Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 03, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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It Is linilotllll'ld tllllt .Insepll .llllVl
tui will miiko ntiotliir tout' in t simi
miii iii "Kiii Vim Winkle" l'ollovvtng
(he eternn rouiodinn's reeeiit iijipear
mice In 1 his cit j a Lincoln gontii'innii
met him on the train, and the com cr
eation turning on the relative merits
of Omaha ami Lincoln, Mr. .IcH'erson
said: "My experience with Omaha
audiences haslieen very unsatisfactory
ami when I presented "Hip" there, just
licfore ruining to Lincoln, it seemed to
me that the people in the audience
showed particularly poor taste, laugh
ing and applauding! when they should
have remained quiet, mid making no
demoustiatioii at all at points where
the audience usually manifests its ap
provnl. On the other hand we were
very much pleased with our reception
ill Lincoln, mid if lever malm mint Iht
trip west I will he very well satisllcd
tocome to Lincoln and pass hy ( )maha."
Mr. ilcll'cison may lie more discerning
than most people. So far as 'I'm.
Col llll.u's observation has extended
there is ery little dlllerence lietween
Lincoln and Omaha audiences. Iloth
are somewhat chary with applause It
will lie icadily admitted, however, by
auy one who lias been an iiiiitisoini'ii't
patiou in both cities, that all kinds ol
musical eiitertaiumcuts, particularly
the better class, ari'inuch moie warmly
received in Omaha than in Lincoln,
and perhaps more thoroughly appre
ciated. Thomas W". Keeni
"s repertoire next
'Kit-hard I II."' t)l li
season will includi
nn? .Meivliiinl ot Venice. "Minn
Itichilieu," "Louis XI," "Mac
'The Fool's Ki'vi-ngr," and "King
Mark Murphy and his company id
comedians will be seen hcic ne.xt week
at the Lansing, one night only, 'Cues
day, , I line li, eiiroute to Sail l'Yiiiu-isoo,
in "O'Dovvd's Neighbors." Theie have
been a good many I a ice comedies
laiiuced upon a .suspecting and unsus
pecting public, lint "U'lJovvd's Neigh
tiers" can take rank with unj of them.
It belongs to the saineclassiis"Xatural
lias," Ityan's and llocy's "I'arlor
Match," ,lohn T. Kelhy's "McKee ot
Dublin," etc. The principal characters
of t he piece do mil int rude t lieia-eh cs
too prominently, ami the ellcct ol a
general vaudeville entertainment is
sought, rather than any attempt to
give it play with a story in which fun
Mark .Murphy and Sam J. Kyan,
that irresistible teinn, tuo the chiet
fun makers. Miss Clara Thrupp, called
the "American Carmencita," is another
shining light in this company. Solec
Units are introduced trout all the lend
ing comic operas ot the day. The
'Uiitterlly Dance" lroin "La C'lgnlo"
will be introduced by the Misses I'ord
ing, Williams, Winton and Leigh, led
by Miss Clara Thropp.
Col. It. IS. Ingersoll and family occu
pied a box at the liijoti Theatre, New
Vork, rcceitty, during a pel lormauce
of "U'Uowd's Neighbors," and the Col
onel is said to have remarked: "For
nearly an hour 1 wondered where the
promised miisieal novelties would
come lroin. Suddenly the music
changed, and like a Hash of lightning
came the slow stirring strains ot tine
opera. The very atmosphere seemed
pitrilled. l'eal utter peal ot delight I til
sounds seemed to permeate all parts
ot the building, and like the welcome
drops ot rain to the desert-lost ami
paich-lipped tiaveler, camo the sex
tette from Lucia di Lnmmcrmoor, ten
dered by voices that must have been
abducted tiom grand opera, for it is
hard tohclicvcthat they came willingly
into the coutudy ol 'UOowd's .Neigh
bors.' The ellect was startling, but oh!
how delighiliil."
Tito Calhoun opein company wiisiin
able to till its original dates at the
Lansing, .May 'J'.t, 110 and III, but will
come to that t heat te tor three nights
commencing June 1'J. This company
played a very successful engagement
molilalia a couple ol weeks ago, and
will play a tetiirn engagement in that
city the latter pint of the present
mouth. It is everywhere spoken of as
one ol the best popular organizations
on the load, 'lite ot chest ra is under
the direction of Mr. Carl Mai tens, Un
well known musical director tor sevet id
seasons witli Kiniiiu Abbott and Kmiita
.Inch. The chorus i. made up ol a
large number ol tiaiued lingers, while
among the principals are the following:
Mist, Laura Millard, prima donna, so
piano, last year leading singer lit "The
Little Tycoon;" Miss Carrie (iodlroj,
late with the McCall and Thompson
opera company; Miss Nellie Hartley,
contralto, Into with the Moss opera
coiiipniix , Miss Carolyn Ma.xwell, so
prano, lormerly with the C'nileton
opera company, Miss Kinina Knox, so
piano, Miss Mora Bcrdcic, contralto;
Mr. Mattin L'achc, tenor, last season
principal tenor with Kiuniu Juch, Mr.
ixiillaud Calhoun, comedian: Mr.
Douglass Flint, comedian; formerly
with "Mite lleaiil, jr.;" Mr. Henri
Leoni, baiitone, torinerly with the Ca
sino.Now York; Mr.Ot is Thayer, Imsso;
Mr. Hd Huntington, tenor.
There were large picnic and dancing
parties at Lincoln l'ark every alteriiooii
and evening this week. Sunday there
was an immense crowd, the balloon as
cetisiou and the state band proving to
bo stiong attractions. The grounds
are now in prune condition, the roller
coaster and the testaiiiailts are open,
boating is at Its best,t lie dancing pavil
lion is in excellent condition, the grass is
green and the trees tuiuish an abund
ance of shade, ami there is always a
delight lul In ee.e, making Lincoln park
just the place to spend a warm alter
noon or evening. Last night there was
a grand ball and today will be given
over to the school children. All chil
dren will be admitted tree and it is an
uouiiced that one bundled gallons of
ltuiionade will be given avvny.
Tomorrow, Sunday, there will be an
other grand balloon ascension, with
parachute descent b, a lady, gentle
man, ami a do; There will also be the
usual conceit li.v the state baud, after
noon and evening.
Mr. Aiidrus has decided to open
Ciishman Park for the summer, and tlu
season at this well known resort will
be inaugurated this afternoon. There
will be choice music during the after
noon by Miss Wlllotighb.v's ochcsjra.
and Don Lcou.thetight rope perlormer
will given most interesting exhibition.
The park can be convenient y reached
by the electric cars on the Western
Normal lute. These cars are met at
the end of the line by easy lidilig
ceaehes; faro live cents. Tomorrow,
Sunday, there will be a grand picnic
h the (Serniaiiia Maeiiuerchor socle
ties. Visitors lire expected front all
over the state. There will be music
and a special exhibition by the Itoyal
Spanish tSymnasts ami tight rone
walkers. All of the pavillioiis will be
open and there will be boating, etc.
Ciishman never looked prettier than
now, and it is sure to lie an attractive
resort diiriugthe summer mouths. Mr.
Aiidrus has a number of llrst class id
tractions engaged and he will see that
an abundance of amusement is pro
idcd. Tomorrow visitors can go out
on a Western Normal street car line
and bus, or bv special train on the
liurlingtoii, leaving at 1:IH, 'J::tu. :i:.'!0,
ami otM p.m., returning at I :.'!(. .'1:0 i.
liHi. n.iHi.anil s;:io n.m. Admission to
the park ten cents.
Last Wednesday the uniformed rank,
Knights of Pythias, gave a very enjoy
able picnic at liurlingtoii lleach, ami
the many attractions of Lincoln's new
est resort weie thoroughly enjoyed.
There will be a formal opening at I he
Peach today and to-morrow, with
music by the state baud, ami arrange
meiits have been made to receive a
large crowd. This season the pavil
lions have been touched up and tin
grounds have been beaut illed ill many
uiijs, Xeu bathing suits to the mini
her of MHI have been provided ami
there will be ample accommodations
for all who apply. New boats have
also been purchased and the large
number already on hand have been
placed in prime condition. The man
agement lias spent a great deal of
money in improving the lleach ami no
pains will be spaieil to make the lake
a popular resort tor Lincoln and Ne
braska people. Pouting and bathing
at all hours, and dancing in the eve
MXiun Nun:s.
L'uiitiituvil from liiylilh J'mjv.
Last Saturday afternoon .Mr. Frank
L. Hathaway gave a very enjoyable
coaching party, the llrst of the season.
The party included .Mrs. K. M. Muir,
Miss Leila Shears.and her guests, Miss
Chambers, .Miss Mali ami Misstates,
of Omaha, Miss Carson, Miss Itose
Carson, Mr. W. F. Kelley, Mr. Charles
L. Ilttir, Mr. Hathaway, Mr. Harr.v
Shears and Mr. W. Morton Smith.
The elegant new residence of Mr. and
Mrs. M. 10. Thompson, Pittccnth and
11 stieets, was thrown open 011 two
occasions, Thursday ami 1'i'iday even
ings, of this week ton large number ol
trieuds. About one hundred and sev
enty live people were present at the
two events. Dancing formed the feat
ure of the eiiteitainmeiits, with music
by the state orchestra.
The senior class of the university
will celebrate "class day" by an outing
at Miltord to-day. To-nionow evening
Kev. Mr. Puss of Fieinont will preach
the baccalauieate sermon at the Lans
ing and 011 Monday the musical de
partment will give an entertainment
at tlte same place. Tuesday evening
the juniors will entertain their do
parting comrades at the Liudell hotel,
and on Wednesday morning the final
commencement exercises will lie held.
The Presbyterian church history
club held its last meeting in the par
lors of the First Presbyterian church
Monday evening. Papers were read by
Key. Pradt, Mrs. T. C. M linger, ami
Mr. Thomas Marslaud. Short bio
graphical sketches of the Latin and
lireek fathers were given by Mrs.
Pliimuicr, Mrs. Scott, Miss Stoddard,
Mr. Iloge, Mr. Marnall, Mr. Link, and
Mr. Kltodes. At the close of the pro
gram refiesliinentswere served by Miss
Stephens' class.
Stratum's pretty operetta '(Seiie
vicve" was rendered Wednesday even
ing by the young ladies of the Union
society at the university chapel ton
large audience, including delegations
of students trout other colleges. The
young ladies taking part in the per
tormiiiice weie: Misses Olive Pound,
Mlie (iingery. Ulvn Dempster, .Myrtle
Friel, Dora Zedckcr, Metern Craudall,
ami a chorus composed of Misses
Maude Allatison, Maltha Chnppell,
Iteiia Chnppell, oadice Ferguson,
Maude Ijillcity. 1 Srace Morgan, 1 1 race
Prey, Kmiiin Pyrtle, lieitliu (iiinu,
Fvn Kollitsoii, Winnie Stoveits, (irace
ri.lfso.SAI. VIKNTIUN.
Miss Winnifred Main, I'oiinerly
teacher of elocution in Santiago, Chili,
will spend the .summer with her uncle,
Mr. II. II. Main, 'Js'JD (J .street . . Miss
Mae Doner arrived in Lincoln Monday
1 10111 llloouuugtoii, 111., to remain lor
some time, tlte guest of her uncles,
Mr. M. C. Wheeler and Mr. C. M. llaiu
ick .. Dr. W. S. Latta has gone toChi
cago, as a member of the advisory
council of Nebraska, to attend the
medical congtess. lie will deliver
papers on nervous diseases ami sur
gery .. Major J. D. Kleutsch has ic
tiirued from Chicago where hu left his
daughter for a mouth's visit ...Mrs, L,
P. liotlld lett tills week I'or 11 few weeks'
visit at her former home in .Michigan.
.....Mr J S, Part ley has returned lroin
a visit to the worlds fair Mr and
Mrs, C K. nUs mid clnldicii went to
Chicago I his week .... Mr. John ,1.(11111
Iiiii left Tuesday fur u week's world's
fair visit . Mr. W. P. McArthur do
llvercd a memorial address at Nelson,
Neb, Tuesday.. Kov. and Mrs. S
Stein left Wednesday fur Chicago ami
the world's- fidr. . Messrs. ( (!. Tale,
. T Weston, C. F Smith, .1. L. Ander
son ami Charles Plakely nunc up from
Peat rice Tuesday to vvltnesH the road
race Miss Clara Kichardsoii left
this week for Chicago . lion. W. ,1.
Pryan will leave next week for a trip
through the south. He will speak at a
number of the leading cities .. Mr W.
K. Clarke returned .Monday from a trip
through the state. .. Mr. C K.Magoon
returned Tuesday from Chicago
Miss Alice Cowdiey went to Ooluni
bus Friday Mrs. K. II. Aiidrus and
daughter. Miss Lottie, departed last
Week for an extensive visit In MUmuirl
anil New orU . Mrs. C. II. (iihhs of
St. Paul, Minnesota ami Miss Kauf
man of Omaha visited Mrs. F. ('. Shcn-
ard on I ) street this week .. Professor
Fling has gone to Minneapolis, where
he will soon be married.... Mr.
(Seorge Fnrcsmitu was a Lincoln
visitor during the week . .Mr. I-J.
II. Aiidrus of lloldrcgo siieitl
Sunday In Lincoln Miss Fay Mar
shall tetiirued Monday from Omaha
licit' she passed a very pleasant two
weeks The wedding of Miss Lends)
of Omaha, formerly of this city, ton
well known gentleman of New' York
City, is announced to occur early In
June . Mr. Amlriauo returned Tiles'
day from a hurried trip to Chicago . I
Miss (Sort rude Chambers of Omaha
who with Miss Hall ami Miss Yates,
cameilowtilo Lincoln r iilnv t homiest s .
ol Miss Shears, returned home the
llrst of thewcek. Miss Yntos and Miss
Hall returned Saturday afternoon
A bright little girl has come to bless
the home of Mr. ami Mrs, Charles
Mayer on South Klovcnth street.
Mr. Samuel Wessel and tiutiilv luff
-.. ... ." - "'
'I' I.... !.... I M..I.. Mil '
iui'iiui.i mi ivons, v oio. i i ley were
accompanied by Mrs. I. Friend", Miss
Pauline Friend ami Mrs. I'd Stras
burger, of Chicago. Mr. Wessel will
return about the middle of June, while
Hie other members of t li party will
remain in the mountains during the
heated term .. Mr. Sain Heckler, of
Piirlington, la., formerly a resident of
Lincoln arrived in the city Wednesday
and is the tnicst of Mr. M. A. Xounmiif
on M street . Mr. P. (). Mcdluml leaves
this evening lor Chicago . Mr. (ieo.
J. Woods visited Falls City Wednes
day. Miss Fay Marshall will leave
this evening lor Chicagoto act as
bridesmaid for her cousin, who is soon
to be married in Hint city.. Misses
Marie Marshall mid Lucy (irillllli will
.letiiiu fioin St. .Mary's, Notre Maine
tomorrow.. Mr. Frank C. X.ehrung
leturned Tuesday from Omaha. . . Mr.
ami Mrs. Joseph Iliggcr have vacated
their houseon Kighteciith street and
are now at home to their friends at
17U-J L Street.
If you desire a beautiful complexion,
absolutely free from pimples ami
blotches, purify your blood by the use
of Ayer's .Sarsaparilla. Koinovo the
cause of these dtsllgiireinents and the
skin will take euro of itself. He sure
you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Tin: CouHtmt oilers an opportunity
to visit the world's fair free. All that
is necessary Is to secure tvventy-llvo
now subscribers any one can do' that.
round trip ticket to Chicago on any
line of railroad will be given to any
person securing that number of sub
scribers. See largo advertisement
elsewhere. '
Mrs. McClavo and Mru. Ensmingor,
Iliio dros&mukiuij, 1238 0 btruut.
After the theatre call at "The Annex
Cafe" for a lunch. F.vcrything nice,
new and attractive. Prices reasonable
Miss Mablo Morrill, the woll-known
artist, is again at hor studio, room 3,
Webster block, where- sho will ho
pleased to oxocuto orders In pastol and
oil paintings. Lossons givou.
June Clearing Sale
An Event that is Welcomed by Every Economical Shopper in Lincoln.
Plain Hop Sackings,
liriDUCKl) FROM $2.(11), $1.7S ANI) $1.S() Q j J s
Clianeable Hop Sackings, vpl.lvJ
UhDUCIiD I-'IiOM $2 'S. S2.S0 AND Sl.SU
Lndios' all-Silk Vfsts, in (Yearn, Pink, Liht liliu,Olil Cold, Salmon,
Black, ruduccd fVuin $!.()()
"Biamty'Vilnvi's, o'liamois (ilovt
lioal JCid Gloves, larjf pfarl
Gray, llclioLropc, Ktc,
1121-1123 N STREl:T.
A I'Iiip Kt'olilciH'ti I'or Unit.
, Anolght-rooin house wit hall modern.
Improvements for renl June 1st. (hut,
hath, hot and cold water, Htcaiu heat,
cistern ami oily wider. Apply at real,
deuce, 1827 Laired or I KM Oatroot,
Itjrn mill i:ur NnrKPi'ii.
r. W. L. Dayton, oculist ami aurlst
1 No. I'JiU 0 street. Lincoln. Neb.
Wnrlil'ii rn I r lliiti'n,
The following cheap rates are now In
' elfcct via Uio"lIurIliigUut Koule," viz:
ClilniKo. imii' wnv j-j
t'lili nun iiml rutnrii .... ' ;ju
HI t.niila, nun hiiv , ill n't
i HI I oiilii iiml ti'liirn .. . ..".',,"' 20 III
Koiind trip tickets are good until
November 15. For tickets, sleeping
I oar accommodation, ami full Inforiua.
1 lion call at P. ,fc M. depot or olty olllco,
corner of O and Tent li at recta.
A. 0. ZiKitmi, O. P. &V. A.
II 4'iihIh Morn
to stay at home (linnto takeiulvaulagi'
of the Purllngton's ten dollar exclu
sion to Hhcrldnn, Wyo., Tuesday, M113
Ask A. C. Ziemer, oily ticket agent
at Tenth ami O streets, for fin ther par
ticulars. Sampson Sisters, artistic droHHinalc
ing, ll'A'IN atroet, over Dormtj-H.
Hoys' clothing
iolNlieimei' A Co.
line new line at Her
If you have any leisure time go.
twenty live of your friends to suliscrlbn
to Tin- Connim ami you will receive in
tetiirn a tomid trip ticket to Chicago
good any time during the world's fair.
Prof. Swain's ladles tailoring ami
dress cutting school. Thorough in.
htructioiiH. Lessons not limited. Dress
making done with dispatch, on short
notice. Patterns cut to measure and
nil work guaranteed
Halters marker, old reliable market,
now moved to Thirteenth atroet oposito
Lansing thealro, is where ladles should
call for their meat orders. Telophono
ordors over No. 100 rocolvo prompt at
tention. Latest novelties in Spring Millinery,
the lluesl in the city. Caldwell Sisturu
1!03 South Kluvunlli streot.
Mrs. W. I', tlospor's now spring stock
of millinory, tho llnost iu tho olty, is
now complete
Miss S. E. lilakosloo, lino dressmak
ing, ut Mra. (Jo.spor'8, 1114 O St.
A lino lino of canned soups '.Ti cents
per can. Miller ,V ( Silford, grocers.
W. A. Collin Sc. Co., grocer b,143 South
11th streot.
I'll)' Wurlil'N litlr.
The Manufacturers and Liberal Arts
building is the most gigantic struct tire
the world ever saw. It's a third of a
mile long, a seventh of a mile wide, and
has a floor space of forty four acres.
All the armies that fought in the civil
war could be marshalled within its
If you intend visiting the great ex
position laud you can't nllord not to.,
purchase your ticket to Chicago and
return via the liurlingtoii route See
Poniiell at the depot, or .eimer at
Tenth ami O. They will tell you all
about trains. P,xcursiou rates everj
Misses Poggs fc Calfyn, dressmaking
Parlors. Fine, stamping. Kill M wtruut,
'phono 519.
, I'ciltift'tl
l)tittou, in l'urplt
ut't'tU', uat'K ii't't'ii,
Ktc, ivduct'il from .$'2.t)o
Wlilto Loijnorn I lata, Olio. WhiloChlp HatH, OOo.
Colorucl Chip HatH, OOo.
All new Midsummer Styles, worth 1 ,'i) each
Your choice lor
Two Floot'H liXoliiHlvoly Milllnury.
Oaiul 12th StH.,
Funko'H Opurn Hoiiho Cornur,
.Snl his
The undersigned herobyglves notice
that it will not bo responsible for or
pay any debt incurred by employes,
except t hose Tor which an order Is given
personally signed by II, This rule is
Ootuunt P1111. Co.
Lincoln Nmi,, May 1st., IHIt.'l.
Ask your grocnryinan for tho "WIN
her Polling Mills" Flour, CIiuh. Har
vey, proprietor. F.mpilro for
"Little llatohet,"
"Nickel Plate," uud
"linkers' Constance."
Every sack warranted.
P11II11I0 Hour if I (M p,. sack M
A (Slllord, gioceis, opp linn ,.
si mi 1:
In lliiMllHtrlit 1 uiirt nl l.iiiiiiiHti'i-1 iiuiit.l . s'i'
In lli mill lir nl I Iim I'll 11 ti nt .luliti llli'niiii ili'
Snllii' Ik lii-ri'ln tilt 'ii I (ml In iiiimiihiiii ut 101
unliT uf Urn llniiiiriilili' I'lnm I. Hull, 111 tlln
Jinlwi'H nl I lii illntilil 1 iiii r I nl I. Minimi it iiniiil.v ,
niiiili' 1111 t In, Huh in nl Mn, iviii, fur lln hiiIk
it Urn ri'iil I'ohili' li'Ti'in iliwi rllii'il' ulll tin miiIiI ut
llii'i-imt iliiur nt I In' rmirl Ihiii'm In Lmii'iixtiT
uillll, Si'lirnnkll, 1111 Ihn Mil illi) nt .1 11 IK'. 1 sit I.
ill '.'ii Ini k i ri'iiOiii' In tin' lilulii'ial lililiti'i
Inr in.ti iIih li tilt ml ii ir ili'Trlln'il iriiirl . hmll
I ul illu lilmk 7 In llii' Ilnt nililllliiii In tin' tnuu
it llrlli. I.iiiii mIit iniintv, SrliniHkii, milil niilc
Mill i in ii I ii nivii inn' liuiir
Nl I Kim I' Hum k,
AiliiiliilKtriiliir ut I In-ml itlc nt .Inlili IIIi'Kiiii.iIi'
ll t'niiiiil miit llurr, iiltiirni't " lur iiiIiiiIiiIh
Hiili'il Mnv In, Is'.i.l
The Noxt Number Especially Good.
Town Topics
l'lililliilii'il llrxl liny of Di'ii'tiilii'r, IVIiiri'li,
linn mill hrilrmtifr,
I'.wry ri'piitnliln iichh iiml IkviIc hImiiiI ImH It.
1'rlrr, mInuIi- iiiiinliir, HO t!i:N'l S.
i'i:n vi:.k, ,nitni;ii i ui;i:.
TIiIh lirltliiuil yimrti'ily rt'iiriHlnnti tlm l'nt
Hlllll'H, Kkcll'lll-H, Illrll1l(lll-N IHH-IIIN, Hltll.
i'Iniiii, i-lo , frniii tin' luirk iiiiimIhtn of Unit
Hindi Inlki'il iiIkiiiI N'rtv Vnrk tSncii'lyJiiiiriml.
'lnN Tni'liH, Mlili'lilt iHilillsliciliiiiH. Siili
M-rliilimi price, SI ii kt ji-nr
'llm twii I'litilleiitlnim ' Town 'I'uliCH ' iiml
"Taikm kiiiiu 'Iiiwn Toi'ii'H' tup I tier nt llm
low rluh irki'iif $SiIit jrnr
AkU our ui-HHiliuli-r fm 'iIhmii nr iililn-HH(
SMVextUil Stntil N Y City.
S. 30. ST.
iVoin l.uu to "
New Silh Veilings,
cch'As 200 yd.
New Luces,
Silh Laces,
I'niiit Hi- (Sciif, unit (Jointed,
Waclt Silh Mills, &:," GOo pr.
Silh Mills, ,',!!X 7f)(! !o $1.00 pr
Ctcun, I'liilc, lllnr uml HlH(k.
Colored Lisle, ks-i) liGc-50c pr.
Kid Cloves, lM;lKSCu.1.00 pt
Figured Dolled Swisses, h-aik)
5c and 55c a yard.
7V China Silks, 7!)o$l. 18 yil
Kcilucril I111111 ft u unil f 1.30.
Wash Silhs, Hi'dticud to G9o yd.
P0NCFFS SA1IN '""as. rinuKK').
' 1 ,1, vl ;.r,!,.l''!-,'"S- hAIINI, CHAM.
IIKAs. I'l.KlAl.l.s, Ac, 4c, lium nUc to
4"C er yjril.
Ol It lU'NIXKNM iimreascH right
along. Wonttrlliuto tho fact to our
(.iood Coodsat low iirlccM, correct
and laird ciil iii(;.
Economy Dry Goods Store,
s, o
-Corner 11th and H BtS.
H Si' irk iiml I.iiihIiiii lll ili'llvur twii free in
T'lilii' ior Iim tiiri'M mi
M te M O K Y
Or lili lien nrt ul
At l lllllsl IAN Clirill-ll. Illli ami K Stu.
Tuesday, June 6,
Atli rmiiiii nt .1 I.vviiIiik nt I.
'I In-fri'i li'i'turp will In. IuIIiiwpiI liy n I'nurso ot
liiHtriictluii nt tin.
Young Men's Christian Ass'n Hall,
.ii i: h.
Jl F .
Attcriiouii ut 'I
r.itiilnic nt 4.
rtii Kjli'iii tiiuKht tiy I'rut I iil.i-tte not iir
llllrlnl It V It Hie .Miiiiiir In HtreiiKtlif lifil, uud
iiilml wiuiiliiriiiic curo.l IIiiuLh nru Iturnwl in
nun ri-iulliiK Theurl ul itiiMUK Hlthout liotrM
ix iUlri i'lr , etc
'I U Li'tM lur thf Inst ii'cturi' nml tlm rnurm.' ot Iu
utrui tlnii hoi Ih. iilituliii'ilnt llurli'v'H Uruir atom
iiiiiik VIimi'i. rtirlHtiiin AmiDcliittiin ami l'rol
l.uUi'ttt'. I.IiiiIdII lluti'l.
i" in m .inr nciiii v furii an vn
"iilin iiu. I u I m in . , in i It cot iiiitliuK tu
irv On Imi-iik.i. Wi i,l tmit )UU tt,-ll, uml
1" l' "ii t.. . ,irn I, ii nun . uriliniir) hiii' IIi.mi
t. .i i U;, . , U1 at l0llll, uii.l Mtirk in
"I'"' 'ii ii. I Hi' tnm Vln line mo hIiiti
.in . .1 ii .i iin .ii .li nl ..f ii, , MUII) m IIMlU
ln IIiiiiii,. liiiUiiriii Miinili No clu,,, uf
".i in Iin t in , hi ikinc u niucli tiuiiny
will,. .in ui,iiiil ii. ili,, .it unrk luru llii.lm.i
I .' i mi, irlrilv linn,, ml, I, ami uw In tlrr limn
inn .uliir mliri-il In .iu ui li.m u t-lt-ur
ii. 1,1. lili ii,, 'iii iioi'ii Hi. immiIii Mm Mili
I'inililiiK uml ,rluii.. iliri-i-Uniu for
l.ifiiin. r. mIiI.Ii. ,,lv,,l f.iii,fut, ,i, irlll,,
" I'i'iiii tli.ui Mill .no uilirr tll.lin-i 1,"
I r..ii mur rii'. it.' H In n,i ' on cull iin ci
ii-in .mil .unit .it work lur in. Itciuuimbli'
'ulii.lrt only iin-m-iir) (nr ulnliiti iuvi'
.nil lil. I ilnii liirult Int: I'tiri imrtU'iilar U i-m
t.i all. Ii lut nut in milling f0r u,
lUJOKIli: Vll.NsO.N - CO.,
Ilox No, 188, I'urlluml, M.