Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 14, 1888, Image 2

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ric.ulnit l!nirhtunt In Annul leu with
nn Orillimry IVn Hull nt u Homon
of Humid, mill Otliir Hulijooln of
lu tlio cut lion plvrii Is rpptvnontod nn ux
jierlinont In nninstle In litoli ( lu mouth tf
used m n rcioniitor nuil nn nrdlttiiry Ion loll
as n soiirro of pound.
ST iK. S llUlf NhUl't
TltO timing Is r-ITVeifsl liy moving till!
tonguo luu'k nml forth, also by njiriiltig or
closing tin lips, liy n few trials n Hitlim
of tlm mouth will do fount! wlikli will chum
It to rvoiiil to tlio sound of tlin IhjU mill net
m nn I'llloicnt resonator.
A Jew's harp inny l used In connection
with tho mouth im n ivMiimtor. In this ex
ample tlio lissl of tlm harp Is iniiilc to yield n
variety of tones, deeiiilent on tlio adjust
liiont of tlio mouth to tlio force of tlio
breath. Tlio fundamental nolo of tlio tvisl
is the. closest nnd Ih-M, and always distinctly
hoard. Tlio furasl overture nro hm sntls
factory, hut sullleo for playing tunes thnt uru
Itiilnfiill lfion I ho t'liiln.
"Is tho rainfall Increasing upon tho plains)''
U tho subject of on nrticlo. liy llonry (Inn
ott lu u nsvnt iiuiiiImt of Heleneo, Thirty
years ngo nil tlio country west of tho Mis
souri wns considered tlio "grout American
dosort," In which, without Irrlntlon, iiRrl
culturo was nn Impossibility, lint tlio stream
of iinuilKi-ntlou has swept, with ouch sums-sl-lng
yenr, further mid further up the Ioo of
tlio plains, driving thu border of tlio dosoit
Iwforo 1L It Is nliuost universally believed
In thli region thnt sottlontout nml tree plant
lug hnvo Induced greater rulnfull. Mr. linn
nott thlnkit other causes nro Involved. An
oxmiilnntlon of Iwth tlio uuiiunl mid tlio sea
sonal distribution of tlio rainfall in twenty
six stations whero rnlnfnll records lmvo boon
kept for lout; period, uccordhitf to Mr. (Ian
nott, show that theso hnvo undergone no
material chntigo slueo settlement begun In
that region. "Wo nmy," says ho, "thero
forn dismiss ris IkiscIcss thu opular Idea of
nu incroaso In rainfall, cither niimml or dur
ing the growing souson, nml look elsewhere
for nn explanation of tlio phenomena of sot
tlotnent which thu plaint present."
Kxjicrlcneo has shown that n much smnllor
quantity of rain In essential thnn was sup
posed, ami to his mind, thcro Ik little moro to
Im wild. Cultivation ndds greatly to tho
economy of tho rnlnfnll. Tho surfueo of tlio
plains In mi iiucultlvntd conditli Is mainly
bare, hard ground, hut nightly protected by
its covering of grasses. From such n surfneo
tho rain Hows oir freely, nml nn unusually
largo proportion of it finds its way into tho
streams, whilo n correspondingly small pro.
iwrtlon sinks into tho ground. Tho farmer,
with plow mid harrow, changes nil this, nml
retains lu tho soil most of tho rnlnfnll. From
yenr to yenr tho supply in tho soil Increases,
bo that tho subsoil becomes in tlmo a reser
voir from which tho surfneo soil may draw
in times of drought, Furthermore, tho
flcunty vegetation olTers llttlo protection
ngnlnst evaporation, which is oxcoksIvo upon
tho baircu plains, but tho mtiplcr maiitlo
which cultivation sprendi over tho soil pro
vonta Its inolsturo from disappearing in tho
ntuiOAphcro with so great rapidity.
Ilnw to Muko a finu Dint.
A simple sun dial can 1k easily nmilo out
of wood or imstohoanl, says Popular Science
Now s, which may bo placed out of doors lu
nny convenient place, or uHn tho window
sill of n room with n southern oxiosuro, nud
will indlcato tho solar tlmo ns nccunitely as
the moro expensive stono or meUl dink
C :T)v'
a i n" li
Tho inothod of drawing tho hour lines, says
tho authority referred to, is ns follow si
Tnko n pleco of wood or patolKanl of nny
convcnlont slie, nnd draw upon it tho lino
AM, which will Ihi tho noon or XII o'clock
lino upon tho dial. Then mako tlio nnglo
IiAU, which must equal tho latltudo of tlio
locality. At Ilobton this would lu about
43 1-fl dogs. Troiii nuy jwlnt upon AR, as S,
draw 8K ierondfcular to Alt; nnd at K draw
QKII K'rjwidicular to AM. Sleasuro upon
AM, KO equal to IIS, und from tho jx)lnt O as
n center draw tho quarter circle KF, which
is to bo divided into arcs of 15 degs., com
mencing nt II Through these divisions
draw tlio lines Cn, Cb, Co, Cd, etc., mid then
from A draw tho linos passing through
a, 1), o, d, etc., which will bo tlio
hour lines, whero tho tluulow will
falL Ii y off on 013 tho poluts
Ea, Eb, Eo, Ed, equal to En, Eb, Eo, Ed,
and draw the hour lino from A through thorn
in the samo way. It should lo noted thut the
VI o'clock lino Is n perpendicular to AM
drawn through A. Tho jolnt to which tho
VII o'clock lino is drawn is not shown iu tho
diagram, for lack of room; but it is found
in me sumo manner ns tlio others by ex
tending tho lino EH, nnd extending tho
lower dotted lino from 0 till A intur&octs.
Tho hour lines boforo VI in tho inornln;;
and after VI in tho afternoon nro a continu
ation of tho lines on tho opposite slilo of A.
Thus, tho V hour lino in tho morning U
found by extending tho V hour lino for tho
afternoon tlir ugh tho point A. Tho stylo
which is to cabt tho Miadow is of tho fchapa of
thotrlauglu EAPjMlth tho Bldo AS, wUlch
casts tho slmilow, prolonged to nuy conveni
ent length. It intut bo plaoxl uprigtt ou
tho dial in tho direction of tho lino AH.
To but Hi j dial iu position, It is ouly Tiorca
cary to ptuw it at noon tlmo to that tho
elndow of Uio ttylo falls along tho Xli Hue.
Krrnnroin i:m ployniKiil nf rjurlrlrlty.
tlneful HiiHjolliiim fur tlm Toilet.
In coinldoilntf thoino nud nhmo of oleo
trlrlty lu mnllcal pnirtloo, Ti.o Medical
HeglHtar mivs. milling other thlngn, that iiiiiuy
fiinoy thnt tlii'io li nothing to ho douo but
stnl t the current und apply tho eloclrixlw,
thnt electricity can't do any harm If It
don't do nny good, mid that Its syMcumtlo
nppllcatlon Is ineiiuvrnniony. It Is this lack
of knowledge that lxgot lack of faith IhiHi
in tho imtlcut nnd i)Nmtor The careless
tio of the battery, tho Ignorant application
of gnlvnnlu mid fnrndnlu currtutMid llhltum,
not only falls signally, hut may prodnco
gumilnely deleterious ell'ects. it Is a great
misfortune that (ho nihertlning of electricity
nsticiirtMill has llinmii discredit ou electro
tlieraKiutlcM, which liavo Ik-cii brandod,
therefore, to Homo extent ns a kind of
quackery. This Is oven moro so with mug
iioMmii. Occnslonnlly wo conio nenws somo who
hnvo really tried u battery, but It has, er
haps, Ihtii the wrong current, applied too
strong or too weak, mid generally In thu
wrong place altogether, ltlin great pity
that It is powihto for peoplo lo tilllo with
hiu.'Ii a valuahlii thcrncutlo ngent as elec
tricity, which Is often brought by puro
Iguornnco Into uudcM-rv od dlHivpute. Hut It
is not ouly tlio linprofemlonnl exKi'imeuteni
who err lu this way. Many older or less
progressive prnetltlouerH, who hear tho
merits of electricity noised nhinad, lnvoho
its agency without unilemtiincllng proM'rly
tho moih) or theory of Its nppllcntlon. It Is
lu this way that tho usofuliicwi of a great
remedial agent Is hindered und iwrverted.
To I'n-M-nl llriilli Irinii (Ihliiriifiii in.
Inn paper ivad lieforotho Mnltlmorit Acad
emy of Medli-iuo, Dr. J. .1. Clilihnlm iv)orts
resuscitation lu several dosKriito ernes of up
imrcut death piihIiuhmI by chloroform, bysus
INindlng the Kit lent promptly by the feet, ami
long ouoiigli to allow tlio blood to gravltuto
to tho bruiu. Hhould ouo bo without assist
nuco nud uiiahlo to uccomplMi tho object
uthcrwiso, Dr. Chlsholui ndlsos to stoop
quickly, throw tho patient' legs over jour
shoulders, hang on to the feet lu front of you,
nnd then lift youi-holf, The patient's body,
as you gel iih)i your own feet, will hang
from ) our laek, with the head down. Now
you have tlmo locnll for help; but never w-nit
for tho help to coini! Uforo you practice sus
Kuslon, Ih'ouiim) with tho moment's delay
your patient .nay have pacd from dying
Into death.
Dr. Chlsholui Und that tho feeble pulso
will alwayH riwH)iid promptly to kusciih1oii,
mid this mhm'jhIoii Is preferable to hyiodur
inics of whisky or ether, or tho Inhalations
of nitrntoof ninyl. Khould vomiting occur
tho suspeudtsl Ksltlou Is lietter fur tho pa
tient than while lying iqiou the table, bo
cauno there Is less liability of food arllcles
getting into tho larynx. Inversion of tho
body gives tho contents of tho stomach free
vent. Dr. Chlsholui basso much coulldeucu
lu tho vnluoof siiqienslou with chloroformed
subjects that ho Is dispoNcd to believe that
tho vital centers cannot fall with tho body
hanging bend down, mid has often ojieralcd
with tho body iu this iositlou when thcro
was tendency rf failure of tho heart, oven
lying supinely.
Suuo T.enf Dentifrice.
A leaf of pure, simple sago Is tho best tooth
brush and preserver thnt iiaturo has glvonto
man, sa) h u w titer lu Dross.
Keep a wigo plant iu your dressing room
or a branch of It on your dressing table, If
you lmvo not a garden from which to pluck
It ad lib. You nmy uso tho sago leaf fresh
or dry, it Is immaterial how you uso It, so
long ns you uso it somo wny every day.
Tlio water with which you tinso tho mouth
during and after tho mi go leaf friction should
Iw just tepid, mid a drop or two of myrrh
may lo added to tho water, ns this helps to
strengthen tho gums nnd imparts a pleasant
odor to tho breath.
I'erail in tlnii of tlio limit unit llaiulriiir.
To prevent undue perspiration of tho head
nud to strengthen tho hair .mid promote Its
growth, bay rum und qulniuo in tho propor
tion of one pint of rum and ouo dram of
qulniuo well rubbed Into tho roots, ouco 2.
week, Is excellent.
Among useful remedies for removing dan
drulf Is onp bark. A lather Umado with tho
soap bark mid w ntcr nud tho scalp cleansed
with It, Tho Jelkot nu oggwoll worked Into
tho scalp, a llttlo at tho lingers,
and then washed with water, is a favorite
cleanser with somo people. I'leasnntcr to
uso nud quite etllclcut, Is a llttlo gum cam
phor dissolved in bay rum.
fine Lines nml Wrliikloi. on tlio I'uce.
Dr. Anna ICIugsford susjwets that lu many
cases lino lines and wrluklo'i of tho skin nro
mainly dim to n habitual uso of hard water
for toilet purKxses. tjho advises ladles who
value their good looks to u-o distilled water,
which may U Iiought nt nny drug store, if
unturally soft water cannot bo had. Moro
hnrm Is done to tho skin by tho uso of hurd
water and strongly ull.nlluo soap than can bo
easily told.
A llcllglitriit nuil rinttorlns Torui of
"Ladles' luncheons nro moro gorgoous,
moro fnshlounblo, moro orsounlly flattering
than nny other attention," says Hauler's Ba
zar, which adds, apropos of tho samo:
"It Is ouo of tho fnuclM to say, 'Shall I
luncheon with your1 'I luncheoned with hlni,
Instead of raying, 'I lunched with lilin.' Ono
hostess of tho winter gave n largo luncheon
of fifty or sixty, having small groups around
tho room, without tables, jcrvts-l as they
would bo from a supper table, from can
largo bulVet ut tho end of tho room,
Now, such a luuchcou as this has groat ad
vantages. It enables u lady to invito moro
than she can to aSIt down lunch;' it is a use
ful institution m enabling a hostess to show
a considerable amount of civility to n great
numlxT at comurativcly llttlo trouble to
herself. Bho can lmvo young ladies, single
ladles, married ladies, old ladles, all of whom
like to meet each other. Shu can hnvo iht
sons nt such u luncheon w horn it may not I mi
easy to ask to iliunur. nud it is always a
pluusaut way of ontertuintng a strangeV. Hho oiler to thorn nil tho same delicacies
salads, imtos, boned turkey, oysters, ices,
Jollies that sho would otrer nt n dinner, be
ginning, of course, with bouillon iu cups.
Ladies do not removo their bonnets at a
luncheon; they should, however, wear a
warm wrap to removo iu tho outer room, lie
cnuso tho fact of eating lu a crowded room
makes them very much too wurin for tho
outer air; and iu dnugcr of taking cold.
Chronic Uii)Ieiunntno.
Trifling discourtesies of speech and manner
constantly Indulged lu do more to destroy
tho poneo of a household than an occasional
war ot words which lasts for a brief period
nud is then nt an end, Chlof among tho
causes to create a murky homo ntmosphcru
is tho hnhlt of "uagslug" ono another. Hus
bands md wives ttlvo oxnrosslou to ovcrv
petty feeling of irritation, und bandy words
back nud forth till bOmo mole hill assumes
tho proxrtlon of n A tendency
to uug giMM uu'-hocked untong tho children,
nnd ulmuttt Iwforo tin) pal uuU tu'J uwuru there
is a curotila couditiuu of uiiphouutuoss iu
tbo homo.
BerncTs Physician Office Register
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The above cut shows Register open. The hook Is prep ire I with eqieC'nl refer ncc to Im.irovlnjj the system of recording c.i'.U, vUlts, etc. It Is complete, sltnnle
coniprehcnslve, nnd ns a Inbor saving method of keeping accounts, will nt once conimc id itself to every Physician In the Intnl. Your attention is called to the fact that the
account against n patient roil an- hntiki: ykak Is contained within a space three Incite In width.
This book Is UX17 Inches; contains 103 piges; each pige divided into 7 spaces, thus providing for 703 accounts, contains a condensed cash account showing (on onc
pagc) cash rccelptsfro both "regular" and "transient" patients for each day in tli. year, besides .; addition il ruled p.tgos for itienijrattd.i, such as "the address of nurses,
future engagements," "private consultations," etc., etc. Tne Ino't Is alphabetically Indeed on II11011 ttln, subUantlally bju-ul Russia hick and corners, cloth sides, spring
hack, nml nicely finished.
Prices, 700 Account Office Register, $5.00. 1400 Account Office Register, $8.00
Its Advantages arc as Follows :
1st. No Polling No Tinnsfcrilng- No Indexing.
2. One Writing of Patient's name for enure year.
3d. It enables you to keep the run of your nccounts without referring to auxiliary books.
.th. Can be commenced nt any time during the year,
5U1. The price Is far below the cost of keeping nccounts in the old style, vU: Visiting List. Journal nnd Lcdtrer this ook
combining nil three.
This cut shows hook open, wi'i extuufo similar lo Hint shown nboiv. Cipher code is embossed in gilt on inside of cover.
The Register when closed is 4x7 Inches, convenient she to carry In pocket.
The Hues of the short leaf are adjusted to the long. When the short leaf Is turned to the right, the first half year is visible.
The Hook Is Gilt ISdged, bound lit lll.ick SaiI flexible with lusl.le pocket and elastic tablet. Contains condensed cub account,
showing at 11 gl.ineu Receipts from Regular and Transient Patients for entire year bssldes eight Memorandum Pages, Pencil and
I Iohlcr, and Is closed bv a Silk Klnstic Hand.
Extracts from a Few of the Many Letters Received,
I nin gratified to say that for the first lime in long yeirs of practice, I am able to keep my accounts without having to suffer
the drudgery of cumbersome bookikeeplng Dr. II. Tttholske, St. Louis.
It Is just the thing I want. Dr. G. Swan, Hartford, Connecticut.
The book is a treasure to any busy D.jctor, It saves an amount of tedious work at the cud of the month which Is particularly
ugreeable. Or. K. A; Chapoton, Detroit, Michigan.
I have lost enough this a. m. to pay for the book.h.ivlng to in ike out an account In haste. Dr. Jtto. Ilo.-1rdm.1n, Huffalo.N. V
It is by far the most complete work of Its kind I have over met with shall take pleasure In recommending it to inv friends
In the profession. Dr, S. II. Chester, Kans'as City, Missouri.
I regard It as the only Register In 'ise adapted to the Physician's requirements. Dr. J. T. Kent, St. I.onU, Missouri.
For the past fifteen year I have used several kinds of Registers, all very good, but none beginning to compare with that
jni.-clused from you. Dr. W. C. Ilarker, IliimmclUtowii, Pennsylvania.
I have found It useful and exceedingly convenient. Dr. Ilsnj. T. Sltlniwell, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
I mint congratulate you on the Introduction of such a perfect method every insmbjr of tho profession should etend to
you their appreciation by adopting the same. Dr. Win. ISird, Chester, Pennsylvania.
I would not do without It for fifty dollars a year. L. W. Clark, Rushvllle, Illinois.
PRICES, 300 Account Pocket Register, $3.00.
440 Account Pocket Register, 4.00.
Western Agents,
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New Burr Block...
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