Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 12, 1888, Image 1

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    " XV
Vol. 3. No. U2
LINCOLN, Nkdkaska, SXTUKDAY, May 112, 1888
What llo Sees, 1 1 nun, Think mill
T IS TO UK regretted very much tlmt
our streets wcro in such liorrlblo condl
Hon during tho visit of tlio state drug
gists this week. Not content with this
the heavens seemed to shod their tears to
mnko even that liorrlblo state of things
won. However, I feel confident that our
friendly visitors appreciate tho circumstances
and know that when n city's streets nro
torn up preparatory to paving, thoy cannot
make n very udtnirablo nppenrance. How
over, ladies and gentlemen, when you visit
us again, we will mako amends for tho pant
by driving you in our finest vehicles over
Lincoln's paved thoroughfares.
Many of our renders have doubtless been
shocked at tho cruclul point of u theatrical
porfonimuce by the fainting of soma one in tho
audience; but if wo nro to behove the follow
ing from Fred Nye's fountain, this is merely a
trick, of tho trado. Tlmt it has Wen succcssf ul
in Inducing patronage goes without saying,
but hereafter wo can regard such scenes with
the stolidness that betokens tho blast Man,
Miss Faunlo Bliss, a member of Hobort Man.
tell's, "Monbars" compnny, is lying ill at tho
Duiker hotel with malaria. Bheisn woman
perhaps 40 years of ago and not unprciosess
ing. Her part In tho play was to got n con
tplcuotis seat among tho audience and faint
hysterically away when Monbars burnod tho
red grcoHo oft his arm in tho dog scono. She
inform us that kho fainted eighteen times
during tho Chicago engagement, and was
dragged out every time. She says she has
done fnr more to render "Monbars" popular
and to ndvertlso it than any other nicinWr of
the company, and sbo fears tho lady who has
been selected as her substitute will not play
tho part up to its possibilities. Miss Illiss lias
a cousin who does a similar fainting net for
Mansfield in tho play of "Dr. Jekylt and Mr.
I am pleased to announce tho arrival of
our esteemed friond, Mr. Jacob Mahler, who
arrived Wednesday accompanied by his cstl
mablo lady and llttlo daughter, Rosalind, and
nro now quartered at tho Windsor hotel.
Mr. Mahler has Kt'ii welcomed back by his
legion of friends, and I might say that tho
warm welcome tendered him by everyone was
not ono that welcomes n business or profes
sional man, but tho hearty welcome that is
accorded a friend, for of such Mr. Mahler
has legions in Lincoln. From the prospect
it appeals now that his success this season
will even exceed that "of last year, und of
course this is an encouraging outlook. Many
former scholars that tho professor had thought
would not attend the fourth year havo np
plied nmong the first. I am pleased to note
this, unit Iiojkj Mr. Mahler will- nJoy his
limited season's sojourn In Lincoln as he has
heretofore. As for the Observer and the
CouniKii, their best wishes are hereby ex
tended. Mr. Mahler hays there will HsItlvely
le only this term.
Spcuklngof the Alma wreck yesterday Mr.
A. S. ltuymuud, of Raymond Brothers, in
formed the Observer that a letter had been
received from one of their men on the road
conveying tho nous that whilo near tho scene
of the recent wreck at Alum, on tho II. & MM
ho (toe traveling man) learned that nine of
the victims had died, including those found
in the stream, and expressed much surprise at
not seeing the news in the dally jiapers.
These, together with tho death of Charley
Eaton yesterday, mako ten deaths caused by
tho disaster. It does seem strange that nearly
all news regarding tlieso deaths have not
been chronicled in the entorprislng (f) dolly
papers, but money is a great power these days
with the press, and pcrha.s if less of it wero
used with such papers as our morning sheet,
Its readers would get more news and hear
more about wrecks and other railroad news
on tho Ilurlington than Is now suppressed ; hut
us it is generally known that the Journal is
owned (In a sense) by tho 11. & M.,lts readers
havo ceased to look for facts in tho case of
railroad accidents, etc. It is also quite puz
zling to know just why tho Kttcninii Democrat
has changed its mission in regurd to tho rail,
roads. Baverol months ago it was giving the
railroads fits, but siucelfchortly before tho In
ceptlonof tho strike It has turned completely
and In yesterday's edition It oven went so far
us to assert that I'rovldence, and not the H. &
M. was to blame for the Alma accident. Per
haps tho Democrat' polo was long enough to
knock the crsmmon, hence the change In
tune. Hut is this so nbout the fatal results of
tho wreck ( Why is there nothing done in
tho matter i Or is everything running
smoothly i
League Meeting,
Tho meeting of the Irish National league
Sunday wns it very spirited one, tho princi
pal toplo Itelng tho consideration ot the ro
script of Popo I.i which has caused a great
commotion all over the world. Hon. I'.
O'Cassidy, as orator of tho day. made n very
eloquent address touching ukjii tho genealogy
of tho Irish race, Its arts of war and iioaee,
paying his resiiects also to tho present gov
eminent of the Emerald Isle.
A letter was read from Hon. John Fitzger
ald, ut tho time absent In Chicago, expressing
his views an tho papal pronunelumonto.
A series of resolutions referring to tlds
subject wos then Introduced by Mr. Button,
from which wo take tho following excerpt, as
indicative of the fooling of tho league in this
lie fid vol, That us the league Is composed of
men of all creeds, it In not within Its prov
ince to discuss religious iiuestlons, hut as
Irishmen, devoted to the ciiusoof Irish free
dom wo deny the lightol'uny authority what
soever outside of the duly elected representa
tives of tho Irish people to Interfere with the
political movements of tho Irish nation, and
we especially deprecate tho Interference of
the Hoinuii court In tho political contest now
being carried on ly the people of Ireland
ugulust a forclKii government and Its land
lord garrison In our long suH'orlng and un
happy motherhood,
Tho reiolutions wero unanimously adopted
and after tho reading of several extracts from
Dublin nowspajiers, and from cablegrams of
J'arnell and Dillon by Mr. Patrick F.gun, and
tho adoption of a resolution of sympathy to
spoctlng the Into Dr. O'Sheo, tho meeting
1'. D. Corsets n't Oakley &Co's.
linns About
Wlint Is
the Npnrl, Lm-nl News and
llulug done lit lrncrsl,
Heavy demand for safety wheels nro repor
ted all over tho country.
An effort will o nmdo to organlro a Cycle
Club lu Lincoln, and as them ara now nUmt
fifty riders In tho city, it would mmmi that
qulto a strontf organization might Iks nmdo.
Much rain makoth tho cycling record seeker
sad. For the iast few days wo havo had rain
and rain, and then some moro rain, but with
all bicycling may still be seen and every
bright day moro of them turn out,
Mr. Addis, Lincoln agent for the Columbias
has n complctolluo of snmplo machines of that
mnko nt 81.11 O street, among them is tho
Velos Columbia, thoj rear driving snfoty that
is nt present creating such a sensation In
wheeling centers. Any ono thinking of buy
ing n wins? 1 would do well to see tho Columbia
boforo placing their order.
Our Washington correspondent writes about
tho ladles as follows: The Ladle Cycle Club
admitted eight now members nt their last
meeting, and have several applications. Their
limit will soon lie ronched. Tills club is com
tsxsiof sotno of tho Ust eople In tho city.
They aro enthusiastic and will rido for the
benefit and pleasure which the sport afford
ed. They have organized their club to tho
purpose of encounigcing Indies to rldo; nnd
desire to nvoid everything which approaches
thoconsplcious; for Instance, one of their
rules provides that they will not rldo In lino
or nppear in pirado of any kind. Tho ladies
will with few exceptions, rldo tho now Indies
bicycle, which is manufactured hero. This
machine is a great invention, nnd Is an un
doubted success lu every respect. I hnd my
doubts nbout it at first, but since I have
seen It used tioth on tho road and In tho
city by ladles who never oven rode tricycles
my suspicions havo Ih-oii removed and I do
not hesitate to pronounce it the most or
fect cyclo ever Invented for Indies use. They
nro becoming quite common here, as the
companys school. Machines nro lu constant
use upon the street.
A Question of Taste.
Bt Louis Bwnln (at ocru Would you
liko somo peanuts, Miss Bhawsgardcnf
Miss Bhawsgardeu- Thanks, not any, Mr
Mulehccl. Do you know 1 consider it just a
trillo low for young ladies to munch pcanuta
at tho opera; and besides, 1 have provided
myself with chewlnir gums It Is tn much the
better tasto.
.May lYfttUul,
The Maj Musical Festival promises to bo a
great event In tho history of Lincoln. Tho
chorus will numUr sixty voices, and will he
under tho leadership of Prof. Burtlett, con
ductor of tho Mozart club ot Chicago. Of the
soloists there are Miss (lenevra Johnson of
Chicago and Mrs. Kate II. Cheney of Sioux
City, sopranos; Mrs. Donuo of Crete, contral
to; Mr. II. II. Young, Into of London, Eng
land, Mr. C. M. Koolerof DosMolnes and Mr.
II. L. Curtiss of Lincoln, baritones; Mr. C. E.
Dennis of Sioux City, tenor, and Prof. Ilart
lett, tuisso, as well as a number of local vo
enlists. Tho festival commences on Tuesduy
evening, and will continue three nights. Tho
oratorio of "Judas Maccabeus1 will Ih ren
dered Weduesday evening, and the cantata
ot "Tho Holy City" Thursday evening.
It Would lie runny
To see tho Lincoln streets lrnvtsl,
To see everybody iwy their debts.
To seo (leorgo Foresmau dressed as a girl.
To see C. II. Rlchter do anything lniK)llte.
Not to see Miss A illoughby play at a party.
To seo Frank Zchruug wheeling n baby car
riage. To see a certain lot of ladles w Ithout chew
ing gum.
If tho hoys got Harry Heirelllnger to pay
for six supers again.
To rend tho lournal and not to see some
pull's in Its columns for Itself.
If you over hear of Lincoln and Omaha
working harmoniously together.
To see the Lincoln bull club come out
ahead, but. they will have to play ball to do It.
Miss Mamie Uhl, of Somerset, Pa., arriv
ed lu tho city Monday, From Texas, where
she has been visiting tor several weeks past.
Miss Uhl will spend the summer lu Lincoln,
the guest of J. J, luiholl', l'Juud J street.
It Is surprising that people will sutler with
rheumatism, as many do, when a remedy that
will promptly relieve them can lie procured
for llfty cents. Tho remedy refered to Is
Chamlierlalu's Pulu Halm. Many seveie
cases havo boon cured by It. Sold by W. J.
Mr. John C. Lyons and Miss Annie K.
Hoffman, two well known young eoplo of
this city, were married Wednesday evening
at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. y. Hell, Mil
C street. Many elegant presents were re
ceived. Tho young couple have settled down
to tho enjoyment of married life at corner of
Tenth and II streets.
Unites, It Is almost an Inducement for you
to get married to seo those now wedding invi
tations locolved at Wossolei Dobbin's, Coi'K
IKH olllco, this week. "They are orfectly
grand" is what ono of our readers said yotcr
day, and so they are. The assortment com
prises all the novelties Just Introduced, and a
look at them will convince every one that
they are the prettlst ever seen. A lino of
party invitations, ball programs, leap year
umioimccincnUniid programs wero also re
ceived with this invoice. Cull and seo them.
V. ifiMsX ' X'-lKkS .AWN:
Northumberland House, Convent Harden.
The l'.Ryptlan Obelisks,
I Written for tho Coi'lili'.u.l
ff9TANl)IN( with Nelson's monument nt
ono's Isick nnd looking down tho
Strand, somo of tho most notnblo build-
I lugs nro in sight, built upon tho sites of
tho former buildings that havo been removed,
iwssosslng in themselves great hlitorlo Inter
est. Wo will note a fow of these.
On tho right is Charing Cross station nnd
tho (I rand Hotel forming tho entrance with
handsome gnto entrances to a court, from
which tho hotel Is entered. In tho centroof
the court stands n monamont ot elaborate
stone work a copy by the lato K. M. Harry,
II. A., of n cross originally erected t tho
memory ot (Juoen (liieanor m the centre or
tho ancient vlllnge of Charing.
Wo found tho hotel very convonlont as"
as nearly nil tho railroads from London con
nect with this station. Only one square east
is Craven street, nearly every house In which
offers private lodgings nt moderate prices,
for strnugers In London. Nenrly opposite our
lodgings nt No. 7 Craven street, lived lu 1771,
Dr. Ilenjamiu Franklin, while representing
lu England the Interest of the American col
onists. Iu front of tho Golden Cross Hotel In tho
Strand, once a well known hostelry and placo
of deiinrturo for mall conches, Mr. Pickwick
is doscritiexl as having lieeu assailed by tho
hackney-coachman, nnd to have lieou thcre
tion taken under the protection of Mr. Jin
gle. Northumbrian'! Hon-, the last of tho
many old palaces of the nobility, which once
graced tho Strand, hnd been tho residence ot
the ancestors ot tho Dukes of Northumber
land for two centuries nnd n half; its well
known Strand front, surmounted by n lion,
tho crest of tho Percys, dated from nlout
WiOtj. Thus, one by one, the old palaces of
the nobility nrc giving place to tho demands
of traffic and the advanced civillzntion of tho
age, nnd gradually nil these privileged classes
must disappear boforo the growth of liberal
principles, wherein personal merit and the
right of man will ulono bo regarded.
WosHnt an howr in Lowther Arcade,
Strand, strolling through its twenty-live
shops for toys, and making n few .purchases
for our juvenile friends in America, It Is
named after Ixird Lowther, a former chief
commissioner of woods nnd forests, whoso
residence was here. Nearly opjioslte, on tho
south side, was tho residence of the Dukes of
llucklugham, originally formed u part of
York house, win :h afterwards liccamw tho
homo of Lord llacon, Peter tho Oreat lodged
nt No. 15 llucklugham street, Strand. Hero
also onco lived Ueorgu Villiors, Duke of Duck-,
Who lu the course of one revolving moon,
Was chemist, llddler, statesman an hullooii.
Turning down Adams street from 'tho
Strand we find -ourselves upon n haudsoiuo
terrace overlooking the embankment and the
David (Inrrlck died at No. ft, Adolphi Ter
race, where Foote remembered him in early
life, attempting to earn his living, "with
three quarts of vinegar in tho .cellar, calling
himself a wine merchant," Tho grandfather
of (larriek was a Huguenot reiugeo named
(hirrique, who fled to England from Iior
deuux in lf&V
. This wns also the site of Durham house, the
scene of the marriage of Uidy Jane drey, and
of her arrest and removal to tho Tower. Dur
ham house in Henry VIII.'s reign became a
royal palace; but subsequently (jueou Eliza
beth gave it to various ersous who Impell
ed to be in royal favor. When Sir Walter
Kalelgh was a favorite visitor at tho court of
Elizalieth she licstowcd It iim)ii him.
Auliery describes ltalelgh's study to havo
ls-eu "on n little turret (In this old palace)
that looked Into and over thu Thames, and
had the prosiect which is as pleasant tier-
haps ns any lu the world and which not only
refreshes tho eyesight but cheers the spirit
and (to speuk my mind) I believe enlarges
an ingenious man's thoughts." It must havo
been an Ignorimi mid a brutal ago that could
consign a man of such brilliancy to a cell in
the tower, und after twelve long years of suf
fering to Ihi Iwhended to gratify tho revenge
of a court.
We went Into tho White Tower, at that an
cient fortress culled thu Tower of London
erected for William thu Conqueror by Gun
dolph, lllshop of Rochester, noted for his
great architectural skill. The smallest apart
ment on the llrst lloor, culled Queen Eliza
beth's Armory, has a doorway connecting
with a cell, 10 leet by 8, butimllghtod except
from the door. Sir Walter Kalelgh was con
lined in these rooms for twelve years for con
spiracy in favor of Mary Arnliella Stuart,
and beguiled tho time as well us he could by
exeriments in chemistry and writing his
celebrated "History of tho World."
Returning to the Strand and taking an
omnibus, an intelligent driver will olnt out
many notable edifices.
You are now on tho way to the Hank of
England, the Mansion House' tho Royal Ex
change, Exeter Hull, a square from the Ly
ceum theatre, and only a few squares further
to thu left Is the Royal Italian Oiiera, Con
vent Garden,
Wo must not puss by Convent Garden
without u word. It was formerly a monas
tery with extensive grounds, but was confis
cated und devoted to other puriKises. It has
been the scene of many notable Incidents lu
English history. It once embraced the entire
syacu from St. Martln's-iii-the-Kields to Long
Acre. In HUM Inlgo Jones built for tho then
Eurl of Bedford tho church of St. Paul's,
I Convent (iardeii, which, excepting tho pros-
J cut portico, was totally burned in 1713. Thu
present cdlllce was erected by John Hunl
wlck upon tho same plan and proositlou.s as
the orlgiuul. In and around it was burled
J Samuel Hutler, tho author of Hudlbrus,
. Of all his gains by verso ho could not save
Enough to purchase llaunel und u gruv.i.
It contains thu tombs of many of England's
, great men.
! Tho famous Convent Garden market house
wus built in l&'IO. Thu market is well worth
n visit. To wsj t at its busiest time ono must
go ourry,l)oforo six o'clock on Tuesday ,Thurs.
day und Sat unlay. Thu middle division Is ut
all times tho most interesting sight. We saw
hero thu finest prints und Honors that skill
cun produce or money buy.
The old song gives good advice to stran-
trover you go to London town
Just tuku a peep at foment tlurdvii.
Before leaving tlio Thames embankment
we must not omit to mmk of the Egyptian '
oliclUk, which Is tho most conspicuous objocL
It Is seventy fist high and eight feet wide nt
tho iwiso, weighs '.'(K) tons nnd Is formed (if
granite. It was presented by Mahomed All
to tho British government, but for years lay
unclaimed In tho sand at Alexandria, nlong
with a similar monolith sinco removed to thn
Unltwl Btntei nt tho exiH'iiso of Mr. W. II,
Vnudcrbilt, nnd erected In Central nrk,Nuw
York. This obelisk Is n twin to tho one In
London. Such obelisks wcro usually placed
In pairs outsldo of Egyptian temples. The
cost nnd dllllciilty ot removal to England
wore surmounted lu 1878, the former by thu
munificence of tho Into Sir Erasmus Wilson,
who gave (Myxx) for tho punxmo, tho Intter
by theskill ot Mr. Dixon, C. K.
This huge block of granite, nfter being lift
ed nnd placed In tho cylinder Iwtrgo In which
it was to bo llontcd to England, hail a most
tempestuous voynge. The steamer which
towed tho obelisk escnKsl destruction only
by cutting it adrift lu tko Hay of Biscay, nnd
for days nothing was to bo heard of it. At
length n (sisslng vessol picked up tho strnngo
looking object, n veritable iiion(nim, hor
rutiifum, informt, fiifus. It wns finally land
ed on the banks of tho Thames.
The engineer who removed tho Vanderbllt
olsilik;dovlsod njdlffereiit modu of transporta
tion. An opening wns mndo In tho stern of a
vessel nnd tho great shaft ot granite rolled In,
the opening closed and nil safely brought over
tho Atlnntlcjand as easily removed to Con
trol pnrk.
Wo aro not nwaro that tho Inscription on
this olielisk havo been deciphered, hut tho
scenes on tho IiOndon slinft aro well under
stood. Tho Inscriptions on tho pyramldiou
represent tho monarch Thothmus III., undor
tho form of n sphynx with hands, offering
wnter, wino, milk nnd Incense to tho gods,
Rn and Atiim, the two principal deities of
HoIlopoHs, the city of tho sun. Tho inscrip
tions glvo tho names and titles of tho deities,
tho titles of Thothmus III. nnd the statement
ot ench of his soclnl gifts. Tho flue bronze
sphinxes set up east nnd west of the Needle nt
itabtso wore designed by nil Engllih archi
tect, ns wero also thu winged supKirts nt
ench corner of tho obelisk.
Tho beautiful gardens nenr by make this
art of London a very pleasant promenade.
The statue of Robert Rnikes, tho founder of
Sunday schools, is a prominent object in tho
garden, nnd was sot up lu lbSO.
Tho steamers on the Thames alt stoppisl at
the landing at tho base of the embankment,
and wo frequently took our departure from
this iolnt In visiting places ot Interest on thu
river. Bkima.
I.nnil nnd I'crsitunl.
Tho Press club benefit Wednesday night.
Attend tho Burbiiuk entertainment next
Weduesduy evening.
Mr. Ti B. Oanterand wlfo returned homo
from California Tuesday.
Mrs. E. B. Thomjison, of Omnha, is visiting
Mrs. II. P. Foster, lt!l!J II Street.
The rjnlvcrslty endets go Into camp at Wy
nidl'o next Friday, rMiiudiilugvuntlLMoiidny,.
Mr. Ben O. Rhondes loft Tuesday for Cali
fornia, where ho will conduct suveral sales of
real estate,
The thirteenth annual meeting of the Ne
braska Eclectic Mii I Ual Association was held
In the city this week.
A. P. Burbiiuk, the elocutionist, ut 1'uuke's
oera house Wednesday evening,
llllller IllM-
lsocs of tho Press club.
Everything which Islongs to pure, healthy
bloixl is iniiuirtisl by Hood's Sursnparlllu.
A trial will convince you of its merit.
Mr. Georgo L. Bowyer of Cuihouduln, III.,
was a visitor this week with tho family of
his old friend, Hon. W. II. Woodward.
Mr. W. E. G. Caldwell and daughter, Mrs.
Ashton, attended tho crystal wedding of .Mr.
and Mrs. D. II, Cropsey at Falrbury this
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Lewis, parents of Mrs.
W, II. Knelling, who have locii making quite
an extended visit hi Lincoln, left Wednesday
on a visit to other relatives.
Arrangements havo liecn mado for appro
priately celebrating Memorial day. Hon. J.
M. Thurston will deliver tho address. After
a iMtrade through the principal streets, exer
cises will lie held lu the capltol grounds.
If you will stop long enough while passing
by Baker's Clothing House to lisk into tho
show windows you will notice all the latest
novelties displayed ut the lowest prices, in
fact at figures a little lower than all competi
tion. Mr. Rudy Rehlaeuder wns probably tho i
happiest young man In thecity Inst week, and
all on account of a bran new baby loy which
urrlvdl to brighten his homo circle. Mother ,
anil i child nro both doing well, although tho
happy father has not yet fully recovered.
The Homeopathic Physicians of Nebraska i
hold their annual meeting in tho city this '
week. Dr. B. F. Bailey of Lincoln wus eltsH '
oil president, a worthy selection. Although
joiing in years, Dr. Bailey is rapidly attain
ing high rank In his profession, a position lie
lully merits.
There is but little, if any danger from
whooping cough, when the cough is kept loose
and cxiKM'toration easy, which can always lie
done by the freousoof tiiaiulsrlaiu's I'uugh
Reiuisly. 1 hero Is no danger in giving it to
ehildieii ns it contains no injurious subitum o.
Bold by W. J. Turner.
Mr. A. C. Cass and family left Wednesday i
via thu Burlington llyer, for Donvet, their
future home. Mr. and Mrs. Cass have lived
in Lincoln so long and formed so many warm
ties of friendship that parting was not only
regretful to their friends but to themselves ns I
well; und to their now homo near tho Rockies '
tho liest wislies of those left liehllld will lit--
cjuiuuy them. j
Mr. and Mrs, James Reel of Nebraska'
City have been guests tho ist week of Mr.!
nnd Mrs. O. N. Humphrey on M street. Mr.
Rood has lieou ill attendance ut the meeting
of tho State Phurniaeeutical ussociutioii, of I
which ho is u prominent iiicuiIht, and as his
estimable lady enjoys thoexhlblts ami other
festivities attending the convention and visit
ing friends in Lincoln, the visit has Usui a
pleasant one to lioth.
Mr. J. B. Agwy of Quliiey, III., who hos
lieen traveling In Nebraska for several years,
has during the oust week locntod his famllv
in thtslcuutiful city. Tho family univisl on
Monday, and hnvo moved Into the residence,
No. IV) Grand avenue Miss (iuru, an uc
complished society young lady, will lie iv-
celved with pleasure into our own charmed
circles, and the CouiilKU extends the hand of
welcome tothe family, and trusts thelrchungu
of homo will prove pleasant nnd satisfactory.
l ,l ' I H lm I IUU1 Ij llUl,
Amusements for Nrst Week, What
of the I'ltvnrltes are Doing,
All who hnvo over rend tlii wienl uncanny
story of "Dr, Jeykll mid Mr. Hyde," from tho
Mu of ltoliert IjowIs Stephenson nnd shudder
nt Its wild lniKwslbllltles hnvo Until eager to
us) It In dramatized form, ailoslro which was
gratified oiiTuosday.und Wislnemlay evenings
of this week. Tho version was written by Mr.
Georgo M, Wood, who enacts the principal
diameters, nnd although for obvious reasons,
tho text is notstrictly adhered to, tho spirit of
tho origin 1 Is Mittalncd. This Is tho mot
widely known of Ktovenson's productions mid
prolubly thu best, Improbability of outline
that has made his novels "go," There np.
pearod to Imj something lacking lu thn produc
tion, what it is hard to taU exactly but one
felt nt tho close a slight dlsapMliitiuout, Tho
piece Is n illflleult ono to dramatize, and It
may lie that tho Introduction of now charac
ters is thn cnuso of this feeling. The noting
wns good, but the dovislou Into live acts, long
waits between each, detracted somewhat
from tho Interest.
Of Peck & Fiirsmun'H "Daniel Boone" com
bination which uppenrs at Futike's on Mon
day evening next, tho Oil City Derrick snys i
"Tho Initial production lu this nlty of tho ro
innntlc hooter driuim "On tho Trail, or Dan'I
Boone, tho Pioneer," occurred nt tho opera
house Inst night. It msuiiisI tlmt tho entire
Imputation of the city wns there en masse to
witness it. It is safe to say that not n soli
tary Individual went away dissatisfied with
tho piece or tho company. An agreeable and
ImjMirtunt feature wns thu entire absence of
tho "blood mid thunder" element which wo
havo I men so accustomed to in din mas of this
kind, W. A. Ivivollo upcurcd as Daniel
Boono, and surprised all by his masterly reu
derlng of this rather dllllcult part. His act
ing miscscx tho merit of (Ring natural In tho
extreme, and thu horses, animals and Indians
wcro n great feature. Tho supsirt was ex
cellent, tho scenery sujiurb, and all in nil It
wns a erfect production.
Mr. A. P. Burhunk, tho noted elocutionist,
will apenr at Funke's 0em house, on Wed
nesday evening next, hi ono of tils delightful
entertainments. There Is no Utter elocution
ist on the stage tislay than Mr. Burhunk, and
his reH-rtoiru Is an exceedingly largo ono,
comprising over two hundred selections, run
ning through thu whole gamut of human pas
sion. Tho proceeds aro for the lionellt of tho
Lincoln Press Club, nil organization coiiiikw
isl of the nowspnKr men of tho city. Tho
boys aro so populur that a good house I as
sured, ik compliment thoy fully deserve, Tho
prices of admission have been llxisi at M and
75 cunts, and thu entertainment is well worth
iwico thu amount. Head what tho Boston
Advurtlser says of Mr. Burbauk:
Mr. JJurbank's selections,. with ono excep
tion, wero hurtiorotis, niii'l tuich'ns vvfro best
calculated to display his poculmr gifts to tho
lost advantage, lie Is essentially mil em
phatically u comedian, and his very took and
maimer, us lie steps iix)ii the platform, and
faii-s his audience, made friends for him at
once. Tho succss of his humor is the nlsoiico
I tt .ill, ..,1.1 ,1... rt M..., (.... u. .I,... u..i.l
iiii iuih ,uv ii,iiriii. um mm luininin
una no is doing anyiumg imiiy; and at the
same time a genuine enjoyment and uppns-i-ntloiiof
his subject. His dialect Is lino, much
Uyond the average, and it r not all exagger
ated, so that It never crosses tho lino of Imi
tation into burlesque.
Illclit " Tn Iflm.
"Hrnkemanl" roared tho fat pMHcnger,
"can't you open this Infernal wlndowf
"I can raise tho sash, If that Is what you
mean, sir," replied tho brakemnu, frigidly.
"Do o," lioggod tho fat passenger in growl
ing tones, "and I will translate for you that
exquisite passage from Browning, beginning)
"Not twice moro dottier than the higher hoists
Its deepest height;
Yet hero, nor there, nor here, nor there, nor any
where else."
Burdctto In Brooklyn Eagle.
A Cruel Itcqnrlt.
Mr. Derlng (presuming on an ephemeral
ncqunlntnneel- May I have thu plcosuro of
tho noxt waltz
Miss Urnndkaimon You certainly may,
1 Mr. Dering, but as I've got my fan and
i vlnnlgretto to curry, won't yon run out iul
i put on a shawl strap, plensel- '
Hook Kect'plhiii.
The annual tswk reception of the V. M. ('.
. A. Weduenlay evening wus a perfect succexs.
! A largo iiuiiiUt were pn-sent, nnd the result
I wits n gratifying addition to tho library, of
choice tssiks. Mrs. Jurloy's wax works was
I u very laughable purl of tho evening's enter-
tuiumeut, but It is wild tho wires did not
work pronrly. A harmonica quartette by
Messrs; Field, H'lle. Wilcox and Dethlefs was
' a musical novelty that was highly enjoyed.
Ills riflj-thlrd lllrthility
Tuesday evening a number of friends spent
tho evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. ImhofT,
i nt their elegant homo, corner Twelfth and J
1 street. Tim assembly gathered in honor of
Mr. linhoir'H tlfty-thintunnivci-sury birthday,
and lieforo leaving presented him with a
Uatitlful token t murk the occasion. It was
a heavy gold headed cane, clulioratoly carved
with proKir iiiM'ription thereon. Mr. ImholT
ntptisl tho compliments with marked gratitude.
rmx v'37 iVi
Whin Is Going on hi the tlnsnlmtl World.
Thn Lincoln Team.
I'VihIi Is little, but miiylio ho can't hit tho
ball, though.
Moore and Freeh aro a great battery, They
play ball all the time.
Lincoln Hip1o mustn't get alarmed yot
awhile, Tho season Is it long one.
Another eutehor Is needist. Glvo us onu
like Freeh and we will U) content.
Go out and see life gnmo tills nfter noon. It
will lm a good one anil no mistake.
Inveuworth has u grout hitter In Captain
Ijirklu. Ho finds the leather every time.
Bisikley, from nil roMrls, Is following the
advice contained lu his old war-cry of "lino
'em out, boys."
MusMiy, Behue nnd Casey aro n great In
field. Tho former's plck-u ami throws nro
worthy of a Herr.
The I'iivenworths Is no scrub nine, let ui
whlKxir lu your oar. Thvre nro somo slug
gers In that tenin.
Toohey has not yet caught on with his stick,
but n lly tiall that giKsi Into left Held drops
nto it well every time,
If wo can't U'it Iz-nvenwortli, wo tnn wnl
lop Denver. Lincoln always was a Jnuah to
the ltis-ky Mountain boys.
Hutchinson has prolndily the best team In
tho livigue, but Lincoln Is going to take two
games out ot four from her.
Fuller and Btorrs wero relonsed Thursday.
Now men will lie secured nt oaco. Tho
mntingemont proiKwo giving us tho lest tul-
cut available.
Wo want Hastings nnd Pueblo or Wichita
land we'll haven league ns Is a league. The
ndlratlons nro that It will nut Iks long before
a six-club league will bo In existence.
Pressure ot other matter has proventisl us
from giving ns much space to Imso ball this
week ns we should like, hut lu the future tho will keep II reader well Kmtd,
Patronize the bull games. If the pres Bt
team can't win thu rag wo will get onu that
will, but sinews of wnr aro nteessnry. You
will get thn worth of your money, nny wny.
It's funny how overy one, uncnuscluusly
jierhnps, compares thu Lincoln's of '88 with
last year's team. This man plays like Herr,
that one holds his stick like Hockley, and so
St. Joo claims to lm able to suport u team
In thu Western association, nnd the uuwspa
pnpers nro crying for Mengi-s fniuchlsu. The
general opinion, however, is that St. Joo Is no
It may havo U-en ball n.'ay Ing, nnd there
fore all right, but there wero about -100 moil
lu the grand stand Wednesday who would
willingly havo assisted lint murderous assault
on the l'uvonworth man who attempted the
Lntlmm uct of teaching from third Uiso, Ho
must have got a tip f runt somewhere, an he
was very silent thu next day.
Rain proventisl tho opening of the cham
pionship season In Lincoln until Wisluewlay,
guuics living played on that day, mid Thurs
day. Both tlni Ix-a ven worth hnd Lincoln
teams aro coium)msI of very fnlr players, and
thoy put up u gotsl game. I-avenworth won
both by scores ot 7 to 4 and ti to 1. Thu team
w.irk of Lincoln Is not what it should ls, lint
of course ft takes practice and plaving to
gether for that. Several of the lioys budly
need to got their eye on the that is the
s)ilit that needs f.t lengthening.
(,'liurlle Ihtloii Head.
After several weeks of Inscesuiil sUflurltiK
Mr. Charles Katon, n victim of the Alma
Wri-ck, passed from this world of sorrow und
puliitoonu that Is better, and brighter,! hav
ing breathed his last yesterday at 1B.WI p. m
Thu sail iiieldeiit In which he wus one of thu
iiiif.irtuiuites Is known to all of our readers'
nnd u roS!titlon of the facts hero would he
useless and u waste of time and spare. Kroui
the time Ids devoled wilocould reach I lin.slio
and others hud been eonstuiitly at hlsslduto
relieve his sullcrlligs.
The funeral takes phiivKuiidny uftornooii ut
two o'eiM-k. from Ills lato reshleuee escorted
liy hlseomrailesof tho Truvolers' Prolectlvo
AssiH'lullou, Mr. Kittuti wns one of thn most
IMipulur trovelurs In the west, wus well and
favorably known tothe trade, und a general
favorite everywhere.
The Lincoln Sanitarium,
Ix-nted In Welsder Idock, Is tho jsumlar re
sult for Indies- and gentlemen. Finest Turkish
and Russian luWhs In tho city. Polite and ex-lM-rlcnoisi
attendants always at tho service of
imtrous. Batlis of every description aro
given, and those especially for tho sick re
ceive careful treatment by Dr. Richards.
Tho electrical Isiths huo liecoinu quite jiopu
lar and uru doing excellent gissl. Call at tho
sanitarium for Uiths of all kinds. Finest
Turkish hath in the city, M South Eleventh
Now that tho season for using Ice has com
meucisl It U'hooves consumers to bo very
careful what they use. Much of tho Ice now
adays used Is impure and conducive ot Ixul
results to gissl health. The loo sold by the
Lincoln Ice comiany cut from uuk creek is
strictly pure and healthy and will lo deliver
ed to nny part of thu city. U-nvo orders at
KMU O street or telephone No. 1118.
r r
Tlmt Tired IVelliiK.
Season is hire again, and nearly every or.o
le-ls weak, languid and exhaustiol. The bloisl
adeii'with Impurities which lumi Uvn accum
ulating for months, moves sluggishly through
tho veins, tho mind fails to think quh-kly, und
the Usly is still slower to resiHiiul. Hood's
uSarsiiparilln is just what Is needed. It Is, in
IHvuliar sense tho Ide tl spring medicine. Iti
puritlis, vltllizes, anil enriches the blcssl
niaki. the head clear, creates an apHtito
overcomes that tired feeling, and Imparts
now strength aud vigor to tho whole body.
j The A. O.U. W. Isinquet which wus to
have taken plao nt their now hall Tuesday
' evening Is pstoiHincd on account of inclement
1 weather lint will lie given as soon as the
1 weather and streets are lu W'tter condition.
Special attention Is called to tho nowud
i vcrtlscmout In this issue of Ed Corf & Co,
This house is coming to tho front ns gents
tlno furnishers, and everything in that lino U
to bo hud there in the lutest stylo nnd at
prievM several notches lower than the fancy
llguresaskisl at other pluees, Tlio now spring
suluare esax'inlly attractive ami ait) worthy
of your InsiHvtlon. Call and see them W
10 street.