Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 21, 1888, Image 8

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A iVjwtar 2yw of Mxtrn Timt$,
Saturday Evening, April 21, 1888.
Cor. 10th A P.
The Courier Can lie Found At
Windsor Hotel Nov Hlninl,
Capital Hotel News Hlntul,
dell's DImImk Hall Nowi Hlnuil.
Clasou A Fletcher's, tit) O Htreet.
A.T. l.emltiR.tCo's., UMOHtrcot.
Tho aotlinni NowsBtantl, 1 IS Houth 11th HI.
Keith tiros. Ill Noilli lull Htroot.
Kd.Yomnf, KfOOHtrcot.
Advertiser arc rcUftrd to scud In Iliel
favor ns enrly ns xllilo, not Inter limn four
o'clock rrltlay artcrmmu, nil tlio Count Kit
goes to lire Unit evening, When ordering
your advertisement out drop tlio business
manag-ci ncard. Tlio collector Isapt to forget
uch orders, mid compliance with thin request
will save u trouble mid yourself nunoynnco,
We ara dally adding to our Hut of subscribers,
employing n nrnii especially for ttmt solo pur
pose.nmt cliitm Hint nit nn advertising medium
Uie Couhiku Is utiflxcelled,
Children and Boy's
Straw Hats.
Hatter and Furnisher.
1 1 37 O Street,
Whttobmut CoiU and Llmo Company.
Springtime at taut li hero.
lint, fani, fnm nt Oakley & Co's.
Delicious lunches at Brown's CaM.
Call on Fred Schmidt for Dry Good.
Oysters, f rcsh, fat and flno at Brown's.
Ask your grocer for homo made bread.
Smoke Club Room cigar. Burr block.
Novelties tn dress Ilia at Oakley & Co'.
U ttta and party gloves at Oakley & Co's.
Trlckey & Co, .wholesale and retail Jeweler.
Kern & Roberta, dentist 83 Alexander Bite
Don Cameron. 10H1 O ntreet, for lunches
Kid glove, latest novelties, at Oakley &
Surah tllki, 40 cents a yanl. Aihby &
Thousand mile tlckoU for tale nt tin South
TesUh street.
Pure, first-class good at BetU ft Sowell's,
.900 street.
Bills, silks, tllki, 40 cents a yard. Ahby
Canon City Coal at tboWhltobroaat Coal
A4 Lime Co.
'Qytterf In vry style, flno and fresh, at
Don Cameron1.
Our Hay Lee Co cigar U the beat In tho city.
Try it Burr block.
Canon City Coal again nt tho
Coal and Llmo Co.
Take the Elkhorn line, Omaha train leav
tag u&coin at OiMa. m.
Attar the club partlea, go to Brown1 new
cafe for a dellclou lunch.
Canned good of every deacrlption at Rett
ft Sewell", 1190 O street
See three bargain In silks. 40 cent a yard
at Ashby ft Mlilsnaugh.
Bette ft Sewell are headquarters for fine
groceries, at 1190 O street
Ladies should call and eo Fred Schmidt's
now drew ctkmU, 017 O ctrtt,
Sraoko the Club Room cigar math by Ha
VABit clgr factory, Burr block.
Before Insuring look up tho Mutual Lifo
Insurance Cotspany of New York.
TfcoMiuouti Pacific railroad run f rco reclin
ing chair car on all through trains.
Roast Turkey, Goonu and all kinds of meat
at Don Cameron' every day for dinner.
Parasols, nun umbrellas, gold and silver
luiadles, lowest prices, nt Oakley ft (Vs.
Finest line of smoker' meerschaum articles
t tho Havana cigar factory,' Burr block.
Monarch anil Lincoln brand of canned
nods at Belts & Howell's, 1120 O strciit.
Doctor B. F. Bailey, offlce tuxl residence
or. of Thirteenth anil O streou. Tol. 017.
Hwivlt'n 1 now uutkinK cabinet photographs
for 13.00 a down. Thoy aro Uio llnest In tho
Seasonable fruit of all kinds ara spoclal
tie at BotU ft Sewell', grocer, 1130 O
Special sale of jerseys next week, the best
borgalus ever offerod at Ashby ft Mills
paugh's. Imported smoking tobaccos, flnwit mode, to
bo had only at Havana clgur factory, Burr
When tn red of Ladles Furnishing Goods,
Fine Shoe, etc., give Fred Schmidt a call
9170 street.
Ticket to points in Kansas, Missouri and
ticket via Omaha on sale at Elkhorn ofllce,
1 15 Sa 10th St,
The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New
York. W. B. Hastings, District Agent,
room 63, Burr block,
Jndia silica make tho coolest possible sum
mer dmes, and are shown in entirely new and
beautiful designs by Ahby ft Mllisaugh.
Feculiar In medicinal merit and Wonderful
cures HoodVSarsaparillu. Now U tho time
to take it, for now it will do tho most good.
Dr. Creighton is in New York on business
cotmeeted with tho Wesloyau Unlverelty,and
will also attend tlio general conference of the
M. . church next month in that city.
Mr. T. N. Cunningham arrived yesterday
froaa Df triot, and will outer -the employ of
Kccward ft Riggs. Mr. Cunningham U a na
tive of Ohio, and as thero ara many others
fresci that state now resddeot in Lincoln ho
wtHflfid a hearty wekome.
An I'njoyitliln Orrimlon.
AiiimtdcllKhtfitliNtrty wn Klven nt Urn
rvKlilvncoiifMr. nml .Mm. 1U O. Outcnlt lnt
iivnilnir, to which tlio following Indlexnud
gi'iitlcmon worn luviUtlt
Mr, nml Mrs, ZolinuiK. Mr. nml Mr. Ilurn
limn, Mr, nnd Mrs, Curl Fiinke, Mr, ni.d Mm.
Ilelnkell, Mr. nml Mm. U. C. Ilurr, Mr. nml
Mtit. It II. Onkloy, Mr. nml Mm. O. 11. Onk
ley, Mr. nml Mm I. M. llnyinoml, Mr. nml
Mm, A, H. llnyinoml, Mr. nml Mm. II. K.
Utwls, Mr. nnd Mm. K, T. lloliue, Mr, nml
Mm. 0. N. Little, Mr. nml Mm. H. K. Monro,
Mr, nml Mm. 12, 1). ApplcKut, Mr, nnd Mm.
A. C. Cm, Mr. nml Mm. C. W. Monlir, Mr.
nml Mm. Doolittlo, Mr. nnd Mm. lUyilcti,
Mr. nnd Mm. .1, II. Hurley, Mr, nnd Mm. N,
U. Ilrock, Dr. nnd Mm. llnlloy, Mr, nnd Mrs.
AllxTt AVutklim, Mr. nml Mm. .1, V, Ilnrnnnl,
Mr. nml Mm. Mnwin (IroRir, Mr, nnd Mm. W.
K, lsmnnl, mul Mcmm. Ilout, Frank Iiowls,
Geo. Wing nml I), K, TlioiupMiu,
CnnU werothofraturoof tho ovonlng' on
tviUliniii'iit, nml elegntit rofnwluno nt ir
Hon, G, M, 1-mnlHTtwm Imnlicou npointl
city nttornoy,
Tho ltnplil Trnimlt Is employing Inrge-slreil
luulositN inotom.
II, It, Wilson loft Tliumdny o veiling on n
busluewt (rip to Ohio.
Miss Nolllo lllllllll SDottt tlm wiwk vi.rv
plonsnutly In Oiunhn,
Mr, nnd Mm. Inland nra tnnklng n short
trip through tlw ntnto.
Dr. GriinoM Is out ngitlu nfter n ten days'
strngBlo with pleurisy.
Mr. K. L. Trlcknv Is In Cnlnrniln Irmklntr
nfter his mining lutcrmbi.
Mr. and Mm, Clins. Cltnptnnn will mnko
I.lncnlit their homo hereafter.
All tlio nobbiest shatle In silks nnd mttlus
nro now shown nt J, K. Mlllor's.
Mr. J. O. Mcllrldo returned AVednesdny
fnmt n buslnoM trip to Chicago.
Mm. Ooorgo A, Camp nnd daughter, Miss
I.uoy, nro visiting Mm, J. F, Barnard.
Many Lincoln Indies nro taking lessons on
tho violin. This Is tmlto tho crnws now.
Walt Mason of tho Journal returned Tues
day from n two weeks' visit to Knnsns,
Mrs. Myion Wheeler and Miss May Htout
contemplate a visit to Omaha next week.
Mm H, D. ilnttmwny and daughter, Miss
Llllio, paid Omnlia n short visit this week.
Tho stock of I. Friend ft Bon was sold
Momlny to Mr. 8. DouUch of Atchison for
Mr. and Mm. G. C. Lauck of Blnl City,
Kansas aro visiting tho family of Major Bo
hannn, Mr. and Mm. D. H. Wheeler of Omahn
spent Saturday ami Sunday with friends In
tho city,
MIssHattlo I.eland was nt homo to n fow
friends, nt her homo on F street, on Thursday
Miss l'earl Dement left Friday afternoon
for Boatrlco to spend Sunday with Miss Kit
tso Weston.
Mis Cochran entertained a fow intimate
friends at her homo, Lodwith block Thurs
day evening.
Wo notice many ladles partlclmtlng in
horseback riding. Lincoln should organlro
an equestrian club.
Take your lunches at Brown's restaurant,
In Windsor block, North Eleventh street
Service unequalled.
Rev. Alex Allen and wife returned this
week from Bloomlngton, Neb., accomjianled
by Miss Francklyn.
Mr. and Mr. T. M. Marquette leavo to
morrow for tho east for tho benefit of Mr.
Marquette' health.
John R. Clark nnd family arrlvod homo
Thursday morning from an alt winter's so
journ in California.
uoverai nunurcti young people enjoyed an
evening' roller skating in Bohanan' hall
Wednesday evening.
Trof. N. T. Curtico ho been secured to
nlav the mmrnlllront nnw nlru nn.n t it...
Presbyterian church.
Brown's restaurant. In Wln,lr.- l,tl.
North Eleventh strant. Is th mnta n.i ,.m,
blest resort iu tho city.
Mrs. E. L Saxon lectured MomUv nvAiiinn-
on woman' sutTrago to a good audience at
St Foul's M. E. church.
Tho Journal Iuum hull nlna will .(Tr..1
amusement for the itnlversitv clnh nt ai..
letlo park this afternoon.
Mr. Morton, the niml ninthnr nt Hnn T
Sterling Morton, was tho guest this week of
Mayor and Mrs. Sawyer.
Mis Gertrude Marquette, v 111 intertnin tho
Pleasant Hour Junior at her homo on Tues
day evening of next week.
Tho ladln of the Baptist church will give a
supper Tuesday next in the storeroom recent
ly vacated by A. D. Guile.
Mr. Arthur B. Smith, chler clerk to Super
intendent Calvert, ha returned home .from a
very pleasant trip In tho oast
Miss I.villn fVNnlll. nt tlio llcnv n.m..
otera house conitany wo a guest of Mr. and
wrB. jiuuiuaii wiiiio in tins cuy.
Mm. Henry E. Bailey, who has been visit
ing tho family of Dr. B. F. Bailey, returned
to bar home in Boston this week.
Mr. N. C Abbott returned homo Sunday
f rotn Itoohfwtiir. N. V. . wlinra m liml lwu
cnliwl to the bedside, of his sick father.
Afnj. A. G, HastJags and wife were called
to Indenendence. Town. WednraiilAv. v n (..1.
egrom announcing the death of a brother.
Air. ami aim. Horns (nte HattioFunke) or
Onl. nccointuiniMl tv their llttln .Immt.tnr.
were guest last wt-ck of Mrs. H.' parents.
Ladies In search of flno dross goods goods
will find tho latest styles and superior toit
urwd at J, E. Miller's, 145 South Tenth street
We understand that elegant music Is being
prepared for tbo Uuiveraitv commenctmumt
uxerclses by Prof, Menrondarf and Mis
Thomembcraoftho Union club are still
agitating tho question of n new club-house,
and tho indications ore that it will soon lm
under way.
We loam that an elegant concert is tolto
clvotl on WodnowlaY uvenlnir nf next wnV
for the benefit of tho Episcopal church, nt
tho opera house.
Mis Muv Mooro was ntlinmn tn tlm Pnnl.
tat City club ou Thursday evening of last
wcoic, it being iter tlilrtocntli birthday. All
report a most delightful time.
Mr. Will PIckott anil Ills nlntar. Mlso Mnv
returned homo Tuestlay from visit to friends
in jvemucxy. incy wore accompauloa by
their sister, Mrs. It O. Terrell
Mr. L. M. Kctloy, formerly chief clerk of
tho old Commercial hotel but now pro
prietor of a hostelry of his own In Kearney,
paid Lincoln n short visit Tuowlay,
Tho last lrty of the Pleasant Hour Club
will bo elven at Mason la Teninlo nn next
Thursday. Being tho lnt party of the season
wo miy expect u very "swell" affair.
Rev. A. F. Sherrill of Omaha lectured at
tlin 1'lvmntitli rVirrrif.ntlntinl Mnir-M, Titu.
day evening to a largo audience on "Alaska."
The lecture was a very entertaining one.
Mr, J. V. Putnam, Mr. Hallett' efllciont
Watchmaker, who Imil luv.n 111 tnr u.i-ml
days, was compelled to sk hU couch Thurs-
u.;, uaiw( wen siHtcsra who uie mcasic.
Clmur (Iprti Atioitt 1'rltluy, .tiny ID,
At tlm urgent request of over fifty Indies
nml gentlemen Mr. Mnhler hit consented to
rutin n to l.lncolu, nml omii ii clnss In dmi.
dug nnd ilt'isirtinent, tn Iteglu nlKtut Friday,
Mny 10, Tlm term will consist of twolvu
hsHons, nt fid Kir pupil, nr term, the sixth
Imson to consist of n jmrly, whllo Mr. Milliter
ulllglvo ntmxtrn grnud irty, lmleonilont
of tho twelve lessons nt tlm closo of tlio torui.
I'niri'slti ICnelire.
Mr. nml Mm. A. H. Hnviiuiiul i-nli.riiln.
od n iiiiuiIkt of fnemls very elegnntlyat their
itotnoon mst Hnttinlny ovenlug. tho time
wns stx'iit In rnnl iilnvlmr. nml It U miiw.,...
snry for us to say Hint nil hud u inostdollglit
ful ovenlng, knowing wlmt n pcrfi-ct IiotIcsm
Mrs. llnyinoml is. Tint iminesof tlm guests
nrons follows: Mr. nnd Mm. J. 11. Rlchnnts,
Mr. nml Mm. H. Dorr, Mm. nnd Mm. Barton
Green, Mr. nml Mm. Wither llitrgrnves, Mr,
nml Mm. A. C, Cum, Mr. nnd Mm. Dr. F, II.
lllgliter, Jlr, nml Mr. A. U. Hnrgrnvw, Mr.
nnd Mm. W. A. Green, Mr, nml Mm. Cnrl
Funko, .Mr. nnd Mm. Will Utninnl, .Mr. nnd
Mm. John Zehrung, Mr. nml Mm. Frank
ehruiiir. Mr. nml Mm. H. If. Ilnniimm u-
nnd Mm. A. O. Kleiner, Mr. nml Mm. Finnk
M, Hull, John Doolittlo, Mr. nnd .Mm. I. M.
Raymond, Mr. mid Mm. V. V. M. Raymond.
NnrprlMt 1'itrly,
Miss Jennlo Chlniimn wns very pleasantly
surprlsiil Tliumday ovenlng by n numtior of
tier young friends, who embraced tho oppor
tunity of calling tiHin her nt her residence,
KNOT street Tho evening wns very enjoy,
nbly tHnt at games and kindred nttiuso
inents, refreshment ltelng served nt hnlf-pnst
Un, Thmn pniiout were: .Misses NelUo New
man, Nulllt) Hyde, Jennlo Stownrt, Stella
Hoyt, May Klminerer, Kiinna MoWhlinilo,
Joslo IOtighrlgM, Sarah Grahnm,MlnuloHale,
Mny lousing, Alagglo Farquhar, and Miwsra.
Held Kent, Will Klminerer, Arthur Rvons,
Will Sawyer, Bert Davis, Clmrloy Miller,
Will MoWhlnnle, Goorgo Wright nnd Clem
A 1'll.ltftiltift litrlv
Wednesday uvcuing n merry gathering of
juiuiKiuiKs cnjoytiin party given in honor
of Mis Anna Rnndnll of Sutton by Mm E.
A. Hubltnnl, liCO P street Tho entertain
nient of tho ovenlng consisted of playing
several gnmes, listening to musical selections
nnd pnrtnklug of n very elegant repast The
following were ttrommt! MtsseH Pnriiin n.
dall, Auckerman, Browning, Veeiler. Wat-
kins, Alllo Bello nml Viola Hubbard, Mossr.
Lltttefleld, BlncMium, Codington, W. B. and
E. F Reddish, W. E. Leach and others.
New Hoclal Olitli.
Tho Irish American literary club is the
title of a now club Just organised In this city
for social. Iltcrnrv. nrtlstln nml unilmol ....,-
os, nnd has for It sKclnl obJecU tho ad
vancement of knowliHlge of Irirti lltornturo
nnd nffnlra In this community nml tho propa-
Kmiuiivi iiniionni sentiment. All men of
Irish birth or ilowvnt win. lulln.- i t,,. .....
dementnl principlo of tho club, nn Immutable
belief in Ireland' right to bo governed by
and for her own jtcoplo ns nn Independent na-
nun. uso nny American cltiren of good
character who suUtnntlal who subscrllte to
that ttollef. Tho club will shortly occunv
pennanout quartern, establish a library, read
ing rooms, bllllnnl mnnu ntn t.mH.. n
permanent resort for member. Tho olllcem
of tho club aro: President, John Fitrgomld;
flmt ylco president, J. J. Butler; second vice
president, M.ilachl Grace; recording secreta
ry, George E. Kldd; financial secretary,
Tliomns Berry; corresponding secretary, E.
J. MoVann; ttensurcr, James O'Neill, ex
ecutive committee, Patrick Egnn, Judgo Mor
ris of Crete, John P. Rutton. Janie Farrell,
Wm. O'Shea. P. M. Haydon, E1 Cognoy, C.
McGlave, Ed Coyte.
Wo understand that thoro Is to bo a small
theatre party this ovenlng In honor of Mis
Dlckoy, who leaves soon for her homo In
Greenville, Ohio.
Mm. W. H. McCorkle.asisterof Mm O.
M. Traver, died at her residence, corner of
Tenth and South street. Wednesday, Tho
remains were taken to Dowaglac, Michigan
Thursday. '
Tho Odd Fellows of Crete will celebrate tho
00th anniversary of tho establishment of tho
order in America, next Thursday, Ex-Gov.
Divwcs nnd Mr. W. IT. Woodward of this city
will mako addresses, .
Tlio remains of Dr. F. G. Fullor, tho vic
tim of a runaway accident last week, were
laid to rest Sunday, followed by the mem
be m of tho various Kniirhta nf Pvtliln. l!,....
and a largo concourse of friends.
Tho funeral of Mr. J. M. TIkvU tnnir ni.
Thursday afternoon, from tho rcsldenco of
ms brother, Mr. J. J. Davis, XOiQ F street
Tho Knight of Pythias, of which the deceas
ed wan member, were present in uniform.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Roberts ontertained a
fow friends on Thursday nvmilnc- nt. timir
home on Seventeenth and H stnwtji. A mnut.
enjoyablo evening was spent in card playing.
urs. noixiris is nn nniiuio Hostess, anil all ro
lortetl n delightful timo.
e lenni that one of tho most elegant ro
cvptions ever held in tho city will bo given by
Miss Anna W. Hawkins and pupils about tho
ffiitli of May. It is to bo nn invitation nffalr,
and will undoubtedly bo a swoll affair. Tho
favors will bo partlculrrly beautiful.
Dr. Frederick Tomklns, nn English Itnrr la
ter of much note, is to deliver tho nddrtva to
the law class at University commencement
oxercises. Ho comes from London for tho
express puntoho. Whllo In Lincoln ho will Ik
tho guest of Row nnd Mm. W, G. Hawkins.
Miss Clara Goldberg, after n very pleasant
visit of four months with her sister, Mm D.
Wise, left Saturdny via tho Burlington flyer,
for her home in Chicago. Miss Clara ban a
number of warm friends In Lincoln whoso
best wishes nccompnnlod her to the parental
Lieut. C.L. Hodges, of Undo Sam's naval
service at Fort Snelllng, wns a welcomo guest
under the hospitable roof of Mr. II. W.
Brown last Friday and Saturday. Tho lieu
tenant was in tho servieo In tho samo regi
ment, and ns tho two soldiers had seen each
other only once since that eventful battle; the
meeting and visit was thoroughly enjoyed by
Tho corner stono of tho Grant Memorial
hall will bo laid Monday afternoon with im
pressive ceremonlos. Tho procession will
start from tho corner of Ninth and P streets
nt two o'clock, and lx couqtOHcd of Company
D, University endet, members of tho vnrioui
G, A. R. jKtet, Masons, Knights of Pythias,
Odd Fellows, A. O. U. W and other civlo
societies, city flro department, jtollce, nnd
dicnltnries of state, university. ntmtv nml
city in carriage.
A now craxe which is coming Into Yoguo
among tho children is tho collection of stamps.
Thor are not after itost-inarks or cancelled
Itostngo stamps, but Impressions from such
rubber or metallic olllce stamps as may be in
use. AllV statnn that leaves nn Imnrciulnii Is
gladly received, but should tho design em
brace somo picture of man, licust or bird, the
youngster's delight is at its height This lat-
iwt ryilliwtlucr fnil lint ntilv nitiiifii ftm VMa
but gives tho contributors cousidernblo gra
tuitous iiuveritsiug.
Orystnl Wedding,
.Mr, nnd Mm. O. N. Humphrey wero very
ngrecrtbly surprised Momlny evening by n
number nf friend dropping In on Himiii nnd
Informing Ilium of tho fnct (which they had
forgotten) thnt Hint wns tlulr crystal
wedding, nml thnt I hoy had coitm to wo that
It wns proerly olm-rvisl. Ilefreshmeiil
wero wxiii brought out nnd nfter n fow hour
IMlKStsl In lilensnilt converKntlun tlm rnnin-itiv
deimrted, wishing Mr. nml Mm. Humphrey
ninny such enjoyable niinlversnrle. TIiono
present weroi Messrs. nml Memlnmes Paul
Holm, U. K. YnU-s, Myron Wheolcr. Hum
phrey, C. C, Piu-e, Dan Lnuer.Cha. Herrlck,
l.leutennnt nml Mm. Dudley, W. J. Turner,
Kd Haiilsbtiry, II, H. Demi and son, Cliarlm
Helllny, C, 11, Carter, Miss Jesslo Moiton of
Ncbrnsim City, .Messrs. I). B, .Miller, E. Ells
worth nml Nonls Humphrey, Jr. Somo
very elegant present went rccelvnl, nnd
Mr. mid Mm. Humphrey Imvii g(xsl reason to
long remember tho occnslon.
Tiiliiinue's I. Hut Mention.
Ill todny's pniwr will lm found Dr. DoWItt
Tnlmngu' sermon, dellvertst last Sunday nt
the Tnberiindo in Biooklyii. It is entitled
"Jealousy," nml on rending will bo found mi
excellent Nonuoii, full of lirllllant thought
nml sound sense. These Horinons nro pub
lished regularly in tho Couhikh each Hatur
day, after their delivery by tho great divine.
Chunks or Wisdom,
Wisdom is happiness.
Prejudiced opinion Is fatal to Judgment.
Call him not tho happiest who Is tho richest
A llnr is not to bo belle. o.l.though ho sjienk
tho truth.
Deliberate loner noon thnt wlil,.li v,m ....
do but once.
A fool think nothing I rd'lit but wl,t i,
dot himself.
Htrrct C'nrs.
How nlensaiit It Is to stnml nn tlm .,,...
and tteo tliocnr go by. And how easy It would
bo for ono of half dozen men who chanced to
be standing on tlm platform to stop tho car
for you. Wo noticed a fow days ago u lady
running for a car, unobserved by tho driver.
A young lady noticing tho ixwltlon quickly
rung tlio bell and stopicd tho car. Wo aro
K)sltivo threo gentlemen saw tho lady but
got rattled and forgot where tho boll ropo
Leap year Hiiro enough J
From "One of the Olrls."
Lincoln, Nicii., April 17th.
K. G. C. will please accept many thanks
for her kind nrticlo written In response to
one by "Ono of tho Girls." In regard to tho
present statu of society, you nro perfectly
llnso Hull Hure.
J. A. Keith ha returned from n meeting
of Western league men nt which tho
schedule for tho season wa mado up. Cnpt
Sylvester Is alrendy hero, and other player
aro expected tho llrst of tho week. Tho
sensou opens hero on May 5.
Tlio Lincoln Nowspaer union will shortly
move Into Bohaiinn' block, whero they havo
secured rooms.
The Capital City Chautanquan cirelo held
their regular meeting Tuesday evening, anil
discussed tlio topic of public morals.
Row E. M. Lewis, nnn nt tl... nnl....l
stockholders iii tho Nebraska .Saving bonk.
..u ims itwura in ueuver tne past year, Is In
tho city,
East Lincoln peoplo had the pleasure last
ovenlng of listening to a very pleasant enter
tulnmcnt by yio Q Street Loyal legion nt
Grace M. E, church.
Catering; to l'rlvnte Families.
Mr. F. C. Pray, tho St Cloud caterer, do
sire to announce to tho ladles of Lincoln
that he is prejiared to do all kinds of cater
ing, supplying any and all kinds of dishes,
promptly In tho flneststylo of thenrt Would
also be pleased to furnish estimates for pri
vate suppers, banquoU, residences.
Kindly give him a call, get price and partic
ular at tho St Cloud Eurojteaii restaurant,
124 South Twelfth street opitosito Funko'sop
crn houso.
l'Uno For Hnle.
An upright Emerson piano in good order
on monthly tnyments, or will exchange for a
.jr tot, r.nqiiiro at io iu jv street.
T l'euple Who Kntertttln.
Society iwoplo arranging for jiartles, Itnlls
weddincti. rccentlnns nr nnvtlilnrr l, i,i. u
hould insixxjt our olegant linn of stationery
nna printed novelties used on such occasions.
Wo havo Just received our nnw fnll llm.
elegant ball programs, invitations for wed
dings, parties, etc, announcements, foldora,
calling cord and in fact everything in this
Notice to the Ladles.
WO take IlleOSUrO ill lllforitlllur mil- nntnvi.
that we havo lust recoivivl from tlm lmnPt.
era mi elegant line of heavy embroidered
mact kiii giovos in tno latest sliades.tints and
size from 4 1-3 up in button nnd hook.
O. It Oaklky & Co.
Gentlemen and ladle to take position with
reliable house. Good salary guaranteed.
Promotion rapid. Address A, this office.
They know Just how to please you with
oysters in overy stylo nt Brown's Now Vienna
Betta ft Sewell keep the freshest groceries
to be had in tho citv. Everything In tlm
family supply lino nt their store, 111M O
Lincoln IIiiclc mid IIiikkiiko Line.
Telenhono No. U01. mnnt mnrVnt oftr n
street, or No. 301 livery barn. Order slates
at samo plnces and U. P. ticket olllco, cornor
Eleventh find n strnitit ITnnlr .tnn.ld
tal hotel and meat market '
Bohanon Bnos.
MoMurtrv's addition nn K Ktnwt Lln
Nineteenth, la ono of tho slghlleet in tho city,
ns wen as uoing rignt in tno centre of tho
fastest erowlmr iKtrtlon. rVill nt lil nnirv.1.
low tho Capital National Bank and secure ono
oi mes iota.
Notice of Incurporatlon.
Notice is hereby elven thnt Tlm V'ttjrn
hnglneerlng Comiwny, having Its prlnclital
place of business at Lincoln has iucoriomted
to do a general business Iu electrical engi
neering, and to that end to havo jxiwor to
manufacture, own, buy, soil, erect, mulutaJn,
install and 0;rnta cloctrlcal and steam plants,
machinery and upnlluncos for generating
powor nnd light and to deal therein asnrincl-
lulls nr ns nirHTitn fni- tiintmffinttira, T. ,lr.
electrical tostlng and expert work, own real
estate or other property noocbsary to tho con
duct of Its business, to own, buy or sell int
ents, of devices useful or iertlnent to electri
cal machine. Tho capital stock is $1(5,000,
subject to Ito Increased ns tho business mny
rtwinfrn. (tlvtilfvl Inti nlinr.tu nt tVl r.illt. ..a l.l
Tho incoriwratiou commencos tho 16th tiny of
,'umu'uj, iitoo, w wiii.iiuu iYuiuy years.
The highest amount of indebtedness which
the corjKiratlon may contract is 110,000, but
in caso of Increaso of capital the indebtedness
may 1m increased in a like ratio. The ulfnirs
of tho company nro to bo conducted by a
board of threo directors, consisting nf a nnwl.
dent and general manager, a vlco-niesidont.
nnd a secretary and treasurer. Dated Febrti-
TlIK Wehtkiin KviltNPFiiivn nn
J. O. Whitk, Will F, White,
l'ros. and Uen'l Man. Bec'y and Treus.
With Snsh Curtains to match. The Nobbiest Line of Curtains of nil kinds In both
American and Foreign Textures.
In the Latest Novelties of Wood nnd Mctnl. Prices Rock Bottom.
A. M. Davis & Soiv.
Globe One-Price Clothing House,
Is now showing an elegant line of
New Spring Styles
Mens, Youths, Boys and Children's Fine Suits,
All the Latest Novelties and Nobby Designs are included
in our Complete Assortment, to which we invite an early in
spection. TI-IE GLOBE
One-Price Clothing House.
E. M. EISFELD & CO., Proprs.
Holbrook& Bonbright
Wall Papers Window Shades,
Special Attention given to Detlgnlngjwhichjwe do Free.
S3 -4 Sou.tln Eleventh. St.
Samples and Specifications without Charge.
Is now on sale for what it will bring. It comprises one of the
to the city, and must be closed out at once.
For Ladies, Gents and Misses.
Call in and see for yourself. The goods must be sold, so
come and get them.
BE1E1 HIVEi.9Snnd9i7 0St.
Just opened
49c. a
Double Store Under Opera House.
Must be closed out at Manufacturer's Cost, ns we need the room for
poses. GREAT BARGAINS. Come now while the stock Is comnleir.
We have borne of the latest novelties In ART GOODS. Also an decant assort
ment of Ha.kcU, etc. Stamping n specialty. '
to be sold at
other pur-
i ,
-M"ipf -" 44
- - m w- -J
1" JXZ Stfixix vt-k.t '"ff-smtTWmgyjra tr "