Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 05, 1888, Image 1

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Vol. 3. No. HI
Lincoln, NicnisAaicA, Saturday. May fi, 1888
Fmcic Fivw OifiN'ra
Wlint He Hern, II rum, Think und Im
agine. FKINU having cnmo In nil Its grandeur,
(( tho season of driving ih also ushered in
III and although tlie drives In tho lintne-
''l dluto vicinity of tho business center is
not ns good as It might bo, yet tho drives in
thosubuilis nro very fulr nnil with u littlo
carocnu bo nmdo very enjoy nblo. Tho lawns
and luntl-'cnjio in general on either side, of tho
thoroughfares nro licglulng to show tho hnndi-
work of skillful artists, and ninny nro thecx-
ipiislto IkhIs of llonory loveliness that plonso
tho eye. Tho drive to Heck's grov o is not a bnd
one or tho ono southenst, passing Fitzogrnld's
clegnnt homo nnd handsome grounds Tliero nro
many nice drl es in tho city nnd surroundings
without kee)lng on O street and such othur
streets ns nro nt present torn ii for pnv lug.
Tokondrlvo to tho country nt such n season
ns tho present nnd after a hard w Inter, tho
Bccno on ovcry hand will bo welcome to tho
Approjios, sinking of driving, it Is truly
wonderful that theto hao not leen moro
horses hurt nnd accidents than has thus far
been chronicled. Tho manner in which tho
openings in tho streets nro being left whore
workmen nro relaying tho plies, is something
worthy of moro caution. In many places
tho holes nro left unprotected nnd oft times
oven vviRiout n danger light. 1 noticed on
Twelfth street Tuesday evening n vehicle go
ing south and, when within aliout six feet of
ono of thexo oitcniugs, a gentleman walking
near by yelled out with tho information that
danger was near. Tho horso w as going on an
easy trot and it was w ith but stringent efforts
that tho beast was stopixsl in time. There was
no light left or oven a piece of tlinlxr placed
across to prevent accident. Now this kind
of carelessness! will never do nnd it is the
duty of some ono to look uftor this work.
Tho negligence will cost the city n big dtimngo
lult, then, jierhnps, moro caru w ill Ihj exer
cised in protecting public life and property.
Tho Obscr er is in receipt of n lcautiful
ball program with compliments of Mr.
Jacob Mahler. Tho occasion was n closing
party tendered his classes, nnd previous to
general dancing a very elegant list of fancy
dances by his young pupls were the attractive
feature. I notice among these dances that
tho gallant professor had n number of new
dances, of his own origin. Little Rosalind
Mahler danced ono of Mr. Mahler's produc
tions known as "The Cupid Dash," nud other
littlo tots gincefully danced the "Mexican,"
"Psyche," "Bullet Hjlvin," "Dance of Na
tions," etc.
Judging from tho account of the party
given in tho Ht. Louis jupers the affair must
havobecun prominent social event. Tho Ob
server is pleased to hear that tho pnst hat
lieen Mr. Mahler's most successful season he
has over had iuHt. Iouls, and it is with pleas
uro that I extend him tho hand of welcome
hero hoping lie ma) have tho same to say of
Lincoln when ho departs.
An Unfortunate Verdict.
"Slntlncod for loifo, d'yer say? Arrah
thin, if tho judg9 had his eyes about him t
might ha' seen that Dlnnis was that dllln
that ho'd nlvor livo to sarvo out n Imfo si
th :e, oven If it was on'y for tlir o je u ,1"
A Popular Ilent'st.
Of tho seveiul dentists that have located In
Lincoln duilug the past two jturs, few buvo
found better fa or among their piactico than
Dr. D. 1. Powers, who lias locvntly moved
from tho apai tments over Elliott's store Into
a suite in tho handsome now Dm r block, oc
cupying Nos. tW, 07 and (W, on third lloor nt
your ) ight ns j on len o tho elevator.
Tho doctor came to Lincoln about two yeais
ngo nnd although mner having inndoii blow
about w lint he woulil or could do, has sub
utantlnlly built up n largo and valuable run
of custom, niiiong his patrons being some of
our most piomliieut cltlens, Being thorough
ly "at homo" in his calling tho iloi tor handles
tho tools with an air familiar to poisons of
long expel lenoe and w hen ho finishes n piece
of -work, it is n standing ndveitiseuient for
his establishment.
In fact thuio is nothing In dentistry that
Dr. Poweis does not mil) understand and
anything In that line fioni pulling a tooth to
tho most intricate and lluest piece of wink
will lie skillfully accomplished without pain
and at reasonable pi ices Tho npaitmeiits
hnvo been attractively fitted and furnlshisl
and in the ojierntiug room every modern ap
plinnco for tho comfort and convenience of
patrons lias lieen added. In short all want
lug flrstclnss tleutal work nnd desiring such
as will stand the test of time will do well to
call on tho doctor at (JO, U7 and IW Ilurr block
Iu gold filling and plate work of tho n
rious kinds, Dr. Powers has no suiwrlor, foi
having mado t hut biniich n specialty, he l
competent to do tho very best that skill can
do for mortals. In crown work of ninny i
kinds he shows the latest impiovcments nud '
will nlwu)H glial autee a satisfactory and at '
tiuctlyo job. '
Don't (let Cauu-lil I
This spi lug with ) our blood full of Impurities,
your digestion lu.pulusl, jour npotlto ioor
kidneys and liver toipld, and whulo system
llublo fi bo prostralod by disease but get
yourwlf into good condition, and lendy foi
the changing into warmer weather, b)
taking Hood's Sarsupurillu, It stands tin
oipiallul for pin ifylng the blood, giving mi
upH'tlt', and for a geuuial spring inedii'lue.
That tired feeling nud lo- of upiulitoiuo
entirely overcomo by Hood's Sursuporillu.
A trial l ill com luce you of its mei it,
Gentlemen und ladles to tnko position with I
reliable house. (lood rtilury gunianteeii,
Promotion rapid. Address A, thlsolllcc.
L &
,-. LvV, JtfT
News AImuu Lincoln 1'lajrrn (IroiuuU In
Itfiidlnms fur l'lHjIng.
Morgan was too light. Ho had to go.
Mooro nnd Meek nre n great buttery.
8ellel lias Improved grently over Inst J onr.s
w ork.
Mussoy nrrlvod this week, nnd Is in first
class trim.
Itehuo Is n flno player nt short. Ho covers
lots of ground.
Go out nnd see tho gamo this afternoon, It
w ill lo n good ono.
Curtyaud Long, two Philadelphia players,
will arrlvo Monday.
Iiook out for Lincoln this yenr. Hho has n
it rattling good team.
Few balls w ill get twist Casoy nt first. Hu
has a tremendous reach nud is n sure catch.
Toohey w ill tnko good enro of left garden
this season. Eddy is looking nnd feeling tip
Thero nro somo hord hitters in tho club.
Ho out this afternoon nud seo them lino 'cm
Tho geneinl opinion is that Sylvester is tho
right man for captain. Ho handles the team
to perfection.
Leavenworth has n good team, nnd tho
game this afternoon will bo n lively one. You
wnnt to Ikj there.
All the old Lincoln boj s nro doing good
work in the various teams. Dos .Moines,
Omaha and Kansas City nro showing up well
in tho games played so far.
The team work of tho Lincoln's will bo n
notable feature this year. Under tho cap
tnlncy of so experienced n innn us Sylvester
wo may expect a gieat ball club.
Tho contest in the National league prom
ises to lo n ery lively one. Likewise in tho
Association. Tho Cot'litKll pi edicts Boston
nud Cincinnati ns the winners, but the end Is
n long way oh", nud baseball is mighty uncer
tain. Tho university ltoys tried conclusions with
tho lenguo team Wcdiiosdny afternoon. It
wnsn pretty gnmo whllo it lusted, but most
too onn-sldcd to bo Interesting. Sov en innings
were plu)ed with n scoroof 'JH to i In faor
of tho Lincoln's.
No Clmncn with (lie Small Hoy.
Ono way to worship BuaShn In tho tomplo
of Klotn, Japan, is to chow "prnyer pnper,"
nnd w lion soft throw it in tho form of n pel
let nt tho god through a wiro screen. If It
goes through nnd sticks on tho god tho prayer
will Ikj answered; If it hits on tho screen itis
no good. Tho American school boy, w ho can
hit n mat Icon tho celling ovcry Umo with a
paper ball would never miss having his
prnyer nnsw erod in tho temple at Klotn; nor
would It Iw so dllllcult to persuade him to
"cngago In prner" in that country. Tho
god would haoto hump himself tonnswor
idltho prayers. Norristown Herald.
Too Mm h tn Mimil.
American (In Canada) As I was coining
dlong tho street I saw Mr. Do Thief, tho great
American cmltezylor, being taken to tho
police station.
Canadian Yes, Mr. Do Thief is ft very
valuablo addition to our society ns ho spends
Ills money freely, but ho must learn to obey
itir laws even if ho is i Ich and generous.
"Eh? "What has ho lieen doing?"
"Driving fnstcrtkm a walk on Sunday."
Omaha Woi id.
Itenl Ilstuto Deal.
Dairyman Got any dairy farms for rout?
Agent No, but I have n few acres which
might rlo for ono.
"Grass on itP
"No, nothing but clny."
"Humph! Hasn't it over boon cnltivntotll"
"No; it used to l n. brickyard."
"Whnt is theio on it, anything nt nllP
"It hnsu never falling spring."
"I'll tnko it."-Onmha World.
llin Prodigal 1 ntlier.
"navo you strnwlssnies?'' ho asked.
"Yes," said tho dealer, w ith n shudder, no
lmd invested Ids all iu the mad speculation
nnd two pint nnd two half pint baskets.
"Go mo ono, plenso; that led lierry on top,
if you will. It's my littlo gill's birthday,
nnd I promised her something choice." And
ho laid down n, shining piece of gold. Now
York Sun.
"Whntdoyou wnntflio inquired of tho
man who held the subscription hook.
"Ono dollar."
"And what fori"'
"To bury a policeman."
Tho spot t fished out a $5 bill nud handed it
to tho man.
"Bury five," ho said -Chicago News.
Hardly it Dtimit l.uilnl.
Jones Look at Biown ocr there in tin
Smith Yes; buried iu thought.
Jones Mighty shallow grave, ain't it?
Washington Critic.
A .Dellc.ito Compliment,
Miss Clnni Youu Mr Sampson p.ild ma
such n pleasant compliment last evening,
Miss Ethel-Oh, did hot
5Ils9 Clnrn Vcs; I was complaining nbout
being coiuix'lhsl to do somo shopping in that
dreadful mill storm )eterday. Ho thought
Iiniistlmi found it delightful hecauso It
was ki.eli lino weather for ducks. He ha
such n dcllcnti way of putting things. The
The Houses of Parliament, l.iiiiilxilli
l'aliiro mill WcMiiliiHtcr llrlilce.
IWrllten for Titr.l'oi'litKli
WAHl.lAJiK.Yr HVHAHiiis n ncntiy
))) enclosedspaco opposite the entruniv
"f to the liollses of iHirlliiment. with
St. Mnrgaivts church and West
minster Abbey on tlm east. Adjoining the
abUy also on tho east are the grounds and
buildings of Westminster school This school,
or St. Pster's college as it Is also called, is iu
the dean's ) mil, near tho western entrance to
tho abbey. Wo called with our letter of In
troduction upon Cntioit Knrrnr, but were not
fortunate In lindlng him at home. Hilton
tho follow lug Sunday wo heard him at the
afternoon sen Ice in St, Margaiets church,
near the ubltoy, Tho school has attained a
high reputation for scholarship only the
brightest boys from tho preparatory schools
can gain an entrance. It now contains t!(X)
sceolars, admitted from 10 to II ) ears old,
lit one of tho domltorles, beforo Christmas,
uregieuierfoimnuceof the litin plays of
Piautus, Teience, c, for which Westmin
ster scliuliii hno long been noted.
Tlio abby lias tieeu so iimili wiittcu upon
that few things lme been left unsaid. Jeru
salem chamlierou tho southwestof the abbey,
has w Ituesscd many renmi kablo events. Iu
ltdled Henry IV. Tlio death of tho king Is
dramatically described by Shukcspcuti
King Hem y "Doth nn v nuino piiitlculur
Unto tho lodging whero I first dU swoon I"
Warw Ick " ' l'lscidlisl Jerusalem, my noble
King Heniy "Laud bo to God! Even heio
my life mu-itcim.
It hath lecn propheslisl to no mnny yenrs,
I should nut tlie, but ill Jerusalem;
Which vainly I supMsisl tlie Holy LiiiiiI;
But bear mo to that chumlier, them I'll lie
Iu that Jerusalem shall Harry die."
Tlio Wi-stminster assembl) of divines Nit
hero for live ) ears nnd a half, and pioduccd
tho "Assembly Catechism," and "Confession
of l'nlth,"followislnflora long Intel val by
tho "tommltteo for the lwisiouof tlio Scrip
tures," appointed Ma)' , 1H70, which gave us
tlio t ovised New Testament in May 17, IbSl,
and recently comjileted tho revision of the
Old Turtiiiiient.
Tho JtibtUo sen Ices, In memory of Quo-m
Victoi la's reign of fifty years, were held iu
tho abbey. Hut on our uriiwil in 1-ondon
tlie plntform nnd partitions eiecttsl temioia
i ily to protect tho whittles from Injury by the
crowd hail not yet lx-en lomoved und no vir-itoi-s
for s vend wts'ks weie admitted. Wo
took advantage of tho first opening to seo
this woild fumed iibliey. It would tako vol
umes to dcHviiho its tieusun-s in nrt nud tho
llteiary hidory of kings, queens, bishops,
statesmen, lilstoilan, pixits, tho military and
naval heioes who have served to iimko bnl
llautthe imgoof England'i htstoiy.
Wo nttendisl the !1 p. in. ktv ices, and wcio
M'aUsl I))' )ollto iisliers In one of the stalls or
miws of the ciiolr the other poitlons of the
Mist tsllflio allotted for seats being alread)
lllltd. Tho choir itself seating NM pei-sons
It wasn piivilegei ot often eiijoywl byAmer
leans to listen to thostialus ot u highly ml
turtsl choir iu such a place. Wo sat near the
bo)s of Westminster school, their voices
gave us a thrill of pleasure wo cannot soon
forget. Ki oni our so it iu whatever dli ection
wo turned the eyonstul upon tho splendldl)
carved tombs of mouarchs or statues of tlie
dead. Tho roof of tho thoir from whero we
sat was over 100 feet, and its length l.V feet.
Tho abbey itself is 111! feet nnd the trau-ept
U feet ; tho tow er '-"i"! feet. '1 ho first abbe)
was built iu 010 and iu it weie crowned
King Harold and William the conquerer, and
siRcessivo sov etcign to tho present day. We fteijiicnt islis to tho abbey, and
wo gullied only luierfect iinpiesslons of its
litei ary treasures nud tho monuments of the
dead, which a close ttu ly of history only can
Tlio north transept is leuiarkahlo for its
piuacled butti esses, its triple poich, its clus
teied columns and its iom) window nluet)
feet in ciiciimference. Tho Interior shows
the wondeiful etrects of tho long drawn aislo
audfietUsl vault. Henry Ill's portions of
tho nbliey, especially tlio choir, mo consider
tsl to Ik) the most x.rfcct siKt-hnens of tho
linnet, early English nud K)intod st) les. The
early English st) lo Is best seen iu tlie noitli
tiansent nud south iiltlo of tlio nave The
I crieiidiciilar, at Its ei) U'st In Henry
, VIl's chapel, "a sublime moiiumint without
n paiallel ot the consummate skill and genius
of tlioaichitects of old." f We shall not soon
foi get our first entiance to thealibo) It was
tliioiigh the south tian-ept, lit the ioet's coi
uei. Heiewo found ouisdvcs fate to tact
with the tomb of "tioollioy Cliaiaei tho
futler of I liglish MH'tiy. Thui IMiuuiid
Sjicnier, the author of the "Faille (Jueeii,"
tlio leading of which higmhsl us tin into the
nights of our college (lu)s 'then tho mi
inoitul bind of Stiutfoid on-Avou, tsliako
sHiue! Hut it Is an old stoiy und vvefoibcai
nud pus on with one lelluitiou Engiuiid is
doing hei ilut) to tho heues ot tho just
What mo wo us Ameiuaus doingf shall we,
too, haveoui Westminster abbe) wheiushall
In gutheicd tho btief memoi ials of out past,
ami the foundation laid of some urcut temple.
1 vvlieieuuto tliollvmg may go mid leail u mi-
I tlons giutitiido iu the tiuisiuxsl monument
ot tho-K.-who have scrvnl to lit) the timudu
tlons ot our gieat in i-h It seems Hint, tor the
jpiesent, only nulitai) iiehleveuieuls me
lvvoithy of moiuiiueuts We Isxist of om
'gieat Juiists, hut what of their monuments
u few scatteusl busts may bo found in our
cemeteiiusor suks, u few monuments of tho
heroes of oui civil war but tho vlctoiiesof
I puicouiegicutci than thoso of win. Just
I now tho heioes wo worship ato "our million
alios." England has envied no monument
in Westminster ablK'y to any man hoi nu x ho
, was licit. Ho nuiy have butehoicd his lellow
jci-oatuies to achieve military gicuiut, hut
not Ikciiuso ho was liih After this eino foi
i iches is past we shall begin to honor our his-
toi lans, poets nud men of solemn who have
Isuved tomukoensy the jxith of life and to
lesson tho toll of tho laisiicr Our timo has
I not como for the erection of our Westminster
nhliey, Wo live iu an ngo too mtiteiial, ttsi
iiiulIi given to meru mono) getting.
As wo passed out of tho abbey b) thelioitll
dooi way, tlio "Uieat Tom of Westuiiiistei,'
or intlier "Big Ben," wus striking the liom
of twelve, It is iu the great clock tower ol
tho house of paillituient. "Gieat Tom" has
u history. It wus "Gieat Tom" that tin
I i
sentinel honrd sttlko thirteen, Tho story is
Hint John Ilntfleld, In tho reign of William
nud Mary, was tiled and condemned by court
martial for falling asleep while on duty as a
sentinel iism tho tenure of Windsor Castle.
Ho pleaded Innocence nnd nllegisl Hint ho
hennl "Great Tom" nt midnight Mi Ike thir
teen, a statcinrnt illslKllcvcd both on am
ount of tho tllMatico ami the Improbability,
But several iwrsons euino forward and swore
that tho clock did stilke thirteen and tho man
was pardoned Tho tower Is foify fcotsipitiru
nnd !K0 fwt high. Tho clock never varies
moro than four seconds In a day ami some
du)s less than one second, The grand Victo
ria tower Is 7f feet sipiuto nnd 1110 fert high,
a lino view of which and the hnusis of par
liameiit are seen us you puss out of tho iibliey
We nro but n few steps from Westminster
bridge, ono of the widest In tho woild nud
which connects Westminster with limlHith
iwlueo. Wo spent n delightful half day In
Lumlsith palace, In the historic chnH'l, libra
ry and extensive garden.
It was upon the older bridge that tho lonely
and unaided poet Crahbe walkisl meditating
suicide, and fnim thn samo place at early
moi ulng the view suggested Wurdsworth's
well known sonnet'
"l!arth has not nuythiiKrto show more fair;
Itull would ho Im) of soul who could jiass by
A sight so touching lu its majesty ;
This city now doth u garment wear,
The beauty of tho morning, silent, burn,
Ships, towers, domes, theaters nud temples
0hmi unto the fields nud to tho sky,
All bright und glittering iu tho smokeless nil.
Never did sun moro Is'nutlfully steep,
In his first splendor, valley, nsik or hill;
No'er saw I, never felt a onhn so ileepl
The river glide! hut its own sweet will,
Dear God, the very houses seem asleep,
And all that mighty heal t Is lying still."
News for New Yorkers.
Ono of tho steady JokeH of tho United
States senate Is the rotund littlo senator from
Missouri, George G. Vest, When ho was III
Washington tlie other day ho got Into con
versation with Senator Don Cameron nlxout
nowspnor ihnuges in New York. "I
should think this now man, Elliot V. Shep
nrd, would mako n success," Mild Vest.
"How so f" asked Cnmcrou.
"Publishing!! verso front tho Biblo ovcry
day "
"I don't ipiltosco thnt," rejoined Cameron.
"Well, I uvison that n nowspajier will sell
well If it publishes tho novvs. Now you can't
deny that tho Bihlo Is the biggest kind of
now s to Now Yorkers, eh?" New York Tri
bune. sllrnro Is Clolilen.
They were sitting In an easy chair out
on tho iorch.
Ho Darling.
Sho Darling.
Ho Sweet.
Sho Sweet.
Ho Precious precious.
She Precious ah, but, Ocorgo, dear, do
not let us disturb tlio solemn stlllncs the
wild silence of tho night witli conversation.
Now York Sun.
No lliiuiileil 1 here.
Strange r (to butcher) Pvo Just bought out
tho City hotel ami would like to boo what
kort of a coiitiact I can mako with you for
"How are ) on going to conduct tho plaeoT'
"Just alxiut a.) it always has Ikxmi con
duct d"
"Then I guess wo can't mako n contract,
I'm not dealing in Rather findings." Ne
braska Statu Journal.
Chum, for 11,-Jiilrliig.
In tlio Ohio valloy:
Husband I see by tlio papers, dear, that
tho government (Wi commission has deposited
10,000,000 )oung Ush in tho river.
Wife I'm awful glad, Henry.
Husband So am I, doar.
Wife Well, )ou ought to lie, Henry. Do
cause, may lx you won't have to lie so much
ns you've been accustomed to. Washington
A I'nur llioriiiiimclor.
Old Mrs. Bcntly (making a call) How
warm nn' com'tnhlo your house Is, Mrs. Hen
dricks. I notice) our thermometer is nllers
lire. Hendricks Yes.
Old Mrs. Beutly I wish you'd tell mo
whero you buy your thermometers. Otirn
hain't been nliovo sixty all winter. It Jest
keeps us frcozln' tho hull time. Epoch.
A Prompt Menial.
Lady (to servant) Matilda, hnvo you
watered tho flowers?
Matilda Snowball Yes, mum, I ilono
watered 'em moru'n two weeks ngo. Toxns
Tlio Wity l'olntiil Out.
A )oung man from Cnledonln county
writes: "Is thero nny chnuco to iiw in tho
mugn7lno business?" Cci tuinly ; npply at tho
, nea i est powihr mngu7ino. Burlington Free
Krrrt anil bolilirrlj.
Fashionable Mother How superbly .lames,
1 tho footman, carried himself today, whllo wo
wero driving. I wus cmito proud of him.
rushionublo Daughter Yes. Pinker savi
ho 1ms a stilf neck.
Mother I -vuij ho had a stliY neck nil th
Amusement for Nest Wirli. Wlnil Humr
of the riiTiirllK nre IHiIuk,
UIUNG thovist wes'k theutrlcnls at
I ho l'unlio have Won unusually lively
tho Gisslrlch company lllllug the
hoiiso ev ery ov cuing nt popular prices.
Light comedy was tho rule, and pleasant, en
tciialiuueuls wero given, For next week tho
only attiailloii Itookcd Is tho English actor,
George M, Wood, who will apnar Iu a dram
allnsl version of llobeit louls Htevenson's
famous novel, "Dr. .lekyll nnd Mr. Hyde,"
on Tuemlay and Wisluemlay evenings,
Ki'Nici: iiooimicii.
C'rowihsl houses have lieen the tulo every
night this week nt Kuuko's Eiinlco
GiMiilrlch and (simpauy huvo Ihhmi pla)lng.
Tho plays have all Ihsui of the light comedy
order, with just a sprlnkllngof pathos to ren
der them very entertaining. '1 hoy are nil
from tlioieiiof Miss Gooilrlch heiself, mid
show her to ho ikiswwwh! ot considerable tal
ent as a playwright. As n sou Invito Miss
Goodrich (S'cuples flout lank, nud with a
pretty face, n plipiant stylo of manner, nud
unusual versatility, sho has unassured future.
Her company comprises sov end gcsKl artists,
and they present a delightful entertainment.
A mntliieowlll bo given lids uf tcnloou, and
this evening "l'oculioutaN" will Ihj staged.
Pi Ices 10, 'M and .'(0 cents.
lilt. JKKVI.I, AND Mil. HVIli:.
Of Mr, WimsI'h vemlon of this play, the
Chlcngo Evening Journal su)s: "This adap
tation Is mm h stronger dramatically and a
far better piece of llteiary vroik than the
version used by lMclimil Mansllold, for he
has moro nearly caught the true spirit of tho
novel, nud by making Mr llydu Icssicpul
slvo and Dr. Jekyll more noble has avoided
causing that feeling of intense hoiror which
Malisllelil's play produced In thn minds of his
auditors, and which nindo tho latter danger
ous to persons of nervous, excitable tcmiicin-
incuts. This toning down of the diameter
or Mr. Hydodocs not Iu anyway detiact
from tho Intel est of the ioiformauce, and
ceitaiuly is truer to Stevenson's conception
of tho character as leveultsl iu tho novel,"
Mr. Wood and company will picscntthls
phsychologlciU play on Tuesday and Wcdnes
day oveulugH of next week.
Aiuiiiig the Nnc littles,
. Capital City Camp No, liH) iiicItwI several
no's upplli ations at its last meeting.
N. W. Noble has Just cemplcitsl tho organ
IkiMoii of a largo rump nt Superior, Iu this
Ciunp No. UN) micts next Friday evening.
Neighbors will please tako notice nud Is) on
Camp No. UK) hns reducisl its fcrs alsiut
one-half for a short lime. Parties desli jngto
Irani moio alxiut this oilier can do so by call
ing on F. F. Hisise, one of tho supieino olll the Busluiss colli go,
'I lie four lodgesof tho city will givo n ball
May :;0thfu the iuti n-st, of thn piano fu id
Snturihi) evening about eighty Pi luces of
the Grand Oi lout nut and iuitiutcsl eight
The lodges mil t ns follows: No. 41, Moudu)
night, Nn. Ml, Tuisilay night, No. 10 Wcdms
tluy night; nud No. M Thursday night.
Capital City Islge No. (W met ThurKlay
wi'h a largo liuuibirof its membeis prexeut
Vniious subjects pel taiulng to the gooil of
tho onltr and tho lodge wero divctisseil. Tlie
meuibci s are iu good spirits und the lodga bids
fair to be ono of tlio lui gist and finest lu the
A. o. t. VV
o assessment for May.
Tho Northern Belli f Association called for
assessment No. it the first of tlio month,
Secretury Hooso received ten npplicatiuus
yesterday from Chadroii to Ilia N. 11. A.
C. E. Cudy of Chapman lodgo died Thurs
day inoinlng. This, with oilier deaths this
mouth, will iiiuso an amount to bo called
next mouth.
Tho Helett Knights will soon bo orgunizisl
into tho "Army of the Select Knights." Or
der No. 1 hits bei u Issuiil by -tho mustering
ollleer, audit is cxH-c!td that eveiy legion
will swing into Hue
Iiu round ii I.lttle.
"Uml YmI Slngularl'Miosaldnshostooil
nt tho cashier's desk in tho restaurant and
felt lu his pockets.
"Ikvn robins!, I Kiip)osol" sneered tho
"Pcrhnps It's scol Did I chnngo my
pantaloons V
"Oh, of coursol"
"I guess I did, nnd left nil my money in
tho other pair."
"Say, that's too old to go down here, mis
ter! I want sixty cents'"
"Yes yes, hut you seo''
"I seo a dead Uat, who'll get a good kick
ing if he doesn't hand over tho cash!''
"Mercy I hut you don't tako mo for a dead, I hoKi!"
"Sixty cents "
"But Pvo left my money."
"Sixty cents or ) ou get tho bouncol"
"I'll go out nnd borrow it."
"Oh, not Hand it over or tho k.ckcr will
tnko charge of you!"
"Iets msjI Did I chiugo my clot law I Yes,
I did But"
"No huts about it! I wnnt sixty cents!"
"But 1 must luvo si I piss I some money in
my bind seket Alt! so 1 did, nnd heroit is."
And ho lldied up a great wnd, tossed tho
cashier a f.Vi bill, and while waiting for his
I chnngo shook hands with two Imnkers nnd
drew his check for f.1,000 to settlo a rcul
estate transit tlon.
The cashier is still iu lied, and tho doctor
su)sitisn very serious oum Detroit Freo
Pi ess.
'l It' Mnu for the 1'luie.
Able IMitor-Well, sir?
Caller I have culled to seo If you want
nny help in the political deuirtment during
tlio presidential campaign. I think I can
tdculirx) the vii too of ono inrt) and exagger
ate the faults of the other nbout us well ns
I any man living. Give me enough siwco nnd
I'll iimko ) our readi rs feel like, lynchingov ery
man on tlioopK)itiou ticket.
"Glorious! Had much exjerlenco In jour
"Well, no, but I wus director general of
advertising in a mvnt bukiug powder wur,"
"Take that desk, sir "-Omaha World,
.Mr. A- Mri,ll,W,llrinrii' Party In tumor o!
Tin tr DsiiKlitiir riorrner.
Invitations Issuisl early lu the week nn-,
nounclng "Mr, and Mrs, Brown, nt home,
Thursday evening. In honor of Iholrdniighler
Florence," icstiltod In tlio assemblage of ono
of I ho most pleasant uirnhs Lincoln's young
folks have over enjoyed, Tho clegnnt lnrgo
residence wos nil nglovv with Illumination nnd
from the parlor to the nttlu the house show oil
to tho outer woild that within festivity
reigned. Thn night wus iltntiuilly dark nnd
dlsagieenble, but with Mr. Brown's clover
foiethoiighl.aunruoleclrlo light wus placed
on thn front lawn, thereby making thn ap
proach to the house ami the surroundings for
ipilto a littlo distance, cuiutl to n lovely moon
light night.
Thnniralr, nltlmuitlin'itnuiiouuccdnft such,
vvnslu honor of Miss Flon lice's eighteenth
lilt Utility, and reitnlnly thn invasion was n
lilting testimonial to mark tho ndveut. Tlio
iimrtmonts wero iMniutlfully ornnmontisl
vvithsmllnx nnd Mowers, nud tho work skil
fully arranged under deft hands of tho
Nehrntku Floral company.
Dancing was tho order of tho evening, a
program of twelve numbers being duly en
joyisl by all, a pnitlculorly nttrnctlve fouturo
Itclng Hint n wallr. miirkivl every ntlier
uiiinlsT. The musio wus very giHsl and uf
fonhsl all nmple opiwiiunlty to swing lit tho
fascinating lire) and ttxi exercise.
Hefivslunents were served In the dining
l (Sim whero tho tables wero net during tho en
tire livening, nttendisl by colored walters,and
guests partook of tlio dellcachs when tho In
ner man desired.
Miss Brown received Iter friends lu a pleas
ant manner nnd ro)idly welcomed inch ono
ns they m lived, nud Mr. nud Mrs, Brown
were untiring In their efforts to niroid nil a
delightful lime. Tliojoung hostess vrns nt
tlnsl In n iK'tiutlful costiimuof canary colored
China silk with mi elalMirnto overdress of
ci cam ihnutllly hue nnd cicam ross, Thoso
present wire Misses Suelllng, Iavvs, Stout,
Icluinl, Knte nud Cora Dniurow, Mnnpiette,
Hammond, Anna Fuuke, Olllo Utttn, llnthn
way, Ashby, Hoost, Allon Oakley, Browuto
Hitiiin, Nellie Million, Matthews and Messrs.
Kingsbury, Hiiirehlnger, Henkle, Htons.
Holmes, Kcolt, Gisirge nud Will McAithur,
llammoud llout. Wickbnrk, Will nnd Chits.
Clink, Winger, Andrews, Funko, Hnthnway,
I.OU Wessel, Noithnm, l!lwurds mil I'M.
WesM'l of Ouitiha.
Aiithentln Information.
Land lady (to nttlo iloor, back, n tiuwspapcr
liiimorist) "Will you hnvo nuothor ploc of
tho liver, Mr. Burr?
Mr. Burr No mom, thnnk.
Ijindlaily .Mr. Butr. I ms w nmrhln tbt
newspapers nlsmt chcstniitfi. Pleat j tell ma
what n chestnut is?
Mr. Burr A chestnut, Mrs, lint j ricks, is
anything that has been iccatod so. f ten that
it becomes nged or stale or, llvir far 1
stance. Now York Sun.
llio Correct lime.
Strnngtr (to young Mr. Darwin) Will
you kindly tell mo tho time, sir?
Young Mr. Darwin (consulting his wntcb,
a Wnterbury) Aw, Just twolve, sir.
Stronger Twelve? Why, that's hours too
Young Mr. Dnrwln Aw, London timo, y'
know, sir. Now York Sun.
Tlio Mine Kiln Club.
"Man is nn onreasonablo animal when you
cum to flgger him down," said Brother
Gardner ns tho meeting quietly opened and
Tnistco Fullback flmlly got seated. "When
I go to trade hosso wid a man I expect ho
will pint out all do ringbones an' sxivins on
his lcnst an' lefmo conceal all do ailinouta in
my own.
"If my nayhur hain't got sugar to lend da
fnckt riles my hull fnm'ly. If I hnvn't n boo
to lend him I calmly advivi him to buy ono
of his own.
"Wo git together nn' ngreo dnt de kentry
or' gwino to do dogs on account of dishonest
office holders, nn' on 'leckslisn day wo turn
out nn' work html fur a rnsenlly enndydato
beknso ho has promised us a fat 'plntmcnt.
"Wo seo do need of a stringent law nn' wo
'leckt our best htw)ers to do legislachor to
mako it Do law cotchos us w liar' do tt'ar nr'
short, nn' wo go to doso same lawyers an'
oder 'em n brils? to find a loop hole,)
"Wu)down Bebco hu) s a hofis. Ho scrimps
on do hay in order to buy mo' plug tobneker
fur himself, an' lickasodohossticglnstoshoiv
his ribs Hi udder BoU-o howU about do dis
honesty of do farmers.
"Wo sot on do fence nn' iujoy ib sunshine
an' count up how many bushels of turnis
orter grow while wo mo ofT llsltln'. If woar
short on turnips wo excuse ourselves but
blnmodo Iawd.
"Wo kin reo whnr' do man nox' donh can't
nitonl to keep two hired gals nn buy bis
wife usoaliklii clonk, but It's nil right fur us
to buy n pinner nn' put up a lightum' rod on
a good drill Ij-sm wagon.
"Do man w ho gits up in Jliiuary an' bowls
fur spring km alius Ih found cussln' do hot
weather 'bdut do middle of July
"If Samuel Shin lends Pickled Smith 3
ho can't sleep nights fur fear ho wont get it
liack. If do contrary ar do case, Samuel kin
sleep till 0 o'clock in tho mavvniu' an' loaf all
do rest of do 'day.
"Lot a friend cum to us w id de toofacho ou'
wo kin calmly glvo him direokshuus how to
reach do Highest dentist, Ut us hnvo nn
nchln' uu' wo ox pock cbery pusson to
break his luick liuntln' up somo remedy an'
fetlln' sorry. Tnko us all in nil, an' wo or' a
selfish, ourcusouuMo, Inconsistent lot, an' do
only reason do Iiwd lots us lib on is hoknse
he hain't got no pluco to bury us nil to once,"
rHj$0Zry' 1kffiJt '