Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 01, 1892, Image 6

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Academic School for Girls,
IJMtla, Nsbraaka,
All llntneheiof
Mule, Art, Elocution,
Literature, and Languages,
TMcht by a Faculty of HUlecit I nut motor.
Kach Teacher an
lbs only Conservatory west of lloaton own
In) its own building and furnishings. Are
lnl home tor ldy si ttilonta. Tuition mm
MM to $30.00 per term of lOwiok.
VrtM for Catalogue and Rmionil In formation
O. II. IIOWKI.U Dlreotor.
Una Ml limit o.x
iikiiko ri'lnced lila
Old) Instruments
wllh 11 new I'nlli"
mycr, illrrot from London, sntl Ik now belter
prepared iliim ovor to tin II mi work, from a
locket up to llfo ulre. Open from lUit, lit. (o 4
t. m,Huiidit),
Studio, iai4 O street,
CAPITAL $200,000.00.
American i Exchange
National Bank.
I' resident.
Law la Gregory,
Vlo President
I). Q. Wing,
Lincoln, : Nebraska
Ojfiirrs ami Dirrttorst
Jouu II. Wright, l'rcs. T. K. HniHlcru, V.-P.
J. II. McUluy, Cashier.
FK Johnson, II I Lull. Thou Coehran. K
KtSlier, TWUiwery, V I. Dayton
Gcncrnl Hanking lluslucss Transacted
Collections n Specialty.
(Huccetior to Dr. Charles Suurlso.)
Cures Cancers Tumors
Went unit FIMuIn without M10 line of Knl'e
Chloroform or I-Uhcr.
Office 18J7 O Street
Ladies' and Children's
lair Catting and Shampooing
a Specialty,
Santa Fe Route 1
m m -
ltcUson,IopekaS Santa FeR,R
Tk Poyalar Route to the Pacilc
Through Pullman and Tourist
Between Kansas City and SAN DIEGO,
CISCO. Short Line Rates to
Double Dally Train Service Between
The Direct Texas Route
Trains Between Kansas City and
Galveston. The Short Line Between
Kansas City and Gslnesvllle, Ft.
Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple,
San Antonio, Houston, and
all Principal Points
in Texas.
The Only Line Running Through ths
Only Direct Line to the Texas
Pan-Handle, For Maps and
Time Tables and Informa
tion Regarding Rates
and Routes Call on
or Address
B. L. PALMER, Passenger Agent,
131$Farnam Street,
Keep the (Mil Toy. -dull Hamilton's (looil
Adioe The Woman Courier Naming
the llahy Careless Wnmrn A Htllrli
III Time Household I I t ).
TI10 woiinui who complains that sho Iiiin
no place In tlm world Iiuh only to open Iiit
yes and In most instances shu will readily
tw what Is waiting for Iiit. TIhi fiict that
she docs not llkn Unit iwirt Icitlar Held Ih no
argument against Its usefulness for Iiit.
Patience Strong, detained lit homo liy 1111
untoward accident when tlm long wished for
Kuropcun tour was about to become 11 real
Ity, found opportunities liy tlm score for
useful service, if 110 liniui' duties call, the
sign Ii plain that In wiinu broader Held
tliere Ih, In 11 happy sensu of tint wont, 11
career to lie nought. Tlm cultivation of
ie talent may It) destined to bring
pleasure and profit, Thu student has n
boundless Held before hltn, To many it
secluded 0110 thu CliAiitatiiitn reading
courses have proved sourccH of untold, al
most unending, delight. If tho necessity
of self Niipport oxlsts, there Is 11 large pliite
for thu sluglu woman. Qood nurses, tench
crs, artists, musicians, writers, dress
makers and workers In n dozen morn line
of Industry nro always In demand. None
liutthu Inelllelent or tlm unfaithful ordi
narily need complain of lack, of employ
With Home tliere In Kreat unwillingness
to accept thu place, for which they have
special fit n i'M. Tlm adept In thu womanly
art of needlework who, despising her tal
ent, aspires to thu rewards of an artist's
kill while lacking fitness for such n jiosl
tlon, hint rcaiiou to find herself without n
fioMtlon. Success In to ho expected In the
luo of one's abilities, not nlwayM lu tin.
lino of one's desires. Discontent because
genius or great power luui been denied Ih
imply nn Impious fault finding with the
Creator's plan. If nil women were Kreat
musicians, where woru thu needleworkuM?
If all excelled in ministering to thu sick,
whoro should wo seek our works of art anil
tasteful decnratlonsr Willing to ho plaei-d
whero ono van Accomplish most always
means happiness and contfiitmeut. The
oft quoted apothegm, "There Is always
room nt the top," Is worthy of thu author
of Proverbs. ."Placo nux ilitmeH" Is tin
watchword of thu century. Thu single
woman, better than her married sister
becuitiu) ordinarily shu lias gn-ater free
domlit in a position to reap thu advau
tnges of the hour. Let her exult lu her
heritage, and not allow a complaint to
pns her lips In this closing decadu of the
Nineteenth century that theru Ih no plaee
for her, Harper's Hazar.
Ki'op the Old Toy.
On thu whole let us bo content with hIiiv
pllclty. The simplest Is most beautiful.
There are more golden rules than one, ami
ono of the best Is that wu do what our
hands llnd totlowlth all our hearts. I be
Hove our very best plan Is to keep up the
spirit of chlldhotsl, to maku fun of our
work, to bo childlike always. Don't gut
too serious over your duties. You are a
toy lover after all. Nearly all you do Is
luilgulllcnlit from onu sldo view, but very
grand from another view. My llttlo girl Is
quito as much lu earnest as I am, but she
I think we may or will keep all thu old
toys and pieces of toys that Is if wu can
mako room for them. I didn't use to think
so, but 111 ml u nn minimi or semiannual
clear up. At last I noticed that nn old
broken baby's chair had served three boys,
ono after Another, to push about and get.
no end of occupation with. Then old toys
begun to luivu 11 sacredness in myeyis.
Dolls' heads with a hole In the top ami
lacking ono eye aro as acceptable when
dressed over am the best perfect doll just
out of the shop. A child has something
mora than n fancy for bright, nmv things.
She has sympathies, and n battered doll as
"poor Susie" calls out thu child's tenderest
Tho very best part of the education of
my John, Jr., has cotnu from old wheels
and springs nnd nil sorts of rubbish rub
bish to me but which ho hud tho gift to
put together with new purposes. Now
from these scraps ho has caused to exist a
dozen valunblu machines. Really what Is
a man good for but to putideaslntothlugs
that lio around purposeless? Mary K.
Spencer In St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Gall Hamilton's Good Advlo.
Gail Hamilton, while one of the most
trenchant critics of manners and perhaps
a bit of a scold, is nevertheless a womanly
woman, with 11 noblo respect for true
womanliness and a fine scorn of every
thing little and low and mean. Wllduess,
she declares, Is n thing which girls cannot
afford. Delicacy is u thing which cannot
be lost or found. No art can restore the
grapo Its bloom. Familiarity without con
fidence, without regard, Is destructive of
all that makes woman exulting and en
It Is the first duty of woman to bo a lady
Good breeding Is good sense. Had man
ners in it woman aro immorality. Awk
wnrduess may lie ineradicable. Hash
fulncssisconstitutlonal. Ignorance of eti
quetto Is thu result of circumstances. All
can be condoned and not banish inep
and woman from the amenities of their
kind. But self possessed, unshrinking and
aggressive coarseness of demeanor may Is
reckoned as a prison offense, and certainly
merits that mild form of restraint culled
imprisonment for life. It is a shame for
women to be lectured, on thvir maimers,
It is a bitter shaino that they need It. Do restrained.
Carry yourself so lofty that men will
lookup to you for reward, not at you in
rebuke. The natural sentiment of man
toward woman Is reverence. IIu loses a
large means of gracu when ho is obliged
to account her a belug to bo trained In pro
priety. A man's ideal Is not wounded
when a woman falls lu worldly wisdom:
but if in grace, in tact, lu sentiment, lu
delicacy, In kindness she should bo found
wanting, he
receives nn Inward hurt.
New York Commercial Advertiser.
The Woman Courier.
In thu numerous schemes for providing
"our girls" with employment, ono outlet
which might be greatly developed has been '
overlooked. The lady courier is not yet to 1
tho front. Hut she is likely to bu so. I
traveled a short time ago with one. She I
Informed mu that sho spends as much time
in the tfumcrs and railways as a queen's
messenger or the Indefatigable mother of
the prince of Hulgitrlu.
As her life is a wearing one, she stipu
lates for handsome fees. They are often
given ungrudgingly to her, and she it
iKMtrded nnd lodged its though she weru a
duchess when traveling with rich and deli
late ladies. Thu lady courier Is expected
It be as well posted as the tnau courier,
the one I bad the pleasure of tulklng wltb
Is sometimes finplojcil in escort m
ladles from one end of Kuro'- - to themlici
and Is stilllcleiitly well hoi mil iduciitiii
to go with them, If need lie, Into noddy
film million number of sea voyages as an
assistant stewardess to mnkn herself pns 1
against M'lislckiivss, with which she Is 1111
longer troubled.
Onu of her troubles Is being uxpectid,
when shn travels with dull perrons of her
own sex, to amino them. As they only
cam for gossip, and like It to bo III 11a
lured, shu backbites to their hearts' con
tent. Hut to guard against thu daugerof
mischief making shu Invents her charnc
tern. They do quite as well as If they were
real. When shu deals lu eiiloglum she no
longer draws on her Imagination, A son-In-law
of this useful person Is a colonel.
Loudon Truth.
NiiiiiIiib tlm llnliy.
There Is less enre taken In selecting a
nainu for the baby than in bestowing a
sultablu cognomen on thu pet dog of a fain
liy, tradition supplying tho dog with a eel
of names from which to choose, wlillu poor
baby Is left to thu Imagluativo selection of
its friends. A nainu that will sound well
on a grown man or woman Is seldom
chosen. It must bu tlm "itsey tootsey"
kind of a handle that II ts thu pink bit of
humanity just prospecting for n claim In
the world. Consequently It Is customary
to meet tall, majestic women who am ml
dressed as Minnie, and Daisy, when Mary
and Margaret aro thu names by which tiny
should bu designated.
"What's lu a liamof" Is a very pertlheii
question, sluco character Ih often found to
answer to the 1 imu of thu person who
bears It. Wu would know that "Fair Hose
lleaiitySpot Temptation Touch Mu Not"
was a descendant of Ethiopian kings as
surely as that "Iucrcaso Success tioqicl
Shadrach" was of Puritan descent. Names
should be chosen because of their fit tit ss
and from associations, also with reference
to their future, adaptation. In view of the
unfortunates saddled with incompatible
names, why nut rig thu new baby out with
a diminutive and let it choose its own
nainu when it comes to years of under
standing? Then such Incongruities as a
llttlo dumpy, rolypoly woman called (I race
or 11 six-footer of 11 man with tho cogno
men of Wlillu might bu avoided. Detroit
Freo Press.
Cureless Women.
Thu titter selfishness and disregard for
others' comfort shown by somu women In '
their manner of carrying their umbrellas
nnd sunshades Is frequently deplorable. '
On Fifth aveuuu thu other day I saw a
short, fat woman deliberately knock off a I
passing young woman's hut and tear hi r
dellcatu lace veil into shreds with her uiu
brella. She wiih walking with another !
elderly woman and both had largu open
sunshades. Tho iivcnuo wiiHquitu crowded,
but they wuro oblivious to everything save
their own comfort, and rather than raise
their arms sulllcieutly to hold their urn
brcllus at a safe height they seemed to ex
pect every ono to step out of their way or
sutTer. Not tho slightest apology was
I saw a young woman trip and fall h eas
ily over an umbrella thrust Into tho center
of the aisle by another woman passenger
on an elevated train.
This convinces me there should be a
new exercise Introduced Into the schools
and gymnasiums for women, which I
would name "How a woman should man
age an umbrella, furled and unfurled,
without endangering life, limb and wear
ing apparel."
Thu Impossible angles Into which n
woman can get her umbrella Is a wonder,
and each new onu seems more aggressive
than thu last, and if thu danger increas-.K
At Its past rate a vlsored helmet will be
come n necessity. New York Herald.
A Stitch In Time.
It pays better to spend an hour every
now nnd then going over one's gowns
freshening them up and giving the little
touches hero and there that keep their
prettlness alive, than to wait until they
are nil going to pieces, and then have to
take it day and devotu yourself to mciidlne
them. You often can't, do much for them
at such 11 late hour, for thu tiny hole, or rip
will havo frayed all out of hlmpo, or tin
dangling tape will havo pulled tho plait
away fiout nil setublaucu of proper imu;
lng. Don't throw them over the backs ol
chairs When you comu in; they will wriukii
and muss up horribly, waists especially
for they aro it bit warm when' you take
them off, and so inoro susceptible to new
and ugly creases.
Give frocks it good shako nnd hang them
up, dust off hats mid bonnets before put
ting them in their box, and havo a bit of
plncu for ribbons and chiffons where the
won't get all mixed up with button boo
and hairbrushes. Alcohol and water it 1
better than anything else for taking dh
out of clothes. Grease, sugar, paint, ever;
thing yields to their almost magic power
Hid theru is left no unpleasant lysnggewtlvi
sdor behind. American Dairyman.
Two llean Hub Games.
Dean bngs havo been introduced In
land, where they are played as a species o
Cool on nn inclined plunk, with a rouin
olu and a square holu lxired near the Imsi
and upper corner. Theru is another wa,
of playing bean bags at Hlchlleld Sprln;;t
that is very popular. Two lines an
formed, with thu men alternating as fa
as they can bu made to go, then face 0:11
another. At one end is it starter, at tin
other an umpire, Tho starter has tw
beau bngs. Shu places onu lu thu hand 01
each of thu ends, men or women, and it
thu wonl "Go!" tho Ik-iiu bugs aro started
They must pass through each person',
hand. The bag that first reaches the em'
of thu line Indicates the winner. Skipping
a player, which in the excitement Is easlei
than mluht be thought, Is a foul. Tin
gumu is popular dull afternoons, nnd pro
motes acquaintance as nothing else wll.
do. New York Evening Sun.
Winiiuii'a OrcHtt-nt Kneiny.
"It Is a noto of warning," says a physl
cliui, "when fatlguu comes without com
mensuratu effort. It is common to hear 11
woman say, I feel well enough, excent
1 mini uro out, very cusiiy. nomeming is
I wrong, then, for it Is not natural In health
10 cxuuusi ones reservu so quicKiy, llest
and tonics should begin, nnd, if possible
cessation of worry. That U thu buno of
theaverago American woman. The fact
lhat 00-IOOthsof her worries aro Imaginary
docs not mnke them less harmful. It
ought to reduce them, however. In getting
abreast of man lu many of his achieve
ments, I wish women would cultivate his
indifference to trifles and learn never to
worry without reason. They would re
move from themselvesatremeudousliauili
cap In tho raceof lifts.' Her Polutof View
In New York Times.
A Tempting Turklth tilth.
The Turkish dish known as Mussal.11
Imam Halldl, thu receipt for which K,ein
to suggest something good, is according to
tho I-ondon caterer made thus: Cut upuu
eggplnu (aubergine) lutt slices, salt them,
strain tluni for a fuw minutes, dry them
well In a cloth, then fry them In Imiiei
till they aro of a rich brown color. Now
chop tip somu U'ef very line, and mince It
carefully with some parsley, a suggestion
of onions, pepper and salt, butter and a
few fresh tomatoes, thinly sliced, and stew
these things together until thu meat is
browned. Next arrange In a plu dish or
mold, layers of eggplant and lnyers of the
stew, I'oura llttlo broth or gravy Into
thu mold nml bake lu thu oven for about
thlrty-livo minutes. Turn thu whole care
fully out onto a dish, or better still, serve
lu thu plu dish, If thero is any ilifllculty
In procuring tlm eggplants or aubergine-,
tlm ordinary vegetable marrow Is an ex
cellent substitute.
Our Daughter.
Thu household blessed with noble daugh
ters ought to bu it happy one; most parents
forget, however, to Imbue them with love
of nature which Is so invigorating and
healthful. Glvu them not only noblu tench
lugs, but noblu teachers, and give them the
help which alouo has sometimes doiio more
than nil other Inlluenees tho help of wild
nnd fair nature. You cannot baptlco them
rightly In Inch deep church fonts unles-i
you baptlxo them in tlm Hwect waters
which tho great Lawgiver strikes forth
from thu rock of your uatlvo land. You
cannot lead them faithfully to those nar
row, ax hewn church altars whllo tho azure
altars in heaven remain for you without
inscription altars built, not to, but by iw
unknown God. Huskln,
What it Womanly Woman May Do.
Thu womanly woman with her noblo am
bltlons, her pure views of llfu nnd bur M n
ny nature can spur a man on to hlghcrat d
better work and let him seo in her eyes the
first glimpse of heaven. Such it onu makes
a trim wlfu and mislcl mother, nml tho life
of it man blessed in this way Is enriched by
a treasure absolutely priceless. With more
noble, upright and true women in tills
world tliero would bo fewer dissolute, tin
principled men. A good woman can al
most always make it good man, unless in
deed ho Is beyond redemption when she
takes him lu hand. Philadelphia Times.
Truthlets About Women.
Lovo from gratitude is iovo by purchase.
IIo who has a good wlfo has it second
You can best deceive it woman by telling
her tho truth.
To pleaso some women it man must
know them thoroughly nnd then ho fre
quently doesn't euro to pleaso them nt nil.
A woman is always charmed with the
man who is keen enough to seo through
her llttlo stratagems and Itold enough to
tell her so.-Munley II. Plkoln Kato Field's
Tun Fundamental Utile.
Among tlio general rules to bo observed
by those who nsplro to stylish elegance of
appearance, thu llrst and most important
Ih that all effort must tend to widening
tho shoulders by means of largo full sleeves,
and laco drapliigs over thu shoulders anil
across the breast; and the second is that
equally strenuous elTort must bo brought
to do itwuy with all protuberances about
thu hips by means of most carefully fitted
princess gowns worn over equally well
shaped corsets and undergarments. New
York Sun.
Mine. Duilitet.
Mine. Alphouso Dnutlet is a writer of
talent and has frequently assisted her bus
band In IiIh work. hen Dnudet feu dan
gerously 111 ah ho was writing "Les
Kolsen Kxll," ho commissioned his wife
In case of his dentil to finish tho book.
Her stylo is refined, artistic, nnd charac
terized by most delicato precision and
charm, and her books aro faithful inter
preters of Parisian homo life, with most
charming chapters on childhood. Paris
How Rubber ltlng May He Softened.
Tim elasticity of rubber rings that have
become hard and useless tuny bo restored
by their belug placed for half nn hour lu a
mixture of water nnd ammonia, contain
ing about twice as much of thu latter asof
tho former. Plunging them into water
heated to 70 degs. Ih also said to bo effica
cious. All objects made of rubber should
bo kept in a cool, damp place, at a constant
temperature, and sheltered from light,
heat and frost. Brooklyn Eagle.
Vresh Air ami Exercise.
What tho American girl needs to perfect
and maintain her charms is the cold morn
lng tub, less violet powder, more fresh air
nnd out of door exercise, and tho titter ex
termination of tlio horrid furnace, which,
placed in every cellar, sends fortli sirocco
like blasts of air into every chnmlier in the
house, and so converts tho modern Ameri
can homo, lu point of temperature, into a
conservatory for forcing plants. Ex
change. Heller for m Tight Shoe.
When, ns sometimes happens, ono is
forced to wear nn uncomfortably tight
shoe, it may bo of value to know that
folded cloth wet in hot water laid over tin
pinching point will often speedily afford
relief, Chaugu thu cloth several times to
keep up thu heat, which shortly stretches
thu shoe anil shapes It to thu foot. New
York Times.
Six women havo bien included among
tlio members of tho Philosophical Society
of America Mine, Lelier, noted for le
searches lu vocal physiology; Prhicess
Catherine d'Aschkow, Mrs. Somervllle,
Marin Mitchell, Mrs. Agasslzand Helen
Mothers should tnoko it iolnt of seeing
that their daughters acquire businesslike
habits. Every girl should be taught and
required to carry Into practice in her own
expenditure a certain amount of book
keeping. A celebrated realistic writer who is in
tho habit of weaving phrases spoku of
some young perMin as "it fifteen minute
girl," going on to explain, "onu of tlio sort
that tell you nil they know in fifteen mill
It is unnecessary to say that brushing
thu teeth is nn excellent modu of rendering
the mouth antiseptic, and that as decaying
teeth furnish excellent lurking places foi
germs they should bo promptly attended
A rather thin pieco of unbleached cotton
flannel makes thu best of dlsliwlpers. Its
first wetting should be n thorough one in
boiling water, and ull lluty qualities will
be "laid."
Any dellcatu colors may Iki "set" by
soaking thu article to bu washed lu a basin
of tepid water in which a teaspooufiil of
turpentine has been stirred.
A stationary washbowl in a bedroom
should bo filled during thu night or cov
ered with a damp towel to prevent tho es
capo of poisonous gases.
Now's the Time to Buy!
Manufacturers Agent f
I have just received nt my repository, direct from the factory, a lnr?e Hue of FItST
Cf.ASS U'0, and nm offering then nt prices tbnt positively dis
tance all competitors. Sec my line of
And nil the latest Novelties In the Carriage line, liclng manufacturer's agent for
some of the greatest factories, I am in a position to offer goods nt closer
figures than retailers. It will pay you to call and see my
dVIiW LUCE before making purchases.
1540 O STREET - 1540 STREET
Our Parlors arc the handsomest and coolest In the city. Fine line of Confection
ery and Hnkery Goods always fresh.
Sunday Orders
Telephone 501.
HAVING just nssumed personal Lontrol of my handsome new stables, it will be
my aim to conduct n first-chus establishment, giving bed of care and nttentlon to
horses entrusted to our keeping.
Single or double, and n fine line of well-trained horses for livery use, fur
nlslicd, day or night.
M. R. STANLEY, Foreman. Telephone 550
Stables 1639 and 1641 O Street.
Lincoln, Neb
An Old School ina New Location.
Ninth Year. 25 Departments. 30 Teachers
Beautiful, henlthv location, mngnlficcnt buildings, line equipments, superior nccoin
modations, Mrong faculty, comprehensive curriculum, thorough woik.hlgh moral and
christian influences nnd low expeiWes mnke this
A practical education without needlen. wnstc of time or money Is furnished by the
Western Normal College
You can Enter any Time and Choose Your Studies
This great school Is located In Hawthorne, three miles southwest of the post ollicc and
will be connoted by electric street car line, YOUK. CAR FARE PAID. In order
that all may see our many advantages In the way ot buildings, equipments faculty, etc
wo will pay your car fare from your home to Lincoln provided you are present on the
opening day of the fall term, Sept. 1893. Write for paitlculars.
Mend name and addresses of S5 youui; people and wo will siindyou cholun nfuiio 1-vlncls
ruler tCrnioi etoror -year's sube'lotlon to our Illustrated e. iieatlonii inontlily. UATA
LoaOKd ANHOlllCULAHrt.Kltr.B. Address WM, M.tJHOAM, I'res.or
WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE, Lincoln, Neb. ' "&;. Treasurer.
Fromptly Delivered.
1307 O Street.
Finest in the City
f .