Sunday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1893, June 18, 1893, Image 1

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    Sunday Morning Courier.
i i
t :IK1 Jii
hlNGOLN, NimUASKA, iUNU 18, 1893
In tho limt four weeks Lincoln has
been visited by Bevernl storms with elec
trical nceoinimninients thnt have caused
more or lees inconvenience to tho public,
in Rome iustahccscalliug Jurth remarks
not particularly complimentary to tho
electric street car service superintended
by Mr. Littlo anil Mr. Uphain. On at
le'ttst two occasions, whert the storm was
at its height, tho power had to bo cut
otT tind tho cars were left "dead" in all
inrt of tho city full of passengers who
were In mi irato or so-so fratne.,of mind,
according to disposition and tho dlstuuce
rroni homo. There aro soino people ill
this world who uro always grumbling
when tho sun isn't shining, or when they
are not walking on velvet carpet or sip
ping tea with n silver sioon, or when
there is oven tho minutest speck on tho
horizon, and when tho sun is shining
and tho birds are singing and tho cur
rent of pleasuro and happiness Hows free
of the debris of disappointment, they
accept it nil ns a mutter of course and
never think of thunking anybody. As a
rulo the people vho grumblo and com
plain are tho people who seldom have
time to say anything pleasant or. agree
able. This j people, tho grumblers and
malcontents, have lately been busy hurl
ing anathemas and maledictions and
other similar articles at the management
of tho Lincoln Street Railway company
for the interruption of tho service during
the electrical storms, and thoy huvo ap
parently derived considerable satisfuco
t'.on from tho said employment. It is
possible that had these same people been
at the iwwer house of the street railway
company beforo tho current was cut off
and witnessed tho electricity playing
high jinks with thoexpensivemiichinory,
they might have been n little moro rea
sonable. .They might; but the chunces
ure they would have grumbled just tho
same. Convincing a woman against her
will-is as nothing compared to tho tusk
of pounding reason into tho skulls that
aome people carry around with them.
Hut tho general public may bo interested
in knowing somo of tho troubles of tho
street cur magnates who are popularly
supioscd to bo rolling in wealth, and
who, it is said, cut off tho powor and
shatter tho timo schedule every once in
awhile just for tho fun of tho thing, or
to amuse Dudgo and Toddy, who are
sometimes as greatly interested in see
ing the wheels stop us they arc in seeing
them go around.
', '
Every street car is provided with a
lightning arrester, and at tho powor
house there aro innumerable devices to
divert the overcharge of electricity from
the generators; but while electrical en
gineering has reached a degree of devel
opment that approaches the marvelous,
there are yot many things to be accom
plished. Electricity has been harnessed,
it Is true, but all tho Edisons und West
inghouses and Thompsons and Hustons
and Siemenses have not beeu able to
hitch the steed up single. Storage bat
teries, ono in each car, are still u hope
held out by the future. Meanwhile all
the curs must bo propelled by ono cen
tral power. So in a smaller way there
are many defects in electrical appli
ances. Tho best skill has not been able'
to suvo telephones und all electric sor-'
vice from injury by lightning. Tho big
generutors huvo magnets to draw off tho
awful force, und there nro safety fuses
galore; but when tho atmosphere is
heavily charged all of these precautions
are practically useless, and to savo
.human lifo and valuable property, tho
power has to bo turned off until things
ease up a little. In Omaha and other
large cities tho street car service is often
at u standstill for three or four hours at
a time during severe electrical storms.
Lincoln has been moro fortunate in this
respect. The company has taken a littlo
more risk, und tho interruption to truffle
has seldom lasted more than un hour.
Probubly at soino time in the near
future an enterprising pluywright or
theatrical manager may desire to present
on the stage a spectacular vision of the
Devil's great business office, with tho
fiery furnace and sheets of flume und in
fernal fury scattered ulxiut in glittering
chunks. An electric power house dur
ing un electricul storm while tho current
is still on, would furnish him somo ex
cellent material in the way of ideus.
Tho lines rudinting from the central stu
Hon gather in tho electricity from ull
points, ami it swcxips down on tho iowor
houBe like a forerunner of tho great
climax to life's melodrama that certain
people uro alwuys expecting. Bluq
flume glows from tho fuses 'and the
switching machinery on tho wall, and
lire Hushes from tho great generators in
a inunner thut is jKisitlvely terrifying.
Electrical fireworks pluy here and then
and tho tout ensemble, as Tom Cooke
would say, is something like a small ve.-t
pocket edition of tho Last Duys of Pom
peii. While this is going on thq machinery
is being damaged und tho life of the em
ployes is in danger. When tho lightning
gets into the generators tho concentration
issolfreut tiiut tho wiro wrapping is
melted und tho machines aro "burned
out." Tho damage in this way alone in
th- recent storms amounted to several
hundred dollurs. Of courso when the
pow;ir is cut- off, there is no further
trrn'tble; but In tho meantime the curs
are standing still out in the rain mid tho
passengers ,nro getting uneasy. Like
street puving, every kind of street cur
service litis its objectionable feutures.
Until there nro some further improve
ments or now inventirns, there wlh"
alwuvB be moro or less interruption to
traffic via electric cms dining electrical
Uy tho way, i. hoi so power means
what tho winds imply, tho six generators
at the railwny jxiwor houseware dally
doing the work of 450 horses, and on big
clays of SIX) horses.
Passengers have noticed thut onco in
awhile poWer Is shut 'off from the cars
fdr ten or fifteen minutes In clear Woatlioi
when apparently theie ought to be
smooth Billing. "That isgenerallycauscd
by n fuse biriiing out," said Mr. Uphitm,
"ft takes a few minutes to put in a new
There is being built in the railwny
shops n now cur to lie used us a trailer,
that will make some thing of a sensation
when it tlrst.BM'oam on tho streets. It
is thirty-six feet long and will accom
modate pearly 0 people. ' Instead' of
four wheels there aro eight. It Is alto-
ffothcr quite a ponderous affair, in strik
ng'contrast4o some of tho jaunty und
rather frivolous rolling stock owned by
tho company. There is a closed space
in the middle, about ns largo as the
smallest of tho cars now In use. The
ends aro ojwn lifter tho usualmniHier of
summer curs. 'It this car Is a success,
und tho company la confident it will be.
another still ionger.will be built.- Thin
one will be 42. feet In length. In gninir
around a curve it will rcijulro about all
tho room thkre is in tho Immediate
The Couriek has purchased an en
tirely new printing outfit, one of the
most completo lu, tho city. Thero is not
a type or a piece of material of any kind
in the establithutent that ia not brand
now and everything ia of the best. We
are now particularly -well equipped for
all kinds of artistic printing ami engrav
ing, especially invitation work, curds,
menus, etc.
It seems than tho Burlington's restless
untiring ambition to build and improve
will never cease. Tho teleurunh of Wed
uosduy announces that work is aliout to
bo commenced and the line at onco
pushed still farther northwest from
Sheridun, und thut ero muny months the
Burlington will be n daily visitor to
Northern i'acitlc points. The rojiort
ulso states thut the work is to bo kept
up until the famous Pugot sound is
reached, and either, or both, Tacoinu
und Seattle are shown as Burlington
towns. Lincoln is peculiarly interested
in each of these moves, und it is certain
ly duo this grout corporation thut u full
share of appreciation uooxtended. This
city is practically tho company's head
quarters for this new lino und when
completed it will add several thousand
more miles of truck to our tributary
railway facilities.
Onco in awhilo some one raises an
objection to music in tho public schools.
There never was anything but whut
wu8 objected to by somebody. But tho
splendid showing made ' by the musical
department of tho Lincoln schools at
tho recent graduating exercises of tho
senior grammar schools must have made
it apparent that music Is a very valu
able und desirable feature of public in
struction lu this city. Thero were muny
favorablo comments oh the excellence of
tho vocal purt of tho program. Mrs.1
Jennle.M. Sanderson, who for the past
two or three years has been tho super
visor of music, hus performed her duties
in u wholo-heurted way and the results
huvo been most satisfactory. She hus
aroused much interest in music among
tho pupilB, und she has succeeded ad
mirably in using tho material at hand to
good advantage; Tho chorus of one
hundred und fifty boys was particularly
sweot und effective, showing careful
training, und ull. of the musical numbcra
wore greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Sunderson
is to bo congratulated on the extremely
creditable showing made by her depart
ment of the city schools.
For tho first time since Nebraska be
came a state tho president of tho senate,
in the absence of tho governor und lieu
tenuut governor, was lust week culled
upon to act us tho executive E. M.
Corroll of Hebron, Is un ublo editor, an
accomplished gentleman und a digniiled
otllcir, und without any disparagement
to tho Honorable Lorenzo Crouso und
tho Honorable Tom can bo said
that the present acting governor is one
of tho most ciiublo and best looking
men who over hold down tho executive
office. The state is entirely sufo in his
For u general family cathartic wo con
fidently recommend Hood's Pills.
Rich, pure and wholesome ice cream
und ices for tho home, party or picnic ut
proper prices at Clias. June's, corner
Thirteenth and O streets. Telephone
When you und your beat girl uro out
for a stroll always make u boo lino for
Juno ice cream pavilion Thirteenth
und O streets.
'June the caterer, Thirteenth und O
streets ia anxious to servo all parties,
picnics and festivals with ice cream,
ices, cukes, etc., and will appreciate a
cull from all. intending entertainers.
Stieoiiil ladies' ice cream parlors have
been opened over Brown's Royal Cufo,
124 North Tenth street, where tho most
delicious ices und creams aro erved by
courteous and trained attendants. Pri
vate dining rooms for small parties.
Never givo u purty or order ico cream,
ices or lunches until you have tirst seen
Mr-Brown" ut the Royal Cufo, li!4 North
Tenth street.
Business men.thut want u clean econo
mical lunch at noon, instead of going
home, will find a fine dinner at tho Cafe
Royal. 124 Norths Tenth street. Prices
from 15o up.
There may bo somo nicer und cooler
places, to enjoy u phtto of delicious ico
croamsthuu Oh as. June's pavillion, but
thoy aro not to bo found in thiB neigh.
L. S. Glltlck, Fashionable Tailor.
Latest novelties in gentlemens' spring
goods. Gillick still enters to tho wish of
the public. Cull on him und bo suited.
1011) O street, room 10.
There is of late an increasing demand
for foamy literatuie, In which there Is
just enough acid to Impart u turt flavor.
It answers the same puroso in the world
of books that spicy comedies like "The
Henrietta," 'Charity Ball," "Mr. Wilkin
son's Widows," or to go n long way buck,
"School For Scundul," answer In the
more contracted territory of the stage.
It is a kind of artistic diversion, a fastid
ious trifling, that hus enough spirit In it
to make It interesting to a wide range of
different kinds of people.
Hurpcr & Brothers have just published
a book of this Ilk thut is pretty sure to
meet with a coidltd reception. Peihtips
tho fact that tho author wan but a few
months ago u visitor in thlo city may in
vest the book with a special interest for
some Lincoln people. Miss Lilian Bull,
whose address, "Prairie Ave., Chicago."
is certainly not rich in literary suggest
ivonesB, has been particularly happy in
tho choice of a mime for her book. Isn't
thero something striking in tho title
I believe that u !ook with a name like
that on u book store or library shelf
would attract mo, und my susceptibilities
ure not particularly unlike those of a
great many other people.
Thero is a quotation on the title iiuge
of "The Lovo Affuirs of un Old Muld"
that shows the temper of tho book
"Some shins reach happy ports thut uro
not steered." It hus been authentically
stated thut Miss Boll's Ixxik is
not in uny sense un auto
biography; but tho reaJer who
follows tho Old Maid until the end
stares him abruptly in tho face, somehow
imagines thut hor expressed ideas of
matrimony closely approximate the real
thoughts of tho writer on this interesting
Ono does not think of tho old saying
about marriages being made in heaven
us ono finishes tho Old Maid's recital.
Ruther thero is the thought thut they
aro of tho earth, very earthy, and that
with rare exceptions, thoy aro blunder
ing mistakes.
Tho twelve chapters of tho hook uro
devoted not to tho Old Maid's own
lovo affuirs, but to the lovo affuirs of tho
people around her.
There is a great deal of disappointment
in tho lives of tho men and women whoso
"affairs" aro so knowingly discussed.
"Alice Asbury hus made shipwreck" of
her lovo affuirs. "Tho girl is actively
miserable und her husband is indiffer
ently uncomfortable" liectiuso she mar
ried without lovo to spito another whom
she really loved and with whom she
quarreled, und becuuso hor husband ninr
ried hor "fresh from boing jilted bySullio
Cox." The happy couple novor got over
being miserable.
"T ho moro I know of horBos tho more
natural I think men and women uro in
the unequulness of their inurriuges. I
novor yot saw a pair of horses so well
matched that they pulled oven ull the
time. And I never saw a ninr
riago in which both persons pulled evenly
ull the time, und tho woist of it is I sup
pose tliis unovenness Is only whut is al
ways expected." It might huvo been
added thut everything in the world isun
equal. Marriage doesn't even up tho
scale of human inequality any moro than
church membership makes saints mid
angels of mortal men and women.
Thero tire some pungent remarks con
corning pet names like "Flossy" "Could
unyhody under henven lo noblo with
such u name us Flossy? I mip.
pose she was ono of those fluffy, curlv,
silky baliies. Sho grow to bo thut kind
of u girl a Flossy girl. It steaks for
itself. I suptioso with thut nnmo she
never had nny incentive to nutgiow her
It requires a considerable stretch of
tho imagination to accept a speech like
this from a ninoteen year old girl to tho
Old Maid, who asks, "Am I culled un old
niuidr "Oh, yes, Indeed, by all tho
younger set. You seo you belonged to
Grace's set and they aro all married. It
makes you seem like u bnck number to
us, but you don't look like an old muld.
I suppose you can look buck ugos und
ages und remember when you
can't you?. Or huvo you foi
can't lluiifiino you ever uottli
hlltf lovers
forgotten? I
ttlng love-lot-
tors or flowers or uny such thiugs.
hopo I huvon't offended you. I um t
rlbl,v honest, ou know." I'.ven a girl
who wu,i;tcrrlbly honest" would kindly
toll a wohViu just turning thirty that she
mi "buck number." The entire speech
1 1 utteriyiimivnssH lt, even from such a
girl us Pet WlnterlMithimi.
There are old maids who do not com
inune with cuts, und the Introduction of
Tabby Is a poinowhiit trite sublet fugo.
A touch tl pathos here and there the
death of Fiossy's child, and the Mayo
family incident, lends color to the work
and evidences considerable skill,
Miss Hell's stylo Is Incisive. For u
young woman only twenty-six years of
age she is ii shrewd observer, and hIic has
the faculty of oxpiosslng herseir with
clearness rind force. The theme, more
or less frymlous hi Itself, Is seriously
treated, uul along with deft character
painting arid cuusilc comment, there Is
a voicing of deep and noble sentiment.
"The Uto Affairs of an Old Muld." by
.Lilian Bell: Harper & Brothers, New
York; for sale by local booksellers.
Bayard Tuckerinttu'H sketch of Peter
Stuyvcsnnt, published in the "Mukeis of
America" aeries by Dodd, Mead it Coin
puny, is an interesting account of un In
teresting 'historical character. The
author crowds u great deal of iuforma-
tion into small compass, und a pcrsual of
the littlo book leaves ono with a pretty
fair estimate of tho Importance of the
director-general for the West Indiu com
puny in Now Nothorland, and a fund of
knowledge concerning the enrly develop
ment of Now York. Tho book is a vulu
able addition to u most useful series.
"Peter Stuyvesant," by Bayard Tuck
ormun; Dodd, Mead & Co., New York;
for buIo by II. W. Brown, price 81.00.
Martha Finley's latest liook contains u
ruther alarming amount of robbery ami
murder and intrigue -quite out of keep
ing with tho MHicoful serenity of most of
the work of tho author of the "Elsio"
books. "Tho Tragedy of Wild Run Vnl-loy"isufull-llodged
novel for "grown up"
men and women. There aro two kinds
of ieoplo in tho liook--good and bad.
Tho former are siiierlutively good und
the bad uro shockingly depraved. This
author believes irt the power of contrast.
Thoro in plenty of nut ion und stirring
incident und udinirera of Martha Flnloy
will probably welcome tho now liook.
"The Tragedy of Wild Run Valley," by
Martha. Finloy: Dodd. Mead & Co., Now
York; forsalo by II. W. Brown.
It happened In tho cathedral ut Tours.
"An unaccountable curiosity kept his
oyes fastened upon thorn, und us they
cumo nearer ho wns struck with soino
thing familiar in tho bearing of the for
mer. Surely ho know thut tall, straight
figure and tho graceful iiobo of the head.
Where had he met her before? Was it u
dream, or was her likeness simply n ro
flection from out of the past thut caused
him to watch her witli it sense of un
warrantable expectation; and whut wus
it that made his heart leap no ho caught
tho sound of her voice? Suddenly sho
turned in his direction, and tho light
from the window uImivo fell full on her
face. Sho saw him ut tho same moment,
und her oyes filled with a look of instant
recognition. Ho wus by her side nt onco,
und their hands clasped.
"'Allen said sho quietly, 'is it really
"But ho only answered fervently, 'Mar
garet, my Margaret, I have found you ut
Margaret and Allen had loved years
before; but fate did not smile approv
ingly; they separated; she married
another but her lovo was still Allen's.
He devoted himself to urt und her mom
ory. Time passed; she became a widow;
and now they meet again. Tho old lovo
wells up in his heurt; the years huvo
only intensified his passion, and ho pleads
with Margaret. Thero is u daughter and
tho memory of tho past, and sho resists.
Then there Is u climax which forever
binds tho patient hearts and that is tho
Btory. It is u simple und thoroughly
plausible sketch, told in u charmingly
simple way, a touching bit of romance.
"From Out of the Past, the Story of a
Meeting in Tourulno," by Emily How
land Hoppin; Dcxld, Mead & Co., Now
York; for snlo by H. W. Brown; price,
cloth, 61.00; putior, W) cents.
A gentleman, under forty years of ago,
whoso hair was rapidly becoming thin
und gray, begun tho use of Ayer's Iluir
Vigor, und in six months his hair was
restored to its natural color, and oven
more than its former growtli und richness.
Ill II
L. W. Gilchrist, of Saunders county,
formeily member of the state bouiil of
truiiHportutlon, wus in the city this week.
Mr. Gilchrist hus lately embarked In
the leal estuto business and he Insists
that ho Is out or Milltlcs but ho still
knows something about it, "Ho far as
my observation goes," ho said, "the Inde
pendent movement Is slightlv on the
wane. 1 think the t till tl party will use
tho linpoiiohniont case against therepub
licaiiM with moioor lesn effect, mid per
haps will show up pietty strong In this
fall's campaign."
"There aro more candidates for office
in mo liulependetit party than In all tho
other parties put together," continued
Mr. Gilchrist, "and that fact nitty Inter-
foio with (lie lllllll tn lllllltn .lllilir,. Mnv
well the Independent nominee for the
supremo bench to succeed himself; but
If ho Is nominated I am imwIiIvh thnt In,
will be elected. He will draw heavily
ironi h i uireo panics, u is a ruci Hint
republicans generally are beginning to
admit that Maxwelru entiilliliu.v mi tin.
Independent platform would lie a very
ni'iiiuin limner.
The politicians uro hcuiuiilnir to look
ahead. Mr. Gilchrist informs The
CouniEit that thero is considerable talk
among the Independents of Saunders
countyof ex-SHMikerGalllii for governor.
Galllii wus n member of tho legislature
of '01, being elected by something like
1,100 majority. Last full when ho run
against Gilchrist, lie was returned by it
majority of less than 100. Ho is u pleas
ant gentleman with it somewhat highly
developed protlcioncy for carrying water
on both shoulders ut tho same timo. He
is one of those men who when thoy see
trouble In the tvuy promptly select
another route, or crowd themselves in u
hole in the wall until the trouble Is past.
He may not bo u grout imlitlciuu, but ho
certainly is very jiolitlo. Last winter
his one aim was to please everybody, und
it must be admitted that ho succeeded u
great deal better than most people who
adopt this role. Mr. G tiffin Is sometimes
licensed of nuinby.piimbiness. He is
is never credited witli an oxcikh if fun-n
or will tMiwer. Ho is not u man to arouse
enthusiasm or draw votes und while he
is pretty generally resiected, there uro u
number of men in tho independent purty
who would mako much better vote
J. G. P. Hildebrand of this city, Ira
cunumuie lor deputy collector ot inter
nAl 'tnWniin. . rini rrii.i.i..n.i unn
dorsod by promlnont democrats in all
parts of the state, und his appointment
wuuiu uuuuuchb meet wun very general
approval. For fifteen yours he hus con
ducted democratic newspapers in this
stutu through which ho hus oxiKiundcd
the struightost kind of democratic
gospel, and ho has for years Immmi promi
nent in the state conventions and high
councils ot tho purty; he is a democrat,
but ho is not identified with any ono
faction and there will lie no protest
against his appointment from uny of tho
dozen or so wings of the domocrnctiu
organization, lie has backers .and
friends In ull of them.
Tho appointment of James E. North
of Columbus, to the imiiortiiiit mid ro.
munerative post of internal revenue col
lector for tho Nebraska district, is not
exactly calculated to bring peace to tho
warring ructions ot tho Nebraska demo
cracy. North is a kind of a red flag in
his party, und his upMintmcnt will tend
to keep tho breaches non. He hus
many ardent supinators and many
earnest option'onts. Congressman Bryun
protested against his candidacy, and tho
action taken this week cuhnot lie other
wise regarded than us u slap at the Bry
an wing. Euclid Martin wus opposed
to him, und thut gentleman is known to
bo very much disgusted ut his npiiolnt
tnout. Soino of the democratic papers
have not hesitated to express themselves
with considerable force on tho subject.
Tho Plattsinouth Journal, for instance,
stiys Nortli'B upointmtnt will do "fur
more injury than good to tho party."
Thou follows this very vigorous "roast":
"To iKigin with, it is doubted If North
is capable of lllling the office creditably:
secondly, ho is a man who lacks jMillticul
principle; third, ho is the crouture of
cureur iiulicatcH that ixirHonul iwlf Ih tho
H'uuiuK muiivu ior inn j.umic courno,
lliu f-iimuw'ilfinu tttwl autiimif Itt.wi I.!,.
roinfmnioiiH anil HHHociatcH aro of tho
ltWllfltSll t(l ll It'll f lltljl !. r.!.1.. ,..l
iiiwiiiijn, tHtmii; tim nuunui uruur.
If ii mtiiililffHiti nit i-ttrlit In. -..-1.1 I...
long to the worst element in that
miii;. .in a iiuiiiiicrui mi is oi no
Ifltll.ttt lltl t (1.1 t.ltdV t.. i... .. ....',.
' ' .... mijmi; ... uiu lilll l V n
hoiHior success. Hence wo find him
tfjit Itiii Wjt 4 1, .. . !........- -. f...A
.. nii-iMiuwun wi tllljn Il-.,!ITII in um .
nipt republican officials, and against
state regulation of railroads in ouch
or which jKisitions ho went contrary to
almost unanimous democratic sentiment
ami certainty against democratic in
tlinttitH. rPlu, tirmiwit l.n .f ....1. ..
man to tho most important govern
mental office in tho state or in fact to
any office is certain to be demoralising
in its effect, und grently detriinontul to
the interests of tho purty und it is
striiliL-M thut tin, uti-nni- uml nl.l.. .1.......
n-. ...... .... ........n ...... i.. ,.j -iiiw
crnts who backed him for the upioint
mom coutii not wo inai sucu wouut ho
tho effect or it. His vote for the sugar
Inuinty, tor instance, was generlcally
wrong, und utterly undemocratic. No
infill ll'lto u'liu tin tinnnut ... .....1 .!.....
" " . ......1 ,., i-iiiii(-ni tiiTiui,- could favor such u measure. Jim
oriti s nptioiniiucni melius u continua
tion of republican misrule in Nebruskti."
Thero is tho usual talk ultout candi
dates for county offices Uing hold up.
One more or less nrominont ronublieitn.
Is iiccub.hI or bringing out candidates
for the different places simply for tho
purpoMO of bleeding them, Home of the
candidates uro in favor of un early con
vent Ion becttuxe they uro iiiixIouh to slop
the expense.
It. It. Gteer of Kettiney, ev-coiiunlH
sloner-goneriil of the Nebraska Coliim
liliiii Commission, was In the city Thins,
day. Hob hasn't anything to sav about
polities, but ho is enthusiastic on the
subject of crops.
Dave Botugaiilner, formerly In the
.Secretary of Slide's office, und now
drawing ii salary from the government
in tho MeCook laud office, was In tho
city recently making arrangement to go
Into commercial business. He doesn't
know how long he will bo eruiltted to
remain In office, mid lie piotKises to lie
preiiriued when the blow falls. Dave's
friends will doubtless follow him In bus
iness ns they always have In politics,
Ex-Chief Justice Amiisn Cobb is
spoken of us n prospective candidate Tor
tho supiomo bench.
"Tho county convention should not bo
held until October, or tho state conven
tion either," roinurkod ex-Governor
Thayer the other day. "Flvo or six
weeks is plenty long enough for tiny
campaign. I believe tho republicans
ought to let tho Independents hold their
state convention first."
Thoro is a very close connection bo
tween Klltlca and the corn crop in this
stale. Indeed thoro uro voty few things
in Nebraska that uro not affected in
somo manner by tho yearly crop of corn.
Experienced observers who book to rend
the political future look to the fields lu
much tho sumo way that un old woman
consults her rheumatism In regard to
tho weather. The corn crop is u polltl
cul barometer thut seldom fulls. It in
thelites "fair," "cloudy" or "stormy" with
remarkable distinctness und accuracy.
When tlin ruin Imu iliin.iiiiit,.,l .....1 i...
sun hus shone In appropriate und timely
niiiiiion ami uiu seasons ittive miirchcu,
iilong without stumbling over each other
tho fields, nt tlin unuuir tlnm urn ..r.......
od with ii enrpot of green and gold, fore-
i.illlti.. ....4 ..!. .. I........ I. . a
'""'" ""if injiiiiieoiiH Harvest out
II lioriod of unlet uml I'linmiiriitl.-i, t.m..i
in politics and the promise is almost
liivuriiilily rttlfilleil. But when the ruin
und the sunshine get tangled up, and
tho seasons refuse to run on schedule
time, tho fields uro scunt of crops ami
full of woods, and tho barometer iudi
ClltoS hurt! ttllll-H fill- fhil fnrnmr .1.1.1 ..
consequent stormy time for the politic
num. j imht crop drives mo tanners
into polities every time, and tho ugrlcul.
turalists relievo tholr feelings by sowing
Hall Columbia. Tho independent party
tuno. Reiiubjcan foohshnp-a wan one 1A ,. kWV , 1
parent ahoNa-badueaaon, BirriculturHllW''"!
nna i.u ..,...,. 1IID 1UIIUUIIU1IIIB I1UYO
not quite got over boing foolish now ami
then, und the crops huvo not' been par
ticularly good and the infant hus thriv
ed. Yes, it litis positively wnxed fat.
But thnrn urn thrum trim (nllnr. !.,.!.
cue from tho growing crop, confidently
predict mat tne inimical situation in
Nebruskti will sliortlv lxi-nii mnr ..-
tied than it has been for years. It is
argued on tho one bund thai tho repub
liciin party hus lately passed through so
much tribulation thut It will be much
more ctireful in tho future, und then
the corn crop promises ao much I "My
renldetien In Viilirnalru iniliru....o ...... .1..
cades," remarked Mr. Gilchrist durinir
tlio conversation with u repre
sentative tiltovo ulluded to, "and being it
ftirinor myself I have always taken a
poculiur interest in ngriculturul uffuirs.
I claim to know something ulout thut
which I um tulkinir wwn I mn ,.ll.i..,.
uliout crotm, and lean tell you, after an
extended observation in different purta
of the state, that In nil tho time of my
residence in ohrusku thoro never wus
so bright a prospect for erotw us there
is right now. Tho outlook is splendid.
Tho uereiiL-e Is inin-li Innmr i.., ........
In'foro 111111 corn is in excellent condition
itiiti mo ileitis uro romarkubly clour of
weeds, and when ut this time of tho your
tho wptnlfl are well nmlnr i.,mwt !,,... ;
iilwiiys u good crop. Hut this venr ever
thing is propitious. Tho ruins have been
general, unit, if 1 wanted to bo nootlenl.
I might say thut tho earth is singing
with gladness. Where winter wheut
WIIH 11 fnillire tin, i-riiiiml umi. !.... ..1....1
uti anil corn wiih not In uml t , .......:....
f, ... V. ----- id wi.iiiinir
ting beautifully. Outs are in good con
dition, und I do not belie vu thut unv.
thiliL' can now tirevont im r.-,..., i.....i
11 magnificent harvest.'
A good harvest will bring prosperity
and content to tho farmers, and it is
reasonable to ex nee t Iohb turiml,.,,,... 1..
"Ilrnri I'n "
-- -
Is a tuntulizhur admonltlnn t.'Yi.,.,,.. ...1...
at this season feel all tired ddt.'weuk
without iititMititii uml liu..iiw......i ...'
tho way in which Hood's Sarsaparillu
builds up tho tired fruino and gives a
good nptiotito is really wonderful. So
wosay, "itiKo iitMHis uml it will bruco
ou up.'
Miss S. E. Bliiki'slon tin,. .i-., 1
at Mrs. Gosper's, 1114 O street.
A tint) lino of nnmul o-. .1
kt can. Miller & GiirordTgrVicora. m8
W. A. Coffin .fc Co.. imwn i. c......
Eleventh street. ' "" OOM,n
Misses Boggs Cully n. drossinukiiur
parlors K110 stamping, mn M Btm)
telephone 519. '
For Sunday dinner supplies call at
te'r. 1'hZri00:OP,K,,,itO Lu"8i,,K Tho'
Fruited ico cretiin sodu wutor uiudo
from tho uuturiil fruit, at Rector's Phur
iiiucy. XT u r- n .
. ,ni ' " now BpritiK stock
of mi linery, the tinest in the city. Is now
cotnn ete. " ,w