. U. Ilurr A. I). Ilurr. II. II. WMIhoii, A. C. ItlckuttH Morrlnon, Kranklsh. Canllehl, llenH.v, .1. h. McCounell, It. II. Oakley, O. It. Oak ley, A.. I. Suwer. K. T. Hartley, A. K. Cloudy, C. V. Monher, Dorrln. Hatton Austin, Chus. Hammond, J. I). Mefur land. Amana Cobb, Wilson, II. It. N'Ihh ley. II. A. Hubooek, Kvorott Habeook, A. II. Wior, ,1. It. Welmter, .John Zohrung, Conten, CIiiih. Ilrown, Henry MaiiHlleld, Pebbles. Curtln, X. 8. Hum-nod, Ulghtor II. II. Patrick. O. W. Webster, .1. K. Murley, W. h. Falrbrother, Haggard, C. A. Atkinson, h. CI. IthodeH. K. Ikldy, 8. A. Campbell, Solum, Hutchius, Putnam, .1. J. InihotT. Alf Shlllimt. Olior Davis. 8. B. Moore. C. B. Yates, Latta. O. W. Welmter. W. 8. Hnffuiun, F. W. Haiti. win, LeOrnnd Haldwln, U. E. Moore, C. O. Whedon, A. Hoiiglund, Grant Houg hind. Harvey Wells, John Hewitt, 8. M. Atthliy. Lanby, J. II. Hube, HuekiiiK ham, Chajiln. W. HoluieH, B. P. I turner, Whipr. Will Kirby, Frank Hrownell. JiOUiH Hehner. MitweH Mary .loneH, Nellie HruiiHon. Cora Outcalt, A111111 Jlurr, mid SaunderH. A f'lilniK" MVthllliK. The ChiciiKo nfi'i Oet'mi puhllnhen the followlnj; nceount of the wedding of MIhh Chita Hell, who with her HiHter, MIhh Lilian Hell, author of "The Love AlTalrH of 1111 Old Maid," lately vlnited in thin city: "An elaborate wedding Wednenday wimthutof MinHCIara Agnen Hell, daughter of Major William W. Hell. of Sii'Cl Prairie avenue, mid General V. II. Lewrig, of Denver, Colo. General LoBflig in tine of the most prominent men , In Denver, having done niucli to give It ' StHcoiniuerciiilgreiitiieHH. The ceremony wiih Holemniedat I'M o'clock, only the rehttiveH of the contracting parties belli itrenent. The ceremony wub iMrfi by Itov. O. P. tlltTord. of Iinmiuiuel Huptint church. The maid of honor wiih the hride'H nister, MIhh Llliuu Hell, who woru Dale blue Hittln, combined with heliotrope, velvet and duchenHe lace, Sho carried violetH and forget-nie-notH. The bridal gown wiih of HtitT, whttu Htithi, trimmed with jmlnt lace. The bride woru no jewelHiind carried white riwen. The UBherH were: Mear8. Newton WtMHlworth, New Vork; Frank S. Lunh, Denver. George B. Lemore, of Wanh Ington, D. C, wtw the beHt num. After the ceremony a reception wub held for the bridal party from 8 until 10 o'clock. Smiley nerved and Johnny Hand pro vided the iiiuhIc. General and Mm. Lennig left for the cant. They will visit the fair in September and then go to live in Denver, where a htrge reception will be held Octolwr 5." RAIL ROAD SH ON EARTH ash Tin: onia pi:iikoii.m vnci: ok tiii: kind in tiii: would. IN A SCARLET SERGE. TI10 Vnclillnn Cllrl .tlnhf. n IMeturriqne I'lgure Thin Nvimiiii. lH'clnl COrrtKiwiitli'iite.) Ni:w Yoiik, Juno 'J2. Onre more on the deck hIio Htumlfl. tho lovely yucht- Insr ttlrl. but this Benson nhu i not obliged by law to wear tho regulation blue gown. Shu Iimh a ncarlet mrge, I with white cloth bund arouiul thu hot- 1 .turn, n whltu duck vest, a nhirt ami . THIS Hill SHOW WILL EXHIHIT AT collar, wltlmimtty llttlufonr-lndiiinil tlo, 'mmlk mm yr IMjr CINAM illllc OQ ntl 011 her .h.lnty head there renin a tap ViflVjilt Yl tU U C,OU Kl O Vl fl t L O J uf wlilte, with gold braid, or a black ' J J I glazed nallor hat, or a red cap If nho pre- ' I fern, or even a nun O'Slinuter can Iv A f 1 1 Ot "W TW 11TT11 m ill 4 perched upon her .hlnlngtmU. VsVllVs Al KVNiVKVIIN S u WWMMV mmwm BmTV COLOSSAL AGGItEGATION OF SENSATIONAL FEATURES! MOXSTKK MTSEl'M, THI.KK KING (IRCUS, Anil (Iri'iit Dniililn .Mcimucrlc! IIpiiI Itotnnii l(ncc of ncicnt Itotucl YOP ("NT UTOItl) TO MI!S SKKINO World's ltili- 011 Wheels? TIIltEE HANDSOME STItKET GOWNS. Tit ci.ntr tallefiiimlu Ronn U of pink niul (jrny ulrlpod nilk, with wlilto Iwo ri-tt mul lit l(.Ti'. Iiii tnllur-nmilu ilrcM at lliu lift U uf Cmlili twwiil in I1I1111 ntnl Un I'liiliN. TIik t))Uli costiiiuu at the rlk'lit coinUln of u ollk bluunti, lilum Juoknt wul iiinlinIU 1)1 lrt. man, II C.Victor. F. A. Wilwin, W. B. Welln. M. II. Van Horn, Frank Van Horn, L. W. Garroutte, C. II. Allen, Sumimon, Arthur Kelluni, Walter Noel, of Ileal tlce; E, II. Heyworth and A. W. John win, of Council Hlulfn. A .smliil ,slin. Notable among the eventH of the week in nociiil cireleH uan the noclul mvlm inlng party, the necontl of the nennon, given by MIhhch Cluru Wulnh, 'Anna llarr and Geitrutle Lawn at the nunltar him Wednenday morning from 10 to 1U o'clock, There weie f till v one hundred InilicH in attemlance mul with few ex ceptloiiH they availed theniHeUen of the pleuHinen ulTorded by the great plunge, a Himill number remaining outHide to en joy the ncene preneutetl by the unlimited bathern. HefreHhinentH were nened during the morning ami the time punned moHt uulckly ami tileanuntly to all nreH cut, who were: MendnmeH O. It. Oakley, HurgcHH, It. II. Oakley, Hueli, Hardy, Hewitt, Wolcott, Grllllth, WeHterman. Victor, Welch, John Cunninghani, ,1uh. A. Drain, Macfarhiud, Oliver, Shipmiln, Clurknon, C. N. Little. T. Grllllth, .Witty A. G. lleenon, L. C. Ilurr, J. A. Huck ntitir, George Hrown, C. T. Hrown, F. Hrown, S. II. Hurnham, T. 11. Hentoti, It. DenniH, Carl Fimke, Hargreaven, Harry Hall. Frank Ladd, Charlen Li 11 plncott, Letmurd, Murnluill, It. I). Nlttir. II. It- NlHHley. Ogtlen. Perry. A. S. Raymond, It. II. Townley. Mark Tllton, CharleH Uliliam, A. U. .lemer. AUnnen Hlunche Clarten, Gertrude Maniuette, Tut tie, Huttle Hecker, Sadie liecker, Gertrude Marnlaml, Demi LoouiIh, Mutide Oakley. Sarah Schwab. Seba Cane, Ethel ltiKitter, Ella Raymond, Hallle Ilmiper, Iiiudu Smith, Maude Hammond, Ruby Jonen. Nellie White, Nellie Kelley, Maude Hurr, Anna Funke. Sarah Harrin, Kit tle Cowdry, Alice Cowtlrv, Lela Shearn, Naomi Weaver, Wing. Theo Liiwh, Fay MiirHltull, TiuIhu Pound, Jeauuette WIIpoii, Gertrude Zehner. A11111111I Iti'iinliiii. The llfth annual reunion of the Firnt HaptlHt church wan lieldTliurnduy after noon mid evening. The lmlii'H met at t 1 P.M. ami at 0:.'I0 a banket nupper wun nerved . A lurge number of the congre gation were nrenent. After nupper the 15 neveral lecltatlonn. Including "Archie Dean" mid "A Little Girl'n Vltnv of Jjife in 11 Hotel." Mr. Franklin Eaton wiih imletly mar lied Wednendav evening to MIhh Cora ilea 'ell, of Term Haute, Intl., Rev. Gregory otllclatlng. Mr. Oooige way and MIhh May llynen weie iiuletly inarrletl lrltlity morning lit St. Theiena'H procu thed nil. They left the name day for the world'n fuir, mid on their tettiru will be at Home to their frieutlH at ID'Jl It Htreet. TiiurHday, June 'J'.', at the home of Mr, and Mm, Arnett, Captain J. S. HoluieH and Mm. Anitintia ltohiimon were unit ed In inurihigo by the Rev. CharleH w. Shaw. They will Hpend nomo weekn in Ohio, at the homo of the brlde'n father, Col. John w. Shaw. Cant New Vork veteran. He recently moved to UiIh city from Red Willow county. The young people of the. United Pi en byterian church, corner Sixteenth and It ntreetn iruvo one of their regular monthly noclul cnntertuinnientHTiicHdny evening In the cliureli patlom. lliu joung people were UHHiHtetl by the Lin coln Normal univernity ntudentn in the enteitainmeiit of theguentfl and a very attractive program wun given, coiiHiHthig principally of mimic fttruinhed by the miiHicul department of the univernity. The Lincoln Light Infuntry gave a highly enjoyable dunce at Lincoln park, Friday evening June 1(1. Hrowne'n orchentra fiirninlilng the mimic. Among the dancem were Mmnen Jennie Stewart, Hertie Ponton, Jennie Leliind, Loretta Kelley, Lilllu Petcm, Helen Hoover. HeHHiu MuDlll, Sadie Grulimn, Emerald Jouen, Kutiu Velth, Fannie Rootor. Edith Fink, Grucu Anhtou, llattiu Hecker, Hattie behind and MIhh Hhtke; Mennrn. Wllndn KemiH, Chic Harrinon, Ihiiiier Honeywell, ltov Chapman, Earnent Fob noin, Elmer Merrill, George Ganeolgnu, Harry Copelantl, McKee, C. L. Slimier, Arthur Wulnh, Ed Weckbach, Clnm. Weckbuck, Joe Heardnley, Dave Siiuill, Mr. and Mm. Hitytlo Meyern and T.J. Hickey. 1 tkW yyy-f I, Inn ,.. J. 11. MauritiiiH ,t Co. have decided to ouer their entire ntock at 'St per cent oil during thin week. Tho goodn me all following program wtmglven: " City Bviln ! marked in plain llgurcB and tlie reputa and Church ObllgatltniH." Maxor Weir; ' tion of the llrm in behind the Htateiuent Tlie pant year, iih cnangeH ami tieveioti umi mmim m ,j p.y" """ " I III' UlllltHUC, Air. gooun. i. 11. .'iiuuiuuM iv vw.. iv..' w m. OutltiK ut l.liii'iiln Turk. One of the largest and most enjoyable picnlcH of the neunon wan given WedncH duy evening ut Lincoln park in honor of Minft Seba Cane, of Falrbault, Minn., who is tho gueat of Minn Ethel Hooper for the nummer. The party wan chap roned by Mm. T. Grllllth, Minn llulho HiH)jHr and MIhh Florence Hawley. Dancing wan a feature of thu evening, Thoho prepent were Mlnsea Seba Cane, "Ethel HooHr, Henrlettn Hawley, ljlanehe Garten, Grace Huntnlnger, Gruee Oakley, Mutid Oakley. Mario Mumhall, Dora Hawley, Fanuioltechtor, Ada Heaton. Sadie Graham. Helen Hoover. Minnie Miller, Jennie Stewart, Dulnv Cochrane, Maud Riithburn, Lucy GritlHlt. Jenalo Uilund,..Gruco Ashton, Hebslo Turner, Muy Limbing and Hertie l'ostun: MepHrn. Frank Cowdrey, John McHride, Orie ward, wilnon winger, Harry Bvuur, Hurry Hawley, ltonH Cur tin, Fonter Reach, l'ark Garroutte, Cub Ion, Frank Kitchen, Mattnon Huldwlu, Joitnlxitteridge.Eiirnent Folsom, Arthur wulnh, Edgar Itagiin, McKee, Steiner, lloy Chuimian, Lew Murehull, C. V. Smith. Fritz weHterman, will Mejer and Fred lloutz. Mr. mi'l Mr. Siioh ut lioinc. Mr. and Mrn. L. W. Snow entertained a number of their friends Friday oven ing at their hospitiiblohomo.lStf Cherry ntreet. At 10:150 tho guests wore nerved with tempting refrenhmentH from nmall tubleB, uon each of which wun a hand. nomo banket of Mowers. After the repast thono at each tublo played one game of c-urdn untl tho uiont nuccennfiil plaver wub rowardetl with tho Unworn, 'fho guest n were: Mennra. and Mendamen Rlchurd Randull. 8. 8. Whiting. Harry Hurkdall, 8. T. Cochrane, A. 8. Haider. tneiitn." the nuntor: L. G.M.Huldwin; "A word from the htdien,"Mm. S. D. HyiUs "Young people in church work." Mr. A. D. Henway; "Our Sunday ScIkhiI," Mr. J. Hruuer. Tho program wan internperned with j niunlc by the Telyn uuartet and other HoleetioiiH. An AriiTiuiiiH Purl). Mm. J. A. Mainhall entertained a few friendn In tier uhuiiI delightful muiiuer Tliurnilay evening of hint week, in honor of her niece, Minn Taylor, of New York. Thono prenent weie Mrn. T. W. Grllllth. Minnen Halllo Hooper, Grace Oakley, Ethel Hooper, Florence Hawlev, Hen rietta Hawley, Mnud Hummoiul, Clara Hammotid, Hertie Ilurr. Sarah Schwab, Stella Kirkerand Minn Taylor. A I'rrlty Ti'ii I'uit.v. MinsoB Alice ami Hennie Wing enter tained a few oung lady friendn at a tie- I! -I.....I ... 6... ...!.... ... ....t.... 1.. 1 lignum ivn ouiiuiui, mi'iiiii. 111 iiwuui of their counin, MIbh May Wing, of New York. Tho participants were Minsen JoHophino Treniiiine. Mary Treiuaine. Minn Onborne, Alice Iliitehinon, Murtlia Hutchlnon, Helen llarwood, barali Schwab, Stella Rice, Maud Hammond, Jov Welmter, Ada Caldwell and May Wing. Clilmt Wt-ilillnK. Monday enming alMnt one huudied of the oniployeoH of Herpolnheiiiier iv Co. gatheied at tho lenidence of Mr. and Mm. IlerpolHheiuier, corner Thirteenth and B ntreetn to celebrate tho china wedding of tho hont and hostenn. Mr. and Mm. HerK)lnheluier were tho reclpi entnof many uneful presents. Among othern wan a beautiful china Hit. It was a uiont enjoyable occasion. , A MooiiIIkIiI HIiI-. ' A few young people rode out to Cot nor univernity in tlio tieitgniiui niooiuigiu Tliumtlay ovening. 1 no party inciuueii ItniTiiucr In 1'iiviTty. Tattered Tom Well, I'm ilummedl Itiiggvtl Robert Wot'n thcr iimttor? Ain't them soup tlcketH goodF Tatti-rtil Tom I wlslit I'd paid tnorent tuution to aio stutllen when I was youns lieu I've tramped 40 bleekn to a hot p hoiiHe, an tli' woman I11M1I0 wijh thist tliikcts cuIIh fer heap. Kxcliuiige. A Htt'lllll llt'ittt'it I'luU YACMTtNII POHTUMI'- Sho can wear a snow white Forgo if nhe likes and is nuro she can keep it clean, and It can bo severely hiinplo or trimmed in ever nticlt a naval stylo if sho likes. Gold buttons and gold laco may adorn it, and cords ami grelots may grnco the jacket and sleeves, long gaunt let gloves muy cover the tiny hands, or they may. bo bared to tho kisses of t lit M'u breeze or tho huh. But however she may dress or whatever sho muy say she is full commander of the vessel she sails on. And what a pretty fight shu Biokn iu her Kciirlct nirL'ii drens with the wind HoluieH is it tugging thonkirts aside sons to get a glimpxe at the trim boots, for low shoes are not worn on yachts, and what n bright spot of beauty sho makes against tho background of tho yuchtt Or, if sho is in whltu, shu looks liku a tailor mudo angel, with her pin feathers covered from tho dump sea air, but an angel all the same. Serges are thu best and most appro priate material to uso for sea wer.r, v they will not stain, shrink or wrinkle. Tlie sailor siiirt and reefer jacket are not "iu" this season, and snug coats semi military, seininnval and 11 littlo of ev erything else aru made to taku their places, but whatever tho stylo thero uro deep Rickets to hold the glasses and other necessaries in, such as belaying plus and hand spikes, powder boxes anil looking glims. A sailor looked ut a ynchting young lady In tho approved style, and with u tiucer grhuaco wild to his mate: "Look nt tho Bpread of her shoulders. They stand out like a mainsail in a trade wind. Ah, but sho's u clipper! Not like them women w'at goes to the teuyters. Thoy weur them d d topgullnnt hats w'at no feller can sou over, under nor around. Yes, she's a reg'lar Ualtimoro clipper!" I forgot to mention that yachting gowns aro cut comparatively narrow iu tho skirt, certainly not tour yarns around, mid do not reach tpiito to thu ground, some of them indeed not coming below thu instep. For a yachting outfit it Is well for a young lady to provide herself with a waterproof hut or cap and a long water proof cloak madu as snug and trim as circumstances will permit, for half tho fun of a yachting voyage consists in walking up and down tho deck closely to tho arm of dear John or George or sumo other fellow while tho winds rago around and tho water pours down on theni. If thu young girl had no such protection, sho would huvu to stay be low and havo her best friend, who went provided for ruin, tell her after tho trip was over that sho is engaged, and that is terribly aggravating. So, young ladles, if economy suggests retrenchment, let there bo less gold braid and n little more storm sergo nnd waterproof, and then next year when you go on a yacht your dear Tom. Dick or Harry will pay your bills, nud you needn't economize. The most extraordinary of principal HA H MACK IrKSTIUAXS Ml?. WM. SEL1.S! Win. ScIIk, a trltul)l lt iutc coiilutir ; 11 iinraxnn ninonitall lmrii'int'n; noiHiiliirt1 to clnillcnuii III" "iiprcmnryj tlie nrlilo of AmhtIcm 1 tlie woiiiIit uf Dump'', ulu' fur ihit tlirrn contliimiiM uiont hri mi tlii iMMMifiir Iutii lit OIiiiiiii, I.oniloni received the mint riitliimiMHtlc rrcuKiiltliin freiii nijnlt), ii(iiiillt) unci I'miiiiicmerx, mul wiih uniinlnuiiiily rocounlzi'il li the llrltMi irt"tt tlie pre-i diluent fent lire oft lie rlrniK In ulilch lie hIiiiwii. Mr. Wllllnm Diittou, In hUlirllllnnt Tents uf (Miiiontrliinlsin, ix'rfiirinliii; nt will forward mid Imcl. ward (iiiier'niilti on the Imre Imck uf hl fulfil)' rnnnlnu Hti'cd. One uf the mmiI diwldnit eiiie)iriaiiH of tln awe, I'lnaiKi'it at mi eiierineiH nalnrj tn ride ut eaoli perftinaaiire of thN fault U'KKKxIilliltien. Mr. CIiiih. WiiIkoii, tliKurrntent (1 linrin rider tln world fvernnw. Tlir Diittou Slntern. tiudouliti'dly tlm KINIIST lady ridorx 011 earth. .MlrH Mildred Mnrraj.tlie lliiexl Memiuerli. Killer. ICdcar Wilkinson, therclehraled Kuroiiean lliirdlc Itlder. Till; tlHKAT MVlNtlhTONi: PAMlbY -I In number -AiTlnlUt. (l)niiint. ArrolintH and lllrjrlistn, in cciiiatloinil aerial tlluhtK.ilazzlInK and Intrepid foatx. IVarh"-" anil antonlfhlnu feature that heretofore hae feemed lniiuilli areonipllshed hy ipi. wonderful artlKtH with Mich eape and i:rnri im In extiihlliili them the "unilli'iiuted chainplont of tho UMniumtic world:" and llft other nerforinerx from eer rllnie. TWO MKXMIKKIKS OK WfLI) IIIIVSTS. And npeii deux ofxavnue hriitrx, iiuiuiuiothi'leihantx, lioux.tiuerx, hjenax.henrH.wobi.x.liMiiiariN, nnd nanthcrx. Zehrax trained to drlio liku horxex. Knluhtx In armor, ladlex ax nrlnre-i-ie-i. iniilo mul feiuaUijocki'ix, xiiiailronxiif priucex, uolilex nud entailer In rojal roln-x and rich cojtinnei, lnoiinted on xtiirfteil liorxi'H liku daiiri of old The hex! performing elephantx. xen lion, leopard and lmhy camel; at Krent circus artx; three ureat handx in Htreet parade: courtly knlnhtx and ilamexiu ilinn of inouxtercamclx; zehrax. hearxand baby nionkejx. 'Jilfn'at leaperx; richly caned and uilded tahlex wak'onx; mjrlnd raifex. ilenx and lalrx. SI:K TIIK TWKXT t'l.OWXS! Kirxt In wit jllrxt In run: llrxt in thu litnitHiif tho public. A MII.K TL'MIll.K KltOM TIIK Sh'IRS. (trnnil hallooii rare nnd doulilc parachute Jump liy MISS ANNIi: WV.LU IIOI.TON and MISS 1. 11. 1.IIC KICK. To he wlturxxcd poxithely each day of tho exhibition ut tliexlmw Krouudx. tv-llii Mire ninl link .miniKciit forCllUM" KXCIMISIOX IIATKS. Kery railroad nv low oxcurxlon rnti'x to tldx hlu xhow. IrT At Ilia. 111. a Khirioim uranil holiday free xtreet imrade. 7OXK DAY OXLY: afternoon nnd iiiuht. Doorx open ut I mul ll i, 111. Xo extra charge. One ticket admltx to all. You nil know iih. Our punt record a uuarnuteoof the future. lllioolri,Vireclixesclor, Jviie 28 Aihanre xaleof rexerwd xcatH at nlllco of CAPITAL inornlimof clrcu. CITY COUIIlKIt, Ul O xtreet, on RUDGE&MORRIS COMPANY. !WI AND . "v Ciilltlitli. A careful joung man up town when call ing on bis "beht girl" nlways announces hlnmelf liv knookllii. If he were to COUIO MirtH0iaud llurr,vClurtXouWmUUi.4.hwlt4iikriBr,dlinlKhtlecoiiiilderlipni Niiouil Weaver and Heniietta Hollow ' poMil. IMtllailelplilu lleconl. btinh; Mensrn. l'erfect. F.W.A, Kind,, Will Johnnon, and C. W. Hollowbnnh. u kri -JZl. yv H 7 1 1 1 L.J 4 ms , ''v-irr'nvx "Si . ,ii-w L.mJfc " hOOIKTV JCOTK.H, 1'artof tho finhing party which enjoyed a few days visit on Vermillion lake Minn., returned Thurnday with u iiunntity of tlsh. Among thono who returned were Lieiitenunt Governor Mujom. Mr. hrunk Cixik.Mr A. K. Huniiihroy, Mr. John IX Knight. Or. Dunn, Mr. DoughiH Shlling, Mr. Webb Kutoniuul Mr.Kico Kuton.Mr. Air. Frank Cook caught tho largest Unit. It wun 10' inches long. Tho EtiHt Lincoln Congregutiontil church gavo a very entertaining concert and ice creuni noclul ut linker ,fc Smith'n hull Friduy evening or lust week. The inusicul lirogrnni wus furnished by Messrs. Churchill. Raymond, Camp, I burner and llaruiiby; Allnsen Ilarnaby, Churchill, Floyd and Jucknon; Mrn. Stricklund untl Mrs. Ennlow atlded greutly to tho entertainment by giving Spllellll IllllUl'lldo. Mario My Inteiulul is very excitable. When ho propoicd to me, he behaved Just llkt a person our. of Ids uiiml. Martha IVt Imps hewas, my dear. Han lU'lseltuug. An Kjuwltnt'ii. Mrs. New man Will yon guarantee that I ds picture was really painted by llollieiiif Ikensttin Madam, I saw him paint It t 'nsclf von I vos ein boy In Cherniiiuy. rfue, A llluck Klivep. Khler Feather I neo dat Pntfessor Sllp- pah, tie presllglator, Is on tie buck seat, tax he will 'hllgt iiiu by steppln out on tie porch while tie collet-shun Is tuck up. TIt-ulu. I KlK.'lltlVV. "Did thesto cigars cct you muchf" "Ves; they cost mo some of my frleuds."iLlfu. beat siir is r.xn.nr.n. Girls can havo pretty dresses to wenr on their frotmout visits to dilTeient cities Ma,Kyci,.jUiit. tho yaolit. (Jnu pretty frbek is inado of white serge, with four skirts ench stitched with blue saddler's silk. The waist is trimmed with biasb.uuls stitched in tho same, way, and tho sleeves aro trimmed it: a slmilaa manner. Another useful thing is a long, light shawl to wear on lovely moonlit nights a fascinator sotno call it. There is such a delightful possibility in it. When left to its own devices, it blips off tho head and shoulders, accidentally, of course, nnd Tom, Dick or Hurry must holpget it on ngam. It is wonderful how long it tnkos him to do It, nnd How often his jMKir heurt nnd hers get tangled up in its folds, ui. and well, sho goes down stuirri afterward to tell her dear est friend that sho is engaged too. It Is odd, but they nil seem to get engaged Bomehow whether it is w-uterproofs, scarfs or just p'uln calico, Oi.kkHahpku. Ioeonard Hard-Wood Refrigerators, Quick Meal Gas and Gasoline Stoves, Garland Stoves and Ranges, Richardson&BoyntonGo.Furnaces, LAWN MOWERS ONLY $4.25. LAWN' HOSE, Jh-nt Qualilji, 1J 7-;V font. OUR COMBINATION GAS RANGE AND WATER' HEAT ERS IS THE BEST MADE. Pnrlor St-ritas, 1A.l3lOs, Chairs, Kookers. "MfH"r 1118-1122 vsr. RUDGE & M0R-RtS3O: MACK-ART., AKJS'S 16E 6REAM PARLORS Are Now Open nnd we are Serving the Purest and Most Delicious Ice Cream In the City. ALL KTNDS OF CAKES TO 0JU)ER. We Make a Specialty of Family Orders and will promptly deliver all Supplies a' liensonnble Prices. TELEPHONE 457. "W-irIwIAI MACPAHrANIO, 1 '!., M'BRIDE BLK., COR. I 2TH AND P STS f i