Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 11, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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&vA. r'f, SJVKWMhK jm
B'Ax rN w s ..:) icx.'srm
h&imJ LKWyf VU'XJ
Hvsr Sfrmy
Co PY RIGMTBJ7 laqjor to.ff nPLETON-&'CO
ciilc'c" Tlii'ii her eyo Ml Upon u ITT(VmT
npnton llin lirrnst, and ulio looked nml
drnly tfruvn. I)oyoti reckon it hurt lilm
innch to kill lilinV" nIiii pleaded.
"Not nny inoro tliim wimntrlctly neee
.iry itmlur tho ulreiiiimtuni:en," Hniet
"CJooil nioiiiliiK, Alius Cynthia. Vch, thr
Kieen wIiik In intended for yon, hut I
Imnlly expected to eo you nt w eurh .m
liour. Yon look liku Aurora. I .
So nijIiik lie tuincil hltt back noon the
diroontlHed horno trader, and .Mr. Unck
Jerrohl hiriuiK ut onco into tho middle,
Ucforo Iiimviin fnfily nenlcd tlio virion
Ilncksliot ewmyed to repent hln prevloin
exploit, but lio reckoned without lit host.
Mr. Jerrohl hud Improved tho intcrviil
to lush itmunll Htlck Imckof the pummel,
nml now, braced llrinly hy IiIm vlmdiku
thighs, htdrowi IiIm cruel Hptns into the
tlitiilcH of the homo nt every bound nml
ruthleiwly applied the heavy quirt.
"Kverythlu'n fair in u Iiohh trude," liu
nhouted, apparently enjoying tho mil
iimrnBymmiHticH. "Itnvnpied thin crit
ter ypMtltldy for n imir of leather Ifirtiiim
nml u luuw hair lariat to boot. The boss
I ot rid of, thoiiKh, hed the lniiiicrM, an
was tioK poor at tliet. The runt time tin
other feller nttemptH to put htm on grain
he'll And he'd pit a loxln contract."
lio chipped IiIm hiiii'h iikiiIii into tho
tlixcoiulltcd llurktdiut, and wheeling hltu
idinrply around by a jerk on the bridle
was oil liken thunderbolt.
llruco was already far nwny In pur
suit of the Hying mallard. Ho had
marked them down in n long water hole
nordered by low IiiinIiuh. Ah he crept
up to tho edge of tint pool ho caught a
gllmpso of the "green head" drake, a
startled nllhouctto ngnliiNt the misty
bank, with neck outntretched and eye
nlert. IHh glossy mates Hwting hlluntly
upon tho hllver mirror of the pool in tho
morning's gray.
In an iiiHtant tho wary bird was up
nml nwny, but llruco Mopped him with
his right bnrrel, nml ho fell with it hoitvy
plump upon tho farther bank, hit red
legs Btraddllng awkwardly an ho came
down. The next moment tho air wati
full of flying teal, rising with frightened
clamor nml whirring away to tho left,
llruco let tho other mallard go ami gave
tho teal his left barrel, thinking of C'yn ,
thin and her damaged bonnet. Three-1
dropped to his idiot. Ho picked up hls
game hurriedly, not without n little in-!
ward exultation. There was ono drake
Aiming tho teal. Tho bright little fellow
fairly gleamed in brown ami emerald
his head a banded flash of color, his wings
n fluttering revelation.
Drnco stood still n moment, regarding
ndmiriugly tho beauties of tho dytnjj
bird. A light film wns setting on the
flashing eye. Ho could not help thinking
what nu improvement ho might inako in
Cynthia's appearance were ho enabled to
preserve tho lieauty of tho phunngo for
her adornment, with masculine wilf
coufldenco ho aspired for tho moment to
become her milliner.
"Ain't ho n daisy?" mild n musical
Ho turned In mirpriso. Cynthiu stood
before him n blushing Aurora, tho rosci
of tho ditvn in her dimpled cheekB, tho
ninlicr of tho sunrise in her golden hair.
With the occasional recklessness of her
box, eho had arrayed herself more with
nn eyo to picturesque effect than com
mon prudence. She recognized the fact
that thoro was an observer upon the
scenoof notion inoro nppreclutivo than
Under tho circumstances her defiance
or season nml climnto had n touch of
sublimity. Sho had donned a pale blue
muslin uress. oxnuisitelv becoming.
.. - CM
i tnciitiiry upon the tiiiiuclodiniiHiifHH of
the old mini's music he, too, abandoned
him nml went within.
I Tho day wore nwny Into the early aft
mioon. The northward shadows of the
live oaks were swinging gradually to the
, Mist. It was just after dinner, and t)i
wintry sunlight on tho southern wall of
tho ranch beat softly down with a grate
ful nml cheering warmth.
In tho sunniest angle of tho much
llruco and his white haired host wore
leated smoking. Tho old man, enjoying
the aroma of one of the ranehiiinn'ri cl
pirs, which lie mumbled at a very pro
:arloUH niiglo between his scant teeth,
rim in an expectant frame of mind ami
unusually genial. Cynthia was sealed
beneath a live oak playing with a fawn.
"Do you reckon them folks o'your'n 'II
ho any waya nnxlous about yeJ" old Dal
las Inquired, blowing out n cloud of
miiok M4 If the chiuf luxury lu smoking
wn Mpollinjf it forcibly.
"I hardly think so," Uruco replied,
lazily tilting his chair against tho side of
the house, with his hands clasped behind
his head. Ho had thrown his hat on the
ground, and tho whiteness of his fore
head contrasted with tho bronzed Into of
his cheeks and the luxuriance of bin
"Liken roan rl" queried Cynthia, knit
ting her brows in nuzzled surniiM. I
"Well, now, thet Is a compliment -l . I square, curling beard. ".My partner,
fore breakfast tool And 1 haven't said I Km'w'lmn, understands mo pretty well
hardly a word yet. I should think I win ' "' ,nii li,lu "' knows I generally
Aulas. Did yo hear him bay when I first , oiiio out all right, so ho won't give him
came out this morning?" , elf any uneasiness. There may be u lit-
"No," replied Driice. "I miiHt have t tI(' r,lss wn,' '"' 'rso turns up nt the
been Intent on the mallard." He hold , much, though. I shouldn't bo surprised
up mo lirlglit pliimaged bird by one leg
us ho spoke. "Hut I understand how
Aulus felt, I think. He is not in the
habit of meet lug a goddess before break
fast. It disturbs tho calm equiiMiiso of
his mind."
Cynthia glanced at him in embarrass
ment, yet not without a certain admira
tion. "Dear inel" sho sighed, "you're so
dro'dful high toned It most makes my
headache to see what you're drivln at.
If you're goln to talk to me, Mr. Ilruce,
you must cut some of thoso words, or
It'll interfere with our getting ac
if Phil rodo over here tomorrow."
" mil, you're takin it pretty easy here,
Heeinez they hain't the least idea whar o
bo," returned Alcides frankly, "lint thet'
what wo want to hev yo do, though,"
ho added after a pause, fearing his mean
ing might bo misconstrued. "Visitor
with agreeable manners and good tor
backer is all fired sca'ce lu this coun
try," he continued, with the general uir
of paying a compliment.
Ho rose from his chair with an etfort
due to rheumatism and tho uncompro
mising character of his knee joints and
Bwept tho horizon with an anxious eyo.
"Duru my skin, efthar ain't thosheriir.
after nil!" ho exclaimed
She looked up nt him in bewitching ,u,,'r" Mo exclaimed as a small man,
rploxlty. The level rays of the rising ""w rrt' 1"''. "hIo up to
.. -i....... c.n i.. i... .T i ..i... the gate at n fox trot, and throw in: him
self from the saddle proceeded to tether
sult shono full lu her eyes, and she drew
down her hat brim with an impatient
dimpled hand.
Thus besought in reference to his
mythological quotations, llruco made
linsto to explain briefly to Cynthia tho
fablo of Aurora and Tithonus. Sho lis
toned with nmitsed surprise. When ho
had finished with tho lamentable old age
that overtook that unfortunate lady's
husband, bIio sighed ami expressed her
self: "So ho turned out to 1hj a grasshoic
ier nt last, eh? Thet wns pleasant!
Served her right, though, for wantin
him to llvo forever. A girl oughtn't to
get gone on any man to that extent
loruver is uu ivwmi long inpi A grass-
liopiter. Alelitio tliets what
, Ilehe, handing thetuinbler tothu sheriff.
"Dey ain't notliin wot goes quite so fur
I or strikesqitite so neah do Hjxjt. It stiin
I 'lutes do functions an 'stiscitates de sys
tem at do same time, sahl Ik-sides," she
added witli a crafty wink, "I didn' wan'
to scare yo' nohow wid do state oh dat
j bottle arter do eggnog dis'pation ob de
his' ebenlnl"
I "Let you alone, Amelia, for takin care
of ini-l" returned Mosely, draining the
, mixture with a grateful smack. "Thot
I puts a heart in a man d'rectly. Now,
j Al, what'siill thisiibout hogsiiml hoses?"
he Inquired. sitting dowiion uu adjacent
mill keg, witli a careless hand upon the
1 butt of a ll-shooter and his head ono side
lu the attitude of listening.
j "Thanks! That's my size every time!"
ho remarked as llruco roxe to his feet,
ottering him a cigar us he did so.
I Ho bit the end on" meditatively.
1 "Yo needn't go oir mad. There nln't
i nnythln prlvuto about thisyero biznes
is there, Air" the sherill- inquired, gtiz
1 ing after tho rauchman as ho sauntered
l uway.
"Not much! The more nubile vomnkii
it, tho better I'll like it," returned tho
elder Dallas. "I want yo to shoot them
fellers or hev this uiarorderiu stopped."
llruco did not reply. Ho was already
out of hearing. Ike Mosely glanced
critically at his broad shoulders and well
proportioned limbs. In the repose of
his youthful streiurtli ho sceined tin,
very incarnation of tho sturdy live oaks
among which lie strode.
"A likely young feller," said Mr.
Mosely, smoking violently and chewing
the end of his cigar nervously. ".Some
how I rather like his style. In a row 1
reckon you could count "on him. Al, if
you're lookln for n son-in-law thet'd do
you and Cynthia both credit, you'll do1
well to encourage thet chap. Ho hiM
my best wishes. He's got sand."
And with tills official summary of n
husband's requisites ho addressed him-1
self to tho business befoto him.
Why Thin Han Ill.l .Not Itrllro Trom ll.
f.SH'cliil C'errtKMiiupncp.1 l
Dknvii.m:, N. .1., Juno 8. The other
day I thought I would take n trip out to
XDestem 2Iomtal
Tho School for tho Maasos.
rntnpui wltb.
ronit liicultr.
cl Christian lo-
.uit? r.n1ln,,"? ",N!trlc ir"t f mm dtwtlT to
! ffiu.,T" COrrlculQ'' "oruK' workThlKhnVram
l?Ma Jf.iral. Toa , Mr at ,nj tn nna flnJ
i. iimmr Urm optnt Jan M, 188
llMUtlfiil, hnltti.r locution,
..u vintiiK". vi.'iu.tniv mi liuilull
ipf-rlanceil laiinuKXiisut, co
flutnen ami loir atiienut (or
VhiT tSconrni-ii,
KnriKii n nil
th. Wtat.
Snrtnir trrtn iifi.ti A
nci connnura H eekn.
Mirll II, 1831, nn,
iou cud autur at
ccintitm ia tk.
j nuia, oowarar.
WM. M. OHOAH, Pr.aid.nt, or
W, J. XIWStEV, B.o'y and Tr.aa.
nt Inst, hev ye;" said Alcides, stumping
forward eagerly to meet tho newcomer.
"1'vo been a-worryiu about this killin o'
my stock. I reckon ye'll beleevo mo
when I tell yo I'm right glad to seo ye."
"Ain't long to stay nutlier," returned
the sheritT, grasping the proffered hand
of old Dallas witli n hurried shake ami
dropping it again immediately. "I nev-
at ut.tiV u.k.ilt ..! .. I.t. 1.. ii .
i ., nimwt rvuia ilinilU UlUUKH III XIIO
father 1...11 e 1 n. . . .
IIIIIII11U Wllltlt IWt Bllt'd liiiirriiiiAiiii 1 I - a.ij uitvillltl -( 19
.......... .t x asw uiij ii iiKittvtiiitiij nun
so much to do with 'kickin?'" Sho
glanced inquiringly up nt Uruce. The
latter laughed outright nt this com-
! the animal bv the lariat which lninf I
from tho pommel. His nimble Hngeri ' Z7Zt,, ,? 'W ot mr. And
1 w.,r....ii,.k ... ti. ,.mI, it -.1 !" l ot ill tho stage at Morristowii
then, with a rapid step, hlsrevover fT,, Z n . '""V" .M
swinging in their holstcTsand hlsspu,. . ' " t ," ",,,?71, U r',t!,nii,1
clinking as he strode. , 1""1 - tmow that ho had
"Waal, Ike Mosely. ye'vo got over here 2!L,.ri,i1 f'!'!11 l,ct,vo lifo 8(,mo y bo
iti x nniu.
grant, but n rello of tho previous sum
mor nml of a much higher temiicraturu.
iiiolinton her head was of btraw and
supported a wholo parterre of roses and
a long, curling feather, and she had on
pnir of high heeled French slippers.
Thoy wero quite wot through, and the
embroidered stockings, which a chnnn
Ing senso of consistency in dress had Im
pelled her to wear, wero beaded and
flashing with dew.
Immediately nfter addressing Bruco
ho glanced down nt her feet with some
solicltudo, her light skirts gathered
dalntly in her left hand. Sho frowned
at tho slippers, nlready turning purple
at the toes.
"I reckon I'vo spoiled 'em tho first
time I put 'em on," sho said. "How
over, there's lota inoro where they came
from!" tossing her head with tho general
suggestion that French slipjwrs aro n
gratuitous donation from obliging shoe
makers to the fair sex an attitude quite
carefully preserved by womankind to
ward eligiblo bachelors, along with a be
coming disregard of tho necessity of caj)
ital. "Is thet irreen witur for mo Mr
Bruce?" sho inquired, with a politeness
inentary. At onco sho turned hor back
on him nml regarded tho suuriso.
"So you think I look liku thet, do
you';" sho said after n pause, turning to
him witli a sudden gratification of man
ner ami pointing with a rosy forefinger
to where tho tints of dawn wero being
rapidly lost in tho splendor of tho com
ing day.
Uruco nodded.
Sho walked on n few minutes in si
lenco, with gathered skirts and a coy
scrutiny of his face from under her
drooping lashes. A pleased smile lin
gered on her face.
"How is it that you hapieii to bo out
to seo tho truth of tho comparison';" the
young man inquired.
"Oh, I had to turn tho bucks out," she
replied. "I usually do. I started 'em
up tho valley, and thou I heard you
shoot and thought I'd come out and seo
what you'd got."
No ono would have dreamed from her
manner that her motive was aught but
curiosity, liut there was tho testimony
of tho elaborate toilet, and young men
nro jerhap8 inoro discorning than the
enemy Imagine Tho hoiniigo of beauty
is always fluttering. Bruco wns con
scious of rising n tritlo in his own esti
mation as they walked on together.
Alcides Dallas had arisen in their ab-t-enco
ond sat upon tho doorstono of tha
ranch awaiting them in n negligeo so
startling and characteristic as to impress
tho young ranchman that attention to
details in matters of tho toilet wero cer
tainly not u family trait. Ho was with
out coat nml hat, nml his stockinged feet
showed that his rawhide boots were
probably still performing tho office of
his pillow. His long, gray locks strag
gled over his faco, and ho was fiendishly I
occupied with his violin. His perform
ance was of tho usual dolorous character, i
"Is there any imrticular iinmo for that
of manner which seemed quite as un-1 "" inquired Bruco of Cynthia as tho
seasonable, in her own caso, as her fnult- M"rrmK d''wds seemed to insult the
less attire, and in n sense to hnvo been I iiuu serenity of tho early morning.
assumed with tho gorgeous hat. She
glanced eagerly at Bruco as ho stood
separating tho bright pinion from tho
duck's body and ilashiug tho gleaming
plumes in tho sunlight
& w
IS1- V:
" reckon I've spoiled 'cm thcArtt Mm I
put 'em on," hc ((.
"Oh, what a lovely llttlo duck a bau
taml" sho exclaimed, with a sudden fem
inine iutuitiou of ornithology. "IsnJt ho
S ill. i i .
iyuuini turned iter Jiead n moment
und listened attentively. Sho might
have been a mocking bird, so character
istic was tho action.
"I clean forget," sho said finally,
"whether father calls thet tho 'litis
band's Lament' or tho 'Texan Honey
moon,' but it don't inako much differ
ence which. Father's play in is pretty
much alike, and if yo remember thet his
tunes all have boiuetliin to do with marry-in
you can't bo very far wrong, uo
matter what you call 'em. I nckon
mother didn't givo him very much va
riety in her hotisekeepin, for it's hud uu
awful monotonous effect on his music.
Don't speak to him now, Mr. Bruce.
He's alius easier in his mind if yo let him
play a tuno through. To stop him hhoit
in tho middle is harrowin to his feelin's
ind gon'rully crops out arterwurds.
Come iu right away and huvo break
fast." And without a word to her biro sho
piloted tho ninused Bruco past tho no
lorbcd violinist, leaving him still fid
Jling violently upon tho doorstep. Aulus
itopped nt tho door to lift his nose to tho
iky ami utter it long drawn, ugonizing
bowl of protest, with which ennino com-
1'vo lied two hangln's nlready this week.
to say notliin o these rumors o' yours
nbout hoss stcalin and hog killin. And
now jos' ez I wns jumpiu iu tho snddlo
to rido over hero I got word thet tho
road nglnts have liegtiti iig'ln lietwi-eu
Lampasas nml Helton. Thet means nil
I kin swing to for four weeks certain.
Ef tilings go on at this rate, they'll hev
Iko Mo.sely's hide by the time o' the
spring roundups."
"But it's mighty dry talkin," lie said
abruptly, glancing nt Dallas witli a sig
nificant eye, "an I'vo come all tho wny
from San Marcus to look Into this yor
bijiness o yotirn. How did that liquor 1
recommended to yo turn out?"
"I reckon It's pretty near all turned
out," replied Alcides ruefully, somewhat
discomfited by tho urgent business man
ner of thosheriir. "Aineelyer!" ho called.
"bring out what's left iu thet thar bot
tle, and it glass for Mr. Mosely. Iko,
this is Mr. Bruce, of tho Mesquito val
ley ranch, stopping with us for it spell,"
ho concluded with n grave look, intended
to cover all allusion to tho ranchman's
mishap, but calculated to impress the
sheriff with tho idea that Bruce was u
highwayman in disguise.
"Yer hand, Mr. Bruce," said Mosely,
stepping quickly forward, with it keen,
penetrating glance from under his shag
gy brows and it grip like it steel claw.
"Ah, Miss Cynthia! Or is it spring al
ready, and aro tho bluebirds with us
again?" ho remarked with easy gallantry
ns his eyes fell upon Cynthia and her
muslin dress.
Ho doffed his broad sombrero sudden
ly, exposing his high forehead and scant
hair. His hard, blue eyes wero restless
and cold, like chilled steel. Ho twitched
his huge mustaches nervously.
"ItM boa pretty bold bluebird toslmko
hands like this with a sparrow hawk!"
replied Cynthia with dimpled audacitv,
coming quickly forward ami holding oiit
a little bund. "Olad to seo you, sir!
How aro all tho birds down your way
kites, road runners and other jail birds?"
"Ho, ho!" laughed the sheriff, "yo'ro
nfter mo this time, aren't ye? Guess ye
must hev got up early this inornin?"
"Sho did!" said old Dallas emphatical
ly, glancing at Bruce "earlier than I've
seen her get up since tho last norther.
Sho was thet niixioiw about them bucks
this inornin thet sho turned 'em out i
itforo sun nml run 'em more'n a mile up I
tho creek iu them new slipinirs I got her
for tho 'Bound-up Ball.' Strange gain's i
on for a young gal, Mosely strange '
goin's on!"
"Sho!" said tho sheriff, laughing.
" 'Tain't every day they's n good lookin
young feller 'round to get up for, is it,
-Miss Cynthia? If they wero all old nml
grayheaded like mo and your old man
I couldn't blaino ye, ef yo never got
Ho glanced around to note tho effect
of his words, but Cynthia had disap
peared. At tho first nlluslon to her early
morning rumble, sho hud stampeded the
fawn and scampered away iu pursuit.
Mosely turned and shot a glance tit
Bruce. Ho was smoking with easy non
chalance. But hero the approach of the
ebony Amelia, bearing a frothy mixture
which looked uncommonly like a milk
punch, interrupted his reflections.
"Heuh am do boss bev'agu arter hoss
back ridln, sahl" exclaimed tho sable
l "You have not returned
life, have you?"
"That Is just what I have done," ho re
plied, "and I intend to stick to business
as long as I live."
, "I thought," I continued in my stir-
, priso, "that you used to di-diko commer
cial life, and that before your retirement
you longed for tho time that would seo
you at liberty to go fishing or shooting
all day."
"That is precisely tho way I felt," re
plied my friend politely, "but when I
came to faco tho itiusio I couldn't do it.
I In fact, I couldn't fiud tho time to enjoy
myself at all."
j "How was that?" I asked with some
, curiosity.
I Hero my friend held his hands nloft
like an inspired iterson in tho act of sup
plication and drew it deep sigh, after
which ho continued:
"Alas, tho dream of my lifo wits rude
ly shattered before I had been at homo a
month. Do you know that I could not
enjoy it moment In pence? Whenever I
stretched out iu tho hammock to smoko
a cigar or read n book my wife would
call mo to do something to drivo a pic
ture nail in tho wall, or carry a trunk up
stairs, or run to tho store for a pound of
starch, or something of that sort. And
finally they had so many things for mo
to do that before I could finish one they
I would direct me to another. I havo fre-
i quently stopjied making it tiro to go to
tho village for it yeast cake, and before I
had traveled 1500 feet in tho direction of
tho grocery I would bo called back to
go down into the cellar to bring up a
ham and cut a slice or two, and then
before I had tho first slice cut somo ono
would call mo up stairs to help roll up a
rug to bo thrown out of tho window for
a beating." t
I expressed my sympathy and surprise,
mid my friend, whoso feelings seemed to
bo thoroughly aroused, clinched his
hands around his umbrella and said with
great feeling:
"At that period of my lifo when I was
absent at business nil day I was never
asked to do anything, but when my time
nccnnio my own it all belonged to somo I
ono else. There was never it moment
that there wasn't something for mo to
do. If tho man employed to cut the
grass disappointed us, 1 had to step out
and do it myself, and before I got it I
done I would bo called off to help put '
down a carpet. I havo been called uway
from the lawn whiloeiittiug tho grass so
frequently that 1 could never guess how
many times it happened until I counted
the different lengths of tho grass, which
grew very rapidly. In fact, I was worked
so hard and so incessantly after my re
tirement from business that I had to re
turn to activo lifo in order to get rest
ami recreation."
An AmliltloiiH Coy.
Little Boy Papa, may I study elocution;
Proud PapA Indeed you niuy, my 1k. if
you winlt. You desire to hmiinu a givnt
orator, don't youf
"Yes, that's it."
"And some day perhaps Imvo your voice
ringing through tho halls of concrchsr"
"I shouldn't care for that, I want to ho
an ufter dinner speaker."
"Ah. you are ambitious for social distinc
tion, then!"
"No. I want the dinners." Good Xews.
Rudge & Morris
Hardware and Furniture.
Leonard hard-wood refrigerators,
Quick meal gas and gasowne stoves,
Garland stoves and ranges,
Richardson & boynton co.
LAWN MOWERS, Only $4.2.
n-s Quality, 13 i-scer foot.
Our Combination Gas Range and Water Heaters
is the Best Made.
Chamber Suits,
Parlor Suits,
Tables, Chairs and Rockers.
1118 TO 1122 N STREET.
Rudge &. Morris Co.
Are Now Open and wn nr. ....,!., .1 . n . .. . ..
. - . w. ,...b ,.,; i uresi anu most ueltcious
Ice Cream in the City.
We make a Specialty of Family Orders and will promptlv dcliver , s ,.
Reasonable Prices.
MoBrido Block, COR 12TH AND P STS.
Telephone 457.
Fine 0 Plumbing,
Gas and KU-rtric lMxturc. Aj,'cnt for CAI'I'IOI. and HOI.TOX Hot WATFU
A CruH SiiKKi'.tlmi.
"Hut you do not lovo me, nimh-nuil-i'lle,
you will never lovo na-l Tluro is nothing
loft for mo to do hut to jjo mid put an i-ud
to my I'xNtonco."
"In whut way, if you phusof"
"Uy blowhiK out my brains."
"Thou you illicit oIiIIko tin by Hireling
iiiK your revolver nt DurandV. Durum
and I nro eiiKnk'i-d, and I should only bo
too Kind to lmvo an opportunity of putting
Muii-thiuc lu hi- way." Domino Hoe.
Found it at Last.
And MTernl tlinuauu.l otliura. I h.ItIkb nil l.o woiil.l snvo time to ro nt onre to
H. W. BROWN'S.. 126 south nth st.
Wt hart ait employed 1
rf poire la tb bore Knee.
eklllfol workmnu Iru.n the Kwt, who I. rally competent to make all
T. J. THORPE A CO., ISO Bomb Eleventh. 8
mojwom'nw w"
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