fa - M & " iBBl D R L. WENTE ldentist. Makes the presertatlon of llio natural colli n specially by nil known approved method Gold and porcelain crown mounted on the natural root. All operation performed without pain. nStl'fnctlou guaranteed. tothi: IT.OI'I.K ov UNl'Ol.N, nkiiiiahka. We. tlm undersigned nro ei-Munlly ac quainted with Dr. I, Wento, who In to leave iknmiii mid engage In tlm practice of dentis try In vonreltv. Wo can unhesitatingly recommend lilm n rt thorough master of hi prnfelwi, and wti nro sure that all work entrusted to lilm w III bo skillfully hm formed. .1. Uniikiuiii.l, M. I). W. W. MuMann, M. I). J. K. MuAiiami.M. H, M. D. J. M. OALLHIIIJltll, 1). 1). H. (lAitnNKit, Illinois, Jau !M, Iss7. 11G South Eleventh St Lincoln, Neb, &BAHD SPECIAL SALE OF & Gents' Ladies' FINE SHOES rcatly reduced prices AT At WEBSTER&BRISCOE, DURING First Week in April, 1043 O Street. LINCOLN Philharmonic . Orchestra, A. IUnrNow, Musical Director, OfUco Kluiko's OiH'ra tl. It. Akciihan, Manager. House, 3d Floor, Kronl Wilt furntih ilrniut or Sacred inuulo for CONCKHTH, W KlUIINOH, PaUTIEH, llALLH rut nil other occasions requiring flrst-cias music lYfHpeclal rate wilt lie, mudo with claim desiring thn oohiwtm for tho season, rates furnlnhed oh application. Wo also dcslro to state that wo haw opened a Conservatory of Jttislc In our apartment In the opera house building, for the Instruction on orchestral Instrument. Tultloi hount: 0 a. n II 13 noon, ami I till 4 p. m. over)' day except Sunday. For scholar not able to attend ntiegu ar hours, scctal time will he glu-u, Fur further Information as to prices, time, etc address or call on the manager. J. U. W. HAWKINS, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, IluililhiRg completed or In course of erection from April 1, t0: lluMncKa block. OKontRomer', llthandN. do do 1. W ltlllfiiirsley, llth near N. nostauntnt (OdelU) 0 K Montgomery, N nenr ltesldence, J J ImholT, J and 12th. 1I0 J I) Mncrarlaud, (J and 14th. do John Zchnuii;, I) and llth. do Albert Watkliis. 1) bet Oth and 10th, do Wm 11 1,001m! it, K U't Oth and 10th. do E It (iuthrie, '.7th ami N. do J K Ucsl, M D, K tHt 10th and 17th. .1 i.n t n..l.,...in n ,u. ui. ...! ,i.tlt Bonltarlum bulldiiia at Mllrord. Noli, Flnr. ltapt 1st church, lltli and K Btntt. ortuarjr cliivlol mid roeoWliii,' tomb at AVyuVa cemetery, Onico . Roomy JKl nudS4 Richards Bloclc. DR. B. B. Powers, DENTIST, GoldFillings A Speciltay Gold, Silver nnd Porscclnln Crowns Insert ed 011 toots of teeth. Sets Inserted without a plate. All operations first :clas and wnr ranted. 1314 O Street over KUIoU'n. BBADGERpc UMBRCOa .MJIDSSOtj. THE COURIER A lttUtr i;mt itf Mmtern Time. PUIIMHIIICD SATUKUAV KuiweniiTioN: One Yearhy Mall or Carrier t'ijm Klx 111011II1M, fl.lM, Three luoiittiK fit) Cunt, Una month Cent Invarality In Ailtnnoo. AliTKMTlBKMr.NTR' Hate furnished on application nttheoniee. Hp,s'lnl rate on Time Contract. OiNTiuntrrioNn' Hliort xploy sketches, poctiii, and stories Hcltil. Personal nud Hociul note ate rHclnlly desirable. I'iiistimi: Wo makenKKt'lalty of I'lno Printing In all tin lininalie. ninety w irk a p utility Addivs all eouimunleatlomi direct to tlm ohioo. WICHHISI. e IDOMIIINH, KIIITDIIH AMI I'llllt'ltlKTOIIM. New llurr llloek, Cor. lvftli and O Htiep'i. Tnbi'.i'iin.NiiiKVl. TAKE NOTICE! The C'ouiilKU will not lie rexponsllilo for any dehta inailo liy any one In Itx iiaiue, tin Ick n written order aeeouiiaiile tho niiiio, pniH'rly Mpicd, of eotirMe. Wkmhi:i. oi Doiini.NH, I'rop'm. It IH wild nn Iowa ivproontallvo iIihh not like to 1 my for III xliitvu. Theie are many men In Lincoln who no farther and won't pay for anythltiK. A Dakota Juitleeuf the jieaeo ha uiadu tho announcement that during leap year ho will chat'Ko no fee for marrying couple who will admit that the muri'lago wa hrought tihout liy thelaly exureUIng her leap year pivrogaltvex. Two more men neatly iwapttl from No linihka Clly'n ivuowitcd Jail, which I not ex actly a htioug UN KauiHuii I lepllted to IniNO Im-cii. The DtiMi county atlthoiitle ohould conllno prlMinera In the dlxtlllcry ; then there would Ik) no ilotlht of their remaining. At.!, our Idol at 0 dented only to Ihi hhat teiwl lottn, whom oerylMly htipKiil would llo and dlou pltiMer,U to hemaiiUI toher leading man. Mary Andeix)ii can now look with pitying eyea iimhi MIhh Crah tret1, and exelalm witli HhakniHMiru, "Kt tu, Lotto," Wai.tMaho.v will Hhortly cotnuieneo tho puhlicatlou in tho .louruat of detective talcN from tho private diarlcH of Mailutl Cooht and Captain lVut. They will lo written In Mr. JIiwoii'k happiest vein, and vheio tho Niiurllleo to truth I not too great, each villulu will bo made a fat one. A.mi now It 1. claimed that the telephone was In uno In India two thousand your ago. When wo comildcrtliodllllctiltlcHof ocratlng it uiiHlerii instrument and the moral depritv Ity cousismcut thereto, wo do not wonder that tho task of rescuing tho K-vst Indian from Nivngery requires so much thuo,patlcnco mid iL'ouey. TtlK CountKil ha been HolocUsl v tho organ of tho Volapilk hoclcty, and In another column will bo found an article treating of nouns and adjective, and a careful study will hoon com Inco thu Hkcptlc of the ease with which thi nuw liingtmgocnulx) learned, Tho hoelety i nourishing, mid It I only n ipicstlon of tlmo when Volapilk will becomo the tmlverwil commercial language. TilATeterllugmagazliio. Itoinn ICnowhslgo for April U a usual a most excellent lumilwr. Veils U Oswald contlnuihldls.sertatloiis 011 "Homo Kducntioii," Jrephlno Iluml contrib ute more valuable hint on "Practical Voice Culture," another Instalment of that fascina ting xlory, "The Junior Partner" 1 given, wltllo tho miscellaneous matter, essay, etc , tiro of tho same high standard that charnetor Ircs Homo Knowledge Cot.o.NKI, Dotm rintt.tho Washington our nnllst, like Mr, Clcro of tho Journal and Mr. Clarksou of tho Dc.s Molue Iteglster, U noto.l for tho Illegibility of hUhandwiltlng. A short tlmo ago, while In tho l'rovldcuco hospital, ho sent a note to a friend, tho postscript to which rend or seemed to rend: "I am in a blamed hornet' nest," The friend ww con slderably relieved tthon he found out that what tho colonel really meant wns: "I am In 11 blosstsil haven of rest." On the iusldo pages of this week's issiio will I hi found nu extended article treating of the drst battle of Vlcksburg, elegantly Illustrat ed with portrait otOens. Sherman and Pom lierton and Admiral Fnrragiit, Porter and Walker, together with maps showing the Hues of buttlui-f both sides. Thi Is tho twenty- II ft K anniversary of the Vickslmrg campaign, which was tho turning Klnt of the war of tho reU'lllon. Wo shall continue to publish those battle sketches during tho year, and trust they may meet In tho future tho sumo cordial reception they have in tho past. Litkuatuue, nu illustrated weekly maga zliio (M.00 it year) luv certainly successfully taken tho Held ns tho popular literary Jour nal of America. Its grunt variety of con tents, ha 1 uly form, and choico illustrations, mako It exceedingly attractive. Foremost American authors aro among it contribu tors. Mrs. Htisan E. Wallace, wife of tho author of "Den Hur," and ipilto as charming it writer as her husband, has iaiors hi two current Issues on "The Poetry nnd Muslo ot tho Arabs." For a specimen iKipy free ad dress John II. Alden, Publisher, iW! Pearl St., Now York; P. O. llox liM7. Lincoln needs more advertising. Every city and town In Kansas and a largo numlMr in Nebraskn aro Hooding tho country with boom edition of newspajiers, tnmplilct, plats, etc, putting forth overy inducement for peoplo to locate, while Lincoln, tho best city of them all, is slowly and sadly getting loft. A public meeting should Ira called im mediately mid stcKi taken for raising nu ad vertising fund ot 910,000. It U not n largo amount, and could l easily ralsisl, Thero aro ut Itsmt four liundrisl prnjierty owners in tho city who would glvo twenty-llvo dollars wich for thai purKso, nnd they would get it lxick a hundred fold by tho Increased vnluo of their property caused by tho Influx of peo ple that would result from bueh exlejulvo ltd-vvrtUing. In hi nrtlclu on "Whore to Hpotiil the Hiiinmer," In Nerllmer' for April, (Ion. (Ireely, chief ritual olllcer, make a prophesy mi to the hottest day In the year PHS, Tho Dotiolt .ourmtf. Inking the unit tor tip, ha ollcred a pi Iro of f.VM to the ersoii guessing correctly, Isiforo Juno I, what tho throe day will bo. (lell. (Iieely Iminiillately tuleKiaphed hi mi(n to thn pxr, In aeeoiil with hi iva miiii In Srrllinrr' for April. Mitxlhilllliin anil Cartotiii Tho euiMror gave unrly attention to tho couilltlou of thell,(XHl,(MMI Indian lucluih! In the K)pulatlou of hi empire, anil took meiiR utex to U'tler their condition. Ho liwutiln decree emancipating the peon--the vletiniH of a curloiH hyideni of slavery jNi'iillnr to Mexico- which, however, proved lucircctunl in the end, though it dhowiil the excellence of motive and that he wa not thothiotho I no often nt't'iiHfd of lMlng III government wa alwilule monarchy, It I true, hut It wa hcarcely inoie mitoeratle than the reptihllo which pivciHihil it or that which now exist ill Mexico. In the extent of their charities the young xoveieign were not to he outdone. The amount of money exNudeil In publicum! pilvatn lionovolcnco, could It be estimated, would mitouMi the reader. Among the lust ing monument to the goodnes of Carlota' liciiit, I the Ciimi ilf Mttten (dml (lying in hospital), In tho city of Mexico, built and ciillpHsl at her expene. Till excellent charity alone would Justify the love displayed and Mill existing for the lcniitifttl but iiufor tinmte empres. Arihur Howard Noll, In The Amerit'iin Mimiitlne for April. 9 V, II. I'. We have looked through tho I'ractlcxl Home I'hyidcian with much mtlsfactiou. It Is written In an easy and familiar style. We take givat pleasure lunaying that wo regard t nn posiosslug claim to a place in the home of the peoplo that no other woik within our kliowhslge, 011 opuiar medicine, ha lieen found worthy to occupy. The uaiucH of the editor furnish a giiurauti to the people of It legitimacy, and It eloso, conelso and tie cm ate history of the diseases recorded, and Instruction in plain mix on, a to the use of remedies', will commend it to the common sctiMi of the general public. It claim to meilt nsa Kcicntllle, practical work, adapted to tho need of the jxsiplr, on tho HtibJuctH treated, at o of a high order, and wo will take great pleasure In mtmimcudiug It n a household filcud to any family, and a a vol ume full of good, practical and wIioIchoiiio advice. Our reader will have tho optioitun Ity in tho coming month to obtain this won derful work by Hiilrserlptlon of .Mr. Cobb, the general agent, at iU'J south Kleveuth Hired, or from hi nollcltor who will call on you. Incursion Writ Hint NnrttiHost. Dally Kxcurxtoti lutvo Uvn arrntigisl for over tho Union l'aelllc Hallway to Han l'ran clsco, Han Diego, Colton, Nis Ang"les, Han Hornardlno and Han Joso, California, ulso to 1'ortland, Oivgou, at JSd.lH) for the round trip. Ticket aro gocsl 150 day for going pas sago and gooil for tho return trip forIx month from date of nlo with tho usual stop over privilege In IkiHi directions within theso limit. These ticket aro also good by way of Den ver ntul Halt IikoClty in each direction. Tho agent, Mr. K. H. Hlosson, telliiipiltoiiiuuu lier of our towiisinen uro thinking of making the trip oon, and It would bo well for those Intending to go In select parties to eo him and arraugu for their accommodation. Mr. John 11. Krnwloy, traveling agent, Union Pnclllo, nt Omaha, Neb., will give you nwy further Information In regard to these excursion. Parties who prefer can coriv IMinil with Jlr. J. 8. Tebliet, O. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb. Now Train "ervlee on the Iridium I. Inc. Train No. I'J now leave I Jncoln at 0:53 n. in. and run through solid to Missouri Valley and thero make close connection for Hlotix City, Chicago and tho east. At Freiuont di rect connection I inado for Omnha. Train No. II leaves at lOiill a. 111. and enrrie 11 through Mlooior for Chicago which U at tached to tho C. ifc N. W. llyer at Missouri Valley. This train makes connections nt Fremont for Norfolk, Chadron, Itapld City, Douglas, Oeueva, Hasting, Omaha, Sioux City, Bt. Paul and Intermediate points. Olllco 115 south 10th street ami ilcKt corner H. midSth streets. To Texas Via lliu ."Missouri I'uolllii ltalt- w ay. One faro for tho round trip from Lincoln o all ioiuU. Ticket limited to sixty days, nnd transit limit going and returning of fifteen day hi each direction. Kxcurslons leave Lincoln January ii'i, Kebninry S and !?.l, Maivh 7 nnd V!I. Doublo lino of Pullman sleeping cars from Kansas City. A raro op portunity to visit Toxiih. rowst rates ever oirntsl. Tor maps, descriptive pamphlet, rattw, and further infonuation, call on or ad drj"ss It. 1MI.Mim.aii, 11. (I. Han.va, General Agent. City Ticket Agent, Corner O nnd VMi streets. Urown's Vienna Coiroo and Oyster house in tho opera liouso block Is tho neatest nnd nol lest iwort in tho city . For all kinds of society stationery, htich it Invitations, programs, cants, melius etc. call at the Coi'itiKii olllco in tho now llurr block. largest lino or Key West and Iiniwted ci gar 11 1 the llurr block. Some Cheap rruperly, A lino rcsldenco lot on Twenty-llrst street near N for sale at a ronsouahlo juice. Also 0110 In Mechanics addition, Hydo Park and Klmwood. Will sell cheap if sold immediately Call on or address U Wessel, Jr., caio this olllco. Dally excui-siou to California via tho Mis souri Pacific- Hallway. Tho tourist favorite route. Choico of two routes irolnir. and nriv- ilego of returning nny 0110 of four routes. DiKcriptIvo folders and nil infonuation obtained of H. (J. Han.va, Or It. P. It. Millak, (len'l Piuss. Ag't. City Ticket Ag't., cor. O, and 12th sts. Lincoln to Chicago without chnngo via the I'.ixnoru line. Tlio lltirlliiKtoii'N I.iilesl, A Mijx'rb lino otrre chair cars now leavo Lincoln daily, Hunday included, at I p. in. for Chicago, without change. A colored fjwrter nceompnnie. each car to provldo for the com fort of iuis.soni;ors, supply toilet article, etc. Further information may Iki obtnlnodjnt city olllco, corner O nnd 10th street, A. C. ZiKMi-.n, City Puss. Agt. Oo mst by tho Ht. 1mls nnd tho Jilssourl Pnclllo railroad and nvold all oiunlbu trail, fers; all changes made In Union dopots via this route. Chair cars free. Canon City Coal at tho Whltebroost mid Limo Co. Coal Hoarseness inn child is it sure sign of croup and is undoubtedly Intended by nature as 11 warning to mothers. If ChamU'rlalu's Cough Remedy is given, as soon as tho hoarseness npiK'ars, it will prevent tho croup. For salo by W. J. Turner. WHAT SHALL WE WEAR? 60ME OF THE EASTER D0NNET8. ALL ADOUT THE NEW PARASOLS. A I'mr of Mm ImiclUh Novi'lllos tit Hoots nnil Hluies 1'arlnlHii Aludel In full Dinner (limn that llavn I'liiind l'uvor In New York. Tho model hero given for a full dinner dress I it recent. luiortatlm In which Is sot forth tho latent I'ttrl fashion In thl direction. Z 1'i'M. Dt.vsnrt nitiws. Tho model represented 1 of whlto faille, veiled in front with light ainbor net, striped with gold tinsel, nnd sprinkled with gold bends and spangles. A few btlttei Hy bow s, in white inolro silk and gold galloon, outlined with a broad lino of white watered faille, lightly drapo tho apron, secured nt tho wnist with nsliuNsl baud of tho diaphanous ma terial. Tho low bodice, with semi-long sleeves, 1 dniMsl on tho shoulders, and gathered Into a Kint in tho center; it only ornament tho front, to show olT the lienuti fill fnbrlu of tho gown on tho sides and at tho back. Diamond studs in tho ears. A velvet baud spari'ling with diamond, topazes mid moonstones round tho head. Kuater lluunet. Easter liounots aro small closo fitting shape, with much lower trimmings tliiiu those of last season. Thoy aro of fancy open straws, chip or Neapolitan braids, and of Chnntllly laco or Urussel not Young ladles will wear low crowned toques in tho morn ing, with trimmings of How era and velvet ribbon. Largo round hats of straw aro for the afternoon. Tho now Alsatian bonnet is closo against tho head and rather long in tho crown. It is uindoof fancy straw, with a long looped bow of velvet ribbon, set quite 011 the edgo of tho front, tho two shorter ends going back on tho crown, mooting thero n spray of Howers. Very spring llko bonnets nro of creamy straw in ojien design, with ribbon draping tho edgo of tho front nnd forming short pointed loops mid bows nbovo the forehead, in which wheat is thrust llko an nlgrotto. Tlio now o3t black bonnets nro of Neapolitan braids, with embroidered llrusscls not mid loops of tho braid for trimming, lilack Russian not is draped over green or ecru rough straws. Unusually light colors nro Been on emtio of tho English bonnets. LIsmj drapery in colors over courso straw bonnets is another new fancy. Closo toque-i of rough straw nro seen, so nro dressy round hats of rough straw. Harper's Ilazur. i:ni;llh St) leu for llnnts unit Shoos. As English styles prevail to a greater or lesser extent in till country, it description of n few of the English novelties in boots and shoes may not coino amiss. A novelty iutio duced in indoor, walking nnd tennis shoos, likoly to Hud favor, is Russia leather, In crimson nnd In Inn colors. For indoor shoes, or, as ninny ix-oplo call them, tea shoos (as thoy aro generally displayed of an afternoon, when it tea gown is donned) thero aro soma neat example, in this perfumed leather, with small studs of cut stool -or bioue 011 tho instep, which nro becoming to the foot, Tho walking shoe aro laced up with a cor responding color, nnd tho heels aro as nearly a match as possible. Tho tan colored ones made 11 little sUirt last summer, but tho red onus are quite novel. These shoes aro also being made for future tennis wear, in a great many sizes. For indoor and evening sllpjicrs, brouzo ones are much worn, some w It It siuglo studs of cut steel, goldorbroiuo; others with fino lwadwork of two colors, Mich as brouzo nud sihor, gold and rod; and others still more elaborate, with the toeeap almost covered with a design in gold, silver or bronzo spangles. Theso last nro tho newest, and are worn at balls with nil colored gowns (whlto sllpiers witlnvhlto gowns being considered in best taste). i:xelusho Novelties In I'lirusoU. Ill our cut nro represented three of the inoro dUtluctivo novelties introduced this soason in tho way of parasols. FLORAL I'AUABOLS. Fig, 1 shows a parasol with a cream silk cover with violet border edged with snow drops and lace, a crown of snow drops at tho top. Fig. a Is it parasol in palo blue crepo do chlno, with n largo silk water lily at tho top, and grasj with laco around tho edge. Fig. 1 is a utrasol in palo bluo silk, Hind with crepo do chlno to match and trimmed with forget 1110 not nud laco, Thoro is nn inHnito variety of plain para sols. Some aro of glaco silk, uomo ot bro cade, whtlo others aro in plaid or striped Bilk. Tho sticks appear to bo longer tunn wcro thou of last season, though tho slzo of tho parasol remains about tho sumo. To ltepalr Stonework. Mako ft paste of silicate of jwiash and hy draulic cement, and add half its weight of very lino sand. This adheres jierfeetly to stonework, and soon liecomes very hard nnd durable. It Is csecinHy nppllcnblo to stone stew which havo become worn from use. mi' iw' mi fill I M 1 l SW VI ItsKw 3 tmmj"fr TIIE CAU8E OF RHEUMATISM. It is claimed that rheumatism is fomotlnirm inherited hut it is moro liko ly that tlio persons presumed to Inherit It Aro phy.slealy constituted tho imiiio ns tholr parent and unturaly susceptible loit. If chlldtiMi nro tlllluronUy con stltutcd from tho nlUictetl parent thoy do not "inherit It " lliliotisncss In nu much of nu Inheritance ns rheumatism, ns poisons of n bilious tetnpornmotit nro most stisecptlblo to it nml thoy of courso got their teinperiunent from their parents. Other authorities claim that rliuiitimtlsni is caused by tho presence of tirlo iiold In thn blood Others to tukhijjoold when thoir is poison clrciv luting lu thu blood, others that it is ptiroly and solely a diseaso of the ner voiis systom. It I well known thn whim porsons havo nctito or iullummn tory rheumatism thn bownU nro ustinh constipated ami the urine beauty, but is Hint not caused by tho rheumatism ruthor than tho enuso of It, for when tho bowels uro kept open and tho in Humiliation kept down, n euro is soon produced. Tho lullntumnthti must be kept down until the parts uro restored to it healthy condition. This is not theory as a jjrent many severe cases havu been cured lu that way. Tho in llammatioii belli;; deep seated mid mostly in the joints, it Is dllllciilt to reiteli and but few external npplIcatloii will relieve it, there is one howevet that will, and that 'is Gliamborlnins "V' :.'ii, ono application is usiiah sulliuienl to relict e tho pain and onlj the worst cases require more than otu or two lifty cent bottle to rll'cct a cure It Is thu most peuctriitin liniment known and promptly relieves the uj;o tii.iu pains both of rheumatism and neuralgia When I he part scan be reach Oil ami the Pain linlm applied directly t the seat of pain, 11 in cjsch of burii and toothache it relieves iutdnutly anil in cases of rheumatism only n few moments are required for Its oueet to bo felt. To keep the bowels open al ways use M Patrick's Pills as ihe.v arc absorbed into the blood, act through it purify it tiud thoroughly cloatiso the whole system. Chamberlain's Cough Romedy Will euro a severe cold In less tiim than by any other treatment. It 10 Jieves the lungs, opens the secretions renders the mucus less tennelous nnd easier to expectorate nud aids nature in rcsloiinp: the sjMoni to a healthy con dition. If freely used n soon as n cold lins been contracted and before it has become settled in the ovwtom, It will often cure what would liave boon n cover cold in u single day. It is a cur tain cure for croup Sold at W. J. Turner's. lliiom Mm Tow 11. I.eavo 11 paper w mpiei' with a three cent stamp on with 11. G. Humia, city tlcketngcnt of the Missouri Piielllc railway, ami have a "Lincoln Illustrated" mailed to youi friend east, free of charge. Through sleeers to Cnleago aro run nnd nil eastern connection inado by tho Klkhorn Valley and Chicago nnd Northwestern rail road. Try till elegant route. Olllces, 115 South Tenth streets and depot, corner S and Eighth streets. Chicago oi Northwestern nilloago tickets sold to iinyono at Elkhoru olllco, 115 South Tenth street and deX)t corner S and Eighth strisits. MoMurtry's addition on K street, below Nineteenth, i 0110 of tho slghllest in tlio city, as well a lielng rignt in tho centre of the fastest growing xrtIon. Call at his olllce Im low tho Capital National Hank and secure ono of thes lot. Only via tho Missouri Pnclllo railroad can you get free reclining chair cum through to Atchison, Kansas City, Chicago, St. I-iOiil, Torre Haute and Indianapolis. Mnooln Hack unit IIurkiiko Line. Telephone No. S01, meat market, 0:17 O strwt, or No. !101 llverv barn. Order slates at same places and U. P. ticket olllce, corner Eleventh and O streets. Hack stands, Capi tal hotel and meat market. Uoiiano.v Huos. 81, I'aiil and the Northwest. Points lu tho above directions nro reached liost bv tho Klkhorn vnllev lino. Connections arts sure nnd the lino inostdirect. Oct tickets nt 115 South Tenth street or depot, corner 8 and Eighth sreetts. Tlio lliirlliiKlon I'ljcrn. Oeneral Passenger Agent EtlUIs was In tho city Wednesday and it 1 on his authority wo announce that No. 1 and 'J, tho Chlcugo Denver llyer, will bo put 011 again perma nently nojt Monday. Tills will lie cheerful news to travellers, for it Irnl been rumored that those trains would not bo ;ut on again. They know just how to please you with oysters in every stylo at Urown' Now Vienna Cif.V To tlio Trut cling Public. Plenso note that a suorb lino of FRF.E CHAIR CARS is now run between Lincoln and Chicago on trains Nos. ! and No. 0; also that sliHjplng car berths or drawing rooms on tho "Hyors," Nos. 1 and i! may bo resorvud In advance at City Ticket Olllco, cornur Tenth nd O Street. A. C. .miikh, City Passenger Agent. Tho ladlos of Lincoln havo found It to their advantage to buy dress goods and trimmings of J, E Miller. HI stock till season is the largest and llnest over shown III this city ami hi grand sale has caused all Lincoln ladles to wonder. Tho prices nro exceedingly low and tho good Biiporb lu quality and flylo. What you need is a medicine which is pure, elllelent, reliable. Such Is Hood's Harsapa rllla. It possesses peculiar curatlvo jsiwers, Chamborlahrs Colic, Cholera and Dlnr iluea Remedy has cured la great many cases of chronic dliiriiuea that had withstood ull other treatment for many years. It is un- doubtly, 0110 of tho most valuable medical paiparatlons over discovered. For sale by W. J. Turner. You will need now curtains when you got ready to clean houso, Don't buy until you havu scon tho Hiqierb lino for sale by AKIIIIY & MlI.LHPAUOII. Rett fc Sewell kis-p tho frMhcst groceries to In) had in the city, Everything in tho family supply lino at their store, 11 'JO O street. Fifty cent glove salo at Oakley & Co. Party mitts and gloves at Oakley & Co, Cariots at bottom prices ut Oakley & Co. lilack silk mitts Just received at Oakloy & Co. Muslin underwear, now lino, at Oukley & Co. my Ty Tnx VvflTflflPVi Bo Suro to Cot Hood's Sarsaparllla, my child. See that they do not give you mo thing else. You remember It Is tho medicine wl.hii did matii.t so much good a j ear ago tayf.iMirlto Spring Medicine Nearly everybody needs a good spring medi cine like Hood's .S.irsap.irllla to expel Impuri ties whlrhneriimulate in the blood during tho winter, Keep up Rticngtli a warm weather comes mi, create nn appetite ami protnoto healthy ingestion. Try Hood's S.irsnparllla nml jnu will be eentlnred of Its peculiar merit.. It Is the Ideal spring inedlclno re liable, bciiellei.il, ple.is.int to take, and gives full value for the money. Ho suro to get Hood's Sarsaparilla PiililtijrallilriiKKlsM 81, six fur ft. I'rep-trcitKiily by C. 1. 111)01) A CO . Apotlioi arlus, Lowell, Must. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar BLOOD POISON. (ill! tipml trs.fh rnnlmii . tllO qlllllti'l'IICO Of tlllllKl I (Milium1 Who ran sn,nliv It, gushing out of old 1 colli t cery uicil and be health) t Tliese teeth nro dead, ulrernusl, mill iiltliv ireipiently raii'c a tuillol face, .sinmiil oTtnt-. Im cxtrnctnl and rcil.ncir niiti cood, nrrlilelnt teeili ih.it never ache Can bo extract cd without piilu. No hum bug. AllItASlON OF THE TKETIL The above cut shows the teeth of a man 43 years of ni:e, from Dr. Dell In 1831. Wo meet nlth thlsaliectloti In the teeth In various forma and degrees. The ends of tho crowns seem terj soft, having 11 lovr decree ot vitality and wear down shotting a dark ellowlth cupped J po t 1 11 tbo center. Mauy are so foollih as to ''"' ,hat molar teeth are of little account. ..,.1 ret them go by default; after which all the ferce of thu muscles aro extended to tha front teeth, wearing them down rapidly. The licet, and nrlv remedy. Is to cover and buildup the ends 'with gold and platinum, hlch wears like steel and saves them mauT eara. We make a specialty of fine gold worfe on building them up, contour fillings, etc. kQOf Cuts A and 11 are from John Tomes, of Enf laud. A Two Incisors with notches in the ends. IS shows the peg shaped teeth with yellowish fits In the cuds For sueii teeth we hare two remedies: First -To fill lh pits lu the ends with gold. Sec ond Kxtract them and replace tlicni with rtltlclul teeth. Hut the bones absorb away rapidly so that they will need resetting fro liictitly. Wo make tho llnest artificial teeth In the northwest. We uso Justlcs' and White's patent teeth, with long, hoary plus, mounted ou strong elastic plates. Thoso who patronize us will not bo troubled with broken teeth and cracked ,ilates, canker soru mouths, etc. To loose the Iront teeth, Is to loose half tho power of speech, and more than half tks beaut Diseased Qums. The teeth tarn black and die, the urn bleed at tho illghtcat touch, ulcerate, tho teeth loosen and ill cut, tho breath la horrllilo. DR. A. P. BURRUS, 1200 O Stroot, On theltapld Tranult, emeu up dlacaiiod enma, makes Uto Unojt gold and platinum linings, iuakS) Uio anMt tenth that tobacco will not Urulah. S. H. BURNHAM, BROKER. Jtonoy loaned on long or short time at toweaS iteg. Ofllco In Itlchards' Dlock, room SH. Take elevator ou Eleventh street entrance. PEERLESS Steam Laundry 1117 P Street. Still in the front nnd nbsolutely lending nil umpotitors. Thoroughly equipped for tlis meat work, giving to each customer 1111 un pjallflcd guarantee for all work ilono. All of our work done with neatness and dispatch. We solicit orders for suburban villages and neighboring towns, paying tlio expiess on all tfders one wuy. Respectfully, C. J. PRATT Dmyage and loving. OLIVER MAGGA1U) Desires to inform the public that his equip ment for moving Household Goods, I'l.ltlOi Safes, Merchandise, Heavy Machinery, etc., Is the best in the city. Spccl.il men anil wagons arc kesi for the removal of Pianos and Household Goods, Which are always handled by compctan. and experienced help, and the latest appll anccs used for handling. Safes and othe" heavy goods. Call, address or telephon1 OLIVER MAGGARO, Telephone 1 1 1 Olllce 01 7 O st li.WS ft A. "''J I ""! ti lliu-