Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 28, 1888, Image 4

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    WHIHIMHWI ID M lining i III!
MmwEy"wi ?
Mtin-rtinTintiiiawiriiUMHiartgmMiiTiiwiiiHi mlWt
f !' It ii f H
Makes the preservation o( the nnlurul
teeth n specialty by nil known approved
methods. Golil ami porcelain crowns
mounted on (lc natural mot.
All operation performed without pain.
Satisfaction uarnntecd.
Wo, the limloimltziitMl nro imrHonnlly no
qualnted with Dr. U Won to, who In to leave
tin soon nud engage In tlio practice of deutls
try In vur rltv,
Wo enn unhesitatingly recommend him m
n thnroiiKh nmster of hi profession, nud wo
nro mini that nil work entrusted to hint will
bo skillfully performed.
J. UNDKtlllll.I., M. I).
W. W. MoMann. M. 1).
J. K. MoAamh,M.H. iM. 1).
J, M. OaM.KIIIJIIII, I). 1). H.
GAitimu, Illinois, Jnu, '., 1887.
116 South Eleventh St., Lincoln, Neb.
Ladies' & Gents'
At greatly reduced prices
1043 O Street.
?hilharmonic . Orchestra,
l. IUokwow, a, H. Abciiuan,
Mimical Plotter, Manager.
Mice Funke's Opera House, Sd rioor, Front
Will furnish OrnnJ or Sacred muslo for
Coxgkivts, 'VKDDINOB, Tautikh, 1ULL8
and all oUior occasions requiring flmt-elass muslo
tVf8pecIal rote will bo made with clubs
dcslrfnjf tlio ocliestr for I ho Benson,
roton furnished 011 application.
We also desire to state Dint we have oiened a
Oenscrratory of lluslo In our apartments In the
opera houMS building, for tbo Instruction on
orchmtml Instruments. Tuition noun: On. m
II 14 noon, and 1 till 4 p. 111. every day excpl
Sunday. For scholar not able to attend atrcgu
ar lH)ir, iihc1h1 time will be Riven.
For further Information as to price, tlmo, oto
address or call on tlio umiuiKcr,
Uutldlnra completed or In courso of erect lou
liom April l.lttoo;
iltmluem block. 0 K outpouiery, tltli and N.
do do I. W llillliuriley, lltli near N.
Itestaurant (OdellJ) 0 K Montgomery,
lteeldeuce, J J Iinhorr, J and lStlu
do J 1) Micfarland, Q anil t Ith.
do John Zehnmu. ) ,nd lltli.
do AtU'rt Wbtkln. I) lot mil and 10th.
do Win M U-oimid, Cliet Oth aud lOtlu
da K It Cluthrle, iR'li and N.
do J B llocd, M I), F bet 10th and ITth.
do 1. (I M Uaklwlii, 0 bet Ittth and IHth.
KanlUrlum building at Mllrord, Neb,
Flrrt IJaptlst church, lllti and K strecbir
ortuarjr uit Jul un I roJilrlu to.ub at Wvulia
OiUeo . - Iloouu KJ and 34
Rloliords JBloolc.
DR. B. B. Powers,
GoldFillings A Speciltay
Gold, Silver nnd Porscelaln Crowns Insert
ed on roots of teeth. Sets Inserted without
.a plate. All operations llrst:clas and war
pi4 O Street over Eljlott'i.
A JVnmiar liirof Mmlrrn Timt.
fiunsonn-Tinm Onn Year liy Mnll or Carrier $1,0)
81k month, $1,00, Three months M) Onto, Ono
month ft) CenU Invnrnhly In Adrnnce,
iiVKUTtKKMKKTnt Knhw fiirulnlied on application
t tlio onion, Heelnl rates on Tlmo Contract,
CoMTiunirrioNAl Hliort spicy sketches, iks'Iiis, and
Mot-leu solicited. lViiwuml and Social note nr'
eieelally deslrnhle,
I'iiintinoi Wo inakn n AHclalty of Flue 1'rlntliiK
In all Its liraii'jlim. Hjjlut- irvn it ipjjl'tlty
AddniM nil coiniuunlentlomi dlreclto tlio oftleo.
wicaaict DoimiNS,
Now llurr llloolc, Cor. I'.'tli nnd O Hirer U.'itoNKV'.Vl.
Tlio CouniKii will not Im3 topotiHlhlo for
nny dohti miulo liy any ono In ltn uitiuo, un
Iws u written order ncixmiwuiliw tlio niiiio,
properly signal, of coiimo.
Wkhsi:i fit Donni.VH, l'roji'w.
TllKKrontihiKKcr hns reached Amorlcnii
soil oueo inoro, nnd iieopto who huvo nny sort
of ri'Knrd for tholr ersonal wolfnro nddrcHA
him as Mr, Hulllvnu.
TitK popular novelist, Hohort IxniU Hto
vitiiMin, is rcportod to ho n very sick matt.
Ho hns jinilmhly soon n copy of tlio Oinnlm
World coiitnlnlnK lllustnttlons of his latest
story, "Tho OutlnwA of Turnstnll Forost,"
TilK nnino "Oiunha" npHnni to net ns 11
hoodoo upon tho baso hall chili of that city,
which, under the nnmo of "Othkosh" won
InAt year's nortli western chniuplnushlp. Thoro
nppeam to liu n cront deal In 11 nnino after nil.
It sounds Itko tho old timed of tho llosowat
orIlothacker uowsuiMir wnrtohenr tho IJeo
Kfer to tho llopuhlienu iw "tho muIcrleM
shiHit on lower Douglas street," hut lilacs there
is no Dnvld In that olllco to do Imttlo with tho
giant Hoo.
Tint Alllnueo Argus, J. D, Callioun's new
(utpcr lies nrrlvod. It is 11 very Imudsoino
paior nnd starts out with n liberal advertis
ing pntronngo, W, H. I'orrln, roeently city
editor of tho Doiuocriit, will conduct tho pn
pr horoaftor.
L- -. . -3
TltK Nebraska City TrcKi did iUolf proud
In itfl Arbor Day edition. letters from tho
prominent statesmen, jiooU nnd philosophers
of tho nation were printed, eulogizing Hon.
J. Sterling Morton and commending tho e.
tabllshmont of mlior day, Tlio Pros has
reason to congratulato itself on tho outenrlso
Wk would respectfully call tho attention of
tho Topics department of tho Journal to tho
fact that on at least two 00 visions during tl e
past week u Joke has boon uuonrtheil In tho
editorial columns of that paper. It is hardly
fair to Itn renders to plneo such traps for them
and tho foreman should bo instructed to not
so misplace matter in the future.
ThkiikIs nothing like versatility, .Mon
dny'N Democrat contnluiHl uinongst iU edito
rials a discussion of tho tnrlir, n dluMrUktlou
011 tho Immortality of tho soul on tho C'oi.
conl school of philosophy stylo, m mcII us 11
Joko nbout Wnlt Main's now hut. It is this
remarkable combination or political economy,
philosophy and humor that 1 as miulo tliut
paper t.o popular nnd widely nnd.
Tut; CouniKH is more than ploasoil to knw
that at loast throe paving. dlstrleU liavo 10
locUd brieJ. This is ontlroly duo to tho ef
forts of tho city press, who hnvo lieen and
are a unit for brick ns n juivlng material.
Now that it will Iw given n fair trial, wo hope
that tho know-alls who have worked aud
tnlkod so hard for cedar blocks will be coin
jHilled to aekuowliHlgo they wcro wrong this
time. The now industry thus created will
prove of incalculable benefit to tho city, nnd
will bo Instantly started.
In Bcrlbner's Magazine for Mny Mr. James
Haldwln iayn tho weitri(leserveilc)mpliment
ou tho matter of popular education: "It was
in tho west (hat tho Idea of graded schools
wn first completely formulated and uinilo
inictlcnlly successful. It was in tho west
that tho Kuperlhtondcnoy of hchools county
nnd city win geimrnliy recogiiized as essen
tial to tho success of tho Hystem. It was in
tho west that tho curliest nnd some of tho
ablest expounders of tho "now education,"
in this country, attempted tho practical ap
plication of their theories. While yet tho
country was but halt settled nnd tho public
school system little more than a promise, u
former pupil of I'estnlozzi introduced the
method of that reformer into tho private
schools of tho loner Wabash vnllof, Long
lieforo a "'now deimrturo'' had been discov
ered in tho schools of Quluey, nnd hcrnldtxl to
tho world us the bemuing of u great refor
mation, tho wlf-sama uietiioils, there to high
ly eulogized, weru being practically demon
strated in scores of dlKs and towns In the
:xi-ui-iAou Went mid Norllnveit.
Dully oxcursions huvo been nrrauged for
over tho Union Paelile IUllway to San Fran
cUco, Kin Diego, Colton, Ias Angelos, Han
liern.irdmo and Kan dao, Ualiromla, auo to
Portland, Orogou, nt $30,00 for the round
trip. Tickets uro gooil (iO days for going pus.
sago and good for tho return trip for sis
months from da to of sale w ith tho usual stop
over privileges in both directions within those,
Those tickets nro also jfood by way of Den
ver ami Bait Lnko City in each .direction. The
agent, Mr. K. 11. filosson, tells us ipiltounum
tier of our towiiHiuen uro thinking of making
tho trip soon, mid it would Iw well for thooo
Intending to go iiiKclcct parties to see him
and ai range for tholr accommodations,
Mr, John It, Kmwley, traveling agent,
Union Pacific, ut Omuhn, Neb., will give you
any further information in regard to these
excursion!. Parties who prefer can eorres-
Jiond with Mr. J, 8. Tobbets, (J. V. & T. A.,
Omaha, Nub.
Oo cost by tho Bt. IjuIs and tho Missouri
Paclfla railroad and avoid nil omnibus trans
fers; all oliaugoii made in Union depots via
this routo. Chair cam froo.
Dow Osonr Wltdn wn Orented Dy an
Congressman O'Neill of Mlsscttrllsfreonnd
easy nnd bluff In maimer, nntwlthatnudini;
tnnrkrsl nhllity nnd certnlu refinement, I-nst
ycnrhonmilon trip to Kuroo nnd formed
tho nripinlultiuco of a young Huglish actor on
tho Meniner. Tho latter relnUs that ono day
tho eongni-wnmn vlsltel tho housj of com
mons nnd going out on tho river terrace.
hero mcinlHirH mid tholr friends sit and
Ainoko during the Intervals between divisions
nnd when somii sixth rnto sjionkcr is address
ing empty beiieluii, ho found tho nctnr nnd a
tall, well hulltnmt fnshlonnblydro'ed young
man enjoying cigars togethor. Congressman
O'Neill went over to his friend, wlio Intro-(hic-isl
him to his companion saying!
"Permit mo to lutrodtico Congressman
O'Neill, of Missouri, Mr. Oscnr Wlldo."
Tho congiesstunu Uxik tho outstretched
hand of tho n-stheto with tho cynical smllo of
tho man who IkiIIovch ho acoa through n prno
tlcnl Joke, but lends hlmiielf to it, and said!
"Aro you tho overlastlug chump tlioy sent
us to A merlon a couplo of years ngof"
Tho mstheto's cigar dropped from his fin
gers and ho stood aghast. Then turning to
tho nctor ho asked In suiierclllous tones!
"Who Is this a wild American
person P
Then bo walked away, leaving O'Neill nnd
the actor dumfouudod. Kurly noxt morning
tho congressman took n cab and wont to
Wilde's house to upologlio. Philadelphia
Too Much for flherman.
Thoro aro any number of mon in this town
who think it a great prlvllego to sit at tho
wimo board with Oon. Hhormnn, nnd thoy
maintain, too, that noxt to tho gifted Dopow,
ho is ono of tho most entertaining after dinner
trjicakorA In tho country. A president of ono
of tho Chicago rnllroads related in the Wind
sor hotel tho other night n Uttlo anecdote
nnont tho general and n certain military din
nor giver in Omaha, Nob,, nt tho beginning
of tho war. Tho moiiu was wrotchod, as
wcro tho Omalm hotols in those day. On
this occasion tho butter was particularly bad
and rancid to a degree, Tho goncTal's at
tention was orrosted, and ho sent for tho
manager, to whom he imletly romarkodt
"You will have to roiuovo this butter, my
friend, as it outrnk me," New York
Senator Vnncs' Pour,
Benator Vest 'vas describing tho limited
moans of tho postofllco in Kansas City and
Bnidt "Why, Mr. President, I havo soon
waiting nt tho dollvery windows a lino of
ladles half a mllo long," Bonntor Vanco
roso and saldt "Mr. President, I wish to in
qulro if that is tho usual longth ot womou in
Mlssourir' Chicago Herald.
Qacstlon Answered.
"I wondor if I had better go homo and got
my umbrella."
lnmlly 1'rlde.
Grocer You say that your wlfo, Undo
Unstus, supiwrta tho family by taking in
Undo Rastus Yes, sah.
Orocer Well, don't you feel a llttlo
ashamed nt times?
Uudo Hastus 'Shamed? No, sah; doro's
uothln' dcgrudIir",bout takin' in washln'. Iso
proud oh do olo 'ooninn. Now York Sun.
Shop Kecpliif; In I'lirls.
French Qlrl Pajia, a man who looks llko
an Amoricnn is observing thoso gloved in tho
window. What shall I ask for them?
Shopkoepor Twenty dollars.
Man (ontering) How much?
Olrl Twenty dollar
Man Sao-r-r-rl
Shopkeeper Forty cents, MVseor. Oma
ha World.
A Humiliating l'oiltlon.
Visitor (to convict) What aro you in for,
my friend?
Convict Bank burglary, sir.
Visitor I suppose you must find your pres
ent position very humiliating.
Convict Yes, very. Whon wo march to
moals, sir, I'm always sandwiched in between
two aldermen boodlers. Tho Epoch.
Sloro IiitoiestloK Matter.
Subscriber (to editor) I don't seo nny thing
in your pnpor today about tho hereto act of
Smith, who saved tho life of Drown at tho
risk of his own.
Editor No; it was crowdod out to mako
room for nn accouut of tho cowardly manner
in which Jones took tho lifo of Hobinson.
An Unhtnd Cut.
Minister's Wlfo (Sunday morning) Is It
possible, my dour, that after all you liavo
said about Sunday newspapers, you aro read
ing ono t
Minister (very much hurt) You ought to
know mo better than that, Maria; this is last
ovenlns s paper. Tho Epoch.
I.lvnly pprliiB Trade.
Omaha Jublicr John, havo you got that
car load of palm leaf fans ready for Ulauk &
Ulank, of Dukotavlllot
John Yim, sir: last box Just loaded.
"All ris'-t; now ntteud to locdlng that car
of snow shovola for Lank & Lank, of Now
York." uiuiiua woriQ.
KFs9 WJAK?v j jffvslrHnl
Bo Suro to Cot Hood's
Sarsaparllln, my child. See that they do not
glvo you anything else. You remember It Is
tho medicine which did mama so much good n
year ngo my favorlto
Spring Medicine
Nearly everybody needs a good spring mcdl
elno llko Hood'A Barsaparllla to expel Impuri
ties which nccumtilato In tho blood during tho
winter, keep up strength ns warm weather
comes on, crcato nn nppctlto nnd promoto
healthy digestion. Try Hood's Barsaparllla
and you will bo convinced of Its peculiar
merits. It Is tho Ideal spring mcdlcino ro
llablo, beneficial, pleasant to tako, and gives
full valuo for tho money. Ho suro to get
Hood's Sarsaparilla
BotdbyAllilruggtits. $lslxfor$J. Preparcilonly
by 0. 1. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Man.
IOO Dobos Ono Dollar
Largest lino of ICey West and Imported ch
gars at the llurr block.
Sonic Clieup Property,
A flue residence lot on Twenty-first street
near N for snlo at a reasonable price. Also
ono in Mechanics addition, Hyde l'ark and
Klmwood.Wlll soil cheap If sold Immediately
Call onornddroKH L. Vessel, Jr., caro this
Dally excursions to California via tho Mis
souri Paclflu Hallway. Tho tourists favorite
routo. Choice of two routes going, nnd priv
ilege of returning nny one of four routes.
Descriptive folders nnd all Information
obtained of 11. O. IIanna,
Or It. P. U. M11.LAH, (len'l Pass. Ag't.
City Tlckot Ag't., cor. O; and 12th st.
To Texas Vln tho Missouri Tactile Hall
way. Ono fnro for tho round trip from Lincoln
o all points. Tickets limited to sixty days,
nnd transit limit going and returning of
fifteen days in each dliectiou. Excursions
leave Lincoln January 115, February 8 and SSI,
March 7 aud ill. Double lino or Pullman
sleeping curs from Kansas City. A raro op
portimlty to visit Texas. Lowest rates over
ottered. For mnps, descriptive iwmphlot,
rates, and further Information, call 011 or ad
dress It. P. It. MlLLAIl,
H. O. IIanna, General Agent,
City Tlckot Agent,
Corner O mid 1-th streets.
Tlio finest lino of long wraps for traveling
and street w enr can lie found at Ashby &
For all kinds of society stationery, such as
Invitations, programs, cards, menus etc. call
at tho olllco In tho now llurr block.
New Train Sorvlru on the KlUliorn Line.
Train No. 42 now leaves Lincoln nt 0:55 a.
111. nnd runs through solid to Missouri Valley
aud thoro makes close connections for Sicux
City, Chicago aud tho east. At Fremont di
rect connection is made for Omaha. Train
No. 41 leaves at 10:!tt a. 111. nnd carries a
through sleeper for Chicago which is at
tached to tho C. & N. W. llyer at Missouri
Valley, This train makes connections nt
Fremont for Norfolk, Chudrou, Ilnptd City,
Douglas, Geneva, Hastings, Omaha, Sioux
City, St. Paul nnd Intermedlnto jioints.
Olllco 115 south 10th street and depot comer
S. nud 8th stiiKits.
It Is claimed tliut rheumatism is
sometimes Inherited but it is moro like
ly that tho persons presumed to inherit
it nro physlcnly constituted tho name ns
tholr parent nnd natural)' auseoptiblo
to It. If childion nro tlill'oruntly con
stituted from tho iillllctcd parent thoy
do not "Inherit it." Biliousness is ns
much of miinhurltanco ns rheumatism,
ns persons of a bilious temperament
nro most susceptible, to it nnd they of
courso got tholr toinpanummt from their
parents. Other authorities claims that
rhoutiiatlsru!su:Mi.sud by tho presence of
urlu acid In the blood. Others to
taking cold when their Is poison clrcu
luting In tho blood, others that it is
purely nnd solely 11 disease of tho ner
vous system. It Is well known that
when persons havo ncuto or inflamma
tory rheumatism the bowels nro iisuuly
constipated nnd tho urine scanty, but is
that not caused by tho rheumatism
rnthor than the cause of it, for when
tho bowels nro kept opou nud tho in
lliumnatlon kept down, a cure is soon
produced. The inilniuiunthu must bo
kept down until tho p.uts aro restored
to a hoalthy condition. This is not
theory as a great many sovcro cases
have been cured In that way. Tlio in
flammation boing deep seated and
mostly in tlio joints., it Is dlllluult to
roach and but few external applications
will rellovo It, thero is ono however
that will, and that is Chamberlain'
'" Vn, ono application is usualy
sulllclentto reliovo tho nain nnd only
tho worst cases require morn than ono
or two fifty cent bottles to etl'oct a cure.
It is tho most penetrating liniment
known and promptly relievos the ago
nl.lng pains both of rheumatibin nnd
neuralgia. When tho Harts can bo roach
od and tlio Pain Halm nppl'.ed directly to
tho sunt of pain, as in cases of burns
and toothncho, it relieves liibtantly and
in cases of rheumatism only a few
uionionts aro required for its ofToct to
bo felt. To keep tho bowels open al
ways use St. Patrick's Pills as they aru
absorbed Into the blood, net through it,
purify It mul thoroughly cloanso the
whole system.
Chamberlain's Cou&h Romody
Will euro a sovero cold in less timo
than by any othor trontment. It re
lieves tlio lungs, opens thu secretions,
rondorc tho mucus less toniiclous and
oaslor to expectorate and aids nature in
restoring tho bystoni to n healthy con
dition. If freely usud as soon as a cold
hns been contracted and beforo it hns
become settled in tho cystuiii, it will
often euro what would liavo boon a
kovcr rjild in a biuglo day. It is a cer
tain euro for croup,
Sold nt W. J. Turner's.
Spring Suits
$20 AND $25.
With Illumination designs appropriate for the occasion,
Printed in finest style of the art at
Mowers pf Bedding Plants
Large Variety at Low Prices.
Cut Flowers and Designs a Specialty.
Nebraska Floral Company,
i2c; North 1 2th Street. ' Telephone 682.
ml tSSA cpcnncdyxoaorraajxtfouuxicajrxT i.i '"ixxco ,-
Spring Syles
Wessel & Dobbins,
New Burr Block, Cor. i2tri.ancLO Sts
Wedding Invitations, Engraved Calling Cards, Box Station
ery, Fine Printing of all K'uds.
Give Us ei Trial Order.
Now Ready.
J ,C"l
- ,